blob: 065a3705dd323b64b8c7ce64bf98f6d7a04babdf [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: tasks.C
* Description: Cascades optimizer search engine
* Implementation for the CascadesTask class and its subclasses
* Created: 7/22/94
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Sqlcomp.h"
#include "GroupAttr.h"
#include "RelExpr.h"
#include "PhyProp.h"
#include "Cost.h"
#include "opt.h"
#include "CmpContext.h"
#include "CmpStatement.h"
#include "TransRule.h"
// xxx tmp include, will be taken out
#include "Analyzer.h"
extern THREAD_P NAUnsigned SortEnforcerRuleNumber;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tasks
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CascadesTask::CascadesTask(Guidance * guidance, Context * context,
Lng32 parentTaskId, short stride)
: parentTaskId_(parentTaskId),
// search guidance
if(guidance_ != NULL)
} // CascadesTask::CascadesTask
if (guidance_ != NULL)
} // CascadesTask::~CascadesTask
void CascadesTask::print(FILE *, const char *, const char *) const
ABORT("CascadesTask::print() needs to be redefined");
} // CascadesTask::print
NAString CascadesTask::taskText() const
return "Shouldn't ever see a generic task";
CascadesGroupId CascadesTask::getGroupId() const
RelExpr * CascadesTask::getExpr()
return NULL;
CascadesPlan * CascadesTask::getPlan()
return NULL;
void CascadesTask::garbageCollection(RelExpr *,
RelExpr *,
// do nothing, unless the method is redefined
// This is really no reason to have this function as a method in
// CascadesTask but I left it as is, for now.
NABoolean CascadesTask::taskNumberExceededLimit(Lng32 id)
return (id > getDefaultAsLong(OPTIMIZATION_TASKS_LIMIT));
// note that if OPTIMIZATION_TASKS_LIMIT was inserted incorrectly
// such as 'w3' the getUnit() will return a -1 as the conversion
// from string to long; hence inserting OPTIMIZATION_TASKS_LIMIT
// incorrectly is similar to setting it to "-1".
/* ============================================================ */
Pair of rule and promise for heuristic guidance.
/* Function to compare the promise of rule applications */
Int32 comparePromisingMoves(const void * ax, const void * bx)
RuleWithPromise *a = (RuleWithPromise *) ax;
RuleWithPromise *b = (RuleWithPromise *) bx;
Int32 result = 0;
if (a->promise > b->promise)
result = -1;
else if (a->promise < b->promise)
result = 1;
else if (a->tieBreaker > b->tieBreaker)
result = -1;
else if (a->tieBreaker < b->tieBreaker)
result = 1;
result = 0;
return( result );
} // comparePromisingMoves
/* ============================================================ */
Task to optimize a group
OptimizeGroupTask::OptimizeGroupTask(Context * context,
Guidance * guidance,
NABoolean reoptimize,
Lng32 parentTaskId, short stride)
: CascadesTask(guidance, context, parentTaskId, stride),
} // OptimizeGroupTask::OptimizeGroupTask
void OptimizeGroupTask::print(FILE * f, const char * prefix,
const char * suffix) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf(f, "%soptimize group %d -- parent task %d subtask %d\n",
prefix, groupId_, parentTaskId_, stride_);
context_->print(f, "\t", suffix);
#endif //NDEBUG
} // OptimizeGroupTask::print
NAString OptimizeGroupTask::taskText() const
char returnText[100];
sprintf(returnText,"%d %d Optimize Group %d, ",
getParentTaskId(), getSubTaskId(), groupId_);
return NAString(returnText) + context_->getRequirementsString();
CascadesGroupId OptimizeGroupTask::getGroupId() const
return groupId_;
// method that returns true if scheduling a CreatePlanTask for this plan's
// physExpr for this context_ can generate a DAG (non-tree) plan
NABoolean OptimizeGroupTask::canCauseCycle(const CascadesPlan *plan) const
if (CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->maxDepthToCheckForCyclicPlan() < 0)
return FALSE;
// enumerate below the situations that can cause cyclic plans:
if (plan && plan->getPhysicalExpr() &&
plan->getPhysicalExpr()->getOperatorType()==REL_EXCHANGE &&
context_ != plan->getContext() && plan == context_->getSolution()
// an enforcer stolen from otherContext in previous pass can result in
// this non-tree plan (if allowed to be reoptimized in current pass)
// context_ -> CascadesPlan1 -> Exchange1
// | ^
// V |
// otherContext -> CascadesPlan2
return TRUE; // yes it can result in a DAG (non-tree) plan
return FALSE;
void OptimizeGroupTask::perform(Lng32 taskId)
CascadesGroup * group = (* CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->memo) [groupId_];
short stride = 0;
// Rememember the task scheduled just prior to this OptimizeGroupTask
//context_->setPredecessorTask (getNextTask());
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// if the optimal plan hasn't been determined yet, optimize each expression
// --------------------------------------------------------------
if (NOT context_->findBestSolution() OR reoptimize_)
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Schedule an ApplyRuleTask for each enforcer rule which
// has not already been applied for this context. NOTE:
// Enforcer rules are unlike other rules in that they are
// expression-insensitive. They need only be applied once
// per context, and not per expression.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
RuleSubset applRules = GlobalRuleSet->enforcerRules();
applRules -= context_->getTriedEnforcerRules();
// This is needed for "nice context"
NABoolean exchangeEnforcerWillFire = FALSE;
NABoolean sortEnforcerWillFire = FALSE;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty * rpp =
NABoolean partSortReqPresent = FALSE;
if ( rpp AND
( rpp->getSortKey() OR
rpp->getArrangedCols() OR
partSortReqPresent = TRUE;
for (CollIndex ruleId = 0; applRules.nextUsed(ruleId); ++ ruleId)
Rule * rule = GlobalRuleSet->rule(ruleId);
if (rule->topMatch (NULL, context_) AND
(rule->promiseForOptimization(NULL,guidance_,context_)) > 0)
NULL, /* no assoc. expression */
taskId, ++stride));
if (rule->getNumber() == SortEnforcerRuleNumber )
sortEnforcerWillFire = TRUE;
exchangeEnforcerWillFire = TRUE;
// Mark the rules that don't match ... so we won't invoke
// topMatch() again for this context.
