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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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/* -*++-*-
* File: SqlParserAux.cpp
* Description: SQL Parser auxiliary methods. Extracted from sqlparser.y to
* work around a c89 (v2.1) internal limit that shows up as
ugen: internal: Assertion failure
in source file 'W:\parser\SqlParser.cpp', at source line 22210
detected in back end file 'eval.c', at line 4653
* Created: 4/28/94
* Language: C++
* Is there a parser, much bemus'd in beer,
* A maudlin poetess, a rhyming peer,
* A clerk, foredoom'd his father's soul to cross,
* Who pens a stanza, when he should engross?
* -- with my apologies to Alexander Pope
#include <sstream>
#include "Platform.h" // must be the first #include
#include "AllRelExpr.h"
#include "DatetimeType.h"
#include "HvTypes.h"
#include "IntervalType.h"
#include "LateBindInfo.h"
#include "ComVersionDefs.h"
#include "ParScannedTokenQueue.h"
#include "StmtDDLCreateTable.h"
class NAWString;
class PairOfUnsigned : public NABasicObject {
PairOfUnsigned(UInt32 lArg, UInt32 rArg) : left_(lArg), right_(rArg) {}
UInt32 left () const { return left_; }
UInt32 right () const { return right_; }
UInt32 left_,right_;
// this struct is used to pass multiple pointers from one parser
// production to another.
// Currently set to max 5 ptrs, increase size if needed.
class PtrPlaceHolder {
PtrPlaceHolder(void * ptr1, void * ptr2=NULL, void * ptr3=NULL,
void * ptr4=NULL, void * ptr5=NULL, void * ptr6=NULL)
: ptr1_(ptr1), ptr2_(ptr2), ptr3_(ptr3), ptr4_(ptr4), ptr5_(ptr5),
void * ptr1_;
void * ptr2_;
void * ptr3_;
void * ptr4_;
void * ptr5_;
void * ptr6_;
class OldNewNames : public NABasicObject {
OldNewNames(NAString *theOld, NAString *theNew) :
oldName_(theOld), newName_(theNew)
// no special dtor; the old/new strings are deleted by the
// dtor of StmtDDLCreateTrigger
NAString * oldName () const { return oldName_; }
NAString * newName () const { return newName_; }
NAString * oldName_, * newName_;
// prepare "nameList" with old/new transition names
//static void prepareReferencingNames(TableRefList & nameList,
// StmtDDLCreateTrigger * triggerObject);
/* This enum is used only in the sqlparser.y file to collect and
** validate consistant use of trigger scoping
enum ParTriggerScopeType {
// If we need to reuse this class, STACK_LIMIT should become a variable
// (a data member passed at constructor time), or the internal stack should
// reallocate/resize as needed, copying the old stack to the new, and deleting
// the old. Also could be template'ized to be a stack of more than just int's.
// For the one use to which this is being put (error 4101 stuff), a hard limit
// (that is, too many pushes LOSE data!) is acceptable.
class LimitedStack
enum { STACK_LIMIT = 10, EMPTY_VALUE = 0 };
Int32 stack_[STACK_LIMIT];
Int32 index_;
void reset() { index_ = -1; }
Int32 entries() const { return index_ + 1; }
Int32 isEmpty() const { return index_ < 0; }
Int32 push(Int32 i) { if (++index_ >= STACK_LIMIT) return index_--;
stack_[index_] = i; return 0; // return 0: success
Int32 pop(Int32 &i) { if (isEmpty()) { i = EMPTY_VALUE; return -1; }
i = stack_[index_--]; return 0; // return 0: success
void pop() { if (!isEmpty()) index_--; }
Int32 top(Int32 &i) { if (isEmpty()) { i = EMPTY_VALUE; return -1; }
i = stack_[index_]; return 0; // return 0: success
Int32 operator()() { if (isEmpty()) return EMPTY_VALUE;
return stack_[index_];
extern THREAD_P LimitedStack *inJoinSpec; // can handle <STACK_LIMIT> nested Joins
char *SQLTEXT();
NAWchar *SQLTEXTW(); // in UCS-2/UTF-16
CharInfo::CharSet getStringCharSet(NAString **p);
CharInfo::CharSet getStringCharSet(NAWString **p);
NABoolean charsetMismatchError(NAString **d1, NAString **d2);
inline NABoolean charsetMismatchError(NAWString **d1, NAWString **d2)
{ return charsetMismatchError((NAString **)d1, (NAString **)d2); }
inline NABoolean charsetMismatchError(NAString **d1, NAWString **d2)
{ return charsetMismatchError((NAString **)d1, (NAString **)d2); }
inline NABoolean charsetMismatchError(NAWString **d1, NAString **d2)
{ return charsetMismatchError((NAString **)d1, (NAString **)d2); }
// First emit syntax error 15001.
