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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ValueDesc.h
* Description: Value descriptors, value ids, and collections of value ids
* Created: 4/27/94
* Language: C++
#include "ObjectNames.h"
#include "Collections.h"
#include "CascadesBasic.h"
#include "DomainDesc.h"
#include "OperTypeEnum.h"
#include "CmpCommon.h"
#include "Int64.h"
#include "exp_expr.h"
#include "ExprNode.h"
#include "CostScalar.h"
#include "ClusteredBitmap.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ValueId;
class ValueIdSet;
class ValueIdList;
class ValueIdArray;
class ValueIdMap;
class ValueDesc;
class ValueDescArray;
// class ValueIdListList;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BindWA;
class CacheWA;
class CharType;
class ExprGroupId;
class GroupAttributes;
class ItemExpr;
class NAColumn;
class BaseColumn;
class NormWA;
class RelExpr;
class SchemaDB;
class DisjunctGlobal;
class VEGRewritePairs;
class TableDesc;
class IndexDesc;
class ConstValue;
class NATable;
class QueryAnalysis;
class ColAnalysis;
class PredAnalysis;
// ***********************************************************************
// A static function (outside of a class) to get the current SchemaDB
// ***********************************************************************
extern SchemaDB * ActiveSchemaDB();
extern void DisplayVid(CollIndex id); // for debugging!
// ***********************************************************************
// ValueId : A Value identifier
// A value id is an index into an array of ValueDesc's, which is stored
// in the SchemaDB.
// ***********************************************************************
class ValueId
friend class ValueIdSet; // to access id_
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor, default constructor, and copy constructor
// (specify an index into the global array of ValueDescs)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueId (CollIndex x = 0) : id_(x) {}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This constructor should usually be used: create a value id by
// inserting an expression into the global array of value ids
// and initializing the ValueId with the index in the global array.
// NOTE: this should probably do duplicate detection??
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueId(ValueDesc *vDPtr);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
~ValueId() {}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Since a ValueId is an index, it has an automatic conversion operator
// to type CollIndex.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
operator CollIndex () const { return id_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Comparison of two ValueIds
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean operator == (const ValueId & other) { return id_ == other.id_; }
NABoolean operator != (const ValueId & other) { return id_ != other.id_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// convert to unsigned long
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
inline const UInt32 toUInt32() const { return id_; } ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// get the corresponding ValueDesc
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueDesc *getValueDesc() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// get the corresponding Item Expression
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr *getItemExpr() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// get the itemExpr's NAColumn (if it is a column)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NAColumn *getNAColumn(NABoolean okIfNotColumn = FALSE) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// the converse of getNAColumn() above, return the itemExpr's BaseColumn
// (if it is a column)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
BaseColumn *castToBaseColumn(NABoolean *isaConstant=NULL) const ;
// return my base column value id or set isaConstant to true if a constant
ValueId getBaseColumn(NABoolean *isaConstant) const ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// get the corresponding NAType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const NAType &getType() const;
// Normalize the valueId replacing valueIds with VEGRefs
NABoolean normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// return TRUE iff i'm a string literal with unknown char set
NABoolean inferableCharType();
// return TRUE iff i'm a char type with known char set
NABoolean hasKnownCharSet(const CharType **ctp);
// return TRUE iff I am a ValueId associated with an Index Column, or
// a base column that is a divisioning column. If I am an index column,
// get the associated base column.
NABoolean isDivisioningColumn() const;
// return TRUE iff I am a ValueId associated with an Index Column, or
// a base column that is a salt (computed) column. If I am an index column,
// get the associated base column.
NABoolean isSaltColumn() const;
// return TRUE if I am a ValueId associated with an Index Column, or
// a base column , and I am a column with a default value that is not
// null or not Current.
NABoolean isColumnWithNonNullNonCurrentDefault() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// change the ValueId's type to the given type
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void changeType(const NAType *type);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// coerce the ValueId's unknown type to the desired type
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void coerceType(enum NABuiltInTypeEnum desiredQualifier,
enum CharInfo::CharSet charSet=CharInfo::DefaultCharSet);
void coerceType(const NAType& desiredType,
enum NABuiltInTypeEnum defaultQualifier = NA_UNKNOWN_TYPE);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// create a ValueId of same datatype as 'this', except also nullable
// (if 'this' is already nullable, returns 'this', unless forceCast is True)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueId nullInstantiate(BindWA *bindWAPtr, NABoolean forceCast) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// get the value id's of all ValueIdUnion nodes which exists as sub
// expressions of the item expr which has this valueid.
// used in MergeUnion::preCodeGen() to minimize the set of outputs the
// operator should produce.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void getSubExprRootedByVidUnion(ValueIdSet & vs);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// replace any BaseColumn (of the given column name) in of this value
// expression with the given expression.
// used in Insert::bindNode() to move constraints from the target table
// to the source table.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void replaceBaseColWithExpr(const NAString& colName, const ValueId & vid);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// replace any ColReference (of the given column name) in of this value
// expression with the given expression.