context_->triedEnforcerRules() += ruleId;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Schedule an OptimizeExprTask for each logical expression
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Rememember the task scheduled just prior to this OptimizeGroupTask
context_->setPredecessorTask (getNextTask());
// in case parallelHeuristic2 is TRUE we check if the current group is
// small (less than ROWS_PARALLEL_THRESHOLD) and has only one base
// table to skip re-optimization of logical expressions and existing
// plans for this group if the context has partitioning requirements
// other than "exactly one partition". see optimizeExprAndPlans()
// before returning tasks must delete themselves.
if ( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->parallelHeuristic2() AND
NOT context_->reoptimizeExprAndPlans()
delete this;
// This is for "nice context", remember if some expressions
// will be optimized
NABoolean optExprTaskWillFire = FALSE;
RelExpr * expr = group->getFirstLogExpr();
if (expr != NULL)
// optimize each logical expression
for ( ;
expr != NULL;
expr = expr->getNextInGroup())
taskId, ++stride));
optExprTaskWillFire = TRUE;
} // endif (expr != NULL)
// Simple prototype of "nice context". When group is optimized
// only transformation rules fire. This means partitioning and sort/arg
// requirement won't be pushed down below this group but all logical
// expressions will be created as soon as possible.
expr = group->getFirstLogExpr();
if ( context_->isNiceContextEnabled() AND
partSortReqPresent AND (expr != NULL) AND
(expr->getOperatorType() != REL_ROOT) AND
(context_->getGroupAttr()->getNumBaseTables() > 1) AND
( exchangeEnforcerWillFire OR
sortEnforcerWillFire //OR optExprTaskWillFire
delete this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Reschedule a CreatePlanTask for reoptimizing each plan for this
// context that did not succeed in the current optimization pass.
// (This will include those plans that were optimized in previous
// passes).
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// In re-optimizing plans that have not yet succeeded in current pass,
// we must guarantee that we see each PhysExpr at most once in a plan
// tree. Don't re-optimize CascadesPlans that involve a cycle (visits
// the same group more than once). Cycles can occur for enforcers and
// for unnecessary operators (eg, groupbys).
// In that case we re-optimize in pass2 a 96 partition
// exchange plan that was stolen by current context (req: inESP, 96
// partitions) from another context (req: inESP).
// --------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 countOfPlans = group->getCountOfPlans();
// Loop thru the initial # of plans. Please note that scheduling
// the CreatePlanTask will have the side-effect of adding more
// plans to the end of the plans list.
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < countOfPlans; i++)
const CascadesPlan * plan = group->getPlans()[i];
// Reoptimize this plan if it points to this context or
// if this context's optimal solution points to it, and
// it was not successfully optimized in this pass yet.
// Note that we need to check if the context's optimal
// solution points to this plan because if the optimal
// solution for this context was stolen from another
// context in pass1, the plan will not point to this
// context, it will point to the context it was stolen from.
// We must reoptimize this plan so that it becomes a pass2
// plan and the old pass1 plan is thrown away. Otherwise,
// if task-based pruning occurs of all the
// implementation rules for this context, we could end up
// with a pass1 plan being the only plan for this context
// and it is not allowed to have a pass1 plan as the
// optimal solution for pass2.
double limit_for_CPT = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->level1SafetyNetMultiple();
if (limit_for_CPT < 0)
limit_for_CPT = 0;
if ( plan != NULL AND
((context_ == plan->getContext()) OR
(context_->getSolution() == plan)
) AND NOT plan->succeededInCurrentPass() AND
// this is for "nice context", we reoptimize only
// context without part/sort requirements or when
// there was no enforcer task put on the stack for it
// otherwise we are stuck with pass1 plan.
( (NOT context_->isNiceContextEnabled()) OR
(NOT partSortReqPresent) OR
(partSortReqPresent AND NOT
(exchangeEnforcerWillFire OR sortEnforcerWillFire)
) OR
( (expr != NULL) AND
( (expr->getOperatorType() == REL_ROOT) OR
( (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_27) == DF_OFF) AND
( (expr->getOperatorType() == REL_EXCHANGE) OR
(expr->getOperatorType() == REL_SORT)
AND canCauseCycle(plan) == FALSE
// skip CPT if we're way over level1SafetyNet
AND (limit_for_CPT == 0.0 OR
limit_for_CPT * CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->level1SafetyNet()
// if OPH_REUSE_FAILED_PLAN is ON then reuse plan an existing
// object structure for the plan that failed instead of
// creating a new one (which causes failed plan explosion
// for some big queries). Reusing existing structure
// would also allow to reuse some of the properties
// of failed plan: rollup cost, and so on.
( plan->failedInCurrentPass() OR
( plan->getRollUpCost() == NULL ) )
// We don't want to reoptimize plan that has been costed
// already (succeeded) in the current pass but failed to
// satisfy its context. The whole re-optimizing logic can
// be reviewed to save time and space. Do we really need
// to keep all plans that failed?
if( NOT plan->failedInCurrentPass() )
CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->task_list->push (new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
CreatePlanTask (NULL, plan->getPhysicalExpr(),
guidance_, context_, taskId, ++stride,
(CascadesPlan *)plan)); //extra par.
CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->task_list->push (new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
CreatePlanTask (NULL, plan->getPhysicalExpr(),
guidance_, context_, taskId, ++stride));
} // for every plan
} // if there is no best solution or reoptimize
// tasks must delete themselves
delete this;
} // OptimizeGroupTask::perform
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
OptimizeExprTask::OptimizeExprTask(RelExpr * expr,
Guidance * guidance,
Context * context,
Lng32 parentTaskId, short stride)
: CascadesTask(guidance, context, parentTaskId, stride),
} // OptimizeExprTask::OptimizeExprTask
void OptimizeExprTask::print(FILE * f, const char *, const char * suffix) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf(f, "optimize log-expr -- parent task %d subtask %d\n\t",
parentTaskId_, stride_);
expr_->print(f, "\t");
context_->print(f, "\t", suffix);
#endif //NDEBUG
} // OptimizeExprTask::print
NAString OptimizeExprTask::taskText() const
char returnText[100];
#ifdef _DEBUG
char childrenGroup[12] = "";
if ( expr_->getArity() == 1 )
sprintf(childrenGroup, "(%d)", (expr_->child(0)).getGroupId() );
else if (expr_->getArity() > 1 )
sprintf(childrenGroup, "(%d,%d)", (expr_->child(0)).getGroupId(),
(expr_->child(1)).getGroupId() );
sprintf(returnText," of group %d, ",expr_->getGroupId());
char prefixText[100];
sprintf(prefixText, "%d %d Optimize Expression ",
getParentTaskId(), getSubTaskId());
return NAString("") + prefixText + expr_->getText() +
#ifdef _DEBUG
childrenGroup +
returnText + context_->getRequirementsString();
CascadesGroupId OptimizeExprTask::getGroupId() const
return expr_->getGroupId();
RelExpr * OptimizeExprTask::getExpr()
return expr_;
void OptimizeExprTask::perform(Lng32 taskId)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// identify valid and promising rules
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
RuleWithPromise promisingMove[MAX_RULE_COUNT];
Int32 numberOfMoves = 0; // # of moves already collected
short stride = 0;
RuleSubset applRules(CmpCommon::statementHeap());
if (guidance_ != NULL)
applRules = *guidance_->applicableRules();
applRules = *GlobalRuleSet->applicableRules();
// Do not apply enforcer rules for each logical expression. These are
// scheduled once per context per group in OptimizeGroupTask.
applRules -= GlobalRuleSet->enforcerRules();
applRules -= context_->ignoredRules();
// Check to see if this rule has already been applied before.
// For context sensitive rules, check the two-dimensional array which
// determines whether a rule has been applied for a certain context.
applRules -= expr_->getContextInsensRules();
applRules -= expr_->getContextSensRules().getTriedRules(context_);
// This is needed for "nice context". This would allow only transformation
// rules to be fired for this context
if ( context_->isNiceContextEnabled() )
const ReqdPhysicalProperty * rpp = context_->getReqdPhysicalProperty();
if ( rpp AND
( rpp->getSortKey() OR rpp->getArrangedCols() OR
( rpp->getPartitioningRequirement() AND
NOT rpp->getPartitioningRequirement()
(context_->getGroupAttr()->getNumBaseTables() > 1)
applRules -= GlobalRuleSet->implementationRules();
if (CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->optimizerHeuristic3())
NABoolean implement = TRUE;
const JBBSubset* localView = expr_->getGroupAnalysis()->getLocalJBBView();
// if this expr has extra XPs
if (localView &&
localView->hasMandatoryXP() &&
implement = FALSE;
// or if any of its children has an xp
Int32 nc = expr_->getArity();
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < nc; i++)
const JBBSubset* childlocalView =
if (childlocalView &&
childlocalView->hasMandatoryXP() &&
implement = FALSE;
if (!implement)
// in this case no expr in this group deserve implementation :)
applRules -= GlobalRuleSet->implementationRules();
applRules -= JoinToTSJRuleNumber;
// loop through all applicable rules
for (CollIndex ruleId = 0; applRules.nextUsed(ruleId); ++ ruleId)
Rule * rule = GlobalRuleSet->rule(ruleId);
Int32 promise;
// insert a valid and promising move into the array
if (rule->topMatch(expr_,context_) AND
(promise = rule->promiseForOptimization(expr_,guidance_,context_)) > 0 AND
// should double check as topMatch of some rules may disable other rules
NOT expr_->getContextInsensRules().contains(ruleId) AND
NOT expr_->getContextSensRules().getTriedRules(context_).contains(ruleId))
// If the context specifies a mustMatch (or FORCE) directive,
// then check to see whether this rule has a potential for satisfying
// the directive.Do this early "pruning" only for context sensitive rules.
NABoolean checkForce =
((context_ != NULL) AND
(context_->getReqdPhysicalProperty() != NULL) AND
(context_->getReqdPhysicalProperty()->getMustMatch() != NULL));
if (!checkForce OR
NOT rule->isContextSensitive() OR
promisingMove[numberOfMoves].promise = promise;
promisingMove[numberOfMoves].tieBreaker = numberOfMoves;
promisingMove[numberOfMoves++].rule = rule;
} // insert a valid and promising move into the array
// Mark this rule as a "tried rule" for the expression.
// NOTE: don't do this if the rule matches, since other
// tasks may run between this task and the scheduled ApplyRuleTask
// task. For matching rules, set the bit when the rule is
// first applied and then check for duplicate ApplyRuleTask tasks.
if (rule->isContextSensitive())
expr_->contextSensRules().addRule (context_, ruleId);
// Only mark the rule as a tried rule if it is not the
// JoinToTSJRule in Pass1 for an embedded delete. This rule
// is only enabled in Pass1 for embedded deletes.
