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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: RuDupElimSQLComposer.h
* Description: Definition of class CRUDupSQLComposer
* Created: 06/14/2000
* Language: C++
#include "refresh.h"
#include "dsstring.h"
#include "RuSQLComposer.h"
class CRUDupElimTask;
class CRUDupElimGlobals;
class CRUKeyColumn;
class CRUTbl;
// CRUDupElimSQLComposer
// This class is an auxiliary class for the duplicate
// elimination algorithm. It generates the SQL for the delta
// computation query and for the Insert/Update/Delete
// statements for applying the duplicate elimination
// decisions to the IUD- and the range-log.
// The class provides three main methods to generate the SQL:
// (1) ComposeQueryText()
// (2) ComposeSingleRowResolvText()
// (3) ComposeRangeResolvText()
// The GetSQL() method returns the text generated
// in the last invocation of one of the ComposeXXX() methods.
class REFRESH_LIB_CLASS CRUDupElimSQLComposer : public CRUSQLComposer {
typedef CRUSQLComposer inherited;
CRUDupElimSQLComposer(CRUDupElimTask *pTask, CRUDupElimGlobals &globals);
virtual ~CRUDupElimSQLComposer() {}
// Generate the text of a delta computation query
void ComposeQueryText(Int32 type);
// Generate the text of a statement for the single-row resolver
void ComposeSingleRowResolvText(Int32 type);
// Generate the text of a statement for the range resolver
void ComposeRangeResolvText(Int32 type);
// Generate the text of the MDAM control statement
void ComposeControlText(Int32 type);
//-- Prevent copying
CRUDupElimSQLComposer(const CRUDupElimSQLComposer& other);
CRUDupElimSQLComposer& operator= (const CRUDupElimSQLComposer& other);
// ComposeQueryText() callees
void ComposeQControlColNames(CDSString &to);
void ComposeQClusteringKeyColNames(CDSString &to, BOOL order);
void ComposeQBlockForEpoch(
CDSString &qryBase,
CDSString &epochCol,
TInt32 ep,
BOOL isPhase0Query);
void ComposeQBlockForMultipleEpochs(
CDSString &qryBase,
CDSString &epochCol,
BOOL isPhase0Query);
void ComposeQBlockForMultipleEpochsBasicPred(
CDSString &to,
CDSString &epochCol,
TInt32 fromEp,
TInt32 toEp,
BOOL isPhase0Query);
CDSString ComposeQBlockLowerBoundPredicate();
// ComposeSingleRowResolvText() callees
void ComposeIUDSingleDeleteText();
void ComposeIUDSingleUpdateIgnoreText();
void ComposeIUDUpdateBitmapText();
void ComposeIUDUpdateOptypeText();
void ComposeUpdateIgnorePrefix(CDSString &cmdPrefix);
// Search predicates for U/D statements
void ComposeSingleIUDRecSearchPredicate(CDSString &pred);
void ComposeUpdateRecsSearchPredicate(CDSString &pred);
void ComposeCKEqualSearchClause(CDSString &keyPred);
// ComposeRangeResolvText() callees
void ComposeRngInsertText();
void ComposeRngDeleteText();
void ComposeIUDSubsetDeleteText();
void ComposeIUDSubsetUpdateIgnoreText();
void ComposeIUDSubsetUpdateAlwaysIgnoreText();
void ComposeForceMDAMQryShapeText(const CDSString &logName);
void ComposeResetQryShapeText();
void ComposeCntrlTableText(BOOL isForceMDAM);
// ComposeRngInsertText() callees
void ComposeRngInsertColNames();
void ComposeRngBoundaryColNames(const CDSString &prefix, CDSString &to);
void ComposeRngInsertParamStr();
// ComposeRngDeleteText callees
void ComposeTupleComparisonRightOperand(CDSString &to);
void ComposeRngBoundaryParamStr(CDSString &to);
// ComposeIUDSubsetXXXText() callee
void ComposeSubsetIUDRecSearchPredicate(
CDSString &pred, CDSString &epochOp);
// Search predicates
void ComposeDirectByClause(CDSString &to);
static CDSString ComposeQuotedColName(const CDSString &name);
static CDSString ComposeIUDLogKeyColName(const CRUKeyColumn *pKeyCol);
static CDSString ComposeRngLogKeyColName(
const CDSString &prefix, const CRUKeyColumn *pKeyCol
CRUTbl &table_;
Int32 nCtrlColumns_; // The number of control columns in selection list
Int32 updateBmpSize_;
TInt32 beginEpoch_;
TInt32 endEpoch_;
// The IUD log's name (including namespace)
CDSString iudLogName_;
// The range log's name (including namespace)
CDSString rngLogName_;
// Are we going to read the single-row records?
BOOL isSingleRow_;
// Are we going to read the range records?
BOOL isRange_;