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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: Stats.cpp
* Description: This file includes the source file for statistics
* related information.
* Created: 3/16/94
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <string.h>
#include "Stats.h"
#include "Sqlcomp.h"
#include "ItemColRef.h"
#include "opt.h"
#include "Analyzer.h"
#include "Cost.h"
#include "CompException.h"
#include "NLSConversion.h" // For conversion to unicode strings
#include "ComCextdecs.h" // For Timestamp related calls
#include <queue>
#include "QCache.h"
#include "exp_function.h"
// Specify the format for printing a Int64
#define FMT_INT64 PF64
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods on HistInt class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
HistInt::HistInt(Int32 intNum, const NAWchar *intBoundary, const NAColumnArray &columns,
CostScalar card, CostScalar uec, NABoolean boundInc, CostScalar card2mfv)
: rows_(card),
EncodedValue ev(intBoundary, columns, NULL /* do not care the cv values */ );
boundary_ = ev;
// construct the MC encoded boundary value
if (columns.entries() > 1)
setupMCBoundary ();
// setup the multi-column boundary value for this HistInt
HistInt::setupMCBoundary ()
const NormValueList* nvl = boundary_.getValueList();
if (nvl && (nvl->entries () > 1))
for (Int32 i=0; i < nvl->entries(); i++)
EncodedValue ev;
HistInt::copy (const HistInt& other)
boundary_ = other.boundary_;
rows_ = other.rows_;
uec_ = other.uec_;
boundInc_ = other.boundInc_;
hash_ = other.hash_;
rows2mfv_ = other.rows2mfv_;
MCBoundary_ = other.MCBoundary_;
// the following is used to maintain the semantic : uec <= rows
HistInt::setCardAndUec (CostScalar card, CostScalar uec)
//These lines were previously commented out as setCardinality
//and setUec did rounding of card and uec values anyway.
//But,Under rare cases the compiler crashed in MINOF macro
//While handling extreamly low values, so it became necessary
//to round these values before we use them.
card.roundIfZero() ;
uec.roundIfZero() ;
setCardinality(card) ;
setUec (MINOF(card,uec)) ;
void HistInt::setCardinality (CostScalar card)
if (card < csZero)
// min cardinality of an interval is zero
CCMPASSERT (card >= csZero) ;
card = csZero;
rows_ = card ;
void HistInt::setCardinality2mfv (CostScalar card)
if (card < csZero)
// min cardinality of 2mfv is zero
CCMPASSERT (card >= csZero) ;
card = csZero;
rows2mfv_ = card ;
void HistInt::setUec (CostScalar uec)
if (uec < csZero)
// min UEC of an interval is zero
CCMPASSERT (uec >= csZero) ;
uec = csZero;
uec_ = uec ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// HistInt::mergeInterval, merges the left and right HistInts based
// on the mergeMethod. This is a helper method for ColStats::mergeColStats
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
HistInt::mergeInterval(const HistInt & left,
const HistInt & right,
CostScalar scaleRowCount,
MergeType mergeMethod)
CostScalar numRows = csZero;
CostScalar numUec, numFudgedUec;
const CostScalar leftUEC = left.getUec();
const CostScalar leftRowCount = left.getCardinality();
const CostScalar rightUEC = right.getUec();
const CostScalar rightRowCount = right.getCardinality();
const CostScalar maxUEC = MAXOF (leftUEC, rightUEC) ;
const CostScalar minUEC = MINOF (leftUEC, rightUEC) ;
// now, interpolate the new uec and rowcount for this interval
switch (mergeMethod)
case OUTER_JOIN_MERGE: /* for equijoin portion of outer join */
numUec = minUEC ;
if (numUec.isGreaterThanZero() AND scaleRowCount.isGreaterThanZero() )
const CostScalar lRowperMaxuec = leftRowCount / maxUEC;
const CostScalar rRowperScale = rightRowCount / scaleRowCount;
numRows = lRowperMaxuec * rRowperScale;
numUec = minUEC ;
if (numUec.isGreaterThanZero()) // implies leftUEC > 0, no div-zero possibility
numRows = leftRowCount * ( numUec / leftUEC);
numUec = MAXOF((CostScalar)CostPrimitives::getBasicCostFactor( HIST_DEFAULT_SEL_FOR_JOIN_EQUAL ) * leftUEC,
leftUEC - rightUEC) ;
if (numUec.isGreaterThanZero()) // implies leftUEC > 0, no div-zero possibility
numRows = leftRowCount * ( numUec / leftUEC ) ;
break ;
// After the result of the inner join portion of an Outer Join is
// known, one needs to do something like an OR between that inner
// join result (*this) and the original pre-join column's histogram
// (*otherStats), to calculate the actual outer join result.
// The UEC is always that of the original (right/other) table.
// (properly scaled)
if (rightUEC.isZero())
numUec = 0;
numUec = rightUEC;
numFudgedUec = MIN_ONE (numUec) ;
// The rowCount varies on a case by case basis
if (leftUEC.isZero())
// if innerjoin result has no rows, all rows are from original
numRows = rightRowCount;
// else result is all innerjoin rows + original unmatched rows
numRows = leftRowCount +
((rightRowCount / numFudgedUec) * (numUec - leftUEC));
// guarantee rowCount and UEC is never less than it was originally.
// (the above formula can/will improperly decrease it)
numRows = MAXOF (numRows, rightRowCount) ;
numUec = maxUEC ;
numRows = leftRowCount + rightRowCount;
case OR_MERGE:
numUec = maxUEC ;
numRows = MAXOF( leftRowCount, rightRowCount );
numUec = minUEC ;
numRows = MINOF( leftRowCount, rightRowCount );
break ;
} // switch (mergeMethod)
// prevent UEC from exceeding rowCount....
if ( numUec > numRows )
numUec = numRows;
this->setCardAndUec (numRows, numUec);
return maxUEC;
} // mergeInterval
HistInt::display (FILE *f, const char * prefix, const char * suffix,
CollHeap *c, char *buf) const
Space * space = (Space *)c;
char mybuf[1000];
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%sBound ", prefix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (boundInc_)
sprintf(mybuf, "<= ");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
sprintf(mybuf, "< ");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
boundary_.display(f, prefix, suffix, c, buf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), " : rows=%f,uec=%f %s\n",
rows_.value(), uec_.value(), suffix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods on Interval "wrapper class"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Here is what Intervals look like :
// HistInts:
//# 0 1 2 3 4 5
//row 0 2 0 3 1 2
//uec 0 3 0 1 2 3
//val 1 2 4 4 5 7
// | | |_3__| | |
// |_2__| | | |_2__|
// | | | |_1__| |
// | |_0__| | | |
// I1 I2 I3 I4 I5
//row 2 0 3 1 2
//uec 2 0 1 1 2
//hi 2 4 4 5 7
//lo 1 2 4 4 5
// I1..I5 are the Intervals corresponding to
// the underlying HistInts
// --> I assert it's easier to work with Intervals
// than HistInts, since they're what we're actually
// concerned with -- the intervals between HistInt
// boundaries (the "bars" in a histogram), not the
// HistInts themselves
// So, Interval N lies between (*hist_)[N] and (*hist_)[N+1]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Interval::containsAFrequentValue
// Does this interval contain a frequent value. The answer is YES if
// the UEC of that interval is 1 and if the rowcount of that interval
// is twice the average frequency of the histogram to which this column
// belongs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean Interval::containsAFrequentValue(const CostScalar & thresholdFreq) const
if (( getUec() <= 1.0 ) && (getRowcount() >= thresholdFreq))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// merge two Intervals into one
// --> for simplicity, we only merge low-to-high, so the
// OTHER interval must come directly after THIS interval
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Interval::merge (Interval & other)
// if the intervals are not valid, return without merging
if (!OK() || ! other.OK()) return FALSE;
// for simplicity, we only merge low-to-high
if (loIndex_+1 != other.loIndex_ )
CCMPASSERT ( loIndex_+1 == other.loIndex_ ) ;
return FALSE;
CostScalar newUec = getUec() + other.getUec() ;
CostScalar newRows = getRowcount() + other.getRowcount() ;
hist_->removeAt(loIndex_+1) ;
other.setInvalid() ;
setRowsAndUec (newRows, newUec) ;
return TRUE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// returns TRUE when the Interval is not up to specs
// (i.e., rowcount/uec is >0 and <1)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Interval::canBeMerged() const
if (!OK()) return FALSE ;
CostScalar uec = getUec();
CostScalar row = getRowcount();
// This is take care of intevals which have uecs like 0.999993333. We do not want them
// to be merged with the previous interval.
if ( (uec.getValue() < COSTSCALAR_EPSILON) &&
(row.getValue() < COSTSCALAR_EPSILON) )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
return ( row > csZero && row < csOne );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// iterators on the Interval object
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Interval::next ()
if ( isLast() )
setInvalid() ; // anything after me is no good!
else {
loIndex_++ ;
hiInt_ = ((*hist_)[loIndex_+1]);
Interval::prev ()
if ( isFirst() )
setInvalid() ; // anything previous to me is no good!
else {
loIndex_-- ;
hiInt_ = ((*hist_)[loIndex_+1]);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Interval sanity check
// NB: We can't call the Interval class member functions in this method,
// because they all call this, and we hate infinite recursion!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef NDEBUG
Interval::OK () const
if (!isValid() )
CCMPASSERT( isValid() ) ;
return FALSE;
if (hist_->entries() == 1 )
CCMPASSERT( hist_->entries() != 1 ) ;
return FALSE;
if ((*hist_)[loIndex_+1].getUec().isLessThanZero() )
CCMPASSERT( (*hist_)[loIndex_+1].getUec().isGreaterOrEqualThanZero() ) ; // getUec() >= 0
if ((*hist_)[loIndex_+1].getCardinality().isLessThanZero() )
CCMPASSERT( (*hist_)[loIndex_+1].getCardinality().isGreaterOrEqualThanZero() ) ; // getRowcount() >= 0
if ( (*hist_)[loIndex_].getBoundary() == (*hist_)[loIndex_+1].getBoundary() )
{ // isSingleValued()
// removed this first one, since it's impossible to know precisely
// how many uec's are in an interval without first looking at the
// reduction factor (which we can't see from the histogram level ...)
// CMPASSERT( (*hist_)[loIndex_+1].getUec() <= 1 ) ;
//Removing the following 2 assertions because they are causing assertion
//failures in OPTDML02 regression test. The test uses fake statistics
//that someone has manually generated. These statistics are incorrect, but
//does not explain why it used to be work and now it fails?
//These assertions serve as a good sanity check, therefore we should put
//the assertion back in for the next release.
//assertion1: CMPASSERT( ! (*hist_)[loIndex_].isBoundIncl() ) ; // isLoBoundInclusive()
//assertion2: CMPASSERT( (*hist_)[loIndex_+1].isBoundIncl() ) ; // isHiBoundInclusive()
return TRUE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// answers the question: does THIS Interval contain parameter value?
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Interval::containsValue (const EncodedValue & value) const
const EncodedValue hiBound = this->hiBound() ;
const EncodedValue loBound = this->loBound() ;
// CASE 1 : value is less than lower bound
if ( loBound > value )
return FALSE ;
// CASE 2 : value is greater than upper bound
else if ( hiBound < value )
return FALSE ;
// CASE 3 : value is equal to lower bound, and the
// Interval's lower bound is inclusive
else if ( loBound == value)
if ( isLoBoundInclusive() )
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
// CASE 4 : value is equal to upper bound, and the
// Interval's upper bound is inclusive
else if ( hiBound == value )
if ( isHiBoundInclusive() )
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
// CASE 5 : value is between lower and upper bounds
else if ( loBound < value && value < hiBound )
return TRUE ;
// CASE 6 : is this possible?
return FALSE ;
// removing a NULL interval, if it exists
void ColStats::removeNullInterval()
if ( isNullInstantiated() ) // used only for _shapeChanged_ flag maint.
histogram_->removeNullInterval() ;
// after removing NULL interval remove the NULL value from skewValue list too
if ( (!isOrigFakeHist()) )
FrequentValueList & frequentValues = getModifableFrequentValues();
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
// reporting the number of NULLs / NULL-uecs in that interval
ColStats::getNullCount() const
if ( isNullInstantiated() )
Interval null = histogram_->getLastInterval() ;
return null.getRowcount() ;
return 0 ;
ColStats::getNullUec() const
if ( isNullInstantiated() )
Interval null = histogram_->getLastInterval() ;
return null.getUec() ;
return 0 ;
// setting the number of NULLs and NULL-uecs in that interval
ColStats::setNullRowsAndUec (CostScalar nulls, CostScalar nullUec)
if (!isNullInstantiated() )
// if the histogram does not contain a NULL Interval, nothing to do
CCMPASSERT ( isNullInstantiated() ) ;
Interval null = histogram_->getLastInterval() ;
null.setRowsAndUec (nulls, nullUec) ;
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// we want to maintain a *very* important histogram semantic :
// uecs <= rows
// ==> this is *very* important!
// The following routine maintains this semantic at the ColStats level;
// other functions (HistInt::setCardAndUec(), Interval::setRowsAndUec())
// work toward the same goal at the individual interval level.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void ColStats::setRowsAndUec (CostScalar rows, CostScalar uec, NABoolean allowMinusOne)
// if this is skewed, then we need to adjust the uec reduction factor
// The operator greater than does some arithmetic manipulations, which
// can lead to overflow conditions, if the uec and the row counts are
// very small. Since uec and rows are later rounded to Zero if very small,
// it should be safe to first round and then compare.
if ( uec > rows )
uecRedFactor_ *= rows / uec ;
uec = rows ;
rows = MIN_ONE_CS(rows);
// consistency check so that we will not have rows >> uec = 0
if( uec.isZero() && !rows.isZero() )
uec = csOne;
setRowcount (rows) ;
setTotalUec (uec, allowMinusOne) ;
void ColStats::setRowcount (CostScalar row)
if (row < csZero)
// min rowcount is zero
CCMPASSERT (row >= csZero) ;
row = csZero;
rowcount_ = row ;
void ColStats::setTotalUec (CostScalar uec, NABoolean allowMinusOne)
if (uec < csZero)
if (allowMinusOne == TRUE)
uec = csMinusOne;
// min UEC is zero
CCMPASSERT (uec >= csZero) ;
uec = csZero;
totalUec_ = uec ;
void ColStats::setBaseUec (CostScalar uec)
if (uec < csZero)
// min UEC is zero
CCMPASSERT (uec >= csZero) ;
uec = csZero;
baseUec_ = uec ;
void ColStats::setBaseRowCount (CostScalar row)
if (row < -1)
// reset baserowcount to -1
CCMPASSERT (row >= -1) ;
row.roundIfZero() ;
baseRowCount_ = row ;
// the following is used to store the sum-of-max-uec-per-interval value in
// mergeColStats, for later perusal/resetting in estimateCardinality
void ColStats::setSumOfMaxUec (CostScalar value)
if (value < 0)
// min sum of max UEC is zero
CCMPASSERT (value >= 0) ;
value = 0;
sumOfMaxUec_ = value;
// we have to be extremely careful about rounding the reduction factors
// because they can legitimately become very close to zero but not equal
// to zero (e.g., join between 2 1-billion row tables returns 1 row ==>
// redfactor == 1e-18)
// warning elimination (remove "inline")
void ColStats::setRedFactor (CostScalar rowred)
if (rowred < 0)
// min row reduction is 0, resulting in 0 rows
CCMPASSERT (rowred >= 0) ;
rowred = 0;
rowred.roundIfExactlyZero() ;
rowRedFactor_ = rowred ;
void ColStats::setUecRedFactor (CostScalar uecred)
if (uecred < 0)
// min uec reduction is zero, resulting in 0 uec
CCMPASSERT (uecred >= 0) ;
uecred = 0;
uecred.roundIfExactlyZero() ;
uecRedFactor_ = uecred ;
// static ColStats::deepCopy()
// Creates a new ColStats by doing a shallow copy of other. Then it does
// a shallow copy of the Histogram object(private member is Histogram pointer
// so this is necessary but a deep copy of the Histogram is not necessary).
ColStats::deepCopy(const ColStats& other, NAMemory * heap,
NABoolean useColumnPositions, NABoolean copyIntervals)
ColStatsSharedPtr result(new(heap)ColStats(other, heap, !useColumnPositions));
HistogramSharedPtr histogram;
if (copyIntervals)
histogram = new(heap)Histogram(*(other.getHistogram()),heap);
histogram = new(heap)Histogram(heap);
if ( (!other.isOrigFakeHist()) )
unsigned short members =(short) (other.columns_.entries());
for(unsigned short i=0;i<members;i++)
if (useColumnPositions)
// use "lean" representation of columns
result->colPositions_ += (other.columns_[i])->getPosition();
// a member by member deepCopy of NAColumnArray columns_
result->columns_[i]= NAColumn::deepCopy(*(other.columns_[i]),heap);
return result;
// creates a deep copy of single-column histogram from cache.
// sets deep copy's column to col.
(const ColStats& other, NAColumn& col, NAMemory * heap,
NABoolean copyIntervals)
CMPASSERT(other.columns_.entries() <= 1);
ColStatsSharedPtr result = ColStats::deepCopy(other, heap, FALSE,
return result;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// want to remove all HistInts above boundary interval
// __
// | | | | | | | | |
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// boun
// ==> remove 3 (==entries()-boundary.getLoIndex()-1)
// 9 - 4 - 2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::deleteIntervalsAbove (const Interval & boundary)
CollIndex boundaryIndex = boundary.getLoIndex() ;
if (( histogram_->entries() + boundaryIndex ) < 2)
CollIndex index = histogram_->entries() - boundaryIndex - 2 ;
CollIndex i ;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= index ; i++ )
histogram_->removeAt(boundaryIndex+2) ;
if ( index > 0 ) // i.e., if we actually removed any
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// want to remove all HistInts below boundary interval
// __
// | | | | | | | | |
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// boun
// ==> remove 4 (==boundary.getLoIndex())
// NB: this function invalidates the parameter Interval
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::deleteIntervalsBelow (Interval & boundary)
CollIndex index = boundary.getLoIndex() ;
CollIndex i ;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= index ; i++ )
histogram_->removeAt(0) ;
if ( index > 0 ) // i.e., if we actually removed any
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
boundary.setInvalid() ;
(*histogram_)[0].setCardAndUec (0,0) ; // maintain Histogram's
// // internal semantics!
Histogram::getNextInterval(const Interval & current) const
if (current.isLast()) // test boundary conditions
return Interval() ;
Interval nxt = current ; ;
return nxt ;
Histogram::getPrevInterval(const Interval & current) const
if (current.isFirst()) // test boundary conditions
return Interval() ;
Interval prv = current ;
prv.prev() ;
return prv ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// simple helper function that does the work of inserting an Interval into
// a pre-existing histogram; does this work for four special cases
// 1. histogram is empty
// 1a. histogram non-empty, but inserting a NULL interval
// 2. histogram needs a new interval at top (look for NULL!)
// 3. histogram needs a new interval at bottom
// this function assumes that the histogram we're passed isn't
// simply a NULL histogram (2 NULL HistInts, nothing else)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Histogram::insertZeroInterval (const EncodedValue & loBound,
const EncodedValue & hiBound,
NABoolean isNewBoundIncluded)
// 3 cases
// CASE 1: if no HistInts currently in Histogram,
// simply create the two HistInts and insert 'em
// CASE 1a: used to insert a NULL interval at the end of the
// histogram
if ( numIntervals() == 0 || loBound.isNullValue() )
// we need to insert TWO HistInt's; row/uec init at 0
HistInt newLo (loBound, FALSE) ;
HistInt newHi (hiBound, isNewBoundIncluded) ;
insert (newLo) ;
insert (newHi) ;
return ;
// CASE 2: loBound == the last Interval's boundary value
Interval last = getLastNonNullInterval() ;
if (!last.isValid() )
// if the histogram is not valid, clear the histogram
// and insert an interval with given boundaries
CCMPASSERT ( last.isValid() ) ;
HistInt newLo (loBound, FALSE) ;
HistInt newHi (hiBound, isNewBoundIncluded) ;
insert (newLo) ;
insert (newHi) ;
return ;
// otherwise, this function shouldn't have been called!
if ( loBound == last.hiBound() )
HistInt newHi (hiBound, isNewBoundIncluded) ;
insertAt (last.getLoIndex()+2, newHi) ;
return ;
// CASE 3: hiBound == the first Interval's boundary value
Interval first = getFirstInterval() ;
if (first.isNull())
// if first interval is NULL interval, nothing to do
CCMPASSERT (!first.isNull()) ;
// otherwise this function shouldn't have been called
if ( hiBound == first.loBound() )
HistInt newLo (loBound, !isNewBoundIncluded) ;
// inverse because the low bound of an Interval sees the opposite of
// the HistInt flag
insertAt (0, newLo) ;
return ;
CCMPASSERT(FALSE) ; // misuse of this function!
// nothing to do, return
Histogram::insertZeroInterval (const CostScalar& loBound,
const CostScalar& hiBound,
NABoolean isNewBoundIncluded)
insertZeroInterval (EncodedValue(loBound.getValue()),
Histogram::insertZeroInterval (const NormValueList& loBound,
const NormValueList& hiBound,
NABoolean isNewBoundIncluded)
insertZeroInterval (EncodedValue(loBound),
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// simple auxiliary function which condenses a histogram into a single
// interval, maintaining the same max/min values and aggregate rows/uec
// if there are both non-NULL and NULL intervals, we remove the NULL
// interval (for convenience of later functions)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (numIntervals() == 0)
CCMPASSERT (numIntervals() > 0) ; // makes no sense for an empty histogram
if ( numIntervals() == 1 ) return ; // already a single interval
CostScalar rows = 0, uec = 0 ;
EncodedValue max, min ;
NABoolean loBoundIncl, hiBoundIncl = FALSE;
Interval iter = getFirstInterval() ;
min = iter.loBound() ;
// bad special case: it's hard to decide what to do is when we have a
// NULL-interval as well as a non-NULL interval
// --> in this case, we remove the null interval
if ( isNullInstantiated() )
removeNullInterval() ;
loBoundIncl = iter.isLoBoundInclusive() ;
while ( iter.isValid() ) // we break out when we hit the last one
rows += iter.getRowcount() ;
uec += iter.getUec() ;
if ( iter.isLast() )
max = iter.hiBound() ;
hiBoundIncl = iter.isHiBoundInclusive() ;
break ;
} ;
this->clear() ;
this->insertZeroInterval (min, max, hiBoundIncl) ;
iter = getFirstInterval() ;
iter.setLoBoundInclusive (loBoundIncl) ;
iter.setRowsAndUec (rows, uec) ;
// is there a NULL interval in the Histogram?
Histogram::isNullInstantiated() const
if ( numIntervals() == 0 )
return FALSE ;
Interval last = getLastInterval() ;
if ( last.loBound().isNullValue() && last.hiBound().isNullValue() )
// semantics require that there must be 0 or 2+
// HistInts besides the NULL interval
if (entries() == 3)
CCMPASSERT ("Illegal number of intervals in the histogram");
return FALSE;
return TRUE ;
// if either is NULL, but not both, then we screwed up somewhere
CCMPASSERT ( !last.loBound().isNullValue() ) ;
CCMPASSERT ( !last.hiBound().isNullValue() ) ;
return FALSE ;
// removing that NULL interval (assuming it exists)
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
if (NOT isNullInstantiated() )
// no null interval. Nothing to remove
CCMPASSERT ( isNullInstantiated() ) ;
// remove both NULL-valued HistInts
removeAt (entries()-1) ;
removeAt (entries()-1) ;
// inserting a NULL interval (assuming it doesn't already exist)
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
if (isNullInstantiated() )
// if the NULL interval already exists, return. Nothing more to do.
CCMPASSERT ( !isNullInstantiated() ) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method to reduce the number of histogram intervals
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void Histogram::reduceNumHistInts(Criterion reductionCriterion,
Source invokedFrom)
//if reduction criterion is none then return
if(reductionCriterion == NONE)
//interval object used to iterate of intervals
Interval iter ;
//iterate over the intervals of this histogram
for ( iter = getFirstInterval() ;
iter.isValid() && !iter.isNull();
/* no automatic increment */)
if ( iter.isLast() ) break ; // only one interval in total; done
// at this point, we know another interval exists
Interval next = getNextInterval (iter) ;
if ( next.isNull() ) break; // do not merge NULL intervals!
//if the current interval or the next interval has row count of
//zero (which implies UEC = 0) then merge the current with the next.
if ((iter.getRowcount() == csZero) || (next.getRowcount() == csZero))
//if the current interval is approximately equal to the next
//interval then merge current with next
else if (, reductionCriterion, next))
//if current and next are not approximately equal then iterate
//over to the next interval.
// compute the extended boundaries of an interval when compared to its neighbors. The method does not
// have any side affect on the interval or its neighbors . This is used by the HQC logic
void Histogram::computeExtendedIntRange (Interval& currentInt, Criterion& reductionCriterion,
EncodedValue& hiBound, EncodedValue& loBound,
NABoolean& hiBoundInclusive, NABoolean& loBoundInclusive)
// nothing to do if Criterion is NONE
if (reductionCriterion == NONE)
NABoolean intervalExtended = FALSE;
// try merging with the subsequent intervals
Interval nextInt = getNextInterval (currentInt);
while (nextInt.isValid() && !nextInt.isNull() &&, reductionCriterion, nextInt))
intervalExtended = TRUE;
hiBound = nextInt.hiBound();
hiBoundInclusive = nextInt.isHiBoundInclusive();
nextInt = getNextInterval (nextInt);
// try merging with the preceeding intervals
Interval prevInt = getPrevInterval (currentInt);
while (prevInt.isValid() &&, CRITERION1, prevInt))
intervalExtended = TRUE;
loBound = prevInt.loBound();
loBoundInclusive = prevInt.isLoBoundInclusive();
prevInt = getPrevInterval (prevInt);
ostream* hqc_ostream=CURRENTQCACHE->getHQCLogFile();
if (intervalExtended && hqc_ostream)
*hqc_ostream << " -- HQC performed an interval extention -- \n"
<< " Interval Initial boundaries are: " << endl
<< "\t LOW: [" << currentInt.loBound().getDblValue() << "]" << endl
<< "\t HIGH: [" << currentInt.hiBound().getDblValue() << "]" << endl;
*hqc_ostream << " Result Interval boundaries: " << endl
<< "\t LOW: [" << loBound.getDblValue() << "] with low bound" << (loBoundInclusive? " ": " NOT ") << "inclusive" << endl
<< "\t HIGH: [" << hiBound.getDblValue() << "] with high bound" << (hiBoundInclusive? " " : " NOT ") << "inclusive" << endl;
CostScalar Histogram::mergeSVIWithNextAndSetMaxFreq()
CostScalar maxFreq = -1.0;
//interval object used to iterate of intervals
Interval iter ;
NABoolean firstInterval = TRUE;
//iterate over the intervals of this histogram
for ( iter = getFirstInterval() ;
iter.isValid() && !iter.isNull(); )
// if the frequency of the interval is less than zero, we assume the frequency
// to be equal to the rowcount
CostScalar currFreq = iter.getRowcount() / (iter.getUec()).minCsOne();
if (currFreq > maxFreq)
maxFreq = currFreq;
if ( iter.isLast() ) break ; // only one interval in total; done
// at this point, we know another interval exists
Interval next = getNextInterval (iter) ;
if ( next.isNull() ) break; // do not merge NULL intervals!
//if the current interval is SVI then merge the current with the next.
if ( (iter.isSingleValued()) && !firstInterval &&
(iter.getRowcount() < (next.getRowcount() / next.getUec() / 0.50) ) )
NABoolean mergeSuccessful = iter.merge(next);
if (!mergeSuccessful);
firstInterval = FALSE;
return maxFreq;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finds where in the list of HistInts to place the new HistInt. Then,
// divides the rows/uecs from the divided Interval into the two new
// Intervals (or, if this HistInt boundary already exists, jumps to next
// step).
// Finally, removes the intervals above or below the indentified interval
// boundary. That is, for < operations, we remove all Intervals above
// this one; for > ops, we destory all Histints below it.
// ** This function assumes that the value we're looking for is NOT equal
// ** to the max or min value of the Histogram. Those cases should have
// ** already been handled by the calling function. We don't want to
// ** handle those here because we already handle so many boundary
// ** conditions in this function!
// Sadly, this function is a mess! I cannot think of any easy way to
// clean it up, since the boundary cases are so incredibly thorny. But
// for any case, it should be easy to verify it's doing the right thing.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::divideHistogramAlongBoundaryValue(const EncodedValue & value,
OperatorTypeEnum splitOperator)
// any NULL Intervals should have been removed by now. If not do it now
if (isNullInstantiated() )
CCMPASSERT ( !isNullInstantiated() ) ;
if ( histogram_->numIntervals() == 0 )
return ;
// remove the values based on the splitOperator from the skew value list
// if split operator is LESS_THAN, implying keep only value that are less than
// the given below, we remove all values greater than or equal to the given
// value from the frequentValueList. The Boolean flag == TRUE implies include
// include the value while deleting. FALSE means exclude the given value
if ( (!isOrigFakeHist()) )
FrequentValueList & frequentValueList = getModifableFrequentValues();
switch (splitOperator)
frequentValueList.deleteFrequentValuesAboveOrEqual (value, FALSE) ;
frequentValueList.deleteFrequentValuesBelowOrEqual (value, FALSE) ;
case ITM_LESS:
frequentValueList.deleteFrequentValuesAboveOrEqual (value, TRUE) ;
frequentValueList.deleteFrequentValuesBelowOrEqual (value, TRUE) ;
break ;
Interval iter = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
// we want to iterate through the Intervals until we reach
// the first one where value is >= the low boundary
while ( value > iter.hiBound() && !iter.isLast() ) ;
if ( iter.hiBound() == value )
if (iter.isLast())
CCMPASSERT ( !iter.isLast() ) ;
} ;
// the reason we do this last step (placing the equal boundary
// as the lower bound of iter) is to set up the check for
// the SVI --> if iter, which has value as its lower boundary,
// is an SVI, then we certainly don't have to subdivide the
// Histogram any further
CollIndex iterIndex = iter.getLoIndex() ;
// when splitOperator is ITM_LESS_EQ or ITM_GREATER_EQ, the
// following should always be true --> unless we're calling
// this function from somewhere besides newUpperBound / newLowerBound
if ( iter.isSingleValued() )
switch (splitOperator)
// for <= value, del above iterIndex (keep the SVI)
// for >= value, del below iterIndex (keep the SVI)
// for < value, del above iterIndex-1 ('rm' the SVI)
// for > value, del below iterIndex+1 ('rm' the SVI)
deleteIntervalsAbove (iter) ;
return ;
deleteIntervalsBelow (iter) ;
return ;
case ITM_LESS:
if (iter.isFirst())
CCMPASSERT ( !iter.isFirst() ) ;
// nothing to divide, return
iter.prev() ;
deleteIntervalsAbove (iter) ;
return ;
CCMPASSERT ( !iter.isLast() ) ;
} ;
deleteIntervalsBelow (iter) ;
return ;
CCMPASSERT(FALSE) ; //misuse of this function!
return ;
if ( value == iter.loBound() )
// time to check the annoying & complicated boundary cases
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 HistInt#
// < < < <= < <= <= BoundsIncl
// | | | | | | |
// | | I1 |iter| I2 | | |
// 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Value
// value: 4
// iter.isLoBoundInclusive: TRUE
// I1: [3,4) iter: [4,5] I2: (5,6)
// ==> for <= 4, iter --> [4,4]+(4,5]
// [3,4)[4,4](4,5] del above iterIndex (==index of SVI)
// ==> for >= 4, do not need an SVI
// [3,4)[4,5] del below iterIndex (==index of iter)
// ==> for < 4, do not need an SVI
// [3,4)[4,5] del above iterIndex-1 (==index of I1)
// ==> for > 4, iter --> [4,4]+(4,5]
// [3,4)[4,4](4,5] del below iterIndex+1 (==index of iter')
if ( iter.isLoBoundInclusive() == TRUE )
switch (splitOperator)
histogram_->insertSingleValuedInterval (value) ;
// the above function messes up iter, so we need
// a "fresh" copy
iter = Interval (iterIndex,histogram_) ;
deleteIntervalsAbove (iter) ;
return ;
deleteIntervalsBelow (iter) ;
return ;
case ITM_LESS:
if (iter.isFirst())
CCMPASSERT ( !iter.isFirst() ) ; // debugging
iter.prev() ;
deleteIntervalsAbove (iter) ;
return ;
histogram_->insertSingleValuedInterval (value) ;
// the above function messes up iter, so we need
// a "fresh" copy
iter = Interval (iterIndex+1,histogram_) ;
deleteIntervalsBelow (iter) ;
return ;
CCMPASSERT(FALSE) ; //misuse of this function!
return ;
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 HistInt#
// < < <= <= < <= <= BoundsIncl
// | | | | | | |
// | | I1 |iter| I2 | | |
// 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 Value
// value: 4
// iter.isLoBoundInclusive: FALSE
// I1: [3,4] iter: (4,5] I2: (5,6)
// ==> for <= 4, do not need an SVI
// [3,4](4,5] del above iterIndex-1 (==index of I1)
// ==> for >= 4, I1 --> (3,4)+[4,4]
// [3,4)[4,4](4,5] del below iterIndex (==index of SVI)
// ==> for < 4, I1 --> (3,4)+[4,4]
// [3,4)[4,4](4,5] del above iterIndex-1 (==index of I1)
// ==> for > 4, do not need an SVI
// [3,4](4,5] del below iterIndex (==index of iter)
else // iter.isLoBoundInclusive() == FALSE
switch (splitOperator)
if (iter.isFirst())
CCMPASSERT ( !iter.isFirst() ) ; // debugging
iter.prev() ;
deleteIntervalsAbove (iter) ;
return ;
histogram_->insertSingleValuedInterval (value) ;
// the above function messes up iter, so we need
// a "fresh" copy
iter = Interval (iterIndex,histogram_) ;
deleteIntervalsBelow (iter) ;
return ;
case ITM_LESS:
if (iter.isFirst())
CCMPASSERT ( !iter.isFirst() ) ; // debugging
histogram_->insertSingleValuedInterval (value) ;
// the above function messes up iter, so we need
// a "fresh" copy
iter = Interval(iterIndex-1,histogram_) ;
deleteIntervalsAbove (iter) ;
return ;
deleteIntervalsBelow (iter) ;
return ;
CCMPASSERT(FALSE) ; //misuse of this function!
return ;
} // value == iter.loBound()
// *********************************************************
// now handle the NON-boundary cases (the easy ones)
// 0 1 2 3 4 5
// | | | | | | value: 7.5
// | | | | | | iterIndex: 2
// 3 5 7 8 9 10
// iter
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// | | | | | | | value: 7.5
// | | | | | | | iterIndex: 2
// 3 5 7 7.5 8 9 10
// lower upper
// OK, now we know that the boundary value we're inserting isn't
// equal to an Interval boundary
// what we do now is very similar to what we did for
// Histogram::insertSingleValuedInterval() below
// first, cache values from ITER that we'll need later
const EncodedValue loBoundary = iter.loBound() ;
const EncodedValue hiBoundary = iter.hiBound() ;
const CostScalar rows = iter.getRowcount() ;
const CostScalar uec = iter.getUec() ;
// now, build the HistInt and insert it
HistInt newHistInt (value) ;
histogram_->insertAt(iterIndex+1, newHistInt) ;
// Q1: how do we set the boundary inclusive flag of the new Interval?