// used in ValueId::computeEncodedKey() to assign key values into the
// salt/DivisionByto expression.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void replaceColReferenceWithExpr(const NAString& colName, const ValueId & vid);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Replace the definition of this valueId to be a new itemexpr
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void replaceItemExpr(ItemExpr * iePtr);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the ColAnalysis and PredAnalysis for this valueId
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ColAnalysis* colAnalysis() const;
PredAnalysis* predAnalysis() const;
// return column analysis or set isaConstant to true if a constant
// set vid to base column's value id
ColAnalysis* baseColAnalysis(NABoolean *isaConstant, ValueId &vid) const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// returns TRUE if the valueId is a veg_ref referring columns from more
// than one tables
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isInvolvedInJoinAndConst() const;
NABoolean anExpression();
NABoolean moreThanOneColFromSameTabOrCharDate(TableDesc * tdesc,
ValueIdSet & colsOfThisTable);
ULng32 hash() const { return (ULng32) id_;}
// an index into the ValueDescArray in the Schema DB
CollIndex id_;
// Define a constant for an invalid ValueId
const ValueId NULL_VALUE_ID((CollIndex) 0);
// ***********************************************************************
// ValueIdArray : An ordered collection of Value identifiers
// ***********************************************************************
class ValueIdArray : public ARRAY(ValueId)
ValueIdArray(Lng32 numberOfElements = 0) :
// copy ctor
ValueIdArray (const ValueIdArray & orig) :
NAArray<ValueId>(orig, CmpCommon::statementHeap())
}; // class ValueIdArray
// ***********************************************************************
// ValueIdList : An ordered collection of Value identifiers
// ***********************************************************************
class ValueIdList : public LIST(ValueId)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor that pre allocates storage for the list.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList(Lng32 numberOfElements = 0, CollHeap *h=CmpCommon::statementHeap()) :
NAList<ValueId>(h, numberOfElements)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor that copies from an array (assumes array is densely populated)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList(const ValueIdArray &, CollHeap *h=CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// copy ctor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList(const ValueIdList &other, CollHeap *h=CmpCommon::statementHeap()) :
NAList<ValueId>(other, h)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor that copies from a set
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList(const ValueIdSet &, CollHeap *h=CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
~ValueIdList() {(*counter_).decrementCounter();};
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// insert "foreign" data types
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void insertSet(const ValueIdSet &other);
void addMember(ItemExpr* x);
// find the length of the maximal prefix of this such that each element
// in the prefix is in x.
// return 1 when this = [1, 2, 3, 4], and x = {1]
// return 2 when this = [1, 2, 3, 4], and x = {1, 2}
// return 2 when this = [1, 2, 3, 4], and x = {1, 2, 4}
// return 0 when this = [1, 2, 3, 4], and x = {2, 4}
// return 1 when this = [1], and x = {1, 2}
Lng32 findPrefixLength(const ValueIdSet& x) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// transformNode()
// transformNode() brings predicate trees that are associated with
// each relational operator into a canonical form. The effect of
// some predicate transformations is local to the predicate tree.
// However, the transformation of a subquery predicate requires a
// semijoin to be performed between the relational operator that
// contain the predicate tree and the subquery tree. Thus, the effect
// of such subquery transformations is realized not just in the
// predicate tree but also in the query tree.
// This method is invoked on scalar expressions
// Parameters:
// NormWA & normWARef
// IN : a pointer to the normalizer work area
// ExprGroupId &introduceSemijoinHere
// IN : a pointer to the location in the query tree where a
// subquery transformation can introduce a semijoin. It
// is usually the location of the pointer to the relational
// operator with which the given predicate tree is associated.
// const ValueIdSet & externalInputs
// IN : A set of values that can be supplied as external inputs
// to a new SemiJoin or Join node, which is added by a subquery
// transformation, if they are required for evaluating the
// transformed predicate that is moved to the new node.
// RETURNS : TRUE if at least one subquery was transformed
// FALSE otherwise
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & introduceSemiJoinHere,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdList::removeCoveredExprs()
// This method removes from the valueid set that values that
// are covered by the available inputs.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void removeCoveredExprs(const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdList::removeUnCoveredExprs()
// This method removes from the valueid set that values that
// are NOT covered by the available inputs.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void removeUnCoveredExprs(const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// normalizeNode()
// normalizeNode() brings a query tree that consists of relational
// operators into a canonical form. It also rewrites predicates
// using the transitive closure of values that is computed by
// transformNode().
// Parameters:
// NormWA & normWA
// IN : a reference to the normalizer work area
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// removeSubqueryOrIsolatedUDFunctionPredicates()
// This method walks through the ItemExprs that belong to this set,
// collects the ValueIds of the expressions which contain a subquery
// or an IsolatedUDFunction and removes them from the orginal set.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void removeSubqueryOrIsolatedUDFunctionPredicates(ValueIdSet & subqueryExpr);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is a prefix of this list covered in the provided set? If so,
// return the number of covered elements. Otherwise, return 0.
// Warning: before using this function, take a look at the function
// getLengthOfCoveredPrefix() and determine what functionality you want.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 prefixCoveredInSet (const ValueIdSet& vidSet) const;
// Are all members of this list are covered in the provided set?
// If exactMatch is set:
// If all the members of this list are covered in the provided set
// AND if they are exact match, return TRUE. Otherwise, return FALSE.
// If exactMatch is not set:
// If all the members of this list are covered in the provided set,
// return TRUE. Otherwise, return FALSE.
NABoolean allMembersCoveredInSet(const ValueIdSet& vidSet,
NABoolean exactMatch) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check whether a prefix of this list is covered by the provided set.
// For the remaining suffix, remove those items from this list.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void removeUncoveredSuffix (const ValueIdSet& vidSet);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// findNJEquiJoinColumns()
// Determine the maximum prefix of this list that is covered
// by either a constant, a parameter/host variable, or an equi-join
// column. Then return the list that is composed of just the equi-join
// columns. Also returns in an output parameter the number of columns
// of this list that were not covered.
// Input: child0Outputs, child1Inputs
// Output: numOfUncoveredCols
// Return value: a list representing the equijoin columns found
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList findNJEquiJoinCols(
const ValueIdSet & child0Outputs,
const ValueIdSet & child1Inputs,
ValueIdList & uncoveredCols) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is a prefix of this list covered in the provided set, or in
// the simplified version of the provided set? If an element is
// found that is not in the original set but is in the simplified
// version of the provided set, then replace the valueid in the
// list with the one in the original provided set - i.e. "complify"
// it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 complifyAndCheckPrefixCovered (const ValueIdSet& vidSet,
const GroupAttributes *ga);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check whether a prefix of this list is covered by the provided set.
