blob: 0501c1aae19fd92e593e44189fd86a494369194c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef VEGTABLE_H
#define VEGTABLE_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ValueId Equality Group
* Description: A set of ValueIds that have an equality relationship
* between its elements.
* Created: 11/14/94
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Collections.h"
#include "RelSet.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class VEGMember;
class VEGRegion;
class VEGTable;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ItemExpr;
class VEG;
class VEGReference;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declarations.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef Lng32 RegionId;
const RegionId NULL_VEG_REGION = -1;
const RegionId FIRST_VEG_REGION = 0;
template <class T> class RAList
// default constructor
// RAList(CollIndex initLen = 0) :
// theList_(initLen),
// theArray_(new initLen),
// arrayValid_(FALSE)
// {}
// constructor with user-defined heap
RAList(CollHeap * heap,
CollIndex initLen = 0) :
theArray_(new(heap) ARRAY(CollIndex) (heap,initLen)),
arrayValidUpTo_(new(heap) CollIndex(NULL_COLL_INDEX))
// copy ctor
RAList(const RAList<T> &other, CollHeap * heap=0) :
theList_(other.theList_, heap),
theArray_(new(heap) ARRAY(CollIndex) (*(other.theArray_),heap)),
arrayValidUpTo_(new(heap) CollIndex(*(other.arrayValidUpTo_)))
// virtual destructor
// oops I need to delete theArray_ and arrayValid_, but since I dont
// have time to run regression again and RAList is only used within
// CmpStatementHeap so far, then I will delay this to next checkin
NA_EIDPROC virtual ~RAList() {};
// assignment
RAList<T> & operator =(const RAList<T> &other);
// comparison
NABoolean operator ==(const RAList<T> &other) const;
inline CollIndex entries() const
{ return theList_.entries();}
// insert a new entry
inline CollIndex insertAt(const CollIndex ix, const T &elem)
CollIndex newIndex = theList_.insertAt(ix,elem);
if (*arrayValidUpTo_ == NULL_COLL_INDEX)
// do nothing for now// may be wana consider ix = 0 refinement
else if (ix <= (*arrayValidUpTo_) + 1)
*arrayValidUpTo_ = ix;
return newIndex;
// append a new entry
inline void insert(const T &elem)
insertAt(entries(), elem);
// remove an element(the first that matches) that is given by its value
//(returns whether the element was found and removed)
inline NABoolean remove(const T &elem)
if (theList_.remove(elem))
// It does not worth it to use the find function to refine this
// because its more expensive. Would've been nice to have an NAList
// function that returns the removed element index (-1 for FALSE).
*arrayValidUpTo_ = NULL_COLL_INDEX;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// index access(both reference and value), zero based
T & operator [](CollIndex ix)
if ((*arrayValidUpTo_==NULL_COLL_INDEX) || (ix > (*arrayValidUpTo_)))
// rebuild and validate the array
// This is not an n^2 algo its n because of the cache in
// the NAList theList_
CollIndex count = entries();
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < count; i++)
*arrayValidUpTo_ = count;
return theList_.usedEntry((*theArray_)[ix]);
const T & operator [](CollIndex ix) const
if ((*arrayValidUpTo_==NULL_COLL_INDEX) || (ix > (*arrayValidUpTo_)))
// rebuild and validate the array
// This is not an n^2 algo its n because of the cache in
// the NAList theList_
CollIndex count = entries();
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < count; i++)
*arrayValidUpTo_ = count;
return theList_.constEntry((*theArray_)[ix]);
inline T & at(CollIndex i) { return operator [](i); }
const T & at(CollIndex i) const { return operator [](i); }
LIST(T) theList_;
ARRAY(CollIndex)* theArray_;
CollIndex* arrayValidUpTo_;
}; // NAArray
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A VEGRegion can either be be IMPORT_ONLY or IMPORT_AND_EXPORT.
// A value that is produced in such a VEGRegion cannot be referenced
// in another VEGRegion. However, such a VEGRegion can reference a
// value that is a member of another VEGRegion, i.e., it is an "outer
// reference".
// For example, a VEGRegion that is allocated for a scalar aggregate
// can only import a VEG from another VEGRegion:
// select ...
// from t1
// where t1.x = 10
// and t1.y = any (select t3.x from t3 where t3.x = t1.x )
// It is legal to deduce that t3.x = 10 within the subquery but not
// t1.y = t3.x = 10 = t1.x in the main query.
// Similarly, a VEGRegion that is allocated for an "=" predicate that
// occurs underneath an OR operator is also IMPORT_ONLY. In all other
// cases, the VEGRegion is of the type IMPORT_AND_EXPORT.
