blob: a31659f5f2c247cbf0f73aa434b235455328bcca [file] [log] [blame]
LOG aqatdml08 Clear;
-- File: SQLQAT17 Formerly $cats.testest.qat014
-- Component: NonStop SQL Regression Test Suite
-- Description:
-- This test unit is a positive local test for the select statement.
--It tests SELECT statements with uncorrelated subqueries in their WHERE
-- This test unit uses the order-entry database (sqldd01d). Each
--test case in this test unit tests a particular relationship between
--the outer query(s) and the subquery(s). The following attributes
--are varied inside of testcases. Note that all of these attributes
--are not tested in every testcase - some of these attributes only apply
--to certain types of tests.
-- Attributes varied:
-- objects: joins
-- subquery and outer query on same table
-- views
-- columns selected: one column
-- * (one column table if not inside exists)
-- distinct -- subquery only
-- -- outer query only
-- -- both
-- name qualifications: necessary
-- unnecessary
-- no where clause in subquery
-- group by/having in subquery
-- subquery returning only one record with IN,=ANY,=ALL
-- The test cases in this test unit are as follows:
-- testcase A0: SELECT ... WHERE ... IN ... SUBQUERY
-- testcase A1: simple comparison operators: SELECT ... WHERE ...
-- (<,<=,=,<>,>,>=) ... SUBQUERY
-- testcase A2: quantified comparison operators: >=ANY,=ALL,etc.
-- testcase A3: multiple nested subqueries and multiple subqueries
-- connected with AND,OR
-- testcase A4: subqueries with for browse access, for stable access,
-- for repeatable access
-- testcase A5: SELECT aggregate functions with aggregates in
-- subquery
--All testcases are documented further below.
--*********************** end test unit comments ***********************
--select #7 pos/loc ufi subq unc where
--mode-type ufi
--test-type functional
--form-type pos/loc
--<testcase A0>
-- <detail>
-- uncorrelated subquery in where clause test - tests the use of the
-- IN operator connecting the outer query with the subquery. Vary
-- attributes as described in testunit comments above. Test the
-- use of NOT IN.
-- <templates>
-- US00
-- <comment> Get supplier names for suppliers who supply part 4102.
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum in
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102
-- <comment> Get supplier names for suppliers who DON'T supply part 4102.
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum NOT in
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102
-- <comment> Get employee names who are regional managers (notice no
-- <comment> where clause in subquery)
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from employee
where empnum in
(select manager
from region);
-- <comment> Get employee names who do not work at first branches
-- <comment> (eliminate duplicates)
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from employee
where branchnum in
(select branchnum
from branch
where branchnum <> 1
group by branchnum);
-- <comment> same as previous query, but use DISTINCT instead of
-- <comment> GROUP BY to eliminate duplicates
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from employee
where branchnum in
(select distinct branchnum
from branch
where branchnum <> 1
-- <comment> same as query before last, but use HAVING with GROUP BY
-- <comment> instead of WHERE to eliminate branches with branchnum = 1
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from employee
where branchnum in
(select branchnum
from branch
group by branchnum
having branchnum <> 1);
-- <comment> get region names where the manager's employee number is
-- <comment> less than 100
-- <ufi-input>
select regname
from region
where manager in
(select *
from empone
where empnum < 100);
-- <comment> get supplier numbers, for suppliers who supply at least
-- <comment> one part supplied by supplier 15.
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum in
(select partnum
from fromsup
where suppnum = 15);
-- <comment> same as above, only use aliases.
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct suppnum
from fromsup X
where X.partnum in
(select Y.partnum
from fromsup Y
where suppnum = 15);
-- <comment> get salesman numbers and order numbers for salesman
-- <comment> who have orders for parts costing > 50000
-- <ufi-input>
select salesman,ordernum
from orders
where orders.ordernum in
(select odetail.ordernum
from odetail,parts
where odetail.partnum = parts.partnum
and price > 50000);
-- <comment> get salesman numbers who have orders for parts prices > 50000
-- <comment> (eliminate duplicate salesman numbers and order numbers)
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct salesman
from orders
where ordernum in
(select distinct ordernum
from odetail,parts
where odetail.partnum = parts.partnum
and price > 50000);
-- <comment> get parts records with a cost > 10000
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from parts
where partnum in
(select partnum
from expfroms);
-- <comment> get supplier numbers for suppliers who are in the same
-- <comment> state as supplier 1. (This tests the use of IN with a
-- <comment> subquery that returns only one record).
