blob: bf79f981fe1fc40ec8eec52d7cd6669976c68e77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef HIVE_HOOK_H
#define HIVE_HOOK_H 1
#include "Platform.h"
#include "NABoolean.h"
#include "CmpCommon.h"
class HiveClient_JNI;
static char* strduph(const char *s, CollHeap* h) {
char *d = new (h) char[strlen (s) + 1]; // Space for length plus nul
if (d == NULL) return NULL; // No memory
strcpy (d,s); // Copy the characters
return d; // Return the new string
struct hiveMetastoreStruct
hiveMetastoreStruct() : conn(0), tblID(0), sdID(0), cdID(0)
~hiveMetastoreStruct() {}
void* conn;
Int32 tblID;
Int32 sdID;
Int32 cdID;
struct hive_column_desc
Int32 columnID_;
char* name_;
char* type_;
Int32 intIndex_;
struct hive_column_desc* next_;
hive_column_desc(Int32 cdID, const char* name, const char* type, Int32 index)
: columnID_(cdID), intIndex_(index), next_(0)
name_ = strduph(name, CmpCommon::contextHeap());
type_ = strduph(type, CmpCommon::contextHeap());
struct hive_pkey_desc
char* name_;
char* type_;
Int32 idx_;
struct hive_pkey_desc* next_;
hive_pkey_desc(const char* name, const char* type, Int32 idx) :
idx_(idx), next_(0)
name_ = strduph(name, CmpCommon::contextHeap());
type_ = strduph(type, CmpCommon::contextHeap());
struct hive_skey_desc
char* name_;
Int32 idx_;
Int32 orderInt_;
struct hive_skey_desc* next_;
hive_skey_desc(const char* name, Int32 idx, Int32 order) :
idx_(idx), next_(NULL), orderInt_(order)
name_ = strduph(name, CmpCommon::contextHeap());
struct hive_bkey_desc
char* name_;
Int32 idx_;
struct hive_bkey_desc* next_;
hive_bkey_desc(const char* name, Int32 idx) :
idx_(idx), next_(NULL)
name_ = strduph(name, CmpCommon::contextHeap());
struct hive_sd_desc
enum sd_desc_kind { TABLE_SD = 'T', PARTN_SD = 'P' };
Int32 sdID_;
char* location_;
Int64 creationTS_;
Int32 buckets_;
char* inputFormat_;
char* outputFormat_;
char kind_;
struct hive_column_desc* column_;
struct hive_skey_desc* skey_;
struct hive_bkey_desc* bkey_;
char fieldTerminator_;
char recordTerminator_;
char* nullFormat_;
NABoolean isCompressed_;
struct hive_sd_desc* next_;
hive_sd_desc(Int32 sdID, const char* loc, Int64 creationTS, Int32 buckets,
const char* ift, const char* of,
const char* nf,
char knd,
struct hive_column_desc* column,
struct hive_skey_desc* skey,
struct hive_bkey_desc* bkey,
char fieldTerminator, char recordTerminator,
const NABoolean isCompressed
: sdID_(sdID), buckets_(buckets), kind_(knd), column_(column),
skey_(skey), bkey_(bkey),
location_ = strduph(loc, CmpCommon::contextHeap());
inputFormat_ = strduph(ift, CmpCommon::contextHeap());
outputFormat_= strduph(of, CmpCommon::contextHeap());
nullFormat_ = (nf ? strduph(nf, CmpCommon::contextHeap()) : NULL);
char getFieldTerminator() const { return fieldTerminator_; }
char getRecordTerminator() const { return recordTerminator_;}
char *getNullFormat() const {return nullFormat_; }
NABoolean isSequenceFile() const;
NABoolean isOrcFile() const;
NABoolean isTextFile() const;
NABoolean isTrulyText() const
{ return !isSequenceFile() && isTextFile(); };
struct hive_tbl_desc
Int32 tblID_; // not used with JNI
char* tblName_;
char* schName_;
char* owner_;
char* tableType_;
Int64 creationTS_;
struct hive_sd_desc* sd_;
struct hive_pkey_desc* pkey_;
struct hive_tbl_desc* next_;
hive_tbl_desc(Int32 tblID, const char* name, const char* schName,
const char * owner,
const char * tableType,
Int64 creationTS, struct hive_sd_desc* sd,
struct hive_pkey_desc* pk);
struct hive_sd_desc* getSDs() { return sd_; };
struct hive_skey_desc* getSortKeys();
struct hive_bkey_desc* getBucketingKeys();
struct hive_pkey_desc* getPartKey() { return pkey_; };
struct hive_column_desc* getColumns();
Int32 getNumOfCols();
Int32 getNumOfPartCols() const;
Int32 getNumOfSortCols();
Int32 getNumOfBucketCols();
Int32 getPartColNum(const char* name);
Int32 getBucketColNum(const char* name);
Int32 getSortColNum(const char* name);
Int64 redeftime();
class HiveMetaData
NABoolean init();
NABoolean connect();
NABoolean disconnect();
struct hive_tbl_desc* getTableDesc(const char* schemaName,
const char* tblName);
struct hive_tbl_desc* getFakedTableDesc(const char* tblName);
// validate a cached hive table descriptor
NABoolean validate(Int32 tableId, Int64 redefTS,
const char* schName, const char* tblName);
// iterator over all tables in a Hive schema (default)
// or iterate over all schemas in the Hive metadata
void position();
struct hive_tbl_desc * getNext();
void advance();
NABoolean atEnd();
// what the Hive default schema is called in the Hive metadata
static const char *getDefaultSchemaName() { return "default"; }
// get lower-level error code
Int32 getErrCode() const { return errCode_; }
const char* getErrDetail() const {return errDetail_; }
const char* getErrCodeStr() const {return errCodeStr_; }
const char* getErrMethodName() const {return errMethodName_; }
void resetErrorInfo();
// return TRUE for success, otherwise record error info and return FALSE
NABoolean recordError(Int32 errCode, const char *errMethodName);
void recordParseError(Int32 errCode, const char* errCodeStr,
const char *errMethodName, const char* errDetail);
HiveClient_JNI* getClient() {return client_;}
// read metadata for one table
struct hive_tbd_desc* read(const char *schemaName,
const char *tableName);
struct hive_tbl_desc* tbl_;
hive_tbl_desc * currDesc_;
Int32 errCode_;
const char *errCodeStr_;
const char *errMethodName_;
const char *errDetail_;
// HiveMetadata does not "own" this pointer. There is an assumption that
// client is not null then it points to a HiveClient object that has
// been initialized and connected. The pointer is owened by CliGlobals.
// This class contains a pointer so that we don't have to check every time
// if it is initialized and connected
HiveClient_JNI* client_;