// This might involve replacing some elements of the list with
// their counterparts in the provided set.
// For the remaining suffix, remove those items from this list.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void complifyAndRemoveUncoveredSuffix (const ValueIdSet& vidSet,
const GroupAttributes *ga);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// simplifyOrderExpr()
// Returns a version of the list that has all expressions involving
// columns and constants or columns and inverse nodes simplified to be
// the column only.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList simplifyOrderExpr() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// removeInverseOrder()
// Returns a version of the list that has all expressions involving
// columns and inverse nodes simplified to be the column only.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList removeInverseOrder() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// removeDuplicateValueIds()
// Removes duplicate value ids from the ValueIdList object.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void removeDuplicateValueIds();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// substituteValueIds()
// Substitutes a one valueId for another in the list
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void substituteValueIds(const ValueId vid, const ValueId replacementVid);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If a table is ordered by the expressions described in this list,
// does the ordering satisfy a required order or arrangement of columns
// (GroupAttributes and predicates can be provided to allow more matches
// by applying some optimizations)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
OrderComparison satisfiesReqdOrder(const ValueIdList &reqdOrder,
GroupAttributes *ga = NULL,
const ValueIdSet *preds = NULL) const;
NABoolean satisfiesReqdArrangement(const ValueIdSet &reqdArrangement,
GroupAttributes *ga = NULL,
const ValueIdSet *preds = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculate the length of the row containing all the value ids
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 getRowLength() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculate the length of numeric type vids in the row containing all
// the value ids
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 getRowLengthOfNumericCols() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculate the space needed in an sql_buffer for Mdam values.
// These values are: high, low, non-null high, non-null low, and current.
// There are five per key column. Data in sql_buffer is eight-byte
// alligned.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 getMdamSqlBufferSpace() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// rebuildExprTree()
// This method is used by the code generator for reconstructing a
// list of expressions that is represented by a ValueIdList.
// It creates a BoolResult node on top of the ANDed tree, if
// createFinalizeResultNode flag is set to TRUE. Used by generator
// to finalize the boolean result.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr * rebuildExprTree(OperatorTypeEnum op = ITM_ITEM_LIST,
NABoolean redriveTypeSynthesisFlag = FALSE,
NABoolean createFinalizeResultNode = FALSE) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdList::replaceVEGExpressions()
// This method is used by the code generator for rewriting
// expressions that belong to a ValueIdList. A reference to
// a VEG, i.e., a ValueId Equality Group is replaced with
// an expression that belongs the VEG as well as to the
// set of availableValues that is supplied.
// The lookup parameter provides a way to make replaceVEGExpressions
// idempotent when this is desired. This is useful in contexts where
// a VEGPredicate must be evaluated twice but using different physical
// implementations (e.g. when it is used to compute a begin or end key, but
// also must be part of an Executor predicate, all within the same
// scan node). If lookup is NULL, then replaceVEGExpressions is not
// idempotent, and will raise an assertion error when asked to process
// a VEGPredicate twice.
// If replicateExpression is set, a copy of the expression is
// returned.
// if joinInputAndPotentialOutput is not null, then use it to steer that
// join's VEGPredicate::replaceVEGPredicate()'s choice of invariantExprId
// toward a member of that join's input and potential output.
// When thisIsAKeyPredicate is set to TRUE, you need to also pass in
// an indexDesc in order to guarantee that we will replace a VEGReference
// with a key column.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void replaceVEGExpressions
(const ValueIdSet & availableValues,
const ValueIdSet & inputValues,
NABoolean thisIsAKeyPredicate = FALSE,
VEGRewritePairs * lookup = NULL,
NABoolean replicateExpression = FALSE,
const ValueIdSet * outputExpr = NULL,
const ValueIdSet * joinInputAndPotentialOutput = NULL,
const IndexDesc * iDesc = NULL,
const GroupAttributes * left_ga = NULL,
const GroupAttributes * right_ga = NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// replaceOperandsOfInstantiateNull()
// This method is used by the code generator for replacing the
// operands of an ITM_INSTANTIATE_NULL with a value that belongs
// to availableValues.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void replaceOperandsOfInstantiateNull(const ValueIdSet &,
const ValueIdSet & inputValues);
// Simplify subexpressions that contain constants only;
// for example, if the valueIdSet looks like x < 3 + 4
// then the list returns as x < 7 and the function result will be FALSE.
// If we see "1=1 and 2=2",
// then the list returns as "1." and the function result will be TRUE.
// If error, the list returned will be empty!
NABoolean constantFolding();
// Extract the ValueId of the VEG_REFERENCE in the ValueIdList that
// refers to the same VEG as refered to by x, which must be a VEG predicate,
// or to an equal predicate.
ValueId extractVEGRefForEquiPredicate(ValueId x) const;
// Encode this list of constants into an encoded key and save the result into
// encodedKeyBuffer, and the key length into keyBufLen. Allocate an buffer
// if encodedKeyBuffer points at NULL from STMTHEAP. Also return the buffer pointer
// if everything is OK. Return NULL otherwise.
char* computeEncodedKey(const TableDesc* tDesc, NABoolean isMaxKey, char*& encodedKeyBuffer, Int32& keyBufLen) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void display() const;
void print( FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "ValueIdList",
CollHeap *c=NULL, char *buf=NULL) const;
void unparse(NAString &result,
PhaseEnum phase = DEFAULT_PHASE,
UnparseFormatEnum form = USER_FORMAT,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
// evaluate this ValueIdList's expr(s) into resultBuffer
ex_expr::exp_return_type evalAtCompileTime
(short addConvNodes, //(IN) : 1 to add conv nodes, 0 otherwise
ExpTupleDesc::TupleDataFormat tf,//(IN): tuple format of resulting expr(s)
char* resultBuffer, //(INOUT): tuple buffer of resulting expr(s)
ULng32 resultBufferLength, //(IN): length of the result buffer
Lng32 *length=NULL, //(OUT) : length of 1st result expr
Lng32 *offset=NULL //(OUT) : offset of 1st result expr
, ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL
) const;
// is this list cacheable after this phase?