-- <ufi-input>
select suppnum
from supplier
where state IN
(select state
from supplier
where suppnum = 1);
-- <end-input>
-- <testcase A1>
-- <detail>
-- uncorrelated subquery in where clause test - this tests the use of
-- simple comparison operators (<,<=,=,<>,.,>=) connecting the outer
-- query with the subquery. Note that the subquery can return at most
-- one record.
-- <templates>
-- US00
-- <comment> get supplier numbers for suppliers who are in the same state
-- <comment> as supplier 1.
-- <ufi-input>
select suppnum
from supplier
where state =
(select state
from supplier
where suppnum = 1);
-- <comment> get supplier numbers for suppliers who are in the same state
-- <comment> as supplier 1 (use aliases).
-- <ufi-input>
select suppnum
from supplier X
where X.state =
(select X.state
from supplier X
where suppnum = 1);
-- <comment> get the region's name whose manager's employee number is
-- <comment> greater than one.
-- <ufi-input>
select regname
from region
where manager >
(select *
from empone
where empnum = 1);
-- <comment> get partnames for parts whose cost is 6000, and are not
-- <comment> supplied by supplier #10.
-- <ufi-input>
select partname
from parts
where partnum =
(select distinct partnum
from fromsup
where partcost = 6000
and suppnum <> 10);
-- <comment> get customer names for customers who have not ordered parts
-- <comment> stored at location 'V67'
-- <ufi-input>
select custname
from customer
where custnum <>
(select col_12
from partsfor
where col_2 = 'V67');
-- <comment> same as above, only use a join instead of the view partsfor
-- <ufi-input>
select custname
from customer
where custnum <>
(select custnum
from orders,odetail,parts
where ( orders.ordernum = odetail.ordernum) and
( odetail.partnum = parts.partnum) and
(location = 'V67'));
-- <comment> get states for customers who have not ordered parts stored
-- <comment> at location 'V67', group by state.
-- <ufi-input>
select state
from customer
where custnum <>
(select col_12
from partsfor
where col_2 = 'V67')
group by state;
-- <comment> same as above, but eliminate customers in Texas
-- <ufi-input>
select state
from customer
where custnum <>
(select col_12
from partsfor
where col_2 = 'V67')
group by state
having state <> 'Texas';
-- <comment> same as above, but order by state
-- <ufi-input>
select state
from customer
where custnum <>
(select col_12
from partsfor
where col_2 = 'V67')
group by state
having state <> 'Texas'
order by state;
-- <comment> get supplier numbers whose price for part #4102 is less
-- <comment> than or equal to supplier number 8
-- <ufi-input>
select suppnum
from fromsup
where partcost <=
(select partcost
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102
and suppnum = 8)
AND partnum = 4102;
-- <comment> same as above, but AND condition before the subquery
-- <ufi-input>
select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102
and partcost <=
(select partcost
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102
and suppnum = 8);
-- <end-input>
-- <testcase A2>
-- <detail>
-- uncorrelated subquery in where clause test case - this tests the use
-- of the quantified comparison operators (=ANY,>=ALL,etc.). These
-- operators can be used with subqueries that return sets, not just
-- single records.
-- <templates>
-- US00
-- <comment> get supplier names for suppliers who supply part 4102
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum =ANY
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102);
-- <comment> same as above , with SOME instead of ANY
-- <comment> test use of white space between = and SOME
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum = SOME
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102);
-- <comment> Get supplier names for suppliers who DON'T supply part 4102.
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum <> ANY
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102
-- <comment> Get supplier names for suppliers who DON'T supply part 4102.
-- <comment> test use of white space between <> and ANY
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum <>
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102
-- <comment> Get supplier names for suppliers who DON'T supply part 4102.