// A1: set the hiBound of the lower interval as follows:
// [1,3] <= 2 --> [1,2](2,3] --> [1,2] boundIncl: TRUE
// [1,3] < 2 --> [1,2)[2,3] --> [1,2) boundIncl: FALSE
// [1,3] >= 2 --> [1,2)[2,3] --> [2,3] boundIncl: FALSE
// [1,3] > 2 --> [1,2](2,3] --> (2,3] boundIncl: TRUE
// Q2: and when we're done, which is the place from which
// we delete Intervals?
// A2: 'lower' for <=,<, 'upper' for >=,>
Interval lower (iterIndex, histogram_) ;
Interval upper (iterIndex+1,histogram_) ;
switch ( splitOperator )
lower.setHiBoundInclusive (TRUE) ;
break ;
case ITM_LESS:
lower.setHiBoundInclusive (FALSE) ;
break ;
// misuse of this function!
// set the histogram as fake and return without applying the predicate
return ;
NAList<Interval> spanList(CmpCommon::statementHeap());
spanList.clear() ; // probably unnecessary
spanList.insert (lower) ;
spanList.insert (upper) ;
Interval::distributeRowsAndUec (spanList,
hiBoundary) ;
// Don't forget to delete the Intervals!
if ( splitOperator == ITM_LESS_EQ || splitOperator == ITM_LESS )
deleteIntervalsAbove (lower) ;
deleteIntervalsBelow (upper) ;
//Helper method to adjust Rowcount for rolling columns
ColStats::adjustRowcountforRollingColumns(ConstValue * constant)
Lng32 filler = 0;
CostScalar totalRowCount = 0, totalUec = 0, iterRowCount = 0, iterUec = 0;
NAString dateTxt = ("(");
EncodedValue encodedCurTime = EncodedValue(constant, FALSE);
if (encodedCurTime == UNINIT_ENCODEDVALUE)
HistogramSharedPtr hist = getHistogramToModify();
Interval first = hist->getFirstInterval();
Interval last = hist->getLastNonNullInterval();
double timeEncompassedInHistogram = (last.hiBound().getDblValue() - first.loBound().getDblValue());
// For histograms with UEC equal to 1, timeEncompassedInHistogram can become zero since the
// histogram will contain only one interval and the value of last.hiBound will be equal to first.loBound
// To handle such cases, we ensure that the time encompassed in histogram cannot have value
// lower than the UEC of the last non-null interval. We also ensure it is atleast 1, to avoid divide
// by zero.
timeEncompassedInHistogram = MAXOF(timeEncompassedInHistogram, 1.0);
// Create the new interval with an extra day to ensure that the density of the histograms even after
// applying the equality predicates is not lost. The issue can be seen for between predicates such that
// both the values being looked for lie outside the histogram boundaries.
// Example, the histogram has dates till 08-13-2010. The predicate being applied to the column is
// between 08-23-2010 and 08-29-2010. The histogram will be first extrapolated for 08-23-2010, and then
// the predicate >= 08-23-2010 will be applied. While doing this we loose the original density of the
// histogram. Now when the histogram is extrapolated for 08-29-2010, it could result in incorrect estimates
// To prevent such issues, the histogram will be extrapolated for 08-24-2010 instead of 08-23-2010. This will
// ensure that when we apply >= 08-23-2010 kind of predicate we actually save the density of values. For less
// than predicate, this value will anyway be chopped hence will not have an impact on the cardinality
// To add hist_Num_Additional_Days_To_Extrapolate extra day add (24 * 60 * 60) * histNumOfAddDaysToExtrapolate
// to the encodedCurtime
encodedCurTime = encodedCurTime.getDblValue() + (CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->histNumOfAddDaysToExtrapolate() * 86400);
double timeEncompassedInNewInterval = (encodedCurTime.getDblValue() - last.hiBound().getDblValue());
if ((timeEncompassedInNewInterval <= 0))
hist->insertZeroInterval(last.hiBound().getDblValue(), encodedCurTime, TRUE);
totalRowCount = getRowcount().getValue();
totalUec = getTotalUec().getValue();
CCMPASSERT (totalUec.isGreaterThanZero()) ;
totalUec = csOne;
iterUec = (totalUec * timeEncompassedInNewInterval) / timeEncompassedInHistogram;
iterRowCount = (totalRowCount * iterUec) / totalUec;
Interval newLast = hist->getLastNonNullInterval();
newLast.setRowsAndUec(iterRowCount, iterUec);
totalUec += iterUec;
totalRowCount += iterRowCount;
setRowsAndUec(totalRowCount, totalUec);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// do the work of inserting, into the histogram, a SVI
// assumes that the SVI's value falls inside (not-inclusive-of)
// the min-max of the histogram
// after inserting the necessary one (or two) HistInts,
// calculates the correct # of rows/uecs for the SVI and
// subtracts the appropriate amount from the interval that
// previously contained this value in the histogram
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Histogram::insertSingleValuedInterval (const EncodedValue & value,
NABoolean distributeRowsAndUec)
// first, find the Interval that contains the
// value for our soon-to-be-created SVI
if ( numIntervals() == 0 )
Interval iter = getFirstInterval() ;
while ( !iter.containsValue (value) ) ;
if ( !iter.containsValue (value) )
return NULL_COLL_INDEX ; // something no good
const CostScalar rows = iter.getRowcount() ;
const CostScalar uec = iter.getUec() ;
CollIndex iterIdx = iter.getLoIndex() ;
// OK, we've found the interval that should contain
// the SVI; now, let's build our SVI
Interval theSVI ;
NAList<Interval> spanList(CmpCommon::statementHeap());
spanList.clear() ; // probably unnecessary
const EncodedValue loBoundary = iter.loBound() ;
const EncodedValue hiBoundary = iter.hiBound() ;
CollIndex retval ;
// Get the SharedPtr object stored within the "this" pointer so it can
// be used within this function.
HistogramSharedPtr thisPtr = HistogramSharedPtr::getIntrusiveSharedPtr(this);
// there are three cases to consider
// CASE 1 : value is equal to lower bound
if ( value == loBoundary && iter.isLoBoundInclusive() )
// create a S.V.I. for value
// --> this is simpler if THIS is already a S.V.I.
if ( iter.isSingleValued() )
return iterIdx; // an SVI with the desired value already exists
else // otherwise, we need to split this Interval into
// // two pieces; one for the S.V.I. for 'value', and
// // one for the rest of ITER
// the new one just needs to be a copy of the
// current lower boundary
HistInt newHistInt (value) ;
insertAt(iterIdx+1, newHistInt) ;
//NB: at this point, ITER is no longer usable
// ==> we need to create the two resulting Intervals
theSVI = Interval (iterIdx, thisPtr);
Interval newHigh (iterIdx+1,thisPtr);
retval = iterIdx ;
theSVI.setLoBoundInclusive (TRUE) ;
theSVI.setHiBoundInclusive (TRUE) ;
spanList.insert(theSVI) ;
spanList.insert(newHigh) ;
// rows | 12 |
// uec | 3 |
// lo hi
// iter
//transition: (right after we insert the new HistInt)
// rows | ? | 12 |
// uec | ? | 3 |
// lo lo hi
// theSVI newHigh
//after: (figure out how much is in S.V.I.)
// rows | 4 | 8 |
// uec | 1 | 2 |
// lo lo hi
// theSVI newHigh
// CASE 2 : value is equal to upper bound
else if ( value == hiBoundary && iter.isHiBoundInclusive() )
//NB: we've already handled the S.V.I.==S.V.I. case above
// the new one just needs to be a copy of the
// current upper boundary
HistInt newHistInt (value) ;
insertAt(iterIdx+1, newHistInt) ;
//NB: at this point, ITER is no longer usable
// ==> we need to create the two resulting Intervals
Interval newLow (iterIdx, thisPtr) ;
theSVI = Interval (iterIdx+1,thisPtr) ;
retval = iterIdx + 1 ;
theSVI.setLoBoundInclusive (TRUE) ;
theSVI.setHiBoundInclusive (TRUE) ;
spanList.insert(newLow) ;
spanList.insert(theSVI) ;
// rows | 12 |
// uec | 3 |
// lo hi
//transition1: (right after we insert the new HistInt)
// rows | ? | 12 |
// uec | ? | 3 |
// lo hi hi
// newLow theSVI
//after: (figure out how much is in S.V.I.)
// rows | 8 | 4 |
// uec | 2 | 1 |
// lo hi hi
// newLow theSVI
// CASE 3 : value is between lower and upper bound
// (this one is very similar to the others)
if (value < loBoundary || value > hiBoundary )
// nothing to do, value is outside the boundaries.
// return NULL_COLL_INDEX as the index of the interval;
CCMPASSERT ( loBoundary < value && value < hiBoundary ) ;
// for this case, we need to insert TWO new (equal) HistInts
HistInt newHistInt (value) ;
// insert it twice
insertAt(iterIdx+1, newHistInt) ;
insertAt(iterIdx+1, newHistInt) ;
//NB: at this point, ITER is no longer usable
// ==> we need to create the three resulting Intervals
Interval newLow (iterIdx, thisPtr);
theSVI = Interval (iterIdx+1,thisPtr);
Interval newHigh (iterIdx+2,thisPtr);
retval = iterIdx + 1 ;
theSVI.setLoBoundInclusive (TRUE) ;
theSVI.setHiBoundInclusive (TRUE) ;
spanList.insert(newLow) ;
spanList.insert(theSVI) ;
spanList.insert(newHigh) ;
// distribute rows and uec of the interval only if the caller is not going
// to compute it later
if (distributeRowsAndUec)
// redistribute the rows/uec
Interval::distributeRowsAndUec (spanList,
hiBoundary) ;
// set the RC and UEC of the new interval with the total RC and UEC of
// the parent interval. We will set the correct rowcount and uec based
// on the values from frequent value list
theSVI.setRowsAndUec(rows, uec);
return retval ; // the index of the SVI
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// returns TRUE if THIS spans the OTHER interval
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Interval::spans (const Interval & other) const
// invalid intervals are not/do not span anything!
if ( !other.isValid() || !isValid() ) return FALSE ;
// there are several ways in which an interval can span another
// interval
const EncodedValue hiBound = this->hiBound() ;
const EncodedValue loBound = this->loBound() ;
const EncodedValue otherHiBound = other.hiBound() ;
const EncodedValue otherLoBound = other.loBound() ;
// case ZERO: handle NULLs first
// TRUE only if all boundaries are NULL
if ( hiBound.isNullValue() &&
loBound.isNullValue() &&
otherHiBound.isNullValue() &&
otherLoBound.isNullValue() )
return TRUE ;
// otherwise, FALSE if any is NULL
if ( hiBound.isNullValue() ||
loBound.isNullValue() ||
otherHiBound.isNullValue() ||
otherLoBound.isNullValue() )
return FALSE ;
// case ONE: THIS has an upper bound that is larger than OTHER's,
// and a smaller bound that is smaller
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
if ( hiBound > otherHiBound &&
loBound < otherLoBound )
return TRUE ; // this is always true
// for all later cases, we need to know the inclusiveness information
const NABoolean isHiInclusive = this->isHiBoundInclusive() ;
const NABoolean isLoInclusive = this->isLoBoundInclusive() ;
const NABoolean isOtherHiInclusive = other.isHiBoundInclusive() ;
const NABoolean isOtherLoInclusive = other.isLoBoundInclusive() ;
// case TWO: THIS has an upper bound that is equal to OTHER's,
// and a smaller bound that is smaller
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
if ( hiBound == otherHiBound &&
loBound < otherLoBound )
if ( isOtherHiInclusive && !isHiInclusive )
return FALSE ; // other is inclusive, I am not
return TRUE ;
// case THREE: THIS has an upper bound that is greater than OTHER's,
// and a smaller bound that is equal
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
if ( hiBound > otherHiBound &&
loBound == otherLoBound )
if ( isOtherLoInclusive && !isLoInclusive )
return FALSE ; // other is inclusive, I am not
return TRUE ;
// case FOUR: THIS has an upper bound that is equal to OTHER's,
// and a smaller bound that is also equal
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
if ( hiBound == otherHiBound &&
loBound == otherLoBound )
if ( isOtherHiInclusive && !isHiInclusive ||
isOtherLoInclusive && !isLoInclusive )
return FALSE ; // other is inclusive, I am not
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ; // in all other cases, nope
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// this function does the work of distributing THIS's
// uec/rowcount to the Intervals (in another histogram,
// most likely) in spanList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Interval::distributeRowsAndUec (LIST(Interval) & spanList,
CostScalar rowsRemaining,
CostScalar uecsRemaining,
const EncodedValue & loBoundary,
const EncodedValue & hiBoundary)
// This function does the work of distributing an Interval's
// Rows/Uec to a list of sub-Intervals. It's assumed that all of
// the sub-intervals (spanList) are spanned (see Interval::span())
// by the hi/lo boundary info. Bounds inclusive flags should have
// been checked before calling this function!
// The reason it's not a member function, and instead takes four
// parameters from the Interval, is because we sometimes need to call
// this function (e.g., see ColStats::removeSingleValue()) where we're
// subdividing up an Interval into smaller pieces.
// For the usage of this function from, e.g., ColStats::populateTemplate(),
// we're working with an Interval from one Histogram and a list of
// Intervals from another Histogram.
// So the general use of this function is to not require that the
// target Intervals and the source Interval NOT NECESSARILY be from
// different Histograms. The logic is useful both when the source
// and target Intervals are from the same Histogram, and when they
// are not.
// First we want to see if there are any single-valued intervals
// in spanList; if so, we will treat these specially
// We believe these intervals contain more accurate information
// than the rest of the intervals (this is part of the histogram
// semantics); thus, we first allocate to each 1 uec & row from
// those being distributed. If there is not enough uec/rowcount
// to give each single-valued interval 1/1, then we distribute
// what there is to all of them (and give no rowcount/uec
// to any of the other intervals).
// For any "left-over" uec/row totals, we divide this
// evenly between all intervals, pro-rated per interval size
// (hiBound - loBound)
// first, check to see if there's anything to do!
if ( rowsRemaining.isZero() || uecsRemaining.isZero() )
return ; // nothing to distribute!
CollIndex singleCount = 0 ; // # of single-valued intervals
CollIndex i ;
const CollIndex spanListEntries = spanList.entries();
for ( i = 0 ; i < spanListEntries ; i++)
if ( spanList[i].isSingleValued() )
singleCount++ ;
CostScalar rowsPerSingle = 0 ; // # of rows to allocate per S.V.I.
CostScalar uecsPerSingle = 0 ; // # of uecs to allocate per S.V.I.
if (singleCount > 0 )
// for small values of uecsRemaining, we have to be careful!
uecsPerSingle =
MINOF(uecsRemaining/singleCount, // case where uecsRemaining < singleCount
1.0) ; // "usual case" (we hope! :-)
rowsPerSingle =
MINOF(rowsRemaining/singleCount, // case where uecsRemaining < 1
((CostScalar)1.0/uecsRemaining) * rowsRemaining) ; // "usual case"
} // otherwise these vars keep their initial values above
// for singleCount == 0, these are no-ops
uecsRemaining -= uecsPerSingle * singleCount ;
rowsRemaining -= rowsPerSingle * singleCount ;
if (uecsRemaining.isLessThanZero())
CCMPASSERT (uecsRemaining.isGreaterOrEqualThanZero()) ;
uecsRemaining = 0;
if (rowsRemaining.isLessThanZero())
// UECs should not go below zero
CCMPASSERT (rowsRemaining.isGreaterOrEqualThanZero()) ;
rowsRemaining = 0;
// loop through the intervals and distribute the uecs & rowcount
CostScalar rows;
CostScalar uec;
CostScalar factorHi;
CostScalar factorLo;
CostScalar factorDiff;
for ( i = 0 ; i < spanListEntries ; i++ )
if ( spanList[i].isSingleValued() )
rows = rowsPerSingle;
uec = uecsPerSingle;
else // we distribute an amount of uecs/rows proportional
{ // to the size of the interval
if ( rowsRemaining.isZero() || uecsRemaining.isZero() )
// don't take any chances with values that're "essentially" zero
rows = csZero;
uec = csZero;
factorHi =
(CostScalar) spanList[i].hiBound().ratio (loBoundary,hiBoundary) ;
factorLo =
(CostScalar) spanList[i].loBound().ratio (loBoundary,hiBoundary) ;
// The subtraction of two costScalars, which are very close to zero,
// can lead to overflow error. This happens during comparison of two
// CostScalars. Round the costScalars to zero, before doing a comparison.
factorDiff = (factorHi - factorLo).minCsZero();
rows = rowsRemaining * factorDiff;
uec = uecsRemaining * factorDiff;
spanList[i].setRowsAndUec( rows, uec );
} // for loop
//Compare this interval against its adjacent interval (other).
//The adjacent interval should meet the hi boundary of the
//current interval. The comparison performed is based on
//parameters invokedFrom, and reductionCriterion.
NABoolean Interval::compare(Source invokedFrom,
Criterion reductionCriterion,
Interval & other)
return satisfiesCriterion1(invokedFrom, other);
return satisfiesCriterion2(invokedFrom, other);
return FALSE;
//this method checks if this interval and the adjacent interval
//which meets this intervals hi boundary, satisfy merge criterion1
NABoolean Interval::satisfiesCriterion1(Source invokedFrom,Interval & other)
// do not compress intervals that contain skew values
if ( getUec() == 1.0 ) return FALSE;
//get constant alpha from optdefaults
double alpha = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->histogramReductionConstantAlpha();
//check validity of alpha, it should be
//between 0 and 1
if((alpha > 1.0) || (alpha < 0.0))
return FALSE;
//the fudge-factor / Permissible Ratio
double pr = 0.1;
//get Permissible Ratio (PR) from optdefaults
if(invokedFrom == INTERMEDIATE)
pr = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->intermediateHistogramReductionFF();
pr = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->baseHistogramReductionFF();
//make sure pr is within some sane limit
//I am assuming QA will try to crash it
//using a very high or very low pr value
if(pr < 0)
return FALSE;
if(pr > 1000000000000LL)
return TRUE;
//get my interval lenght
double myDistance = hiBound().getDblValue() - loBound().getDblValue();
if (myDistance <= DBL_MIN)
return FALSE;
//get neighor interval's length
double neighborDistance = other.hiBound().getDblValue() - other.loBound().getDblValue();
if (neighborDistance <= DBL_MIN)
return FALSE;
//get my row count
double myRowCount = getRowcount().getValue();
//get neighbor's row count
double neighborRowCount = other.getRowcount().getValue();
//get my Unique Entry Count (UEC)
double myUEC = getUec().getValue();
//get neighbor's UEC
double neighborUEC = other.getUec().getValue();
//Do some checks to guarantee no overflow
double ourMin = 10 * pow(DBL_MIN,0.25);
double ourMax = 0.1 * pow(DBL_MAX,0.25);
if((myDistance < ourMin)||
(myDistance > ourMax))
return FALSE;
if((neighborDistance < ourMin)||
(neighborDistance > ourMax))
return FALSE;
if((myRowCount < ourMin)||
(myRowCount > ourMax))
return FALSE;
if((neighborRowCount < ourMin)||
(neighborRowCount > ourMax))
return FALSE;
if((myUEC < ourMin)||
(myUEC > ourMax))
return FALSE;
if((neighborUEC < ourMin)||
(neighborUEC > ourMax))
return FALSE;
//calculate my row density
double myRowDensity = myRowCount / myDistance;
//calculate neighbor's row density
double neighborRowDensity = neighborRowCount / neighborDistance;
//calculate my unique entry density
double myUniqueEntryDensity = myUEC / myDistance;
//calculate my unique entry density
double neighborUniqueEntryDensity = neighborUEC / neighborDistance;
//Do calculatioin to see if the two intervals are approximately equal
//Do the following calculations here so the results
//can be reused later, this is done for performance
double myDistanceSquared = SQUARE(myDistance);
double neighborDistanceSquared = SQUARE(neighborDistance);
double alphaSquared = SQUARE(alpha);
//calculate Acceptable Difference (AD) for row density
//calculate my tolerance
//tolerance is defined in the histogram intervals reduction design doc
double myToleranceSquared = alphaSquared * (myRowCount / myDistanceSquared);
//calculate neighbor's tolerance
double neighborToleranceSquared = alphaSquared * (neighborRowCount / neighborDistanceSquared);
//calculate Relative Permissible Difference (RPD)
//RPD is defined in the histogram intervals reduction design doc
double rpdSquared = (pr * (myRowDensity + neighborRowDensity) / 2);
rpdSquared = SQUARE(rpdSquared);
//get the square of the acceptable difference (AD)
double adSquared = rpdSquared + myToleranceSquared + neighborToleranceSquared;
//calculate difference in row density
double differenceSquared = myRowDensity - neighborRowDensity;
differenceSquared = SQUARE(differenceSquared);
//check if difference in row density is within acceptable limits
//to consider it approximately equal
if(!(differenceSquared < adSquared))
return FALSE;
//calculate Acceptable Difference (AD) for Unique Entry density
//calculate my tolerance
myToleranceSquared = alphaSquared * (myUEC / myDistanceSquared);
//calculate neighbors tolerance
neighborToleranceSquared = alphaSquared * (neighborUEC / neighborDistanceSquared);
//calculate Relative Permissible Difference (RPD)
//RPD is defined in the histogram intervals reduction design doc
rpdSquared = (pr * (myUniqueEntryDensity + neighborUniqueEntryDensity) / 2);
rpdSquared = SQUARE(rpdSquared);
//get the square of the acceptable difference (AD)
adSquared = rpdSquared + myToleranceSquared + neighborToleranceSquared;
//calculate difference in row density
differenceSquared = myUniqueEntryDensity - neighborUniqueEntryDensity;
differenceSquared = SQUARE(differenceSquared);
//check if difference in row density is within acceptable limits
//to consider it approximately equal
if(!(differenceSquared < adSquared))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
//This method checks if this interval and the adjacent interval
//which meets this interval on the hi boundary, satisfy
//merge criterion 2
NABoolean Interval::satisfiesCriterion2(Source invokedFrom, Interval & other)
// do not compress intervals that contain skew values
if ( getUec() == 1.0 ) return FALSE;
//get constant alpha from optdefaults
double alpha = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->histogramReductionConstantAlpha();
//check validity of alpha, it should be
//between 0 and 1
if((alpha > 1.0) || (alpha < 0.0))
return FALSE;
//the fudge-factor / Permissible Ratio
double pr = 0.1;
//get Permissible Ratio (PR) from optdefaults
if(invokedFrom == INTERMEDIATE)
pr = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->intermediateHistogramReductionFF();
pr = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->baseHistogramReductionFF();
//make sure pr is within some sane limit
//I am assuming QA will try to crash it
//using a very high or very low pr value
if(pr < 0)
return FALSE;
if(pr > 1000000000000LL)
return TRUE;
//get my row count
double myRowCount = getRowcount().getValue();
//get neighbor's row count
double neighborRowCount = other.getRowcount().getValue();
//get my Unique Entry Count (UEC)
double myUEC = getUec().getValue();
//get neighbor's UEC
double neighborUEC = other.getUec().getValue();
//Do some checks to guarantee no overflow
double ourMin = 10 * pow(DBL_MIN,0.25);
double ourMax = 0.1 * pow(DBL_MAX,0.25);
if((myRowCount < ourMin)||
(myRowCount > ourMax))
return FALSE;
if((neighborRowCount < ourMin)||
(neighborRowCount > ourMax))
return FALSE;
if((myUEC < ourMin)||
(myUEC > ourMax))
return FALSE;
if((neighborUEC < ourMin)||
(neighborUEC > ourMax))
return FALSE;
//calculate my rows per unique entry
double myRowsPerUE = myRowCount / myUEC;
//calculate neighbor's rows per unique entry
double neighborRowsPerUE = neighborRowCount / neighborUEC;
//Do calculation to see if the two intervals are approximately equal
//Do the following calculations here so the results
//can be reused later, this is done for performance
double alphaSquared = SQUARE(alpha);
//calculate Acceptable Difference (AD) for row density
//calculate my tolerance
//tolerance is defined in the histogram intervals reduction design doc
double myToleranceSquared = alphaSquared * (myRowCount / SQUARE(myUEC));
//calculate neighbor's tolerance
double neighborToleranceSquared = alphaSquared * (neighborRowCount / SQUARE(neighborUEC));
//calculate Relative Permissible Difference (RPD)
//RPD is defined in the histogram intervals reduction design doc
double rpdSquared = (pr * (myRowsPerUE + neighborRowsPerUE) / 2);
rpdSquared = SQUARE(rpdSquared);
//get the square of the acceptable difference (AD)
double adSquared = rpdSquared + myToleranceSquared + neighborToleranceSquared;
//calculate difference in row density
double differenceSquared = myRowsPerUE - neighborRowsPerUE;
differenceSquared = SQUARE(differenceSquared);
//check if difference in row density is within acceptable limits
//to consider it approximately equal
if(!(differenceSquared < adSquared))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Interval::display (FILE *f, const char * prefix, const char * suffix) const
fprintf (f, "%sLoBound ", prefix);
if (isLoBoundInclusive())
fprintf (f, "<= ");
fprintf (f, "< ");
fprintf (f, " : rows=%f,uec=%f %s\n",
getRowcount().value(), getUec().value(), suffix);
fprintf (f, "%sHiBound ", prefix);
if (isHiBoundInclusive())
fprintf (f, "<= ");
fprintf (f, "< ");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods on Histogram class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// simple helper class for ::createMergeTemplate, ::condenseToPartitionBoundaries
class HistIntVal
HistIntVal (const HistInt & init) :
val_(init.getBoundary()), incl_(init.isBoundIncl()), hash_(init.getHash()) {}
HistIntVal (const HistIntVal & other) :
val_(other.val_), incl_(other.incl_), hash_(other.hash_) {}
HistInt buildHistInt() { return HistInt(val_, incl_, hash_) ; }
NABoolean operator == (const HistIntVal & rhs) const
{ return (val_ == rhs.val_ && incl_ == rhs.incl_) ; }
NABoolean operator != (const HistIntVal & rhs) const
{ return NOT (*this == rhs) ; }
NABoolean operator < (const HistIntVal & rhs) const
if ( (val_ < rhs.val_) ||
(val_ == rhs.val_ && incl_==FALSE && rhs.incl_==TRUE) )
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
NABoolean operator <= (const HistIntVal & rhs) const
if ( (val_ < rhs.val_) ||
(val_ == rhs.val_ && (incl_ == FALSE || rhs.incl_==TRUE)) )
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
// the data members -- public for convenience
const EncodedValue & val_ ;
const UInt32 hash_ ;
const NABoolean incl_ ;
HistIntVal() ; // never create an uninitialized one!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// createMergeTemplate
// Given two histograms, create a Template histogram to use in subsequent
// merge operations involving those two histograms. E.g., If the two
// histograms are involved in a equality-join, or need to be Unioned due
// to an OR.
// equiMerge indicates whether or not the operation being done involves
// an equality based constraint where only overlapping intervals are of
// interest.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Histogram::createMergeTemplate (const HistogramSharedPtr& otherHistogram,
NABoolean equiMerge) const
HistogramSharedPtr histTemplate(new (HISTHEAP) Histogram (HISTHEAP));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STEP 0 : handle the simplest case first : if one of the histograms has
// zero or 1 Intervals, create template with the other histogram. If
// both histograms have 0 or 1 intervals, then we create an empty template
// and return. There is nothing that we can do here
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( this->entries() < 2 || otherHistogram->entries() < 2 )
if ( equiMerge )
return histTemplate ; // no qualifying intervals
if ( ( this->entries() < 2 ) && ( otherHistogram->entries() >= 2 ) )
CCMPASSERT ( this->entries() >= 2 ) ;
histTemplate = new (HISTHEAP) Histogram (*otherHistogram, HISTHEAP) ;
if ((otherHistogram->entries() < 2) && ( this->entries() >= 2 ) )
CCMPASSERT ( otherHistogram->entries() >= 2 ) ;
histTemplate = new (HISTHEAP) Histogram (*this, HISTHEAP) ;
for (CollIndex i = 0 ; i < histTemplate->entries() ; i++ )
(*histTemplate)[i].setCardAndUec(0,0) ;
return histTemplate ;
// OK, at this point we know both histograms have Intervals
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STEP 1: first, assume it's not an equiMerge, so just collect all
// intervals and put 'em in histTemplate
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// keep track of the minimum's because we're at the beginning of the
// array now
HistIntVal thisMin (this->firstHistInt()) ;
HistIntVal otherMin (otherHistogram->firstHistInt()) ;
CollIndex thisEntries = this->entries() ;
CollIndex otherEntries = otherHistogram->entries() ;
CollIndex iT = 0 ; // "index of this"
CollIndex iO = 0 ; // "index of other"
// to keep this loop simpler, we do not allow the indices iT,iO to go beyond
// the size of their respective arrays -- instead,
NABoolean thisDone = FALSE ;
NABoolean otherDone = FALSE ;
// this loop finishes when we've processed every HistInt in each histogram
while (1)
if (iT >= thisEntries)
// index of this is greater than this histogram entries. assume
// this is done
CCMPASSERT ( iT < thisEntries ) ; // sanity check
iT = thisEntries - 1;
thisDone = TRUE;
if (iO >= otherEntries)
CCMPASSERT ( iO < otherEntries ) ; // sanity check
iO = otherEntries - 1;
// assume other histogram is done
otherDone = TRUE;
HistIntVal thisInt ((*this)[iT]) ;
HistIntVal otherInt ((*otherHistogram)[iO]) ;
if ( (thisInt < otherInt) && NOT thisDone )
histTemplate->insert ( thisInt.buildHistInt() ) ;
iT++ ;
else if ( (otherInt < thisInt) && NOT otherDone )
histTemplate->insert ( otherInt.buildHistInt() ) ;
iO++ ;
else if ( NOT thisDone ) // thisInt == otherInt
histTemplate->insert ( thisInt.buildHistInt() ) ;
iT++ ;
iO++ ;
if (otherDone)
CCMPASSERT ( NOT otherDone ) ;
histTemplate->insert ( otherInt.buildHistInt() ) ;
iO++ ;
if ( iT == thisEntries )
iT-- ;
thisDone = TRUE ;
if ( iO == otherEntries )
iO-- ;
otherDone = TRUE ;
// check: have we processed every HistInt in both lists?
if ( thisDone && otherDone )
break ;
NABoolean validHistTemp = TRUE;
// sanity check
if ( histTemplate->entries() < 2 ||
histTemplate->entries() > thisEntries+otherEntries)
// if the histogram template created has incorrect intervals, then just undo
// whatever has been done till now, and create a single interval histogram
// with uninitialized min / max
CCMPASSERT ( histTemplate->entries() >= 2 &&
histTemplate->entries() <= thisEntries+otherEntries) ;
validHistTemp = FALSE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STEP 2: now, we handle the case that it's an equiMerge -- basically,
// we may need to remove some intervals from the template created
// in step 1
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EncodedValue minVal (UNINIT_ENCODEDVALUE) ;
EncodedValue maxVal (UNINIT_ENCODEDVALUE) ;
if ( equiMerge )
// In the loop above we have already made sure that iT/oT == thisEntries - 1/
// otherEntries-1.
