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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: SearchKey.h
* Description: A search key
* Created: 07/31/95
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "ValueDesc.h"
#include "NABasicObject.h"
#include "mdamkey.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// A search key is a pair of expressions that together define a range
// of values. Its purpose is to localize the search for specific
// values within a b-tree index.
// The methods on SearchKey are the only ones that are "exported"
// interfaces.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SearchKey;
class SearchKeyBounds;
class SearchKeyWorkSpace;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ItemExpr;
class RangePartitioningFunction;
class TableHashPartitioningFunction;
class RoundRobinPartitioningFunction;
class HHDFSTableStats;
class HHDFSListPartitionStats;
class HHDFSBucketStats;
class HHDFSFileStats;
class HHDFSStatsBase;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// class SearchKey
// A SearchKey contains a description of the index on which the
// search key will be used, a list of the index columns, an
// expression that specifies the value to begin the search from
// and another expression that specifies the values to end the
// search at.
// Each search expression has a directive associated with it that
// provides a guidance on how the search should proceed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SearchKey : public ScanKey
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// SearchKey() Constructor
// A search key is a pair of expressions that together define a range
// of values. Its purpose is to localize the search for specific
// values within a b-tree index.
// This method is used for building a search key for an operator that
// will be used for accessing data from the given access path. It
// receives a set of predicates as an input. It analyzes them and
// uses eligible ones for forming the search key. It removes the
// ValueIds of those predicates that it can use for forming the
// search key form the given set. (This constructor is therefore a
// function with the side-effect that the setOfPredicates can be
// modified.)
// It returns a SearchKey regardless of whether eligible key
// predicates are found. In such a case, the range to be search
// is logically equal to the interval (-infinity, +infinity).
// Parameters:
// const ValueIdList & keyColumns
// IN : A read-only reference to the list of key columns
// const ValueIdList & orderOfKeyValues
// IN : A list of expressions that define the ASC/DESC
// order of key values. It can be empty.
// const ValueIdSet & externalInputs
// IN : A read-only reference to the external inputs that are
// available to the operator that will be used for accessing
// data from the access path.
// const NABoolean forwardSearch
// IN : TRUE => The search in the index will use a top-down
// left-to-right tree walk.
// FALSE => right-to-left tree walk
// ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates
// IN : The set of predicates that are to be analyzed for
// determining whether some of them can be used for
// forming the search key. The set may also contain
// assignment operators for columns, but predicates
// and assignment operators must not be mixed.
// OUT: The set of predicates or assigment operators that are not
// used for forming the search key,
// i.e., key predicates/operators = IN - OUT.
//conts ValueIdSet & nonKeyColumnSet
// IN : The set of of non-key columns in the index.
// These are used by replicateNonKeyVEGPredicates(...)
// to figure out whether a key predicate needs to be
// replicated in the executor predicates.
// Return value
// OUT: A SearchKey
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SearchKey(const ValueIdList & keyColumns,
const ValueIdList & orderOfKeyValues,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
const NABoolean forwardSearch,
ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates,
const ValueIdSet& nonKeyColumnSet,
const IndexDesc *indexDesc,
const IndexDesc *UDindexDesc = NULL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The class hierarchy for the SearchKey and MdamKey is as
// ScanKey
// /\
// / \
// SearchKey MdamKey
//Thus a SearchKey IS-A ScanKey and a MdamKey IS-A ScanKey.
//I designed this class hierarchy early in 97 to reflect the
//fact that both SearchKey and MdamKey are keys. Thus, I
//put common behaviour in the abstract class ScanKey.
// One thing that both SearchKey and MdamKey need is
// access to the selection predicates in MDNF (Mdam
// disjunctive normal form). Up to today, the SearchKey
// was transforming the selection predicates to MDNF
// "under the covers" in its constructor (see the
// construction of "MaterialDisjuncts" below):
// SearchKey::SearchKey(const ValueIdList & keyColumns,
// const ValueIdList & orderOfKeyValues,
// const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
// const NABoolean forwardSearch,
// ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates)
// :ScanKey(keyColumns,
// externalInputs,
// *(new HEAP MaterialDisjuncts(setOfPredicates))),
// keyColumns_(keyColumns),
// beginKeyValues_(keyColumns.entries()),
// endKeyValues_(keyColumns.entries())
// Since construction of these disjuncts is expensive, I
// added a new constructor that passes the Disjuncts
// when one is available, also I added a method "init()"
// to SearchKey to contain the code common to both
// constructors. Note that ScanKey keeps a reference
// to the Disjunct instance that it is passed and it does
// not copy it by value, thus the instance of the Disjunct's
// passed must be obtained from the HEAP.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SearchKey(const ValueIdList & keyColumns,
const ValueIdList & orderOfKeyValues,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
const NABoolean forwardSearch,
ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates,
const Disjuncts& associatedDisjuncts,
const ValueIdSet& nonKeyColumnSet,
const IndexDesc *indexDesc,
const IndexDesc *UDindexDesc = NULL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// In certain cases we would like to use a single subset search key
// to filter data from a particular partition of a range partitioning
// scheme. The partitioning key predicate may be too complicated for
// a single subset scheme, however (it's a multi-valued predicate).
