blob: 7b075316d19a21d7d1c5f5cc6d7370ca2ab23c97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: VEGTable.C
* Description: Group Attributes
* Created: 11/16/1994
* Language: C++
#include "Sqlcomp.h"
#include "GroupAttr.h"
#include "RelJoin.h"
#include "ItemLog.h"
#include "ItemOther.h"
#include "ItemColRef.h"
#include "ItemFunc.h"
#include "VEGTable.h"
extern NABoolean GenEvalPredicate(ItemExpr * rootPtr);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// static processMultipleConstValuesInVEG()
// This method searches for a ConstValue in the vegSet.
// If vegSet contains two different constant values, e.g.
// {a, b, 10, 20 }, then it builds the boolean expression FALSE.
// If vegSet does not contain more than one ConstValue, or if
// all constants are equal to each other, it returns a NULL.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
static ItemExpr * processMultipleConstValuesInVEG(const ValueIdSet & vegSet)
ValueId exprId;
ItemExpr * rootPtr = NULL;
ValueIdSet constSet;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Search loop: Gather ConstValues from the VEG
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
for (exprId = vegSet.init();; vegSet.advance(exprId))
if (exprId.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_CONSTANT)
constSet += exprId;
} // search loop: look for a ConstValue
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Found more than one constant?
// Replace the = predicate with a return False function, if all constants
// are not equal to each other.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (constSet.entries() > 1)
// Create a predicate,
// where <const1> = <const2> and <const1> = <const3>..."
// and evaluate it. If it returns FALSE, then the constants
// are not equal to each other. Replace the predicate with
// a "RETURN FALSE" function.
NABoolean firstTime = TRUE;
ItemExpr * leftEntry = NULL;
for (exprId = constSet.init();;
if (firstTime)
leftEntry = exprId.getItemExpr();
firstTime = FALSE;
ItemExpr * eqPred =
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) BiRelat(ITM_EQUAL,
if (rootPtr == NULL)
rootPtr = eqPred;
rootPtr =
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) BiLogic(ITM_AND,
} // not firstTime
} // for
if (GenEvalPredicate(rootPtr) == FALSE)
rootPtr = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) BoolVal(ITM_RETURN_FALSE);
return rootPtr;
} // more than one constant values.
return NULL;
} // static processMultipleConstValuesInVEG()
// ***********************************************************************
// Methods on VEGMember
// ***********************************************************************
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// == operator
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean VEGMember::operator==(const VEGMember & other) const
return ( (memberM_ == ((const VEGMember&)other).memberM_) AND
(groupG_ == ((const VEGMember&)other).groupG_) );
} // VEGMember::operator==()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// display operator
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGMember::print(FILE* ofd, const char* indent, const char* title)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
fprintf(ofd,"%s %s %s",NEW_INDENT,title,NEW_INDENT);
fprintf(ofd,"Member (0x%x) VEG (0x%x) VEGRef (0x%x) VEGPred (0x%x) {%s} {%s}\n",
CollIndex(memberM_), CollIndex(groupG_),
groupG_.getItemExpr()->getText().data() );
} // VEGMember::print()
// To be called from the debugger
void VEGMember::display()
} // VEGMember::display()
// ***********************************************************************
// Methods on VEGRegion.
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
// Methods on VEGRegion
// ***********************************************************************
VEGMember * VEGRegion::findVEGMember(VEGReference *vegReference)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 ne = members_.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 i = 0;
NABoolean found = FALSE;
ValueId memberValueId;
VEGReference *memberVEGReference;
Lng32 index=0;
for (index = 0; index < ne ; index++)
memberVEGReference = members_[index]->getVEG()->getVEGReference();
if (memberVEGReference == vegReference)
found = TRUE;
if (found)
return members_[index];
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::findVEGMember()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGMember * VEGRegion::findVEGMember(const ValueId & vid) const
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 ne = members_.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 i = 0;
NABoolean found = FALSE;
ValueId memberValueId;
while ( (i < ne) AND (NOT found) )
memberValueId = members_[i]->getMemberValueId();
// does the VEGMember contain the given ValueId?
if (memberValueId == vid)
found = TRUE;
else if (memberValueId.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_VEG_REFERENCE)
ValueIdSet expandedValues;
((VEGReference *) (memberValueId.getItemExpr())) -> getVEG() ->
if (expandedValues.contains(vid))
found = TRUE;
} // while
if (found)
return members_[i]; // return the ValueId for the VEG
return NULL;
} // VEGRegion::findVEGMember()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::getVEGValueId()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueId VEGRegion::getVEGValueId(VEGMember * vegDesc1, VEGMember * vegDesc2)
VEG * vegPtr;
ValueId veg1Id, veg2Id, rtrnId; // return value
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the ValueIds for the VEG's
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (vegDesc1 != NULL)
veg1Id = vegDesc1->getVEGValueId();
if (vegDesc2 != NULL)
veg2Id = vegDesc2->getVEGValueId();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Neither expression belongs to any of the existing VEGs
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( (veg1Id == NULL_VALUE_ID) AND (veg2Id == NULL_VALUE_ID) )
// Allocate a new VEG
vegPtr = (VEG *)new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) VEG();
rtrnId = vegPtr->getValueId();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Either one of the two expression belongs to an existing VEG
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
else if ( (veg1Id != NULL_VALUE_ID) AND (veg2Id == NULL_VALUE_ID) )
rtrnId = veg1Id;
else if ( (veg1Id == NULL_VALUE_ID) AND (veg2Id != NULL_VALUE_ID) )
rtrnId = veg2Id;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Both the expressions belong to an existing VEG
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
else if ( veg1Id != veg2Id ) // but they belong to different VEGs
rtrnId = veg1Id;
// replace the ValueId for VEG2 with the ValueId for VEG1
// in the VEGRegion
mergeVEG(veg1Id, veg2Id);
else // and they both belong to the same VEG
rtrnId = veg1Id;
return rtrnId;
} // VEGRegion::getVEGValueId()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::mergeVEG()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::mergeVEG(const ValueId & newVEG, const ValueId & oldVEG)
if (NOT (oldVEG == newVEG))
VEG * vegPtr = (VEG *)(newVEG.getItemExpr());
vegPtr->merge( *( (VEG *)(oldVEG.getItemExpr()) ) );
// Walk through the VEGRegion and replace a reference to oldVEG
// with a reference to newVEG.
