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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: TableDesc.h
* Description: A table descriptor
* Created: 4/27/94
* Language: C++
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "ObjectNames.h"
#include "ColStatDesc.h"
#include "IndexDesc.h"
#include "ItemConstr.h"
#include "ValueDesc.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class TableDesc;
class TableDescList;
class SelectivityHint;
class CardinalityHint;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BindWA;
class NATable;
class TableAnalysis;
// ***********************************************************************
// TableDesc
// One TableDesc is allocated per reference to a qualified table name.
// One or more TableDescs may share a NATable. A TableDesc contains
// some attributes for the table that are specific to a particular
// reference, e.g., the lock mode or CONTROLs that are in effect.
// ***********************************************************************
class TableDesc : public NABasicObject
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
TableDesc(BindWA *bindWA, const NATable *table, CorrName &corrName) ;
TableDesc (const TableDesc &) ; //memleak fix
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const CorrName &getCorrNameObj() const { return corrName_; }
CorrName &getCorrNameObj() { return corrName_; }
const NAString &getLocationName() const {return corrName_.getLocationName();}
NABoolean isLocationNameSpecified() const {return corrName_.isLocationNameSpecified();}
NABoolean isPartitionNameSpecified() const {return corrName_.isPartitionNameSpecified();}
NABoolean isKeyIndex(const IndexDesc * idesc) const;
const NATable *getNATable() const { return table_; }
const TableAnalysis *getTableAnalysis() const { return analysis_; }
const SelectivityHint * getSelectivityHint() const { return selectivityHint_; }
SelectivityHint * selectivityHint() { return selectivityHint_; }
const CardinalityHint * getCardinalityHint() const { return cardinalityHint_; }
CardinalityHint * cardinalityHint() { return cardinalityHint_; }
CostScalar getMinRC() const { return minRC_ ; };
void setMinRC(CostScalar rc) { minRC_ = rc; };
CostScalar getMaxRC() const { return maxRC_ ; };
void setMaxRC(CostScalar rc) { maxRC_ = rc; };
ValueIdSet & predsExecuted() { return predsExecuted_; };
void setPredsExecuted(ValueIdSet pe) { predsExecuted_ = pe; };
const ValueIdList &getColumnList() const { return colList_; }
const ValueIdList &getColumnVEGList() const { return colVEGList_; }
void getUserColumnList(ValueIdList &userColList) const;
void getSystemColumnList(ValueIdList &systemColList) const;
void getIdentityColumn(ValueIdList &systemColList) const;
NABoolean isIdentityColumnGeneratedAlways(NAString * value = NULL) const;
const LIST(IndexDesc *) &getIndexes() const { return indexes_; }
const LIST(IndexDesc *) &getUniqueIndexes() const { return uniqueIndexes_; }
NABoolean hasUniqueIndexes() const { return uniqueIndexes_.entries() > 0; }
NABoolean hasSecondaryIndexes() const { return indexes_.entries() > 1; }
const LIST(IndexDesc *) &getVerticalPartitions() const { return vertParts_; }
const IndexDesc * getClusteringIndex() const { return clusteringIndex_; }
const LIST(IndexDesc *) &getHintIndexes() const { return hintIndexes_; }
NABoolean hasHintIndexes() const { return hintIndexes_.entries() > 0; }
const ValueIdList &getColUpdated() const { return colUpdated_; }
const ValueIdList &getCheckConstraints() const { return checkConstraints_; }
ValueIdList &checkConstraints() { return checkConstraints_; }
const ColStatDescList &getTableColStats();
ColStatDescList &tableColStats()
{ return (ColStatDescList &)getTableColStats(); }
NABoolean areHistsCompressed() {return histogramsCompressed_;}
void histsCompressed(NABoolean flag) { histogramsCompressed_ = flag;}
// Given a list of base columns, return the corresponding VEG columns
// which maps base columns to index columns.