// To make this work, despite the complex predicate, a new constructor
// is used that simply sets up begin and end key without going through
// predicate analysis.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SearchKey(const ValueIdList & keyColumns,
const ValueIdList & orderOfKeyValues,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
const NABoolean forwardSearch,
ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates,
const RangePartitioningFunction *rpf,
const ValueIdSet& nonKeyColumnSet,
const IndexDesc *indexDesc,
const IndexDesc *UDindexDesc = NULL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// In certain cases we would like to use a single subset search key
// to filter data from a particular partition of a range partitioning
// scheme. The partitioning key predicate may be too complicated for
// a single subset scheme, however (it's a multi-valued predicate).
// To make this work, despite the complex predicate, a new constructor
// is used that simply sets up begin and end key without going through
// predicate analysis.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SearchKey(const ValueIdList & keyColumns,
const ValueIdList & orderOfKeyValues,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates,
const TableHashPartitioningFunction *hpf,
const ValueIdSet& nonKeyColumnSet,
const IndexDesc *indexDesc,
const IndexDesc *UDindexDesc = NULL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// In certain cases we would like to use a single subset search key
// to filter data from a particular partition of a range partitioning
// scheme. The partitioning key predicate may be too complicated for
// a single subset scheme, however (it's a multi-valued predicate).
// To make this work, despite the complex predicate, a new constructor
// is used that simply sets up begin and end key without going through
// predicate analysis.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SearchKey(const ValueIdList & keyColumns,
const ValueIdList & orderOfKeyValues,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates,
const RoundRobinPartitioningFunction *hpf,
const ValueIdSet& nonKeyColumnSet,
const IndexDesc *indexDesc,
const IndexDesc *UDindexDesc = NULL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Code common to SearchKey constructors is put in the init method:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void init(const ValueIdList & keyColumns,
const ValueIdList & orderOfKeyValues,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
const NABoolean forwardSearch,
ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for accessing the lower and upper bound values.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const ValueIdList & getBeginKeyValues() const
{ return beginKeyValues_; }
const ValueIdList & getEndKeyValues() const
{ return endKeyValues_; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for checking whether two key values are the same and both point
// at the same partition.
// The second argument determines the number of key value components
// (0 to n-1) to check.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean areKeyValuesIdentical(const SearchKey* other, CollIndex n) const;
// Methods to check whether the key range is inclusive or exclusive.
