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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: RuDisJointSetAlg.h
* Description: Definition of class CRUDisjointSetAlg
* Created: 11/23/2000
* Language: C++
#include "refresh.h"
#include "dsplatform.h"
#include "dsptrlist.h"
#include "dsmap.h"
// CRUDisjointSetAlg
// This class recieves a graph definition (V,E) and resolove it
// to a disjoint sets,it means that a path from a node in one set to
// any other node in a different set does not exists.
// A short description of the algorithm :
// phase 0: We begin in a forest where each node is tree.
// phase 1: We make a single pass over the edges in E and for each edge
// if the left and right nodes belongs to two different trees
// we merge the two trees by finding the trees roots and making
// one root point to the other
// phase 2: We go over all the roots and number them by an ever
// increasing number
// There is a small test function that represent the use of this algorithm.
// CRUDisjointSetAlg Helper Classes (used to be local classes but
// that caused compiler problems)
// CRUDisjointSetAlgVertex
struct CRUDisjointSetAlgVertex {
CRUDisjointSetAlgVertex(TInt64 id)
// A unique Identifier
TInt64 id_;
// pointer to the next node in the same set
CRUDisjointSetAlgVertex *pParent_;
// maximal depth of nodes that this node is their ancestor
Int32 rank_;
// A unique Identifier that represent the set to which this node belongs
Int32 setId_;
// CRUDisjointSetAlgEdge
struct CRUDisjointSetAlgEdge {
// A default constructor is needed for the Edges list
CRUDisjointSetAlgEdge() {};
CRUDisjointSetAlgEdge(TInt64 fromId,TInt64 toId) :
leftId_(fromId),rightId(toId) {};
TInt64 leftId_;
TInt64 rightId;
class REFRESH_LIB_CLASS CRUDisjointSetAlg {
virtual ~CRUDisjointSetAlg();
// returns FALSE if the id was already been added
void AddVertex(TInt64 id);
BOOL HasVertex(TInt64 id)
CRUDisjointSetAlgVertex *pVertex;
return V_.Lookup(&id,pVertex);
void AddEdge(TInt64 first,TInt64 second);
void Run();
Int32 GetNumOfSets()
return sets_.GetCount();
inline Int32 GetNodeSetId(TInt64 id);
#ifdef _DEBUG
// This is a test function for this class
void Test();
void BuildDisjointSetGraph();
void NameSets();
CRUDisjointSetAlgVertex& FindSet(TInt64 id);
void UnionSets(CRUDisjointSetAlgVertex &first,
CRUDisjointSetAlgVertex &second);
void RemoveFromRootList(TInt64 id);
typedef CDSTInt64Map<CRUDisjointSetAlgVertex*> VertexMap;
enum { HASH_SIZE = 101 };
// A hash table of links to all the tasks
VertexMap V_;
CDSList<CRUDisjointSetAlgEdge> E_;
Int32 numNodes_;
CDSPtrList<CRUDisjointSetAlgVertex> sets_;
// CRUDisjointSetAlg Inlines
// CRUDisjointSetAlg::GetNodeSetId()
Int32 CRUDisjointSetAlg::GetNodeSetId(TInt64 id)
return FindSet(id).setId_;