// Join nodes that aren't embedded deletes still need to have
// the JoinToTSJRule fire in Pass2, so don't mark the
// JoinToTSJRule as a tried rule for them in Pass1.
if (NOT (GlobalRuleSet->getCurrentPassNumber() ==
GlobalRuleSet->getFirstPassNumber() AND
ruleId == JoinToTSJRuleNumber AND
expr_->getArity() > 1 AND
(expr_->child(0).getGroupAttr()->isEmbeddedUpdateOrDelete() OR
expr_->contextInsensRules() += ruleId;
} // end if it was not a valid and promising rule
} // loop through all applicable rules
// order the valid and promising moves in the descending order of their promise
opt_qsort((char *) promisingMove, numberOfMoves,
sizeof(RuleWithPromise), comparePromisingMoves);
// determine how many of the promising moves to pursue
numberOfMoves = expr_->computeOptimizeExprCutoff
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// optimize in order of promise
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
while ( -- numberOfMoves >= 0)
// push future tasks in reverse order(due to LIFO stack)
Rule * rule = promisingMove[numberOfMoves].rule;
// last task: apply the rule
taskId, ++stride));
// create earlier tasks to explore patterns
RelExpr * pattern = rule->getPattern();
Lng32 arity = 0;
if (pattern)
arity = pattern->getArity();
for (Lng32 childIndex = arity; -- childIndex >= 0; )
RelExpr * patternInput = (* pattern)[childIndex];
// explore only child nodes of the pattern that are neither a
// leaf node nor or a tree node requiring only a single binding
if (NOT patternInput->isCutOp() AND
NOT (patternInput->isSubtreeOp() AND NOT
((SubtreeOp *) patternInput)->all_bindings()))
// schedule a task to explore the child group for
// the input pattern.
((* expr_)[childIndex].getGroupId(),
taskId, ++stride));
} // endif expand an input to match the pattern
} // end for earlier tasks: expand all children to match the pattern
} // while numberOfMoves > 0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine a cost for an operator that's both log and phys. Such
// an expression is treated as if it had created itself using an
// imaginary implementation rule.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (expr_->isPhysical())
CreatePlanTask(NULL, expr_, NULL, context_,
taskId, ++stride));
// tasks must delete themselves
delete this;
} // OptimizeExprTask::perform
void OptimizeExprTask::garbageCollection(RelExpr *oldx,
RelExpr *newx,
Int32 /* groupMergeCount */)
if (expr_ == oldx)
expr_ = newx;
} // OptimizeExprTask::garbageCollection
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
Task to explore a group
ExploreGroupTask::ExploreGroupTask(CascadesGroupId group_no,
RelExpr * pattern,
Guidance * guidance,
Lng32 parentTaskId, short stride)
: CascadesTask(guidance, NULL, parentTaskId, stride),
} // ExploreGroupTask::ExploreGroupTask
void ExploreGroupTask::print(FILE * f, const char * prefix, const char * suffix) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf(f, "%sexplore group %d -- parent task %d subtask %d\n",
prefix, groupId_, parentTaskId_, stride_);
pattern_->print(f, "\tpattern: ", suffix);
#endif //NDEBUG
} // ExploreGroupTask::print
NAString ExploreGroupTask::taskText() const
char returnText[100];
sprintf(returnText,"%d %d Explore Group %d, ",
getParentTaskId(), getSubTaskId(), groupId_);
return returnText;
CascadesGroupId ExploreGroupTask::getGroupId() const
return groupId_;
void ExploreGroupTask::perform(Lng32 taskId)
Lng32 currentPass = GlobalRuleSet->getCurrentPassNumber();
short stride = 0;
RuleSubset applicableRules(CmpCommon::statementHeap());
if (guidance_ != NULL)
applicableRules = *guidance_->applicableRules();
applicableRules = *GlobalRuleSet->applicableRules();
// subtract rules that were applied before
applicableRules -= (*CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->memo)[groupId_]->getExploredRules();
// explore, if not already done so
// the first check is realy not necessary now since applicableRules
// check would cover it anyway
if (//(*CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->memo)[groupId_]->getExploredInPass() != currentPass OR
(NOT applicableRules.isEmpty()))
// explore each logical expression in the group
for (RelExpr * expr = (* CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->memo) [groupId_]->getFirstLogExpr();
expr != NULL; expr = expr->getNextInGroup())
if (expr->isLogical())
taskId, ++stride));
// if this is a "vanilla" exploration, remember it in the group
if (guidance_ == NULL)
} // for a new pattern, explore each expression
// tasks must destroy themselves
delete this;
} // ExploreGroupTask::perform
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
Task to explore a logical expression
ExploreExprTask::ExploreExprTask(RelExpr * expr,
RelExpr * pattern,
Guidance * guidance,
Lng32 parentTaskId, short stride)
: CascadesTask(guidance, NULL, parentTaskId, stride),
} // ExploreExprTask::ExploreExprTask
void ExploreExprTask::print(FILE * f, const char *, const char * suffix) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf(f, "explore log-expr -- parent task %d subtask %d\n",
parentTaskId_, stride_);
expr_->print(f, "\t");
if (pattern_ != NULL)
pattern_->print(f, "\tpattern: ", suffix);
#endif //NDEBUG
} // ExploreExprTask::print
NAString ExploreExprTask::taskText() const
char returnText[100], prefix[100];
sprintf(prefix, "%d %d Explore Expression \"",
getParentTaskId(), getSubTaskId());
sprintf(returnText,"\" of group %d", expr_->getGroupId());
if (pattern_ != NULL)
return NAString(prefix) + expr_->getText() + returnText +
" for pattern \"" + pattern_->getText() + "\"";
return NAString(prefix) + expr_->getText() + returnText;
CascadesGroupId ExploreExprTask::getGroupId() const
return expr_->getGroupId();
RelExpr * ExploreExprTask::getExpr()
return expr_;
void ExploreExprTask::perform(Lng32 taskId)
// arity of the log expr's top node
Int32 arity = expr_->getArity();
// identify valid and promising rules
RuleWithPromise promisingMove[MAX_RULE_COUNT];
Int32 numberOfMoves = 0; // # of moves already collected
short stride = 0;
const RuleSubset *applRules;
if (guidance_ != NULL)
applRules = guidance_->applicableRules();
applRules = GlobalRuleSet->applicableRules();
// Iterate over all the applicable rules
for (CollIndex ruleId = 0; applRules->nextUsed(ruleId); ruleId++)
Rule * rule = GlobalRuleSet->rule(ruleId);
Int32 promise;
// Consider transformation rules only, ignore all implementation rules.
