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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: StmtDDLCreateTrigger.h
* Description: class representing Create Trigger Statement parser nodes
* Created: 1/21/98
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Change history:
// $Log: StmtDDLCreateTrigger.h,v $
// Revision 1.0 1998/01/21 14:57:46
// Initial revision
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "ElemDDLNode.h"
#include "ElemDDLColRefArray.h"
#include "ElemDDLLocation.h"
#include "ElemDDLPartitionArray.h"
#include "NAString.h"
#include "StmtDDLNode.h"
#include "ParNameLocList.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLCreateTrigger;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// None
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create Trigger statement
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class StmtDDLCreateTrigger : public StmtDDLNode
// initialize constructor
StmtDDLCreateTrigger(const QualifiedName & aTriggerName,
ParNameLocList * nameLocList,
NABoolean isAfter,
NABoolean hasRowOrTableInRefClause,
ComOperation iud_event,
ElemDDLNode * columnList,
const QualifiedName & aTableName,
NAString * oldName,
NAString * newName,
NABoolean isStatement,
ElemDDLNode * pOwner,
CollHeap * heap = PARSERHEAP());
// virtual destructor
virtual ~StmtDDLCreateTrigger();
// cast
virtual StmtDDLCreateTrigger * castToStmtDDLCreateTrigger();
// accessors
// methods relating to parse tree
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ExprNode * getChild(Lng32 index);
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray & getColRefArray() const;
inline ElemDDLColRefArray & getColRefArray();
// returns a NAList of ElemDDLColRef parse nodes.
inline const NAString getTriggerName() const;
inline const QualifiedName & getTriggerNameAsQualifiedName() const;
inline QualifiedName & getTriggerNameAsQualifiedName() ;
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray & getPartitionKeyColRefArray() const;
inline ElemDDLColRefArray & getPartitionKeyColRefArray();
// returns column name list in partition by clause if
// specified; otherwise, an empty array is returned.
inline const NAString getTableName() const;
inline const QualifiedName& getTableNameObject() const;
inline NABoolean isAfter() const;
// returns TRUE if and only if this is an AFTER trigger
inline NABoolean hasRowORTableInRefClause () const;
// Set to TRUE if and only if either or both keywords ROW
// or TABLE appear in the referencing clause
inline NABoolean isStatement() const;
// returns TRUE if and only if this is a STATEMENT (not ROW) trigger
inline NABoolean isOwnerSpecified() const;
// returns TRUE if the BY <owner> phrase appears
// in the Create statement; returns FALSE otherwise.
inline ComOperation getIUDEvent() const;
// Return the IUD event ( COM_INSERT, COM_UPDATE, COM_DELETE )
inline NABoolean areColumnsImplicit() const;
// Return TRUE if and only if Columns are defined implicitly
inline const NAString * getOldName() const;
inline const NAString * getNewName() const;
// Is this the name of the OLD or NEW transition table name?
NABoolean isOldTransitionName(const NAString& tableName);
NABoolean isNewTransitionName(const NAString& tableName);
NABoolean isTransitionName(const NAString& tableName);
// Return the OLD / NEW correlation name
// mutators
void setChild(Lng32 index, ExprNode * newNode);
void setAction( RelExpr * actionExpression );
// method for binding
ExprNode * bindNode(BindWA * pBindWA);
RelExpr * bindRowTrigger(BindWA *pBindWA); // Fix the pipelined values for row triggers.
// method for collecting information
void synthesize();
// collects information in the parse sub-tree and
// copy/move them to the current parse node.
// methods for tracing
virtual const NAString displayLabel1() const;
virtual const NAString displayLabel2() const;
virtual NATraceList getDetailInfo() const;
virtual const NAString getText() const;
inline const ParNameLocList & getNameLocList() const;
inline ParNameLocList & getNameLocList();
// returns a list of locations of names appearing in
// the statement input string. The list helps with
// the computing of the trigger text.
inline void setEndPosition(const StringPos endPos);
// sets the ending position (the position of the
// last character) of the statement (within the
// input string)
inline void setStartPosition(const StringPos startPos);
// sets the starting position (the position of the
// first character) of the statement (within the
// input string)
inline const StringPos getEndPosition() const;
// returns the ending position (the position of the last
// character) of the statement (within the input string)
inline const StringPos getStartPosition() const;
// returns the starting position (the position of the
// first character) of the statement (within the
// input string)
inline const RelExpr * getActionExpression() const;
inline RelExpr * getActionExpression();
// returns the pointer pointing to the parse sub-tree
// representing the action expression in the trigger
// definition.
void setHasCSInAction ();
// does the trigger referencing clause include ROW or TABLE
// keyword
inline const ElemDDLGrantee *getOwner() const;
// returns pointer to the optional "by owner"
// (in the form of an ElemDDLGrantee).
