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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: SimpleScanOptimizer.h
* Description: Class SimpleFileScanOptimzer
* Simplified Costing for Scan operators
* Created: 04/2003
* Language: C++
#pragma once
#include "ScanOptimizer.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The class SimpleFileScanOptimizer performs several actions:
// 1.- Builds a key for the access method
// 2.- Computes the cost for the access method
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SimpleFileScanOptimizer : public ScanOptimizer
friend class MDAMCostWA;
friend class MDAMOptimalDisjunctPrefixWA;
friend class MdamTrace;
// Constructor
SimpleFileScanOptimizer(const FileScan& assocFileScan
,const CostScalar& resultSetCardinality
,const Context& myContext
,const ValueIdSet &externalInputs);
// Copy constructor, never called, not implemented!
SimpleFileScanOptimizer(const SimpleFileScanOptimizer &sfso, CollHeap *h=0);
// Destructor
virtual ~SimpleFileScanOptimizer();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// optimize performs several actions:
// 1.- Creates the Search key
// 2.- Computes and returns the cost of the access method.
// 3.- Computes the number of blocks to read per access.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Cost * optimize(SearchKey*& searchKeyPtr // out
,MdamKey*& mdamKeyPtr // out
// Compute the Cost for this single subset Scan using the simple costing model.
// Return - A NON-NULL Cost* representing the Cost for this scan node
// Side-Affects - computes and sets the numberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess_
// data member of ScanOptimizer. This value will be captured by the
// FileScan node and passed to DP2 by the executor, DP2 uses it to
// decide whether it will do read ahead or not.
Cost* scmComputeCostForSingleSubset();
// Construct the Search Key (MDAM or Single Subset)
// (for now just the Single subset is considered)
// Return pointer to search key and cache in local datamember.
SearchKey * constructSearchKey();
// Return the cached pointer to the single subset search key.
// The value was cached in constructSearchKey()
inline const SearchKey *getSearchKey() const { return searchKey_; }
// Returns True if probes are in Full order otherwise False.
// Sets a partialy order flag if probes are partially ordered.
ordersMatch(const InputPhysicalProperty* ipp,
const IndexDesc* indexDesc,
const ValueIdList* innerOrder,
const ValueIdSet& charInputs,
NABoolean partiallyInOrderOK,
NABoolean& probesForceSynchronousAccess) ;
// Compute the size (in rows) of the single subset scanned by this
// scan node. Cache the size in a local data member and also cache the
// key predicates that define the single subset.
void computeSingleSubsetSize();
// Return the cached value for single subset size
// The size of the single subset scanned by this Scan node.
// Computed and cached by computeSingleSubsetSize()
inline const CostScalar &getSingleSubsetSize() const
{ return singleSubsetSize_; }
// Return the cached set of single subset predicates.
// The key predicates which define the single subset.
// Computed and cached by computeSingleSubsetSize()
inline const ValueIdSet &getSingleSubsetPreds() const
{ return singleSubsetPreds_; }
// Does the partitioning function associated with this scan
// represent logical sub-partitioning.
// (If so, we must consider the extra predicates from the
// partitioning function)
NABoolean isLogicalSubPartitioned() const;
// does leading key column has predicate?
NABoolean isLeadingKeyColCovered();
// Get any extra key predicates from the partitioning function. The
// partitioning function will provide extra key predicates when it
// represents logical sub-partitioning.
const ValueIdSet& getPartitioningKeyPredicates() const;
// Estimate the number of blocks that DP2 needs to read per access
// for this Scan. This value is captured by the FileScan Node and
// passed to DP2 by the executor, DP2 uses it to decide whether it
// will do read ahead or not.
// Side-Affects - sets the numberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess_ data member
// of ScanOptimizer.
void computeNumberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess(FileScanBasicCost *basicCostPtr);
// Compute the Cost for this single subset Scan.
// Attempts to find an existing basic cost object which can be reused.
// Computes or resuses the first row and last row cost
// vectors. (IOTime, CPUTime, SeekIOTime, IdleTime, numProbes)
// Return - A NON-NULL Cost* representing the Cost for this scan node
// Side-Affects - computes and sets the numberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess_
// data member of ScanOptimizer. This value will be captured by the
// FileScan node and passed to DP2 by the executor, DP2 uses it to
// decide whether it will do read ahead or not.