// A value that is produced in such a VEGRegion can also be referenced
// in another VEGRegion.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ***********************************************************************
// VEGMember : A Member of a ValueId Equality Group
// A VEGMember is allocated for each expression that is a child of an
// "=" operator in a predicate.
// ***********************************************************************
class VEGMember : public NABasicObject
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGMember(const ValueId & memberValue, const ValueId & ofVEG,
NABoolean deleteMeFlag = FALSE, NABoolean forwardingEntry = FALSE)
: memberM_(memberValue), groupG_(ofVEG),
deleteMeFlag_(deleteMeFlag), forwardingEntry_(forwardingEntry)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor function.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
~VEGMember() {}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor functions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void setMemberValueId(const ValueId newId) { memberM_ = newId; }
ValueId getMemberValueId() const { return memberM_; }
ItemExpr * getItemExpr() const { return memberM_.getItemExpr(); }
ValueId getVEGValueId() const { return groupG_; }
VEG * getVEG() const { return (VEG *)(groupG_.getItemExpr()); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Standard operators.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean operator==(const VEGMember & other) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mutator functions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void setVEGValueId(const ValueId & newVEG) { groupG_ = newVEG; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for testing and setting the state of the deleteMeFLag_.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void markAsToBeDeleted() { deleteMeFlag_ = TRUE; }
NABoolean isToBeDeleted() const { return deleteMeFlag_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for testing and setting the state of the deleteMeFLag_.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void markAsAForwardingEntry() { forwardingEntry_ = TRUE; }
NABoolean isAForwardingEntry() const { return forwardingEntry_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void display();
void print( FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "VEGMember");
// *********************************************************************
// VEGMember - private methods
// *********************************************************************
// *********************************************************************
// VEGMember - private data
// *********************************************************************
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The VEG is a set that contains ValueIds that are equal to each
// other. It is shared by all the VEGMembers that are allocated for
// values that belong to the VEG.
// The VEG is allocated in the top-down tree walking phase of
// transformNode(). At the end of its bottom-up tree walking phase,
// transformNode() may merge two or more VEG sets into a single
// one. This happens when they are found to share the same member.
// Thus, when the transformNode() phase is completed, all the
// ValueIds that are transitively related because of an "="
// predicate between them belong to the same VEG.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a VEGMember for a member M in Region R.
// The given value can be "=" to different values in different Regions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueId memberM_; // the L or R child of an "="
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The ValueId Equality Group G, that is, the VEG.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueId groupG_; // ValueId of a VEG Item Expression
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A flag that indicates whether this member is to be deleted.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean deleteMeFlag_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A flag that indicates wether this member exists simply to redirect
// the lookup to a certain VEG. However, memberM_ does NOT belong to
// groupG_. Such a member is created when an InstantiateNull is
// replaced with its operand when the rewrite of a Left Join to an
// Inner Join is performed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean forwardingEntry_;
}; // class VEGMember
// ***********************************************************************
// VEGRegion :
// ***********************************************************************
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An entry in a table that maintains ValueId Equality Groups (VEGs)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class VEGRegion : public NABasicObject
VEGRegion(VEGTable * vegTable,
VEGRegion * parentVEGRegionPtr,
const RegionId newRegionId,
enum VEGRegionTypeEnum tev,
const ExprNode * const ownerExpr,
Lng32 subtreeId = 0
: stateEnum_(ACTIVE_STATE), typeEnum_(tev), processedFlag_(FALSE),
parentRegion_(parentVEGRegionPtr), myRegionId_(newRegionId),
ownerExpr_(ownerExpr), subtreeId_(subtreeId), vegTable_(vegTable),
~VEGRegion() { }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for querying the type of the Region
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegionTypeEnum getVEGRegionTypeEnum() { return typeEnum_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for querying the state which this VEGRegion is in.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isActive() const
{ return (stateEnum_ == ACTIVE_STATE); }
NABoolean isToBeMerged() const
{ return (stateEnum_ == TO_BE_MERGED_STATE); }
NABoolean isMerged() const
{ return (stateEnum_ == MERGED_STATE); }
NABoolean processingDone() const { return processedFlag_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mark a VEGRegion, "To be merged".
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void markAsToBeMerged()
stateEnum_ = TO_BE_MERGED_STATE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add an entry for each expression of the ValueId Equality Group (VEG)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void addVEG(const ValueId & expr1Id, const ValueId & expr2Id);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::addVEG()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void addVEG(const ValueIdSet & setOfValues);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add a new entry for memberId if one doesn't already exist. If the
// VEG of memberId exists, then merge the two VEGs.
