blob: d7f5652b0968c29ea9df15fd056515553fec06df [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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#ifndef _RU_DG_BUILDER_H_
#define _RU_DG_BUILDER_H_
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: RuDgBuilder.h
* Description: Definition of class CRUDependenceGraphBuilder
* Created: 12/29/1999
* Language: C++
#include "refresh.h"
#include "dsplatform.h"
#include "RuOptions.h"
#include "RuTask.h"
#include "RuTblEquivSetBuilder.h"
#include "RuMVEquivSetBuilder.h"
class CRUTbl;
class CRUMV;
class CRUCache;
class CRUDependenceGraph;
class CRURefreshTask;
class CRUTableSyncTask;
class CRUDupElimTask;
class CDSException;
class CRUEmpCheckTask;
class CRULockEquivSetTask;
class CRULogCleanupTask;
// CRUDependenceGraphBuilder
// The dependence graph builder class.
// Encapsulates the logic of creating tasks (nodes in the dependence graph)
// and dependencies between them (edges in the dependence graph).
// The graph will include three categories of tasks:
// (1) Refresh tasks.
// (2) Table tasks (LockEquivSet, Table Sync, DE, Log Cleanup).
// (3) Resource Release tasks.
// A Refresh task (works on one or more MVs) refreshes a single MV
// or a number of MVs, using delta pipelining.
// A LockEquivSet task (works on one or more tables) performs a simultaneous
// lock of *logs* for tables that belong to the same equivalence set,
// to achieve a consistent database cut.
// A TableSync task (works on a single table) completes the work
// of LockEquivSet, by performing the epoch increment and/or the
// lock of *table*. Following the two tasks, the table is synchronized
// with its log and with the other tables that it participates in joins with.
// A EmpCheck task (works on a single table) checks whether the
// delta(s) of the table towards the using MV(s) are empty.
// A DE task (works on a single table) performs duplicate elimination
// on the table's log, i.e., maps the ranges from the IUD log to the
// range log and resolves the duplicate log records.
// A Log Cleanup task (works on a single table)
// deletes the inapplicable rows from the table's log.
// A Resource Release task (works on a single MV/table) frees the captured
// object's resources (the DDL lock and/or read-protected open).
// See the description of the task interconnection rules
// in the class's implementation.
// (1) Sometimes, the simplicity of the tasks' interconnection rules
// is traded off for the graph's complexity. For example, patterns like:
// TaskA -----> TaskC
// ^ ^
// | |
// TaskB----------+
// can appear. The graph's builder will not try to optimize the transitive
// closure, because in runtime the extra edges cannot be harmful.
// (2) There are cases when the graph builder does not invest 100% effort
// to identify (yet at the early stage) the tasks which will not be actually
// executed, and leaves the tasks themselves to do that. This is also done
// to reduce the graph's construction complexity.
class REFRESH_LIB_CLASS CRUDependenceGraphBuilder {
CRUCache& cache,
CRUDependenceGraph& dg);
virtual ~CRUDependenceGraphBuilder() {}
// Create the initial task set
// and establish connectivity between tasks.
void Build();
//-- Prevent copying
CRUDependenceGraphBuilder(const CRUDependenceGraphBuilder& other);
CRUDependenceGraphBuilder& operator= (const CRUDependenceGraphBuilder& other);
//-- Build() callees
void BuildRefreshTasks();
void TraverseRefreshTasks();
void BuildTableTasks(); // LockEquivSet/TableSync/EmpCheck/DE/LogCleanup
void BuildRcReleaseTasks();
//-- BuildRefreshTasks() callee
void InterconnectRefreshTasks();
//-- BuildTableTasks() callees
void BuildEquivSetBasedTableTasks(); // LockEquivSet/TableSync
void BuildSingleTableTasks(); // EmpCheck/DE/LogCleanup
void ConnectTableTasks();
void BuildSingleTableTasksForTbl(CRUTbl &tbl);
void BuildLockEquivSetTask(CRUTblList &tblList);
void BuildTableSyncTask(CRUTbl &tbl);
void BuildEmpCheckTask(CRUTbl &tbl);
void BuildDETask(CRUTbl &tbl);
void BuildLogCleanupTask(CRUTbl &tbl);
void ConnectLockEquivSetTask(CRULockEquivSetTask &task);
void ConnectTableSyncTask(CRUTableSyncTask &task);
void ConnectDupElimTask(CRUDupElimTask &task);
void ConnectEmpCheckTask(CRUEmpCheckTask &task);
void ConnectLogCleanupTask(CRULogCleanupTask &task);
void ConnectEmpCheckTaskIfTblIsInvolvedMV(CRUEmpCheckTask &task);
void ConnectEmpCheckTaskIfTblIsNotInvolvedMV(CRUEmpCheckTask &task);
// BuildRcReleaseTasks() callees
void BuildRcReleaseTasksForMVs();
void BuildRcReleaseTasksForTables();
void BuildRcReleaseTask(CRUObject &obj);
void ConnectRcReleaseTasks();
void ConnectRefreshTaskToTableRcReleaseTasks(CRURefreshTask &task);
// General
void ConnectTaskToRefreshTasks(
CRUTask &task,
CRUMVList &mvList,
Dir dir = FORWARD);
void BuildMVEquivSets();
// Core data members
CRUCache &cache_;
CRUDependenceGraph &dg_;
Lng32 nTasks_;
CRUOptions::LogCleanupType lcType_;
// Tasks lists
CRUTaskList refreshTaskList_;
CRUTaskList tblTasksList_;
// Equivalence set analyzers
CRUTblEquivSetBuilder tblEquivSetBuilder_;
CRUMVEquivSetBuilder mvEquivSetBuilder_;