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum <>SOME
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102
-- <comment> Get employee names who are regional managers (notice no
-- <comment> where clause in subquery)
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from employee
where empnum =ANY
(select manager
from region);
-- <comment> Get employee names who do not work at first branches
-- <comment> (eliminate duplicates)
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from employee
where branchnum =SOME
(select branchnum
from branch
where branchnum <> 1
group by branchnum);
-- <comment> same as previous query, but use DISTINCT instead of
-- <comment> GROUP BY to eliminate duplicates
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from employee
where branchnum =ANY
(select distinct branchnum
from branch
where branchnum <> 1
-- <comment> same as query before last, but use HAVING with GROUP BY
-- <comment> instead of WHERE to eliminate branches with branchnum = 1
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from employee
where branchnum =SOME
(select branchnum
from branch
group by branchnum
having branchnum <> 1);
-- <comment> get region names where the manager's employee number is
-- <comment> less than 100
-- <ufi-input>
select regname
from region
where manager =ANY
(select *
from empone
where empnum < 100);
-- <comment> get supplier numbers, for suppliers who supply at least
-- <comment> one part supplied by supplier 15.
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum =SOME
(select partnum
from fromsup
where suppnum = 15);
-- <comment> same as above, only use aliases.
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct suppnum
from fromsup X
where X.partnum =ANY
(select Y.partnum
from fromsup Y
where suppnum = 15);
-- <comment> get salesman numbers and order numbers for salesman
-- <comment> who have orders for parts costing > 50000
-- <ufi-input>
select salesman,ordernum
from orders
where orders.ordernum =SOME
(select odetail.ordernum
from odetail,parts
where odetail.partnum = parts.partnum
and price > 50000);
-- <comment> get salesman numbers who have orders for parts prices > 50000
-- <comment> (eliminate duplicate salesman numbers and order numbers)
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct salesman
from orders
where ordernum =ANY
(select distinct ordernum
from odetail,parts
where odetail.partnum = parts.partnum
and price > 5000);
-- <comment> get parts records with a cost > 10000
-- <ufi-input>
select *
from parts
where partnum =SOME
(select partnum
from expfroms);
-- <comment> get supplier numbers for suppliers who are in the same
-- <comment> state as supplier 1. (This tests the use of =ANY with a
-- <comment> subquery that returns only one record).
-- <ufi-input>
select suppnum
from supplier
where state =ANY
(select state
from supplier
where suppnum = 1);
-- <comment> get supplier numbers whose price for part 4102 is less
-- <comment> than some other supplier who supplies part 4102
-- <ufi-input>
select suppnum
from fromsup
where partcost <SOME
(select partcost
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102)
and partnum = 4102;
-- <comment> same as above, with ANY instead of SOME
-- <ufi-input>
select suppnum
from fromsup
where partcost <ANY
(select partcost
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102)
and partnum = 4102;
-- <comment> get supplier numbers whose price for part 4102 is less
-- <comment> than or equal to ALL suppliers who supply part 4102
-- <ufi-input>
select suppnum
from fromsup
where partcost <=ALL
(select partcost
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102)
and partnum = 4102;
-- <comment> get supplier numbers who are in the same state as supplier
-- <comment> 1 (this tests the use of =ALL with a subquery that only
-- <comment> returns one record).
-- <ufi-input>
select suppnum
from supplier
where state =ALL
(select state
from supplier
where suppnum = 1);
-- <comment> get the salesmans' empnum (if any) who has the only order
-- <comment> where at least one part has been ordered in quanities > 25.