// If the memberId already exists, then merge the memberId's VEG to
// the exisiting memberId's VEG.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void addVEGMember(const ValueId & memberId);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::addZone()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void addZone(VEGRegion * parentRegion, VEGRegion * newZone)
{ parentRegion->zones_.insert(newZone); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Search for a VEGMember that contains the given ValueId.
// If not found, return NULL.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGMember * findVEGMember(const ValueId & vid) const;
VEGMember * findVEGMember(VEGReference *vegReference);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::getVEGReferenceFromCurrentVEGRegion()
// The following method returns the VEGReference for the VEG to
// which the given value belongs to in the current VEGRegion. If
// the given value is not a member of the current VEGRegion, the
// method returns NULL.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGReference * getVEGReferenceFromCurrentVEGRegion
(const ValueId & exprId,
const VEGRegion * ignoreThisChild = NULL,
const VEGRegion * searchThisVEGRegionFirst = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::getVEGReferenceFromParentVEGRegion()
// The following method searches for a VEGRegion amongst parent
// Regions, that contains the given exprId as a member. If
// the given value is not a member of a parent VEGRegion, the
// method returns NULL.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGReference * getVEGReferenceFromParentVEGRegion
(const ValueId & exprId) const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::importVEGsForUnionChildVEGRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void importVEGsForUnionChildVEGRegion();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::mergeZonesAndMakeReferencesConsistent()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void mergeZonesAndMakeReferencesConsistent();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method for computing the transitive closure of "=" predicates.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr * performTC(const ValueId & memberOfVEG);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor function
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const ExprNode * getOwnerExpr() const { return ownerExpr_; }
Lng32 getSubtreeId() const { return subtreeId_; }
RegionId getRegionId() const { return myRegionId_; }
VEG * getVEG(const ValueId & valId) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mutator functions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void setOwnerExpr(const ExprNode * const ownerExpr)
{ ownerExpr_ = ownerExpr; }
void setSubtreeId(const Lng32 subtreeId) { subtreeId_ = subtreeId; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parent Region
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void setParentVEGRegion(VEGRegion * newParent) { parentRegion_ = newParent;}
VEGRegion * getParentVEGRegion() const { return parentRegion_; }
RegionId getParentVEGRegionId() const { return
parentRegion_ ? parentRegion_->getRegionId() : NULL_VEG_REGION ;}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method for gathering all the ValueId's of null-instantiated members
// present in the region.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void gatherInstantiateNullMembers(ValueIdSet & vidset);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::gatherValueIdsOfVEGs()
// Accumulate the ValueIds of all VEGs that are defined in this Region.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void gatherValueIdsOfVEGs(ValueIdSet & vidSet) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::gatherValueIdsOfVEGs()
// Accumulate the ValueIds of all VEGs that are defined in this Region
// with ValueId vid.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void gatherValueIdsOfMembersWithVEGVid(ValueIdSet &vidSet, ValueId vid) const;
void replaceAllVEGs(ValueIdSet & vidSet, ValueId vid);
// For Full Outer Join, we need to findout which of the children
// produce exprId as output and mark the region assosiated with
// that child as "to be merged".
void locateDescendantVEGRegionAndMarkToBeMerged(const RelExpr *owner,
const ValueId & exprId);
// VEGRegion::mergeVEGRegion()
void mergeVEGRegion(VEGRegion *fromRegion);
void fixupZonesAfterFullToLeftConversion();
void fixupZonesAndParentPointers();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// What state is this VEGRegion in ?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void markAsMerged()
{ CMPASSERT(stateEnum_ != MERGED_STATE); stateEnum_ = MERGED_STATE; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete the VEGMember that contains the given ValueId
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void deleteVEGMember(const ValueId & memberId)
{ replaceVEGMember(memberId); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void display();
void print( FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "VEGRegion");
// *********************************************************************
// VEGRegion - private declarations
// *********************************************************************
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A VEGRegion can be in one of three states:
// A member of an active VEGRegion can be substituted with
// another member of the VEG that it belongs to.
// The discovery of an "=" predicate that compares the member of
// one publisher VEGRegion with another publisher VEGRegion causes
// the more recently allocated (younger) VEGRegion to be merged
// with the other one.
// The merging of VEGRegions occurs when a value that can suffer
// null-instantiation by a Left Join is compared with another
// value.
// The MERGED_STATE and the ACTIVE_STATE are mutually exclusive.