NABoolean isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa);
// change literals of a ValueIdList into ConstantParameters
void normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cwa, BindWA& bindWA);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find all common elements between "this" and "other"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void findCommonElements(const ValueIdSet &other);
ValueIdList findCommonElementsFromList(const ValueIdList &other);
// The following methods are used by constant folding
// Used by constant folding. Calls the executor evaluator. The parameters are:
// 1.- The root of the expresion tree to evaluate. It is assumed that it
// contains constants only.
// 2.- encodedKeyBuffer, which is a pointer to the result.
// 3.- The length of the result
static short evaluateTree( const ItemExpr * root,
char * encodedKeyBuffer,
ULng32 encodedKeyLength,
Lng32 *length,
Lng32 *offset,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL
static Lng32 evaluateConstantTree( const ValueId &parent,
const ValueId & ch,
Int32 childNumber,
ItemExpr ** outItemExpr,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL
static Int32 evaluateExpr( const ValueId & parent,
const ValueId & ch,
Int32 childNumber,
NABoolean simplifyExpr = TRUE,
NABoolean evalAllConsts = FALSE,
ItemExpr ** outAllConstsItemExpr = NULL,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL
NABoolean hasVarChars() const;
// For each vid in the list represnting a constant,
// the literal value of the constant is appended to 'result'
void convertToTextKey(const ValueIdList& keyList, NAString& result);
static ConstValue* getConstant(ItemExpr* ie);
// count the number of prefix constants
Int32 countConstantsAsPrefixes();
static NABoolean canSimplify( ItemExpr *itemExpr,
const ValueId &parent,
Int32 i,
Int32 childNumber,
Int32 &moved
static THREAD_P ObjectCounter *counter_;
}; // class ValueIdList
//class ValueIdListList : public LIST(ValueIdList)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor that pre allocates storage for the list.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdListList(long numberOfElements = 0) :
// NAList<ValueIdList>(CmpCommon::statementHeap(), numberOfElements)
// {}
// ***********************************************************************
// ValueIdSet : A collection of Value identifiers
// ***********************************************************************
class ValueIdSet : public ClusteredBitmap
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// constructor (the default constructor uses a method to determine
// the active SchemaDB automatically)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet(const ValueIdSet &other);
// copy ctor
ValueIdSet(const ValueIdList &other);
ValueIdSet(const ValueId& vid);
~ValueIdSet() { (*counter_).decrementCounter();};
ValueIdSet(ValueDescArray *arr);
// operators
NABoolean operator == (const ValueIdSet &other) const;
NABoolean operator != (const ValueIdSet &other) const
{ return NOT operator==(other); }
// Method that synthesizes a valueIdset that is comprised of the basecolumn
// valueids of this valueidset. So the ids in this set are expected to be
// for Columns.
ValueIdSet convertToBaseIds() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is this set a (dense) prefix of the ValueIdList "other"?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isDensePrefix(const ValueIdList &other) const;
// how many prefix columns of other are found in this predicate?
Int32 prefixMatchesOf(const ValueIdList &other) const;
// Does this contain the first N elements of the "other" ValueIdList?
NABoolean coversFirstN(const ValueIdList &other, Int32 N=INT_MAX) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculate the estimated length of the row containing all the value ids
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 getRowLength() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculate the length of numeric type vids in the row containing all
// the value ids
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 getRowLengthOfNumericCols() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterator methods for a ValueIdSet
// use the iterators in a for loop like this (assuming you have a
// ValueIdSet S over which you want to iterate)
// for (ValueId x= S.init();; S.advance(x) )
// { /* x is the current element */ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueId init() const { return ValueId((CollIndex) 0); }
NABoolean next(ValueId &v) const { return nextUsed(v.id_); }
void advance(ValueId & v) const { v.id_++; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method is a slight modification of intersectSet. Here instead of
// modifying this operand it returns the modified set
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet intersect(const ValueIdSet & v) const;
// like intersectSet but dig into wrappers
ValueIdSet& intersectSetDeep(const ValueIdSet & v);
void getFirst(ValueId & v) const; // returns NULL_VALUE_ID if isEmpty()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// insert "foreign" data types
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void insertList(const ValueIdList &other);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// insert the valueId of x
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void addMember(ItemExpr* x);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// transformNode()
// transformNode() brings predicate trees that are associated with
// each relational operator into a canonical form. The effect of
// some predicate transformations is local to the predicate tree.
// However, the transformation of a subquery predicate requires a
// semijoin to be performed between the relational operator that
// contain the predicate tree and the subquery tree. Thus, the effect
// of such subquery transformations is realized not just in the
// predicate tree but also in the query tree.
// Parameters:
// NormWA & normWARef
// IN : a pointer to the normalizer work area
// ExprGroupId &introduceSemijoinHere
// IN : a pointer to the location in the query tree where a
// subquery transformation can introduce a semijoin. It
// is usually the location of the pointer to the relational
// operator with which the given predicate tree is associated.
// const ValueIdSet & externalInputs
// IN : A set of values that can be supplied as external inputs
// to a new SemiJoin or Join node, which is added by a subquery
// transformation, if they are required for evaluating the
// transformed predicate that is moved to the new node.
// const NABoolean movePredicates
// IN : If this ValueIdSet represents a predicate tree, then the
// caller is expected to set movePredicate to TRUE.
// Whenever movePredicate is set and a subquery is transformed,
// the transformed predicate is moved to the SemiJoin or Join
// node that is introduced by the subquery transformation.