if (rule->isTransformationRule())
// If this rule may be considered for application,
if ( NOT expr_->getContextInsensRules().contains(ruleId))
// check whether it is indeed applicable and
// also whether it is a promising one.
if (rule->topMatch(expr_,NULL) AND
(promise = rule->promiseForExploration(expr_,
guidance_)) > 0)
// insert valid and promising move into the array
promisingMove[numberOfMoves].promise = promise;
promisingMove[numberOfMoves].tieBreaker = numberOfMoves;
promisingMove[numberOfMoves ++ ].rule = rule;
// Otherwise, mark the transformation rule as a "tried" rule.
// Only mark the rule as a tried rule if it is not the
// JoinToTSJRule in Pass1 for a non-TSJ join. This rule
// is only enabled in Pass1 for anti-semi-joins (ASJ).
// Non-TSJ join nodes that aren't ASJ's still need to have
// the JoinToTSJRule fire in Pass2, so don't mark the
// JoinToTSJRule as a tried rule for them in Pass1.
if (NOT ((GlobalRuleSet->getCurrentPassNumber() ==
AND (ruleId == JoinToTSJRuleNumber)
AND expr_->getOperator().match(REL_ANY_NON_TSJ_JOIN)))
expr_->contextInsensRules() += ruleId;
} // end if rule has not already been tried
} // end if rule is a transformation rule
} // identify valid and promising rules
// order the valid and promising moves in the descending order of their promise
opt_qsort((char *) promisingMove, numberOfMoves,
sizeof(RuleWithPromise), comparePromisingMoves);
// determine how many of the promising moves to pursue
numberOfMoves = expr_->computeExploreExprCutoff
(promisingMove, numberOfMoves, pattern_, guidance_);
// schedule valid rules in order of promise
while (-- numberOfMoves >= 0)
Rule * rule = promisingMove[numberOfMoves].rule;
// push future tasks in reverse order (due to LIFO stack)
// note that "guidance" is simply passed through
// last task: apply the rule
taskId, ++stride));
RelExpr * new_rule_pattern = rule->getPattern();
// by pass remaining part of the loop if new_rule_pattern is null
if (!new_rule_pattern)
// earlier tasks: expand all children to match the pattern
for (Lng32 childIndex = arity; -- childIndex >= 0; )
RelExpr * patternInput = (* new_rule_pattern)[childIndex]->
// not for sub-patterns that represent anon. children
if (patternInput->isCutOp())
; // do nothing -- no expansion required
else if (patternInput->isSubtreeOp() AND NOT
((SubtreeOp *) patternInput)->all_bindings())
; // do nothing -- no expansion required
else // expand an child to match the pattern
// schedule a task with new guidance and context
ExploreGroupTask((* expr_) [childIndex].getGroupId(),
(* new_rule_pattern) [childIndex],
taskId, ++stride));
} // expand an child to match the pattern
} // earlier tasks: expand all children to match the pattern
} // schedule valid rules in order of promise
// for rules with more than two level patterns, shouldn't we explore
// the child groups of this expression to match the patterns children?
// (loop over all non-leaf child nodes of pattern and create explore
// group tasks)?????
// tasks must destroy themselves
delete this;
} // ExploreExprTask::perform
void ExploreExprTask::garbageCollection(RelExpr *oldx,
RelExpr *newx,
Int32 /* groupMergeCount */)
if (expr_ == oldx)
expr_ = newx;
} // ExploreExprTask::garbageCollection
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
ApplyRuleTask::ApplyRuleTask(Rule * rule,
RelExpr * expr,
RelExpr * pattern,
Guidance * guidance,
Context * context,
Lng32 parentTaskId, short stride)
: CascadesTask(guidance, context, parentTaskId, stride),
if (context_ != NULL)
} // ApplyRuleTask::ApplyRuleTask
void ApplyRuleTask::print(FILE * f, const char * prefix, const char *) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf(f, "%sapply rule \"%s\" on group %d -- parent task %d subtask %d\n",
prefix, rule_->getName(), getGroupId(), parentTaskId_, stride_);
if (expr_ != NULL)
expr_->print(f, CONCAT(prefix,"\torig expr = "));
if (pattern_ != NULL)
pattern_->print(f,CONCAT(prefix,"\tpattern = "));
if (context_ != NULL)
context_->print(f, CONCAT(prefix,"\tcontext = "));
#endif //NDEBUG
} // ApplyRuleTask::print
NAString ApplyRuleTask::taskText() const
char returnText[100], prefix[100];
sprintf(prefix, "%d %d Apply ",
getParentTaskId(), getSubTaskId());
sprintf(returnText,"\" on group %d", getGroupId());
if (expr_ != NULL)
return NAString(prefix) + "Rule \"" +
rule_->getName() + "\" on expr \"" + expr_->getText() + returnText;
return NAString(prefix) + "Enforcer Rule \"" +
rule_->getName() + returnText;
CascadesGroupId ApplyRuleTask::getGroupId() const
if (expr_ != NULL)
return expr_->getGroupId();
// If no expr is associated with ApplyRuleTask, then this
// must be a context sensitive rule.