for (Lng32 i = 0; i < (Lng32)members_.entries(); i++)
if ( members_[i]->getVEGValueId() == oldVEG )
VEGMember * vegDesc = members_[i];
} // endif
} // for
// add the ItemExpr for the oldVEG to a free list
} // endif (NOT (oldVEG == newVEG))
} // VEGRegion::mergeVEG()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::getVEG()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
VEG * VEGRegion::getVEG(const ValueId & valId) const
VEGMember * ZzTop = findVEGMember(valId);
if (ZzTop != NULL)
return ZzTop->getVEG();
return NULL;
} // VEGRegion::getVEG()
void VEGRegion::deleteVEGMember(const ValueId &vId)
VEGMember *memberPtr = findVEGMember(vId);
VEG *vegPtr = memberPtr->getVEG();
vegPtr->getAllValuesToUpdate() -= existingMemberId;
if (vegPtr->getAllValues().entries() == 1)
ValueId exprId = vegPtr->getAllValues().init();
if (exprId.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_CONSTANT)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add a new entry for memberId if one doesn't already exist. If the
// VEG of memberId exists, then merge the two VEGs.
// If the memberId already exists, then merge the memberId's VEG to
// the exisiting memberId's VEG.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::addVEGMember(const ValueId & memberId)
VEGMember * memberPtr = findVEGMember(memberId);
VEGMember *memberIdPtr = (VEGMember *) memberId.getItemExpr();
#ifndef NDEBUG
ValueId vegId = NULL_VALUE_ID;
if (((ItemExpr *)memberIdPtr)->getOperatorType() == ITM_VEG_REFERENCE)
vegId = ((VEGReference *)memberIdPtr)->getVEG()->getValueId();
vegId = memberIdPtr->getVEGValueId();
if (memberPtr) // found one in this VEGRegion
{ // no need to add a new VEGMember.
// merge the VEGs
mergeVEG(vegId, // newVEG
memberPtr->getVEGValueId() //oldVEG
else // no existing VEGMember with memberId
// Create a new VEGMember entry in this Region.
members_.insert(new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) VEGMember
(memberId, vegId));
} // no existing VEGMember with memberId
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::addVEG(const ValueId &, const ValueId &)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::addVEG(const ValueId & expr1Id, const ValueId & expr2Id)
// Find the VEGMember's for the two expressions
VEGMember *vegDesc1 = findVEGMember(expr1Id);
VEGMember *vegDesc2 = findVEGMember(expr2Id);
// Compute the ValueId of the VEG to which the two expressions belong.
ValueId vegId = getVEGValueId(vegDesc1, vegDesc2);
// Allocate a VEGMember for each new expression.
if (vegDesc1 == NULL)
members_.insert(new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) VEGMember(expr1Id,vegId));
if ( (NOT (expr1Id == expr2Id)) AND (vegDesc2 == NULL) )
members_.insert(new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) VEGMember(expr2Id,vegId));
// Add the ValueId of each expression to the VEG.
( ((VEG *)(vegId.getItemExpr())) )->insert(expr1Id);
( ((VEG *)(vegId.getItemExpr())) )->insert(expr2Id);
} // VEGRegion::addVEG()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::addVEG(const ValueIdSet &)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::addVEG(const ValueIdSet & vegMembers)
ValueId commonMemberId, otherMemberId;
vegMembers.getFirst(commonMemberId); // extract one member
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterate over the the given set of values
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
for (otherMemberId = vegMembers.init();;
vegMembers.advance(otherMemberId) )
addVEG(commonMemberId, otherMemberId);
} // VEGRegion::addVEG()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::mergeForwardingEntries()
// This is a help method used to merge the forwarding entries of the given
// region into this region. It is called when we are merging regions. The
// forwarding entries in the to-be-merged region need to identify its
// corresponding new VEG in the new region before being merged in.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::mergeForwardingEntries(const VEGRegion *fromRegion)
LIST(VEGMember *) allForwardingEntries(STMTHEAP);
for(CollIndex i = 0; i < allForwardingEntries.entries(); i++)
VEGMember *vegMember = allForwardingEntries[i];
// Get the first entry from the original VEG.
VEG *oldVEG = vegMember->getVEG();
ValueId reprMemberInOldVEG;
// Search for the new VEG in this region.
ValueId newVEGId = findVEGMember(reprMemberInOldVEG)->getVEGValueId();
// Merge the forwarding entry into this region.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::gatherForwardingEntries()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::gatherForwardingEntries(LIST(VEGMember *) & vegMembers) const
for(CollIndex i = 0; i < members_.entries(); i++)
if(members_[i]->isAForwardingEntry()) vegMembers.insert(members_[i]);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::allocateNewZone()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * VEGRegion::allocateNewZone(const VEGRegionTypeEnum tev,
const ExprNode * const ownerExpr)
return vegTable_->allocateVEGRegion(this,tev,ownerExpr);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::replaceVEGMember()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::replaceVEGMember(const ValueId & existingMemberId,
const ValueId & newMemberId )
ValueId exprId;
VEGMember * memberPtr = findVEGMember(existingMemberId);
if (!memberPtr)
VEG * vegPtr = memberPtr->getVEG(); // -> its VEG
// If this method is not called for deleting the member only
// and fix is enabled
Lng32 compInt54 = (ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults()).getAsLong(COMP_INT_54);
if (newMemberId != NULL_VALUE_ID AND compInt54 >= 0)
// reject if replacing existingMemberId in the VEG with newMemberId
// results in circular VegReference see QC_1348.
if (newMemberId.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_VEG_REFERENCE)
// get vegReference from VEG of existingMemberId
VEGReference * oldMemVegRefPtr = vegPtr->getVEGReference();
if (oldMemVegRefPtr != NULL)
ValueId ofOldVegRef = vegPtr->getVEGReference()->getValueId();
// catch circular vegref cases in debug build when COMP_INT_54 is >0
// regression tests can set COMP_INT_54 >0 to verify the fix
if ( ((VEGReference *) (newMemberId.getItemExpr()))->
referencesVegRefValue(ofOldVegRef) )
if (compInt54 == 0)
DCMPASSERT("circular VegRef case found" == 0);
members_.remove(memberPtr); // remove member from the VEGRegion
// Delete existingMemberId from the VEG.
vegPtr->getAllValuesToUpdate() -= existingMemberId;
// If the VEG contained exactly one member, delete the VEG
if (vegPtr->getAllValues().entries() == 0)
exprId = newMemberId; // create a new VEG that contains newMemberId
// else if (vegPtr->getAllValues().entries() == 1 &&
// newMemberId == NULL_VALUE_ID)
// {
// vegPtr->getAllValues().getFirst(exprId);
// deleteVEGMember(exprId);
// }
// If this method is not called for deleting the member only
if (newMemberId != NULL_VALUE_ID)
// Add the expression whose ValueId is newMemberId to the VEG.