// just in case, they are not. Make them equal now
if (iT != thisEntries-1)
CCMPASSERT (iT == thisEntries-1) ;
iT = thisEntries-1;
if (iO != otherEntries-1)
CCMPASSERT (iO == otherEntries-1) ;
iO = otherEntries-1;
HistIntVal thisMax ((*this)[iT]) ;
HistIntVal otherMax ((*otherHistogram)[iO]) ;
// time to check for case where there is no overlap whatsoever :
if ( thisMax <= otherMin OR otherMax <= thisMin )
return HistogramSharedPtr(new (HISTHEAP) Histogram (HISTHEAP));
HistIntVal overlapMin (thisMin < otherMin ? otherMin : thisMin ) ;
HistIntVal overlapMax ( thisMax < otherMax ? thisMax : otherMax ) ;
iT = 0 ;
// set the min and max in the histogram template, if it is valid so far
// else just use min and max values collected from two histograms to create
// a single interval histogram template
if (validHistTemp)
// first, remove the HistInts in histTemplate that are too small
while ( HistIntVal((*histTemplate)[iT]) < overlapMin )
histTemplate->removeAt(iT) ; // iT==0
minVal = overlapMin.val_;
// when you come out of the loop, the teh interval we are at should be equal to minimum
if ( HistIntVal((*histTemplate)[iT]) != overlapMin )
CCMPASSERT ( HistIntVal((*histTemplate)[iT]) == overlapMin ) ; // sanity check
iT++ ;
// now, increment iT until we reach the HistInt that's equal to overlapMax
while ( HistIntVal((*histTemplate)[iT]) < overlapMax )
iT++ ;
maxVal = overlapMax.val_;
// when you come out of the loop, the the interval we are at should be equal to maximum
if ( HistIntVal((*histTemplate)[iT]) != overlapMax )
CCMPASSERT ( HistIntVal((*histTemplate)[iT]) == overlapMax ) ; // sanity check
// Now increment iT to point to next interval
// Remove any values that are greater than overlapMax and the
// value of iT should be equal to histTemplate->entries() -1
// if there are cases where two intervals have the same boundary
// remove the second one, as we do not want to have more than one
// intervals with the same value
while (( iT < histTemplate->entries() ) &&
( overlapMax <= HistIntVal((*histTemplate)[iT]) ) )
// finally, if the last interval represents NULLs (since we're an
// equiMerge), then the NULL interval must be removed to retain SQL
// semantics ("nothing is equal to NULL"). This is possible only if
// there are atleast 2 intervals left
if ((histTemplate->entries() >= 2) && ( histTemplate->isNullInstantiated() ))
histTemplate->removeNullInterval() ;
} // if equi-merge
// should at least contain overlapMin, overlapMax !
// if not, create a new template with one interval
if ( (histTemplate->entries() == 1) ||
// sanity check
CCMPASSERT(histTemplate->entries() != 1);
// clear whatever has been done till now
// insert an interval with boundaries equal to overlapMin and overlapMax
histTemplate->insertZeroInterval(minVal, maxVal, TRUE);
return histTemplate;
} // createMergeTemplate
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// populateTemplate
// Update THIS's histogram template with the interval-adjusted data
// from the input histogram OTHER. This routine assumes that no data
// is present in THIS, other than its interval boundaries.
// The special case of single-valued intervals makes this routine more
// complex than might be expected. When individual OTHER intervals
// map to a set of THIS intervals that includes single-valued intervals,
// all of those spanned intervals must be processed as a group.
// A single-valued interval is represented by two adjoining intervals with
// identical boundary values.
// Those intervals are special because of the semantics, or convention, for
// predicates of the form 'a=<literal>' which presumes that there will be
// values of 'a' that are equal to the specified <literal>.
// This routine depends upon the fact that for the Overlapping Portion
// of THIS and OTHER, the intervals' boundaries in OTHER are a proper
// subset of those in THIS.
// This routine is even more complicated because we have to be
// careful to deal with NULL intervals properly
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::populateTemplate (const ColStatsSharedPtr& otherStats)
if ( histogram_->numIntervals() == 0 ||
otherStats->getHistogram()->numIntervals() == 0 )
return ;
// this
// | | | |
// | | | |
// 0 2 2 4 5 6 <-- boundary values
// | | | |
// | | | |
// other
// notice how one 'other' Interval spans potentially
// multiple 'this' intervals; also notice that in the
// "overlap area" [2,5], there aren't any interval boundaries
// in 'other' that are not also in 'this'
// --> this is achieved in createMergeTemplate()
// the plan:
// 0. THIS is the template being populated by OTHER
// 1. calculate which intervals in THIS are spanned by
// the OTHERinterval; we start by looking at THISinterval,
// then step through until we hit an Interval in this
// whose hiBound is >= OTHERinterval's hiBound
// 2. adjust the intervals in THIS to have matching uec/rowcount totals
// 3. get the next OTHER interval
// 4. get the next THIS interval (the one after the last one in
// spanList)
HistogramSharedPtr thisHist = this->getHistogram() ;
HistogramSharedPtr otherHist = otherStats->getHistogram() ;
Interval thisInterval = thisHist->getFirstInterval() ;
Interval otherInterval = otherHist->getFirstInterval() ;
CostScalar rowRedFactor = otherStats->getRedFactor() ;
CostScalar uecRedFactor = otherStats->getUecRedFactor() ;
NAList<Interval> spanList(CmpCommon::statementHeap());
NABoolean notIncrementedThisIter ;
// we stop iterating after we process the last interval in THIS list
// NB: this loop is not *completely* optimal; but considering all of the
// complicated things we have to keep track of to get it right (in
// particular, the possibility of NULL intervals in one or both of the
// histograms), it's still reasonably clear and understandable, so the
// present state is acceptable
// *** see the Histogram design document for an explanation of everthing
// *** that's going on in this function!
while ( thisInterval.isValid() )
spanList.clear() ; // start with a clean slate
notIncrementedThisIter = TRUE ;
while ( otherInterval.spans (thisInterval) )
spanList.insert(thisInterval) ; ;
notIncrementedThisIter = FALSE ;
// if none are spanned, then we started with an "early"
// otherInterval (or, we're near the end of the process and are in
// the middle of handling the NULL values)
if (spanList.entries() > 0)
if ( otherInterval.getUec().isGreaterThanZero() AND
otherInterval.getRowcount().isGreaterThanZero() )
// only try to distribute non-zero values!
CostScalar iRows = rowRedFactor * otherInterval.getRowcount();
CostScalar iUec = otherInterval.getUec();
iUec = MINOF(iRows, iUec);
Interval::distributeRowsAndUec (spanList,
otherInterval.hiBound()) ;
// thisInterval is the next one we're going to try to span
// unless we already have, we need to increment one or other of the
// Intervals, else we have the possibility of an infinite loop
if ( notIncrementedThisIter == TRUE )
// if OTHER is larger than THIS, then it would be wrong to increment THIS
// (unless we've only got NULL intervals left)
if ( !thisInterval.isLast() AND
// case a : OTHER > THIS
(otherInterval.hiBound() > thisInterval.hiBound()) OR
// case b : OTHER == THIS, boundary-inclusiveness makes it >
(otherInterval.hiBound() == thisInterval.hiBound() AND
otherInterval.isHiBoundInclusive() == TRUE AND
thisInterval.isHiBoundInclusive() == FALSE) ) ;
else if ( !otherInterval.isLast() ) ;
else ;
// cleanup: how many rows & uecs are in the template?
// NB: we've already applied the reduction factors above (in the call to
// distributeRowsAndUec(); from now on, they're both one
setRowsAndUecFromHistogram() ;
CostScalar newRowcount = getRowcount() ;
// cleanup #2 : did we end up populating THIS with enough
// rows from OTHER?
// $$$ this fraction is ad-hoc (i.e., KLUDGE)
const CostScalar MIN_POPULATED_FACTOR = CostScalar(0.0005) * otherStats->getRowcount();
CostScalar requiredMinimum;
// The below code is checking for a value between 1 and 10 and it
// has been added with regard to the KLUDGE (max 10)mentioned below if the
// kludge is changed then this code needs to be changed
if ( MIN_POPULATED_FACTOR.isGreaterThanZero() )
requiredMinimum = MIN_POPULATED_FACTOR * otherStats->getRedFactor() ;
if ( requiredMinimum.getValue() > 10.0 )
requiredMinimum = CostScalar(10.0);
requiredMinimum = csOne;
//CostScalar requiredMinimum = MIN_POPULATED_FACTOR * otherStats->getRedFactor() ;
//requiredMinimum = MIN_ONE (requiredMinimum) ; // want at least one row!
//requiredMinimum = MINOF (requiredMinimum, 10) ; // $$$ kludge^n
if ( newRowcount < requiredMinimum && newRowcount.isGreaterThanZero() )
// calculate the difference between the required minimum number of
// rows in the result histogram; then apply this factor to all intervals
// of the result histogram
// then, do the same thing with the uec
// first, calculate a reasonable number of UEC to survive
CostScalar calculatedUec =
ColStatDesc::calculateCorrectResultUec (otherStats->getRowcount(),
otherStats->getTotalUec()) ;
calculatedUec = MINOF (calculatedUec, requiredMinimum) ; // uec <= rc
CostScalar newTotalUec = getTotalUec() ;
CostScalar rowFactor = requiredMinimum / newRowcount ; // should be > 1
CostScalar uecFactor ;
if ( newTotalUec < calculatedUec && newTotalUec.isGreaterThanZero() ) // avoid div-by-zero!
uecFactor = calculatedUec / newTotalUec ; // should be > 1
uecFactor = csOne ; // don't reduce, in this case
newTotalUec = MAXOF (newTotalUec, calculatedUec) ;
CollIndex i ;
CostScalar rows, uec ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < histogram_->entries() ; i++ )
rows = (*histogram_)[i].getCardinality() ;
uec = (*histogram_)[i].getUec() ;
(*histogram_)[i].setCardAndUec ( rows * rowFactor, uec * uecFactor ) ;
// update the aggregate information, though no one's likely to look at it
setRowsAndUec (requiredMinimum, newTotalUec) ;
// the result is now fake, though no one's likely to look at it
setFakeHistogram (TRUE) ;
else if ( newRowcount.isZero() AND requiredMinimum.isGreaterThanZero() )
// create a 1-interval histogram, no fuss
CostScalar calculatedUec =
ColStatDesc::calculateCorrectResultUec (otherStats->getRowcount(),
otherStats->getTotalUec()) ;
calculatedUec = MINOF (calculatedUec, requiredMinimum) ; // uec <= rc
// now, condense the histogram to a single interval
histogram_->condenseToSingleInterval() ;
setRowsAndUec (requiredMinimum, calculatedUec) ;
setFakeHistogram (TRUE) ;
// populate that first interval with rc/uec
Interval first = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
first.setRowsAndUec (requiredMinimum, calculatedUec) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ColStats::condenseToPartitionBoundaries
// utility routine used by ColStatDescList::divideHistogramAtPartitionBoundaries()
// Given two histograms (THIS & PARAM), merges all intervals in THIS
// that do not occur in PARAM.
// Note that we automatically merge-away SVI's, since they do not occur
// in partition-key lists
// Note also that if THIS has HistInts that are lower than the minimum of
// PARAM (or, similarly, that are larger than the max), then we trust that
// the histogram is out-of-date with respect to the partitioning
// boundaries, and we simply set the boundary-values equal to the ones
// specified by the partitioning key. Note that we do this as a separate
// step since it's not clear whether we'll get min/max info from the
// partitioning key boundary value information anyway ...
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Histogram::condenseToPartitionBoundaries (const HistogramSharedPtr& partitionBoundaries)
// THIS was built from a call to ::createMergeTemplate of partitionBoundaries
// and another histogram; at the very least, there are as many intervals in
// THIS as there are in partitionBoundaries (probably more)
// if the number of source histogram intervals is less than the resultant histogram
// intervals, return false, indicating that the histogram cannot be condensed
// to partition boundaries
if ( this->entries() < partitionBoundaries->entries() )
CCMPASSERT ( this->entries() >= partitionBoundaries->entries() ) ;
return FALSE;
// algorithm :
// first, remove all HistInts in THIS which have boundaries > max, < min of
// partitionBoundaries
// then, loop over the HistInts in partitionBoundaries
// iter through the HistInts in THIS whose boundary value <= the pB[i]
// add up the rows, uec, set the HistInt == pB[i] to have these sums as rows/uec
// first, remove any entries in THIS that are -less- than any in
// partitionBoundaries
const HistIntVal firstBoundary ( (*partitionBoundaries)[0] ) ;
while ( this->entries() > 0 && HistIntVal ((*this)[0]) < firstBoundary )
this->removeAt(0) ;
// next, remove any entries in THIS that are -larger- than any in
// partitionBoundaries
const HistIntVal lastBoundary ( (*partitionBoundaries)[partitionBoundaries->entries()-1] ) ;
while ( this->entries() > 0 && lastBoundary < HistIntVal((*this)[this->entries()-1]) )
this->removeAt (this->entries()-1) ;
// now, iterate over the partitionBoundaries
// --> for each one, merge any "extra" HistInts that provide finer
// granularity than we want (i.e., any HistInts whose boundaries aren't in
// the partition-boundary list)
CollIndex partIdx ;
for ( partIdx = 1 ;
partIdx < partitionBoundaries->entries() && partIdx < this->entries() ;
const HistIntVal partBoundary ( (*partitionBoundaries)[partIdx] ) ;
CostScalar num_rows = 0 ;
CostScalar num_uec = 0 ;
// find the HistInt whose boundary is equal to partBoundary
while ( partIdx < this->entries() )
const HistIntVal thisBoundary ((*this)[partIdx]) ;
if ( partBoundary < thisBoundary )
// this should not happen, if it did, then we messed up somewhere
// return FALSE
CCMPASSERT ( thisBoundary <= partBoundary ) ; // sanity check
return FALSE;
num_rows += (*this)[partIdx].getCardinality() ;
num_uec += (*this)[partIdx].getUec() ;
if ( thisBoundary == partBoundary )
(*this)[partIdx].setCardAndUec (num_rows, num_uec) ;
break ; // break out to outer while loop --> do rows/uec for next partn bound
this->removeAt(partIdx) ;
} // while loop
} // for loop over HistInts in partitionBoundaries
// make sure our result is what we expect!
#ifndef NDEBUG
CCMPASSERT (this->entries() == partitionBoundaries->entries() ) ;
CollIndex i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < this->entries() ; i++ )
CCMPASSERT ( HistIntVal ((*this)[i]) == HistIntVal ((*partitionBoundaries)[i]) ) ;
return TRUE ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ColStats::insertZeroInterval
// Insert an interval if number of intervals is zero, or histogram is NULL
// with boundariues of interval equal to minimum and max of colstats
// and rowcount and uec equal to aggregate rowcount and uec of colstats
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (histogram_ == NULL)
histogram_ = HistogramSharedPtr(new (HISTHEAP) Histogram(HISTHEAP)); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE - rfi
histogram_->insertZeroInterval(getMinValue(), getMaxValue(), TRUE);
Interval first = histogram_->getFirstInterval();
first.setRowsAndUec(getRowcount(), getTotalUec());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ColStats::removeRedundantEmpties
// Following operations such as joins a histogram may have a series of
// intervals containing zero rows. In that situation, compress out the
// redundant empty histogram intervals.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// if the NULL interval has zero rows, remove it
if ( getNullCount().isZero() )
removeNullInterval() ;
if (histogram_->numIntervals() == 0)
// no intervals in the histograms.
return ;
Interval iter = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
Interval next = histogram_->getNextInterval (iter) ;
// rows 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
// | | | | | | | | |
// | | | | | | | | |
// int. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// the following loop will remove the interval boundary
// between a pair of adjoining zero-row intervals
while (!iter.isLast())
if ( iter.getRowcount().isZero() AND
iter.getLoIndex() == 0 )
// the list of HistInts started with two HistInts that had 0
// rowcount --> remove the lower of these
histogram_->removeAt (0) ;
iter = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
next = histogram_->getNextInterval (iter) ;
else if ( iter.getRowcount().isZero() AND
next.getRowcount().isZero() )
histogram_->removeAt (next.getLoIndex()) ;
next = histogram_->getNextInterval (iter) ;
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
iter = next ;
next = histogram_->getNextInterval (iter) ;
// at the end of this loop, there are at least two HistInts
// remaining. If nit create an intervak with aggregate rowcount and UEC
// and boundary equal to min and max of the colstats
if (histogram_->numIntervals() == 0)
CCMPASSERT (histogram_->numIntervals() != 0) ;
return ;
// special case #1 : 2 intervals, second one is NULL
// --> to maintain proper histogram semantics, must remove the non-NULL HistInt
iter = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ; ;
if ( histogram_->numIntervals() == 2 &&
iter.isNull() )
histogram_->removeAt(0) ;
// special case #2 : last interval has 0-rows
// NB: we already handled the zero-rows-in-NULL-interval case earlier, so we don't
// need to worry about it any more.
if ( histogram_->numIntervals() > 1 ) // we handle the one-interval & zero-row case next
iter = histogram_->getLastInterval() ;
if ( iter.getRowcount().isZero() )
histogram_->removeAt (iter.getLoIndex()+1) ;
// special case #3 : one interval, 0-rows in it
if ( histogram_->numIntervals() > 0 )
iter = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
if ( histogram_->numIntervals() == 1 &&
iter.getRowcount().isZero() )
clearHistogram() ;
// The first Interval of the Histogram might be a 0-row (as might the
// last), but this does not violate our Histogram
// semantics. So we don't bother checking for this situation.
setMaxMinValuesFromHistogram() ;
} // removeRedundantEmpties
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Histogram display methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// to be called from the debugger
Histogram::display() const
Histogram::print (FILE *f, const char * prefix, const char * suffix,
CollHeap *c, char *buf) const
Space * space = (Space *)c;
char mybuf[1000];
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%sHistogram : %s\n", prefix, suffix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (entries() != 0)
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < entries(); i++)
(*this)[i].display(f, " ", "", c, buf);
THREAD_P Int64 ColStats::fakeHistogramIDCounter_=ColStats::USTAT_HISTOGRAM_ID_THRESHOLD;
NABoolean ColStats::isUSTATGeneratedHistID(ComUID id)
ComUID ColStats::nextFakeHistogramID()
return ComUID(++fakeHistogramIDCounter_);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods on ColStats class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::ColStats (ComUID& histid, CostScalar uec, CostScalar rowcount,
CostScalar baseRowCount,
NABoolean unique, NABoolean shapeChanged,
const HistogramSharedPtr& dist,
NABoolean modified, CostScalar rowRedFactor,
CostScalar uecRedFactor, Int32 avgVCharSize,
NAMemory* heap ,
NABoolean allowMinusOne) :
// this assertion is invalid: stmt heap is null during static compilation
// CMPASSERT( heap != NULL ) ;
baseUec_ = uec;
uecBeforePred_ = uec; // uec before predicates
sumOfMaxUec_ = 0 ; // only used during join synthesis
setRedFactor (rowRedFactor) ;
setUecRedFactor (uecRedFactor) ;
setBaseRowCount (baseRowCount) ;
setRowsAndUec (rowcount, uec, allowMinusOne) ;
histogram_ = dist;
setUnique (unique) ;
setAlmostUnique (unique);
setModified (modified) ;
setShapeChanged (shapeChanged) ;
setFakeHistogram (FALSE) ;
setOrigFakeHist (FALSE) ;
setObsoleteHistogram (FALSE) ;
setIsCompressed (FALSE);
// these three flags are set during histogram synthesis
setMinSetByPred (FALSE) ;
setMaxSetByPred (FALSE) ;
setRecentJoin (FALSE) ;
setUpStatsNeeded (FALSE) ;
setVirtualColForHist ( FALSE );
setIsARollingColumn (FALSE);
setIsColWithBndryConflict (FALSE);
setSelectivitySetUsingHint (FALSE);
setMaxMinValuesFromHistogram() ;
maxIntervalCount_ = 0 ;
ColStats::ColStats (const ColStats &other, NAMemory* h, NABoolean assignColArray) :
histogramID_ (other.histogramID_),
mcSkewedValueList_(other.mcSkewedValueList_, h)
if (assignColArray)
columns_ = other.columns_;
// copy the reference only to the Histogram class
histogram_ = other.histogram_;
minValue_ = other.minValue_ ;
maxValue_ = other.maxValue_ ;
maxFreq_ = other.maxFreq_;
scaleFactor_ = other.scaleFactor_;
baseUec_ = other.baseUec_;
uecBeforePred_ = other.uecBeforePred_;
baseRowCount_ = other.baseRowCount_;
sumOfMaxUec_ = other.sumOfMaxUec_ ;
frequentValues_ = other.frequentValues_;
afterFetchIntReductionAttempted_ = other.afterFetchIntReductionAttempted_;
setRedFactor (other.rowRedFactor_) ;
setUecRedFactor (other.uecRedFactor_ ) ;
// Make sure we can make a copy of a UDF one where we defaulted the UEC
// to minusOne.
setRowsAndUec (other.rowcount_, other.totalUec_, other.totalUec_ == csMinusOne) ;
_flags_ = other._flags_;
maxIntervalCount_ = other.maxIntervalCount_ ;
avgVarcharSize_ = other.avgVarcharSize_;
// populate NAColumnArray with this ColumnSet
void ColStats::populateColumnArray
(const ColumnSet& cols, const NATable* table)
if (table)
for (CollIndex x=cols.init();; cols.advance(x))
colPositions_ += x;
// populate ColumnSet with this NAColumnArray
void ColStats::populateColumnSetFromColumnArray()
for (CollIndex x=0; x < columns_.entries(); x++)
colPositions_ += columns_[x]->getPosition();
void ColStats::deepDelete()
histogram_ = 0;
void ColStats::deepDeleteFromHistogramCache()
//histogram_ is a shared pointer
//when deleting from cache we
//just want to get rid of the histogram
//We do this since the object pointed to
//may not delete if shared pointer ref count
//does not go down to zero. Not deleting
//the histogram object can cause leaks
Histogram * histPtr = histogram_.get();
delete histPtr;
if (NOT isModified())
if (histogram_ != NULL)
histogram_ = HistogramSharedPtr(new(heap_) Histogram (*histogram_, heap_));
setModified (TRUE) ;
return histogram_;
// converts this histogram to fake. This could be because of some
// problem in the histogram, like incorrect boundary vales.
// First condense the intervals into 1 interval, and then
// set the flags appropriately
EncodedValue lowBound = getMinValue();
EncodedValue highBound = getMaxValue();
EncodedValue dummyVal(0.0);
if (lowBound > highBound)
// if minimum value specified by update stats is greater than the
// max value, set min value as the default min value for that
// column type
lowBound = dummyVal.minMaxValue(getStatColumns()[0]->getType(), TRUE);
CostScalar uec = MINOF(getRowcount(), getTotalUec() );
setToSingleInterval ( lowBound,
uec ) ;
// now we have to undo some of the automatic flag-setting
// of ColStats::setToSingleInterval()
setMinSetByPred (FALSE) ;
setMaxSetByPred (FALSE) ;
setShapeChanged (FALSE) ;
setFakeHistogram (TRUE) ;
setOrigFakeHist (TRUE) ;
// since fake histogram intervals are always single interval histograms
// we will treat them as compressed
setIsCompressed (TRUE) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ColStats::compressToSingleInt
// This method calls Histogram::condenseToSingleInterval, and also sets
// the isCompressed flag to TRUE
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (histogram_->numIntervals() > 1 )
CostScalar rowcount = getRowcount();
CostScalar uec = getTotalUec();
if(baseRowCount_ == rowcount)
CostScalar nullrc = getNullCount();
CostScalar nulluec = ((nullrc > 0) ? csOne : csZero);
rowcount -= nullrc;
uec -= nulluec;
setRowsAndUec (rowcount, uec);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// After we've mangled the heck out of the histogram, we've often lost
// track of what the total rowcount/uec are.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CostScalar newRowcount = 0 ;
CostScalar newTotalUec = 0 ;
for ( Interval iter = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
iter.isValid() ; ) // break when we've processed the last Interval
CostScalar iRows = rowRedFactor_ * iter.getRowcount();
newRowcount += iRows;
CostScalar iUec = iter.getUec();
newTotalUec += MINOF(iRows, iUec);
setRowsAndUec (newRowcount, newTotalUec) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// After we've mangled the heck out of the histogram, we've often lost
// track of what the current min/max values are.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CASE 0 : zero intervals
if ( histogram_ == NULL || histogram_->numIntervals() == 0 )
minValue_ = maxValue_ = UNINIT_ENCODEDVALUE ;
// CASE 1 : one interval
// NB : if FIRST is a NULL interval, it's handled just fine
else if ( histogram_->numIntervals() == 1 )
Interval first = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
minValue_ = first.loBound() ;
maxValue_ = first.hiBound() ;
// CASE 2 : more than one interval
// NB: we avoid the last NULL interval (if it exists)
Interval first = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
Interval last = histogram_->getLastNonNullInterval() ;
minValue_ = first.loBound() ;
maxValue_ = last.hiBound() ;
ColStats::setStatColumn(NAColumn * column)
// insert at the 0th position the columnId for which this
// colStat has been created. Used for Insert operations
// If the colStats has been prepared from a valid column, then the
// column_ would already have an entry. In this case, replace the current
// column_ with the new column. If the colStat is being prepared as result
// of Union / Transpose column, then there would not be any valid column_
// entry. In this case, create a column_ entry and insert the new column
// in that
if (columns_.entries() == 0)
columns_.insertAt(0, column);
columns_[0] = column;
// a minor variation on a THIS = OTHER assignment operator
ColStats::overwrite( const ColStats &other )
HistogramSharedPtr otherCopy(new (other.heap_)
Histogram (*(other.histogram_), other.heap_));
FrequentValueList * otherFreqListCopy = new (STMTHEAP)
FrequentValueList(other.getFrequentValues(), STMTHEAP);
histogram_ = otherCopy;
setRedFactor (other.rowRedFactor_) ;
setUecRedFactor (other.uecRedFactor_) ;
// Make sure we can make a copy of a UDF one where we defaulted the UEC
// to minusOne.
setRowsAndUec (other.rowcount_, other.totalUec_, other.totalUec_ == csMinusOne) ;
baseUec_ = other.baseUec_;
uecBeforePred_ = other.uecBeforePred_;
setUnique (other.isUnique()) ;
setAlmostUnique (other.isAlmostUnique());
setModified (FALSE) ;
setShapeChanged (other.isShapeChanged()) ;
setObsoleteHistogram (other.isObsoleteHistogram()) ;
setFakeHistogram (other.isFakeHistogram()) ;
setOrigFakeHist (other.isOrigFakeHist()) ;
setSmallSampleHistogram (other.isSmallSampleHistogram());
setIsCompressed (other.isCompressed());
setMinSetByPred (other.isMinSetByPred()) ;
setMaxSetByPred (other.isMaxSetByPred()) ;
setVirtualColForHist ( other.isVirtualColForHist() );
setUpStatsNeeded (other.isUpStatsNeeded()) ;
setIsARollingColumn (other.isARollingColumn());
setMaxMinValuesFromHistogram() ;
setIsColWithBndryConflict (other.isColWithBndryConflict());
setSelectivitySetUsingHint (other.isSelectivitySetUsingHint());
afterFetchIntReductionAttempted_ = other.afterFetchIntReductionAttempted_;
} // overwrite
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Histogram Manipulation Routines:
// ColStats::modifyStats
// Synthesize the effect of
// ITM_GREATER_EQ predicates.
// This routine presumes that the given predicate has been determined to
// be applicable to the THIS ColStats.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::modifyStats (ItemExpr * pred, CostScalar *maxSelectivity)
getHistogramToModify(); // get a writeable copy.....
if ( histogram_ == NULL || histogram_->numIntervals() == 0 )
CCMPASSERT (histogram_ != NULL) ;
// $$$ synthesize the effect on just the MIN and MAX values??
// $$$ Weird special case: Can we have a non-NULL min/max if the
// $$$ histogram is empty/missing??
// If there is no histogram_, create an empty histogram and return.
// Begin Set-Up to perform the given Predicate........
const ValueId predValueId = pred->getValueId();
OperatorTypeEnum op = pred->getOperatorType();
// initialize the new total rowcount and uec
CostScalar newRowcount = 0;
CostScalar newUec = 0;
CostScalar origRowcount = rowcount_;
CostScalar origUec = totalUec_;
NABoolean negate = FALSE;
// find the constant value (if any) in the predicate
EncodedValue lowBound (UNINIT_ENCODEDVALUE) ;
EncodedValue highBound = lowBound ;
ItemExpr * rhs = NULL;
ConstValue * constant = NULL;
if (pred->getArity() > 1)
rhs = pred->child(1);
constant = rhs->castToConstValue(negate);
const NAType* colType = getStatColumns()[0]->getType();
if ((colType->getTypeQualifier() == NA_CHARACTER_TYPE) &&
((CharType*)colType)->isCaseinsensitive() && constant &&
(((CharType*)colType)->getCharSet() != CharInfo::UNICODE))
constant = constant->toUpper(HISTHEAP);
// Fix to ALM#4991
if(constant == NULL) {
if (rhs->getOperatorType() == ITM_VEG_REFERENCE) {
const VEG * veg = ((VEGReference *)rhs)->getVEG();
ValueId constId = veg->getAConstant();
if(constId != NULL_VALUE_ID)
constant = constId.getItemExpr()->castToConstValue( negate );
} else {
if ((op == ITM_EQUAL) &&
(rhs->getOperatorType() == ITM_CACHE_PARAM) )
ItemExpr * constantExpr = ((ConstantParameter *)rhs)->getConstVal();
if (constantExpr != NULL)
constant = constantExpr->castToConstValue(negate);
}// cache_param
} // not aveg_reference
// COLUMN <op> constant predicate?
// if so, does column match the leading prefix of histogram?
if (constant != NULL)
// get the encoded format for the constant
lowBound = EncodedValue (constant, negate);
highBound = lowBound ;
switch (op)
isNull (FALSE);
isNull (TRUE);
setToSingleValue (lowBound, constant);
removeSingleValue (lowBound, constant);
case ITM_LESS:
newUpperBound (lowBound, constant, FALSE);
newUpperBound (highBound, constant, TRUE);
newLowerBound (highBound, constant, FALSE);
newLowerBound (lowBound, constant, TRUE);
newRowcount = getRowcount();
newUec = getTotalUec();
#ifndef NDEBUG
// $$$ I'm pretty sure the code below is already
// $$$ taken care of in the routines above
// $$$ --> the assertion is just a test of this
// Determine whether or not the prior predicate did anything.
// It is important that ColStats are only marked as SHAPE-
// CHANGED when they actually have changed.
if ( origRowcount != newRowcount || origUec != newUec )
CCMPASSERT (isShapeChanged() == TRUE) ;
// pretty sure the new hi/lo values are set correctly
// for max cardinality estimates, the selectivity of each applied
// predicate is important. It is needed in computing maxSelectivity.