// const NABoolean postJoinPredicates
// IN : If this flag is set, then each predicate is examined to
// determine whether it can cause the transformation of a
// left join to an inner join.
// RETURNS : TRUE if at least one subquery was transformed
// ****************************
// FALSE otherwise
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & introduceSemiJoinHere,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
const NABoolean movePredicates = FALSE,
const NABoolean postJoinPredicates = FALSE);
// Returns TRUE if EACH member of this ValueIdSet isCovered()
NABoolean isCovered(const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs,
const GroupAttributes & newRelExprAnchorGA,
ValueIdSet & referencedInputs,
ValueIdSet & coveredSubExpr,
ValueIdSet & unCoveredExpr) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::removeCoveredExprs()
// This method removes from the this valueid set those values that
// are covered by the available inputs.
// It returns the number of elements removed.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 removeCoveredExprs(const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet* usedInputs = NULL);
//Input: other set
//output: reduced *this set by other set
//Constraints: will remove the ids as long as
//other set contains a reference or the id itself.
void removeCoveredVIdSet(const ValueIdSet & otherSet);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::removeUnCoveredExprs()
// This method removes from the valueid set that values that
// are NOT covered by the available inputs.
// It returns the number of elements removed.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 removeUnCoveredExprs(const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// simplifyOrderExpr()
// Returns a version of the set that has all expressions involving
// columns and constants or columns and inverse nodes simplified to be
// the column only.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet simplifyOrderExpr() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// removeInverseOrder()
// Returns a version of the set that has all expressions involving
// columns and inverse nodes simplified to be the column only.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet removeInverseOrder() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remove all expressions that are not common subexpressions with the
// other set from this set.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void findCommonSubexpressions(ValueIdSet &other,
NABoolean removeCommonExprFromOther = FALSE);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build predicate like the originals in the set, that substitues the
// given column reference with a computed column and the corresponding
// computed column expression.
// For example:
// predicate is : A = 2
// computed Column is: SQR
// computed Column expr is: POW(A, 2)
// Then this method will return a ValueIdSet that contains
// a predicate that looks like this:
// SQR = POW(VEG(A,2),2)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet createMirrorPreds(ValueId &computedCol,
ValueIdSet underlyingCols);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// lookForVEGReferences()
// Accumulate ValueIds of VEGPredicates, if any, in vs.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void lookForVEGReferences(ValueIdSet & VEGRefSet) const;
// *this is a set of (join) equality predicates.
// grcols is a set of group by columns.
// if c is in grcols and c is an opd of an equality predicate then
// add the equality's other opd to grcols.
void introduceMissingVEGRefs(ValueIdSet & grcols) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// lookForVEGPredicates()
// Accumulate ValueIds of VEGPredicates, if any, in vs.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void lookForVEGPredicates(ValueIdSet & VEGPredSet) const;
// return TRUE iff this has no equality predicates at all
// put in joinCols the simple base columns being equijoined
// given "a-1=b and c=d+1", joinCols should get "b,c"
NABoolean hasNoEquiPredicates(ValueIdSet& joinCols) const;
// return TRUE iff x appears in this in a vegRef, a vegPredicate or
// an equal predicate. A constant must also appear in the vegRef,
// vegPredicate or the equal predicate.
NABoolean containsAsEquiLocalPred(ValueId x) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::getVEGesWithMultipleConsts()
// This method accumulates those VEGes that have more than one constant
// references in them
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void getVEGesWithMultipleConsts(ValueIdSet & keyPredsToBeEvaluated);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::accumulateReferencedValues()
// This method accumulates those values that are members of the
// referencedSet and are referenced either individually or in a
// VEGReference in the referencingSet (if the optional parameters
// allow it). The original contents of this ValueIdSet are augmented.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void accumulateReferencedValues(const ValueIdSet & referencedSet,
const ValueIdSet & referencingSet,
NABoolean doNotDigInsideVegRefs = FALSE,
NABoolean doNotDigInsideInstNulls = FALSE);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::getLeafValuesForCoverTest()
// Walk through an ItemExpr tree and gather the ValueIds of those
// expressions that behave as if they are "leaves" for the sake of
// the coverage test, e.g., expressions that have no children, or
// aggregate functions, or instantiate null. These are usually values
// that are produced in one "scope" and referenced above that "scope"
// in the dataflow tree for the query.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void getLeafValuesForCoverTest(ValueIdSet & leafValues,
const GroupAttributes& coveringGA,
const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::referencesOneValueFromTheSet()
// Check whether an expression contained in this ValueIdSet
// references an expression that is a member of the otherSet.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean referencesOneValueFromTheSet(const ValueIdSet & otherSet) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::referencesAllValuesFromMe()
// Check whether every expression contained in this ValueIdSet
// references an expression that is a member of the otherSet.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean referencesAllValuesFromMe(const ValueIdSet & otherSet) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// referencesTheGivenValue()
// Check whether any expression contained in this ValueIdSet
// references the given value.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean referencesTheGivenValue(
const ValueId & theValue,
ValueId & exprId,
NABoolean doNotDigInsideVegRefs = FALSE,
NABoolean doNotDigInsideInstNulls = FALSE) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// containsTheGivenValue()
// Check whether any expression contained in this ValueIdSet
// is the given valueId or is a VEGref that contains the given
// valueId.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean containsTheGivenValue( const ValueId & theValue ) const;
// return true iff set has RandomNum expr
NABoolean hasRandom() const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// membersCoveredInSet()
// Check whether any of the members of this ValueIdSet are contained
// in the provided ValueIdSet. Return the number of members found.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 membersCoveredInSet (const ValueIdSet & vidSet, NABoolean lookBelowInstantiateNull) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// return true iff ValueIdSet has predicates that guarantee
// that opd is not nullable
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isNotNullable(const ValueId& opd);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// weedOutUnreferenced()
// Check which values belonging to other are referenced in this set.
