blob: 050abd4e7052553161c30bcd09736acbc6142df7 [file] [log] [blame]
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: RuMessages.cpp
* Description: Standard messages for printing to the output file
* Created: 07/01/2001
* Language: C++
// Statements for standard printing into the output file
const char * RefreshDiags [] =
// General
"Started the REFRESH operation.", // 0
"Finished the REFRESH operation.", // 1
// Refresh task executor
"The materialized views ", // 2
"The materialized view ", // 3
" are being refreshed", // 4
" is being refreshed", // 5
" were found up to date", // 6
" have been refreshed", // 7
" was found up to date", // 8
" has been refreshed", // 9
// Simple Refresh task executor
" (by recompute)", // 10
" in a single transaction", // 11
" (in ", // 12
" phases)", // 13
// Multi-Txn task executor
" in multiple transactions...", // 14
" in ", // 15
" transaction(s).", // 16
// Log Cleanup task executor
"Starting the log cleanup of table ", // 17
"Finished the log cleanup of table ", // 18
// Specify the number of deltas
" from a single delta", // 19
" from ", // 20
" deltas" // 21