// Do this only for cases where maxselectivity(p) == selectivity(p).
if (maxSelectivity && pred->maxSelectivitySameAsSelectivity())
*maxSelectivity = MINOF(newRowcount / origRowcount, *maxSelectivity);
} // modifyStats
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// simplestPreds
// Used only for a Special Case: column_a <op> column_a
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::simplestPreds (ItemExpr * pred)
// Begin Set-Up to perform the given Predicate........
const ValueId predValueId = pred->getValueId();
OperatorTypeEnum op = pred->getOperatorType();
// doable, simple, special, case: column_a <op> column_a
switch (op)
case ITM_LESS:
if ( histogram_ != NULL )
clearHistogram() ; // predicate eliminates all rows
return ;
CCMPASSERT (FALSE) ; // why would the histogram ever be NULL?
histogram_ = new (HISTHEAP) Histogram (HISTHEAP);
case ITM_GREATER_EQ: // these predicates are all no-ops
default: // treat any other predicate as a no-op.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ColStats::populateTemplateOfFakeHist
// This method populates the template created for fake histogram, by
// setting the MIN and the MAX value of the fake histogram equal to the
// MIN and the MAX value of the real histogram to which it is being joined.
// Fake histograms are all single interval histograms. Along with the MIN
// and the MAX values, the method also sets the low boundary and the
// upper boundary of the single interval of the fake histogram equal to the
// new MIN and the MAX values. Row count and the UEC of the fake histogram
// are not changed.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void ColStats::populateTemplateOfFakeHist(const ColStatsSharedPtr& fakeHistogram,
const ColStatsSharedPtr& realHistogram)
HistogramSharedPtr thisHist = this->getHistogram() ;
// if there are no histogram intervals, nothing to do. the aggregate
// values are set outside in the calling method
if (thisHist->numIntervals() == 0)
EncodedValue newLoBound = realHistogram->getMinValue();
EncodedValue newUpBound = realHistogram->getMaxValue();
CostScalar numRows = fakeHistogram->getRowcount();
CostScalar numUecs = fakeHistogram->getTotalUec();
Interval thisInterval = thisHist->getFirstInterval() ;
thisInterval.setRowsAndUec( numRows, numUecs );
// Since this and other are fake histograms,
// they should have only one interval
thisInterval.setLoBound (newLoBound) ;
thisInterval.setHiBound (newUpBound) ;
// set the aggregate values
setRedFactor (1.0) ;
setUecRedFactor (1.0) ;
minValue_ = newLoBound ;
maxValue_ = newUpBound ;
setRowsAndUecFromHistogram() ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// mergeColStats
// Perform a merge operation between the two histograms in the supplied
// column statistics of 'this'.
// Retain all interesting interval boundaries.
// For an inner join (mergeMethod == InnerJoin, or == OuterJoin), use
// the equations for inner equi-join.
// For a semi-join (mergeMethod == SemiJoin) use the equations for a
// equality semi-join.
// For a 'union' (mergeMethod == Union) use the maxs of the UECs, and
// sum of the RowCounts
// For an 'OR' (mergeMethod == Or) use the maxs of the UECs, and of
// the RowCounts
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::mergeColStats (const ColStatsSharedPtr& otherStats,
MergeType mergeMethod,
NABoolean isNumeric,
OperatorTypeEnum exprOpCode,
NABoolean mergeFVs)
// look for the special case where histogram info is missing
if ( histogram_ == NULL ||
histogram_->entries() == 0 ||
otherStats->getHistogram() == NULL ||
otherStats->getHistogram()->entries() == 0 )
recoverFromMergeColStats(otherStats, isNumeric, mergeMethod);
// merge SVI for histograms and set max frequency
// merge any single valued intervals with the next interval before
// doing a join. This is because of the way we distribute rows and uec
// in the intervals.
CostScalar maxFreql = csMinusOne;
CostScalar maxFreqr = csMinusOne;
if ( !this->isFakeHistogram())
maxFreql = histogram_->mergeSVIWithNextAndSetMaxFreq();
maxFreql = MIN_ONE_CS(maxFreql/scaleFactor_);
// We will make a deep copy of the right Table, as we might
// need to merge any single valued interval
ColStatsSharedPtr otherStatsCopy = ColStats::deepCopy(*(otherStats),HISTHEAP);
NABoolean useCompressedHistogramsForMerge = FALSE;
if((exprOpCode != REL_JOIN) && (this->isCompressed() || otherStatsCopy->isCompressed()))
useCompressedHistogramsForMerge = TRUE;
if ( !otherStats->isFakeHistogram())
maxFreqr = otherStatsCopy->getHistogramToModify()->mergeSVIWithNextAndSetMaxFreq();
// set the max frequency of the left child, only if it is
// not a semi-join.
if ( ( mergeMethod != SEMI_JOIN_MERGE) &&
(mergeMethod != ANTI_SEMI_JOIN_MERGE) )
maxFreqr = (maxFreqr/otherStatsCopy->getScaleFactor()).minCsOne();
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_42) == DF_OFF)
// set the max frequencies for the two children as these will be used
NABoolean maxSetByPredFlag = FALSE;
NABoolean minSetByPredFlag = FALSE;
// set maxSetByPreds and minSetByPreds flags based on the max and the
// min values of the merging histograms
// merge frequent values of the two histograms. Scaling needs to be done only for joins when
// a cross product is performed between left and the right histograms
NABoolean scaleFreq = TRUE;
if ( ((exprOpCode != REL_JOIN) && !useCompressedHistogramsForMerge) ||
(( mergeMethod == SEMI_JOIN_MERGE) ||
(mergeMethod == ANTI_SEMI_JOIN_MERGE) ) )
scaleFreq = FALSE;
NABoolean isResultOrigAFakeHistogram =
this->isOrigFakeHist() && otherStatsCopy->isOrigFakeHist() ;
// should we include skewed value while estimating join cardinality row count? if yes,
// set adjRowCount to TRUE
NABoolean adjRowCount = FALSE;
NABoolean isRCAdjusted = FALSE;
if ( (CmpCommon::getDefault(HIST_INCLUDE_SKEW_FOR_NON_INNER_JOIN) == DF_ON) &&
!isResultOrigAFakeHistogram &&
(exprOpCode == REL_JOIN) &&
(mergeMethod == INNER_JOIN_MERGE) )
adjRowCount = TRUE;
if (mergeFVs ||
CmpCommon::getDefault(HIST_MERGE_FREQ_VALS_FIX) == DF_OFF)
isRCAdjusted = this->mergeFrequentValues(otherStatsCopy, scaleFreq, mergeMethod, adjRowCount);
CostScalar newRowCount = 0;
CostScalar newUec = 0;
CostScalar maxUecSum = 0;
QueryAnalysis *qa = QueryAnalysis::Instance();
if ( (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_42) == DF_ON) &&
(qa && qa->isCompressedHistsViable()) &&
((exprOpCode == REL_JOIN) || useCompressedHistogramsForMerge) &&
(mergeMethod == INNER_JOIN_MERGE) )
// compute join cardinality using frequent values
maxUecSum = this->mergeCompressedHistograms(otherStatsCopy,
newRowCount, newUec,
// do the actual join by merging histogram intervals
maxUecSum = this->mergeWithExpandedHistograms(otherStatsCopy, isNumeric,
newRowCount, newUec,
if ( adjRowCount && isRCAdjusted &&
this->getFrequentValues().entries() > 0 )
newRowCount += this->getFrequentValues().getMaxFrequency();
HistogramSharedPtr targetHistogram = getHistogram();
// if it is a join related merge, do the selectivity adjustments for
// indirect reductions
if (isAJoinRelatedMerge(mergeMethod))
// $$$ should this flag be set in more cases?
setRecentJoin (TRUE) ; // result histogram is the result of a recent join
// Make adjustments to the resulting UEC and rowcount if the UECs were
// reduced due to independent predicates (preds not on this column)
CostScalar selAdj = this->adjustSelectivity(otherStatsCopy, newUec, mergeMethod);
if (mergeMethod == ANTI_SEMI_JOIN_MERGE)
selAdj = csOne;
newRowCount *= selAdj;
newUec *= selAdj;
// Apply the adjustments to the new histogram
// $$$ mar: after this step, should merge this histogram's intervals
// which have >0,<1 row or uec
if (selAdj.isLessThanOne())
CollIndex i = 1;
while (i < targetHistogram->entries())
CostScalar tempUec = selAdj * (*targetHistogram)[i].getUec();
CostScalar tempRows = selAdj * (*targetHistogram)[i].getCardinality();
(*targetHistogram)[i].setCardAndUec (tempRows, tempUec);
// remove any histogram intervals with zero UEC
// if selAdj is 0, they're all zero right now
removeRedundantEmpties() ;
// $$$ ****************************************************************
// need to decide how to propagate the various
// flags past this function
// shapeChanged_
// maxSetByPred_
// minSetByPred_
// isFakeHistogram_
// isOrigFakeHist_
// 1. shapeChanged_ :
// . for OR_MERGE, this flag is TRUE if one side or the other is TRUE
// . for all others, set this flag TRUE in all cases
// 2. maxSetByPred_ :
// minSetByPred_ :
// . for UNION_MERGE, TRUE only if TRUE for both sides
// . for OR_MERGE, TRUE only if TRUE for both sides
// . for AND_MERGE, TRUE only if TRUE for both sides
// 3. isFakeHistogram_
// . for all of them, this flag is TRUE if one side or other is TRUE
// 4. isOrigFakeHist_
// . for all of them, this flag is TRUE only if both sides are TRUE
// shapeChanged_
if ( mergeMethod == OR_MERGE)
setShapeChanged (isShapeChanged() || otherStatsCopy->isShapeChanged()) ;
baseUec_ = newUec;
// Sol: 10-090414-0801. Set teh baseUec_ for anti-semi-join as teh baseUec_ of the left side
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
if ( mergeMethod == ANTI_SEMI_JOIN_MERGE )
baseUec_ = baseUec_ ; // $$$ not right, but I don't know what's the right thing to do
baseUec_ = MINOF (baseUec_, otherStatsCopy->baseUec_);
uecBeforePred_ = MINOF (uecBeforePred_, otherStatsCopy->uecBeforePred_);
Interval last = targetHistogram->getLastNonNullInterval() ;
if ( !last.isValid() )
// this means that the target merge template is empty or a
// single-NULL-interval histogram; in either case, we don't
// really care about the max/min-set-by-pred flags!
minSetByPredFlag = maxSetByPredFlag = FALSE;
if ((newRowCount == 0) && (targetHistogram->entries() == 0))
Interval first = histogram_->getFirstInterval();
first.setRowsAndUec(newRowCount, newUec);
// minSetByPred_, maxSetByPred_
setMinSetByPred (minSetByPredFlag) ;
setMaxSetByPred (maxSetByPredFlag) ;
// is the result of this merge going to be fake? tentatively, only if
// both the inputs are fake
NABoolean isResultAFakeHistogram =
(this->isFakeHistogram() && otherStatsCopy->isFakeHistogram()) ||
// isFakeHistogram_
setFakeHistogram (isResultAFakeHistogram) ;
setOrigFakeHist (isResultOrigAFakeHistogram) ;
setUpStatsNeeded (isUpStatsNeeded() || otherStatsCopy->isUpStatsNeeded()) ;
setVirtualColForHist (isVirtualColForHist() || otherStatsCopy->isVirtualColForHist() );
setRedFactor (1.0) ;
setUecRedFactor (1.0) ;
setRowsAndUec (newRowCount, newUec) ;
setSumOfMaxUec (MAXOF(sumOfMaxUec_, MAXOF(otherStatsCopy->sumOfMaxUec_,
MAXOF (maxUecSum, MAXOF (baseUec_, otherStatsCopy->baseUec_))))) ;
scaleFactor_ = csOne;
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_42) == DF_ON)
// resultant frequency is the max of frequencies of resultant and right histogram
setMaxFreq(MAXOF(getMaxFreq(), maxFreqr) );
// setUnique (FALSE) ; // this flag was set before this method was called
setModified (TRUE) ;
reduceToMaxIntervalCount() ; // remove HistInts if necessary ...
reduceIntermediateHistInts(mergeMethod, isNumeric);
} // mergeColStats
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// minSetByPred_ , maxSetByPred_ flags indicate if the boundaries
// for the histograms were set by application of predicates. The values
// for these flags for the target merged histogram are calculated below
// ------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::setMaxAndMinSetByPredFlags(const ColStatsSharedPtr & otherStatsCopy,
NABoolean &maxSetByPredFlag,
NABoolean &minSetByPredFlag)
maxSetByPredFlag = minSetByPredFlag = FALSE;
// The values of these flags depend on if the target histogram max
// or min value were picked from the left or the right child, and
// if these max and min values were a result of some predicate
EncodedValue leftMax, leftMin, rightMax, rightMin ;
Interval last, first ;
last = otherStatsCopy->getHistogram()->getLastNonNullInterval() ;
if ( !last.isValid() )
rightMax = rightMin = NULL_ENCODEDVALUE ;
rightMax = last.hiBound() ;
first = otherStatsCopy->getHistogram()->getFirstInterval() ;
rightMin = first.loBound() ;
last = histogram_->getLastNonNullInterval() ;
if ( !last.isValid() )
return ;
leftMax = last.hiBound() ;
first = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
leftMin = first.loBound() ;
if ( last.hiBound() == leftMax && last.hiBound() == rightMax )
maxSetByPredFlag = this->isMaxSetByPred() && otherStatsCopy->isMaxSetByPred() ;
else if ( last.hiBound() == leftMax )
maxSetByPredFlag = this->isMaxSetByPred() ;
else if ( last.hiBound() == rightMax )
maxSetByPredFlag = otherStatsCopy->isMaxSetByPred() ;
maxSetByPredFlag = FALSE ;
first = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
if ( first.loBound() == leftMin && first.loBound() == rightMin )
minSetByPredFlag = this->isMinSetByPred() && otherStatsCopy->isMinSetByPred() ;
else if ( first.loBound() == leftMin )
minSetByPredFlag = this->isMinSetByPred() ;
else if ( first.loBound() == rightMin )
minSetByPredFlag = otherStatsCopy->isMinSetByPred() ;
minSetByPredFlag = FALSE ;
} // setMaxAndMinSetByPredFlags
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// graceful recovery in case of any error while merging two histograms,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void ColStats::recoverFromMergeColStats(const ColStatsSharedPtr& otherStats,
NABoolean isNumeric,
MergeType mergeMethod)
if (histogram_ == NULL)
CCMPASSERT (histogram_ != NULL) ;
if (otherStats->histogram_ == NULL)
CCMPASSERT (otherStats->getHistogram() != NULL );
// Can't always construct a precise result histogram, but when one
// can't one sometimes *can* produce a meaningful single-interval
// result.
// E.g., for a Union use the sum of the RowCounts, the MAX of the
// UECs, and the widest possible value range.
mergeWithEmptyHistogram (otherStats, mergeMethod);
reduceIntermediateHistInts(mergeMethod, isNumeric);
} // recoverFromMergeColStats
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The join cardinality can be computed either by merging histogram
// intervals or merging frequent value lists. In this method we compute
// join cardinality using histogram intervals
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::mergeWithExpandedHistograms (const ColStatsSharedPtr& otherStats,
NABoolean isNumeric,
CostScalar & newRowcount,
CostScalar & newUec,
MergeType mergeMethod)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// CREATE A MERGE TEMPLATE for the result of the merge operation
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ( left = this; right = other )
const NABoolean createTemplateWithEquimerge =
( mergeMethod == UNION_MERGE ||
mergeMethod == OR_MERGE ||
mergeMethod == LEFT_JOIN_OR_MERGE ||
mergeMethod == ANTI_SEMI_JOIN_MERGE ? FALSE : TRUE ) ;
HistogramSharedPtr leftHistogram =
histogram_->createMergeTemplate (otherStats->getHistogram(),
createTemplateWithEquimerge) ;
NABoolean isResultAFakeHistogram = FALSE;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Gotcha : we never want to produce a zero-interval template, because
// this will result in a zero-row merge
// So we now need to check : are there zero intervals in the template?
// if so, we probably want to change that so that we get a single
// interval in the template (from MIN(minvalues) to MAX(maxvalues)) with
// 1 row/uec
if ( leftHistogram->entries() == 0 )
// Throw an assertion in debug mode, but in release mode
// create an empty histogram and continue with compilation
CCMPASSERT (createTemplateWithEquimerge) ; // if this isn't true, something is very wrong
recoverFromMergeColStats(otherStats, isNumeric, mergeMethod);
return getSumOfMaxUec();
isResultAFakeHistogram = handleMergeTemplateWithZeroIntervals(otherStats, leftHistogram);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// copy that template for the use of the 2nd (right) source histogram
HistogramSharedPtr rightHistogram(new (heap_) Histogram (*leftHistogram, heap_));
// and, copy it again to create a target for the merge process
HistogramSharedPtr targetHistogram(new (heap_) Histogram (*leftHistogram, heap_));
isResultAFakeHistogram = this->populateLeftAndRightTemplates(otherStats,
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
CostScalar scaleRowCount = rowcount_ ;
CollIndex i = 1; // skip first HistInt which has 0 rows/uec
// Perform the 'merge' of the two now normalized histograms. Place
// results in targetHistogram.
// In the following, be careful to try and retain the actual UEC's, but
// don't do division by a UEC that is less than one.
CostScalar maxUecSum = csZero;
while (i < targetHistogram->entries())
maxUecSum += (*targetHistogram)[i].mergeInterval((*leftHistogram)[i],
newRowcount += (*targetHistogram)[i].getCardinality();
newUec += (*targetHistogram)[i].getUec();
// update 'this' column statistics with the merged histogram, and other
// altered data.
// check for a possibly empty histogram
histogram_ = targetHistogram;
// remove any redundant empty intervals from the result histogram
removeRedundantEmpties() ; //NB: this may clear the histogram
return maxUecSum;
} // mergeWithExpandedHistograms
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The join cardinality can be computed either by merging histogram
// intervals or merging frequent value lists. In this method we compute
// join cardinality using frequent values
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::mergeCompressedHistograms (const ColStatsSharedPtr& otherStats,
CostScalar &newRowcount,
CostScalar &newUec,
MergeType mergeMethod)
CostScalar maxUec = MAXOF(getSumOfMaxUec(), otherStats->getSumOfMaxUec() );
if(mergeMethod != INNER_JOIN_MERGE)
return maxUec;
if (!this->isCompressed())
if (!otherStats->isCompressed())
// merge left and right histogram intervals based on the join type
newRowcount = csZero;
newUec = csZero;
// now adjust newRowcount computed from interval by the frequent values from each histogram
const FrequentValueList &leftFreqValList = getFrequentValues();
// Get the UECs for continuum after having removed the stolen values
double adjUC1 = getAdjContinuumUEC().getValue();
double adjUC2 = otherStats->getAdjContinuumUEC().getValue();
// get the frequency of the continuum after having removed the stolen
// frequencies.
double adjRC1 = getAdjContinuumFreq().getValue();
double adjRC2 = otherStats->getAdjContinuumFreq().getValue();
// Final Rowcounts and UECs for continuums
double joinUECForContinuum = MINOF (adjUC1, adjUC2);
double joinRCForContinuum = 0;
double maxAdjUC = MAXOF(adjUC1, adjUC2);
if (maxAdjUC > 0)
joinRCForContinuum = (adjRC1 * adjRC2)/maxAdjUC;
// Final join cardinality will be the sum of frequent values and the rowcount
// of the continuum values
double RF1 = leftFreqValList.getTotalFrequency().getValue();
newRowcount = joinRCForContinuum + RF1;
newUec = joinUECForContinuum + leftFreqValList.getTotalProbability().getValue();
newUec = MINOF(newRowcount, newUec);
// set the total rowcount and the UEC in the histogram interval
HistogramSharedPtr targetHistogram(new (heap_) Histogram (*histogram_, heap_));
// Boundaries of the resultant histogram are inherited from the left histogram
// which are set to max and mins of the data type
// set the rowcount and the UEC equal to the newly computed rowcount and UEC
// since the histogram has been compressed, there will be only interval
Interval iter = targetHistogram->getFirstInterval() ;
if (iter.isValid() )
iter.setRowsAndUec (newRowcount, newUec);
histogram_ = targetHistogram;
return maxUec;
} // mergeCompressedHistograms
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// adjust selectivity computed by either merging histogram intervals
// or frequent value lists to take into account any indirect reductions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::adjustSelectivity(const ColStatsSharedPtr& otherStats,
const CostScalar & newUec,
MergeType mergeMethod)
// Make adjustments to the resulting UEC and rowcount if the UECs were
// reduced due to independent predicates (preds not on this column)
// Use the baseUec_ to determine the amount of original matching and
// the newUec to determine the amount of overlap
// New approach to selectivity adjustment and is defined as follows:
// Selectivity adjustment is defined as the ratio of the super set UEC based on correlated
// assumption to the super set UEC based on active assumption. Correlated UEC is the UEC
// obtained after applying the reductions from local predicates. Independent UEC is the base UEC
// without any reductions. In the new approach, the selectivity adjustments take data distribution
// into consideration. If independent assumption is OFF, no selectivity adjustment is made.
// Otherwise, the following formulae will be used.
// Selectivity Adjustment (SA) = SuperSet UEC based on correlated assumption / SuperSet UEC based on underlying active assumption;
CostScalar selAdj = csOne;
if (CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->histAssumeIndependentReduction())
// SSU - Superset UEC based on underlying data distribution assumption
CostScalar SSU = csOne;
if(CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->histOptimisticCardOpt() == 1)
CostScalar totalUecOfLargerBaseUec = baseUec_ >= otherStats->baseUec_ ? totalUec_ : otherStats->totalUec_ ;
SSU = MAXOF(MINOF(baseUec_ , otherStats->baseUec_), totalUecOfLargerBaseUec) ;
SSU = MAXOF(baseUec_ , otherStats->baseUec_);
// Selectivity Adjustment = SSU on correlated assumption / SSU based on underlying active assumption
selAdj = (MAXOF(totalUec_ , otherStats->totalUec_) / SSU).maxCsOne();
CCMPASSERT (NOT selAdj.isGreaterThanOne() /*selAdj <= 1*/) ;
selAdj = selAdj.maxCsOne();
return selAdj;
} // adjustSelectivity
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// populate left and right histogram templates created for merge. The
// histograms will be populated based on if the stats exist for both
// children or not
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::populateLeftAndRightTemplates(const ColStatsSharedPtr & otherStatsCopy,
HistogramSharedPtr & leftHistogram,
HistogramSharedPtr & rightHistogram,
HistogramSharedPtr & targetHistogram)
ColStats leftStats(leftHistogram, HISTHEAP);
ColStats rightStats(rightHistogram, HISTHEAP);
// Create a shared pointer to "this" with proper reference count.
ColStatsSharedPtr thisSharedPtr = ColStatsSharedPtr::getIntrusiveSharedPtr(this);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// When we join an actual histogram with the fake histogram, the
// cardinality goes down to 1. This is because the MIN and the MAX
// of the fake histogram range from -infinity to +infinity. And when
// the interval boundaries of this fake histograms are matched to the
// actual histogram being joined, the row and the uec reduction is huge
// which leads to very low cardinality.
// We do the fix by setting the MIN and the MAX of the fake interval
// equal to the MIN and the MAX of the histogram being joined.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean thisOriginallyFake = this->isOrigFakeHist();
NABoolean otherOriginallyFake = otherStatsCopy->isOrigFakeHist();
NABoolean isResultAFakeHistogram = thisOriginallyFake && otherOriginallyFake;
if (thisOriginallyFake && !otherOriginallyFake)
leftStats.populateTemplateOfFakeHist(thisSharedPtr, otherStatsCopy);
rightStats.populateTemplate (otherStatsCopy) ;
if (otherOriginallyFake && !thisOriginallyFake )
rightStats.populateTemplateOfFakeHist(otherStatsCopy, thisSharedPtr);
leftStats.populateTemplate (thisSharedPtr) ;
// Update the UEC and RowCounts of the left and right templates with the
// actual histogram's data adjusted to the templates' interval boundaries.
// The results are properly scaled by their reduction factors.....
leftStats.populateTemplate (thisSharedPtr) ;
rightStats.populateTemplate (otherStatsCopy) ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// *****************************************************
// *****************************************************
// Gotcha:
// After populateTemplate has done its thing, it checks to make sure
// that a certain minimum number of rows from the populat-ING template
// (this, otherStats) ended up in the populat-ED template (leftStats,
// rightStats). If this wasn't the case, then that template was squished
// down to one interval (spanning the max/min values) and that given
// minimum number of rows (plus an appropriate number of uecs) was
// placed in that single interval.
// If this happened for one, then update the other and targetHistogram,
// too
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if ( leftHistogram->entries() != rightHistogram->entries() OR
leftHistogram->entries() != targetHistogram->entries() )
leftHistogram->condenseToSingleInterval() ; // one of these
rightHistogram->condenseToSingleInterval() ; // is redundant
targetHistogram->condenseToSingleInterval() ;
isResultAFakeHistogram = TRUE ; // $$$ the result of this merge is now fake
return isResultAFakeHistogram;
} // populateLeftAndRightTemplates
//This method returns the reduction criterion to apply
//when merging the hist ints of a histogram (for the
//purpose of reducing the number of histogram's intervals).
//The method factors in the location from where the reduction
//is invoked (parameter invokedFrom), the desired reductionCriterion
//to apply (parameter reductionCriterion) and if the histogram caching
//should be considered or ignored.
Criterion ColStats::decideReductionCriterion(Source invokedFrom,
Criterion reductionCriterion,
const NAColumn * column,
NABoolean ignoreHistogramCachingFlag)
//cannot reduce multicolumn stats
if(getStatColumns().entries() > 1)
return NONE; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE - rfi
//if invoked histograms for base tables
//have been obtained using FetchHistograms
if(invokedFrom == AFTER_FETCH)
//check if histogram caching is on
//if datatype of the column is numeric
return reductionCriterion;
//datatype of column is non-numeric
//cannot apply criterion 1 to non-numeric
if(reductionCriterion == CRITERION1)
return NONE;
return reductionCriterion;
//histogram caching is off
//or we want to ignore the fact that
//histogram caching is on / off
//if datatype of column is numeric
//if column has range or join pred
return CRITERION1;
//column does not have range or join pred
return CRITERION2;
//datatype of column is non-numeric
//if column has range or join pred
//we can only use criterion1,
//but criterion 1 can only be applied
//to numeric columns
return NONE;
//there is no range of join pred
return CRITERION2;
//if invoked after a new histogram has been generated
//as a result of a relational operator like join.
//if column is numeric
return CRITERION1;
//column is non-numeric
return CRITERION2;
#pragma nowarn(203) // warning elimination
return NONE;
#pragma warn(203) // warning elimination
//reduce the number of histogram intervals in the histogram
//referenced by this ColStats Object
void ColStats::reduceNumHistInts(Source invokedFrom, Criterion reductionCriterion)
//if there is no histogram return
return; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE - rfi
//dont do anything for fake histograms
//multicolumn stats, dont reduce
if(columns_.entries() > 1)
//if there are only two histints or less
//we dont need to reduce
if(histogram_->entries() <= 2)
//Column whoes histogram is referred to
//by this ColStats object
const NAColumn * column = getStatColumns()[0];
//reduce the number of histogram intervals
histogram_->reduceNumHistInts(decideReductionCriterion(invokedFrom, reductionCriterion, column),
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a helper method for reducing intermediate histograms
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void ColStats::reduceIntermediateHistInts(MergeType mergeMethod, NABoolean isNumeric)
if(isAJoinRelatedMerge(mergeMethod) ||
(mergeMethod == LEFT_JOIN_OR_MERGE))
Criterion criterion;
criterion = CRITERION1;
criterion = CRITERION2;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// countFailedProbes
// This routine is used by physical costing to determine the number of
// key predicate 'probes' performed during a Nested Join which did not
// produce any result rows.
// THIS provides the ColStats of the appropriate columns in the Input
// EstLogProp; otherStats provides the result of the key predicate join
// done with the base table. An INNER Join is assumed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::countFailedProbes (const ColStatsSharedPtr& otherStats) const
// look for the special case of missing/empty join Result.
if ( otherStats->getHistogram() == NULL OR
otherStats->getHistogram()->entries() == 0 OR
otherStats->getRowcount().isZero() )
return getRowcount(); // all probes failed.
// first create a template; ( left = this; right = other )
HistogramSharedPtr leftHistogram =
histogram_->createMergeTemplate (otherStats->getHistogram(), FALSE);
// copy that template for the use of the 2nd (right) source histogram
HistogramSharedPtr rightHistogram(new (heap_) Histogram (*leftHistogram, heap_));
// Create a shared pointer to "this" with proper reference count.
ColStatsSharedPtr thisSharedPtr = ColStatsSharedPtr::getIntrusiveSharedPtr(this);
ColStats leftStats (leftHistogram, HISTHEAP) ;
ColStats rightStats (rightHistogram, HISTHEAP) ;
// Update the UEC and RowCounts of the left and right templates with the
// actual histogram's data adjusted to the templates' interval boundaries.
leftStats.populateTemplate(thisSharedPtr) ;
rightStats.populateTemplate(otherStats) ;
// be careful! populateTemplate may have compressed the intervals if
// the resulting rowcount was too low!
if ( leftHistogram->entries() != rightHistogram->entries() )
leftHistogram->condenseToSingleInterval() ; // one of these
rightHistogram->condenseToSingleInterval() ; // is redundant
CCMPASSERT ( leftHistogram->entries() == rightHistogram->entries() ) ;
totalFailedProbes= 0,
CollIndex i = 1;
// Perform the failed probe count on the two normalized histograms.
while (i < leftHistogram->entries())
// left is Pre-Join
leftUEC = (*leftHistogram)[i].getUec();
leftRowCount = (*leftHistogram)[i].getCardinality();
// right is Post-Join
rightUEC = (*rightHistogram)[i].getUec();
rightRowCount = (*rightHistogram)[i].getCardinality();
DCMPASSERT(rightUEC.isGreaterOrEqualThanZero() AND leftUEC.isGreaterOrEqualThanZero());
// The failed probe count varies on a case by case basis
if (rightUEC.isLessThanOne() OR leftUEC.isLessThanOne())
// don't attempt to compute failed probes if uec's are less than one:
failedProbesForInterval = 0.;
else if (rightUEC.isZero())
// if the right table has no rows, then all probes will fail
failedProbesForInterval = leftRowCount;
else if (leftUEC < rightUEC)
// if the left table has fewer UEC than right, then no probes can fail.
failedProbesForInterval = 0.;
// else count the number of the original's unmatched rows
failedProbesForInterval = ((leftRowCount / leftUEC) * (leftUEC - rightUEC));
totalFailedProbes += failedProbesForInterval;
return totalFailedProbes;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// copyAndScaleHistogram
// in the given ColStats, replace the current histogram with a copy that
// has had all of its interval's rowcounts multiplied by the specified
// scale.
// At the same time, apply any current reduction factor to those same
// histogram buckets.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::copyAndScaleHistogram (CostScalar scale)
if ( getHistogram() == NULL )
return ; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE - rfi
histogram_ = HistogramSharedPtr(new (heap_) Histogram(*histogram_, heap_));
if ( (!isOrigFakeHist()) )
// now scale the histogram
scaleHistogram (scale) ;
ColStats::scaleHistogram (CostScalar scale,
CostScalar uecScale,
NABoolean scaleFreqValList)
if ( getHistogram() == NULL )
return; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE - rfi
// set the scale factor of the histogram with what ever the histogram
// is being scaled by. The method is called for making deep copies. We
// don't want to loose the scale then. Hence update the scale factor
// only when it is not equal to one.
if (scale != csOne)
scaleFactor_ = scale;
HistogramSharedPtr hist = histogram_ ; // convenience
if (scale.isGreaterThanOne() /* > 1 */)
setUnique (FALSE) ; // any previously UNIQUE column is no longer, truly UNIQUE
CostScalar newRowcount = 0 ;
CostScalar newUec = 0 ;
CostScalar iRows ;
CostScalar iUec ;
// Update each histogram interval, as well as the aggregate statistics.
// iterate through the histogram and individually scale
// all of the Intervals
Interval iter ;
CostScalar iRowsRed = scale * rowRedFactor_;
// If row reduction and UEC reduction factors are 1, there is nothing
// to scale, so return.