// Delete all values in other that are not referenced by the value
// expressions that belong to this set.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void weedOutUnreferenced(ValueIdSet & other) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// weedOutNonEquiPreds()
// Remove everything except equi-predicates (VEGPredicate and ITM_EQUAL)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void weedOutNonEquiPreds();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// normalizeNode()
// normalizeNode() brings a query tree that consists of relational
// operators into a canonical form. It also rewrites predicates
// using the transitive closure of values that is computed by
// transformNode().
// Parameters:
// NormWA & normWA
// IN : a reference to the normalizer work area
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// rebuildExprTree()
// This method is used by the code generator for reconstructing a
// tree of predicate factors that is represented by a ValueIdSet
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr * rebuildExprTree(OperatorTypeEnum op = ITM_AND,
NABoolean redriveTypeSynthesisFlag = FALSE,
NABoolean createFinalizeResultNode = FALSE) const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::referencesOneValueFromTheSet()
// Check whether a VEGPred contained in this ValueIdSet references
// references a value that is a member of the otherSet and remove it
// othewise.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void removeUnReferencedVEGPreds
(const ValueIdSet & otherSet);
// Check whether the Valudidset contains any CAST expressions && and replace
// it with the original expression
void replaceCastExprWithOriginal(const ValueIdSet &, const RelExpr *);
// Check whether the ValueIdSet contains expressions of the form
// InstNull(Cast(aggregate))) and modify them to aggregate.
void replaceInstnullCastAggregateWithAggregateInLeftJoins(RelExpr *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// removeSubqueryOrIsolatedUDFunctionPredicates()
// This method walks through the ItemExprs that belong to this set,
// collects the ValueIds of the expressions which contain a subquery
// or an Isolated UDFunction and removes them from the orginal set.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void removeSubqueryOrIsolatedUDFunctionPredicates(ValueIdSet & subqueryExpr);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::replaceVEGExpressionsAndCopy()
// Copy the Values contained in setContainingWildCards into this set
// after expanding all wild card expressions.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void replaceVEGExpressionsAndCopy(const ValueIdSet & setContainingWildCards);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::getUnReferencedVEGmembers()
// Called only from preCodeGen. Gets all the VEG members that
// have not been bound yet.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void getUnReferencedVEGmembers(const ValueIdSet & setContainingWildCards);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::replaceVEGExpressions()
// This method is used by the code generator for rewriting
// expressions that belong to a ValueIdSet. A reference to
// a VEG, i.e., a ValueId Equality Group is replaced with
// an expression that belongs the VEG as well as to the
// set of availableValues that is supplied.
// if joinInputAndPotentialOutput is not null, then use it to steer that
// join's VEGPredicate::replaceVEGPredicate()'s choice of invariantExprId
// toward a member of that join's input and potential output.
// When thisIsAKeyPredicate is set to TRUE, you need to also pass in
// an indexDesc in order to guarantee that we will replace a VEGReference
// with a key column.
// The last two optional parameters, avaliableValues_left and
// availableValues_right are used by the hash join to make sure we
// keep the resulution of VEGReferences to values apropriate for each
// child of the join.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void replaceVEGExpressions(const ValueIdSet & availableValues,
const ValueIdSet & inputValues,
NABoolean thisIsAKeyPredicate = FALSE,
VEGRewritePairs * lookup = NULL,
NABoolean replicateExpression = FALSE,
const ValueIdSet * outputExpr = NULL,
const ValueIdSet * joinInputAndPotentialOutput = NULL,
const IndexDesc * iDesc = NULL,
const GroupAttributes * left_ga = NULL,
const GroupAttributes * right_ga = NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// replaceOperandsOfInstantiateNull()
// This method is used by the code generator for replacing the
// operands of an ITM_INSTANTIATE_NULL with a value that belongs
// to availableValues.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void replaceOperandsOfInstantiateNull(const ValueIdSet & availableValues,
const ValueIdSet & inputValues);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// References a Constant Value
// Does this valueidset reference a constant? If so, return it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean referencesAConstValue (ItemExpr ** constant) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// References a Constant Expression
// Does this valueidset reference a constant, hostvariable, or param?
// Optionally return the constant expression if constExprptr argument is
// not NULL.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean referencesAConstExpr(ItemExpr** constExprPtr = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Removes constant expression references if any in this valueidset.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void removeConstExprReferences(NABoolean considerExpressions=FALSE);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks if the valueidset has a veg predicate and contains a
// hostvariable or param
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean referencesAHostvariableorParam() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Replace any predicate consisting of a RangeSpecRef with the predicates
// that it was derived from.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet replaceRangeSpecRefs() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remove any predicate with host variable or dunamic parameter from the
// set of predicates
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet removePredsWithHostVars() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remove any predicate with rolling columns from the
// set of predicates
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet removePredsWithRollingCols(TableDesc *tdesc) const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// referenceConstExprCount
// This method is invoked to determine how many elements of the
// valueidset contains a "constant expression", i.e. a constant,
// host variable or a parameter.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 referencesConstExprCount() const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// referencesBignumNumericKeyColumns
// This method is invoked to determine if at least one of ItemExprs
// contained in the set is of big number numeric type.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean referencesBignumNumericDataType() const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// getColumnsForHistogram
// returns columns which are referred in the expressions containing constants,
// constant expressions or host variables
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet getColumnsForHistogram() const;
// Out of all columns in the set, return the one with minimum UEC
CostScalar getMinOrigUecOfJoiningCols();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the constant values that are in the set
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void getConstants(ValueIdSet & addConstantsToThisSet, NABoolean includeCacheParams = FALSE) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If isStrict is false, get the constant expressions
// (constants, hostvars and dynamic para) that are in the set.