// Note that if there is an expression to determine exclusivity, then the
// corresponding method isXxxxKeyExclusive() returns an undefined value.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline NABoolean isBeginKeyExclusive() const { return beginKeyIsExclusive_; }
inline NABoolean isEndKeyExclusive() const { return endKeyIsExclusive_; }
ItemExpr *getBeginKeyExclusionExpr() const;
ItemExpr *getEndKeyExclusionExpr() const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for computing the default lower and upper bound for this key col
// Used when a SearchKeyBounds object is not needed. For example,
// when adding the partition search keys.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueId computeMissingKeyValue(ValueId keyColumn,
NABoolean wantMinValue);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for accessing the key predicates.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const ValueIdSet & getKeyPredicates() const
{ return keyPredicates_; }
ValueIdSet & keyPredicates() { return keyPredicates_; }
const ValueIdSet & getFullKeyPredicates() const { return fullKeyPredicates_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for determining whether the key predicates are unique.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isUnique() const { return isUnique_; }
NABoolean areAllBeginKeysMissing() const {return allBeginKeysMissing_;};
NABoolean areAllEndKeysMissing() const {return allEndKeysMissing_;};
NABoolean areAllChosenPredsEqualPreds() const {return allChosenPredsAreEqualPreds_;};
NABoolean areAllKeysConstants(NABoolean convCheck) const;
NABoolean isNarrowNeeded() const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods inherited from ScanKey to support histogram costing
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// There is only ONE key disjunct in a SearchKey:
CollIndex getKeyDisjunctEntries() const;
// This method returns the key predicates present in the
// common predicates of the disjuncts obtained from the
// scan's selection predicates:
void getKeyPredicatesByColumn(ColumnOrderList& colOrdLis,
CollIndex disjunctNumber = 0) const;
// Obtain the set of key predicates in the disjunct:
//for SearchKey allKeyPredicates and disjunctNumber are
//insignificant, but the signature of the function had to
//be changed because the signature was also changed in
//the parent class ScanKey
void getKeyPredicates(ValueIdSet &keyPredicates, /* out */
NABoolean *allKeyPredicates = NULL,
CollIndex disjunctNumber = 0) const;
// Generate the data structures needed by the generator and
// rewrite VEG preds and predicates:
virtual void preCodeGen(ValueIdSet& executorPredicates,
const ValueIdSet& selectionPredicates,
const ValueIdSet & availableValues,
const ValueIdSet & inputValues,
VEGRewritePairs * vegPairsPtr,
NABoolean replicateExpression = FALSE,
NABoolean partKeyPredsAdded = FALSE);
// Replace the hostvariables that have changed during optimization.
// More than one set of host variables may have been created for
// logical subpartitioning under different circumstances. Make
// sure all nodes are updated to use the right ones.
virtual void replaceBegEndPivs(ValueIdSet & oldPivs,
ValueIdSet & newPivs);
inline NABoolean valuesArePartitionRange() const
{ return valuesArePartitionRange_; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for debugging
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void display() const;
void print( FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "SearchKey") const;
bool isFullScanPresent()
{ //if we retrieved values twice for each entry, this is a full scan
return (_countTimesBoundaryValReq == 2 * beginKeyValues_.entries());
UInt32 _countTimesBoundaryValReq; //initially 0, counts the number of times we attempted
//to retrieve a boundary value
Int32 getCoveredLeadingKeys() const { return coveredLeadingKeys_; }
void computeCoveredLeadingKeys();
void computeFullKeyPredicates(ValueIdSet& predicates);
// ***********************************************************************
// SearchKey - Private data.
// ***********************************************************************
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Values to start the search with.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList beginKeyValues_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Values to terminate the search with.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList endKeyValues_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The set of key predicates that are derived from the common predicate,
// computed by computeCommonPredicates() and is an intersection of all
// predicates in DisjunctArray). During the computation, the range spec is
// examined and only those NOT in OR form are included in the common
// predicate. For example, the IN list in the following query is an OR
// predicate,
// select * from t010t2 where a in (1,4) and b='a' and c = 1;
// the predicate "a in (1,4)" will not be part of the common predicate.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet keyPredicates_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The set of full key predicates that are derived from the selection
// predicates. This set includes every predicate that refers to any key
// columns.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet fullKeyPredicates_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Boolean indicating whether key predicates formulate a unique key.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isUnique_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is the key range inclusive or exclusive on the begin/end key side?
// (NOTE: if this is not known at compile time, expressions to compute
// the values can be specified below)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean beginKeyIsExclusive_;
NABoolean endKeyIsExclusive_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Optional dynamic indicators for inclusive/exclusive begin/end keys
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueId beginKeyExclusionExpr_;
ValueId endKeyExclusionExpr_;
NABoolean valuesArePartitionRange_;
// TRUE, if no key predicates were used to construct begin keys.
// Min(asc) or Max(desc) values were generated.
NABoolean allBeginKeysMissing_;
// TRUE, if no key predicates were used to construct end keys.
// Max(asc) or Min(desc) values were generated.
NABoolean allEndKeysMissing_;
// set to true if all explicitely specified key preds are equality
// predicates.
NABoolean allChosenPredsAreEqualPreds_;
Int32 coveredLeadingKeys_;
// NABoolean searchOnKeyColumnsOnly_;
}; // class SearchKey
// *************************************************************************
// Classes that are used internally by the key builder.
