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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ScratchSpace.h
* RCS: $Id: ScratchSpace.h,v 1998/07/08 21:47:28 Exp $
* Description: This class provide a virtual scratch space to SortUtil for
* all its scratch space requirement. The actual management of
* physical scratch disk file is hidden to other componenets.
* Created: 05/20/96
* Modified: $ $Date: 1998/07/08 21:47:28 $ (GMT)
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include "CommonStructs.h"
#include "Const.h"
#include "ScratchFileMap.h"
#include "RunDirectory.h"
#include "DiskPool.h"
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "SortError.h"
class ExSubtask;
class IpcEnvironment;
class ExExeStmtGlobals;
class ScratchFile;
class ExBMOStats;
class SortScratchSpace;
class SortMergeNode;
#define BUFFERSIZE (56 * 1024)
// SortMergeNode is used during the merge phase. Each tree node of the
// tournament has a merge node associated with it.
class SortMergeBuffer : public AsyncIOBuffer
//mnext_ is used to exclusively link this object into one of the two possible link lists.
//To begin with, this object is linked to SortScratchSpace::freeSortMergeBufferPool_.
//Once this object is used by SortMergeNode, this object is unlinked from
//freeSortMergeBufferPool_ and relinked to SortMergeBuffer *readQHead_.
//Also note that this parent class AsyncIOBuffer contains a pointer that is used to
//link the parent object to ScratchFile::asynchronousReadQueueHead_ and
SortMergeBuffer *mnext_;
SortMergeNode *sortMergeNodeRef_;
void reset(void)
mnext_ = NULL;
sortMergeNodeRef_ = NULL;
virtual void processMisc(void);
class SortMergeNode
Lng32 associatedRun_;
SortMergeBuffer *readQHead_; //read queue head for this node. linklist of buffers in order.
SortMergeBuffer *readQTail_; //pointer to the last io buffer in the read queue.
Lng32 numRecsRead_;
char* nextReadPosition_;
ScrBlockHeader blockHead_;
SBN beginBlockNum_;//beginning block number of run associated with this node
SBN endBlockNum_;//end block number of the run associated with this node
SBN nextIOBlockNum_; //next block to be read for this run.
Int32 numReadQBlocks_; //realtime num of blocks attached to readQHead
Int32 numOutStandingIO_;//realtime num of blocks beginning from readQHead that have outstanding IO.
SortScratchSpace *scratch_;
SortMergeNode(Lng32 associatedrun, SortScratchSpace* sortScratchSpace);
void cleanup(void);
RESULT checkIO(Int64 & ioWaitTime, NABoolean waited = FALSE);
void linkToReadQ(SortMergeBuffer *mb);
SortMergeBuffer* delinkReadQ(void);
class ScratchSpace : public NABasicObject {
public :
ScratchSpace(CollHeap* heap, SortError* error, Lng32 blocksize,
Int32 explainNodeId,
NABoolean logInfoEvent=FALSE,
Int32 scratchMgmtOption = 0);
virtual RESULT writeFile( char* block,
ULng32 blockNum,
ULng32 blockLen );
RESULT writeThru( char* buf, ULng32 bufLen,
DWORD &blockNum );
RESULT readThru(char* buf, Lng32 blockNum,
ULng32 buflen,
ScratchFile *readScratchFile = NULL,
Int32 readBlockOffset = -1);
DiskPool *getDiskPool();
NABoolean generateDiskTable( SortError *sortError);
RESULT checkIO(ScratchFile *sFile = NULL, NABoolean checkAll = FALSE);
RESULT completeWriteIO(void);
void close(void);
void truncate(void);
// Configure ScratchSpace attributes
void configure(const ExExeStmtGlobals* stmtGlobals,
ExSubtask* ioEventHandler, UInt16 scratchThresholdPct);
// Get Executor SQLCODE for last ScratchSpace error
Int16 getLastSqlCode(void);
Lng32 getTotalNumOfScrBlocks() const;
void getTotalIoWaitTime(Int64& iowaitTime) const;
ScratchFileMap* getScrFilesMap() const;
const IpcEnvironment * getIpcEnvironment()
return ipcEnv_;
void setIpcEnvironment(IpcEnvironment *ipc)
ipcEnv_ = ipc;
scrFilesMap_->setBreakEnabled (ipc->breakEnabled());
void setLogInfoEventDone()
NABoolean logInfoEventDone()
return logDone_;
const ExScratchDiskDrive * getScratchDirListSpec()
return scratchDirListSpec_;
void setScratchDirListSpec(const ExScratchDiskDrive * scratch_disk_list_spec)
scratchDirListSpec_ = scratch_disk_list_spec;
void setNumDirsSpec(ULng32 nd)
numDirsSpec_ = nd;
ULng32 getNumDirsSpec()
return numDirsSpec_;
void setEspInstance(ULng32 espnum)
espInstance_ = espnum;
ULng32 getEspInstance()
return espInstance_;
void setNumEsps(ULng32 numesps)
numEsps_ = numesps;
ULng32 getNumEsps()
return numEsps_;
void setIoEventHandler(ExSubtask *es)
ioEventHandler_ = es;
void setCallingTcb(ex_tcb *tcb);
void setScratchThreshold(unsigned short scratchThreshold)
scratchThreshold_ = scratchThreshold;
inline unsigned short getScratchThreshold() {return scratchThreshold_;}
inline Lng32 getBlockSize() const {return blockSize_;}
SortError * getSortError() { return sortError_;}
NABoolean logInfoEvent() { return logInfoEvent_;}
void setPreallocateExtents(NABoolean v){ preAllocateExtents_ = v;}
void setScratchDiskLogging(NABoolean v){ scratchDiskLogging_ = v;}
NABoolean scratchDiskLogging(void) { return scratchDiskLogging_;}
void setScratchIOVectorSize(Int32 vectorSize)
scratchIOVectorSize_ = vectorSize;
inline Int32 getScratchIOVectorSize(void) { return scratchIOVectorSize_; }
void setAsyncReadQueue(NABoolean v){ asyncReadQueue_ = v;}
void setScratchMaxOpens(Int32 scratchMaxOpens)
{ scratchMaxOpens_ = scratchMaxOpens;}
Int32 getExplainNodeID(void){ return explainNodeId_;}
ExBMOStats *bmoStats() { return bmoStats_; }
void setScratchOverflowMode(ScratchOverflowMode ovMode) { ovMode_ = ovMode;}
ScratchOverflowMode getScratchOverflowMode(void) { return ovMode_; }
Lng32 totalNumOfScrBlocks_; // The total number of scratch blocks used.