// IMP: When we skip the loop of applying reductions, in case all reduction
// factors are 1, and there is a deep copy being performed, I found
// we still got change in cardinalities. Ideally this should not happen, as
// we are not modifying the histograms.
// This happens, because we have an additional logic of
// isSingleValuedInterval() in this loop. For O_CLERK (ORDERS table),
// we originally have 100,000 UEC, when we do a deep copy, the UEC
// should still remain the same. But it gets changed to 1. This is because the
// MIN, MAX and the interval boundaries are converted to encoded values.
// Eventhough the loboundary and the high boundary of this interval are
// (''Clerk#000000055'') and (''Clerk#000000237'') respectively,
// the encoded values, because of their representation are the same.
// Hence the interval is treated as a single valued interval, and the
// UEC of the interval is set to 1. Since it is a single interval histogram,
// the total UEC is also changed from 100,000 to 1.
// Because of the change in the code (skipping of the loop), this problem will
// atleast not happen for deepcopies, but can still happen when a reduction
// needs to be applied. Normally we should have only equality predicates
// for such type of columns, which will anyway result in UEC equal to 1
// - Jan 6, 2005
// ***************************************************************************
if ( (scale == 1) &&
(uecScale == 1) &&
(rowRedFactor_ == 1) &&
(uecRedFactor_ == 1) )
if (uecScale > csOne)
CCMPASSERT ("UEC can never increase");
uecScale = csOne;
for ( iter = hist->getFirstInterval() ;
iter.isValid() ; ) // break when we've processed the last Interval
iRows = iter.getRowcount() * iRowsRed;
iUec = iter.getUec();
iUec = uecScale * iUec;
iUec = MINOF(iRows, iUec);
if (scale.isLessThanOne() AND isUnique()) // if column is UNIQUE, set uec == rows
iUec = iRows ;
// setRowsAndUec, sets UEC to minimum of rows and uec
iter.setRowsAndUec (iRows, iUec);
newRowcount += iRows;
newUec += MINOF(iUec, iRows);
// after having scaled the rows in the intervals,
// scale the frequencies in the frequentValues list by the same amount
// rowRedFactor * scale
if (scaleFreqValList)
FrequentValueList & frequentValueList = getModifableFrequentValues();
frequentValueList.scaleFreqAndProbOfFrequentValues(iRowsRed, 1);
// Our current histogram semantics say that we do not allow
// intervals to have uec/rowcount information that is more than
// 0 and less than 1. So the following loop goes through all
// of the intervals and combines them as necessary to conform
// to this specification.
// NB: Intervals which have uec/rowcount of 0/0 are legitimate
// and should not be forgotten!
// NB: We leave NULL-instantiated intervals alone
// the following loop stops when we hit the last interval, having
// successfully merged all intervals whose uec/rowcount were
// between 0 & 1 (non-inclusive)
for ( iter = hist->getFirstInterval() ;
iter.isValid() && !iter.isNull() ; // do not merge NULL intervals!
/* no automatic increment */
if ( iter.canBeMerged() )
if ( iter.isFirst() ) // combine with 2nd interval
if ( iter.isLast() ) break ; // only one interval in total; done
// at this point, we know another interval exists
Interval next = hist->getNextInterval (iter) ;
if ( next.isNull() ) break ; // do not merge NULL intervals!
iter.merge (next) ; // now loop again with iter as before
else if ( iter.isLast() )
// can't be the first interval since we already
// checked that case
Interval prev = hist->getPrevInterval (iter) ;
prev.merge (iter) ; // (we only merge "up")
// prev might have been ==0 before --> so we'll check
// in next loop
iter = prev ;
else // have to choose between neighbors to merge with
Interval next = hist->getNextInterval (iter) ;
Interval prev = hist->getPrevInterval (iter) ;
// have to decide which to merge with
// decision : merge with the neighbor whose
// boundary is closest to mine
const EncodedValue loBound = iter.loBound() ;
const EncodedValue hiBound = iter.hiBound() ;
const EncodedValue prevBound = prev.loBound() ;
const EncodedValue nextBound = next.hiBound() ;
// since loBound > prevBound, and nextBound > hiBound,
// the calculation below should always be correct
// $$$ clean up this code to use EncodedValue::ratio()
// $$$ or write another EncodedValue method !!!
if ( ((loBound.getDblValue() - prevBound.getDblValue()) >=
(nextBound.getDblValue() - hiBound.getDblValue())) &&
!next.isNull() ) // do not merge NULL intervals!
// there's more "distance" between me and
// my prev neighbor than between me and
// my next neighbor --> so merge with next
iter.merge (next) ;
// since we haven't looked at next before,
// we may need to work with iter again
// otherwise, do the opposite
prev.merge (iter) ; // (we only merge "up")
// prev might have been ==0 before --> so we'll check
// in next loop
iter = prev ;
else ; // get next Interval
#endif /* #ifndef DO_NOT_MERGE_INTERVALS */
if (hist->numIntervals() == 0)
newRowcount = rowcount_ * scale ;
newUec = MINOF(totalUec_,newRowcount) ;
// if we are trying to scale a histogram, whose row count is zero, then
// we don't want to work with intervals, instead we would be better off
// condensing the intervals of that histogram, and setting the row count
// and the uec of that histogram to one.
if ( newRowcount.isZero() )
if ( hist->entries() > 1 )
// Set first interval's rowcount and uec.
hist->getFirstInterval().setRowsAndUec( csOne, csOne );
// This rowcount and uec will be used later to set the total rowcount and
// uec of the histogram. Hence set that to one.
newRowcount = csOne;
newUec = csOne;
setRedFactor (1.0) ;
setUecRedFactor (1.0) ;
if (scale.isGreaterThanOne())
CostScalar oldRowcount = getRowcount();
setBaseRowCount(oldRowcount); //set baseRowCount with the rowCountBefore the cross-products
//after having set the baseRowCount, now initialize the total rowCount with the newRowCount
setRowsAndUec (newRowcount, newUec) ;
} // copyAndScaleHistogram
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ColStats::getAccRowCountAboveOrEqThreshold
// This method returns the total row count and total UEC of intervals
// whose frequency is greater than or equal to the threshold value
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::getAccRowCountAboveOrEqThreshold ( CostScalar & accRowCnt, /* out */
CostScalar & accUec, /* out */
CostScalar thresVal)
accRowCnt = 0;
accUec = 0;
CostScalar thisIterFreq = 1;
HistogramSharedPtr hist = getHistogram();
if (hist->numIntervals() == 0)
// if number of intervals is 0, treat it like a single interval
// histogram and set the accRowCnt and accUec from total row count
// and uec of the histogram if the frequency is greater than or
// equal to the threshold value. Else set them to 0
thisIterFreq = getRowcount() / getTotalUec();
if (thisIterFreq >= thresVal)
accRowCnt = getRowcount();
accUec = getTotalUec();
Interval iter = hist->getFirstInterval();
while ( iter.isValid() && !iter.isNull() )
// if the frequency of the interval is less than zero, we assume the frequency
// to be equal to the rowcount
thisIterFreq = iter.getRowcount()/(iter.getUec()).minCsOne();
if (thisIterFreq >= thresVal)
accRowCnt += iter.getRowcount();
accUec += iter.getUec();
} // ColStats::getAccRowCountAboveOrEqThreshold
ColStats::setMaxFreq(CostScalar val)
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_42) == DF_ON)
// if there is any rowreduction that still needs to be applied
// to the histogram, then use that too to adjust frequencies.
// For example: sum of rowcount from intervals is 1000, and there is
// one element in the frequent value list, with frequency equal to 100
// Lets say some reduction has happened to the histogram such that its
// rowcount now is 100, this means that the rowreduction factor is 0.1
// This reduction will be applied to the intervals and the frequent values
// later, resulting in frequency in teh list to 10.
val = val * getRedFactor();
if (scaleFactor_ > csOne)
maxFreq_ = val/rowcount_;
maxFreq_ *= scaleFactor_;
maxFreq_ = val/rowcount_;
maxFreq_ = maxFreq_.maxCsOne();
maxFreq_ = val;
ColStats::getMaxFreq() const
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_42) == DF_ON)
if (scaleFactor_ > csOne)
return maxFreq_*rowcount_/scaleFactor_;
return maxFreq_*rowcount_;
return maxFreq_;
ColStats::computeMaxFreqOfCol(NABoolean forced)
if ((forced == FALSE) && (getMaxFreq() > csZero))
HistogramSharedPtr hist = getHistogram();
if (hist->numIntervals() == 0)
CostScalar maxFreq = csMinusOne;
NABoolean useHighFreq = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->useHighFreqInfo();
// Do not have to loop over all intervals if mfv info is availble, as
// the max frequency of the column is the max of mfvs of these intervals.
const FrequentValueList &freqList = this->getFrequentValues();
if (freqList.entries() > 0)
CostScalar maxFreqFromFreqList = freqList.getMaxFrequency();
if (maxFreqFromFreqList > maxFreq)
maxFreq = maxFreqFromFreqList;
} else {
Interval iter = hist->getFirstInterval();
while ( iter.isValid() && !iter.isNull() )
// if the frequency of the interval is less than zero, we assume the frequency
// to be equal to the rowcount
//Avoid divide-by-zero exception
CostScalar iterUec = iter.getUec();
if(iterUec == csZero)
iterUec = csOne;
CostScalar thisIterFreq = csZero;
if (useHighFreq)
thisIterFreq = iter.getRowcount2mfv();
if ( thisIterFreq == csZero )
thisIterFreq = iter.getRowcount()/iterUec;
if (maxFreq < thisIterFreq)
maxFreq = thisIterFreq;;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// reduceToMaxIntervalCount()
// reduce (by merging) the number of histogram intervals to be
// at most maxIntervalCount_, a value that the user has set
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CollIndex maxIntervalCount = getMaxIntervalCount() ;
if (histogram_->entries() == 0)
CollIndex intervalCount = histogram_->entries() - 1 ;
// if the user says he wants less than 4 intervals (5 HistInts), don't
// bother reducing at all; also, if there are already fewer intervals
// than the user's upper bound, nothing to do.
if ( intervalCount < 4 || maxIntervalCount < 4 || maxIntervalCount >= intervalCount )
return ;
// otherwise, we're definitely going to be modifying this histogram
getHistogramToModify() ;
HistogramSharedPtr hist = histogram_ ; // convenience
// For convenience, we use a very simple algorithm to decide which
// intervals to merge (we simply merge every N-1 intervals, where N is
// the "factor" we need to reduce -- that is, the proportion
// intervalCount : maxIntervalCount )
CollIndex reductionFactor = intervalCount / maxIntervalCount ;
// how many more do we have, after we remove the factor?
const CollIndex additionalRows = intervalCount - (reductionFactor * maxIntervalCount) ;
// if there are an additional 25% of intervals left over, bump up the reduction factor by 1
if ( (additionalRows * 1.0) > (maxIntervalCount * 0.25) )
reductionFactor++ ;
if ( reductionFactor == 1 ) // we're currently within 20%, close enough
return ;
// now, for every (reductionFactor) intervals, merge the first (reductionFactor-1)
CollIndex numKept = 1, numMerged = 0 ;
Interval iter = hist->getFirstInterval() ;
// the following loop attempts to avoid the complexity of boundary conditions
// --> i.e., keep the first interval, and only loop maxIntervalCount-1 times,
// to avoid the last-interval/null-interval complexity
for ( iter = hist->getNextInterval (iter) ;
iter.isValid() && !iter.isNull() && numKept < maxIntervalCount ;
/* no automatic increment */
// if this is the last interval, break. Nothing more to merge
if ( iter.isLast() ) break ;
if ( numMerged < (reductionFactor-1) ) // merge the next into the current
Interval next = hist->getNextInterval (iter) ;
// Do not merge intervals that are null or are not valid
if ( next.isNull() || !next.isValid()) break ;
iter.merge (next) ; // now loop again with iter as before
numMerged++ ;
else // we've merged (extraFactor-1) already; keep this one & move on
iter = hist->getNextInterval (iter) ;
numKept++ ;
numMerged = 0 ;
} // ColStats::reduceToMaxIntervalCount()
// transform the number of histogram intervals to
// maxIntervalCount_ interval, a value that the user has set.
// This version is different from reduceToMaxIntervalCount() in that
// the transform is driven by the # of rowcount in each interval.
HistogramSharedPtr ColStats::transformOnIntervals(Int32 numIntvs)
CollIndex intervalCount = histogram_->entries() - 1 ;
// for now, just do the transformation for the leading key column
NAColumnArray& colArray = statColumns();
const NAColumn* col = colArray[0];
const NAType* nt = col->getType();
CostScalar rc = getRowcount();
CostScalar avgRcPerIntNew = getRowcount() / numIntvs;
CostScalar currentRcNew = 0;
CostScalar lowB = getMinValue().getDblValue();
CostScalar hiB = getMaxValue().getDblValue();
HistogramSharedPtr newHist(new(heap_) Histogram (heap_));
HistogramSharedPtr hist = getHistogram();
Int32 n = hist->numIntervals();
Interval iter;
CostScalar availableRC;
CostScalar lowBInt;
CostScalar hiBInt;
if ( numIntvs > 1 ) {
for ( iter = hist->getFirstInterval();
iter.isValid() && !iter.isNull();
iter = hist->getNextInterval (iter)
CostScalar rcInt = iter.getRowcount();
lowBInt = iter.loBound().getDblValue();
hiBInt = iter.hiBound().getDblValue();
// if this is the last interval, break. Nothing more to worry
if ( iter.isLast() ) break ;
if ( currentRcNew + rcInt < avgRcPerIntNew ) {
currentRcNew += rcInt;
} else {
EncodedValue mfv;
CostScalar freqMFV;
if ( iter.getMFV(getFrequentValues(), mfv, freqMFV) ) {
CostScalar r1;
iter.getRCSmallerThanMFV(mfv, freqMFV, r1);
CostScalar mfvInSC(mfv.getDblValue());
if ( r1 > 0.0 ) {
// handle r1
availableRC = r1;
lowB, lowBInt, mfvInSC, TRUE
if ( freqMFV > 0.0 ) {
// handle mfv
availableRC = freqMFV;
lowB, mfvInSC, mfvInSC, FALSE
CostScalar r2 = iter.getRowcount() - freqMFV - r1; r2.minCsZero();
if ( r2 > 0.0 ) {
// handle r2
availableRC = r2;
lowB, mfvInSC, hiBInt, TRUE);
} else {
// no MFV, do the splits for the entire interval.
availableRC = rcInt;
lowB, lowBInt, hiBInt, TRUE
// When we reach here: currentRcNew >= 0 and availableRC == 0
} // for loop
// insert the last interval
newHist->insertZeroInterval(lowB, hiB, TRUE /*bound included */);
return newHist;
} // ColStats::transformOnIntervals()
void Interval::makeSplits(
HistogramSharedPtr& newHist,
const NAType* nt,
const CostScalar newHeight,
CostScalar& newRC, // rc already filled;
// On exit, reset to 0 after a complete fill;
// else, the partially filled RC
CostScalar& availableRC, // on extry: rc available;
// on exit: 0.0
CostScalar& lowB, // On entry: the low bound to use to insert the new
// first interval.
// On exit: the current last low bound to use
// to insert a new interval.
const CostScalar& lowBInt,// the low and high bound in which availableRC
const CostScalar& hiBInt, // #rows resides. The two bounds are used to
// compute the new high bound(s) for new intervals
NABoolean allowSplits)
CostScalar toFill = newHeight - newRC;
if ( availableRC < toFill ) {
newRC += availableRC;
availableRC = 0.0;
} else
if ( availableRC == toFill ) {
newHist->insertZeroInterval(lowB, hiBInt, TRUE /*bound included */);
newRC = 0.0;
availableRC = 0.0;
lowB = hiBInt;
} else {
CostScalar hiB;
if ( allowSplits ) {
// Do the split
hiB = lowBInt + ( hiBInt - lowBInt) * ( toFill / availableRC );
hiB = hiB.round(); // round to closest integer
if ( hiB > hiBInt ) hiB = hiBInt; // and cap the value by hiBInt
availableRC -= toFill;
} else {
// No split is allowed, take all the rows
hiB = hiBInt;
availableRC = 0.0;
newHist->insertZeroInterval(lowB, hiB, TRUE /*bound included */);
lowB = hiB;
newRC = 0.0; // reset after a complete fill
// if all rows are taken, return.
if ( availableRC == 0.0 )
// split the remaining availableRC into multiple newHeight chunks.
// For every chunk, create a new interval. The remaining rows are returned
// without creating a new interval for them.
while ( availableRC > newHeight ) {
// split the rows proportionally
CostScalar split = lowBInt + (hiBInt - lowBInt) * ( newHeight / availableRC );
split = split.round(); // round to closest integer
if ( split > hiBInt ) split = hiBInt; // and cap the value by hiBInt
newHist->insertZeroInterval(lowB, split, TRUE /*bound included */);
lowB = split;
availableRC -= newHeight;
newRC = availableRC;
Interval::getMFV(const FrequentValueList& list,
EncodedValue& mfv, CostScalar& freq)
EncodedValue lo = loBound();
EncodedValue hi = hiBound();
for (CollIndex index = 0; index < list.entries(); index++)
mfv = list[index].getEncodedValue();
if ( ((isLoBoundInclusive() && lo <= mfv) || lo < mfv) &&
((isHiBoundInclusive() && mfv <= hi) || mfv < hi) )
freq = list[index].getFrequency();
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// MC version of the interval split code
// transform the number of histogram intervals to
// maxIntervalCount_ interval, a value that the user has set.
// This version is different from reduceToMaxIntervalCount() in that
// the transform is driven by the # of rowcount in each interval.
HistogramSharedPtr ColStats::transformOnIntervalsForMC(Int32 numIntvs)
CollIndex intervalCount = histogram_->entries() - 1 ;
CostScalar rc = getRowcount();
CostScalar avgRcPerIntNew = getRowcount() / numIntvs;
CostScalar currentRcNew = 0;
HistogramSharedPtr newHist(new(heap_) Histogram (heap_));
HistogramSharedPtr hist = getHistogram();
NormValueList lowbp;
NormValueList hibp;
MCboundaryValueList lMCb = hist->getFirstInterval().loMCBound();
MCboundaryValueList hMCb = hist->getLastInterval().hiMCBound();
Int32 n = hist->numIntervals();
Interval iter;
CostScalar availableRC;
NormValueList* lowBInt;
NormValueList* hiBInt;
if ( numIntvs > 1 ) {
for ( iter = hist->getFirstInterval();
iter.isValid() && !iter.isNull();
iter = hist->getNextInterval (iter)
CostScalar rcInt = iter.getRowcount();
lowBInt = const_cast<NormValueList*> (iter.loBound().getValueList());
hiBInt = const_cast<NormValueList*> (iter.hiBound().getValueList());
// if this is the last interval, break. Nothing more to worry
if ( iter.isLast() ) break ;
if ( currentRcNew + rcInt < avgRcPerIntNew ) {
currentRcNew += rcInt;
} else {
MCboundaryValueList mfv;
CostScalar freqMFV;
if ( iter.getMFV(getMCSkewedValueList(), mfv, freqMFV) ) {
CostScalar r1;
iter.getRCSmallerThanMFV(mfv, freqMFV, r1);
NormValueList vlist;
mfv.getValueList (vlist);
NormValueList* mfvInSC = &vlist;
if ( r1 > 0.0 ) {
// handle r1
availableRC = r1;
&lowbp, lowBInt, mfvInSC, TRUE
if ( freqMFV > 0.0 ) {
// handle mfv
availableRC = freqMFV;
&lowbp, mfvInSC, mfvInSC, FALSE
CostScalar r2 = iter.getRowcount() - freqMFV - r1; r2.minCsZero();
if ( r2 > 0.0 ) {
// handle r2
availableRC = r2;
&lowbp, mfvInSC, hiBInt, TRUE);
} else {
// no MFV, do the splits for the entire interval.
availableRC = rcInt;
&lowbp, lowBInt, hiBInt, TRUE
// When we reach here: currentRcNew >= 0 and availableRC == 0
} // for loop
// insert the last interval
newHist->insertZeroInterval(lowbp, hibp, TRUE);
return newHist;
} // ColStats::transformOnInvervals()
void Interval::makeSplitsForMC( HistogramSharedPtr& newHist,
const CostScalar newHeight,
CostScalar& newRC, // rc already filled;
// On exit, reset to 0 after a complete fill;
// else, the partially filled RC
CostScalar& availableRC, // on extry: rc available;
// on exit: 0.0
NormValueList* lowB, // On entry: the low bound to use to insert the new
// first interval.
// On exit: the current last low bound to use
// to insert a new interval.
NormValueList*& lowBInt, // the low and high bound in which availableRC
NormValueList*& hiBInt, // #rows resides. The two bounds are used to
// compute the new high bound(s) for new intervals
NABoolean allowSplits)
CostScalar toFill = newHeight - newRC;
if ( availableRC < toFill ) {
newRC += availableRC;
availableRC = 0.0;
} else
if ( availableRC == toFill ) {
newHist->insertZeroInterval(*lowB, *hiBInt, TRUE);
newRC = 0.0;
availableRC = 0.0;
*lowB = *hiBInt;
} else {
NormValueList hiB;
if ( allowSplits ) {
// Do the split
// hiB = lowBInt + ( hiBInt - lowBInt) * ( toFill / availableRC );
NormValueList x = (*hiBInt);
x = (x - (*lowBInt)) * ( toFill.getValue() / availableRC.getValue() );
hiB = x + (*lowBInt);
hiB.round(); // round to closest integer
if ( == MORE )
hiB = *hiBInt; // and cap the value by hiBInt
availableRC -= toFill;
} else {
// No split is allowed, take all the rows
hiB = *hiBInt;
availableRC = 0.0;
newHist->insertZeroInterval(*lowB, hiB, TRUE);
*lowB = hiB;
newRC = 0.0; // reset after a complete fill
// if all rows are taken, return.
if ( availableRC == 0.0 )
// split the remaining availableRC into multiple newHeight chunks.
// For every chunk, create a new interval. The remaining rows are returned
// without creating a new interval for them.
while ( availableRC > newHeight ) {
// split the rows proportionally
//NormValueList split = lowBInt + (hiBInt - lowBInt) * ( newHeight.getValue() / availableRC.getValue() );
NormValueList split = (*hiBInt);
split = (split - (*lowBInt)) * ( newHeight.getValue() / availableRC.getValue() );
split = split + (*lowBInt);
split.round(); // round to closest integer
if ( == MORE )
split = *hiBInt; // and cap the value by hiBInt
newHist->insertZeroInterval(*lowB, split, TRUE);
*lowB = split;
availableRC -= newHeight;
newRC = availableRC;
Interval::getMFV(const MCSkewedValueList& list,
MCboundaryValueList& mfv, CostScalar& freq)
MCboundaryValueList lo = loMCBound();
MCboundaryValueList hi = hiMCBound();
for (CollIndex index = 0; index < list.entries(); index++)
mfv = MCboundaryValueList(list[index]->getEncodedValue()->getValueList());
if ( ((isLoBoundInclusive() && lo <= mfv) || lo < mfv) &&
((isHiBoundInclusive() && mfv <= hi) || mfv < hi) )
freq = list[index]->getFrequency();
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Guess the rowcount and uec of values smaller than mfv
void Interval::getRCSmallerThanMFV(const MCboundaryValueList& mfv,
const CostScalar& freqMFV,
CostScalar& rc)
if ( isHiBoundInclusive() && mfv == hiMCBound() ) {
rc = MIN_ZERO(getRowcount() - freqMFV);
if ( isLoBoundInclusive() && mfv == loMCBound() ) {
rc = 0.0;
// mfv is somewhere in the middle of the range. Assume mfv divides
// the range equally and half of the values smaller than it.
rc = MIN_ZERO((getRowcount() - freqMFV) / 2);
// Guess the rowcount and uec of values smaller than mfv
void Interval::getRCSmallerThanMFV(const EncodedValue& mfv,
const CostScalar& freqMFV,
CostScalar& rc)
if ( isHiBoundInclusive() && mfv == hiBound() ) {
rc = MIN_ZERO(getRowcount() - freqMFV);
if ( isLoBoundInclusive() && mfv == loBound() ) {
rc = 0.0;
// mfv is somewhere in the middle of the range. Assume mfv divides
// the range equally and half of the values smaller than it.
rc = MIN_ZERO((getRowcount() - freqMFV) / 2);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// nullAugmentHistogram
// Increase the rowcount by adding a NULL interval with
// targetRowCount - rowcount_ NULLs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::nullAugmentHistogram(CostScalar targetRowCount)
HistogramSharedPtr targetHistogram = getHistogramToModify();
NABoolean insertNULLSkewValue = FALSE;
CostScalar nullFreq;
if ( NOT isNullInstantiated() )
insertNullInterval() ; // if there wasn't one already, there is now
insertNULLSkewValue = TRUE;
// Since the rowcount and uecs are always rounded before being stored into
// the histogram. To make a fair comparison, round the targetRowCount too
// This would avoid situations where the targetRowCount is say 19.6 and the rowcount
// of the histogram is 20. It is possible to have fractional target rowcount
// because of the costscalar arithmetic. But if after rounding the targetRowCount
// becomes smaller than the initial rowcount of the histogram, then we need to
// investigate. Sol: 10-090115-8452
targetRowCount = targetRowCount.round();
CostScalar difference = targetRowCount - rowcount_ ;
if (difference < 0)
// if for some reason the numbers of rows to be augmented > rowcount
// of the histogram, reduce the targetRowcount, so that the difference
// is treated as zero. This basically means that there is no NULL interval
// added to the histogram
CCMPASSERT (difference.isGreaterOrEqualThanZero()) ;
difference = 0;
if ( difference.isZero())
setNullRowsAndUec (0,0) ;
nullFreq = csZero;
CostScalar nullRows = 0 ;
if ( NOT rowRedFactor_.isExactlyZero() ) // avoid div-by-zero!
nullRows = difference / rowRedFactor_ ;
nullRows += getNullCount();
CostScalar nullUec = MINOF(nullRows, 1) ; // not more than nullRows!
setNullRowsAndUec (nullRows, nullUec) ;
setRowsAndUec (targetRowCount, totalUec_ + (nullUec * uecRedFactor_)) ;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// (probably less than 1)
nullFreq = nullRows;
if ( histogram_->numIntervals() == 1 ) // i.e., only NULL values in histogram
setMaxMinValuesFromHistogram() ;
// insert NULL skew value too
if ( (insertNULLSkewValue) )
UInt32 hashValue = 666654765; // hash value for NULL as used by the executor in exp_functions.cpp
EncodedValue boundary;
FrequentValueList &svList = getModifableFrequentValues();
FrequentValue newV(hashValue, nullFreq, csOne, boundary);
} // nullAugmentHistogram
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ColStats::makeGrouped
// Following a GroupBy operation (In the special case where a single
// ColStats covers all grouping columns), intervals within that columns
// histogram can't have more rows than they have unique values.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
HistogramSharedPtr targetHistogram = getHistogramToModify();
//$$$ we handle the zero-interval case below
// if ( targetHistogram->numIntervals() == 0 )
// return; // nothing to do.
CostScalar totalRowCount = 0;
Interval iter ;
for ( iter = targetHistogram->getFirstInterval() ;
iter.isValid() ; )
CostScalar oldRC = iter.getRowcount();
CostScalar newRC = MINOF(oldRC, iter.getUec());
iter.setRowsAndUec (newRC, newRC) ;
totalRowCount += newRC ;
// Remove the frequent value list for this histogram, as now the
// frequency of each value will be 1
if ( (oldRC != newRC) )
if ( targetHistogram->numIntervals() == 0)
totalRowCount = MINOF( rowcount_ * rowRedFactor_ , totalUec_ * uecRedFactor_) ;
setRedFactor (1.0) ;
setUecRedFactor (1.0) ;
setRowsAndUec (totalRowCount, totalRowCount) ;
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
} // makeGrouped()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// To be called from the debugger
ColStats::display() const
ColStats::print (FILE *f, const char * prefix, const char * suffix,
CollHeap *c, char *buf, NABoolean hideDetail) const
Space * space = (Space *)c;
char mybuf[1000];
if (!hideDetail)
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%sHistogram ID = " PF64 " %s\n", prefix, histogramID_.getKey(), suffix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (isFakeHistogram())
sprintf(mybuf, "***FAKE*** histogram\n");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (isOrigFakeHist())
sprintf(mybuf, "***Histogram with NO statistics\n");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (isSmallSampleHistogram())
sprintf(mybuf, "***Histogram with SMALL SAMPLE statistics\n");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (isRecentJoin())
sprintf(mybuf, "***RECENT JOIN***\n");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (isUnique())
sprintf(mybuf, "***UNIQUE COLUMN***\n");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (isMinSetByPred() || isMaxSetByPred())
sprintf(mybuf, "***") ;
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (isMinSetByPred())
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (isMaxSetByPred())
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
sprintf(mybuf, " SET BY PRED***\n");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (isSelectivitySetUsingHint())
sprintf(mybuf, "***SELECTIVITY SET USING HINT***\n");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (!hideDetail)
sprintf(mybuf, "Columns:\n");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
columns_.print(f, DEFAULT_INDENT, "NAColumnArray", c, buf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%s TotalUEC = %f \n", prefix, totalUec_.value());
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%s Rowcount = %f \n", prefix, rowcount_.value());
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%s BaseUEC = %f (pre-current-join-uec)\n",
prefix, baseUec_.value());
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%s Max Frequency = %f \n",
prefix, getMaxFreq().value());
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%s Encoded MinValue = ", prefix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
minValue_.display (f, DEFAULT_INDENT, "", c, buf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "\n%s Encoded MaxValue = ", prefix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
maxValue_.display (f, DEFAULT_INDENT, "", c, buf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "\n%s RowRedFactor = %f; UecRedFactor = %f %s\n",
prefix, rowRedFactor_.value(), uecRedFactor_.value(), suffix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
// display the frequent value list
NABoolean displayMFV = (CmpCommon::getDefault(USTAT_SHOW_MFV_INFO) == DF_ON);
if (displayMFV)
if (frequentValues_.entries() != 0)
frequentValues_.print(f, " ","",c,buf);
sprintf(mybuf,"Empty frequentValues_\n");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
// Now, display the histogram
if (histogram_ != NULL)
histogram_->print(f, " ", "", c, buf);
sprintf(mybuf,"NULL histogram_!\n");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
void ColStats::trace(FILE* f, NATable* table)
fprintf (f, "histogram:");
colPositions_.printColsFromTable(f, table);
Int64 templl = (Int64) getTotalUec().value();
fprintf (f, "uec:" PF64 " ", templl);
templl = (Int64) getRowcount().value();
fprintf (f, "rowcount:" PF64 " ", templl);
fprintf (f, "intervals:%d \n", (*histogram_).entries());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// When one, or both, of the two to-be-combined column statistics has no
// histogram it is still possible to (sometimes) create a useful result
// histogram. This private utility routine attempts to deal with that
// case. There are two cases to deal with:
// - a {legitimate} zero-row ColStats;
// - a manufactured ColStats with UEC, and RowCount but no histogram.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::mergeWithEmptyHistogram (const ColStatsSharedPtr& otherStats,
MergeType mergeMethod)
CostScalar leftRowCount = getRowcount();
CostScalar leftUEC = getTotalUec();
CostScalar rightRowCount = otherStats->getRowcount();
CostScalar rightUEC = otherStats->getTotalUec();
CostScalar maxUEC = MAXOF (leftUEC, rightUEC) ;
sumOfMaxUec_ = MAXOF(sumOfMaxUec_, MAXOF(otherStats->getSumOfMaxUec(), maxUEC));
CostScalar originalRowCount = leftRowCount ;
CostScalar numUec = 0;
CostScalar numRows = 0;
NABoolean attributesSet = FALSE;
switch (mergeMethod) {
numUec = MINOF( leftUEC, rightUEC );
if (numUec.isGreaterThanZero() && originalRowCount.isGreaterThanZero())
numRows = ( leftRowCount * rightRowCount ) / maxUEC / originalRowCount;
numUec = MINOF( leftUEC, rightUEC );
if (numUec.isGreaterThanZero())
numRows = leftRowCount * ( numUec / leftUEC );
// When there is a fractional number of rows in a bucket of
// the inner table, the number of row calculated for inner-
// joins can be less than that calculated for a semi-joins.
// In real life, the number or rows from an inner-join can
// never be less that that for the similar semi-join.
