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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ElemDDLList.h
* Description: generic class for lists of elements in DDL statements --
* Note that each list is represented by a left linear
* tree (also called left skewed binary tree). For
* example:
* o
* / \
* o x3
* / \
* o x2
* / \
* x0 x1
* where o represents the parse nodes instantiated from class
* ElemDDLList (or one of its derived classes) and x<digit>
* represents the parse nodes in the list. In this example,
* the list has four (4) elements x0, x1, x2, and x3, with
* x0 being the first element and x3 being the last element
* in the list.
* Note that (unlike the names of several other classes; for
* example, TableDescList) the suffix List in ElemDDLList is
* not related to the singular link list template defined in
* module Collections. I hate to overload the suffix List,
* but I could not think of any better name.
* Created: 3/29/95
* Language: C++
#include "ElemDDLNode.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ElemDDLList;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// None.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A list of elements in DDL statement.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma nowarn(1319) // warning elimination
class ElemDDLList : public ElemDDLNode
// constructors
ElemDDLList(ElemDDLNode * commaExpr, ElemDDLNode * otherExpr);
ElemDDLList(const enum OperatorTypeEnum operType,
ElemDDLNode * commaExpr,
ElemDDLNode * otherExpr);
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ElemDDLList();
// cast
virtual ElemDDLList * castToElemDDLList();
// accessors
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// gets the degree of this node (the number of child
// parse node).
virtual ExprNode * getChild(Lng32 index);
virtual CollIndex entries() const;
// treats this node as the root node of a left linear tree.
// Return the number of entries in the list represented by
// this left linear tree (the number of the leaf nodes
// in the tree).
virtual ElemDDLNode * operator[](CollIndex index);
// Returns the pointer pointing to an element in the list
// represented by this left linear tree. The parameter
// index specifies the position of the element within the
// list. Note that the first element in the list is at
// position 0. The algorithm in this method is very
// inefficient. If the list is long and you have a need
// to traverse all elements in the list, please do not use
// this [] operator. Please use the method traverseList
// instead.
virtual void traverseList(ElemDDLNode * pOtherNode,
void (*visitNode)(ElemDDLNode *,
ElemDDLNode *));
// traverseList() uses a pretty efficient algorithm to
// traverse the leaf nodes of the left linear tree.
// This method should be used whenever the user would like
// to visit all leaf nodes in the tree. The caller needs
// to pass a function pointer to this method. This function
// pointer will be invoked for each leaf node. The method
// will pass to the invoked function pointer the index of
// the visited leaf node (the index of the element in the
// list) and the pointer pointing to the leaf node.
inline ElemDDLList * getParentListNode() const;
// mutators
virtual void setChild(Lng32 index, ExprNode * pElemDDLNode);
inline void setParentListNode(ElemDDLList * pParentListNode);
// method for tracing
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// method for building text
NAString getSyntax(NAString separator) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void initializeDataMembers(ElemDDLNode * commaExpr,
ElemDDLNode * otherExpr);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// private data members
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// pointer to parent node if the parent node is
// a left linear tree node (of the same kind);
// set to NULL otherwise. The method traverseList
// uses this field so it can traverse the left
// linear tree efficiently.
ElemDDLList * pParentListNode_;
// pointers to child parse nodes
ElemDDLNode * children_[MAX_ELEM_DDL_LIST_ARITY];
}; // class ElemDDLList
#pragma warn(1319) // warning elimination
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// definitions of inline methods for class ElemDDLList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessor
inline ElemDDLList *
ElemDDLList::getParentListNode() const
return pParentListNode_;
// mutator
inline void
ElemDDLList::setParentListNode(ElemDDLList * pParentListNode)
pParentListNode_ = pParentListNode;