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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#ifndef _QMSREQUEST_H_
#define _QMSREQUEST_H_
#include <fstream>
#include "QRSharedPtr.h"
#include "QRIpc.h"
#include "QRMessage.h"
#include "ComRtUtils.h"
class IpcMessageStream;
class QRMessageObj;
* \file
* Defines the request classes used by the Query Matching Server (QMS).
* QMS is available in two modes: as a command-line executable, and as a
* server process accessed via IPC.
* \n\n
* The purpose of the command-line version is to provide a simplified testing
* tool for validating the operation of the Query Rewrite mechanism. When
* invoked from the command line, the program should receive two arguments,
* the name of an input file and an output file. The input file should contain
* a number of message specifiers (one per line), each consisting of the header
* part of the message and a reference to a file containing the associated XML
* document (if the specific message type requires one). The output file will
* contain the return codes indicating the outcome of processing each message in
* the input file, as well as result descriptors for any messages that specify a
* MATCH request.
* \n\n
* When invoked without the two command-line parameters, QMS executes as a
* server process, waiting for requests to be delivered via IPC.
using namespace QR;
// Classes defined in this file.
class QRRequest;
class QRMessageRequest;
class QRCommandLineRequest;
class QmsGuaReceiveControlConnection;
class QmsMessageStream;
* Abstract class that defines an interface used to access the information
* comprising a QMS request. Member functions read the request type, prepare
* the input XML stream for reading, and read the XML text one buffer at a time.
* Subclasses of this class are defined for requests embedded in a file read
* from a command-line invocation of QMS, and for requests passed through a
* message interface.
class QRRequest : public NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject
* Creates a request object.
QRRequest(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(NAMemory* heap = 0))
: NAIntrusiveSharedPtrObject(ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_PASS(heap)),
virtual ~QRRequest()
* Parses an XML document, which should be one of the three Query Rewrite
* descriptor types, and builds a hierarchy of classes representing the
* elements of the document.
* @param request Object specifying the request (e.g., match), including the
* XML document to be parsed.
* @param[out] descriptor Pointer to class instance representing the document
* element of the parsed document.
* @return Status indicator.
static QRRequestResult parseXMLDoc(QRRequest& request,
XMLElementPtr& descriptor);
* Handles a Publish request.
* @param request The PUBLISH request.
* @param msgStream If non-null, use this message stream to send a SUCCESS
* response after reading the request but before processing it.
* @return Return code.
static QRRequestResult handlePublishRequest(QRRequest& request,
QRMessageStream* msgStream,
ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(NAMemory* heap = 0));
* Handles a Match request.
* A Match request determines a set of candidate MVs that can be substituted
* for JBB subsets in a query.
* @param request The MATCH request.
* @return Return code.
static QRRequestResult handleMatchRequest(QRRequest& request,
XMLFormattedString& resultXML);
* Performs initialization of QMS upon receipt of a request to do so.
* @return Status of the initialization.
static QRRequestResult handleInitializeRequest();
* Reads and returns the request type from the input stream.
* @param[out] requestType String that the request verb is read into.
* @return \c true if the request type was read, \c false if there is no
* input available.
virtual NABoolean readRequestType(QRMessageTypeEnum& type) = 0;
* Takes whatever action is necessary to ensure that the input stream for
* the XML text is ready to read.
* @return Status of the operation.
virtual QRRequestResult openXmlStream() = 0;
* Reads a buffer full of the XML document from the input stream.
* @param buffer Buffer into which to transfer XML text.
* @param bufferSize Available size of the buffer.
* @return Number of characters actually transferred.
virtual size_t readXml(char *buffer, size_t bufferSize) = 0;
* After the request type has been read, return the next parameter.
* @return
virtual void getNextParameter(NAString& param) = 0;
QRMessageTypeEnum resolveRequestName(char* name)
//QRRequestType result = QRMessage::resolveRequestName(name);
QRMessageTypeEnum result = QRMessage::resolveRequestName(name);
if (result == ERROR_REQUEST)
wrongRequestName_ = name;
return result;
const char *getWrongRequestName()
NAString wrongRequestName_;
// Copy construction/assignment not defined.
QRRequest(const QRRequest&);
QRRequest& operator=(const QRRequest&);
}; // class QRRequest
* Subclass representing a request passed through a messaging interface to QMS.
class QRMessageRequest : public QRRequest
* Creates a request object that uses the designated message stream.
QRMessageRequest(IpcMessageStream& msgStream,
virtual ~QRMessageRequest();
* Processes a request originating from the message interface. Valid requests
* include Initialize, Match, Publish, Cleanup, and Check Load. A message
* object of the appropriate type for the response is created and returned
* as the function value.
* @param msgStream The message stream carrying the request.
* @return Message object to be returned as the response to this request.
static QRMessageObj* processRequestMessage(QRMessageStream* msgStream);
* Returns the message stream that carries this request.
* @return Reference to the request's message stream.
IpcMessageStream& getMessageStream() const
return msgStream_;
* Returns the request type of the message.
* @param[out] requestType String that the request verb is read into.
* @return \c true if the request type was read, \c false if there is no
* input available.
virtual NABoolean readRequestType(QRMessageTypeEnum& type);
* Receives a request message from client, and prepares the message content
* to be read.
* @return Status of the operation.
virtual QRRequestResult openXmlStream();
* Reads a buffer full of the XML document from the input stream.
* @param buffer Buffer into which to transfer XML text.