// CostScalar numRowsTemp = leftRowCount * rightRowCount /
// MAXOF( leftUEC, rightUEC );
// numRows = ( numRows <= numRowsTemp ? numRows : numRowsTemp );
numRows = 0 ;
baseUec_ = MINOF(baseUec_, otherStats->baseUec_);
uecBeforePred_ = MINOF(uecBeforePred_, otherStats->uecBeforePred_);
numUec = MAXOF((CostScalar)CostPrimitives::getBasicCostFactor( HIST_DEFAULT_SEL_FOR_JOIN_EQUAL ) * leftUEC,
leftUEC - rightUEC) ;
if (numUec.isGreaterThanZero()) // implies leftUEC > 0, no div-zero possibility
numRows = leftRowCount * ( numUec / leftUEC ) ;
baseUec_ = MINOF(baseUec_, otherStats->baseUec_) ;
uecBeforePred_ = MINOF(uecBeforePred_, otherStats->uecBeforePred_);
break ;
// After the result of the inner join portion of an Outer Join is
// known, one needs to do something like an OR between that inner
// join result (*this) and the original pre-join column's histogram
// (*otherStats), to calculate the actual outer join result.
if (rightUEC.isZero())
numUec = 0;
numUec = MIN_ONE (rightUEC) ;
// The rowCount varies on a case by case basis
if (leftUEC.isZero())
// if innerjoin result has no rows, all rows are from original
setMinValue( otherStats->getMinValue() );
setMaxValue( otherStats->getMaxValue() );
if (otherStats->getHistogram() == NULL)
setHistogram ( new (HISTHEAP) Histogram (HISTHEAP) );
setHistogram ( new (HISTHEAP)
Histogram (*(otherStats->getHistogram()), HISTHEAP) );
setRedFactor (otherStats->getRedFactor()) ;
setUecRedFactor (otherStats->getUecRedFactor()) ;
setRowsAndUec (rightRowCount, numUec) ;
attributesSet = TRUE;
else if (numUec.isZero())
// if original has no rows, then result also has no rows
numUec = 0;
numRows = 0;
// else result is all innerjoin rows + original unmatched rows
numRows = leftRowCount +
((rightRowCount / numUec) * (numUec - leftUEC));
// guarantee rowCount is never less than it was originally.
// (the above formula can/will improperly decrease it)
numRows = MAXOF( numRows, rightRowCount );
// if one of the row-counts is Zero, then the histogram from the
// other colStats can/should be retained.
// With the reduction factors from that other histogram......
if (leftRowCount.isZero() && rightRowCount.isGreaterThanZero())
setMinValue (otherStats->getMinValue());
setMaxValue (otherStats->getMaxValue());
if (otherStats->getHistogram() == NULL)
setHistogram ( new (HISTHEAP) Histogram (HISTHEAP) );
setHistogram ( new (HISTHEAP)
Histogram (*(otherStats->getHistogram()),
setRedFactor (otherStats->getRedFactor()) ;
setUecRedFactor (otherStats->getUecRedFactor()) ;
setRowsAndUec (rightRowCount, rightUEC) ;
attributesSet = TRUE;
else if (rightRowCount.isZero() && leftRowCount.isGreaterThanZero())
attributesSet = TRUE; // no-op. The result is what is presently in THIS.
numUec = maxUEC ;
numRows = leftRowCount + rightRowCount;
case OR_MERGE:
// if one of the row-counts is Zero, then the histogram from the
// other colStats can/should be retained.
if (leftRowCount.isZero() && rightRowCount.isGreaterThanZero())
setMinValue (otherStats->getMinValue()) ;
setMaxValue (otherStats->getMaxValue()) ;
if (otherStats->getHistogram() == NULL)
setHistogram ( new (HISTHEAP) Histogram (HISTHEAP) );
setHistogram (new (HISTHEAP)
Histogram (*(otherStats->getHistogram()), HISTHEAP) );
setRedFactor (otherStats->getRedFactor()) ;
setUecRedFactor (otherStats->getUecRedFactor()) ;
setRowsAndUec (rightRowCount, rightUEC) ;
baseUec_ = rightUEC ;
uecBeforePred_ = otherStats->getUecBeforePreds();
attributesSet = TRUE;
else if (rightRowCount.isZero() && leftRowCount.isGreaterThanZero())
attributesSet = TRUE; // no-op. The result is what is presently in THIS.
numUec = maxUEC ;
numRows = MAXOF( leftRowCount, rightRowCount );
baseUec_ = numUec;
// if either histogram's rowcount is zero, the result is zero
if (leftRowCount.isZero() || rightRowCount.isZero())
clearHistogram() ;
attributesSet = TRUE;
else // we do the best we can
numUec = MINOF (leftUEC, rightUEC) ;
numRows = MINOF (leftRowCount, rightRowCount) ;
baseUec_ = numUec ;
break ;
CCMPASSERT(FALSE) ; // should never happen!
// but if it does, we will compute it like a cross product
break ;
setHistogram ( new (HISTHEAP) Histogram (HISTHEAP) );
setRedFactor (1.0) ;
setUecRedFactor (1.0) ;
setRowsAndUec (numRows, numUec) ;
if (isAJoinRelatedMerge(mergeMethod))
// Make adjustments to the resulting UEC and rowcount if the UECs were
// reduced due to independent predicates (preds not on this column)
// Use the baseUec_ to determine the amount of original matching and the
// newUec to determine the amount of overlap
CostScalar selAdj = csZero ;
if ( totalUec_.isZero() && otherStats->totalUec_.isZero() )
; // avoid div-by-zero
else if (baseUec_ < otherStats->baseUec_)
if ( otherStats->baseUec_.isGreaterThanZero() ) // avoid div-by-zero!
selAdj = ((baseUec_ / otherStats->baseUec_) * (otherStats->totalUec_
/ MINOF(otherStats->totalUec_, totalUec_))).maxCsOne();
selAdj *= ((numUec / MINOF(otherStats->totalUec_, totalUec_))).maxCsOne();
else // baseUec_ >= otherStats->baseUec_
if ( baseUec_.isGreaterThanZero() ) // avoid div-by-zero!
selAdj = ((otherStats->baseUec_ / baseUec_) * (totalUec_
/ MINOF(otherStats->totalUec_, totalUec_))).maxCsOne();
selAdj *= ((numUec / MINOF(otherStats->totalUec_, totalUec_))).maxCsOne();
numRows *= selAdj;
numUec *= selAdj;
setRedFactor (selAdj) ;
setUecRedFactor (selAdj) ;
setRowsAndUec (numRows, numUec) ;
} // mergeWithEmptyHistogram
ColStats::handleMergeTemplateWithZeroIntervals(const ColStatsSharedPtr& otherStats,
HistogramSharedPtr& leftHistogram)
// We need to check : are there zero intervals in the template?
// if so, we probably want to change that so that we get a single
// interval in the template (from MIN(minvalues) to MAX(maxvalues)) with
// 1 row/uec
// --> of course, don't do this if both MIN(maxvalues) and
// MAX(minvalues) (the inner, non-intersecting boundary values) have
// their respective max(min)-set-by-pred flags to be true
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// we clearly have non-overlapping histograms;
// this is strictly less than other (or vice versa)
// | | | |
// | | | |
// this other
// t.m t.M o.m o.M (t.m = this.min; t.M = this.Max; etc.)
// But we have to be very careful with NULL values. Our best bet is
// to create new copies of leftHistogram,rightHistogram, remove their
// NULL intervals (if any), and then see if either has zero intervals
// after that -- if so, then the empty template-histogram is correct.
// Otherwise, there are two cases to consider:
// where t.m <= t.M < o.m <= o.M // CASE 1
// (or o.m <= o.M < t.m <= t.M) // CASE 2
NABoolean isResultAFakeHistogram = FALSE;
HistogramSharedPtr thisCopy(new Histogram(*histogram_, HISTHEAP));
HistogramSharedPtr otherCopy(new Histogram(*(otherStats->getHistogram()), HISTHEAP));
HistIntVal thisMin (thisCopy->firstHistInt()) ;
HistIntVal otherMin (otherCopy->firstHistInt()) ;
HistIntVal thisMax (thisCopy->lastHistInt()) ;
HistIntVal otherMax (otherCopy->lastHistInt()) ;
// remove the NULL intervals from the copies ('cuz we're building
// an equi-merge template)
if ( thisCopy->isNullInstantiated() ) thisCopy->removeNullInterval() ;
if ( otherCopy->isNullInstantiated() ) otherCopy->removeNullInterval() ;
// if either of these histograms has zero intervals in it (before or
// after we remove the NULL intervals) then the merge result is zero
NABoolean eitherIsJustNULLs = ( (thisCopy->entries() == 0) OR
(otherCopy->entries() == 0) ) ;
EncodedValue max, innerMax, min, innerMin ;
NABoolean innerMaxSetByPred = FALSE, innerMinSetByPred = FALSE;
if ( otherMax < thisMax )
{ // CASE 1 above
DCMPASSERT ( otherMax <= thisMin ) ; // sanity check
max = this->getMaxValue() ;
innerMin = this->getMinValue() ;
innerMinSetByPred = this->isMinSetByPred() ;
innerMaxSetByPred = otherStats->isMaxSetByPred() ;
innerMax = otherStats->getMaxValue() ;
min = otherStats->getMinValue() ;
{ // CASE 2 above
DCMPASSERT ( thisMax <= otherMin) ; // sanity check
max = otherStats->getMaxValue() ;
innerMin = otherStats->getMinValue() ;
innerMinSetByPred = otherStats->isMinSetByPred() ;
innerMaxSetByPred = this->isMaxSetByPred() ;
innerMax = this->getMaxValue() ;
min = this->getMinValue() ;
if ( (innerMinSetByPred AND innerMaxSetByPred) OR eitherIsJustNULLs )
// two cases where we accept that the template histogram should
// be NULL :
// 1. the inner boundaries were both set by predicates
// 2. one (or both) of the source histograms is just a NULL interval
// (which disappears during the equi-merge)
// otherwise, we need to create a fake, 1 interval histogram spanning
// max and min
if ( innerMinSetByPred )
// we know that the minimum can't be smaller than the innerMin
min = innerMin ;
else if ( innerMaxSetByPred )
// we know that the maximum can't be larger than the innerMax
max = innerMax ;
leftHistogram->insertZeroInterval (min, max, TRUE) ;
// finally, update the fake histogram flag
isResultAFakeHistogram = TRUE ;
return isResultAFakeHistogram;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ColStats::newLowerBound
// The following method is invoked to synthesize the effect of a
// column >(=) lowBound predicate.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::newLowerBound (const EncodedValue & newLoBound,
ConstValue* constExpr, NABoolean boundIncluded)
getHistogramToModify() ;
// in all cases, we remove any existing NULL values
removeNullInterval() ;
// if there aren't any Intervals, we're done
if ( histogram_->numIntervals() == 0 OR
getRowcount().isZero() OR getTotalUec().isZero() )
clearHistogram() ;
return ;
Interval first = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
Interval last = histogram_->getLastInterval() ;
// several cases to try :
// CASE 1: if the new lower bound is less than the current
// lower bound ==> check :
// if ( minBoundSetByPred_ ) already, do nothing
// o.w., set minBoundSetByPred_ = TRUE, and create a
// 0-row/0-uec Interval at the bottom of the Histogram
if ( newLoBound < first.loBound() )
if ( isMinSetByPred() == FALSE )
first.setLoBound (newLoBound) ;
first.setLoBoundInclusive (boundIncluded) ;
minValue_ = newLoBound ;
setMinSetByPred (TRUE) ;
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ; // $$$ is this right?
return ; // this new interval does not affect the row/uec aggregates
// CASE 2: if the new lower bound is equal to the current
// lower bound
// 2a : isLoBoundInclusive() == TRUE && boundIncluded == TRUE
// < <= <=
// | | | [3,7] [3,inf) set minSetByPred_ = TRUE
// 3 7 9
// 2b : isLoBoundInclusive() == TRUE && boundIncluded == FALSE
// < <= <=
// | | | [3,7] (3,inf) removeSingleValue(3) --> result: (3,7]
// 3 7 9
// 2c : isLoBoundInclusive() == FALSE && boundIncluded == TRUE
// <= <= <=
// | | | (3,7] [3,inf) if !minSetByPred_, add a zero-row SVI (value 3)
// 3 7 9 and set minSetByPred_ = TRUE
// 2d : isLoBoundInclusive() == FALSE && boundIncluded == FALSE
// <= <= <=
// | | | (3,7] (3,inf) set minSetByPred_ = TRUE
// 3 7 9
if ( newLoBound == first.loBound() )
if ( first.isLoBoundInclusive() == boundIncluded )
setMinSetByPred (TRUE) ;
else if ( first.isLoBoundInclusive() == TRUE )
removeSingleValue (newLoBound, constExpr) ;
if ( isMinSetByPred() == FALSE )
first.setLoBound (newLoBound) ;
first.setLoBoundInclusive (boundIncluded) ;
minValue_ = newLoBound ;
setMinSetByPred (TRUE) ;
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
return ; // in all cases, we're done
} // newLoBound == first.loBound()
// CASE 3: if the new lower bound is greater than the current
// upper bound ...
// --> in normal circumstances, we simply say phooey, this
// results in zero rows, end of story
// --> however, due to our semantics of "trusting"
// the user and using the min/maxSetByPred_ flags, we never
// return 0 rows unless we're 100% *certain* the result is 0 rows
// 3a: new lower bound is greater than the max value allowed
// by this datatype
// 3b: maxSetByPred_ is TRUE
// ==> for both A & B, we zero-out the histogram
// 3c: otherwise
// ==> for this case, we create a new histogram, with one interval,
// from the new lower boundary to the upper limit of this datatype's
// values, and give this interval 1 row/1 uec
if ( newLoBound > last.hiBound() ||
// see the comments for case 4 (b-d) below to understand the rest of this
// logical expression
( newLoBound == last.hiBound() &&
(last.isHiBoundInclusive() == FALSE || boundIncluded == FALSE) ) )
// in all cases, the result is now fake
setFakeHistogram (TRUE) ;
// first, calculate the max upper value of this datatype
EncodedValue datatypeMaxValue (WIDE_("(<)"), columns_ ) ;
if ( newLoBound > datatypeMaxValue || isMaxSetByPred() == TRUE )
clearHistogram() ;
// NB: this is NOT the same as setToSingleValue !
// (this sets all the flags except fake hist)
setToSingleInterval (newLoBound, datatypeMaxValue, 1, 1) ;
getModifableFrequentValues().deleteFrequentValuesBelowOrEqual (newLoBound, TRUE) ;
return ;
// CASE 4: if the new lower bound is equal to the current
// upper bound
// 4a : isHiBoundInclusive() == TRUE && boundIncluded == TRUE
// < <= <=
// | | | (7,9] [9,inf) setToSingleValue(9)
// 3 7 9
// 4b : isHiBoundInclusive() == TRUE && boundIncluded == FALSE
// < <= <=
// | | | (7,9] (9,inf) nix entire histogram
// 3 7 9
// 4c : isHiBoundInclusive() == FALSE && boundIncluded == TRUE
// < <= <
// | | | (7,9) [9,inf) nix entire histogram
// 3 7 9
// 4d : isHiBoundInclusive() == FALSE && boundIncluded == FALSE
// < <= <
// | | | (7,9) (9,inf) nix entire histogram
// 3 7 9
if ( newLoBound == last.hiBound() )
// the flags are both TRUE, since we covered the other cases above
setToSingleValue (newLoBound, constExpr) ;
return ;
// CASE 5: newLoBound is between the current hi/lo values of the Histogram
// (the usual case)
// first, find the Interval containing this value
// next, divide that interval into two pieces, as necessary
// third, remove all Intervals above the bottom piece of that Interval
// to differentiate the results between > and >=, we always
// insert a SVI at the boundary value in the case of >= ;
// similar to how we assume the user "knows something" when
// he specifies equality with something that's below the histogram's
// boundaries, we are assuming that the value associated with
// the >= predicate has some significance.
if ( boundIncluded )
histogram_->insertSingleValuedInterval (newLoBound) ;
divideHistogramAlongBoundaryValue (newLoBound, ITM_GREATER_EQ) ;
divideHistogramAlongBoundaryValue (newLoBound, ITM_GREATER) ;
// cleanup: how many rows & uecs remain?
const CostScalar oldTotalUec = totalUec_ ;
setRowsAndUecFromHistogram() ;
baseUec_ = baseUec_ / oldTotalUec * totalUec_ ;
minValue_ = newLoBound ;
setMinSetByPred (TRUE) ;
// sanity check before we go
first = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
if (first.loBound() != newLoBound)
CCMPASSERT (first.loBound() == newLoBound) ;
// These should be equal, since we made sure, just in case it is not
// set that equal, and make histogram fake.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Synthesize the effect of column <(=) newUpBound
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::newUpperBound (const EncodedValue & newUpBound, ConstValue* constExpr,
NABoolean boundIncluded)
getHistogramToModify() ;
// in all cases, we remove any existing NULL values
removeNullInterval() ;
// if there aren't any Intervals, we're done
// if there aren't any rows or uecs, we're also done
if ( histogram_->numIntervals() == 0 ||
getRowcount().isZero() || getTotalUec().isZero() )
clearHistogram() ; // nix the entire thing
return ;
Interval first = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
Interval last = histogram_->getLastInterval() ;
// several cases to try :
// CASE 1: if the new upper bound is greater than the current
// greater bound ==> check :
// if ( maxBoundSetByPred_ ) already, do nothing
// o.w., set maxBoundSetByPred_ = TRUE, and create a
// 0-row/0-uec Interval at the top of the Histogram
if ( newUpBound > last.hiBound() )
if ( isMaxSetByPred() == FALSE)
last.setHiBound (newUpBound) ;
last.setHiBoundInclusive (boundIncluded) ;
maxValue_ = newUpBound ;
setMaxSetByPred (TRUE) ;
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
return ; // this new interval does not affect the row/uec aggregates
// CASE 2 : if the new upper bound is equal to the current
// upper bound
// 2a : isHiBoundInclusive() == TRUE && boundIncluded == TRUE
// < <= <=
// | | | (7,9] (-inf,9] set maxSetByPred_ = TRUE
// 3 7 9
// 2b : isHiBoundInclusive() == TRUE && boundIncluded == FALSE
// < <= <=
// | | | (7,9] (-inf,9) removeSingleValue(9) --> result: (7,9)
// 3 7 9
// 2c : isHiBoundInclusive() == FALSE && boundIncluded == TRUE
// < <= <
// | | | (7,9) (-inf,9] if !maxSetByPred_, add a zero-row SVI (value 9)
// 3 7 9 and set maxSetByPred_ = TRUE
// 2d : isHiBoundInclusive() == FALSE && boundIncluded == FALSE
// < <= <
// | | | (7,9) (-inf,9) set maxSetByPred_ = TRUE
// 3 7 9
if ( newUpBound == last.hiBound() )
if ( last.isHiBoundInclusive() == boundIncluded )
setMaxSetByPred (TRUE) ;
else if ( last.isHiBoundInclusive() == TRUE )
removeSingleValue (newUpBound, constExpr);
if ( isMaxSetByPred() == FALSE )
last.setHiBound (newUpBound) ;
last.setHiBoundInclusive (boundIncluded) ;
maxValue_ = newUpBound ;
setMaxSetByPred (TRUE) ;
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
return ; // in all cases, we're done
} // newUpBound == last.hiBound()
// CASE 3: if the new upper bound is less than the current
// lower bound ...
// --> in normal circumstances, we simply say phooey, this
// results in zero rows, end of story
// --> however, due to our semantics of "trusting"
// the user and using the min/maxSetByPred_ flags, we never
// return 0 rows unless we're 100% *certain* the result is 0 rows
// 3a: new upper bound is less than the min value allowed
// by this datatype
// 3b: maxSetByPred_ is TRUE
// ==> for both A & B, we zero-out the histogram
// 3c: otherwise
// ==> for this case, we create a new histogram, with one interval,
// from the lower limit of this datatype's values up to the new
// upper boundary, and give this interval 1 row/1 uec
if ( newUpBound < first.loBound() ||
// see the comments below to understand the rest of this
// logical expression
( newUpBound == first.loBound() &&
(first.isLoBoundInclusive() == FALSE || boundIncluded == FALSE) ) )
// in all cases, the result is now fake
setFakeHistogram (TRUE) ;
// first, calculate the max upper value of this datatype
EncodedValue datatypeMinValue (WIDE_("(>)"), columns_ ) ;
if ( newUpBound < datatypeMinValue || isMinSetByPred() == TRUE )
clearHistogram() ;
// NB: this is NOT the same as setToSingleValue !
// (this sets all the flags except fake hist)
setToSingleInterval (datatypeMinValue, newUpBound, 1, 1) ;
getModifableFrequentValues().deleteFrequentValuesAboveOrEqual (newUpBound, TRUE) ;
return ;
// CASE 4 : if the new upper bound is equal to the current
// lower bound
// 4a : isLoBoundInclusive() == TRUE && boundIncluded == TRUE
// < < <=
// | | | [3,7) (-inf,3] setToSingleValue(3)
// 3 7 9
// 4b : isLoBoundInclusive() == TRUE && boundIncluded == FALSE
// < < <=
// | | | [3,7) (-inf,3) nix entire histogram
// 3 7 9
// 4c : isLoBoundInclusive() == FALSE && boundIncluded == TRUE
// <= < <=
// | | | (3,7) (-inf,3] nix entire histogram
// 3 7 9
// 4d : isLoBoundInclusive() == FALSE && boundIncluded == FALSE
// <= < <=
// | | | (3,7) (-inf,3) nix entire histogram
// 3 7 9
if ( newUpBound == first.loBound() )
// the flags are both TRUE, since we covered the other cases above
setToSingleValue (newUpBound, constExpr) ;
return ;
// CASE 5: newUpBound is between the current hi/lo values of the Histogram
// (the usual case)
// first, find the Interval containing this value
// next, divide that interval into two pieces, as necessary
// third, remove all Intervals above the bottom piece of that Interval
// to differentiate the results between < and <=, we always
// insert a SVI at the boundary value in the case of <= ;
// similar to how we assume the user "knows something" when
// he specifies equality with something that's below the histogram's
// boundaries, we are assuming that the value associated with
// the >= predicate has some significance.
if ( boundIncluded )
histogram_->insertSingleValuedInterval (newUpBound) ;
divideHistogramAlongBoundaryValue (newUpBound, ITM_LESS_EQ) ;
divideHistogramAlongBoundaryValue (newUpBound, ITM_LESS) ;
// cleanup: how many rows & uecs remain?
const CostScalar oldTotalUec = totalUec_ ;
setRowsAndUecFromHistogram() ;
baseUec_ = baseUec_ / oldTotalUec * totalUec_ ;
maxValue_ = newUpBound ;
setMaxSetByPred (TRUE) ;
// sanity check before we go
last = histogram_->getLastInterval() ;
if (last.hiBound() != newUpBound)
CCMPASSERT (last.hiBound() == newUpBound) ;
// These should be equal, since we made sure, just in case it is not
// set that equal, and make histogram fake.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ColStats::setToSingleInterval
// A helper routine for setToSingleValue() and isNull()
// (assumes we already have a histogram we're allowed to modify)
// --> nixes the current histogram, puts in its place a 2-HistInt
// histogram with the two parameters as the minbound/maxbound
// --> maintains the histogram semantic of having the first HistInt
// always have 0 row/0 uec
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::setToSingleInterval (const EncodedValue & newLoBound,
const EncodedValue & newUpBound,
CostScalar numRows,
CostScalar numUecs)
// want to be careful to keep track of the shape-changed flag
Interval first = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
if ( first.isValid() &&
histogram_->numIntervals() == 1 &&
first.loBound() == newLoBound &&
first.hiBound() == newUpBound &&
first.getRowcount() == numRows &&
first.getUec() == numUecs )
// even though our values have not changed, now they're "vindicated"
// by the application of some predicate
setMinSetByPred (TRUE) ;
setMaxSetByPred (TRUE) ;
return ; // nothing more to do
histogram_->clear() ;
histogram_->insertZeroInterval (newLoBound, newUpBound, TRUE) ;
first = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
first.setRowsAndUec (numRows, numUecs) ;
// set the aggregate values
setRedFactor (1.0) ;
setUecRedFactor (1.0) ;
baseUec_ = numUecs ;
setRowsAndUec (numRows, numUecs) ;
// set the flags
setMinSetByPred (TRUE) ;
setMaxSetByPred (TRUE) ;
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
minValue_ = newLoBound ;
maxValue_ = newUpBound ;
void ColStats::adjustMaxSelectivity(const EncodedValue& normValue,
ConstValue* constExpr,
CostScalar *totalRows,
CostScalar *maxSelectivity)
if (totalRows == NULL || *totalRows <= csZero ||
isVirtualColForHist() ||
histogram_->numIntervals() == 0 ||
getRowcount().isZero() || getTotalUec().isZero())
return ;
Interval first = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
Interval last = histogram_->getLastInterval() ;
EncodedValue datatypeMaxValue (L"(<)", columns_) ;
EncodedValue datatypeMinValue (L"(>)", columns_) ;
if (normValue < datatypeMinValue || normValue > datatypeMaxValue)
if ( normValue < first.loBound() ||
( normValue == first.loBound() &&
!first.isLoBoundInclusive() ) )
if ( normValue > last.hiBound() ||
( normValue == last.hiBound() &&
!last.isHiBoundInclusive() ) )
// First, find the value in the most frequent value list. If it is
// there, then use the frequency to update the maxSelectivity.
NABoolean useHighFreq = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->useHighFreqInfo();
if (useHighFreq)
FrequentValueList &freqList = getModifableFrequentValues();
CollIndex index = 0;
FrequentValue key(normValue, constExpr, columns_[0]->getType());
if ( freqList.getfrequentValueIndex(key, index) )
const FrequentValue & freqV = freqList[index];
*maxSelectivity = MINOF(freqV.getFrequency() / (*totalRows), *maxSelectivity);
// second, find the Interval that contains the value
HistogramSharedPtr hist = this->getHistogram();
if ( hist->numIntervals() == 0 )
Interval iter = hist->getFirstInterval() ;
while ( !iter.containsValue (normValue) ) ;
if ( !iter.containsValue (normValue) )
return; // something no good
CostScalar rows = iter.getRowcount() ;
CostScalar uec = iter.getUec() ;
CollIndex iterIdx = iter.getLoIndex() ;
// Three scenarios to consider:
// 1. If constant is the MFV, take Rc from frequent value list and return,
// the code getfrequentValueIndex(0) above computes maxSelectivity.
// 2. If constant is not an MFV and if 2mfv exists, then take Rc as 2mfv rowcount.
// 3. If constant is not an MFV, and 2mfv doesn't exist (for whatever reason)
// , compute max selectivity using "Rc of constant interval minus MFV freq"
// compute maxSelectivity for scenario 2 now:
if (useHighFreq && iter.getRowcount2mfv() > csZero)
*maxSelectivity =
MINOF(iter.getRowcount2mfv() / (*totalRows), *maxSelectivity);
// compute maxSelectivity for scenario 3 now:
// rows is for the whole interval, it contains MFV, others, so we need
// subtract MFV rowcount.
// get mfv information
CostScalar mfvCnt = csZero;
CostScalar totalMfvRc = csZero;
if (useHighFreq)
getTotalFreqInfoForIntervalWithValue(normValue, totalMfvRc, mfvCnt);
rows -= totalMfvRc;
uec -= mfvCnt;
// maxSelectivity(X=constant) ==
// (rows in constant's histogram interval - uec + 1) / total rows
// we do this here & now, before any interpolation occurs
// to protect our maxSelectivity from interpolation drift
*maxSelectivity = (rows - uec + 1) / *totalRows;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ColStats::setToSingleValue
// Synthesize the effect of an equality predicate against a constant
// i.e. reduce the histogram to a single, single-valued, interval.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::setToSingleValue (const EncodedValue & newValue, ConstValue* constExpr,
CostScalar *totalRows, FrequentValue* fv)
getHistogramToModify() ;
// **** temporary solution ******
// For Transpose columns, which is formed from all constant values, such as
// Transpose 1,2,3 as val, or for Rowset columns we shall do the things
// in a different manner. Since we do not keep the minimum and the
// maximum values of the constants as the interval boundary (this
// would be very expensive, looking on the frequency it will be used)
if (isVirtualColForHist() )
// we do not do any checks about the boundaries, just set the boundary equal
// to the new value
setToSingleInterval (newValue, newValue, 1, 1) ;
setFakeHistogram (TRUE) ;
// for all cases, proceed the normal way
// in all cases, we remove any existing NULL values
removeNullInterval() ;
// if there aren't any Intervals, we're done
if ( histogram_->numIntervals() == 0 ||
getRowcount().isZero() || getTotalUec().isZero() )
clearHistogram() ; // nix the entire thing
return ;
// first : if the newValue being set is less than the minimum allowed by
// the datatype (or greater than the max), then nix the entire histogram
EncodedValue datatypeMaxValue (WIDE_("(<)"), columns_ ) ;
EncodedValue datatypeMinValue (WIDE_("(>)"), columns_ ) ;
if ( newValue < datatypeMinValue || newValue > datatypeMaxValue )
clearHistogram() ;
return ;
Interval first = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
Interval last = histogram_->getLastInterval() ;
// if the value to be set isn't inside the hi/lo bounds
// of the histogram, remove all of 'em
// ==> UNLESS we haven't set the flags minSetByPred_/maxSetByPred_,
// in which case we assume the user has a clue and so we nix
// the entire histogram except for a single Interval containing
// newValue. In such a case, if the histogram is not originally
// fake, we set the rowcount equal to average rowcount otherwise
// we set the rowcount equal to 1. UEC is always set to 1
if ( newValue < first.loBound() ||
( newValue == first.loBound() &&
!first.isLoBoundInclusive() ) )
if ( isMinSetByPred() == TRUE )
clearHistogram() ; // nix the entire thing,
// // wipe out max/min value settings
setToSingleInterval (newValue, newValue, (baseRowCount_/uecBeforePred_).minCsOne(), 1) ;
setToSingleInterval (newValue, newValue, 1, 1) ;
//setToSingleInterval() method sets all the flags except fake hist
setFakeHistogram (TRUE) ;
// remove the skew Value list from the histogram,
// as the value lies outside the histogram range
if ( (!isOrigFakeHist()) )
return ;
if ( newValue > last.hiBound() ||
( newValue == last.hiBound() &&
!last.isHiBoundInclusive() ) )
if ( isMaxSetByPred() == TRUE )
clearHistogram() ;
setToSingleInterval (newValue, newValue, (baseRowCount_/uecBeforePred_).minCsOne(), 1) ;
setToSingleInterval (newValue, newValue, 1, 1) ;
//setToSingleInterval() method sets all the flags except fake hist
setFakeHistogram (TRUE) ;
return ;
// do the work of creating a single-valued interval
// based on this value
FrequentValueList & frequentValueList = getModifableFrequentValues();
NABoolean useMFVs = (((frequentValueList.entries() > 0) && CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->useHighFreqInfo())
// get the MFV row count and number of MFVs corresponding to the interval we are interested in.
// The retvale returns the index in teh histogram where the new interval has been added, which is
// the parent index + 1. So subtract 1 from index to access the correct frequent value.