// *************************************************************************
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// class SearchKeyBounds
// This class is used by the key builder for maintaining intermediate
// status of processing per key column. The intention is to encapsulate
// different policies for choosing key predicates within the implementation
// that is provided for this class. For example, if a measure such as the
// "selectivity" (or uec) of the key predicate is computed, one could
// implement the policy of choosing the most selective inequality predicates
// for defining the lower and upper bounds, respectively.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SearchKeyBounds : public NABasicObject
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SearchKeyBounds(const ValueId & keyId,
NABoolean ascDescFlag,
NABoolean forwardReverseFlag,
const SearchKey& searchKey)
: keyColumnId_(keyId),
ascendingOrder_(ascDescFlag), forwardSearch_(forwardReverseFlag),
beginKeyPredicate_(NULL_VALUE_ID), beginKeyValue_(NULL_VALUE_ID),
endKeyPredicate_(NULL_VALUE_ID), endKeyValue_(NULL_VALUE_ID),
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A member of a Collection class must have a const == operator
// defined for it.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean operator == (const SearchKeyBounds &other) const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An enumeration of the types of bounds that can be specified by a
// predicate. For example,
// BOUND_TYPE_LOWER : is specified by a >, >= predicate
// BOUND_TYPE_EQUAL : is specified by an = predicate
// BOUND_TYPE_UPPER : is specified by a <, <= predicates
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
enum BoundType
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for storing and accessing the ValueId for the key column.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void setKeyColumnId(const ValueId & exprId) { keyColumnId_ = exprId; }
const ValueId & getKeyColumnId() const { return keyColumnId_; }
void setIndexOrderToAscending(const NABoolean indexOrder)
{ ascendingOrder_ = indexOrder; }
void setSearchDirection(const NABoolean forwardOrReverse)
{ forwardSearch_ = forwardOrReverse; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SearchKeyBounds::analyzeSearchPredicates()
// Parameters:
// const ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates
// IN : The set of predicates that are to be analyzed for
// determining whether some of them can be used for
// forming the search key.
// const ValueIdSet & externalInputs
// IN : A read-only reference to the external inputs that are
// available to the operator that will be used for accessing
// data from the access path.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void analyzeSearchPredicates(const ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SearchKeyBounds::computeBeginKeyAndEndKeyValues()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void computeBeginKeyAndEndKeyValues(ValueIdSet & setOfKeyPredicates,
ValueIdSet & setOfNonKeyPredicates,
NABoolean & previousPredsAreEqualPreds,
NABoolean & beginKeyIsExclusive,
NABoolean & endKeyIsExclusive,
ValueId & beginKeyExclusionExpr,
ValueId & endKeyExclusionExpr,
NABoolean & beginKeyMissing,
NABoolean & endKeyMissing,
NABoolean &allchosenPredsAreEqualPreds);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// accessor methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const ValueId & getBeginKeyValue() const { return beginKeyValue_; }
const ValueId & getEndKeyValue() const { return endKeyValue_; }
ValueId getBeginExclusionExpr() const { return beginExclusionExpr_; }
ValueId getEndExclusionExpr() const { return endExclusionExpr_; }
NABoolean isBeginValueExclusive() const { return beginValueIsExclusive_; }
NABoolean isEndValueExclusive() const { return endValueIsExclusive_; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor functions for the index order and search direction.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const NABoolean isAscendingOrder() const { return ascendingOrder_; }
const NABoolean isForwardSearch() const { return forwardSearch_; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor functions for the getting begin/end key predicates
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const ValueId & getBeginKeyPredicate() const { return beginKeyPredicate_; }
const ValueId & getEndKeyPredicate() const { return endKeyPredicate_; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for debugging
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void display() const;
void print( FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "SearchKeyBounds") const;
const SearchKey& getSearchKey() const
{ return searchKey_; }
// ***********************************************************************
// SearchKeyBounds - Private methods.
