blob: c92dd22d228b8508d0223d3328c3fee51cc5231c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#ifndef _RU_TBL_H_
#define _RU_TBL_H_
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: RUTbl.h
* Description: Definition of class CRUTbl
* Created: 02/27/2000
* Language: C++
#include "refresh.h"
#include "dsplatform.h"
#include "ddTblUsedByMV.h"
#include "RuObject.h"
#include "RuDeltaDef.h"
class CDDTable;
class CDDColumnList;
class CDDKeyColumnList;
class CRUMV;
class CRUMVList;
class CRUKeyColumnList;
class CUOFsFileList;
class CDSStringList;
class CRUEmpCheckVector;
// CRUTbl (inherits from CRUObject)
// CRUTbl is a wrapper class for CDDTblUsedByMV that reflects
// the properties of a table being used by MV in a particular
// invocation of REFRESH. These properties can follow either
// from the metadata (e.g., what is the table's current epoch?),
// or from the utility logic (e.g., should this table be read-locked
// throughout this invocation to achieve consistency?)
// The class provides the functionality of updating the metadata
// and saving it in the SMD and UMD tables, acquiring and releasing
// resources etc.
// The class is an *abstract* class. Several methods depend on the
// table's implementation (is it a regular table or an MV itself?).
// The concrete implementations are in RuTblImpl[.h/.cpp]
// The class maintains the following "core" pointers/objects:
// (1) The pointer to the core DDOL object, pddTblUsedByMV_.
// (2) The list of pointers to the CRUMV objects for the involved MVs
// *directly* using the table (that do not specify it as IGNORE
// CHANGES), pMVsUsingMe_. This list does not own the referenced
// objects, and hence does not deallocate them in its destructor.
// (3) The pointer to the CRUMV object (MV interface), if the table is
// also an involved MV - pMVInterface_.
// (4) The pointer to the DDOL object for the IUD log table, pddIUDLogTbl_.
// The operations on the log (i.e., read-protected open) are done
// by the utility through the CRUTbl object.
// There are four auxiliary "using MVs lists" that are maintained.
// All of them are a subset of pMVsUsingMe_ (self-commenting):
// (1) pOnRequestMVsUsingMe_
// (2) pInvolvedMVsUsingMe_
// (3) pOnRequestInvolvedMVsUsingMe_
// (4) pIncInvolvedMVsUsingMe_ - the involved ON REQUEST MVs that will
// NOT be recomputed by this invocation of Refresh.
// Various tasks of the Refresh utility use the class to exchange data
// the task's execution has computed in (for example, the DE statistics).
// This allows a flexible design of the dependence graph, where various
// tasks need not know the entire graph's connectivity to exchange data.
// They just find it at the CRUTbl object.
class REFRESH_LIB_CLASS CRUTbl : public CRUObject {
typedef CRUObject inherited;
CRUTbl(CDDTblUsedByMV *pddTblUsedByMV);
virtual ~CRUTbl();
// Accessors
// Main usage list
CRUMVList &GetMVsUsingMe() const
return *pMVsUsingMe_;
// Auxiliary usage lists
CRUMVList &GetOnRequestMVsUsingMe() const
RUASSERT(NULL != pOnRequestMVsUsingMe_);
return *pOnRequestMVsUsingMe_;
CRUMVList &GetInvolvedMVsUsingMe() const
RUASSERT(NULL != pInvolvedMVsUsingMe_);
return *pInvolvedMVsUsingMe_;
CRUMVList &GetOnRequestInvolvedMVsUsingMe() const
RUASSERT(NULL != pOnRequestInvolvedMVsUsingMe_);
return *pOnRequestInvolvedMVsUsingMe_;
// GetOnRequestInvolvedMVsUsingMe().GetCount() > 0
BOOL IsUsedByOnRequestMV() const;
CRUMVList &GetIncrementalInvolvedMVsUsingMe() const
RUASSERT(NULL != pIncInvolvedMVsUsingMe_);
return *pIncInvolvedMVsUsingMe_;
// GetIncrementalInvolvedMVsUsingMe().GetCount() > 0
BOOL IsUsedByIncRefreshedMV() const;
BOOL IsInvolvedMV() const
return (NULL != pMVInterface_);
CRUMV *GetMVInterface() const
return pMVInterface_;
// Pure virtuals - delegated to the derived classes.
virtual BOOL IsRegularTable() const = 0;
// If a used object is regular table, it is always initialized
virtual BOOL IsInitialized() = 0;
virtual BOOL IsAudited() = 0;
// Regular tables and ON STATEMENT MVs
// are always synchronized with the database
virtual BOOL IsFullySynchronized() = 0;
// A table is insert-only if it has an INSERTLOG or
// MANUAL RANGELOG attribute.