NABoolean actionHasCompoundStatement () const;
// does the trigger action has a compound statement
// pointers to child parse nodes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private data members
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isAfter_;
// Set to TRUE if and only if this is an AFTER trigger
NABoolean hasCSInAction_;
// Set to TRUE if an only if this trigger has CS in action
NABoolean hasRowORTableInRefClause_;
// Set to TRUE if and only if either or both keywords ROW
// or TABLE appear in the referencing clause
NABoolean isStatement_;
// Set to TRUE if and only if this is a STATEMENT trigger
ElemDDLGrantee * pOwner_;
ComOperation iudEvent_;
// Set to one of: 1 - Insert, 2 - Update, 3 - Delete .
// trigger name can only be a simple name
QualifiedName triggerQualName_;
// The syntax of table name is
// [ [ catalog-name . ] schema-name . ] table-name
QualifiedName tableQualName_;
// list of column names (in case of an update trigger.)
// ( The method synthesize() fills this variable, based on the
// information in *pColumnList_ )
ElemDDLColRefArray columnRefArray_;
// From the REFERENCING clause: NEW and OLD names
NAString * oldName_;
NAString * newName_;
// information about the position of the name within the input
// string (to help with computing the trigger text)
ParNameLocList * nameLocListPtr_;
StringPos startPos_;
StringPos endPos_;
// The child-nodes
ElemDDLNode * pColumnList_ ;
RelExpr * pActionExpression_;
}; // class StmtDDLCreateTrigger
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class StmtDDLCreateTrigger
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline QualifiedName &
return triggerQualName_;
inline const QualifiedName &
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getTriggerNameAsQualifiedName() const
return triggerQualName_;
inline const ElemDDLColRefArray &
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getColRefArray() const
return columnRefArray_;
inline ElemDDLColRefArray &
return columnRefArray_;
inline const RelExpr *
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getActionExpression() const
return pActionExpression_;
inline RelExpr *
return pActionExpression_;
// get trigger name
inline const NAString
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getTriggerName() const
return triggerQualName_.getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString();
// is this an AFTER trigger ?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::isAfter() const
return isAfter_;
// does the trigger action has a compound statement
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::actionHasCompoundStatement() const
return hasCSInAction_;
// does the trigger action has a compound statement
inline void
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::setHasCSInAction ()
hasCSInAction_ = TRUE;
// is either or both keywords ROW
// or TABLE appear in the referencing clause?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::hasRowORTableInRefClause() const
return hasRowORTableInRefClause_;
// is this a STATEMENT trigger ?
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::isStatement() const
return isStatement_;
// return type of event
inline ComOperation
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getIUDEvent() const
return iudEvent_;
// Are columns defined implicitly (in case of an UPDATE)
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::areColumnsImplicit() const
return ( pColumnList_ == NULL ? TRUE : FALSE ) ;
inline const NAString *
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getOldName() const
return oldName_;
inline const NAString *
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getNewName() const
return newName_;
inline const NAString
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getTableName() const
return tableQualName_.getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString();
inline const QualifiedName&
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getTableNameObject() const
return tableQualName_;
inline const ParNameLocList & StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getNameLocList() const
return *nameLocListPtr_;
inline ParNameLocList & StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getNameLocList()
return *nameLocListPtr_;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTrigger::setEndPosition(const StringPos endPos)
endPos_ = endPos;
inline void StmtDDLCreateTrigger::setStartPosition(const StringPos startPos)
startPos_ = startPos;
inline const StringPos StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getEndPosition() const
return endPos_;
inline const StringPos StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getStartPosition() const
return startPos_;
inline NABoolean
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::isOwnerSpecified() const
return pOwner_ ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Not used by Triggers
inline const ElemDDLGrantee *
StmtDDLCreateTrigger::getOwner() const
return pOwner_;