// Then if we're not in a parenthesized join-spec, also emit error 4101,
// "If $0~String0 is intended to be a further table reference in the
// FROM clause, the preceding join search condition must be enclosed
// in parentheses."
void checkError4101(NAString *badItemStr, ItemExpr *badPrevExpr = NULL);
// Emit warning 3169 if unknown collation,
// but emit it only once per stmt for each new unknown collation name.
NABoolean maybeEmitWarning3169(CharInfo::Collation co, const NAString &nam);
NABoolean checkError3179(const NAType *na);
typedef LIST(ItemExpr *) AllHostVarsT;
typedef LIST(ItemExpr *) AssignmentHostVarsT;
// extern LIST(ItemExpr *) AllHostVars;
// extern LIST(ItemExpr *) AssignmentHostVars;
extern THREAD_P AllHostVarsT *AllHostVars;
extern THREAD_P AssignmentHostVarsT *AssignmentHostVars;
extern THREAD_P HVArgTypeLookup *TheProcArgTypes;
extern THREAD_P NABoolean intoClause;
extern THREAD_P NABoolean InAssignmentSt;
extern THREAD_P NABoolean ThereAreAssignments;
void resetHostVars();
extern THREAD_P Int32 in3GL_;
void MarkInteriorNodesAsInCompoundStmt(RelExpr *node);
NAWString* localeMBStringToUnicode(NAString* localeString, Lng32 charset, CollHeap * heap = NULL);
RelRoot *finalize(RelExpr *top, NABoolean outputVarCntValid = TRUE);
NAString * getSqlStmtStr(CharInfo::CharSet &sqlStmtCharSet, CollHeap * heap);
class ForUpdateSpec : public NABasicObject {
ForUpdateSpec(NABoolean e, NABoolean u = FALSE, ItemExpr *col = NULL)
: explicitSpec_(e), forUpdate_(u), updateCol_(col) {}
void finalizeUpdatability(RelExpr *top);
NABoolean explicitSpec() { return explicitSpec_; }
NABoolean explicitSpec_; // TRUE if FOR UPDATE or FOR READ appeared
NABoolean forUpdate_; // TRUE if FOR UPDATE; FALSE if FOR READ ONLY
ItemExpr *updateCol_; // NULL unless "FOR UPDATE OF col [, col]..."
NABoolean finalizeAccessOptions(RelExpr *top,
// The purpose of this function is to return a pointer to a HostVar object.
// This new HostVar should have a name from the given name in the arg,
// and its type should either be SQLUnknown (if no type info is available),
// or it should be obtained from TheProcArgTypes. This depends on whether
// that list was init'd which depends on the syntax that came before the
// occurrence of the host variable for which we are making this data.
// If hvName is NULL, that causes an assertion failure.
// If indName is NULL, that means this host variable has no indicator
// and is not a programming error.
// To set the NAType of the HostVar which we return, we must
// set its own nullability flag according to whether or not there
// is an indicator in this host variable. Is this redundant since
// that info is already in the HostVar itself?
HostVar *makeHostVar(NAString *hvName, NAString *indName,
NABoolean isDynamic = FALSE);
// In the next several procedures, we set up ConstValue's, in whose text
// we want negative numbers to end up with minus signs but positive numbers
// without plus signs. That is,
// "1",'+' -> "1"
// "2",'-' -> "-2"
// (Only digits, no signs, are passed in the strptr and cvtstr arguments.)
// (Note that we delete the strptr before returning: thus we may freely
// modify the text therein.)