CMPASSERT (context_ != NULL);
return context_->getGroupId();
RelExpr * ApplyRuleTask::getExpr()
return expr_;
void ApplyRuleTask::perform(Lng32 taskId)
if (((expr_ == NULL AND
NOT context_->getTriedEnforcerRules().contains(rule_->getNumber()))
(expr_ != NULL AND
((rule_->isContextSensitive() AND
NOT expr_->getContextSensRules().applied(context_,rule_->getNumber()))
(NOT rule_->isContextSensitive() AND
NOT expr_->getContextInsensRules().contains(rule_->getNumber())))))
((GlobalRuleSet->getCurrentPassNumber() == 1)
OR NOT taskNumberExceededLimit(taskId)))
// Set the appropriate bitmap to indicate that this rule is
// being applied.
if (expr_ != NULL)
if (rule_->isContextSensitive())
expr_->contextSensRules().addRule (context_, rule_->getNumber());
expr_->contextInsensRules() += rule_->getNumber();
context_->triedEnforcerRules() += rule_->getNumber();
// main variables for the loop over all possible bindings
CascadesBinding * binding; // state of iteration through "memo"
RelExpr * before; // expression before the transformation
RelExpr * after = NULL; // substitute expression
RelExpr * new_expr; // expr in "memo" after transformation
CascadesGroupId groupToMerge = NULL_COLL_INDEX; // group number for a group merge (if needed)
// try all possible bindings
if (expr_ != NULL)
binding = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
CascadesBinding(expr_, rule_->getPattern(), NULL, TRUE, FALSE);
CMPASSERT(rule_->getPattern() != NULL AND rule_->getPattern()->isCutOp());
binding = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
CascadesBinding(getGroupId(), rule_->getPattern(), NULL, TRUE, FALSE);
NABoolean checkForce =
( (context_ != NULL) AND
(context_->getReqdPhysicalProperty() != NULL) AND
(context_->getReqdPhysicalProperty()->getMustMatch() != NULL)
short stride = 0;
for ( ; binding->advance(); binding->release_expr())
RuleSubstituteMemory * ruleMemory = NULL;
Int32 count = 0;
// extract an actual expression from the binding
before = binding->extract_expr();
// Forcing a CQS causes the pruning to be turned off except
// when memory usage exceeds the preset threshold set using a
NABoolean memorySafe =
if ( (checkForce AND memorySafe) OR
NOT CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->pruneByOptDefaults(rule_, before)
// loop to generate all substitutes, to include them
// in "memo", and to trigger further rules
while (count == 0 OR ruleMemory != NULL)
// fire the rule
after = rule_->nextSubstitute(before,context_,ruleMemory);
// terminate loop if no further substitute could be derived
if (after == NULL)
CMPASSERT(ruleMemory == NULL);
// the substitute must have compatible, if not the same,
// group attributes as the before-image
CMPASSERT(after->getGroupAttr() == before->getGroupAttr() OR
*(after->getGroupAttr()) == *(before->getGroupAttr()));
// pass along before's isinCS attribute to after
// update the potential of the substitute:
// if the potential is not already set (i.e. has a value of -1)
// it should be the same as the before expression's potential
NABoolean duplicateExprFlag;
NABoolean groupMergeFlag;
// include substitute in "memo", find duplicates, etc.
new_expr = CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->memo->include(after,
FALSE, //soln-10-070330-3667
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// if inserting the new expression caused a group merge,
// continue optimizing or exploring all expressions in the
// new group, otherwise create a follow-on task for the
// new expression
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if (groupMergeFlag)
groupToMerge = new_expr->getGroupId();
// start with the first expression in the new group
new_expr = (*CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->memo)[groupToMerge]->getFirstLogExpr();
else if (duplicateExprFlag)
// a duplicate expression that didn't cause a group
// merge is ignored, no further work needs to be done
// (we've probably applied the same rule twice)
new_expr = NULL;
// now loop over the one new expression or over all expressions
// in a merged group
while (new_expr != NULL)
// -----------------------------------------------------
// create a follow-up task for the expression that was
// inserted by the rule:
// --> optimize the (logical) result, if the rule was
// triggered by an optimization task
// --> explore the (logical) result, if the rule was
// triggered by an exploration task
// --> optimize the children of the result, if the result
// is a physical expression and the rule was triggered
// by an optimization task
// -----------------------------------------------------
if (context_ == NULL) // optimizer is exploring
taskId, ++stride));
} // optimizer is exploring
else // optimizer is optimizing
// for a logical op, try further transformations
if (new_expr->isLogical())
// First, see if there are any outstanding contexts
// for this group. If so, schedule a optimizeExprTask
// for those outstanding contexts also for this new expression.
Lng32 numContexts = (*CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->memo)[new_expr->getGroupId()]->getCountOfContexts();
if (numContexts > 1 && context_ != NULL)
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < numContexts; i++)
Context * otherContext = (*CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->memo)[new_expr->getGroupId()]->getContext(i);
if (otherContext != NULL AND
context_ != otherContext AND
otherContext->getOutstanding() > 0 AND
NOT otherContext->isADuplicate())
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_120) == DF_ON)
// insert this new OptimizeExprTask to be performed just
// before the stored predecessor task for this context.
CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->task_list->insertTask (new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
taskId, ++stride),
// insert this new OptimizeExprTask to be performed just
// before the stored predecessor task for this context.
CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->task_list->insertOptimizeExprTask (new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
taskId, ++stride),
// Now, schedule an OptimizeExprTask for the new expr
// for this context.
taskId, ++stride));
} // further transformations to optimize new expr
// for a physical operator, optimize the children
// must be done even if new_expr->getArity() == 0
// in order to calculate costs
if (new_expr->isPhysical())
// $$ check for different new phys expression address
taskId, ++stride));
} // for a physical operator, optimize the children
} // optimizer is optimizing
// leave the while loop after the first time, unless this
// was a group merge (where we have to follow up on all
// the expression in the merged group)
if (groupMergeFlag)
new_expr = new_expr->getNextInGroup();
new_expr = NULL;
} // while (new_expr != NULL)
// If a group merge is necessary then do it now that we've
// handled all the logical expressions in the new group.
if (groupMergeFlag)
} // loop to generate all substitutes, etc.