} // VEGRegion::replaceVEGMember()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::gatherValueIdsOfVEGs()
// Accumulate the ValueIds of all VEGs that are defined in this Region.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::gatherValueIdsOfVEGs(ValueIdSet & vidSet) const
for (Lng32 index = 0; index < (Lng32)members_.entries(); index++)
vidSet += members_[index]->getVEGValueId();
} // VEGRegion::gatherValueIdsOfVEGs()
void VEGRegion::gatherValueIdsOfMembersWithVEGVid(ValueIdSet &vidSet, ValueId vid) const
ValueIdSet vegVid;
for (Lng32 index = 0; index < (Lng32)members_.entries(); index++) {
vegVid = members_[index]->getVEGValueId();
if (vegVid == vid)
vidSet += members_[index]->getMemberValueId();
} // VEGRegion::gatherValueIdsOfMembersWithVEGVid()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::replaceAllVEGs()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::replaceAllVEGs(ValueIdSet & vidSet, ValueId vid)
VEG *vegPtr = NULL;
ValueId vegId = NULL_VALUE_ID;
for (ValueId memberId = vidSet.init();;
vegPtr = ((VEGMember *) (memberId.getItemExpr()))->getVEG();
vegId = vegPtr->getValueId();
vegId = vid;
} // VEGRegion::replaceAllVEGs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::gatherValueIdsOfMembers()
// Accumulate the ValueIds of all the members of VEGs of this Region.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::gatherValueIdsOfMembers(ValueIdSet & vidSet) const
for (Lng32 index = 0; index < (Lng32)members_.entries(); index++)
vidSet += members_[index]->getMemberValueId();
} // VEGRegion::gatherValueIdsOfMembers()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::getVEGReferenceFromCurrentVEGRegion
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGReference * VEGRegion::getVEGReferenceFromCurrentVEGRegion
(const ValueId & exprId,
const VEGRegion * ignoreThisChildVEGRegion,
const VEGRegion * searchThisVegRegionFirst) const
VEGReference * vegRefPtr = NULL;
VEGRegion * currRegion= NULL;
VEGMember * memberPtr = findVEGMember(exprId);
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 count = zones_.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
if (memberPtr == NULL &&
searchThisVegRegionFirst &&
searchThisVegRegionFirst->exportsVEG() &&
searchThisVegRegionFirst != ignoreThisChildVEGRegion)
for (Lng32 i=0; i < count && currRegion == NULL; i++)
if (searchThisVegRegionFirst == zones_[i])
currRegion = zones_[i];
if (currRegion)
memberPtr = currRegion->findVEGMember(exprId);
while ((memberPtr == NULL) AND (count > 0))
currRegion = zones_[--count];
// If the current VEGRegion is allowed to export a reference
// to a member of a VEG, check whether the given expression
// is a member.
if ( (currRegion != ignoreThisChildVEGRegion) AND
(currRegion != searchThisVegRegionFirst) AND
(currRegion->exportsVEG()) )
memberPtr = currRegion->findVEGMember(exprId);
} // end while loop over descendants of the same parent
if (memberPtr) // found a VEGMember
vegRefPtr = memberPtr->getVEG()->getVEGReference();
return(vegRefPtr); // can be NULL
} // VEGRegion::getVEGReferenceFromCurrentVEGRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::getVEGReferenceFromParentVEGRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGReference * VEGRegion::getVEGReferenceFromParentVEGRegion
(const ValueId & exprId) const
VEGReference * vegRefPtr = NULL;
const VEGRegion * parentRegion = getParentVEGRegion();
while ((parentRegion != NULL) AND (vegRefPtr == NULL))
// Search through all of my parent VEGRegion's children
// excepting myself.
vegRefPtr = parentRegion->getVEGReferenceFromCurrentVEGRegion
(exprId, this);
if (vegRefPtr == NULL)
parentRegion = parentRegion->getParentVEGRegion();
} // end while loop over parent Regions
return(vegRefPtr); // can be NULL
} // VEGRegion::getVEGReferenceFromParentVEGRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::importVEGsForUnionChildVEGRegion()
// If any output value produced by the Union parent of this VEGRegion
// is a member of a parent VEGRegion, then add all the members of
// its VEG that are available in this VEGRegion as new members.
// Even though the implementation is structured, this is pretty messy
// stuff! If you can think of a better solution, please do feel
// free to revisit the whole issue of dealing with ValueIdUnions.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::importVEGsForUnionChildVEGRegion()
const Union * ownerUnion = (Union *)getOwnerExpr()->castToRelExpr();
if ( (ownerUnion == NULL) OR
(ownerUnion->getOperatorType() != REL_UNION) )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// MUST have a Union operator that is a parent of the owner of this
// VEGRegion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet vegMembers;
ValueIdSet valuesForLeftChild, valuesForRightChild; // allocate containers
VEGMember * memberPtr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is the owner the left or the right child of the Union?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean leftChild = (getSubtreeId() == 0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the set of values that the Union produces as output.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet outputValues;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Visit each VEGRegion that is an ancestor, searching for ValueIdUnions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * parentRegion = getParentVEGRegion();
VEGRegion * parentZone;
VEGRegion * unionChildRegion = this;
Lng32 parentZoneCount, parentZoneCountPlusOne;
Int32 iterations;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Loop over all parent VEGRegions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
while (parentRegion)
parentZone = parentRegion; // initialize per iteration
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
parentZoneCount = getParentVEGRegion()->zones_.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
parentZoneCountPlusOne = 1 + parentZoneCount;
iterations = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Loop over a parent VEGRegion as well as all of its Zones
// (descendant VEGRegions).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
while (iterations < parentZoneCountPlusOne)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Examine only those VEGRegions that are either the parent
// VEGRegion or a Zone whose owner expression is an "=".