Cost * computeCostForSingleSubset();
// Determine if a shareable BasicCost object is available and usable.
// If a usable shared basic cost object is available, return it as is.
// If an unusable shared basic cost object is available, clear it and
// return it as a nonshared basic cost object.
// If a shared basic cost object is not available, create a new one
// and return it as a nonshared basic cost object.
// Return - NABoolean
// - TRUE if a usable shared BasicCost object was available.
// - FALSE if a nonusable or new BasicCost object.
// *&basicCostPtr - set to the BasicCost object (shared or new)
NABoolean getSharedCostObject(FileScanBasicCost *&basicCostPtr);
// Estimate the of seeks required for this single subset per scan
// (partition). Include the seeks required for accessing the index
// blocks.
// Need to Seek to every index level except the root, plus need
// to seek to first data block.
// Even if there are no rows expected in the result set, the
// seeks still need to be performed.
// Do we need to seek twice this amount, once for the begin key
// and once for the end key??????
// Returns: the number of seeks required for a single subset access to
// a partition (this is equal to the number of index levels).
CostScalar estimateNumberOfSeeksPerScan(const CostScalar &seqKB) const;
// Estimate the amount (in KBytes) of data read per scan (partition).
// Include the index blocks which must be read.
// Need to read to every index level except the root (always in cache?)
// Even if there are no rows expected in the result set, the index
// blocks still need to be read.
// Do we need to read (some of) the index blocks twice, once for the
// begin key and once for the end key??????
// Returns: the number of sequential KB read for a single subset access to
// a partition (this include index and data blocks)
CostScalar estimateSeqKBReadPerScan() const;
// Computes the cost vectors (First and Last Row) for this scan.
// Computes:
// - KBytes
// - CPU Instructions
// - Number of seeks
// - Idle time
// - number of probes
// for both cost vectors.
// OUTPUTS: firstRow and lastRow SimpleCostVectors of the BasicCost
// object are populated.
void computeCostVectors(FileScanBasicCost *basicCostPtr) const;
// Computes the cost vectors for this scan using the simple costing model.
// Computes:
// - number of tuples processed
// - number of tuples produced
// - sequential IOs
// OUTPUTS: lastRow SimpleCostVectors of the BasicCost
// object are populated.
Cost* scmComputeCostVectors();
Cost* scmComputeCostVectorsMultiProbes();
Cost* scmComputeCostVectorsForHbase();
Cost* scmComputeCostVectorsMultiProbesForHbase();
// Compute the sequential KBytes accessed to produce the first and
// last rows.
// seqKBFR - The number of KBytes to be accessed to produce the first row.
// seqKBLR - The number of KBytes to be accessed to produce the last row.
void estimateKB(CostScalar &seqKBFR, CostScalar &seqKBLR) const;
// Estimate CPU Instructions (includes Per Request, Per Row and Per KB
// number of CPU Instructions) for First and Last row accessed.
// Inputs:
// seeksPerScan - The number of seeks to be performed by this Scan
// (single partition).
// rowsPerScanFR - The number of rows accessed by this scan before
// returning the first row (single partition)
// rowsPerScanLR - The number of rows accessed by this scan (single
// partition)
// seqKBFR - The number of KBytes to be accessed by this Scan to
// produce the first row (single partition).
// seqKBLR - The number of KBytes to be accessed by this Scan to
// produce the last row (single partition).
// Outputs:
// cpuInstructionsFR - Number of CPU instructions to access the First row.
// cpuInstructionsLR - Number of CPU instructions to access the Last row.
estimateCPUInstructions(const CostScalar &seeksPerScan,
const CostScalar &rowsPerScanFR,
const CostScalar &rowsPerScanLR,
const CostScalar &selectedrowsPerScanFR,
const CostScalar &selectedrowsPerScanLR,
const CostScalar &seqKBFR,
const CostScalar &seqKBLR,
CostScalar &cpuInstructionsFR,
CostScalar &cpuInstructionsLR) const;
// Estimate the number of CPU instructions used for each request.
// This includes performing a binary search of each index block,
// comparing the keys (byte compare of encoded keys) to find the
// appropriate entry. And includes the default per request overhead.
// Return - the number of CPU instruction required to search the index
// blocks to find the appropriate data block for this request.