-- <ufi-input>
select salesman
from orders
where ordernum =ALL
(select ordernum
from odetail
where quantity > 25);
-- <comment> same as above, but with group by ordernum
-- <ufi-input>
-- select salesman
-- from orders
-- where ordernum =ALL
-- (select ordernum
-- from odetail
-- where quantity > 25)
-- group by ordernum;
-- <comment> same as previous, with having ordernum > 100
-- <ufi-input>
-- select salesman
-- from orders
-- where ordernum =ALL
-- (select ordernum
-- from odetail
-- where quantity > 25)
-- group by ordernum
-- having ordernum > 100;
-- <comment> same as first, but with 'select DISTINCT ordernum'
-- <ufi-input>
select salesman
from orders
where ordernum =ALL
(select distinct ordernum
from odetail
where quantity > 25);
-- <comment> get supplier names whose state is not equal to some
-- <comment> customer state
-- <ufi-input>
select SS.suppname
from supplier SS
where state <>ANY
(select CC.state
from customer CC);
-- <comment> get supplier names whose state is not equal to ALL
-- <comment> customer states
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where state <>ALL
(select state
from customer);
-- <comment> same as above, add group by,having clauses
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where state <>ALL
(select state
from customer
group by state
having state <> 'Texas');
-- <comment> get the salesmens' names who sold the part whose price
-- <comment> is greater than or equal to all parts
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct col_11
from partsfor
where col_3 >=ALL
(select col_3
from partsfor);
-- <end-input>
-- <testcase A3>
-- <detail>
-- uncorrelated subquery in where clause test unit - this tests
-- multiply nested subqueries and multiple subqueries connected
-- with and/or.
-- <templates>
-- US00
-- <comment> get supplier names for suppliers who supply part 4102
-- <comment> and part 5504
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where (suppnum in
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102))
and (suppnum =ANY
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 5504));
-- <comment> get supplier names for suppliers who supply part 4102
-- <comment> OR 5504 -- same as above, replace 'and' with 'or'
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where (suppnum in
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102))
or (suppnum =ANY
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 5504));
-- <comment> get supplier names for suppliers who DON'T supply parts
-- <comment> 4102 or 5504 -- same as previous, add NOT before entire
-- <comment> predicate.
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where NOT ((suppnum in
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102))
or (suppnum =ANY
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 5504))) ;
-- <comment> get supplier names for suppliers who supply parts 4102,
-- <comment> 5504, and 5505.
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where (suppnum in
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102))
and (suppnum =ANY
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 5504))
and (suppnum =SOME
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 5505));
-- <comment> get employee names who have salary >= 30000 and age < 30
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from emppub
where empnum in
(select empnum
from employee
where salary >= 30000)
and empnum in
(select empnum
from employee
where age < 30000);
-- <comment> get job titles for employees who work in the Chicago branch
-- <comment> of the Central region, excluding programmers, order by job title
-- <ufi-input>
select job
from employee
where (regnum not in
(select regnum
from region
where location <> 'Central'))
and (branchnum not in
(select branchnum
from branch
where branchname <> 'Chicago'
group by branchnum))
group by job
having job <> 'programmer'
order by job;
-- <comment> same as above, except eliminate 'group bys' and add 'distinct'
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct job
from employee
where (regnum not in
(select regnum
from region
where location <> 'Central'))
and (branchnum not in
(select distinct branchnum
from branch
where branchname <> 'Chicago'))
and job <> 'programmer'
order by job;
-- <comment> get supplier names for suppliers who supply at least
-- <comment> one part whose inventory is negative (less than 0)
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum in
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum in
(select partnum
from parts
where inventory < 0)
-- <comment> same as above, except use '=SOME' instead of IN
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum in
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum =SOME
(select partnum
from parts
where inventory < 0)
-- <comment> get supplier names for suppliers who supply part 'LP__900_LPM'
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum IN
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum =
(select partnum
from parts
where partname = 'LP 900 LPM'));
-- <comment> get age of those employees whose salary is less than or
-- <comment> equal to the salary to the youngest employee
-- <ufi-input>
-- takes a long time in executor
select age
from employee
where salary <=
(select salary
from employee
where age <= ALL
(select age
from employee
-- <comment> get salesman names who have orders for parts priced < 8000
-- <comment> (eliminate duplicate salesman names,order numbers, and
-- <comment> records where the price = 8000)
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct salesman
from orders
where ordernum in
(select distinct ordernum
from odetail,parts
where odetail.partnum = parts.partnum
and price <
(select distinct price
from parts
where price = 8000));
-- <comment> get customer names who have orders for parts supplied by
-- <comment> suppliers in Mass.