Lng32 blockSize_; // Size of the block used for buffering
SortError *sortError_;
CollHeap * heap_;
ScratchFileMap *scrFilesMap_;
Int64 totalIoWaitTime_;
RESULT CreateANewScrFileAndWrite(char *buffer, Int32 blockNum, UInt32 blockLen, NABoolean waited= FALSE_L);
ScratchFile *currentWriteScrFile_;
private :
ScratchFile *previousWriteScrFile_; //It is possible when having multiple opens
//to scratch file, one of the opens is busy
//wiriting to it when new writes require to go
//to a new scratch file. CreatenewScratchFileAndWrite
//handles this situation.
ScratchFile *currentIOScrFile_; // Current I/O performed on the scr file
ScratchFile *currentReadScrFile_;
IpcEnvironment *ipcEnv_;
DiskPool *diskPool_;
Int32 explainNodeId_; //For logging support.
NABoolean logInfoEvent_;
NABoolean logDone_;
const ExScratchDiskDrive * scratchDirListSpec_; // Information about scratchvols to include or exclude.
ULng32 numDirsSpec_;
ULng32 espInstance_;
ULng32 numEsps_;
unsigned short scratchThreshold_;
ExSubtask *ioEventHandler_;
ex_tcb *callingTcb_;
Int32 scratchMgmtOption_;
Int32 scratchMaxOpens_;
Int32 scratchExtentSize_;
NABoolean preAllocateExtents_;
NABoolean scratchDiskLogging_;
ExBMOStats *bmoStats_;
NABoolean asyncReadQueue_;
Int32 scratchIOVectorSize_;
ScratchOverflowMode ovMode_;
class SortScratchSpace : public ScratchSpace{
public :
SortScratchSpace(CollHeap* heap, SortError* error,
Int32 explainNodeId,
Int32 scratchIOBlockSize,
NABoolean logInfoEvent=FALSE,
Int32 scratchMgmtOption = 0);
RESULT writeRunData(char* data, ULng32 reclen,
ULng32 run,NABoolean waited);
RESULT flushRun(NABoolean endrun = FALSE_L, NABoolean waited = FALSE_L);
RESULT initiateSortMergeNodeRead(SortMergeNode *sortMergeNode,NABoolean waited = FALSE);
RESULT readSortMergeNode(SortMergeNode* sortMergeNode, char*& rec,
ULng32 reclen,
ULng32 &actRecLen,
NABoolean waited = FALSE,
Int16 numberOfBytesForRecordSize = 0);
RESULT serveAnyFreeSortMergeBufferRead(void);
Lng32 getTotalNumOfRuns(void);
SortMergeBuffer *getFreeSortMergeBuffer(void);
void returnFreeSortMergeBuffer(SortMergeBuffer *mb);
RESULT setupSortMergeBufferPool(Int32 numBuffers);
void cleanupSortMergeBufferPool(void);
void setSortMergeBlocksPerBuffer(Int32 smbb)
{ sortMergeBlocksPerBuffer_ = smbb; }
//Cleanup scratch files in between intermediate merges. This call
// is not to be called for general cleanup of scratch files.
//The run number this call expects includes the run specified.
RESULT cleanupScratchFiles(Lng32 inRun);
RunDirectory *runDirectory_;
char* currentBlock_; // Pointer to one of the two block used
// for scratch file I/O buffering.
ScrBlockHeader blockHead_; // The header structure which holds informa
// tion relevant to the records in scratch
// blocks.
char *scrBlock1_; // Double buffering is used for all
char *scrBlock2_; // scratch file related I/O to increase
// the overlapping of sorting with scratch
// file I/O.
char* nextWritePosition_; // This is a pointer to an offset within
// the currentBlock_ where the next record
// should be written to.