} // try all possible bindings
delete binding;
} // rule hasn't beeen tried before
// prepare to end the task
if (context_ != NULL)
// tasks must destroy themselves
delete this;
} // ApplyRuleTask::perform
void ApplyRuleTask::garbageCollection(RelExpr *oldx,
RelExpr *newx,
Int32 /* groupMergeCount */)
if (expr_ != NULL AND expr_ == oldx)
expr_ = newx;
} // ApplyRuleTask::garbageCollection
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
CreatePlanTask::CreatePlanTask(Rule * rule,
RelExpr * expr,
Guidance * guidance,
Context * context,
Lng32 parentTaskId, short stride,
CascadesPlan * failedPlan)
: CascadesTask(guidance, context, parentTaskId, stride),
// this task must have an associated context
CMPASSERT(context != NULL);
if (failedPlan)
plan_ = failedPlan;
// so far we don't have an implementation to reuse physical properties
plan_ = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
CascadesPlan(expr, context);
// Add a new CascadesPlan to the CascadesGroup to which the given
// physical expression belongs.
// this expression is not optimized until its children are optimized
} // CreatePlanTask::CreatePlanTask
delete workSpace_;
} // CreatePlanTask::~CreatePlanTask
CascadesGroupId CreatePlanTask::getGroupId() const
return plan_->getPhysicalExpr()->getGroupId();
RelExpr * CreatePlanTask::getExpr()
return NULL;
CascadesPlan * CreatePlanTask::getPlan()
return plan_;
THREAD_P Lng32 Cyes = 0;
THREAD_P Lng32 Cno = 0;
void CreatePlanTask::perform(Lng32 taskId)
short stride = 0;
Context *childContext = NULL;
Guidance *childGuidance= NULL;
ostream &out = CURRCONTEXT_OPTDEBUG->stream();
const char* prefix = " ";
NABoolean showThisPlan = FALSE;
NABoolean showPlanCost = FALSE;
if ( (CmpCommon::getDefault(NSK_DBG_PRINT_TASK) == DF_ON) &&
(CmpCommon::getDefault(NSK_DBG) == DF_ON) )
showThisPlan = TRUE;
if ( CmpCommon::getDefault(NSK_DBG_PRINT_COST) == DF_ON)
showPlanCost = TRUE;
if (workSpace_->isEmpty())
// Assign the new plan to the given Context.
// The assignment is done when the CreatePlanTask executes
// and not when it is scheduled. This is because a given
// Context can be shared by different CreatePlanTasks that
// are scheduled in succession.
// let the expression decide which child to optimize next,
// whether the task is failed or successful, and which combinations
// of required properties to try
#ifdef _DEBUG
plan_->lastTaskId_ = taskId;
childContext = plan_->getPhysicalExpr()
(context_, // in
workSpace_, // in
rule_, // in
guidance_, // in
childGuidance); // out
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( childContext != NULL )
// re-schedule the present task
// schedule a task to optimize the child, new guidance
// When pruning is on we don't want to create a task just to
// exit right away from findBestSolution() because child
// context has been already optimized.
if ( NOT CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->optimizerPruning() OR
NOT ( childContext->hasSolution() AND
taskId, ++stride));
if ( showThisPlan )
out << endl << prefix << "*** Incomplete plan ***" << endl;
CURRCONTEXT_OPTDEBUG->showTree( getExpr(), getPlan(), prefix, showPlanCost );
out << endl;
if ( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->optimizerPruning() AND
NOT workSpace_->allChildrenContextsConsidered()
// We come here when exiting from createContextForAChild()
// loop to go through RelExpr::createPlan() again for
// recomputing operator cost and cleaning knownChildrenCost
// All we need to do here is to keep the task on the top of
// the stack and just return from here to createPlan()
// To be safe we set a flag in pws in its initial value to be
// safe. Otherwise we can come into an indefinite loop.
// Get a pointer to any previous solution
const CascadesPlan *oldSolution = context_->getSolution();
NABoolean planSatisfied = FALSE;
// check whether a "complete" plan was found that satisfies the context.
// complete plans must have both a cost and synthesized physical
// properties.
if ( plan_->getRollUpCost() != NULL AND
(planSatisfied=context_->satisfied(plan_) ) )
// Success!!!
// the plan succeeded, flag it as successful in
// the current pass so
// that is never re-optimized in this pass:
if ( showThisPlan )
out << endl << prefix << "*** Qualified plan ***" << endl;
CURRCONTEXT_OPTDEBUG->showTree( getExpr(), getPlan(), prefix, showPlanCost );
// This is a solution for the optimization goal represented
// by the context; now check whether it's the optimal one so far
// for this pass. Any solution from a previous pass is discarded,
// because we cannot share solutions between passes.
if ((oldSolution != NULL) AND
// There is a previous solution for this pass.