CostScalar mfvCnt = csZero;
CostScalar totalMfvRc = csZero;
NABoolean distributeRowsAndUec = TRUE;
if ( useMFVs )
distributeRowsAndUec = getTotalFreqInfoForIntervalWithValue(newValue, totalMfvRc, mfvCnt);
CollIndex index = histogram_->insertSingleValuedInterval(newValue, distributeRowsAndUec) ;
// need to use the MFV info for the SVI
Interval theSVI (index, histogram_) ;
ConstValue* tempConstExpr = NULL;
// trim away trailing blanks to avoid bad encoding of strings with
// trailing spaces
if ((CmpCommon::getDefault(HIST_REMOVE_TRAILING_BLANKS) == DF_ON) &&
constExpr &&
(constExpr->getType()->getTypeQualifier() == NA_CHARACTER_TYPE) &&
const CharType *typ = (const CharType *)constExpr->getType();
if (typ->getCharSet() == CharInfo::UNICODE)
Int32 bytesPerChar = (CharInfo::maxBytesPerChar)(typ->getCharSet());
Int32 stringSize = constExpr->getStorageSize()/bytesPerChar;
NAWString constString((NAWchar *)(constExpr->getConstValue()), stringSize);
TrimNAWStringSpace(constString, NAString::trailing);
tempConstExpr = new (HISTHEAP) ConstValue(constString,
NAString constString(constExpr->getRawText()->data());
constString = constString.strip(NAString::trailing);
tempConstExpr = new (HISTHEAP) ConstValue(constString,
constExpr = tempConstExpr;
if (!isOrigFakeHist())
// delete all but the given value from the frequent value list
FrequentValue key(newValue, constExpr, columns_[0]->getType());
// only one entry left in the frequent value list after removing all
// that is not the newValue. Use the frequeny as the rowcount.
index = 0;
if ( useMFVs )
if((frequentValueList.entries() > 0 ) &&
( frequentValueList.getfrequentValueIndex(
(fv) ? (*fv) : FrequentValue(newValue, constExpr, columns_[0]->getType()),
index) == TRUE ) )
CostScalar rows = frequentValueList[index].getFrequency();
theSVI.setRowsAndUec(rows, 1.0);
setRowsAndUec(rows * rowRedFactor_, csOne * uecRedFactor_);
// constant in the predicate is not an MFV
// RC for the value = (rowcount of the interval - totalMfvRc)/(total Uec - mfvCnt)
CostScalar iterUec = theSVI.getUec();
NABoolean intervalHasOnlyFreqValues = (iterUec == mfvCnt);
iterUec = (iterUec - mfvCnt);
// iterUec should not be zero. That would mean that it was a single valued interval
// whose value was also present in the frequent value list, still for some reason the
// optimizer did not find it in the frequent value list
// The value should also not be negative, as that would mean that we have missed
// out some special case, and not computed the number of frequent values matching
// this interval correctly.
// If either of that happens, we shall go with the intervalRC and interUec. The estimate
// may be higher, but we should be able to avoid nested join plans
if (iterUec < csOne && !intervalHasOnlyFreqValues)
CCMPASSERT("Number of frequent values matching the equality constant not computed correctly");
iterUec = csOne;
CostScalar iterRC = theSVI.getRowcount();
iterRC = (iterRC - totalMfvRc)/iterUec;
// The same explanation as for iterUec holds for iterRC too. The iterRC should not go below
// 1. If that happens, use the rowcount from the interval
if (iterRC < csOne && !intervalHasOnlyFreqValues)
CCMPASSERT("Number of frequent values matching the equality constant not computed correctly");
iterRC = (theSVI.getRowcount()/iterUec).minCsOne();
theSVI.setRowsAndUec(iterRC, iterRC.isGreaterThanZero() ? 1.0 : 0.0);
setRowsAndUec (iterRC * rowRedFactor_,
(iterRC.isGreaterThanZero() ? csOne : csZero) * uecRedFactor_) ;
setRowsAndUec (theSVI.getRowcount() * rowRedFactor_,
theSVI.getUec() * uecRedFactor_ ) ;
baseUec_ = totalUec_ ;
// now we want to remove all HistInts except for
// this SVI
// __
// | | | | | | | | |
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// i
// Want to remove 4 preceding (==index)
// __
// | | | | |
// 0 1 2 3 4
// i
// Then, want to remove 3 later (==entries()-2)
// NB: for improved performance, we always try to walk
// LIST objects from front-to-back (see Collections.cpp
// to see how this is a lot faster than back-to-front)
// remove the higher, then lower, Intervals
deleteIntervalsAbove(theSVI) ;
deleteIntervalsBelow(theSVI) ;
// set the min and max of the histogram
minValue_ = maxValue_ = newValue ;
setMinSetByPred (TRUE) ;
setMaxSetByPred (TRUE) ;
if (histogram_->entries() < 2)
// we messed up somewhere. recover by clearing the histogram and
// inserting an interval with boundary equal to the new value
// since we messed up somewhere, lets set the fake histogram flag to true
CCMPASSERT (histogram_->entries() == 2) ;
// check to make sure the results are what we wanted
theSVI = Interval(0,histogram_) ;
if(!theSVI.isSingleValued() )
// if it is not a single valued interval.
// undo whatever we have done, insert a zero interval with
// min and max value
CCMPASSERT ( theSVI.isSingleValued() ) ;
// cleanup : update the aggregate information
if (tempConstExpr)
NADELETE(tempConstExpr, ConstValue, HISTHEAP);
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ColStats::removeSingleValue
// The following method is invoked to synthesize the effect of a
// column NOT= <constant> predicate.
// Please note that the new encoded value must comprise all columns of THIS
// ColStats. This method has the effect (in general) of adding an interval
// containing no rows to the interval containing the specified constant.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::removeSingleValue (const EncodedValue & newValue, ConstValue* constExpr)
getHistogramToModify() ;
// in all cases, we remove any existing NULL values
removeNullInterval() ;
// if there aren't any Intervals, we're done
if ( histogram_->numIntervals() == 0 ||
getRowcount().isZero() || getTotalUec().isZero() )
clearHistogram() ;
return ;
Interval first = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
Interval last = histogram_->getLastInterval() ;
// if the value to be removed isn't inside the hi/lo bounds
// of the histogram, do nothing
if (
( newValue < first.loBound() || newValue > last.hiBound() )
( newValue == first.loBound() && !first.isLoBoundInclusive() )
( newValue == last.hiBound() && !last.isHiBoundInclusive() )
return ;
// Now that we've reached this point, we know that we have
// a non-trivial case. Handle it.
// place an SVI in the histogram, if one doesn't already exist
// with the appropriate value
// we cache this value for keeping track of the shape-changed flag
CollIndex entriesBefore = histogram_->entries() ;
CollIndex index = histogram_->insertSingleValuedInterval (newValue) ;
Interval theSVI(index,histogram_) ;
if (!( theSVI.isSingleValued() ))
CCMPASSERT ( theSVI.isSingleValued() ) ;
// how many rows/uecs are we removing ...?
CostScalar rowsRemoved = rowRedFactor_ * theSVI.getRowcount() ;
CostScalar uecsRemoved = uecRedFactor_ * theSVI.getUec() ;
// set the s-c flag
if ( histogram_->entries() != entriesBefore ||
rowsRemoved.isGreaterThanZero() || uecsRemoved.isGreaterThanZero() )
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
// now remove the rows & uecs (representing the value) from the histogram
theSVI.setRowsAndUec (0, 0) ;
// cleanup : count up the remaining rows and uecs
// NB: we do nothing with the minSetByPred_/maxSetByPred_ flags
// as a result of this function
// instead of adding up all of the HistInts, instead we simply
// subtract what was found to be in the SVI
// already applied the reduction factors above
// A sanity check - we do not want rowsRemoved or uecsRemoved, to
// be more than were available.
CostScalar newRows;
CostScalar newUecs;
newRows = MIN_ZERO(rowcount_ - rowsRemoved);
newUecs = MIN_ZERO(totalUec_ - uecsRemoved);
setRowsAndUec (newRows, newUecs) ;
baseUec_ = totalUec_ ;
if ( (!isOrigFakeHist()) )
FrequentValueList & frequentValueList = getModifableFrequentValues();
// remove the value from skew value list too
FrequentValue key(newValue, constExpr, columns_[0]->getType());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Do the work of removing all HistInts and resetting all aggregate
// information
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( histogram_->entries() > 0 OR
getRowcount().isGreaterThanZero() OR // insurance: maybe some function (?!) which
getTotalUec().isGreaterThanZero() ) // removed HistInts forgot to set this flag
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
setObsoleteHistogram (FALSE) ;
setFakeHistogram (TRUE) ; // NB: do not change "upStatsNeeded" flag
setOrigFakeHist (TRUE) ;
setMinSetByPred (TRUE) ;
setMaxSetByPred (TRUE) ;
histogram_->clear() ;
setRedFactor (0) ;
setUecRedFactor (0) ;
baseUec_ = 0 ;
setRowsAndUec (0, 0) ;
UNINIT_ENCODEDVALUE, 0, 0) ; // avoid empty histograms!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Synthesize the effect of
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColStats::isNull (NABoolean notFlag)
getHistogramToModify() ;
// if there aren't any Intervals, we're done
if ( histogram_->entries() == 0 ||
getRowcount().isZero() || getTotalUec().isZero() )
clearHistogram() ;
return ;
// CASE 1 : notFlag == FALSE ; i.e., predicate == IS NULL / IS UNKNOWN
if ( notFlag == FALSE )
if ( getNullCount().isZero() ) // not any NULLs, we're probably done
// CASE 1a: zero NULLs, there should be 0, clear & finish
if ( isMinSetByPred() == TRUE || isMaxSetByPred() == TRUE )
// yes, we're *SURE*
clearHistogram() ;
return ;
// no, we're not *SURE* -- so we clear out the Histogram
// say there's 1 NULL (with 1 uec) left
// CASE 1b: zero NULLs, there should be 1
// this sets all the flags except fake hist
setFakeHistogram (TRUE) ;
// these are set by the subroutine below -- we don't want to
// lose these values
CostScalar rowRed = getRedFactor() ;
CostScalar uecRed = getUecRedFactor() ;
// this sets all the flags except fake hist
getNullCount(), getNullUec()) ;
setRedFactor (rowRed) ;
setUecRedFactor (uecRed) ;
CostScalar numRows = getRowcount() ;
CostScalar numUecs = getTotalUec() ;
if ( getNullCount().isGreaterThanZero() )
numRows -= getNullCount() * rowRedFactor_ ;
numUecs -= getNullUec() * uecRedFactor_ ;
setShapeChanged (TRUE) ;
removeNullInterval() ;
if ( histogram_->numIntervals() == 0 || // are there no
numRows.isZero() || numUecs.isZero() ) // Intervals?
clearHistogram() ;
return ;
setRowsAndUec (numRows, numUecs) ;
baseUec_ = numUecs ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods on StatsList class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//reduce the number of histogram intervals for histograms
//referenced by the ColStats that make up this StatsList
void StatsList::reduceNumHistInts(Source invokedFrom,
Criterion reductionCriterion)
//iterate over all the ColStats invoking the reduction of number
//of histogram intervals on each of the ColStats
for(UInt32 idx=0; idx < entries(); idx++){
(*this)[idx]->reduceNumHistInts(invokedFrom, reductionCriterion);
//reduce the number of histogram intervals for histograms
//referenced by the ColStats that make up this StatsList
void StatsList::reduceNumHistIntsAfterFetch(NATable& table)
NABoolean hbasePartitioning = table.isHbaseTable() &&
(CmpCommon::getDefault(HBASE_STATS_PARTITIONING) != DF_OFF);
NAFileSet* nfs = table.getClusteringIndex();
const NAColumnArray& ncas = nfs->getAllColumns();
Lng32 leadingKeyColPos = ncas[0]->getPosition();
//iterate over all the ColStats invoking the reduction of number
//of histogram intervals on each of the ColStats
const NAColumnArray& colArray = table.getNAColumnArray();
for(UInt32 idx=0; idx < entries(); idx++)
ColStatsSharedPtr colStats = (*this)[idx];
if ((colStats) && (colStats->statColumns().entries() == 1) &&
(!colStats->isCompressed()) && !colStats->isSingleIntHist())
NAColumn * column = colStats->statColumns()[0];
if (column)
//get the position of the column in the table
short colPos =(short) column->getPosition();
NABoolean isAKeyColumn = (column->isIndexKey() OR
// do not reduce the #intervals for the leading primary key
// column of a hbase table when stats-split is possible.
if (hbasePartitioning && isAKeyColumn &&
colPos == leadingKeyColPos)
//check if this column requires full histograms
NABoolean requiresFullHist = column->isReferencedForHistogram();
//if reduce num hist ints is on
//get a reference to the full histogram's col stats
//decide which version to use, then set statsToInsertFrom
//to reference the stats list of the correct version.
switch (colStats->decideReductionCriterion
colStats->reduceNumHistInts(AFTER_FETCH, CRITERION1);
colStats->reduceNumHistInts(AFTER_FETCH, CRITERION2);
void StatsList::deepDelete()
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
unsigned short members = (UInt32)this->entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
for( unsigned short i=0;i<members;i++)
// StatsList::deepCopy()
// does a deep copy using other. This method is currently only being used
// by HistogramCache to create a copy to cache and to return to the caller
// groupUecValues_ and groupUecColumns_ do not need to be deep copied
// because FetchHistograms does not return/load these two members
void StatsList::deepCopy(const StatsList& other, NAMemory * heap)
unsigned short members = (short)other.entries();
for(unsigned short i=0;i<members;i++)
(*this)[i] = ColStats::deepCopy(*(other[i]),heap);
DCMPASSERT(NOT this->groupUecValues_.entries())
DCMPASSERT(NOT this->groupUecColumns_.entries())
DCMPASSERT(NOT this->groupMCSkewedValueLists_.entries())
// StatsList::insertByPosition()
// Histogram that have reference to the passed column position is copied
// A set of ColStat pointers ("dupList") is used to prevent inserting
// multi-column statistics more than once.
void StatsList::insertByPosition(const StatsList & other,
const Lng32 position,
SET(ColStats*) &dupList)
for(UInt32 i = 0; i < other.entries(); i++)
ColStatsSharedPtr otherStats(other[i]);
const NAColumnArray &otherColumns = otherStats->getStatColumns();
// Skip to the next ColStats if these stats don't contain
// this column position.
if (!otherColumns.getColumnByPos(position))
// At this point, we don't want to add duplicate stats to
// the StatsList. For single-column stats, there is no problem.
// Those are added without additional checkin. For multi-column
// stats, we check previous stats that have already been inserted.
if (otherColumns.entries() == 1)
this->insertAt(this->entries(), otherStats);
// NASet<T>::insert() returns TRUE when an item is inserted
// successfully, and FALSE if the item exists. Only
// insert the ColStats into the StatsList if it hasn't
// already been inserted. This is only necessary for
// multi-column statistics.
// Also, the dupList is short-lived so we are safe dealing
// with the actual pointer in this list without dealing
// with a SET of SharedPtr objects.
if (dupList.insert(otherStats.get()))
this->insertAt(this->entries(), otherStats);
// returns the UEC count from the histogram identified by the parameter
//position. Position here is the position of the column in the table
CostScalar StatsList::getSingleColumnUECCount(const Lng32 position) const
//loop through all the ColStats referenced by this StatsList object
for(UInt32 i =0;i<entries();i++)
//if the current ColStats reference has this column
//and its NAColumnArray has one entry (which means
//that the ColStats object represents a single column)
//then return the current ColStats reference
if(((*this)[i]->getStatColumns().entries()==1) &&
return (*this)[i]->getTotalUec();
return -1;
//returns are reference to the ColStats object representing
//the single column statistics for the column identified by
//the parameter position
ColStatsSharedPtr StatsList::getSingleColumnColStats(const Lng32 position)
//loop through all the ColStats referenced by this StatsList object
for(UInt32 i =0;i<entries();i++)
//if the current ColStats reference has this column
//and its NAColumnArray has one entry (which means
//that the ColStats object represents a single column)
//then return the current ColStats reference
if(((*this)[i]->getStatColumns().entries()==1) &&
return (*this)[i];
//No ColStats reference to single column statistics
//were found, so return NULL
return NULL;
// StatsList::insertCompressedCopy()
// This method is a helper for caching histograms. It makes a deep copy of
// full histogram that references the column positon. Then it makes it look
// like compressed histogram by deleting the 'histogram' structure and then
// makes sure that the column is also at a proper state
ColStatsSharedPtr StatsList::insertCompressedCopy(const StatsList & realStat,
const Lng32 position,
NABoolean state)
for(UInt32 i=0;i<realStat.entries();i++)
NAColumnArray columns = realStat[i]->getStatColumns();
if(columns.entries() ==1 &&
columns.getColumn(Lng32(0))->getPosition() == position)
ColStatsSharedPtr tempStat = (*this)[this->entries()-1];
tempStat->setHistogram(HistogramSharedPtr(new(heap_) Histogram(heap_)));
return (*this)[this->entries()-1];
// StatsList::insertDeepCopyList()
// Adds/inserts deep copy of the list of histograms. Method guards against
// duplication of histograms(due to its way of use, it only needs to do that
// for multi-column histogram). If one of the current single column histogram
// has a reference to a multi-column histogram passed in then we should not add
// it because the multi-column histogram was added when the single column
// histogram was added
void StatsList::insertDeepCopyList(const StatsList & other)
NAList<Lng32> positionList(CmpCommon::statementHeap(),other.entries());
for(UInt32 i=0;i<other.entries();i++)
NAColumnArray colArray(CmpCommon::statementHeap());
colArray = other[i]->getStatColumns();
NABoolean doCopy = TRUE;
for(UInt32 j=0;j<this->entries();j++)
NAColumnArray statColumns = (*this)[j]->getStatColumns();
Lng32 position = statColumns.getColumn(Lng32(0))->getPosition();
if(statColumns.entries()==1 && NOT positionList.contains(position)
&& colArray.getColumnByPos(position))
doCopy = FALSE;
// Overloaded assignment opearator to make sure that the heap also does not
// get copied
StatsList& StatsList::operator=(const StatsList& list)
this->groupUecColumns_ = list.groupUecColumns_;
this->groupUecValues_ = list.groupUecValues_;
this->groupMCSkewedValueLists_ = list.groupMCSkewedValueLists_;
return *this;
StatsList::display() const
StatsList::print() ;
StatsList::print (FILE *f, const char * prefix, const char * suffix,
CollHeap *c, char *buf) const
Space * space = (Space *)c;
char mybuf[1000];
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%sStatsList : %s\n", prefix, suffix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (entries() != 0)
// can't simply call ColStats::print() because the ValueId's haven't
// (might not have) been bound yet
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < entries(); i++)
ColStatsSharedPtr iter = (*this)[i] ;
sprintf(mybuf, "Histograms for columns: ");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
iter->getStatColumns().print(f, prefix, suffix, c, buf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%s TotalUEC = %f \n", prefix,
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
sprintf(mybuf, "%s Rowcount = %f \n", prefix,
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%s Encoded MinValue = ", prefix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
iter->getMinValue().display (f, prefix, suffix, c, buf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "\n%s Encoded MaxValue = ", prefix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
iter->getMaxValue().display (f, prefix, suffix, c, buf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "\n%s RowRedFactor = %f; UecRedFactor = %f %s\n",
prefix, iter->getRedFactor().value(),
iter->getUecRedFactor().value(), suffix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
// Now, display the histogram
if (iter->getHistogram() != NULL)
iter->getHistogram()->print(f, " ", "", c, buf);
sprintf(mybuf,"NULL histogram !\n");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
void StatsList::trace (FILE *f, NATable* table) const
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < entries(); i++)
(*this)[i]->trace(f, table);
// return true iff all fake histograms
NABoolean StatsList::allFakeStats() const
NABoolean allFake = TRUE;
for (UInt32 i=0; i<entries() AND allFake; i++)
if (!((*this)[i])->isFakeHistogram())
allFake = FALSE;
return allFake;
// return count of single column histograms (include fake histograms)
Int32 StatsList::getSingleColumnCount() const
UInt32 count = 0;
for(UInt32 i=0; i<entries();i++)
if (((*this)[i]->getStatColumns()).entries() == 1)
return count;
// return count of multi-column histograms
Int32 StatsList::getMultiColumnCount() const
UInt32 count = 0;
for(UInt32 i=0; i<entries();i++)
if (((*this)[i]->getStatColumns()).entries() > 1)
return count;
// construct a memory efficient representation of colArray
ColumnSet::ColumnSet(const NAColumnArray& colArray, NAMemory *heap)
: ClusteredBitmap(heap)
for (CollIndex c = 0; c < colArray.entries(); c++)
ColumnSet::display() const
void ColumnSet::print() const
ULng32 i = 0;
for (CollIndex x=init(); next(x); advance(x) )
printf("%4d ", x);
if (++i < entries())
// define "<" ordering of NAColumn names
bool operator< (const NAColumn& col1, const NAColumn& col2)
return col1.getColName().compareTo(col2.getColName()) < 0;
// print these column names in alphabetical order
void ColumnSet::printColsFromTable(FILE *ofd, NATable *table) const
if (!ofd) return;
CollIndex x;
ULng32 i = 0, colCount = entries();
if (!table)
for (x=init(); next(x); advance(x) )
fprintf(ofd, "%d", x);
if ((++i < colCount) && (colCount>1))
fprintf(ofd, ",");
// declare a priority_queue and specify the order as <
priority_queue<NAColumn, vector<NAColumn>,
less<vector<NAColumn>::value_type> > pCols;
// add column names
for (x=init(); next(x); advance(x) )
// print column names
i = 0;
while (!pCols.empty())
if ((++i < colCount) && (colCount>1))
fprintf(ofd," ");
void MultiColumnHistogram::display() const
void MultiColumnHistogram::print(FILE *ofd, NATable* table) const
fprintf(ofd, "histogram: ");
columns_.printColsFromTable(ofd, table);
Int64 templl = (Int64) uec_.value();
fprintf(ofd, "uec:" PF64 " ", templl);
templl = (Int64) rows_.value();
fprintf(ofd, "rowcount:" PF64 " ", templl);
fprintf(ofd, "intervals:2 \n");
MultiColumnHistogram * multHistPtr = NULL;
if(multHistPtr) delete multHistPtr;
// add this multi-colum histogram to this list
// (avoid adding any duplicate multi-column histograms)
//mcStat is "fat" STMTHEAP representation of multi-column histogram.
//singleColPositions is the set of columns whose single-column histograms
//that have already been processed (ie, added to HistogramsCacheEntry).
//Assumption: a multi-column histogram is retrieved when
//histograms for any of its columns are retrieved.
//e.g. Table T1(a int, b int, c int)
//histograms: {a},{b},{c},{a,b},{a,c},{b,c},{a,b,c}
//If histograms for column a are fetched we will get
//histograms: {a}, {a,b}, {a,c}, {a,b,c}
//If histograms for column b are fetched we will get
//histograms: {b}, {a,b}, {b,c}, {a,b,c}
//Therefore to avoid duplicated multicolumn stats being inserted
//we pass down the list of single columns for which we have stats
(const ColStats & mcStat, ColumnSet * singleColPositions)
if (mcStat.getStatColumns().entries() > 1)
// get columns of this multi-column histogram
ColumnSet tempColumns(mcStat.getStatColumns(), heap_);
// are this set of columns already in the list?
if ((!singleColPositions) ||
// get columns of this multi-column histogram
// can't use tempColumns since intersectSet can
// can have a side effect
ColumnSet columns(mcStat.getStatColumns(), heap_);
// add multi-column histogram to list
ComUID id(mcStat.getHistogramId());
CostScalar uec = mcStat.getTotalUec();
CostScalar rows = mcStat.getRowcount();
MCSkewedValueList * mcSkewedValueList = new (heap_) MCSkewedValueList (mcStat.getMCSkewedValueList(), heap_);
ColStatsSharedPtr mcStatsCopy = ColStats::deepCopy(mcStat, heap_);
MultiColumnHistogram *mcHistogram = new(heap_)
MultiColumnHistogram(columns, uec, rows, id, mcSkewedValueList, mcStatsCopy, heap_);
insertAt(entries(), mcHistogram);
// add these multi-column histograms to this list.
// no checking for duplicate multi-column histograms.
// used for adding multicolumn histograms for 1st time
// in HistogramsCacheEntry::HistogramsCacheEntry() constructor.
(const StatsList & colStats)
//used in the process of populating this "lean" ContextHeap representation
//from the "fat" colStats representation of multi-column histograms.
// how many multi-column histograms are in colStats?
Int32 multiColumnCount = colStats.getMultiColumnCount();
if (multiColumnCount > 0)
// is this multi-column histogram already in the list?
for(UInt32 i=0; i<colStats.entries();i++)
void MultiColumnHistogramList::display() const
void MultiColumnHistogramList::print (FILE *ofd, NATable* table) const
for (CollIndex x=0; x<entries(); x++)
at(x)->print(ofd, table);
//reduce the number of histogram intervals in the histogram
//referenced by this ColStats Object
void ColStats::compressColStatsForQueryPreds(ItemExpr * lowerBound,
ItemExpr * upperBound,
NABoolean hasJoinPred)
//if there is no histogram return
return; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE - rfi
//dont do anything for fake histograms
//multicolumn stats, dont reduce
if(columns_.entries() > 1)
return; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE - rfi
//if there are only two histints or less
//we dont need to reduce
if(histogram_->entries() <= 2)
//reduce the number of histogram intervals
histogram_->compressHistogramForQueryPreds(lowerBound, upperBound, hasJoinPred);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method to reduce the number of histogram intervals based on range predicates
// example predicates
// * t1.col1 < 3
// * t1.col1 > 1
// * t1.col1 > 1 and t1.col1 < 3
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Histogram::compressHistogramForQueryPreds(ItemExpr * lowerBound,
ItemExpr * upperBound,
NABoolean hasJoinPred)
// don't compress if less than 4 intervals
if (numIntervals() < 4)
// should the histogram be compressed to a single interval
NABoolean compressToSingleInterval = FALSE;
// Validate Parameters - Begin
// Get lowest and the highest values in this histogram
// This is used for checking if a given value false within
// a histogram's boundary or outside of it.
EncodedValue minEncodedValue = getFirstInterval().loBound();
EncodedValue maxEncodedValue = getLastNonNullInterval().hiBound();
// EncodedValues for the upper and lower bounds passed in
EncodedValue * lowerBoundEncodedValue = NULL;
EncodedValue * upperBoundEncodedValue = NULL;
// if a lower bound was passed in
if (lowerBound)
// create an EncodedValue to represent the lower bound
lowerBoundEncodedValue = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
EncodedValue(lowerBound, FALSE);
// a lower bound was not passed in
// create an EncodedValue to represent the lower bound
lowerBoundEncodedValue = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// if a upper bound was passed in
if (upperBound)
// create an EncodedValue to represent the upper bound
upperBoundEncodedValue = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
EncodedValue(upperBound, FALSE);
// a upper bound was not passed in
// create an EncodedValue to represent the upper bound
upperBoundEncodedValue = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// if lowerBound is higher than upperBound
// e.g. a > 3 and a < 2
if ((*lowerBoundEncodedValue) > (*upperBoundEncodedValue))
compressToSingleInterval = TRUE;
if (lowerBound)
// if the lower bound is smaller than the smallest value
// in the histogram
if ((*lowerBoundEncodedValue) < minEncodedValue)
(*lowerBoundEncodedValue) = minEncodedValue;
// if the lower bound is larger than the largest value
if ((*lowerBoundEncodedValue) > maxEncodedValue)
compressToSingleInterval = TRUE;
if (upperBound)
// if the upper bound is larger than the largest value
// in the histogram
if ((*upperBoundEncodedValue) > maxEncodedValue)
(*upperBoundEncodedValue) = maxEncodedValue;
// if the upper bound is smaller than the smallest value
if ((*upperBoundEncodedValue) < minEncodedValue)
compressToSingleInterval = TRUE;
// Validate Parameters - End
// keep in mind by this point in the code
// if compressToSingleInterval != FALSE then it is
// guaranteed that:
// lowerBoundEncodedValue <= upperBoundEncodedValue]
// Another important thing to keep in mind is that
// there should be a lower and upper bound by this
// point in the code.
// If the upper bound is not passed in we set the upper
// bound to be the highest value in the histogram.
// If the lower bound is not passed in we set the lower
// bound to the the lowest value in the histogram.
Int32 state = 0; // 0 = looking for lower bound
// 1 = looking for upper bound
// 2 = found both lower and upper bounds
if (compressToSingleInterval)
state = 2;
//interval object used to iterate over histogram intervals
Interval iter = getFirstInterval();
// get a handle to the next interval
Interval next = getNextInterval (iter);
if ((state != 2) &&
// we found the lower bound in the very first interval
state = 1; // i.e. between
// mext interval is the last, return
if (next.isLast()) return;
if (iter.containsValue(*upperBoundEncodedValue))
// we also found the upper bound in the very first interval
// this means both the lower and the upper bound are in the
// first interval
state = 2; // i.e. after
// skip the first interval;
else if (next.containsValue(*upperBoundEncodedValue))
// found the upper bound in the second interval
// this means the first interval has the lower bound
// and the second interval has the upper bound
state = 2; // i.e. after
// skip the first and the second intervals;;
// the lower bound is in the first interval
// but the upper bound is not in the first
// or the second interval
// skip the first interval;
//iterate over the intervals of this histogram
for ( /* initialized above */ ;
iter.isValid() && !iter.isNull();
/* no automatic increment */)
// if this is the last interval, then break out and return
if ( iter.isLast() ) break;
// at this point, we know another interval exists
Interval next = getNextInterval (iter) ;
// null interval, i.e. interval that
// contains stats for null values is last
if ( next.isNull() ) break; // do not merge NULL intervals!
// if we have found both the lower and the upper bounds
if (state == 2)
// compress i.e. merge the next
// interval into the current interval
if (!iter.merge(next));
// if we are looking for the upper bound
if (state == 1)
// check if next interval contains the upper bound
if (next.containsValue(*upperBoundEncodedValue))
// next interval does contain the upper bound
// set state to indicate we found both lower
// and upper bounds
state = 2;
// if next interval is the last interval break and return
if (next.isLast()) break;
// skip next interval;;
// next interval does not contain the upper bound
// if this column has a join predicate
// then don't compress intervals
// that fall between the lower and
// the upper bounds
if (hasJoinPred)
// compress i.e. merge the next
// interval into the current interval
if (!iter.merge(next));
// if we are looking for the lower bound
if (state == 0)
// check if the next interval contains the lower bound
if (next.containsValue(*lowerBoundEncodedValue))
// next interval does contain the lower bound
// therefore we need to skip over it
// if next interval is the last interval break
if (next.isLast()) break;
// set state to indicate that now we are looking
// for the upper bound
state = 1;
// check if the next interval also contains the
// upper bound
if (next.containsValue(*upperBoundEncodedValue))
// the next interval does contain the upper bound
// therefore set state to indicate we have found
// both the lower and the upper bounds
state = 2;
// since the next interval contains both the bounds
// don't merge it into the current interval (i.e. variable
// iter), rather skip over the next interval;;
// the next interval does not contain the upper bound
// check the interval adjacent to the next interval;
next = getNextInterval(iter);
// if next interval is the last interval break and return
if (next.isLast()) break;
// if next interval contains the upper bound
if (next.containsValue(*upperBoundEncodedValue))
state = 2;
// skip over the next interval;;
// iterate to the next interval;
// next interval does not contain the lower bound
// compress i.e. merge the next
// interval into the current interval
if (!iter.merge(next))
// somthing went wrong during merge, skip to next interval;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method to calculate the selectivity for an equality predicate
// example t1.col1 = 2
// Algorithm:
// 1) Determine the interval which contains the literal.
// 2) Selectivity is equal to the rows of the interval / UEC of the interval.
// 3) the selectivity is equal to total row count / total UEC when Equality
// is with a host var or a constant expression or if the histogram is fake.