// A VEGRegion must have been in the TO_BE_MERGED_STATE to be able to
// reach the MERGED_STATE. A VEGRegion reaches this state after all
// the VEGs that belong to it have been combined with those that
// belong to its parent VEGRegion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum VEGRegionStateEnum { ACTIVE_STATE,
// *********************************************************************
// VEGRegion - private methods
// *********************************************************************
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Allocate a new Zone
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * allocateNewZone(const VEGRegionTypeEnum tev,
const ExprNode * const ownerExpr);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Does this VEGRegion export VEGs?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean exportsVEG() const { return ( typeEnum_ == IMPORT_AND_EXPORT );}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::mergeForwardingEntries()
// This is a help method used to merge the forwarding entries of the given
// region into this region. It is called when we are merging regions. The
// forwarding entries in the to-be-merged region need to identify its
// corresponding new VEG in the new region before being merged in.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void mergeForwardingEntries(const VEGRegion *fromRegion);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::fixupActiveZones()
// This method is invoked after all the Zones that are marked "to be
// merged" are merged. It updates the parentRegion for each VEGRegion
// and replaces those members that are also a member of a parent Region
// with a VEGReference for the VEG to which they belong.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void fixupActiveZones(VEGRegion * activeParentRegion,
const ValueIdSet & outerReferences);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::gatherValueIdsOfMembers()
// Accumulate the ValueIds of the members of VEGs that are defined in
// this Region.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void gatherValueIdsOfMembers(ValueIdSet & vidSet) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::gatherAllForwardingEntries()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void gatherForwardingEntries(LIST(VEGMember *) & vegMembers) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the VEGMember at the given position in the VEGRegion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGMember * getVEGMember(Lng32 index) { return members_[index]; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the ValueId for the VEG to which the given two expressions
// should belong.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueId getVEGValueId(VEGMember * vegDesc1, VEGMember * vegDesc2);
void markAsProcessed()
{ CMPASSERT(NOT processingDone()); processedFlag_ = TRUE; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Merge oldVEG into newVEG.
// Replace all references of the VEG oldVEG in this VEGRegion
// with a reference to the VEG newVEG.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void mergeVEG(const ValueId & oldVEG, const ValueId & newVEG);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::mergeZonesFromSameVEGRegion()
// This method is invoked on the Region into which VEGs from the
// fromRegion are to be merged. This Region is therefore the "toRegion".
// The merge happens in the fashion: "toRegion" <- "fromRegion".
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void mergeZonesFromSameVEGRegion(VEGRegion * fromRegion,
VEGRegion * parentRegion = NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::processZones()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void processZones();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following calls replace some members of the VEGRegion that are
// an InstantiateNull with a new member that is its replacementExpr().
// This replacement is done in order to eliminate those InstantiateNull
// operators that are no longer necessary because a left join is
// being transformed to an inner join.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void replaceInstantiateNullMembers();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::replaceOuterReferences()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void replaceOuterReferences(const ValueIdSet & outerReferences);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete the VEGMember for the member whose ValueId is existingMemberId.
// If newMemberId is not the NULL_VALUE_ID, then add a new VEGMember
// for newMemberId for replacing the deleted one.
// If newMemberId is equal to the NULL_VALUE_ID, then replaceVEGMember()
// is synonymous with deleteVEGMember().
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void replaceVEGMember(const ValueId & existingMemberId,
const ValueId & newMemberId = NULL_VALUE_ID);
// *********************************************************************
// VEGRegion - private data
// *********************************************************************
const enum VEGRegionTypeEnum typeEnum_; // IMPORT_ONLY, IMPORT_AND_EXPORT
enum VEGRegionStateEnum stateEnum_; // ACTIVE, TO BE MERGED or MERGED
NABoolean processedFlag_; // to assure idempotence
const ExprNode * ownerExpr_; // the owner of this VEGRegion
Lng32 subtreeId_; // VEGRegion is for which child
const RegionId myRegionId_; // should be equal to my array index
VEGRegion * parentRegion_; // pointer to my parent
VEGTable * vegTable_; // in order to be able to allocate
// a new Zone on demand
LIST(VEGRegion *) zones_; // descendants of this VEGRegion
RAList<VEGMember *> members_; // members of this VEGRegion
}; // class VEGRegion
// ***********************************************************************
// VEGTable : Main memory table of ValueId Equality Groups.