CostScalar estimateCPUPerReqstInstrs() const;
// Estimate the number of CPU instructions used to copy each row from
// DP2 to the EXEINDP2.
// Return - the number of CPU instruction required to copy each row from
// DP2 to the EXEINDP2.
CostScalar estimateCPUPerRowInstrs() const;
// Estimate the per-row (of single subset) number of CPU instruction
// required to evaluate the executor predicates
CostScalar estimateCPUExePredPerRowInstrs() const;
// Estimate the per-seek CPU instructions. This is the extra CPU cost
// necessary for each seek. For now this is just a default value.
CostScalar estimateCPUPerSeekInstrs() const;
// Estimate the per-KB CPU instructions. This is the extra CPU cost
// necessary to copy each KB from DP2 to the EXEINDP2. For now this
// is just a default value.
CostScalar estimateCPUPerKBInstrs() const;
// Estimate the amount of Idle time used by this Scan.
// CPUCOST_SUBSET_OPEN lumps together all the overhead needed to
// set-up the access to each partition. Thus it is a blocking cost,
// nothing can overlap with it. Since scans are not blocking, by
// definition, put the cost in idle time: this is the cost for
// opening all the partitions but the first partition. The first
// partition is opened before the ScanOptimizer is called. During
// opening the first partition, the necessary info on the file is
// also acquired so it is more expensive and cannot be overlaid.
// Root accounts for the cost of opening the first partition of all
// the tables.
CostScalar estimateIdleTime() const;
// Compute the number of blocks needed to hold the given number of
// rows for this scan. Assume that the rows are dense (no
// fragmentation or slack). Assume that there is a partial block at
// each end of the subset. This may overestimate the number of
// blocks by 1, especially when there are very few rows.
CostScalar getNumBlocksForRows(const CostScalar &numRows) const;
// Compute the estimated number of rows per scan (active partition),
// based on the result set cardinality computed outside of the Scan
// Optimizer and the number of active partitions for this Scan.
CostScalar getResultSetCardinalityPerScan() const;
// Compute the number of rows of this Scan that will fit in a DP2 Buffer.
CostScalar getRowsInDP2Buffer() const;
// Return the cached value of the recordSizeinKB for this Scan. Value
// was initialized from the IndexDesc of the associated FileScan.
inline const CostScalar &getRecordSizeInKb() const { return recordSizeInKb_;}
// Return the cached value of the blockSizeinKB for this Scan. Value
// was initialized from the IndexDesc of the associated FileScan.
inline const CostScalar &getBlockSizeInKb() const { return blockSizeInKb_; }
// Return the repeat Count for this scan. The repeat count is an
// estimate of the number of probes that this scan (partition) will
// receive.
// A return value of >= 1.0 indicates that this is a multiprobe scan
// (below a nested join).
// A return value of csZero (0.0) indicates that this is a single
// probe scan.
CostScalar getRepeatCount() const;
// Return the cached value of the estimatedRecordsPerBlock_ for this
// Scan. Value was initialized from the IndexDesc of the associated
// FileScan.
inline const CostScalar &getEstimatedRecordsPerBlock() const
{ return estimatedRecordsPerBlock_; }
// Addtional methods for Multiprobe scans
// Estimate the of seeks required for this all probes per scan
// (partition). Include the seeks required for accessing the index
// blocks.
// Need to Seek to every index level except the root, plus need to
// seek to first data block.
// Do we need to seek twice this amount, once for the begin key and
// once for the end key??????
// Returns: the number of seeks required for all probes to access a
// partition
CostScalar estimateNumberOfSeeksPerScanMultiProbe() const;
// Estimate the amount (in KBytes) of data read per scan (partition).
// Include the index blocks which must be read.
// Consider these cases:
// Full Cache Benefit - Duplicate probes always get a cache hit.
// No Cache Benefit - Duplicate probes never get a cache hit.
// Random access - Duplicate probes may get a cache hit.
// Returns: the number of sequential KB read for access to
// a partition (this includes index and data blocks)
CostScalar estimateSeqKBReadPerScanMultiProbe() const;
// Computes the cost vectors (First and Last Row) for this scan.
// Computes:
// - KBytes
// - CPU Instructions
// - Number of seeks
// - Idle time
// - number of probes
// for both cost vectors.