* @param bufferSize Available size of the buffer.
* @return Number of characters actually transferred.
virtual size_t readXml(char *buffer, size_t bufferSize);
virtual void getNextParameter(NAString& param)
// Not implemented yet.
IpcMessageType getType() const
return msgStream_.getType();
* Obtains the XML text.
* @return char pointer to the XML text.
char * getXmlText() { return xmlTextPtr_; };
// Copy construction/assignment not defined.
QRMessageRequest(const QRMessageRequest&);
QRMessageRequest& operator=(const QRMessageRequest&);
IpcMessageStream& msgStream_;
QRMessageObj* msgObj_;
char* xmlTextPtr_;
IpcMessageObjSize xmlCharsLeft_;
}; // class QRMessageRequest
* Subclass representing a request drawn from an input file for command-line
* QMS. The same object is used for each request in the file. Each request
* occupies a single line of the input file.
class QRCommandLineRequest : public QRRequest
* Creates an object that handles a request specified on a single line of
* the input file used in an invocation of QMS from a command line.
* @param inFile File to read requests from.
QRCommandLineRequest(ifstream &inFile, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS_DECL(NAMemory* heap = 0))
virtual ~QRCommandLineRequest()
* Reads a sequence of message specifications and responds to them by writing
* results to the designated output file. There is one message specification
* per line in the input file specified by the first command line argument.
* Each line consists of a request type indicator and the input necessary to
* process the request, typically the name of a file containing a MV or query
* descriptor.
* @param argc Number of arguments on the command line.
* @param argv The command-line arguments: input and output file.
* @return Status indicator.
static Int32 processCommandLine(Int32 argc, char *argv[]);
* Reads the request type from the input file. The request type is given by
* the first word (whitespace-delimited) on the line.
* @param requestType Buffer to read the request type name into.
* @return \c true if the value was read, \c false if end of file.
virtual NABoolean readRequestType(QRMessageTypeEnum& type);
* Reads the name of the XML file containing the descriptor that accompanies
* the request, and opens the file. For command-line QMS, the name of the
* XML file follows the request type on the same line. Each line of the file
* represents a separate request.
* @return Status indicator for the operation.
virtual QRRequestResult openXmlStream();
* Reads up to \c bufferSize characters of the XML file into \c buffer.
* The number of characters actually read is the return value, so the
* function should be called until it returns 0. The expat parser can be
* fed input a buffer at a time, so calls to #XML_Parse can alternate with
* calls to this function.
* @param buffer Character array to read XML text into.
* @param bufferSize Number of characters available in the array.
* @return Number of characters actually read.
virtual size_t readXml(char *buffer, size_t bufferSize)
if (isInlined_)
return readXmlInlined(buffer, bufferSize); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE :cnu
return readXmlFile(buffer, bufferSize);
* After the request type has been read, return the next parameter.
* @return
virtual void getNextParameter(NAString& param);
size_t readXmlFile(char *buffer, size_t bufferSize)
if ( (!xmlFile_.rdbuf()->is_open()) ||
(xmlFile_.eof()) )
return 0;, bufferSize);
return xmlFile_.gcount();
size_t readXmlInlined(char *buffer, size_t bufferSize)
if (!inFile_.rdbuf()->is_open() || inlinedLineRead_)
return 0;
inlinedLineRead_ = TRUE;
memset(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
inFile_.getline(buffer, bufferSize);
return strlen(buffer);
// Copy construction/assignment not defined.
QRCommandLineRequest(const QRCommandLineRequest&);
QRCommandLineRequest& operator=(const QRCommandLineRequest&);
ifstream& inFile_;
ifstream xmlFile_;
NABoolean isInlined_;
NABoolean inlinedLineRead_;
}; // class QRCommandLineRequest
class QmsGuaReceiveControlConnection : public GuaReceiveControlConnection
QmsGuaReceiveControlConnection(IpcEnvironment* env);
virtual ~QmsGuaReceiveControlConnection()
virtual void actOnSystemMessage(short messageNum,
IpcMessageBufferPtr sysMsg,
IpcMessageObjSize sysMsgLen,
short clientFileNumber,
const GuaProcessHandle& clientPhandle,
GuaConnectionToClient* connection);
NABoolean isPrivateQms_;
}; // QmsGuaReceiveControlConnection
class QmsMessageStream : public QRMessageStream
* Creates a message stream used to convey messages to/from QMS.
* @param *env The IPC environment containing the stream.
* @param thisEnd Name of the program unit defining the stream (used only
* for logging).
* @param heap Heap used for dynamic allocation.
* @param msgType Type of messages carried by the stream.
QmsMessageStream(IpcEnvironment *env,
const NAString& thisEnd,
NAMemory* heap = NULL,
IpcMessageType msgType = UNSPECIFIED_QR_MESSAGE)
: QRMessageStream(env, thisEnd, heap, msgType)
* Callback function invoked after a message is sent through the stream.
* @param connection The IpcConnection through which the message has been
* sent.
//virtual void actOnSend(IpcConnection* connection);
* Callback function invoked after a message is received through the stream.
* @param connection The IpcConnection through which the message has been
* received.
virtual void actOnReceive(IpcConnection* connection);
virtual void actOnSendAllComplete()
QmsMessageStream(const QmsMessageStream&);
Int32 operator=(const QmsMessageStream&);
}; // QmsMessageStream
#endif /* _QMSREQUEST_H_ */