// ***********************************************************************
class VEGTable : public NABasicObject
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::allocateAndSetVEGRegion()
// Allocate a new VEGRegion and set currency pointer.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void allocateAndSetVEGRegion(const VEGRegionTypeEnum tev,
const ExprNode * const ownerExpr,
Lng32 subtreeId = 0)
{ setCurrentVEGRegion(allocateVEGRegion(getCurrentVEGRegion(), tev,
ownerExpr, subtreeId)); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::allocateVEGRegion()
// This is a helper function that is used internally.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * allocateVEGRegion(VEGRegion * parentRegion,
const VEGRegionTypeEnum tev,
const ExprNode * const ownerExpr,
Lng32 subtreeId = 0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Locates the Region to which a given ExprNode belongs and sets
// it to become the current Region. If no Region contains the
// given ExprNode, it makes the FIRST_VEG_REGION the current Region.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void locateAndSetVEGRegion(const ExprNode * const exprPtr,
Lng32 subtreeId = 0);
//A method to locate the VEG region given an ExprNode
VEGRegion* locateVEGRegion(ExprNode *ownerENptr)
{ const ExprNode* const op= (ExprNode*)ownerENptr;
return getVEGRegion(op);}
//A method to locate the VEG region given an ExprNode
VEGRegion* locateVEGRegion(ExprNode *ownerENptr, Lng32 subtreeId)
{ const ExprNode* const op= (ExprNode*)ownerENptr;
return getVEGRegion(op, subtreeId);}
//A method to reassign a VEG region to an ExprNode
// Currently only used for reasigning the regioin of a scalar-agg to
// a leftjoin during unnesting.
void reassignVEGRegion(ExprNode *ownerENptr, Lng32 oldSubtreeId, ExprNode *newOwnerENptr, Lng32 newSubtreeId)
{ VEGRegion *vr = getVEGRegion(ownerENptr, oldSubtreeId);
void restoreOriginalRegion();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the region Id of the current region
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
RegionId getCurrentVEGRegionId() const {return getCurrentVEGRegion()
? getCurrentVEGRegion()->getRegionId() : NULL_VEG_REGION ;}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Combine the current and the next VEGRegion in sequence.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * locateVEGRegionAndMarkToBeMerged(const ValueId & exprId);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following method locates the Region of which the given ExprNode
// is the owner and returns TRUE if it is merged; FALSE otherwise.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean locateVEGRegionAndCheckIfMerged
(const ExprNode * const ownerExpr)
{ return getVEGRegion(ownerExpr)->isMerged(); }
NABoolean locateVEGRegionAndCheckIfMerged
(const ExprNode * const ownerExpr, Lng32 subtreeId)
{ return getVEGRegion(ownerExpr, subtreeId)->isMerged(); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add a new VEG to the VEGTable
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void addVEG(const ValueId & expr1Id, const ValueId & expr2Id);
void addVEG(const ValueIdSet & setOfValues);
void addVEGInOuterRegion(const ValueId & expr1Id, const ValueId & expr2Id);
void deleteVEGMember(const ValueId &vId);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::getVEGReference()
// Rules:
// 1) If the given expression belongs to a VEG in the current Region,
// + if the VEG contains a ITM_CONSTANT return a pointer to it
// + else return a pointer to its VEGReference.
// 2) Otherwise, return a NULL pointer.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr * getVEGReference(const ValueId & exprId,
const VEGRegion *searchThisVegRegionFirst = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for performing transitive closure for "=" predicates,
// given one of the values that participates in the relationship.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr * performTC(const ValueId & memberOfVEG)
{ return getVEGRegion(getCurrentVEGRegionId())
->performTC(memberOfVEG); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Process the active Regions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void processVEGRegions();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void display();
void print( FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "VEGTable");
VEGRegion * getCurrentVEGRegion() const { return currentRegion_; }
Lng32 numberOfRegions() { return arrayEntry_.entries(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get addressability to the entry at the given entryIndex.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * getVEGRegion(const RegionId candidateRegion) const;
// *********************************************************************
// VEGTable - private methods
// *********************************************************************
void setCurrentVEGRegion(VEGRegion * regPtr) { currentRegion_ = regPtr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Locate the Region and VEGRegion to which a given ExprNode belongs.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * getVEGRegion(const ExprNode * const exprPtr,
Lng32 subtreeId = 0) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the first VEGRegion that contains a vegmember for a given ValueId
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * getVEGRegion(const ValueId exprId) const;
// ********************************************************************
// VEGTable - private data
// ********************************************************************
RegionId nextInSequence_; // The next RegionId to be assigned
ARRAY(VEGRegion *) arrayEntry_; //
VEGRegion * currentRegion_; // the Region that is currently being processed
}; // class VEGTable
#endif /* VEGTABLE_H */