// OUTPUTS: firstRow and lastRow SimpleCostVectors of the BasicCost
// object are populated.
void computeCostVectorsMultiProbes(FileScanBasicCost *basicCostPtr);
// SimpleFileScanOptimizer::categorizeMultiProbes()
// Computes and caches the following metrics regarding probes:
// probes_ - the total number of probes for all active partitions.
// successfulProbes_ - the number of probes (probes_) that produce
// some data.
// uniqueProbes_ - the number of distinct probes (probes_). Includes
// successful and failed probes.
// duplicateSuccProbes_ - the number of successful probes
// (successfulProbes_) that are not unique. duplicateSuccProbes =
// successfulProbes - uniqueSuccProbes.
// failedProbes_ - the number of probes (probes_) that do not result
// in data. failedProbes = probes - successfulProbes.
// dataRows_ - the number of rows produced by all successful probes.
// blksPerSuccProbe_ - the estimated number of blocks produced by
// each successful probe on average.
// inOrderProbesFlag - indicates if the probes arrive in order
// relative to the clustering key of the access path.
// Return Value: void - Computed values are cached in data members.
void categorizeMultiProbes(NABoolean *isAnIndexJoin=NULL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is taken from ScanOptimizer.h
// The intension is to change categorizaProbes method for SimpleScanOptimizer
// while keeping the old version for ScanOptimizer, so it couls be used to
// compare the old and new logic. Th rational for this is to have simpler
// logic of categorizing probes for SimpleScanOptimizer.
// Use isMDAM = FALSE when using this in single subset
// Use isMDAM = TRUE when using this in MDAM. In this case
// the routine will assume that we are not in an
// index join (it should be the case because
// code in the early stages should make sure that
// we don't attempt MDAM in an index join). This is
// not a correctness issue, it is an efficiency issue.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
categorizeProbes(CostScalar& successfulProbes /* out */
,CostScalar& uniqueSuccProbes /* out */
,CostScalar& duplicateSuccProbes /* out */
,CostScalar& failedProbes /* out */
,CostScalar& uniqueFailedProbes
,const CostScalar& probes
,const ValueIdSet& preds
,const Histograms& outerHistograms
,const NABoolean isMDAM
,CostScalar * dataRows = NULL
,NABoolean * isAnIndexJoin=NULL
) const;
// Estimate the number of different index blocks visited for
// MultiProbe Scan. This method will use the number of unique probes
// and total key length of index columns instead of universal "rule
// of thumb" from IndexDesc::getEstimatedIndexBlocksLowerBound()
void estimateIndexBlockUsageMultiProbeScan();
// Estimate the real and effective total row count for the table. The
// Effective Total Row Count is the size of the bounding subset of
// all probes. Typically this will be all the rows of the table,
// but if all probes are restricted to a subset of rows (e.g. the
// key predicate contains leading constants) the the effective row
// count will be less than the total row count.
// Returns: The estimated real and effective row count.
void estimateEffTotalRowCount(CostScalar &realRowCount,
CostScalar &effRowCount) const;
// Compute the sequential KBytes accessed to produce the first and
// last rows.
// seqKBFR - The number of KBytes to be accessed to produce the first row.
// seqKBLR - The number of KBytes to be accessed to produce the last row.
void estimateKBMultiProbe(CostScalar &seqKBFR, CostScalar &seqKBLR) const;
// Estimate CPU Instructions (includes Per Request, Per Row and Per KB
// number of CPU Instructions) for First and Last row accessed.
// Inputs:
// seeksPerScan - The number of seeks to be performed by this Scan
// (single partition).
// rowsPerScanFR - The number of rows accessed by this scan before
// returning the first row (single partition).
// rowsPerScanLR - The number of rows accessed by this scan (single
// partition).
// seqKBFR - The number of KBytes to be accessed by this Scan to
// produce the first row (single partition).
// seqKBLR - The number of KBytes to be accessed by this Scan to
// produce the last row (single partition).
// Outputs:
// cpuInstructionsFR - Number of CPU instructions to access the First row.
// cpuInstructionsLR - Number of CPU instructions to access the Last row.
void estimateCPUInstructionsMultiProbe(
const CostScalar &seeksPerScan,
const CostScalar &rowsPerScanFR,
const CostScalar &rowsPerScanLR,
const CostScalar &selectedRowsPerScanFR,
const CostScalar &selectedRowsPerScanLR,
const CostScalar &seqKBFR,
const CostScalar &seqKBLR,
CostScalar &cpuInstructionsFR,
CostScalar &cpuInstructionsLR) const;
CostScalar getProbeCacheCostAdjFactor() const;
NABoolean isProbeCacheApplicable() const;
// Private Data members -
// Cache these values from IndexDesc in this class.