void getEquivVEGCols (const ValueIdList &columnList,
ValueIdList &VEGColumnList) const;
void getEquivVEGCols (const ValueIdSet &columnSet,
ValueIdSet &VEGColumnSet) const;
ValueId getEquivVEGCol (const ValueId &column) const;
NABoolean isSpecialObj();
CostScalar getBaseRowCntIfUniqueJoinCol(const ValueIdSet &joinedCols);
const ValueIdSet getPrimaryKeyColumns() { return primaryKeyColumns_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mutator functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void addCheckConstraint(BindWA *bindWA,
const NATable *naTable,
const CheckConstraint *constraint,
ItemExpr *constraintPred);
void clearColumnList() { colList_.clear(); }
void addToColumnList(const ValueId &colId) { colList_.insert(colId); }
void addToColumnList(const ValueIdList &clist) { colList_.insert(clist); }
void addToColumnVEGList(const ValueId &colId) { colVEGList_.insert(colId); }
void addColUpdated(const ValueId &colId) { colUpdated_.insert(colId); }
void addIndex(IndexDesc *idesc) { indexes_.insert(idesc); }
void addUniqueIndex(IndexDesc *idesc) { uniqueIndexes_.insert(idesc); }
void addVerticalPartition(IndexDesc *idesc) { vertParts_.insert(idesc); }
void addHintIndex(IndexDesc *idesc) { hintIndexes_.insert(idesc); }
void setClusteringIndex(IndexDesc *idesc) { clusteringIndex_ = idesc; }
void setCorrName(const CorrName &corrName) { corrName_ = corrName; }
void setLocationName(const NAString &locName) {corrName_.setLocationName(locName);}
void setTableAnalysis(TableAnalysis *analysis) {analysis_ = analysis; }
void setSelectivityHint(SelectivityHint *hint) {selectivityHint_ = hint; }
void setCardinalityHint(CardinalityHint *hint) {cardinalityHint_ = hint; }
void setPrimaryKeyColumns();
ValueIdList &hbaseTSList() { return hbaseTSList_; }
ValueIdList &hbaseVersionList() { return hbaseVersionList_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Needed by Collections classes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// NABoolean operator == (const TableDesc & rhs) { return (table_ == rhs.table_) &&
// (corrName_ == rhs.corrName_); }
NABoolean operator == (const TableDesc & rhs) { return (&(*this) == &rhs); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print/debug
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void print( FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "TableDesc");
// 64-bit Project: Cast 'this' to "long" first to avoid C++ error
#ifdef NA_64BIT
ULng32 hash() const { return (ULng32) ((Long)this/8);}
ULng32 hash() const { return (ULng32) this/4;}
// get local predicates for this table
ValueIdSet getLocalPreds();
// Is there any column which has a local predicates and no or dirty stats
NABoolean isAnyHistWithPredsFakeOrSmallSample(const ValueIdSet &localPreds);
// This method computes the ratio of selectivity obtained with and without hint
// and sets that in the Hint
void setBaseSelectivityHintForScan(CardinalityHint *cardHint,
CostScalar baseSelectivity);
void setBaseSelectivityHintForScan(SelectivityHint *selHint,
CostScalar baseSelectivity);
ValueIdSet getDivisioningColumns() ;
ValueIdSet getSaltColumnAsSet() ;
NABoolean hasIdentityColumnInClusteringKey() const ;
// helper function for Hive tables
static NABoolean splitHiveLocation(const char *tableLocation,
NAString &hdfsHost,
Int32 &hdfsPort,
NAString &tableDir,
ComDiagsArea *diags,
int hdfsPortOverride);
ValueIdSet getComputedColumns(NAColumnBooleanFuncPtrT fptr);
// compress the histograms based on query predicates on this table
void compressHistogramsForCurrentQuery();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The table name
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CorrName corrName_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Table object
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const NATable *table_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A List of ValueIds that contains the identifers for the columns
// provided by this reference to the NATable.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList colList_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A list of VEG expressions and/or base columns that show the
// equivalences of the base columns with index columns
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList colVEGList_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// List of indexes (including clustering index and unique index)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
LIST(IndexDesc *) indexes_;
IndexDesc *clusteringIndex_;
LIST(IndexDesc *) uniqueIndexes_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// List of vertical partitions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
LIST(IndexDesc *) vertParts_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// List of recommended indexes by user hints
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