ItemExpr *literalOfNumericPassingScale(NAString *strptr, char sign,
NAString *cvtstr, size_t scale);
inline ItemExpr *literalOfNumericNoScale(NAString *strptr, char sign = '+')
{ return literalOfNumericPassingScale(strptr, sign, strptr, 0); }
ItemExpr *literalOfNumericWithScale(NAString *strptr, char sign = '+');
NABoolean literalToNumeric(NAString *strptr, double& val, char sign = '+');
NABoolean literalToDouble(NAString *strptr, double& val,
NABoolean& floatP, char sign = '+');
ItemExpr *literalOfApproxNumeric(NAString *strptr, char sign = '+');
ItemExpr *literalOfInterval(NAString *strptr,
IntervalQualifier *qualifier,
char sign = '+');
ItemExpr *literalOfDate(NAString *strptr, NABoolean noDealloc = FALSE);
ItemExpr *literalOfTime(NAString *strptr);
ItemExpr *literalOfTimestamp(NAString *strptr);
// ***********************************************************************
// DatetimeQualifier : A syntactic-sugar class used by the Parser only
// ***********************************************************************
class DatetimeQualifier : public NABasicObject
// Constructors
( rec_datetime_field startField
, UInt32 fractionPrec = 0
) :
,endField_ (startField)
( rec_datetime_field startField
, rec_datetime_field endField
, UInt32 fractionPrec = 0
) :
,endField_ (endField)
rec_datetime_field getStartField() { return startField_; }
rec_datetime_field getEndField() { return endField_; }
UInt32 getFractionPrecision() { return fractionPrec_; }
rec_datetime_field startField_;
rec_datetime_field endField_ ;
UInt32 fractionPrec_;
}; // class DatetimeQualifier
ItemExpr *literalOfDateTime(NAString *strptr, DatetimeQualifier *qualifier);
enum ParCaseIdentifierClauseType { ParCALL_CASED_IDENTIFIER_CLAUSE,
void parseCasedIdentifier(ParCaseIdentifierClauseType clauseType,
NAString *pClauseBuffer,
NAString &casedIdentifier);
// Purpose: This class stores what essentially is a sequence of
// one, two, three, or more NAStrings. Actually, just NAString*
// are stored. Also, only up to a maximum of four strings are actually
// kept. This has to do with the fact that this class will represent
// two and three part ANSI names and column references.
// So the code which uses this class
// will complain if the number of strings in the sequence exceeds three,
// or four, depending on where the use is.
// This class checks if more than four strings
// have been appended (although appending the ith string, for i>4,
// causes this class to delete the given NAString*!).
// Extracting the ith string (for i<=4, and note that this ith thing
// is ahead by one, since the indices begin at zero) causes this
// class to no longer manage the storage of the extracted string.
// The destructor will free any "unused" NAStrings.
// The internal data for this class shall be an unsigned to keep track
// of the number of strings appended to the sequence. There is an
// array of four elements, each an NAString* to hold the pointers to
// the elements of this sequence.
class ShortStringSequence : public NABasicObject {
unsigned short toInternalIdentifierFlags = NASTRING_ALLOW_NSK_GUARDIAN_NAME_FORMAT);
void append(NAString*);
NAString* extract(UInt32);
// returns position of first character in name
const StringPos getPosition() const { return seqPos_; }
// returns position of last character in name
const StringPos getEndPosition() const { return seqEndPos_; }
// returns number of characters in name
const size_t getNameLength() const { return seqEndPos_ - seqPos_ + 1; }
// returns the number of parts in the sequence, that is, number of appends
// that have been done plus the number of elements introduced by
// the constructor (either zero or one)
UInt32 numParts() const { return numParts_; }
NABoolean isValid() const { return numParts_ <= MAX_NUM_PARTS; }
void invalidate();
const ParScannedTokenQueue::scannedTokenInfo& getTokInfo(NAString*);
NAString *seq[MAX_NUM_PARTS];
size_t seqPos_;
size_t seqPosStartOffset_;
size_t seqEndPos_;
UInt32 numParts_;
UInt16 toInternalIdentifierFlags_;
// For error messages
NAWString badNameFromStrings(ShortStringSequence *names);
// This function knows that if there is only one
// name it is the table name, two names, table and schema, all three
// then table, schema, and catalog. And this is what it returns:
// a CorrName object whose corrName_ string is empty and whose
// QualifiedName fields are filled in with table, schema, and catalog.