// If isStrict is true look only for constants
// in both cases look inside a veg.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void getConstantExprs(ValueIdSet & addConstantExprsToThisSet,
NABoolean isStrict = FALSE) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Loops through the vidset and returns true iff all vids evaluate to a constant
// Essentially calld doesExprEvaluateToAConstant() in a loop.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean doAllExprsEvaluateToConstant(NABoolean isStrict,
NABoolean considerVEG) const ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get Outer References
// Given a set of input values, return all outer column references.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void getOuterReferences (ValueIdSet & OuterRefs) const;
// a utility routine for analyzing predicates, and categorizing them as
// (1) Local Predicates - those that do not contain outer references
// a) equality predicates
// b) other non-equality predicates supported by synthesis (for now,
// these include inequality predicates only)
// (2) Non-local predicates - those that do contain outer references
// a) equality predicates
// b) other non-equality predicates
// (3) BiLogic: AND, or OR
void categorizePredicates (const ValueIdSet & outerReferences,
ValueIdSet & EqLocalPreds,
ValueIdSet & OtherLocalPreds,
ValueIdSet & EqNonLocalPreds,
ValueIdSet & OtherNonLocalPreds,
ValueIdSet & BiLogicPreds,
ValueIdSet & DefaultPreds ) const;
// This method returns TRUE if there are any predicates for which the
// cardinality cannot be accurately estimated by the optimizer
NABoolean predsReqFetchCnt(TableDesc * tdes);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// getReferencedPredicates:
// a utility routine that is a simple version of categorizePredicates. It
// simply picks out all predicates that are referenced by any valueid in
// first argument and puts them in the second set.
// This method goes through the ValueIdSet pointed to by the this pointer.
// All those valueids that are referenced by any member
// of the valueIdSet that is the first argument to this method are inserted
// into the ValueIdSet that is the second argument. This method can be used
// get all the predicates in the selection predicate of a node that contain
// outer references. Method returns TRUE if any predicate is found that
// references a valueid from the first set.
// The default behavior of the routine is to skip anything that evaluates
// to a constant. If you set the searchConstExpr boolean parameter to
// TRUE, the routine (see ItemExpr::referencesOneValueFrom()) will search
// those expressions as well.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean getReferencedPredicates (const ValueIdSet & outerReferences,
ValueIdSet & nonLocalPreds ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void display() const;
void print( FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "ValueIdSet",
CollHeap *c=NULL, char *buf=NULL) const;
void unparse(NAString &result,
PhaseEnum phase = DEFAULT_PHASE,
UnparseFormatEnum form = USER_FORMAT,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
short showQueryStats(CollHeap *c, char *buf);
void replaceOneRowbyList( NormWA&);
// change literals of a ValueIdSet into ConstantParameters
void normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cwa, BindWA& bindWA);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::accumulateReferencingValues()
// This method accumulates those expressions that are members of the
// referencingSet and are referencing any value in ReferencedSet.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void accumulateReferencingExpressions(const ValueIdSet & referencingSet,
const ValueIdSet & referencedSet,
NABoolean doNotDigInsideVegRefs = FALSE,
NABoolean doNotDigInsideInstNulls = FALSE);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::removeNonReferencingExpressions()
// This method remove those expressions that are members of the
// referencingSet and not referencing any value in ReferencedSet.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void removeNonReferencingExpressions(const ValueIdSet & otherSet,
NABoolean doNotDigInsideVegRefs = FALSE,
NABoolean doNotDigInsideInstNulls = FALSE);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::findAllReferencedBaseCols()
// This method find all base columns referenced directly or indirectly
// via this ValueIdSet. This includes degging into VEGs and recursively
// walking ItemExpr trees until the leaf nodes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void findAllReferencedBaseCols(ValueIdSet & result) const;
void findAllReferencedIndexCols(ValueIdSet & result) const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::findAllEqualityCols()
// This method finds all eqaulity columns referenced directly or indirectly
// via this ValueIdSet.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void findAllEqualityCols(ValueIdSet & result) const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method finds all itemExpr with the type referenced directly
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void findAllOpType(OperatorTypeEnum type, ValueIdSet & result) const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method collects all child expressions, for each member of the
// set. This method does not recursively go below the current set.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void findAllChildren(ValueIdSet & result) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::getAllTables()
// This method will get all tables whose columns are included in the set
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
SET(TableDesc *) * getAllTables();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueIdSet::doColumnsConstituteUniqueIndex(const NATable * table)
// Returns a boolean to indicate if these columns constitute a primary
// key or unique index.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean doColumnsConstituteUniqueIndex(TableDesc * tableDesc, NABoolean considerStats = TRUE);
// -------------------------------------
// xxx
// ------------------
void columnAnalysis(QueryAnalysis* qa, NABoolean predOnSemiOrLeftJoin = FALSE) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a boolean to indicate if this vid set has a vid that
// corresponds to a subquery
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean containsSubquery() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a pointer to the ItemExpr node of UDFunction if this vid set
// has a vid that corresponds to a UDF. 0 otherwise.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr *containsUDF() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a boolean to indicate if this vid set has a vid that
// corresponds to an Isolated UDFunction
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean containsIsolatedUDFunction() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a boolean to indicate if this vid set has a vid that
// corresponds to a count function
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean containsCount() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a boolean to indicate if this vid set has a vid that