LIST(IndexDesc *) hintIndexes_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// List of available column statistics
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStatDescList colStats_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Are histograms of this table compressed
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean histogramsCompressed_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A list of expressions, each of which represents a check constraint.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList checkConstraints_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// List of columns being updated
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList colUpdated_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The table analysis result from query analyzer
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
TableAnalysis *analysis_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// primary key columns. This is used by GroupByAgg to compute dependency
// of columns
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet primaryKeyColumns_;
// selectivity hint contains the hint given by the user, and all the
// local predicates on that table to which it corresponds to
SelectivityHint * selectivityHint_;
// cardinality hint contains the hint given by the user, and all the
// local predicates on that table to which it corresponds to
CardinalityHint * cardinalityHint_;
// min and max rowcount based on actual cound obtained after executing the query
// on the sample
CostScalar minRC_;
CostScalar maxRC_;
ValueIdSet predsExecuted_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Access mode
// Lock mode
// CONTROLs that are in effect
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A List of ValueIds for hbase timestamp values for each of the column
// in colList_.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList hbaseTSList_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A List of ValueIds for hbase version values for each of the column
// in colList_.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList hbaseVersionList_;
}; // class TableDesc
// ***********************************************************************
// Implementation for inline functions
// ***********************************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
// A list of TableDescs
// ***********************************************************************
class TableDescList : public LIST(TableDesc *)
TableDescList(CollHeap* h/*=0*/): LIST(TableDesc *)(h) { }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void print( FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "TableDescList");
}; // class TableDescList
class SelectivityHint : public NABasicObject
SelectivityHint(double selectivityFactor = -1.0);
// Destructor
virtual ~SelectivityHint()
inline double getScanSelectivityFactor () const { return selectivityFactor_ ; }
void setScanSelectivityFactor (double selectivityFactor);
inline const ValueIdSet & localPreds() const { return localPreds_; };
void setLocalPreds(const ValueIdSet &lop) { localPreds_ = lop; }
inline double getBaseScanSelectivityFactor () const { return baseSelectivity_ ; }
void setBaseScanSelectivityFactor (double baseSelectivity) {baseSelectivity_ = baseSelectivity; }
// selectivity hint given by the user in the Select statement
double selectivityFactor_;
// set of local predicates on the table for which the hint is given
ValueIdSet localPreds_;
// base selectivity obtained after applying all local predicates on a table
double baseSelectivity_;
class CardinalityHint : public NABasicObject
CardinalityHint(CostScalar scanCardinality = 0.0);
CardinalityHint(CostScalar scanCardinality,
const ValueIdSet & localPreds);
// Destructor
virtual ~CardinalityHint()
inline CostScalar getScanCardinality () const { return scanCardinality_ ; }
void setScanCardinality (CostScalar scanCardinality) { scanCardinality_ = MIN_ONE_CS(scanCardinality); }
inline const ValueIdSet & localPreds() const { return localPreds_; };
void setLocalPreds(const ValueIdSet &lop) { localPreds_ = lop; }
inline double getBaseScanSelectivityFactor () const { return baseSelectivity_ ; }
void setBaseScanSelectivityFactor (double baseSelectivity) {baseSelectivity_ = baseSelectivity; }
inline CostScalar getScanSelectivity () const { return scanSelectivity_ ; }
void setScanSelectivity (CostScalar scanSelectivity) {scanSelectivity_ = scanSelectivity; }
// selectivity hint given by the user in the Select statement
CostScalar scanCardinality_;
// selectivity hint given by the user in the Select statement
CostScalar scanSelectivity_;
// set of local predicates on the table for which the hint is given
ValueIdSet localPreds_;
// base selectivity obtained after applying all local predicates on a table
double baseSelectivity_;
#endif /* TABLEDESC_H */