// The input argument must not be NULL. It must also have at least
// one, and not more than three (> 3 is an assertion error), name parts.
// Each of the names is extracted and then placed into a CorrName object
// that is returned. A NULL return value implies that there was an error.
QualifiedName * qualifiedNameFromStrings(ShortStringSequence *names);
CorrName * corrNameFromStrings(ShortStringSequence *names);
ColRefName *colRefNameFromStrings(ShortStringSequence *names);
// The purpose of this function is to convert NAStrings that contain
// delimited identifiers as detected by SqlLexer
// to a format we can use internally.
// If a string begins with a double quote, then
// this function takes an NAString and:
// - there are supposed to be double quotes surrounding the string
// and they are removed
// - any embedded double quotes (i.e., two consecutive dquotes)
// are turned into just one dquote
// If the string does not begin with a double quote, then the
// only transformation is to make all the contents upper case.
// Efficiency: this function saves on space at the cost of some time.
// The calls to NAString.remove() probably take linear time as a function
// of string length on each call. A faster version of this function
// would establish a transformed string in a separate buffer and then
// copy it back into the original.
NABoolean transformIdentifier(NAString& delimIdent,
Int32 upCase = TRUE,
NABoolean acceptCircumflex = FALSE // VO: Fix genesis solution 10-040204-2957
,UInt16 toInternalIdentifierFlags = NASTRING_ALLOW_NSK_GUARDIAN_NAME_FORMAT // same as pv_flags in ToInternalIdentifier()
// Class PicStream
// ===============
// This class provides useful operations for parsing cobol PIC clauses.
// The intention is for a client function to employ this class and its
// members (as well as inherited streambuf operations) to parse TOK_PICTURE
// tokens.
// PicStream(char*) initializes this streambuff to be the
// buffer consisting of the given char buffer. No putting shall
// be allowed.
// skipWhite() advances the get pointer over zero or more chars
// of input until either EOF has been achieved or a non-white character
// is the (new) current character. This is a void function.
// skipCount(char) returns an unsigned integer telling the
// count gleaned from a pattern such as `XX(3)' (four), or `999999'
// six. The char parameter tells what kind of character (X or 9)
// is the `pattern.' This function assertion fails if
// upon entry the current character does not match the given argument.
// skipPicture() expects the next input to be either `PIC'
// or `PICTURE'. Case doesn't matter. This routine reads
// over that token and any following white space. It is an assertion
// failure (and SqlLexer problem) if `PIC' or `PICTURE' is not found.
class PicStream : public stringbuf {
PicStream (char* buffer);
void skipWhite ();
// return TRUE if successful, return FALSE if overflow
NABoolean skipCount (UInt32 *result, const char pattern, NABoolean isCharType = FALSE);
void skipPicture ();
if (this->gptr() < this->egptr())
PicStream::PicStream (char *buffer) : stringbuf(buffer)
void PicStream::skipWhite()
while( sgetc() != EOF && !isgraph(sgetc())) stossc();
// parsePicClause() accepts a char* and either
// assertion fails (fundamentally due to a SqlLexer.l error), or,
// yields the following data about a PIC clause: string or not string,
// precision (length), scale, signed or not signed. Of course,
// scale and signedness only apply to the case of `not string.'
// The basic formats which this function parses are:
// PX, P9, PV9, P9V9, PS9, PSV9, PS9V9
// where P is the `PICTURE' part, X is a cobol-x's clause, 9 is a cobol-9's
// clause, and S and V are the letter S and V (upper or lower case),
// respectively.
// return TRUE if successful, FALSE if overflow
NABoolean parsePicClause(NAString *picClauseBuffer, NABoolean *isStringPtr,
UInt32 *precisionPtr, UInt32 *scalePtr,
NABoolean *hasSignPtr);
// DISPLAY_STYLE is used in the cobol pic_type related grammar/code.
