blob: 29d32dbc52f950b759438e197d6535608cab685e [file] [log] [blame]
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-- Misc tests.
log LOG032 clear;
-- add/enable support for syntax and functions
drop table if exists t032t1 cascade;
create table t032t1 (a int not null primary key,
b byteint,
c int not null enable,
d date, e time, f timestamp,
g real);
invoke t032t1;
insert into t032t1 values (1, 2, 3, date '2016-08-15', time '10:11:12',
timestamp '2016-08-15 10:11:12', 4e0);
insert into t032t1 values (2, 3, 3, date '2016-08-15', time '10:11:12',
timestamp '2016-08-15 10:11:12', 4e0);
select unique b from t032t1;
select greatest(a, 10) from t032t1;
select least(a, 10) from t032t1;
select ceil(g), ceiling(g) from t032t1;
select months_between(d, date '2016-01-01') from t032t1;
select months_between(date '2016-01-01', d) from t032t1;
select months_between(d, date '2016-01-15') from t032t1;
select months_between(date '2016-01-15', d) from t032t1;
select last_day(d), last_day(f) from t032t1;
select next_day(d, 'sunday'), next_day(f, 'wednesday') from t032t1;
select 'RANDOMVAL=' || trim(cast(rand() as varchar(20) not null)) from (values(1)) x(a);
select random() from (values(1)) x(a);
select rand(100) from (values(1)) x(a);
select * from dual;
-- error 8413 enhancement
select cast('a' as int) from dual;
-- group by, order by enhancements
select a aa from t032t1 group by aa;
select a+1 from t032t1 group by a+1;
select a+1 from t032t1 order by a+1;
select a+1 aa from t032t1 order by a+1;
select a+1 aa from t032t1 order by aa;
select a+1 aa from t032t1 order by 1;
select * from (select b from t032t1 order by b desc) x(z);
select * from (select [first 1] a from t032t1) x(z);
select count(*) from t032t1 order by count(*);
select count(*) from t032t1 order by count(*) desc;
select count(*) cc from t032t1 order by count(*) desc;
select count(distinct a) from t032t1 order by count(distinct a);
-- error cases
select count(a) from t032t1 order by count(distinct a);
select sum(a), b from t032t1 group by sum(a), b;
select sum(a) from t032t1 group by 1;
-- incompatible operations
select a from t032t1 where a = '2';
select b from t032t1 where b = '2';
select a + '1' from t032t1;
select a || '1' from t032t1;
insert into t032t1 values ('3', 3, 3, date '2016-08-15', time '10:11:12',
timestamp '2016-08-15 10:11:12', 4e0);
select * from t032t1;
select * from (values(1)) x(a) where current_date = cast(current_timestamp as date);
select * from (values(1)) x(a) where current_timestamp(0) = cast(current_timestamp(6) as timestamp(0));
select cast(1e0 as interval year) from dual;
-- auto create schema
-- should fail, schema doesnt exist
create table t032sch.t032t2 (a int);
-- should succeed, schema will be automatically created
cqd traf_auto_create_schema 'ON';
create table t032sch.t032t2 (a int);
set schema t032sch;
invoke t032t2;
insert into t032t2 values (1);
drop schema t032sch cascade;