BOOL IsInsertLog();
// Get the name of the IUD/range log (not FQ)
CDSString GetLogShortName(const CDSString &nmsp);
//-- Access to the data structures
// Get the STORE BY key column list
CRUKeyColumnList &GetKeyColumnList() const
RUASSERT (NULL != pKeyColumnList_);
return *pKeyColumnList_;
//-- Get the list of all partition names
const CDSStringList &GetPartitionFileNamesList() const
RUASSERT (NULL != pPartitionFileNamesList_);
return *pPartitionFileNamesList_;
//-- Expose the statistics gathered by DE
CRUDeltaStatisticsMap &GetStatisticsMap()
RUASSERT (NULL != pStatMap_);
return *pStatMap_;
// Get the emptiness check's results
CRUEmpCheckVector &GetEmpCheckVector()
RUASSERT (NULL != pEmpCheckVector_);
return *pEmpCheckVector_;
BOOL IsDeltaNonEmpty(TInt32 fromEpoch);
CRUDeltaDef::DELevel GetDELevel() const
return deLevel_;
Lng32 getNumberOfPartitions();
// Implementation of pure virtual
virtual BOOL HoldsResources() const
return (TRUE == IsDDLLockPending()
TRUE == IsRPOpenPending()
TRUE == IsLogRPOpenPending());
TInt64 GetTimestamp() const
return timestamp_;
BOOL IsRPOpenPending() const
return isRPOpenPending_;
BOOL IsLogRPOpenPending() const
return isLogRPOpenPending_;
// What is the size of the @UPDATE_BITMAP column in the log?
Lng32 GetUpdateBitmapSize();
enum IUDLogContentType {
RANGE = 0x1, // Range records
SINGLE_ROW_INSERTS = 0x2, // Single-row insert records
SINGLE_ROW_OTHER = 0x4, // Single-row delete and update records
// Which kind of records can the IUD log hold?
Lng32 GetIUDLogContentTypeBitmap();
// Should the utility perform DE on this table's log?
BOOL IsDENeeded() const
return isDENeeded_;
BOOL IsUsedByIncrementalMJV() const
return isUsedByIncrementalMJV_;
BOOL IsUsedOnlyByMultiTxnMvs() const;
// Should the table be locked (by read-protected open)
// throughout the execution?
BOOL IsLongLockNeeded() const
return isLongLockNeeded_;
// Must the table's delta be empty for consistency reasons?
BOOL IsEmptyDeltaNeeded() const
return isEmptyDeltaNeeded_;
BOOL IsIncEpochNeeded() const
// Epoch increment is required only if there is
// an involved ON REQUEST MV that uses the tabke
// (not necessarily incrementally refreshed).
return IsUsedByOnRequestMV();
//-- Accessor wrappers of DDOL methods
virtual TInt64 GetUID() const
return pddTblUsedByMV_->GetUID();
BOOL IsNoLockOnRefresh()
return pddTblUsedByMV_->IsNoLockOnRefresh();
CDDObject::ERangeLogType GetRangeLogType()
return pddTblUsedByMV_->GetRangeLogType();
CDDUIDTripleList &GetUIDsOfAllMVsUsingMe()
return pddTblUsedByMV_->GetMVsUsingMe();
TInt32 GetCurrentEpoch()
return pddTblUsedByMV_->GetCurrentEpoch();
TInt32 GetLastDupElimEpoch()
return pddTblUsedByMV_->GetLastDupElimEpoch();
TInt32 GetRecomputeEpoch()
return pddTblUsedByMV_->GetRecomputeEpoch();
BOOL IsLastDEComplete()
return pddTblUsedByMV_->IsLastDEComplete();
// For direct epoch increment (not through DDOL)
CDSString GetIncEpochCatApiText()
return pddTblUsedByMV_->GetIncEpochCatApiText();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void Dump(CDSString &to, BOOL isExtended=FALSE);
// Log-related globals
// Prefix to all the control columns in the log
static const CDSString logCrtlColPrefix;
// IUD log namespace prefix
static const CDSString iudNmspPrefix;
// Range log namespace prefix
static const CDSString rngNmspPrefix;
CDSString GetIUDLogFullName(BOOL useNmsp=TRUE)
return GetLogFullName(CRUTbl::iudNmspPrefix, useNmsp);
CDSString GetRangeLogFullName(BOOL useNmsp=TRUE)
return GetLogFullName(CRUTbl::rngNmspPrefix, useNmsp);
// Mutators
//--- Connectivity updates