// This function is used in the productions that handle the COBOL style
// PIC type declarations. It accepts some parameters gleaned from the
// PIC syntax and either issues an error message, returning NULL,
// or returns a pointer to a newly allocated NAType appropriate
// to the given parameters.
NAType *picNAType(const NABoolean isString,
const DISPLAY_STYLE style,
const UInt32 precision,
const UInt32 scale,
const NABoolean hasSign,
const CharInfo::CharSet charset,
const CharInfo::Collation collation,
const CharInfo::Coercibility coerc,
const NAString & picClauseBuffer,
const NABoolean isCaseinsensitive);
// : value_expression_list TOK_IN '(' value_expression_list ')'
// Convert "v IN (v1, v2 ...)" to "v=v1 OR v=v2 ...".
// This transformation is somewhat arbitrary (it creates a left-deep
// tree, instead of a right-deep or bushy or ...), and could easily be
// improved -- i.e., removing duplicates.
// NB: The left-deep nature of the resulting OR-tree is expected by
// histogram-manipulation code in /optimizer/ColStatDesc.cpp,
// CSDL::estimateCardinality(). If you change this transformation, then
// please change the code there, too. (Or at least talk to the owner of
// the histogram code.)
ItemExpr *convertINvaluesToOR(ItemExpr *lhs, ItemExpr *rhs);
// quantified_predicate : value_expression_list '=' quantifier rel_subquery
ItemExpr *makeQuantifiedComp(ItemExpr *lhs,
OperatorTypeEnum compOpType,
Int32 quantifierTok,
RelExpr *subquery);
ItemExpr *makeBetween(ItemExpr *x, ItemExpr *y, ItemExpr *z, Int32 tok);
// Triggers
// static NABoolean isInvalidSignalSqlstateValue(NAString *SqlState);
// Change the <sqltext> arg of a CQD from
// SET SCHEMA X.Y; -- unquoted: Tandem syntax extension
// SET MPLOC $V.SV; -- MPLOC: Tandem syntax extension
// SET MPLOC '$V.SV'; -- MPLOC: Tandem syntax extension
// into
// SET SCHEMA 'X.Y'; -- string literal: Ansi syntax, MX canonical fmt
// SET MP_SUBVOLUME '$V.SV'; -- string lit: Tdm ext, MX canonical format
// SET MP_SUBVOLUME '$V.SV'; -- string lit: Tdm ext, MX canonical format
// This needs to be called ONLY for:
// - SET cqd's (not DECLARE cqd's), and
// - the SET cqd's unquoted (non-string-literal) variants, or
// - or if we are otherwise rewriting the user input text
// (e.g. the syntactic sugar of "SET MPLOC" --
// there is no NADefaults attribute of MPLOC --
// NADefaults parses a multi-part MP_SUBVOLUME instead).
ControlQueryDefault *normalizeDynamicCQD(const char *attrName,
const NAString &attrValue);
// return the relexpr tree that evaluates an empty compound statement
RelExpr* getEmptyCSRelTree();
// return the relexpr tree that evaluates a IF statement. Empty
// branches are removed. If both branches are empty, a NULL is returned.
// Note the condition argument will be deleted if both theBranch and
// elseBranch are NULL.
getIfRelExpr(ItemExpr* condition, RelExpr* thenBranch, RelExpr* elseBranch);
// EJF L4J - dynamic CQD not allowed inside Compound Statements
NABoolean beginsWith(char *sqltext, const char *kwd);
// Used to set variable index for Host Vars and Dynamic params,
// Currently used by CALL <procedure> statement
void setHVorDPvarIndex ( ItemExpr *, NAString * );
//ct-bug-10-030102-3803 Begin
void conditionalDelimit(NAString &, const NAString &);
//ct-bug-10-030102-3803 End
// Get the default max column width from the defaults table for LONG VARCHAR/WVARCHAR.
// LONG_MAX is returned if the parser is invoked by the preprocessor. This is
// because the value that can be obtained on NT in the context of ETK may be different
// from that in the defaults table on NSK.
Lng32 getDefaultMaxLengthForLongVarChar(CharInfo::CharSet cs);
// Get the default min column width from the defaults table for LONG VARCHAR/WVARCHAR.