-- <ufi-input>
select custname
from customer
where custnum in
(select custnum
from orders
where ordernum in
(select distinct ordernum
from odetail
where partnum in
(select distinct partnum
from fromsup
where suppnum in
(select suppnum
from supplier
where state = 'Mass'
-- <comment> same as above, eliminate 'distinct'
-- <ufi-input>
select custname
from customer
where custnum in
(select custnum
from orders
where ordernum in
(select ordernum
from odetail
where partnum in
(select partnum
from fromsup
where suppnum in
(select suppnum
from supplier
where state = 'Mass'
-- <comment> get customer names who have orders for parts supplied by
-- <comment> suppliers in Mass, where the order month is less than 4
-- <ufi-input>
select custname
from customer
where custnum in
(select custnum
from orders
where ordernum in
(select distinct ordernum
from odetail
where partnum in
(select distinct partnum
from fromsup
where suppnum in
(select suppnum
from supplier
where state = 'Mass'
and omonth < 4
-- <comment> get salesman names and their customer names for salesman
-- <comment> who work in the Central region
-- <ufi-input>
select empname,custname
from salecust
where empname in
(select empname
from emppub
where regnum in
(select regnum
from region
where regname = 'Central'
-- <comment> get supplier names for suppliers who supply at least
-- <comment> one part whose inventory is negative, eliminate duplicates
-- <comment> with group by
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum in
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum in
(select partnum
from parts
where inventory < 0)
group by suppnum
-- <comment> same as above, but eliminate supplier #2
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum in
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum in
(select partnum
from parts
where inventory < 0)
group by suppnum
having suppnum <> 2
-- <comment> get age of those employees who are not 22 and whose salary
-- <comment> is less than or equal to the salary of the youngest employee
-- <comment> under 40.
-- <ufi-input>
select age
from employee
where salary <=
(select salary
from employee
where age <=ALL
(select age
from employee
group by age
having age <40
group by age
having age <> 22
order by age;
-- <end-input>
-- <testcase A4>
-- <detail>
-- uncorrelated subquery in where clause test - this tests the use of
-- for browse access, for stable access, and
-- for repeatable access in uncorrelated subqueries.
-- <templates>
-- US00
-- <comment> get supplier numbers, for suppliers who supply at least
-- <comment> one part supplied by supplier 15.
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct suppnum
from fromsup X
where X.partnum in
(select Y.partnum
from fromsup Y
where suppnum = 15
for browse access
for repeatable access;
-- <comment> get salesman numbers and order numbers for salesman
-- <comment> who have orders for parts costing > 50000
-- <ufi-input>
select salesman,ordernum
from orders
where orders.ordernum in
(select odetail.ordernum
from odetail,parts
where odetail.partnum = parts.partnum
and price > 50000
for repeatable access
-- <comment> get supplier numbers for suppliers who are in the same state
-- <comment> as supplier 1 (use aliases).