// Such a Zone is allocated for an "=" predicate that occurs
// in a subtree of an OR or an IS NULL/IS UNKNOWN. The VEGs
// that are contained in such VEGRegions are the only ones
// that can be pushed down to the child subtrees of the
// Union parent.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
if ((parentZone == parentRegion) OR
(parentZone->getOwnerExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_EQUAL) )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Loop over each value that is produced as output by the
// Union parent and look for a VEG that contains it in a
// parent VEGRegion or one of its Zones.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
for (ValueId memberId = outputValues.init();;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Check if the given ValueId is a member of the current
// VEGRegion.
// -----------------------------------------------------
memberPtr = parentZone->findVEGMember(memberId);
if (memberPtr)
// -------------------------------------------------
// Check whether all the members of its VEG are
// available at the Union parent. If they are, then
// the equality predicate represented by the VEG
// will be pushed down to each child of the Union.
// Otherwise, it cannot be pushed down and is not
// interesting.
// -------------------------------------------------
vegMembers = (((VEG *)memberPtr->getVEG()))->getAllValues();
vegMembers -= ownerUnion->getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicInputs();
vegMembers -= outputValues;
if (vegMembers.isEmpty())
// ---------------------------------------------
// Allocate a new Zone in this VEGRegion for
// each VEG that is found in a Zone of a
// parent VEGRegion.
// ---------------------------------------------
if (parentZone != parentRegion)
CMPASSERT(parentZone->getOwnerExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_EQUAL);
vegMembers = parentZone->getOwnerExpr()->castToItemExpr()->getValueId();
// -----------------------------------------
// Rewrite the owner expression.
// -----------------------------------------
ValueId exprId;
if (leftChild)
unionChildRegion = allocateNewZone
// ---------------------------------------------
// Rewrite the members of the VEG in terms of
// the expressions that each child can
// evaluate.
// ---------------------------------------------
(((VEG *)memberPtr->getVEG())->getAllValues(),
valuesForLeftChild, valuesForRightChild);
// ---------------------------------------------
// Add a new VEG for the rewritten members in
// this VEGRegion.
// ---------------------------------------------
if (leftChild)
// ---------------------------------------------
// Mark the member "To Be Deleted".
// ---------------------------------------------
} // endif (vegMembers.isEmpty())
} // endif (memberPtr)
} // end for
} // endif (NOT parentZone->getUnionParent())
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Process each Zone of the parentVEGRegion.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (iterations < parentZoneCount)
parentZone = getParentVEGRegion()->zones_[iterations];
} // end while
parentRegion = parentRegion->getParentVEGRegion(); // advance on the iterator
} // end while (parentRegion)
} // VEGRegion::importVEGsForUnionChildVEGRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::gatherInstantiateNullMembers()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::gatherInstantiateNullMembers(ValueIdSet & vidset)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 ne = members_.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 index;
for (index = 0; index < ne; index ++)
VEGMember * memberPtr = members_[index];
if (memberPtr->getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_INSTANTIATE_NULL)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::replaceInstantiateNullMembers()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::replaceInstantiateNullMembers()
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 ne = members_.entries(); // number of entries in the VEGRegion
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 index; // loop index
InstantiateNull * instNullPtr; // -> an InstantiateNull
VEGMember * memberPtr; // -> a VEGMember
LIST(VEGMember *)deleteStack(STMTHEAP); // VEGMember that are to be deleted
ValueId exprId; // ValueId of a member of the VEG
ValueIdSet vegMembers; // set of all members for a VEG
// case 10-040128-2764: When VEG Regions get merged, we need to
// replace the InstantiateNull members in the nested VEG Regions
// as well: For example, if we have a cascade of Unions, we need
// visit all the regions and replace marked Instantiate Nulls if
// they are VEG Members.
for (index=0; (UInt32)index < zones_.entries();index++)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterate over all VEGMembers in this VEGRegion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
for (index = 0; index < ne; index ++)
memberPtr = members_[index];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// If the current descriptor contains an InstantiateNull as its
// member ...
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if ((NOT memberPtr->isAForwardingEntry()) AND
(memberPtr->getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_INSTANTIATE_NULL))
instNullPtr = (InstantiateNull *)memberPtr->getItemExpr();
if (instNullPtr->lojTransformInProgress())
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// If the normalizer has decided to replace the InstantiateNull
// with another expression, replace the VEGMember for the
// InstantiateNull with a VEGMember that contains its replacement.
// CAUTION: The code below assumes that the normalizer has set
// ======= the replacement expression for this InstantiateNull
// to be different from itself ONLY when a merge of
// VEGs is possible.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
if (instNullPtr != instNullPtr->getReplacementExpr(TRUE))//soln:10-060105-3714
deleteStack.insert(memberPtr); // remember the member
} // endif member is an InstantiateNull
} // endfor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterate over entries in deleteStack.
// Each entry of deleteStack is for a member that is an InstantiateNull.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
ne = deleteStack.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
ValueId vegId;
for (index = 0; index < ne; index++)
memberPtr = deleteStack[index]; // -> VEGMember
vegId = memberPtr->getVEGValueId();
instNullPtr = (InstantiateNull *)memberPtr->getItemExpr();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Replace the InstantiateNull with its replacement expression.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Allocate a dummy VEGMember to act as a forward reference.
// The InstantiateNull is no longer a member of the VEG.
// However, expressions that reference it should continue to be
// directed to the VEG to which it used to belong.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
#if 0
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Why can't we redirect the inst-null values to the new VEG we just
// created? Pending further investigation. Commented out for now.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
VEG *veg =
vegId = veg->getValueId();
VEGMember(instNullPtr->getValueId(), vegId, FALSE, TRUE));
} // VEGRegion::replaceInstantiateNullMembers()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::replaceOuterReferences()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::replaceOuterReferences(const ValueIdSet & outerReferences)
VEGReference * outerVEGReference = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterate over the the given set of outer references that are
// members of VEGs in this Region.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
for (ValueId memberId = outerReferences.init();;
outerVEGReference = getVEGReferenceFromParentVEGRegion(memberId);
CMPASSERT(outerVEGReference ); // MUST NOT be NULL
replaceVEGMember(memberId, outerVEGReference->getValueId());
} // iterate over outerReferences
} // VEGRegion::replaceOuterReferences()
void VEGRegion::mergeVEGRegion(VEGRegion *fromRegion)
// merge fromRegion to toRegion (this Ptr)
VEGRegion *toRegion = this;
ValueIdSet setOfFromRegionVEGs;
ValueId vegId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Construct a set of all the VEGs that belong to the
// "fromRegion"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterate over the fromRegion VEGs.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
for (vegId = setOfFromRegionVEGs.init();;
// find all the values for each VEG.