// Input:
// constVal - an item expression representing a constant literal or
// a host var
// totalRowcount - total rowcount of this histogram (from ColStats)
// totalUEC - total UEC of this histogram (from ColStats)
// Output:
// selectivity: - the computed selectivity when TRUE is returned
// undefined otherwise
// Return: TRUE - if the selectivity is computable from the histogram
// FALSE - otherwise
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr * constVal,
CostScalar totalRowcount, CostScalar totalUEC,
CostScalar& selectivity)
// create a EncodedValue from the constVal
const EncodedValue encodedConstVal(constVal, FALSE);
Interval last = getLastInterval();
// handle NULL case first
if ( encodedConstVal.isNullValue() == TRUE ) {
if ( last.isNull() ) {
selectivity = last.getRowcount() / last.getUec();
return TRUE;
} else
return FALSE;
// handle host var next
if ( constVal->getOperatorType() == ITM_HOSTVAR )
selectivity = totalRowcount / totalUEC;
return TRUE;
if ( constVal->getOperatorType() != ITM_CONSTANT )
return FALSE;
// handle constant case last by iterating over the intervals of
// this histogram
for ( Interval iter = getFirstInterval(); ;
if ( !iter.isValid() || iter.isNull() ) {
if ( iter == last )
// check if next interval contains constVal
if ( iter.containsValue(encodedConstVal) ) {
selectivity = iter.getRowcount() / iter.getUec();
return TRUE;
if ( iter == last )
// neither the NULL constant nor in any intervals
// return total rowcount / total uec
selectivity = totalRowcount / totalUEC;
return TRUE;
void SkewedValueList::insertInOrder(const EncodedValue& skewed)
CollIndex i;
for (i=0; i<entries(); i++) {
const EncodedValue& x = (*this)[i];
if ( x == skewed )
if ( skewed > x ) {
insertAt(i, skewed);
const NAString SkewedValueList::getText() const
NAString result("[");
const NAType* naType = getNAType();
if ( !needToComputeFinalHash() ) {
// TRUE MCSB case. All hash values are computed. Each skew is
// represented by a dot character.
for (CollIndex i=0; i<entries(); i++)
result += ".";
} else
if ( naType->useHashRepresentation() == FALSE )
for (CollIndex i=0; i<entries()-1; i++) {
result += (*this)[i].getText(FALSE, /* no surrounding parenthesis */
FALSE /* no fractional part */
) + ", ";
result += (*this)[entries()-1].getText(FALSE, FALSE);
} else {
for (CollIndex i=0; i<entries(); i++) {
if ( (*this)[i].getValue().isNull() == FALSE ) {
result += ".";
} else
result += (*this)[i].getText(FALSE, /* no surrounding parenthesis */
FALSE /* no fractional part */
) ;
result += "]";
return result;
MCSkewedValue & MCSkewedValue::operator= (const MCSkewedValue& other)
if (this != &other)
NAWchar * boundaryVal = new(heap_) NAWchar[na_wcslen(other.boundary_)+ 1];
na_wcscpy(boundaryVal, (NAWchar*)other.boundary_);
boundary_ = boundaryVal;
frequency_ = other.frequency_;
hash_ = other.hash_;
mcEncodedValue_ = new (heap_) EncodedValue(*(((MCSkewedValue &)other).mcEncodedValue_), ((MCSkewedValue &)other).heap_);
return *this;
void MCSkewedValue::print (FILE *f, const char * prefix,
const char * suffix, CollHeap *c, char *buf) const
Space * space = (Space *)c;
char mybuf[1000];
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%sMCSkewedValue : %s\n", prefix, suffix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%sBoundary : %s", prefix, suffix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
Lng32 wlen = na_wcslen(boundary_) + 10;
char* wbuf = new (heap_) char[wlen * 2];
na_wsprintf((wchar_t *)wbuf, WIDE_("%s"), boundary_);
//swprintf((wchar_t *)mybuf, na_wcslen(boundary_), boundary_);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, wbuf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%sEncodedValue = ", prefix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
mcEncodedValue_->display (f, DEFAULT_INDENT, "", c, buf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%sFrequency : %f\n", prefix, frequency_.value());
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
void MCSkewedValue::display() const
void MCSkewedValueList::print (FILE *f, const char * prefix,
const char * suffix, CollHeap *c, char *buf) const
Space * space = (Space *)c;
char mybuf[1000];
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%sMCSkewedValueList : %s\n", prefix, suffix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if(entries() == 0)
sprintf(mybuf,"Empty MCSkewedValueList !\n");
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < entries(); i++)
void MCSkewedValueList::display() const
MCSkewedValueList::MCSkewedValueList(const MCSkewedValueList & mcsvl, NAMemory *h)
:NAList<MCSkewedValue *>(h ? h : CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
heap_(h ? h : CmpCommon::statementHeap())
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < mcsvl.entries(); i++)
MCSkewedValue * otherMCSV =;
MCSkewedValueList & MCSkewedValueList::operator= (const MCSkewedValueList& other)
if (this != &other)
LIST(MCSkewedValue *)::operator= (other);
return *this;
// NAHashDictionary class requires the following operator to be defined.
NABoolean MCSkewedValueList::operator==(const MCSkewedValueList& mcsvl)
if (entries() != mcsvl.entries())
return FALSE;
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < entries(); i++)
MCSkewedValue *thisMCSV = at(i);
MCSkewedValue *otherMCSV =;
if(!(*thisMCSV == *otherMCSV))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void MCSkewedValueList::mergeMCSkewedValueList(MCSkewedValueList * leftSide,
MCSkewedValueList * rightSide,
CostScalar avgRowcountForNonSkewValuesOnLeftSide,
CostScalar avgRowcountForNonSkewValuesOnRightSide,
MergeType mergeMethod)
NAWchar * newBound = NULL;
CostScalar newFreq;
EncodedValue * newEV = NULL;
CollIndex leftIndex = 0;
CollIndex rightIndex = 0;
CollIndex leftSideEntries = 0;
leftSideEntries = leftSide->entries();
CollIndex rightSideEntries = 0;
rightSideEntries = rightSide->entries();
while ( leftIndex < leftSideEntries ||
rightIndex < rightSideEntries )
if((leftIndex < leftSideEntries) &&
(rightIndex < rightSideEntries))
MCSkewedValue * leftV = leftSide->at(leftIndex);
MCSkewedValue * rightV = rightSide->at(rightIndex);
CostScalar leftFreq = leftV->getFrequency();
CostScalar rightFreq = rightV->getFrequency();
if ( *leftV == *rightV )
if(mergeMethod == INNER_JOIN_MERGE || mergeMethod == OUTER_JOIN_MERGE)
newFreq = leftFreq * rightFreq;
else if(mergeMethod == SEMI_JOIN_MERGE)
newFreq = leftFreq;
else if(mergeMethod == ANTI_SEMI_JOIN_MERGE)
newFreq = 0;
else if(mergeMethod == UNION_MERGE)
newFreq = leftFreq + rightFreq;
else if(mergeMethod == OR_MERGE)
newFreq = MAXOF(leftFreq, rightFreq);
else if(mergeMethod == AND_MERGE)
newFreq = MINOF(leftFreq, rightFreq);
newBound = (NAWchar * )leftV->getBoundary();
newEV = (EncodedValue *)leftV->getEncodedValue();
else if ( *leftV < *rightV )
if(mergeMethod == INNER_JOIN_MERGE || mergeMethod == OUTER_JOIN_MERGE)
newBound = (NAWchar * )leftV->getBoundary();
newFreq = leftV->getFrequency() * avgRowcountForNonSkewValuesOnRightSide;
newEV = (EncodedValue *)leftV->getEncodedValue();
if(mergeMethod == INNER_JOIN_MERGE || mergeMethod == OUTER_JOIN_MERGE)
newBound = (NAWchar * )rightV->getBoundary();
newFreq = rightV->getFrequency() * avgRowcountForNonSkewValuesOnLeftSide;
newEV = (EncodedValue *)rightV->getEncodedValue();
else if((leftIndex < leftSideEntries) &&
(rightIndex == rightSideEntries))
if(mergeMethod == INNER_JOIN_MERGE || mergeMethod == OUTER_JOIN_MERGE)
MCSkewedValue * leftV = leftSide->at(leftIndex);
newBound = (NAWchar * )leftV->getBoundary();
newFreq = leftV->getFrequency() * avgRowcountForNonSkewValuesOnRightSide;
newEV = (EncodedValue *)leftV->getEncodedValue();
else if((leftIndex == leftSideEntries) &&
(rightIndex < rightSideEntries))
if(mergeMethod == INNER_JOIN_MERGE || mergeMethod == OUTER_JOIN_MERGE)
MCSkewedValue * rightV = rightSide->at(rightIndex);
newBound = (NAWchar * )rightV->getBoundary();
newFreq = rightV->getFrequency() * avgRowcountForNonSkewValuesOnLeftSide;
newEV = (EncodedValue *)rightV->getEncodedValue();
newFreq = newFreq.minCsOne();
MCSkewedValue *newV = new (STMTHEAP) MCSkewedValue(newBound,
newBound = NULL;
void MCSkewedValueList::addMCSkewedValue(MCSkewedValue * newValue)
void MCSkewedValueList::addMCSkewedValue(const NAWchar * boundary,
CostScalar frequency,
const EncodedValue & eV,
UInt32 hash)
NAWchar * boundaryVal = new(heap_) NAWchar[na_wcslen(boundary)+ 1];
na_wcscpy(boundaryVal, (NAWchar*)boundary);
EncodedValue * encodedVal = new (heap_) EncodedValue (eV, heap_);
MCSkewedValue *mcSkewedValue = new(heap_) MCSkewedValue(boundaryVal, frequency, encodedVal, hash, heap_);
void ColStats::addMCSkewedValue(const NAWchar * boundary, CostScalar frequency)
const NAColumnArray colArray = getStatColumns();
ConstValue** cvPtrs = new STMTHEAP ConstValuePtrT[colArray.entries()];
EncodedValue eV = EncodedValue (boundary, colArray, cvPtrs);
UInt32 hash = eV.computeRunTimeHashValue(colArray, boundary, cvPtrs);
mcSkewedValueList_.addMCSkewedValue(boundary, frequency, eV, hash);
// to be called from the debugger
FrequentValueList::display() const
FrequentValueList::print (FILE *f, const char * prefix, const char * suffix,
CollHeap *c, char *buf) const
Space * space = (Space *)c;
char mybuf[1000];
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%sFrequent Values : %s\n", prefix, suffix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
if (entries() != 0)
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < entries(); i++)
(*this)[i].print(f, " ","", c, buf);
void FrequentValue::print (FILE *f,
const char * prefix,
const char * suffix,
CollHeap *c, char *buf) const
Space * space = (Space *)c;
char mybuf[1000];
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%sHash Val = %u ", prefix, getHash());
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%s Encoded Val = ", prefix);
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
getEncodedValue().display (f, DEFAULT_INDENT, "", c, buf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%s Freq. = %f ", prefix, getFrequency().value());
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
snprintf(mybuf, sizeof(mybuf), "%s Probab. = %f \n", prefix, getProbability().value());
PRINTIT(f, c, space, buf, mybuf);
FrequentValue::FrequentValue(UInt32 hashValue,
CostScalar frequency,
CostScalar probability,
EncodedValue value)
hash_ = hashValue;
frequency_ = frequency;
probability_ = probability;
encodedValue_ = value;
FrequentValue::FrequentValue(const EncodedValue& normValue,
ConstValue* cv,
const NAType* colType,
CostScalar freq, CostScalar prob)
: hash_(0), frequency_(freq), probability_(prob), encodedValue_(normValue)
if ( normValue.isNullValue() )
hash_ = 666654765;
else {
if ( cv &&
//const NAType* colType = columns[0]->getType();
if ((colType->getTypeQualifier() == NA_CHARACTER_TYPE) &&
((CharType*)colType)->isCaseinsensitive() &&
(((CharType*)colType)->getCharSet() != CharInfo::UNICODE))
cv = cv->toUpper(HISTHEAP);
hash_ = cv->computeHashValue(*colType);
ColStats::createAndAddSkewedValue(const wchar_t *boundary, Interval &iter)
HistogramSharedPtr hist = this->getHistogram();
if ( (hist == NULL) || (hist->numIntervals() == 0))
// Set the threshold to the MIN of the average rowcount per
// unique value, and COMP_INT_44 (default to 1 million).
double int44 = (ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults()).getAsDouble(COMP_INT_44);
CostScalar thresholdFreq = MINOF((getRowcount() / getTotalUec()) * 2, int44);
if (iter.containsAFrequentValue(thresholdFreq))
return createAndAddFrequentValue(boundary, iter);
void ColStats::createAndAddFrequentValue(const wchar_t *boundary, Interval &iter)
HistogramSharedPtr hist = this->getHistogram();
if ( (hist == NULL) || (hist->numIntervals() == 0))
FrequentValueList & frequentValueList = getModifableFrequentValues();
if (frequentValueList.isFull())
// get the columns for this histogram
const NAColumnArray &columns = this->getStatColumns();
// add the hash value to the frequent value list
// collect NULL values too for skew
CostScalar frequency;
if (iter.isNull() )
UInt32 hash = 666654765; // hash value for NULL as used by the executor in exp_functions.cpp
EncodedValue boundaryEV; boundaryEV.setValueToNull();
frequency = iter.getRowcount();
FrequentValue newV(hash, frequency, csOne, boundaryEV);
frequency = iter.getRowcount() / iter.getUec();
ConstValue** cvPtrs = new STMTHEAP ConstValuePtrT[columns.entries()];
EncodedValue ev(boundary, columns, cvPtrs);
FrequentValue newV(ev, cvPtrs[0], columns[0]->getType(), frequency);
// the probability of the frequent value is one when it is added to the list
NABoolean FrequentValueList::isFull()
const ULng32 maxSkewValues = CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->maxSkewValuesDetected();
if (entries() > maxSkewValues)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
NABoolean ColStats::mergeFrequentValues(ColStatsSharedPtr& otherStats, NABoolean scaleFreq,
MergeType mergeMethod, NABoolean adjRowCount)
NABoolean isRCAdjusted = FALSE;
FrequentValueList & leftFrequentValueList = getModifableFrequentValues();
FrequentValueList & rightFrequentValueList = otherStats->getModifableFrequentValues();
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_42) == DF_OFF)
CostScalar leftAverageFreq = getRowcount()/getTotalUec();
CostScalar rightAverageFreq = otherStats->getRowcount()/otherStats->getTotalUec();
CostScalar scaleFactor = (getScaleFactor()*otherStats->getScaleFactor()).minCsOne();
if (scaleFreq)
leftAverageFreq = (leftAverageFreq / scaleFactor);
rightAverageFreq = (rightAverageFreq / scaleFactor);
CollIndex i;
if (leftFrequentValueList.entries() != 0)
leftFrequentValueList.scaleFreqAndProbOfFrequentValues(rightAverageFreq, csOne);
for (i = 0; i < rightFrequentValueList.entries(); i++)
const FrequentValue rightFrequentValue = rightFrequentValueList[i];
CostScalar newFreq = (rightFrequentValue.getFrequency()) * leftAverageFreq;
FrequentValue newV(rightFrequentValue);
// use the new merging method
// first merge the frequent frequent values into one list
FrequentValueList * resultFreqValList = new (STMTHEAP) FrequentValueList(STMTHEAP);
// temporarily save matched frequent values for later use in this method
FrequentValueList * tmpLeftFreqValList = new (STMTHEAP) FrequentValueList(STMTHEAP);
FrequentValueList * tmpRightFreqValList = new (STMTHEAP) FrequentValueList(STMTHEAP);
// collect some basic information from both sides
// Total rowcount from side 1
double RT1 = getRowcount().getValue();
// Total rowcount from side 2
double RT2 = otherStats->getRowcount().getValue();
if (scaleFreq)
RT1 = RT1 / getScaleFactor().getValue();
RT2 = RT2 / otherStats->getScaleFactor().getValue();
double UT1 = getTotalUec().getValue();
// Total UEC from side 2
double UT2 = otherStats->getTotalUec().getValue();
// get the continuum values. In the absence of frequent values
// these will be same as total values so that is where we start from
double RC1 = RT1;
double RC2 = RT2;
double UC1 = UT1;
double UC2 = UT2;
// get the count of frequent values from both lists
double UF1 = leftFrequentValueList.entries();
double UF2 = rightFrequentValueList.entries();
// if there are no frequent values then there is nothing to do
if ( (UF1 > 0) || (UF2 > 0))
CostScalar scaleFactor = csOne;
if (scaleFreq)
scaleFactor = (getScaleFactor()*otherStats->getScaleFactor()).minCsOne();
// Total probability of frequent values for side1 and side2
// Probability of a frequent value changes as the histograms
// are scaled. Lets say we starts with 100 rows of a frequent
// value. The probability of that value is 1. Now lets say the
// histogram is reduced is by 200, such that rowcount or the frequency
// of that value becomes 0.5. This would reduce the probability
// of that frequent value to 0.5 too. Now lets say the histogram is
// scaled up by a factor of 100, taking the row count or the frequency
// to 50, the probability of this value will continue to be 0.5
double UP1 = leftFrequentValueList.getTotalProbability().getValue();
double UP2 = rightFrequentValueList.getTotalProbability().getValue();
// Total rowcount of remaining frequent values for side1
double RF1 = leftFrequentValueList.getTotalFrequency().getValue();
// Total rowcount of remaining frequent values for side 2
double RF2 = rightFrequentValueList.getTotalFrequency().getValue();
// The histograms and subsequently were scaled up as a result of cross product
// done before doing the join. So scale them now to reflect the actual rowcounts
if (scaleFreq)
RF1 = RF1 / getScaleFactor().getValue();
RF2 = RF2 / otherStats->getScaleFactor().getValue();
// Get the continuum values by subtracting the frequent values from total
RC1 -= RF1;
RC2 -= RF2;
UC1 -= UP1;
UC2 -= UP2;
// merge frequent value from side one with that of side 2
// add to the resultFreqValeList those frequent values which appear on both the
// sides. As a side effect of this, leftFrequentValueList and rightFrequentValueList
// get modifed. They now contain remaining values that did not match the frequent
// values of the other side.
// Resultant frequency = left Freq * right frequency / scale by which these two histograms
// have been merged.
resultFreqValList->mergeFreqFreqValues(leftFrequentValueList, rightFrequentValueList, scaleFactor,
mergeMethod, tmpLeftFreqValList, tmpRightFreqValList);
// update the frequent value counts with the remaining frequent values, as these
// will be joined to the continuum values from the other side
UF1 = leftFrequentValueList.entries();
UF2 = rightFrequentValueList.entries();
UP1 = leftFrequentValueList.getTotalProbability().getValue();
UP2 = rightFrequentValueList.getTotalProbability().getValue();
// Total rowcount of remaining frequent values for side1
RF1 = leftFrequentValueList.getTotalFrequency().getValue();
// Total rowcount of remaining frequent values for side 2
RF2 = rightFrequentValueList.getTotalFrequency().getValue();
// The histograms and subsequently were scaled up as a result of cross product
// done before doing the join. So scale them now to reflect the actual rowcounts
if (scaleFreq)
RF1 = RF1 / getScaleFactor().getValue();
RF2 = RF2 / otherStats->getScaleFactor().getValue();
// Determine how many frequent values from one side would match to the continuum values
// from the other side. It should be a minimum of the number of frequent value from
// this side
double US2 = MINOF(UF1, UC2 * (UP1/UT1));
// Matching values between frequent values and continuum values
// For side 2
double US1 = MINOF(UF2, UC1 * (UP2/UT2));
// save probability adjustment for frequent values too that
// do not exist on the other side
double adjProb1 = 1;
double adjProb2 = 1;
if (UF1 > 0)
adjProb1 = US2/UF1;
if (UF2 > 0)
adjProb2 = US1/UF2;
// Remaining rowcounts for both sides, after having adjusted the
// frequencies stolen by the other sides. These will need to be scaled down too
// as these reflect the cross product. If all values from the histogram have been
// moved to frequent values, then continuum values would be zero. No need
// to do any adjustment then
if (UF1 > 0)
// Adjust the frequency side 1 with the average frequency of
// side 2 multiplied by the values from the other side
// that would match with each value of this side
CostScalar adjFreq1 = csZero;
if ( (RC2 > 0) && (UC2 > 0))
adjFreq1 = (RC2 / UC2);
// Traverse the first frequent value list, looking for elements in
// the second frequent value list.
// since these were scaled up during cross product, we need to scale them
// down now
// if OR_MERGE type, then simply add both sides frequent value lists
if ( (CmpCommon::getDefault(HIST_INCLUDE_SKEW_FOR_NON_INNER_JOIN) == DF_ON)
&& mergeMethod == OR_MERGE )
1, 1, getScaleFactor());
adjFreq1, adjProb1,
if (UF2 > 0)
CostScalar adjFreq2 = csZero;
if ( (UC1 > 0)&& (RC1 > 0) )
adjFreq2 = (RC1 / UC1) ;
// after having traversed all left frequent values, traverse
// the remaining right frequent value list and add these values
// to the final frequent value list
// if OR_MERGE type, then simply add both sides frequent value lists
if ( (CmpCommon::getDefault(HIST_INCLUDE_SKEW_FOR_NON_INNER_JOIN) == DF_ON)
&& mergeMethod == OR_MERGE )
1, 1, otherStats->getScaleFactor());
adjFreq2, adjProb2,
// after having computed the steal values, adjusted the continuum values accordingly
if (UC1 > 0)
RC1 -= RC1*US1/UC1;
UC1 = UC1 - US1;
if (UC2 > 0)
RC2 -= RC2*US2/UC2;
UC2 = UC2 - US2;
if ( tmpLeftFreqValList->entries() > 0 &&
tmpRightFreqValList->entries() > 0 &&
adjRowCount )
// get frequent value of the max frequency from the list.
EncodedValue value (UNINIT_ENCODEDVALUE) ;
FrequentValue mostFreqValue = resultFreqValList->getMostFreqValue();
// search for most frequent value in THIS and OTHER ColStats and remove
// corresponding rowcounts.
value = mostFreqValue.getEncodedValue();
// first try if most frequent value is stored in temp freqlists. If yes, we have
// common skewed values, and need their original frequencies (b4 cross product)
CostScalar leftMaxFreq = csZero;
FrequentValue leftMostFreqValue = tmpLeftFreqValList->getMostFreqValue(value);
FrequentValue rightMostFreqValue = tmpRightFreqValList->getMostFreqValue(value);
if ( (value == leftMostFreqValue.getEncodedValue()) &&
(value == rightMostFreqValue.getEncodedValue()) )
leftMaxFreq = leftMostFreqValue.getFrequency() * leftMostFreqValue.getProbability();
HistogramSharedPtr hist = getHistogramToModify();
Interval iter = hist->getFirstInterval() ;
while ( iter.isValid() )
if ( iter.containsValue (value) )
if ( iter.isLast())
else ;
CostScalar rows = csZero;
CostScalar uec = csZero;
// make sure we have the correct interval
if ( iter.containsValue (value) )
rows = iter.getRowcount();
uec = iter.getUec();
rows -= leftMaxFreq;
rows = MAXOF(rows, 1.0);
uec = MAXOF(uec, 1.0);
iter.setRowsAndUec(rows, uec);
isRCAdjusted = TRUE;
// do the same thing for right interval
CostScalar rightMaxFreq = csZero;
rightMaxFreq = rightMostFreqValue.getFrequency() * rightMostFreqValue.getProbability();
hist = otherStats->getHistogramToModify();
iter = hist->getFirstInterval();
while ( iter.isValid() )
if ( iter.containsValue (value) )
if ( iter.isLast() )
else ;
// make sure we have the correct interval
if ( iter.containsValue (value) )
rows = iter.getRowcount();
uec = iter.getUec();
rows -= rightMaxFreq;
rows = MAXOF(rows, 1.0);
uec = MAXOF(uec, 1.0);
iter.setRowsAndUec(rows, uec);
isRCAdjusted = TRUE;
// save the remaining continuum values for later use
// save the frequency of the remaining continuum values for later use
delete tmpLeftFreqValList;
delete tmpRightFreqValList;
return isRCAdjusted;
void FrequentValueList::mergeFreqFreqValues(FrequentValueList &leftFrequentValueList,
FrequentValueList &rightFrequentValueList,
CostScalar scaleFactor,
MergeType mergeMethod,
FrequentValueList *tmpLeftFreqValueList,
FrequentValueList *tmpRightFreqValueList)
CollIndex leftIndex = 0;
CollIndex rightIndex = 0;
while ( leftIndex < leftFrequentValueList.entries() &&
rightIndex < rightFrequentValueList.entries()
FrequentValue & leftV = leftFrequentValueList[leftIndex];
FrequentValue & rightV = rightFrequentValueList[rightIndex];
if ( leftV == rightV ) {
CostScalar newFreq;
if ( (CmpCommon::getDefault(HIST_INCLUDE_SKEW_FOR_NON_INNER_JOIN) == DF_ON)
&& mergeMethod == OR_MERGE )
newFreq = MAXOF(leftV.getFrequency(), rightV.getFrequency());
// temporarily save left and right frequent values
// if both match, then the resultant frequency is a
// product of the two frequencies
newFreq = leftV.getFrequency();
newFreq = newFreq * (rightV.getFrequency());
// since the frequencies were scaled up due to cross product
// we need to scale it down now
newFreq = newFreq / scaleFactor;
CostScalar probability = MINOF(leftV.getProbability(),
probability = MINOF(probability, newFreq).maxCsOne();
// make sure the frequency is atleast 1
newFreq = newFreq.minCsOne();
// use leftV to hold the merged item
// add the new value into the resultant frequent value list
// and remove them from the original frequent value lists
} else
if ( leftV < rightV )
FrequentValueList::scaleAndAppend(FrequentValueList & sourceFrequentValueList,
CostScalar adjFreq,
CostScalar adjProb,
CostScalar scaleFactor)
for (CollIndex sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < sourceFrequentValueList.entries(); sourceIndex ++)
// get the frequent value from the right side
FrequentValue & sourceFrequentValue = sourceFrequentValueList[sourceIndex];
CostScalar newFreq = sourceFrequentValue.getFrequency() / scaleFactor;
// the value does not exist on the other side.
// compute how many matches can be found for this value on the other side
newFreq = newFreq * adjFreq;
// since this value was scaled up, scale it down now, to get the correct frequency
CostScalar newProb = sourceFrequentValue.getProbability();
newProb = newProb * adjProb;
// probability should be minimum of frequency and probability
newProb = MINOF(newProb, newFreq);
newProb = newProb.maxCsOne();
newFreq = newFreq.minCsOne();
// now add this value into the resultant frequent value list
FrequentValueList::getfrequentValueIndex(const FrequentValue& key,
CollIndex & index) const
// index is the input and the output parameter. We start with the
// input index and return the index of the element found
for (;index < entries(); index++)
const FrequentValue & frequentValue = (*this)[index];
if (key == frequentValue )
// entry for hash value exists, return TRUE
return TRUE;
if (key < frequentValue)
// since these are placed in order of the (encodedvalue, hash) value
// large frequentValue means that the key value does not exist
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
FrequentValueList::getTotalFrequency() const
CostScalar totalFrequency = csZero;
for (CollIndex index = 0; index < entries(); index++)
FrequentValue freqVal = (*this)[index];
CostScalar freq = freqVal.getFrequency() * freqVal.getProbability();
totalFrequency += freq;
return totalFrequency;
FrequentValueList::getMaxFrequency() const
CostScalar maxFrequency = csZero;
for (CollIndex index = 0; index < entries(); index++)
FrequentValue freqVal = (*this)[index];
CostScalar freq = freqVal.getFrequency() * freqVal.getProbability();
if (freq > maxFrequency)
maxFrequency = freq;
return maxFrequency;
FrequentValueList::getTotalProbability() const
CostScalar totalProbability = csZero;
for (CollIndex index = 0; index < entries(); index++)
totalProbability += (*this)[index].getProbability();
return totalProbability;
FrequentValueList::insertFrequentValue(const FrequentValue & key)
if ( (key.getEncodedValue() == UNINIT_ENCODEDVALUE) ||
(key.getFrequency() <= csZero) )
CollIndex j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < entries(); j++)
FrequentValue & frequentValue = (*this)[j];
if (key == frequentValue)
// MFV also happened to be skewed value that was put as part
// of insertSkewedValue earlier. Do not duplicate the value
if (key < frequentValue)
this->insertAt(j, key);
void FrequentValueList::scaleFreqAndProbOfFrequentValues(CostScalar freqScale,
CostScalar probScale)
if ((freqScale == 1) && (probScale == 1))
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < entries(); j++)
FrequentValue &thisFrequentValue = (*this)[j];
double newFreq = thisFrequentValue.getFrequency().getValue() *freqScale.getValue();
double newProb = thisFrequentValue.getProbability().getValue();
if (probScale < 1)
newProb *= probScale.getValue();
newProb = MINOF(newProb, newFreq);
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_42) == DF_ON)
newFreq = MAXOF(newFreq, 1.0);
// since NULL is the last interval in the histogram, we will assume that
// the entry for NULL interval will be towards the end of the list
// unless ofcourse the two skew lists have been merged. Hence we will
// start looking for NULL value from the end of the list
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < entries(); j++)
EncodedValue boundary = (*this)[j].getEncodedValue();
if (boundary.isNullValue() )
FrequentValueList::deleteFrequentValuesAboveOrEqual(const EncodedValue & val, NABoolean include)
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < entries(); j++)
EncodedValue value = (*this)[j].getEncodedValue();
if (value > val)
if ( (value == val) && include)
FrequentValueList::deleteFrequentValuesBelowOrEqual(const EncodedValue & val, NABoolean include)
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < entries(); j++)
EncodedValue value = (*this)[j].getEncodedValue();
if (value < val)
if ( (value == val) && include)
FrequentValueList::deleteAllButThisFreqVal(const FrequentValue& val)
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < entries(); j++)
if ((*this)[j].getEncodedValue() != val.getEncodedValue())
FrequentValueList::deleteFrequentValue(const FrequentValue& val)
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < entries(); j++)
if ((*this)[j] == val)
ColStats::getTotalFreqInfoForIntervalWithValue(EncodedValue newValue,
CostScalar & totalMfvRc,
CostScalar &mfvCnt)
totalMfvRc = csZero;
mfvCnt = csZero;
Interval iter = histogram_->getFirstInterval() ;
while ( !iter.containsValue (newValue) ) ;
if ( !iter.containsValue (newValue) )
return TRUE;
FrequentValueList & frequentValueList = getModifableFrequentValues();
EncodedValue loBoundary = iter.loBound() ;
EncodedValue hiBoundary = iter.hiBound() ;
totalMfvRc = frequentValueList.freqOfGivenEncodedVal(newValue, loBoundary, hiBoundary, mfvCnt);
return FALSE;
FrequentValueList::freqOfGivenEncodedVal(EncodedValue mfvEV,
EncodedValue loBoundary,
EncodedValue hiBoundary,
CostScalar &mfvCnt) const
CostScalar totalMfvRc = csZero;
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < entries(); i++)
EncodedValue mfv = (*this)[i].getEncodedValue();
// mfv belongs to an interval lower than the interval to which the
// value we are looking for belongs to, so continue to traverse
if (mfv <= loBoundary)
// mfv belongs to an interval higher than the interval to which the
// value we are looking for belongs to. No need to traverse
if (mfv > hiBoundary)
// mfv belongs to interval we are interested in
totalMfvRc += (*this)[i].getFrequency();
return totalMfvRc;
FrequentValueList::getMostFreqValue() const
CostScalar maxFrequency = csZero;
CollIndex maxIndex = 0;
for (CollIndex index = 0; index < entries(); index++)
FrequentValue freqVal = (*this)[index];
CostScalar freq = freqVal.getFrequency() * freqVal.getProbability();
if (freq > maxFrequency)
maxFrequency = freq;
maxIndex = index;
return (*this)[maxIndex];
FrequentValueList::getMostFreqValue(EncodedValue value) const
for (CollIndex index = 0; index < entries(); index++)
FrequentValue freqVal = (*this)[index];
if (freqVal.getEncodedValue() == value) {
return freqVal;
return (*this)[0];
// for each MC histogram we have two boundary values b_low and b_high. Assuming we have r regions we would like
// to distributed the data to.
// b_low = (l1, ....., ln) where n is the number of columns in the MC
// b_high = (h1, ......, hn)
// then the ranges that will be created are as follows
// - for range 1 the begin key will be b_low
// - for all other ranges k from 2 to r-1, the begin key is (vk1,...,vkn) where vki is computed as follow:
// vki = v(k-1)i + (hi-li)/n
void MCboundaryValueList::getMinMax (const MCboundaryValueList& lv, const MCboundaryValueList& hv, Int32 numParts, LIST(MCboundaryValueList) &vals)
for (Int32 i = 1; i < numParts; i++)
MCboundaryValueList nv;
// generated a mc boundary value based on the previous generated boundary value
for (Int32 j = 0; j < lv.entries(); j ++)
double dbv1 = vals[i-1][j].getDblValue ();
dbv1 += ((hv[j].getDblValue () - lv[j].getDblValue ())/numParts);
EncodedValue ev (dbv1);
NAString* MCboundaryValueList::convertToString (const NAColumnArray& colArray, NABoolean forLastInterval)
NAString* val = new (heap_) NAString("");
// Note that the number of MC columns
// might be less then that of the number of columns
for (Int32 i = 0; i< colArray.entries(); i++)
const NAType* nt = colArray[i]->getType();
double ev = 0;
if (forLastInterval)
ev = nt->getMaxValue();
else if (i >= this->entries())
ev = nt->getMinValue();
ev = (*this)[i].getDblValue ();
NAString* vStr = nt->convertToString (ev, heap_);
if (i != 0)
(*val) += ", ";
(*val) += (*vStr);
return val;
void MCboundaryValueList::display() const
void MCboundaryValueList::print( FILE* ofd,
const char* indent,
const char* title) const
char NEW_INDENT2[] = " ";
fprintf(ofd,"%s%s: ",NEW_INDENT2, title);
if (this->entries() == 0)
fprintf(ofd,"empty list\n");
fprintf(ofd,"list with %d items\n",this->entries());
fprintf(ofd,"%svalues: ",NEW_INDENT2);
for (Int32 i = 0; i < this->entries(); i++)
fprintf(ofd," val: ");