-- <ufi-input>
select suppnum
from supplier X
where X.state =
(select Y.state
from supplier Y
where suppnum = 1
for browse access
for repeatable access;
-- <comment> get customer names for customers who have not ordered parts
-- <comment> stored at location 'V67'
-- <ufi-input>
select custname
from customer
where custnum <>
(select col_12
from partsfor
where col_2 = 'V67'
for browse access
-- <comment> same as above, only use a join instead of the view partsfor
-- <ufi-input>
select custname
from customer
where custnum <>
(select custnum
from orders,odetail,parts
where ( orders.ordernum = odetail.ordernum) and
( odetail.partnum = parts.partnum) and
(location = 'V67')
for repeatable access
-- <comment> get supplier names for suppliers who supply part 4102
-- <comment> and part 5504
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum in
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 4102
for browse access
and suppnum =ANY
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum = 5504
for stable access
-- <comment> get supplier names for suppliers who supply at least
-- <comment> one part whose inventory is negative (less than 0)
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum in
(select suppnum
from fromsup
where partnum in
(select partnum
from parts
where inventory < 0
for browse access
for repeatable access
for stable access;
-- <comment> get age of those employees whose salary is less than or
-- <comment> equal to the salary of the youngest employee (use aliases)
-- <ufi-input>
select X.age
from employee X
where X.salary <=
(select salary
from employee Y
where Y.age <= ALL
(select Z.age
from employee Z
for repeatable access
for stable access
for browse access;
-- <comment> get salesman names who have orders for parts priced < 8000
-- <comment> (eliminate duplicate salesman names,order numbers, and
-- <comment> records where the price = 8000)
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct salesman
from orders
where ordernum in
(select distinct ordernum
from odetail,parts
where odetail.partnum = parts.partnum
and price <
(select distinct price
from parts
where price = 8000
for browse access
for repeatable access
for stable access;
-- <comment> get salesman names and their customer names for salesman
-- <comment> who work in the Central region
-- <ufi-input>
select empname,custname
from salecust
where empname in
(select empname
from emppub
where regnum in
(select regnum
from region
where regname = 'Central'
for stable access
for repeatable access
for browse access;
-- <end-input>
-- <testcase A5>
-- <detail>
-- select uncorrelated subquery in WHERE clause test - this tests the
-- selection of aggregate functions (COUNT, AVG, MAX, MIN, SUM).
-- Aggregates are tested in the SELECT clause and in the HAVING clause.
-- <templates>
-- US00
-- <comment> Get employee names whose salary is greater than the average
-- <comment> salary of all employees
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from employee
where salary >
(select avg(salary)
from employee
-- <comment> Get part name(s) which have the highest profit margin
-- <ufi-input>
select distinct partname
from parts, fromsup
where parts.partnum = fromsup.partnum
and (price - partcost) =
(select max(price - partcost)
from parts, fromsup
where parts.partnum = fromsup.partnum
-- <comment> get employee names whose salary is greater than all the
-- <comment> branches average salary
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from employee
where salary >ALL
(select avg(salary)
from employee
group by regnum, branchnum
-- <comment> get the average and total salary of employees whose salary
-- <comment> is greater than all branches average salary
-- <ufi-input>
select avg(salary),sum(salary)
from employee
where salary >ALL
(select avg(salary)
from employee
group by regnum, branchnum
-- <comment> get the average and total salary of employees whose salary
-- <comment> is greater than all branches average salary (use distinct
-- <comment> salaries for the average in both the outer and subquery)
-- <ufi-input>
select avg(distinct salary),sum(salary)
from employee
where salary >ALL
(select avg(distinct salary)
from employee
group by regnum, branchnum
-- <comment> get employee names whose salary is greater than the average
-- <comment> salary of branch #1 in region #1
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from employee
where salary >
(select avg(salary)
from employee
where regnum = 1 and branchnum = 1
-- <comment> get employee names whose salary is greater than the average
-- <comment> salary of all branches whose minimum salary is greater than
-- <comment> 20000
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from employee
where salary >ALL
(select avg(salary)
from employee
group by regnum, branchnum
having min(salary) > 20000
-- <comment> get the partnames and their prices for the most expensive
-- <comment> part and the least expensive part
-- <ufi-input>
select partname,price
from parts
where price =
(select max(price)
from parts
or price =
(select min(price)
from parts
-- <comment> get supplier names for suppliers whose total cost of all
-- <comment> parts they supply exceeds 50000
-- <ufi-input>
select suppname
from supplier
where suppnum in
(select suppnum
from fromsup
group by suppnum
having sum(partcost) > 50000
-- <comment> get employee names for employees who make the same salary
-- <comment> as at least 2 other employees
-- <ufi-input>
select empname
from employee
where salary in
(select salary
from employee
group by salary
having count(*) >= 3
-- <comment> get part names whose price exceeds the 'median' price
-- <comment> min(price) + ((max(price) - min(price)) / 2)
-- <ufi-input>
select partname
from parts
where price >
(select min(price) + ((max(price) - min(price)) / 2)
from parts
-- <end-input>
-- <end-test>