ValueIdSet allValuesInVEG = ((VEG *)(vegId.getItemExpr()))->getAllValues();
ValueId memberId, exprId;
for (memberId = allValuesInVEG.init();;
allValuesInVEG.advance(memberId) )
if (memberId.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_VEG_REFERENCE)
// see if the reference was orginally from the toRegion.
// If so replace the reference with the original memberId.
// See if this reference came from the toRegion
VEGMember *memberPtr = toRegion->findVEGMember((VEGReference *)(memberId.getItemExpr()));
if (memberPtr) // came from the toRegion
fromRegion->replaceVEGMember(memberId, memberPtr->getMemberValueId());
//ValueId vegVid = fromRegion->findVEGMember
// (memberPtr->getMemberValueId())->getVEGValueId();
VEG *fromVEG = fromRegion->findVEGMember(memberPtr->getMemberValueId())->getVEG();
toRegion->mergeVEG(fromVEG->getValueId(), // newVEG
memberPtr->getVEGValueId() //oldVEG
// allValuesInVEG -= memberId;
// fromVEG->merge(*memberPtr->getVEG());
//members_.insert(new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) VEGMember
// (memberPtr->getMemberValueId(), vegVid));
// ValueIdSet vidSet;
// TBD - improve gatherValueIdsOfVEGsWithVid
// toRegion->gatherValueIdsOfMembersWithVEGVid(vidSet, memberPtr->getVEGValueId());
//toRegion->replaceAllVEGs(vidSet, fromVEG->getValueId());
// now that we have a new entry for the memberPtr's vid,
// the existing entry with memberPtr's vid now becomes a
// forwarding entry.
else // it's a new entry to the toRegion.
else // it's not an ITM_VEG_REFERENCE, hence a new entry to the toRegion
// allValuesInVEG += memberId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::mergeZonesFromSameVEGRegion()
// This method is invoked on the Region into which VEGs from the
// fromRegion are to be merged. This Region is therefore the "toRegion".
// The merge happens in the fashion: "toRegion" <- "fromRegion".
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::mergeZonesFromSameVEGRegion(VEGRegion * fromRegion,
VEGRegion * parentRegion)
ValueId vegId, commonMemberId, otherMemberId;
ValueIdSet setOfVEGs;
ValueIdSet vegMembers;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check if the owner expression for this VEGRegion is a LeftJoin.
// If so, walk through its null instantiated output list and set
// the replacement expression for each InstantiateNull that is its
// member to be its child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( fromRegion->getOwnerExpr()->castToRelExpr() )
const Join * const joinPtr = ((const Join * const)(fromRegion->getOwnerExpr()->castToRelExpr()));
// null instantiated columns for left join.
if (joinPtr->getOperatorType() == REL_LEFT_JOIN)
Lng32 index = 0;
ValueIdList & nullExprList =
(ValueIdList &)joinPtr->nullInstantiatedOutput();
for (index = 0; index < (Lng32)nullExprList.entries(); index++)
ItemExpr * instNullPtr = nullExprList[index].getItemExpr();
// null instantiated columns for full outer join.
else if (joinPtr->getOperatorType() == REL_FULL_JOIN )
Lng32 index = 0;
ValueIdList & nullExprList =
(ValueIdList &)joinPtr->nullInstantiatedOutput();
for (index = 0; index < (Lng32)nullExprList.entries(); index++)
ItemExpr * instNullPtr = nullExprList[index].getItemExpr();
if (fromRegion->findVEGMember(instNullPtr->child(0).getValueId()))
ValueIdList & nullExprListForRightJoinOutout =
(ValueIdList &)joinPtr->nullInstantiatedForRightJoinOutput();
for (index = 0; index < (Lng32)nullExprListForRightJoinOutout.entries(); index++)
ItemExpr * instNullPtr = nullExprListForRightJoinOutout[index].getItemExpr();
if (fromRegion->findVEGMember(instNullPtr->child(0).getValueId()))
} //if (joinPtr->getOperatorType() == REL_FULL_JOIN )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following calls replace some members of the VEGRegion that are
// an InstantiateNull with a new member that is its replacementExpr().
// This replacement is done in order to eliminate those InstantiateNull
// operators that are no longer necessary because a left join is
// being transformed to an inner join.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (parentRegion)
// Process all the descendant VEGRegions
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 ne = zones_.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// this call is not needed as the above call to
// replaceInstantiateNullMembers() already does this
for (Lng32 index = 0; index < ne; index++)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Construct a set of all the VEGs that belong to the "fromRegion" and
// add them to this Region.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterate over the the given set of VEGs.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
for (vegId = setOfVEGs.init();; setOfVEGs.advance(vegId))
addVEG( ((VEG *)(vegId.getItemExpr()))->getAllValues() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finally, merge the forwarding members from fromRegion to this.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
} // VEGRegion::mergeZonesFromSameVEGRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::processZones()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::processZones()
Lng32 index;
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 ne = members_.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
LIST(VEGMember *) deleteStack(STMTHEAP);
// Walk through the members of this VEGRegion to check if any member
// is to be deleted.
for (index = 0; index < ne; index ++)
if (members_[index]->isToBeDeleted())
// Delete all the unwanted members.
if (deleteStack.entries() > 0)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
ne = deleteStack.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
for (index = 0; index < ne; index ++)
// Process all the descendant VEGRegions
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
ne = zones_.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
for (index = 0; index < ne; index++)
// Merge the members of this Zone with its parent, if required.
if (isToBeMerged())
CMPASSERT(getParentVEGRegion()); // MUST have a parent
VEGRegion* parentVEGRegion = getParentVEGRegion();
VEGRegion *grandParentVEGRegion = NULL;
const ExprNode *fullJoinExpr = parentVEGRegion->getOwnerExpr() ;
if (fullJoinExpr && fullJoinExpr->getOperatorType() == REL_FULL_JOIN)
grandParentVEGRegion = parentVEGRegion->getParentVEGRegion();
CMPASSERT(grandParentVEGRegion); // MUST have a grandparent
parentVEGRegion->mergeZonesFromSameVEGRegion(this, grandParentVEGRegion);
} // VEGRegion::processZones()
void VEGRegion::fixupZonesAfterFullToLeftConversion()
Lng32 index;
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 ne = zones_.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// And that this method is invoked right after conversion
// of full outer Join to left outer join.