CostScalar recordSizeInKb_;
CostScalar blockSizeInKb_;
CostScalar estimatedRecordsPerBlock_;
// Compute these values during computeSingleSubsetSize()
// The size of the single subset scanned by this Scan node.
CostScalar singleSubsetSize_;
// The key predicates which define the single subset.
ValueIdSet singleSubsetPreds_;
// Will be constructed during constructSearchKey()
// This search key is not owned by this object and will therefore
// not be destroyed when the destructor of this object is called.
// This search key will be returned to the caller
SearchKey *searchKey_;
// Private inline accessors to local datamembers
// For Multiprobe scans
inline const CostScalar getFailedProbes() const { return failedProbes_; }
// Return the cached value of number of data rows. This is the
// number of rows produced by all successful probes.
// The value was cached in categorizeMultiProbes().
// For MultiProbe Scans
inline const CostScalar &getDataRows() const { return dataRows_; }
// Return the cached value of effective total row count. This is the
// size of the bounding subset of all probes. Typically this will be
// all the rows of the table, but if all probes are restricted to a
// subset of rows (e.g. the key predicate contains leading constants)
// then the effective row count will be less than the total row count.
// The value was cached in computeCostVectorsMultiProbes().
// For MultiProbe Scans
inline const CostScalar &getEffectiveTotalRowCount() const
{ return effectiveTotalRowCount_; }
// Return the cached value of real total row count.
// The value was cached in computeCostVectorsMultiProbes().
// For MultiProbe Scans
inline const CostScalar &getTotalRowCount() const { return totalRowCount_; }
// Return the cached value of the lower bound of the number of index
// blocks for the table. This value is the estimate of the number of
// blocks all probes touch in their way down in every level of the
// B-tree. see IndexDesc::getEstimatedIndexBlocksLowerBound().
// The value was cached in computeCostVectorsMultiProbes().
// For MultiProbe Scans
inline const CostScalar &getIndexBlocksLowerBound() const
{ return indexBlocksLowerBound_; }
// Return the cached value of number of blocks for each successful
// probe. This is the estimated number of blocks produced by each
// successful probe on average.
// The value was cached in categorizeMultiProbes().
// For MultiProbe Scans
inline const CostScalar &getBlksPerSuccProbe() const
{ return blksPerSuccProbe_; }
// Return the value of partialy order probes flag.
// The value was cached in orderMatch().
inline const NABoolean getPartialOrderProbesFlag() const
{ return partialOrderProbes_; }
// This is the number of probes (probes_) that do not result in
// data. failedProbes = probes - successfulProbes. The value is
// cached in categorizeMultiProbes().
// For MultiProbe Scans
CostScalar failedProbes_;
// This is the number of rows produced by all successful probes.
// The value is cached in categorizeMultiProbes().
// For MultiProbe Scans
CostScalar dataRows_;
// This is the size of the bounding subset of all probes. Typically
// this will be all the rows of the table, but if all probes are
// restricted to a subset of rows (e.g. the key predicate contains
// leading constants) then the effective row count will be less than
// the total row count. The value is cached in
// computeCostVectorsMultiProbes().
// For MultiProbe Scans
CostScalar effectiveTotalRowCount_;
// The total row count of the inner table.
// For MultiProbe Scans
CostScalar totalRowCount_;
// This value is the estimate of the number of blocks all probes
// touch on their way down in every level of the B-tree. see
// IndexDesc::getEstimatedIndexBlocksLowerBound(). The value is
// cached in computeCostVectorsMultiProbes().
// For MultiProbe Scans
CostScalar indexBlocksLowerBound_;
// This is the estimated number of blocks produced by each
// successful probe on average. The value is cached in
// categorizeMultiProbes().
// For MultiProbe Scans
CostScalar blksPerSuccProbe_;
// This is total UEC of the key prefix for the Right child.
CostScalar keyPrefixUEC_;
// Indicates if the probes are partially in order.
NABoolean partialOrderProbes_;
}; // class SimpleFileScanOptimizer