// Check if the cost of plan_ is less than the context's current
// best cost solution for this pass.
if (plan_->getRollUpCost()->
context_->getReqdPhysicalProperty()) == LESS)
// found a better solution
if ( showThisPlan )
out << prefix << "*** Chosen plan ***" << endl << endl;
// if because of nice context we have an enforcer above
// partial plan that already satisfies requirement -
// replace solution with that partial plan because
// it has to be cheaper than plan with enforcer
if ( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->OPHuseEnforcerPlanPromotion() )
OperatorTypeEnum op =
if ( (op == REL_SORT) OR (op == REL_EXCHANGE) )
CascadesPlan *planToPromote = (CascadesPlan *)
if (context_->satisfied(planToPromote))
// child satisfies context without enforcer
// and can be promoted
if ( showThisPlan )
out << endl << prefix <<
"*** Promoted plan ***" << endl;
planToPromote, prefix, showPlanCost );
oldSolution = plan_;
if ( showThisPlan )
out << prefix << "*** Non-optimal plan ***" << endl << endl;
// here is some opportunity for pruning: discard the more
// expensive plan, if it does not also provide "more" physical
// properties than the optimal solution so far
// if (oldSolution->getPhyProp()->
// compare(*context_->getSolution()->getPhyProp()) != MORE)
// {
// delete oldSolution;
// }
// This is the first solution for this pass and therefore
// it is the optimal one so far.
if ( showThisPlan )
out << prefix << "*** Chosen plan ***" << endl << endl;
// if because of nice context we have an enforcer above
// partial plan that already satisfies requirement -
// replace solution with that partial plan because
// it has to be cheaper than plan with enforcer
if ( CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->OPHuseEnforcerPlanPromotion() )
OperatorTypeEnum op =
if ( (op == REL_SORT) OR (op == REL_EXCHANGE) )
CascadesPlan *planToPromote = (CascadesPlan *)
if (context_->satisfied(planToPromote))
// child satisfies context without enforcer
// and can be promoted
if ( showThisPlan )
out << endl << prefix <<
"*** Promoted plan ***" << endl;
planToPromote, prefix, showPlanCost );
// Candidate plans are only used by cost limit pruning, so only
// add the plan as a candidate plan if pruning is enabled.
if (context_->isPruningEnabled())
// Pruning heuristics to use failed plan cost
plan_->exceededCostLimit() )
} // a complete plan satisfying the context was found
// The current pass plan failed
if ( plan_->getRollUpCost() != NULL AND NOT planSatisfied )
DBGLOGMSGCNTXT(" *** Plan didn't satisfied ",context_);
// If there's an old solution from a previous pass, and the
// current pass failed, we must delete the old solution.
// This is to protect us from being left with nothing but
// the old pass1 plan if all pass2 plans fail. This should
// never happen, but if it does we cannot allow it. This is
// because if this logical operator fails to produce a
// pass2 plan but some other logical operator (like one
// of this operator's children) succeeds, we could be stuck
// with a mixed pass1/pass2 overall plan, which is not allowed.
if ((oldSolution != NULL) AND
NOT oldSolution->succeededInCurrentPass())
DBGLOGMSGCNTXT(" *** Solution from pass1 deleted ",context_);
// although we completely forget about pass1 solution
// there could be a way to reuse it for the next pass.
// There was a problem in the past preventing this reusing.
// the expression plan_ is now optimized in the given context
// The plan created by this task is either the solution_ or has been
// discarded and there are no more outstanding tasks.
// Dissociate the plan from the context.
if (context_->getOutstanding() == 0)
// This is used by pruning heuristic to use failed plan cost
// If context has no plans with rollUp cost from current pass
// and some of plans exceeded cost limit then setiing this flag
// should prevent reoptimizing this context unless given bigger
// cost limit
( NOT context_->hasSolution() ) AND
DBGLOGMSGCNTXT(" *** CLEx flag passed from curCLEX ",context_);
// tasks must destroy themselves
delete this;
} // CreatePlanTask::perform
void CreatePlanTask::garbageCollection(RelExpr * /* oldx */,
RelExpr * /* newx */,
Int32 /* groupMergeCount */)
} // CreatePlanTask::garbageCollection
void CreatePlanTask::print(FILE * f, const char * prefix, const char * suffix) const
fprintf(f, "%screate plan -- incarnation %d (%d) of %d\n",
prefix, parentTaskId_, stride_,
plan_->getPhysicalExpr()->print(f, " ");
context_->print(f, "\t", suffix);
} // CreatePlanTask::print
NAString CreatePlanTask::taskText() const
char tmpText[100];
#ifdef _DEBUG
char childrenGroup[12] = "";
RelExpr * ex = plan_->getPhysicalExpr();
if ( ex->getArity() == 1 )
sprintf(childrenGroup, "(%d)", (ex->child(0)).getGroupId() );
else if (ex->getArity() > 1 )
sprintf(childrenGroup, "(%d,%d)", (ex->child(0)).getGroupId(),
(ex->child(1)).getGroupId() );
sprintf( tmpText, "%d %d Create plan (%d) for ",
getParentTaskId(), getSubTaskId(),
workSpace_->getCountOfChildContexts() );
NAString returnString(tmpText);
returnString += (const char *) plan_->getPhysicalExpr()->getText();
#ifdef _DEBUG
returnString += childrenGroup;
sprintf( tmpText, " of group %d ", getGroupId() );
returnString += tmpText;
return returnString + context_->getRequirementsString();
GarbageCollectionTask::GarbageCollectionTask ()
: CascadesTask(NULL, NULL, 0, 0)
alreadyDone_ = FALSE;
GarbageCollectionTask::~GarbageCollectionTask ()
void GarbageCollectionTask::print (FILE * f,
const char * prefix,
const char * /*suffix*/) const
fprintf(f, "%sGarbage Collection...\n",prefix);
NAString GarbageCollectionTask::taskText() const
return "Garbage Collection";
void GarbageCollectionTask::perform (Lng32 /*taskId*/)
if (NOT alreadyDone_)
Int32 changedExprs = CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->memo->garbageCollection();
CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->garbage_expr_count += changedExprs;
delete this;
void GarbageCollectionTask::garbageCollection(RelExpr * /* oldx */,
RelExpr * /* newx */,
Int32 groupMergeCount)
// If we come here, another GarbageCollectionTask task is currently
// executing. If that task has caught up with all the group
// merges already, then it is not necessary to schedule
// further garbage collection tasks at this point.
if (groupMergeCount >= CURRSTMT_OPTGLOBALS->group_merge_count)
alreadyDone_ = FALSE;