// That means this region must have 3 descendents.
CMPASSERT(ne == 3);
for (index = 0; index < ne; index++)
if (zones_[index]->isActive())
zones_[index]->setSubtreeId(0); // only for index = 1 (right child region.);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::fixupActiveZones()
// This method is invoked after all the Regions are marked "to be merged"
// are merged and then the zones and the parent pointers of these merged
// regions have been fixed. It updates the parentRegion for each VEGRegion
// and replaces those members that are also a member of a parent Region
// with a VEGReference for the VEG to which they belong.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::fixupActiveZones(VEGRegion * activeParentRegion,
const ValueIdSet & outerReferences)
//Since all the zones and parent pointers of the merged (inactive)
// regions have been fixed up in method fixupZonesAndParentPointers()
// we should never come here for a region that is already merged (inactive)
Lng32 index;
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 ne = zones_.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
ValueIdSet newOuterReferences(outerReferences);
ValueIdSet setOfMembers;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Construct the set of values that are members of VEGs in this
// Region. They are outer references for my descendants.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
newOuterReferences += setOfMembers;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Recursively fixup all my descendants.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
for (index = 0; index < ne; index++)
const RelExpr *fullJoinExpr =
CMPASSERT(fullJoinExpr); // The descendent's owner better be a RelExpr.
if (fullJoinExpr->getOperatorType() == REL_FULL_JOIN)
// before fixing up the decendents, export as outerReferences any
// values from the other decendents.
Lng32 index1=0;
ValueIdSet setOfMembersFromDecendents, noLongerOuterReferences;
for (index1 = 0; index1 < ne; index1++) // for index1 - inner loop
const RelExpr *fullJoinExpr1 =
//The two condition below state which zones the FOJ should look
// for outer references. The first states that a zone should exclude
// itself, as there cannot be any outer references to VEGRegion from within
// that region. The second condition states that for an FOJ we look
// for outer references only among the other two VegRegions of that FOJ
// (each FOJ has three VEGRegions) in addition to outerreferences computed by
// the standard rule. The second rule was added to fix soln. 10-081027-6839
if ((index1 == index) /*zoneToExclude */ ||
(fullJoinExpr != fullJoinExpr1)) /* look for outerrefeences only in this FOJ */
if (zones_[index1]->exportsVEG() && zones_[index1]->isActive())
// we want to remove consts from being candidates for
// substitution to avoid ending up with expressions like
// t.a = 45 and 45 = 45 for the join predicate. With this fix
// we get the correct t.a = 45 and t1.b = 45 expression.
newOuterReferences += setOfMembersFromDecendents;
// We would no longer need this as outerReferences for the
// next recursive call to fixupActiveZones.
noLongerOuterReferences += setOfMembersFromDecendents;
} // For index1 - inner loop.
// It may be that we should build the newOuterReferences
// valueIdSet for each of the VEGRegions (indexed by index)
// before we call fixupActiveZoes() to prevent recursive
// substitutions. Task for another day..
} // fullJoinExpr->getOperatorType() == REL_FULL_JOIN)
} // for index - outer loop
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// If a value that is a member of this Region also belongs to a
// parent Region, then replace it with a VEGReference for the VEG
// to which it belongs from the nearest (innermost) parent Region.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (NOT setOfMembers.isEmpty())
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// For each VEG in this VEGRegion, synthesize the type for its
// VEGReference. It is possible perform type synthesis for the
// first time for a VEG because membership to the VEG is made
// final only at this stage.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
for (ValueId exprId = setOfMembers.init();;
((VEG *)exprId.getItemExpr())->getVEGReference()->synthTypeAndValueId();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mark all my descendant regions as "Processed"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
for (index = 0; index < ne; index++)
} // VEGRegion::fixupActiveZones()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::mergeZonesAndMakeReferencesConsistent()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::mergeZonesAndMakeReferencesConsistent()
if (processingDone())
ValueIdSet outerReferences; // supply an empty set
} // VEGRegion::mergeZonesAndMakeReferencesConsistent()
//This method is invoked after all the Regions that have been marked
// "to be merged" are merged. After the regions have been merged
// this method fixes the zones_ of the merged regions by adding them
// to the parent zones_ and also fixes the parent pointers of the
// children(zones) of the merged region.
void VEGRegion::fixupZonesAndParentPointers()
RegionId index = FIRST_VEG_REGION;
for (index = FIRST_VEG_REGION;
index < (RegionId)(vegTable_->numberOfRegions());
VEGRegion *candidateRegion = vegTable_->getVEGRegion((RegionId)index);
if (candidateRegion->isMerged() && !(candidateRegion->processingDone()))
VEGRegion *parentRegion = candidateRegion->getParentVEGRegion();
CollIndex indexOfThisInParentZone = parentRegion->zones_.index(candidateRegion);
CMPASSERT (indexOfThisInParentZone != NULL_COLL_INDEX);
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 ne = candidateRegion->zones_.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// loop throught the zones of this region and add them to the
// parent region zones
for (Lng32 i = ne-1; i >= 0; i--)
} //VEGRegion::fixupZonesAndParentPointers()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGRegion::performTC()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr * VEGRegion::performTC(const ValueId & vegMember)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check if the given ValueId is a member of the current Region.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGMember * memberPtr = findVEGMember(vegMember);
if (memberPtr == NULL) // The given value is not a member of this Region
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// It MUST be a value that is an "outer reference", i.e., a
// value that is a member of some parent Region.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
VEGReference * vegRefPtr = getVEGReferenceFromParentVEGRegion(vegMember);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// If the value is not a member of the current Region and is also
// not a member of some parent Region, then the "=" predicate
// has not been registered in the VEGTable. Issue an internal error.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Check if the VEGReference is a member of the current Region.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
memberPtr = findVEGMember(vegRefPtr->getValueId());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Case-10-040630-8369
// This may be an expression that is not transformed yet.