// corresponds to a oneTrue function. If a reference to a ValueId
// is given, we initialize it to the ValueID of the oneTrue expression.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean containsOneTrue(ValueId &refOneTrue ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a boolean to indicate if this vid set has a vid that
// corresponds to a anyTrue function. If a reference to a ValueId
// is given, we initialize it to the ValueID of the oneTrue expression.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean containsAnyTrue(ValueId &refAnyTrue ) const;
// for each OLAP LEAD function cotnained in this, add the equivalent
// OLAP LEAD function for each element (as the child of LEAD) in input,
// and save the new function in result
void addOlapLeadFuncs(const ValueIdSet& input, ValueIdSet& result);
static THREAD_P ObjectCounter *counter_;
}; // class ValueIdSet
// ***********************************************************************
// ValueIdMap : A structure that bidirectionally maps value ids to new
// value ids (arbitrarily called top and lower value ids)
// ***********************************************************************
class ValueIdMap : public NABasicObject
// constructors
ValueIdMap() {}
ValueIdMap(const ValueIdMap &other)
: topValues_(other.topValues_), bottomValues_(other.bottomValues_) {}
// copy ctor
ValueIdMap(const ValueIdSet &identity);
ValueIdMap(const ValueIdList &topList,const ValueIdList &bottomList)
: topValues_(topList), bottomValues_(bottomList) {}
// operators
ValueIdMap & operator = (const ValueIdMap &other)
{ topValues_ = other.topValues_;
bottomValues_ = other.bottomValues_; return *this; }
NABoolean operator == (const ValueIdMap &other) const;
NABoolean operator != (const ValueIdMap &other) const
{ return NOT operator==(other); }
// accessor functions
const ValueIdList & getTopValues() const { return topValues_; }
const ValueIdList & getBottomValues() const { return bottomValues_; }
void remapTopValue(const ValueId & newTopValue, const ValueId &bottomValue);
void remapBottomValue(const ValueId & topValue, const ValueId &newBottomValue);
void addMapEntry(const ValueId & newTopValue, const ValueId &newBottomValue);
void clear() { topValues_.clear(); bottomValues_.clear(); }
// map value ids from the topValue side to the bottomValue side and vice versa
// assume that expressions are already contained in the map, otherwise
// use the "rewrite" methods below
void mapValueIdUp(ValueId &newTopValue, const ValueId &bottomValue) const;
void mapValueIdDown(const ValueId &topValues, ValueId &newBottomValues) const;
void mapValueIdUpWithIndex(ValueId &topValue, const ValueId &bottomValue, CollIndex i) const;
void mapValueIdListUp(ValueIdList &newTopValues, const ValueIdList &bottomValues) const;
void mapValueIdListDown(const ValueIdList &topValues, ValueIdList &newBottomValues) const;
void mapValueIdSetUp(ValueIdSet &newTopValues, const ValueIdSet &bottomValues) const;
void mapValueIdSetDown(const ValueIdSet &topValues, ValueIdSet &newBottomValues) const;
// rewrite expressions from the topValue side to the bottomValue side and vice versa
void rewriteValueIdUp(ValueId &newTopValue, const ValueId &bottomValue);
void rewriteValueIdUpWithIndex(ValueId &topValue, const ValueId &bottomValue, CollIndex i);
void rewriteValueIdDown(const ValueId &topValues, ValueId &newBottomValues);
void rewriteValueIdListUp(ValueIdList &newTopValues, const ValueIdList &bottomValues);
void rewriteValueIdListUpWithIndex(ValueIdList &topValues, const ValueIdList &bottomValues);
void rewriteValueIdListDown(const ValueIdList &topValues, ValueIdList &newBottomValues);
void rewriteValueIdSetUp(ValueIdSet &newTopValues, const ValueIdSet &bottomValues);
void rewriteValueIdSetDown(const ValueIdSet &topValues, ValueIdSet &newBottomValues);
// flip the top and bottom maps
void flipSides();
// add VEGPreds for VEGRefs contained in the map
void augmentForVEG(NABoolean addVEGPreds,
NABoolean addVEGRefs,
NABoolean compareConstants,
const ValueIdSet *topInputsToCheck,
const ValueIdSet *bottomInputsToCheck,
ValueIdSet *vegRefsWithDifferentConstants = NULL,
ValueIdSet *vegRefsWithDifferentInputs = NULL);
// Normalize the map replacing valueIds with VEGRefs
NABoolean normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// Removed items from the map that are no longer required.
void removeUnusedEntries(const ValueIdSet &requiredValues, NABoolean matchWithTopValues);
// value ids from corresponding list positions are mapped
// (topValues_.entries() == bottomValues_.entries())
ValueIdList topValues_;
ValueIdList bottomValues_;
// ***********************************************************************
// ValueDesc : A Value descriptor
// ***********************************************************************
class ValueDesc : public NABasicObject
friend class ValueDescArray; // to set valId_
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueDesc(ItemExpr *expr);
static ValueId create(ItemExpr *expr,
const NAType *type,
CollHeap *h = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueId getValueId() const { return valId_; }
DomainDesc * getDomainDesc() const { return domId_; }
ItemExpr *getItemExpr() const { return exprPtr_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mutator functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void setDomainDesc(DomainDesc * domId) { domId_ = domId; }
void replaceItemExpr(ItemExpr * iePtr) { exprPtr_ = iePtr; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The value identifier
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueId valId_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The value-producing expression (an item expression)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr *exprPtr_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The domain (type) information for the above expression.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
DomainDesc * domId_;
}; // class ValueDesc
// ***********************************************************************
// ValueDescArray : An ordered collection of Value descriptors
// ***********************************************************************
class ValueDescArray : public ARRAY(ValueDesc *)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueDescArray() :
ARRAY(ValueDesc *) (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
{ insertAt(0,NULL); /* create a NULL entry (ValueId = 0) */ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// copy ctor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueDescArray (const ValueDescArray & orig) :
ARRAY(ValueDesc *) (orig, CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Insert a new ValueDesc and assign a ValueId to it
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void insert(ValueDesc * newElem)
{ newElem->valId_ = entries(); insertAt(entries(),newElem); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
static void Display(NABoolean dontDisplayErrors = FALSE);
void display(NABoolean dontDisplayErrors = FALSE) const;
virtual void print( FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "ValueDescArray",
NABoolean dontDisplayErrors = FALSE) const;
}; // class ValueDescArray
#endif /* VALUEDESC_H */