// 0 is returned if the parser is invoked by the preprocessor. This is
// because the value that can be obtained on NT in the context of EKT may be different
// from that in the defaults table on NSK.
Lng32 getDefaultMinLengthForLongVarChar(CharInfo::CharSet cs);
// Get the charset inference setting from the defaults table. The defVal's content
// is updated with the INFER_CHARSET entry in the table if the parser is not
// invoked by the preprocessor and the INFER_CHARSET CQD is turned on.
// If the parser is invoked by the preprocessor, the function returns FALSE
// and defval is not changed.
NABoolean getCharSetInferenceSetting(NAString& defval);
// Purpose: Contains the specified length of the character-related
// data type and its unit (e.g., CHARACTERS or BYTES).
class ParAuxCharLenSpec : public NABasicObject
ParAuxCharLenSpec(UInt32 len, ECharLenUnit eUnit) : uiCharLen_(len) , eCharLenUnit_(eUnit) { }
virtual ~ParAuxCharLenSpec() { }
UInt32 getCharLen() const { return uiCharLen_; }
ECharLenUnit getCharLenUnit() const { return eCharLenUnit_; }
void setCharLenUnit(ECharLenUnit u) {eCharLenUnit_ = u;}
NABoolean isCharLenUnitSpecified() const { return(eCharLenUnit_ NEQ eCHAR_LEN_UNIT_NOT_SPECIFIED); }
ParAuxCharLenSpec(); // DO NOT USE
UInt32 uiCharLen_;
ECharLenUnit eCharLenUnit_;
void emitError3435( int, int, ParAuxCharLenSpec::ECharLenUnit );
// return TRUE iff user wants to allow RAND function
NABoolean allowRandFunction();
RelExpr * getTableExpressionRelExpr(
RelExpr *fromClause,
ItemExpr *whereClause,
RelExpr *sampleClause,
RelExpr *transClause,
ItemExpr *seqByClause,
ItemExpr *groupByClause,
ItemExpr *havingClause,
ItemExpr *qualifyClause = NULL,
NABoolean hasTDFunctions = FALSE,
NABoolean hasOlapFunctions = FALSE);
ItemExpr *processINlist(ItemExpr *lhs, ItemExpr *rhs);
QualifiedName * processVolatileDDLName(QualifiedName * inName,
NABoolean validateVolatileName,
NABoolean updateVolatileName);
const NABoolean validateVolatileSchemaName(NAString &schName);
SchemaName * processVolatileSchemaName(SchemaName *schName,
NABoolean validateVolatileName,
NABoolean updateVolatileName);
RelExpr * processReturningClause(RelExpr * insert,
UInt32 returningType);
// Process the ascii characters for an Int64.
// Ensure that the number is not larger than
// the maximum allowed for an Int64
NABoolean validateSGOption(NABoolean positive,
NABoolean negAllowed,
char * value,
const char * optionName,
const char * objectType);
// class RearrangeValueExprList is only applicable for INSERT statements.
// Objects of this class would temporarily store values in ParserHeap
// A double link list of objects is created with "tail" acting as the
// last link in the chain.
// Example: INSERT INTO TABLE T (A,B,C,D,E) VALUES (1,2,3,4,5);
// The first node would contain ItemExpr value corresponding to "1"
// and the last node would correspond to "5". This is happening due to the
// left-reucrssion nature of the grammar.
// Once all the elements are collected it is now sent to ItemList
// The order of call would be:
// ItemList (4,5);
// ItemList (3,NULL);
// ItemList (2,NULL);
// ItemList (1,NULL);
class RearrangeValueExprList
static RearrangeValueExprList *tail;
ItemExpr *value;
RearrangeValueExprList *next;
RearrangeValueExprList *prev;
ItemExpr* Store_ValueExprList(ItemExpr *i, ItemExpr *j);
ItemExpr* Return_ValueExprList();
// class MultiValueExprList is only applicable for INSERT statements.
// The objects from this class is only used when a single INSERT statement
// is having multiple rows inserted.
// Consider the following example:
// INSERT INTO TABLE T (A,B,C,D,E) VALUES (1,2,3,4,5), (6,7,8,9,0);
// After the first row is received it has to be sent to ItemList which in turn
// return a ItemExpr pointer which is later on required in the grammar.