ULng32 currentRun_; // The run being written to the scratch
// scratch blocks. May need adjustments
// when implementing read.
//pool of sort merge buffer blocks for use by several sort merge nodes.
//pool is established before merge begins.
//No need to deallocate in scratchSpace destructor
SortMergeBuffer *freeSortMergeBufferPool_;
Int32 sortMergeBlocksPerBuffer_; //number of blocks that constitute a merge buffer, to reduce disk seek time.
NABoolean switchScratchBuffers(void);
// HashScratchSpace is a specialization over ScratchSpace providing
// Hash operator specific interface. Book keeping of cluster Ids and
// corresponding blocks are maintained by this class. Write requests
// register the block against a cluster ID. Read requests given a
// cluster ID would lookup the corresponding block from the internal
// cluster map and corresponding scratch file and scratch block are
// determined. Once the scratch file and scratch block are determined,
// a read request from the base class is invoked.
// To optimize, lookup of scratch block, a passback token is passed
// between read requests. This token is passed back to hashScratchSpace
// for lookup of next block.
// The cluster map is a simple link list of clusterIds(ClusterDirectory),
// and each cluster id contains a link list of cluster blocks(CBlock).
#define INITIAL_MAX_CLUSTERS 512 //array size representing number of clusters
typedef struct ClusterBlock
DWORD blockNum; //identifies a speific 56kb block
ClusterBlock *next; //points to next block that is wrtten
NABoolean endBatch;// Indicates if the block is the last among a batch of writes.
struct ClusterDirectory
UInt32 clusterID; //unique ID given by hash operator identifying a cluster.
CBlock *first; //pointer to beginning of CBlock list
CBlock *last; //Pointer to last element of CBlock list. For write optimization.
class HashScratchSpace;
// ClusterPassBack is like a cookie passed back and forth between hash operator
// and scratch. Contains details of next block to read and other details found from
// mapping the request to a corresponding scratch file.
class ClusterPassBack : public NABasicObject
friend class HashScratchSpace;
CBlock *cBlock_; //next block to read
ScratchFile *scratchFile_; //scratch file corresponding to the next block
Int32 blockOffset_; //offset inside the scratch file the next block begins
NABoolean endOfClusterBatch_; //indicates if the next block is end of series writes.
ClusterPassBack() { initCPB(); }
void initCPB()
cBlock_ = NULL;
scratchFile_ = NULL;
blockOffset_ = -1;
endOfClusterBatch_ = FALSE;
NABoolean endOfSequence() { return cBlock_ == NULL; }
NABoolean endOfBatch() { return endOfClusterBatch_; }
class HashScratchSpace : public ScratchSpace{
public :
HashScratchSpace(CollHeap* heap, SortError* error,
Int32 explainNodeId,
Int32 blockSize,
NABoolean logInfoEvent=FALSE,
Int32 scratchMgmtOption = 0);
RESULT writeThru( char* buf, UInt32 clusterID );
RESULT readThru(char *buf, UInt32 clusterID, ClusterPassBack *cPassBack);
//The following three calls help in initiating several IO simulataneously.
//Their usage follows a specific protocol. The protocol is as follows:
//1. checkIOWrite() and checkIORead() return IO_COMPLETE to indicate
// another IO could be initiated. Note that IO_COMPLETE does not mean
// previous IO that has been initiated is complete!! It means that
// a new IO can be initiated irrespective of IO completion of previous
// IOs. It could be that previous IOs have completed or could be that
// there are additional free file handles (or vector elements)
// to initiate new IO.
// checkIoWrite() and checkIORead() is synonymous to "Can I issue
// another write" and "can I issue another read" correspendingly.
// If IO_NOT_COMPLETE is returned for these calls, then that indicates
// that there is no free handle to initiated new IO. It is expected
// that the caller return control to the scheduler and return to initate
// new IO if checkIOwrite() or checkIORead() return IO_COMPLETE.
//2. Assuming checkIOWrite() or checkIORead() return IO_COMPLETE, then the
// caller can issue WriteThru() or ReadThru() to initiate a new IO
// correspondingly.
//3. If the caller does not have any more data to initiate new IO, however
// is not sure if all the previous IO completed, then checkIOAll() is
// called. CheckIOALL() is a IO completion call that checks if all IO
// that are in flight are completed. It is not a blocking call. It will
// return IO_NOT_COMPLETE even if one IO is pending IO completion.
// It returns IO_COMPLETE only when there is no IO to any scratch file is
// pending.
RESULT checkIOWrite(void);
RESULT checkIORead(ClusterPassBack *cPassBack, UInt32 clusterID);
RESULT checkIOAll(void);
RESULT registerClusterBlock(UInt32 clusterID, DWORD blockNum);
DWORD getClusterBlockNum(UInt32 clusterID, ClusterPassBack *cPassBack, NABoolean getCurrentBlock = FALSE);
ClusterDirectory *clusterDList_;
ClusterDirectory *currentCDir_;
UInt32 numClusters_; //Array size count of clusterID elements allocated.