// If the VEGMember is not found, return null, instead of asserting. The
// caller can decide what to do based on the null result.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPASSERT(memberPtr);
if (memberPtr==0)
return 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find the VEG for the given expression
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VEG * vegPtr = memberPtr->getVEG();
if (NOT vegPtr->isNormalized())
// If there are multiple constants in this VEG, the
// following method returns a BoolVal(RETURN_FALSE)
ItemExpr * iePtr = processMultipleConstValuesInVEG(vegPtr->getAllValues());
if (iePtr != NULL) // have multiple constants in the VEG ?
vegPtr->setVEGPredicate((VEGPredicate *)iePtr); // replace the VEGPredicate
vegPtr->setNormalized(); // is being normalized in this call
return vegPtr->getVEGPredicate();
} // VEGRegion::performTC()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// display operator
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGRegion::print(FILE* ofd, const char* indent, const char* title)
Lng32 ne;
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
fprintf(ofd,"%s %s[%d] %s",NEW_INDENT,title,getRegionId(),NEW_INDENT);
if (isActive())
fprintf(ofd,"active ");
else if (isMerged())
fprintf(ofd,"merged ");
else if (isToBeMerged())
fprintf(ofd,"to be merged ");
fprintf(ofd,"entries(%d) parent (%d) ",members_.entries(),getParentVEGRegionId());
fprintf(ofd,"owner (%p) ",getOwnerExpr());
if (getOwnerExpr())
fprintf(ofd,"is a (%s) ",getOwnerExpr()->getText().data());
fprintf(ofd,"child (%d) ",getSubtreeId());
fprintf(ofd,"children ");
if (zones_.entries() == 0)
fprintf(ofd,"(none) ");
for (ne = 0; ne < (Lng32)zones_.entries(); ne++)
fprintf(ofd,"(%d) ",zones_[ne]->getRegionId());
if (processingDone())
fprintf(ofd,"processing DONE \n");
for (ne = 0; ne < (Lng32)members_.entries(); ne ++)
members_[ne]->print(ofd, indent);
} // VEGRegion::print()
// To be called from the debugger
void VEGRegion::display()
} // VEGRegion::display()
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
// Methods on VEGTable
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::VEGTable()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
: nextInSequence_(FIRST_VEG_REGION), currentRegion_(NULL),
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::allocateRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * VEGTable::allocateVEGRegion(VEGRegion * parentRegion,
const VEGRegionTypeEnum tev,
const ExprNode * const ownerOfRegion,
Lng32 subtreeId)
// Create the new Region.
VEGRegion * newRegion = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
VEGRegion(this, // -> the VEGTable
parentRegion, // parent
nextInSequence_, // me
tev, // import or import-export
ownerOfRegion, // owner
subtreeId); // index for its child
// Add the new Region to the VEGTable.
arrayEntry_.insertAt(nextInSequence_++, newRegion);
if (getCurrentVEGRegion())
getCurrentVEGRegion()->addZone(getCurrentVEGRegion(), newRegion);
return newRegion;
} // VEGTable::allocateRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::locateAndSetVEGRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGTable::locateAndSetVEGRegion(const ExprNode * const ownerExpr,
Lng32 subtreeId)
VEGRegion * regionPtr = getVEGRegion(ownerExpr, subtreeId);
} // VEGTable::locateAndSetVEGRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::restoreOriginalRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGTable::restoreOriginalRegion()
} // VEGTable::restoreOriginalRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::getVEGRegion(Regionid )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * VEGTable::getVEGRegion(const RegionId candidateRegion) const
CMPASSERT(candidateRegion >= FIRST_VEG_REGION &&
candidateRegion < (RegionId)arrayEntry_.entries() );
CMPASSERT(arrayEntry_[candidateRegion]); // VEGRegion allocated
return (arrayEntry_[candidateRegion]);
} // VEGTable::getVEGRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::getVEGRegion(ValueId )
// Loops through the VEGRegions to find the first region that
// contains a given valueid
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * VEGTable::getVEGRegion(const ValueId exprId) const
VEGRegion* candidateRegion = NULL;
VEGMember * memberPtr;
// Loop through the regions to find the first one for this ItemExpr
for (RegionId i = FIRST_VEG_REGION;
i < (RegionId)arrayEntry_.entries();
candidateRegion = arrayEntry_[i];
memberPtr = candidateRegion->findVEGMember(exprId);
if (memberPtr)
return candidateRegion;
// Didn't find any
return NULL;
} // VEGTable::getVEGRegion()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::getVEGRegion(ExprNode *)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * VEGTable::getVEGRegion(const ExprNode * const ownerExpr,
Lng32 subtreeId) const
VEGRegion* candidateRegion = NULL;
const ExprNode * ownerOrOrig = ownerExpr;
// Loop over the node and its original expressions
while (ownerOrOrig)
// Loop through the regions to find the one for this ExprNode
for (RegionId i = FIRST_VEG_REGION;
i < (RegionId)arrayEntry_.entries();
candidateRegion = arrayEntry_[i];
if ( (candidateRegion->getOwnerExpr() == ownerOrOrig) AND
(candidateRegion->getSubtreeId() == subtreeId))
return candidateRegion;
// VEGRegion not found, try with one of the original expressions
const RelExpr *re = ownerOrOrig->castToRelExpr();
if (re && re->getOriginalExpr(FALSE) != re)
ownerOrOrig = re->getOriginalExpr(FALSE);
ownerOrOrig = NULL;
// Didn't find any
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::getVEGReference()
// Rules:
// 1) If the given expression belongs to a VEG in the current Region,
// return a pointer to its VEGReference.
// 2) Otherwise, return a NULL pointer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr * VEGTable::getVEGReference(const ValueId & exprId,
const VEGRegion *searchThisVegRegionFirst) const
CMPASSERT(getCurrentVEGRegion()); // assert that we have a Region
#if 0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// find the vid for the replacement expression.