// This returned pointer is stored before passing on the second row to
// ItemExpr. This helps in preserving the order of rows being inserted.
class MultiValueExprList
static MultiValueExprList *tail;
ItemExpr *value;
MultiValueExprList *next;
MultiValueExprList *prev;
void Store_MultiValueExprList(ItemExpr *i);
ItemExpr* Return_MultiValueExprList();
// */
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class: TableTokens
// This is a helper class that gathers tokens from different create table
// productions to make setting values in the create table parser node more
// uniform.
// Class contains three members:
// type_ - describe the type of table as specified by the create table
// start tokens
// options_ - describe how data is loaded for create table statements
// that load data
// ifNotExistsSet - A table token that tells the create code to ignore
// already exists errors.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TableTokens : public NABasicObject
// Type of tables available from create table start tokens
enum TableType
// load/in memory options
enum TableOptions
TableTokens(TableType type, NABoolean ifNotExistsSet)
: type_(type),
options_ (OPT_NONE),
TableType getType() { return type_; }
void setType(TableType t) { type_ = t; }
NABoolean isVolatile()
{ return (type_ == TYPE_VOLATILE_TABLE ||
TableOptions getOptions() { return options_; }
NABoolean ifNotExistsSet() { return ifNotExistsSet_; }
void setOptions( TableOptions load) { options_ = load; }
void setTableTokens(StmtDDLCreateTable *pNode);
TableType type_;
TableOptions options_;
NABoolean ifNotExistsSet_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declarations of global functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr *buildUdfExpr(NAString *udfName,
NAString *fixedInput,
ItemExpr *valueList);
ElemDDLNode *
SqlParserAux_buildUdfOptimizationHint ( Int32 tokvalStage // in
, Int32 tokvalResource // in
, ComSInt32 cost // in
StmtDDLNode *
SqlParserAux_buildAlterFunction ( QualifiedName * ddl_qualified_name // in - deep copy
, ElemDDLNode * optional_alter_passthrough_inputs_clause // in
, ElemDDLNode * optional_add_passthrough_inputs_clause // in
, ElemDDLNode * optional_create_function_attribute_list // in
StmtDDLNode *
SqlParserAux_buildAlterAction ( QualifiedName * ddl_qualified_name_of_uudf // in - deep copy
, QualifiedName * ddl_qualified_name_of_action // in - deep copy
, ElemDDLNode * optional_alter_passthrough_inputs_clause // in
, ElemDDLNode * optional_add_passthrough_inputs_clause // in
, ElemDDLNode * optional_create_function_attribute_list // in
StmtDDLNode *
( QualifiedName * ddl_qualified_name_of_table_mapping_udf // in - deep copy
, ElemDDLNode * optional_alter_passthrough_inputs_clause // in
, ElemDDLNode * optional_add_passthrough_inputs_clause // in
, ElemDDLNode * optional_create_function_attribute_list // in
StmtDDLNode *
SqlParserAux_buildDropAction ( QualifiedName * ddl_qualified_name_of_uudf // in - deep copy
, QualifiedName * ddl_qualified_name_of_action // in - deep copy
, NABoolean optional_cleanup // in
, ComDropBehavior optional_drop_behavior // in
, NABoolean optional_validate // in
, NAString * optional_logfile // in - deep copy
StmtDDLNode *
SqlParserAux_buildDropRoutine ( ComRoutineType drop_routine_type_tokens // in
, QualifiedName * ddl_qualified_name_of_udf // in - deep copy
, NABoolean optional_cleanup // in
, ComDropBehavior optional_drop_behavior // in
, NABoolean optional_validate // in
, NAString * optional_logfile // in - deep copy
, NABoolean optional_if_exists // in
ElemDDLNode *
( UInt32 passthrough_param_position // in
, ElemDDLNode * passthrough_input_value // in - shallow copy
, ComRoutinePassThroughInputType optional_passthrough_input_type // in
RelExpr *
( CorrName * actual_routine_name_of_udf_or_uudf // in - deep copy
, CorrName * optional_showddl_action_name_clause // in - deep copy
, Lng32 optional_showddlroutine_options // in
#endif /* SQLPARSERAUX_H */