//-- Reference management: update the usage lists
void AddRefToUsingMV(CRUMV *pMV);
void SetMVInterface(CRUMV *pMV)
pMVInterface_ = pMV;
// Store the pointer to the IUD log table
void FixupIUDLogTbl(CDDTable *pddIUDLogTbl)
pddIUDLogTbl_ = pddIUDLogTbl;
// Build the list when you know for sure
// which MVs are going to be incrementally refreshed
void BuildListOfIncrementalInvolvedMVsUsingMe();
//-- Implementation of pure virtual
virtual void ReleaseResources();
//-- Build the list of key columns (for the DE purposes)
void BuildKeyColumnList();
//-- Build the list of all partition names
void BuildPartitionFileNamesList();
//-- Build the emptiness check vector
void BuildEmpCheckVector();
void CheckIfLongLockNeeded();
void SetLongLockIsNeeded()
isLongLockNeeded_ = TRUE;
void CheckIfDENeeded();
virtual void SetTimestamp(TInt64 ts)
timestamp_ = ts;
void SetEmptyDeltaNeeded()
isEmptyDeltaNeeded_ = TRUE;
void SetDELevel(CRUDeltaDef::DELevel deLevel)
deLevel_ = deLevel;
//-- Event propagation to the using MVs
void PropagateEmpCheckToUsingMVs();
void PropagateRecomputeToUsingMVs();
void PropagateDEStatisticsToUsingMVs();
//-- Pure virtuals - to be refined by the derived classes
//-- Read-protected opens for achieving consistency
virtual void ExecuteReadProtectedOpen() = 0;
virtual void ReleaseReadProtectedOpen() = 0;
void ExecuteLogReadProtectedOpen();
void ReleaseLogReadProtectedOpen();
//-- Mutator wrappers
// Fetch the metadata about epochs (not of general use in DDOL).
virtual void FetchMetadata()
// Flush the metadata changes to the SMD and UMD tables
virtual void SaveMetadata()
// Cancel saving the metadata
virtual void CancelChanges()
void IncrementCurrentEpoch(BOOL changeObjectState = TRUE)
void SetLastDupElimEpoch(TInt32 ep)
void SetRecomputeEpoch(TInt32 ep)
void SetMinLogEpoch(TInt32 ep)
void SetLastDEComplete(BOOL flag)
//-- Pure virtuals
//-- Retrieve the column and key column lists from DDOL
virtual CDDColumnList *GetDDColumnList() = 0;
virtual CDDKeyColumnList *GetDDKeyColumnList() = 0;
virtual CUOFsFileList *GetPartitionFileList() = 0;
//-- Connectivity into DDOL and inside the cache
// Common part for regular table and MV that is used by MVs.
CDDTblUsedByMV *pddTblUsedByMV_;
// Pointer to the IUD log for this table
CDDTable *pddIUDLogTbl_;
// Pointer to the MV object, if the table is also an involved MV.
CRUMV *pMVInterface_;
// The list of pointers to objects (MVs) using this object.
// (and therefore, does not deallocate them).
CRUMVList *pMVsUsingMe_;
// Auxiliary pointer lists
CRUMVList *pOnRequestMVsUsingMe_;
CRUMVList *pInvolvedMVsUsingMe_;
CRUMVList *pOnRequestInvolvedMVsUsingMe_;
CRUMVList *pIncInvolvedMVsUsingMe_;
//-- Data structures used by various tasks
CRUKeyColumnList *pKeyColumnList_;
CDSStringList *pPartitionFileNamesList_;
// The emptiness check result vector
CRUEmpCheckVector *pEmpCheckVector_;
// The Duplicate Elimination level
CRUDeltaDef::DELevel deLevel_;
// A hash table with statistical data about the log.
// A distinct record in it corresponds to each non-
// empty epoch in the log.
CRUDeltaStatisticsMap *pStatMap_;
TInt64 timestamp_;
//-- Status flags
// Is the table/log open in read-protected mode?
BOOL isRPOpenPending_;
BOOL isLogRPOpenPending_;
BOOL isUsedByIncrementalMJV_;
//-- Requirements flags
BOOL isDENeeded_;
BOOL isLongLockNeeded_;
BOOL isEmptyDeltaNeeded_;
// Return the fully-qualified log name,
// with/without the namespace
CDSString GetLogFullName(const CDSString &nmsp, BOOL useNmsp);
// Declare the class CRUTblList through this macro