blob: f61d3c0bca233c96552aef96e2f9b6f951542b28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
// File: CancelBroker.h
// Description: Class declaration for Cancel Broker role of SSMP.
// Created: Aug 17, 2009
#include "Ipc.h"
#include "ComQueue.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "ssmpipc.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes defined in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ActiveQueryMgr;
class ActiveQueryEntry;
class ActiveQueryStream;
class PendingQueryMgr;
class PendingQueryEntry;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes referenced in this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SsmpNewIncomingConnectionStream;
class SsmpGlobals;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// API for some methods.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
enum NextActionForSubject {
// class ActiveQueryStream
// Since the Start Query message is not replied to until the Finished
// Query or Cancel Query message arrives, an ActiveQueryEntry needs
// its own message stream to allow the SsmpNewIncomingConnectionStream
// to continue receiving and replying to unrelated messages during
// this interval. The method IpcMessageStream::giveMessageTo is used
// to transfer the message from SsmpNewIncomingConnectionStream to
// the ActiveQueryStream. The model here is similar to that which
// is used by ex_split_bottom_tcb's SplitBottomSavedMessage.
class ActiveQueryStream : public IpcMessageStream
ActiveQueryStream(IpcEnvironment *env, SsmpGlobals * ssmpG,
ActiveQueryEntry *myAq);
virtual void actOnSend(IpcConnection* connection);
ActiveQueryEntry *myAq_;
SsmpGlobals *ssmpGlobals_;
// class ActiveQueryEntry
class ActiveQueryEntry : public NABasicObject
ActiveQueryEntry(char *qid, Lng32 qidLen,
Int64 startTime,
GuaProcessHandle master,
short masterFileNum,
Int32 executionCount,
IpcEnvironment *ipcEnv,
SsmpGlobals *ssmpG
void replyToQueryStarted(NAHeap *ipcHeap, NextActionForSubject nxtA,
bool cancelLogging);
char *getQid() const { return qid_; }
Lng32 getQidLen() const { return qidLen_; }
Int64 getQueryStartTime() const { return queryStartTime_; }
GuaProcessHandle getMasterPhandle() const {return master_;}
short getMasterFileNum() const {return masterFileNum_;}
ActiveQueryStream *getReplyStartedStream () { return replyStartedStream_; }
Int32 getExecutionCount() const { return executionCount_; }
void releaseStream();
char * qid_;
Lng32 qidLen_;
ActiveQueryStream *replyStartedStream_;
Int64 queryStartTime_;
GuaProcessHandle master_;
short masterFileNum_;
Int32 executionCount_;
}; // ActiveQueryEntry
// class ActiveQueryMgr
class ActiveQueryMgr : public NABasicObject
ActiveQueryMgr(IpcEnvironment *ipcEnv, NAHeap *heap) :
, heap_(heap)
, ipcEnv_(ipcEnv)
// Called from actOnCancelQueryReq for the Cancel Query msg.
ActiveQueryEntry *getActiveQuery(char *qid, Lng32 qidLen);
// Called from actOnQueryStartedReq for the Begin Query msg
void addActiveQuery(char *qid, Lng32 qidLen, Int64 startTime,
GuaProcessHandle masterPhandle, Int32 executionCount,
SsmpNewIncomingConnectionStream *cStream,
IpcConnection *conn );
// Called from actOnQueryFinishedReq for the Finished Query msg. This call
// will send a reply to the QueryStarted message. The caller is responsible
// for replying to the FinishedQuery msg.
void rmActiveQuery(char *qid, Lng32 qidLen, NAHeap *ipcHeap,
NextActionForSubject nxtA, bool cancelLogging);
// Called from actOnSystemMessage for the close message, if the master
// process ends before the Finished Query message is sent.
void clientIsGone(const GuaProcessHandle &client, short fnum);
NAHeap *heap_;
IpcEnvironment *ipcEnv_;
HashQueue activeQueries_;
}; // ActiveQueryMgr
// class PendingQueryEntry
class PendingQueryEntry : public NABasicObject
PendingQueryEntry(char *qid, Lng32 qidLen, Int32 executionCount,
GuaProcessHandle master, short masterFileNum,
Int64 escalateTime1, Int64 escalateTime2,
bool cancelEscalationSaveabend, bool cancelLogging);
char *getQid() const { return qid_; }
Lng32 getQidLen() const { return qidLen_; }
Int32 getExecutionCount() const { return executionCount_; }
Int64 getEscalateTime1() const { return escalateTime1_; }
Int64 getEscalateTime2() const { return escalateTime2_; }
bool getCancelEscalationSaveabend() const
{ return cancelEscalationSaveabend_; }
GuaProcessHandle getMasterPhandle() const { return master_; }
short getMasterFileNum() const {return masterFileNum_;}
bool getHaveEscalated1() const {return haveEscalated1_; }
void setHaveEscalated1() {haveEscalated1_ = true; }
bool getCancelLogging() const { return cancelLogging_; }
char * qid_;
Lng32 qidLen_;
Int32 executionCount_;
Int64 escalateTime1_;
Int64 escalateTime2_;
bool cancelEscalationSaveabend_;
bool haveEscalated1_;
GuaProcessHandle master_;
short masterFileNum_;
bool cancelLogging_;
}; // PendingQueryEntry
class PendingQueryMgr : public NABasicObject
PendingQueryMgr(SsmpGlobals *ssmpGlobals, NAHeap *heap);
// Called from actOnCancelRequest
void addPendingQuery(ActiveQueryEntry *aq, Int32 ceFirstInterval,
Int32 ceSecondInterval, NABoolean ceSaveabend,
NABoolean cancelLogging);
// Called from SsmpGlobals::work every time it awakes.
void killPendingCanceled();
// Called from actOnSystemMessage for the close message, if the master
// process ends before the Finished Query message is sent.
void clientIsGone(const GuaProcessHandle &client, short fnum);
void removePendingQuery(PendingQueryEntry *pq);
// Called from this->killPendingCanceled(), to stop server
// processes of one pending query.
void askSscpsToStopServers(PendingQueryEntry *pq);
SsmpGlobals *ssmpGlobals_;
HashQueue pendingQueries_;
}; // PendingQueryMgr
#endif // _CANCELBROKER_H_