// This is part of the changes necessary to rewrite null-inst values
// into VEGRef. Unfortunately, there is some code in histogram/costing
// which relies on the fact that null-inst values are not rewritten in
// terms of VEGRef. Code commented out for now pending a more detailed
// study.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr * replacedExpr = exprId.getItemExpr()->getReplacementExpr();
if (replacedExpr)
if (replacedExpr->getValueId() != exprId)
return getVEGReference(replacedExpr->getValueId());
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check whether the given value is a member of the current VEGRegion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGReference * vegRefPtr =
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If the given value is not a member of the current VEGRegion and
// a parent VEGRegion exists, check whether it is a member of
// the parent VEGRegion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ((vegRefPtr == NULL) AND
(getCurrentVEGRegion()->getParentVEGRegion())) // search in parent VEGRegions.
vegRefPtr = getCurrentVEGRegion()->getVEGReferenceFromParentVEGRegion
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// If the given value is a member of a parent VEGRegion, then check
// whether its VEGReference is a member of the current VEGRegion.
// If so, return the VEGReference for the VEG that it belongs to
// in the current VEGRegion.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (vegRefPtr)
VEGReference * vegRef2Ptr =
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// If the VEGReference from a parent VEGRegion is itself a
// member of the current VEGRegion, return the VEGReference
// for the VEG that it belongs to in the current VEGRegion.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
if (vegRef2Ptr)
vegRefPtr = vegRef2Ptr;
} // endid
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// If the VEG contains a constant we will return the constant
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ItemExpr * itemConstantPtr;
// if (vegRefPtr->getVEG()->getAllValues().referencesAConstValue(
// &itemConstantPtr))
// return itemConstantPtr;
return vegRefPtr;
} // VEGTable::getVEGReference()
void VEGTable::deleteVEGMember(const ValueId &vId)
CMPASSERT(getCurrentVEGRegion()); // assert that we have a Region
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::addVEG(const ValueId &, const ValueId &)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGTable::addVEG(const ValueId & expr1Id, const ValueId & expr2Id)
CMPASSERT(getCurrentVEGRegion()); // assert that we have a Region
} // VEGTable::addVEG()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::addVEG(const ValueIdSet &)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGTable::addVEG(const ValueIdSet & setOfValues)
CMPASSERT(getCurrentVEGRegion()); // assert that we have a Region
} // VEGTable::addVEG()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::addVEGInOuterRegion(const ValueId &, const ValueId &)
// Find the first region than contains a VEGMember for exprr1Id
// or use the current region if none was found.
// On that region add the VEG.
// Used when we are aliasing or equivalencing a valueId to another that
// came from an outer region.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGTable::addVEGInOuterRegion(const ValueId & expr1Id, const ValueId & expr2Id)
VEGRegion * regPtr = getVEGRegion(expr1Id);
if (regPtr == NULL)
regPtr = getCurrentVEGRegion();
CMPASSERT(regPtr); // assert that we have a Region
} // VEGTable::addVEG()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::locateVEGRegionAndMarkToBeMerged()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
VEGRegion * VEGTable::locateVEGRegionAndMarkToBeMerged(const ValueId & exprId)
CMPASSERT(getCurrentVEGRegion()); // assert that we have a Region
NABoolean found = FALSE;
VEGRegion * regPtr;
for (RegionId index = FIRST_VEG_REGION;
index < (Lng32)arrayEntry_.entries();
regPtr = arrayEntry_[index];
ValueId childVid = exprId.getItemExpr()->child(0)->getValueId();
CMPASSERT("childVid not found for the case of NullInst.");
const RelExpr * owner = regPtr->getOwnerExpr()->castToRelExpr();
if ( owner AND
// If the owner is FOJ - Full Outer Join, then
// we need to further find out which of the children
// produce exprId as output. Mark the region associated
// with that child as "to be merged".
if (owner->getOperatorType() == REL_FULL_JOIN)
// ->locateDescendantVEGRegionAndMarkToBeMerged(owner, childVid);
return NULL;
return regPtr;
CMPASSERT(found); // MUST have the ValueId in the VEGTable
return NULL;
} // VEGTable::locateVEGRegionAndMarkToBeMerged()
void VEGRegion::locateDescendantVEGRegionAndMarkToBeMerged(const RelExpr *owner,
const ValueId &exprId)
CMPASSERT (owner->getOperatorType() == REL_FULL_JOIN);
Lng32 arity = owner->getArity();
for (Lng32 index = 0; index < arity; index++)
if (owner->child(index)->getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicOutputs().contains(exprId))
zones_[index]->markAsToBeMerged(); // note, there is 1:1 correspondence
// between zones and children. For example.
// zones_[0] corresponds to child(0),
// zones_[1] corresponds to child(1)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGTable::processVEGRegions()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGTable::processVEGRegions()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// In the first pass over the VEGTable, process each VEGRegion that
// was allocated by a Union operator. We shall such a VEGRegion a
// "Union child VEGRegion". It is distinguished by the fact that a
// Union operator is its owner expression.
// If any output value of the Union parent is a member of the parent
// VEGRegion, then allocate a new VEG in the Union child VEGRegion.
// The new VEG will contain all those values as members that belong to
// the same VEG as the output value in the parent VEGRegion, provided
// they are also available in the Union child VEGRegion.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
RegionId index = FIRST_VEG_REGION;
for (; index < (Lng32)arrayEntry_.entries(); index++)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// In the second pass over the VEGTable, perform the following steps:
// 1) For each Union child VEGRegion, delete the output values of the
// Union parent that are members of its parent VEGRegion. This
// is done in order to ensure that VEGPredicates and VEGReferences
// are not generated when an expression contains such a value.
// 2) Merge all Zones that are marked "To Be Merged".
// 3) Replace each member of a VEGRegion that is referenced from its
// parent VEGRegion with a VEGReference.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
for (index = FIRST_VEG_REGION;
index < (RegionId)arrayEntry_.entries();
} // VEGTable::processVEGRegions()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// display operator
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void VEGTable::print(FILE* ofd, const char* indent, const char* title)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
fprintf(ofd,"%s %s %s",NEW_INDENT,title,NEW_INDENT);
if (getCurrentVEGRegion())
fprintf(ofd,"nextInSequence = %d\n>>>> Current Region is Region[%d] <<<<\n",
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Lng32 ne = arrayEntry_.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// Print all the regions
for (RegionId index = FIRST_VEG_REGION;
index < (RegionId)arrayEntry_.entries();
arrayEntry_[index]->print(ofd, indent);
fprintf(ofd,"is empty\n");
} // VEGTable::print()
// To be called from the debugger
void VEGTable::display()
} // VEGTable::display()