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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: SortUtilCfg.C
* RCS: $Id: SortUtilCfg.cpp,v 1.8 1998/07/29 22:02:27 Exp $
* Description: This file contains the implementation of all member functions
* of the class SortUtilCfg. This class groups together various
* configurable parameters related to a sorting session.
* Created: 07/12/96
* Modified: $ $Date: 1998/07/29 22:02:27 $ (GMT)
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include <iostream>
#include "SortUtilCfg.h"
// This file contains the all member function definitions of SortUtilConfig
// class.
SortUtilConfig::SortUtilConfig(CollHeap* heap)
//sortType_ = 0;
approxNumRecords_ = 10000L;
recSize_ = 132L;
keySize_ = 10L;
runSize_ = 200;
mergeOrder_ = NULL;
heapAddr_ = heap;
minMem_ = 150000L;
maxMem_ = 10000000L; //arbitrarily chosen 10MB max memory
scratchDirListSpec_ = NULL; // Information about scratchvols to include or exclude.
numDirsSpec_ = 0;
espInstance_ = 0;
numEsps_ = 0;
useBufferedWrites_ = TRUE;
logInfoEvent_ = TRUE;
logDone_ = FALSE;
memoryQuotaMB_ = 0;
initialMemoryQuotaMB_ = 0;
memoryQuotaUsedBytes_ = 0;
pressureThreshold_ = 10;
scratchMgmtOption_ = 0;
scratchMaxOpens_ = 1;
minimalSortRecs_ = 0;
partialSort_ = FALSE;
preAllocateExtents_ = FALSE;
sortMergeBlocksPerBuffer_ = 1;
scratchDiskLogging_ = FALSE;
scratchIOBlockSize_ = 0;
scratchIOVectorSize_ = 0;
resizeCifRecord_ = FALSE;
considerBufferDefrag_ = FALSE;
estimateErrorPenalty_ = 0;
pMemoryContingencyMB_ = 0;
bmoCitizenshipFactor_ = 0;
sortMemEstInMbPerCpu_ = 0;
bmoMaxMemThresholdMB_ = 0;
intermediateScratchCleanup_ = TRUE;
topNSort_ = FALSE;
// Name : setSortType
// Parameters : ...
// Description :
// Return Value :
// SORT_SUCCESS if everything goes on well.
// SORT_FAILURE if any error encounterd.
NABoolean SortUtilConfig::setSortType (SortType& sorttype)
sortType_ = sorttype;
// Name : setSortMemory
// Parameters : unsigned long min (specify minimum sort memory)
// unsigned long max (specify maximum sort memory)
// Description :
// Return Value : void
void SortUtilConfig::setSortMemory(ULng32 min, ULng32 max)
if (min > minMem_)
minMem_ = min;
if (max < minMem_)
maxMem_ = minMem_;
maxMem_ = max;
// Name : setSortMaxMemory
// Parameters : unsigned long max (specify maximum sort memory)
// Description :
// Return Value : void
void SortUtilConfig::setSortMaxMemory(ULng32 max)
if (max < minMem_)
maxMem_ = minMem_;
maxMem_ = max;
// Name : getSortMaxMemory
// Parameters : unsigned long& max.
// Description : Get the value of the maximum sort memory.
// Return Value : void
void SortUtilConfig::getSortMaxMemory(ULng32& max)
max = maxMem_;
// Name : setRecSize
// Parameters : ...
// Description :
// Return Value :
// SORT_SUCCESS if everything goes on well.
// SORT_FAILURE if any error encounterd.
NABoolean SortUtilConfig::setRecSize(ULng32 recsize)
recSize_ = recsize;
// Name : getRecSize
// Parameters : ...
// Description :
// Return Value :
// SORT_SUCCESS if everything goes on well.
// SORT_FAILURE if any error encounterd.
ULng32 SortUtilConfig::getRecSize() const
return recSize_;
// Name : setKeyInfo
// Parameters : ...
// Description :
// Return Value :
// SORT_SUCCESS if everything goes on well.
// SORT_FAILURE if any error encounterd.
NABoolean SortUtilConfig::setKeyInfo(ULng32 keysize)
keySize_ = keysize;
void SortUtilConfig::setUseBuffered(NABoolean torf)
useBufferedWrites_ = torf;
NABoolean SortUtilConfig::getUseBuffered()
return useBufferedWrites_;
void SortUtilConfig::setLogInfoEvent(NABoolean torf)
logInfoEvent_ = torf;
NABoolean SortUtilConfig::logInfoEvent()
return logInfoEvent_;