// ***********************************************************************
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Depending on the type of comparison that is performed by the
// predicate use the value that is referenced in it and apply a
// bound for the search.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void applyABoundForTheSearch(const ValueId & predId,
const ValueId & referencedInput,
const ValueId & intervalExclusionExpr);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Depending on the type of comparison that is performed by the
// predicate, decide whether it will provide a lower bound,
// an upper bound or both.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
BoundType getBoundType(const ValueId & predId,
const ValueId & referencedInput) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find out whether the bound produced by this predicate is inclusive
// (FALSE) or exclusive (TRUE). Return FALSE if this is an equal
// comparison or if this information is being determined at run time.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
static NABoolean isBoundExclusive(const ValueId & predId);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mutator functions used for initializing the work space.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void setBeginKeyBoundType(BoundType boundType)
{ beginKeyBoundType_ = boundType; }
void setBeginKeyPredicate(const ValueId & predId)
{ beginKeyPredicate_ = predId; }
void setBeginKeyValue(const ValueId & exprId)
{ beginKeyValue_ = exprId; }
void setEndKeyBoundType(BoundType boundType)
{ endKeyBoundType_ = boundType; }
void setEndKeyPredicate(const ValueId & predId)
{ endKeyPredicate_ = predId; }
void setEndKeyValue(const ValueId & exprId) { endKeyValue_ = exprId; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for accessing the bound type.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isBeginKeyChosen() const
{ return (beginKeyBoundType_ != BOUND_TYPE_NOT_SET); }
NABoolean isEndKeyChosen() const
{ return (endKeyBoundType_ != BOUND_TYPE_NOT_SET); }
BoundType getBeginKeyBoundType() const { return beginKeyBoundType_; }
BoundType getEndKeyBoundType() const { return endKeyBoundType_; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for accessing the key predicates.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isBeginKeyPredicateChosen() const
{ return (beginKeyPredicate_ != NULL_VALUE_ID); }
NABoolean isEndKeyPredicateChosen() const
{ return (endKeyPredicate_ != NULL_VALUE_ID); }
//const ValueId & getBeginKeyPredicate() const
// { return beginKeyPredicate_; }
//const ValueId & getEndKeyPredicate() const
// { return endKeyPredicate_; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for accessing the key values
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean isBeginKeyValueChosen() const
{ return (beginKeyValue_ != NULL_VALUE_ID); }
NABoolean isEndKeyValueChosen() const
{ return (endKeyValue_ != NULL_VALUE_ID); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for computing the lower and upper bound for this key column.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void computeBeginKeyValue(NABoolean prevBoundWasExclusive);
void computeEndKeyValue(NABoolean prevBoundWasExclusive);
ValueId computeMissingKeyValue(NABoolean wantMinValue);
// ***********************************************************************
// SearchKeyBounds - Private data.
// ***********************************************************************
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The ValueId for the key column
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueId keyColumnId_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Invariants for the search that will be performed.
// NABoolean ascendingOrder
// IN : TRUE => Rows in the index are sorted such that the keys
// are in an ASCENDING sequence.
// FALSE => are in an DESCENDING sequence.
// NABoolean forwardSearch
// IN : TRUE => The search in the index will use a top-down
// left-to-right tree walk.
// FALSE => right-to-left tree walk
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean ascendingOrder_; // the index order
NABoolean forwardSearch_; // the search direction
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The ValueId of an
// =, >, >= predicate for scans in the ascending sequence
// =, <, <= predicate for scans in the descending sequence
// It is set to the NULL_VALUE_ID if no such predicate is supplied.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
BoundType beginKeyBoundType_;
ValueId beginKeyPredicate_;
ValueId beginKeyValue_; // cache the external input
ValueId beginExclusionExpr_;
NABoolean beginValueIsExclusive_; // valid only if beginExclusionExpr_ = NULL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The ValueId of an
// =, <, <= predicate for scans in the ascending sequence
// =, >, >= predicate for scans in the descending sequence
// It is set to the NULL_VALUE_ID if no such predicate is supplied.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
BoundType endKeyBoundType_;
ValueId endKeyPredicate_;
ValueId endKeyValue_; // cache the external input
ValueId endExclusionExpr_;
NABoolean endValueIsExclusive_; // valid only if endExclusionExpr_ = NULL
const SearchKey& searchKey_;
}; // class SearchKeyBounds
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// class SearchKeyWorkSpace
// This class is used by the key builder for maintaining intermediate
// status of processing. It is passed as a parameter between utility
// methods that are used by the key builder. The interfaces for this
// class are internals for the key builder.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SearchKeyWorkSpace : public NABasicObject
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for allocating the work space.
// Parameters:
// const ValueIdList & keyColumns
// IN : The key columns of the index.
// const NABoolean ascendingOrder
// IN : TRUE => Rows in the index are sorted such that the keys
// are in an ASCENDING sequence.
// FALSE => are in an DESCENDING sequence.
// const NABoolean forwardSearch
// IN : TRUE => The search in the index will use a top-down
// left-to-right tree walk.
// FALSE => right-to-left tree walk
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
SearchKeyWorkSpace(const ValueIdList & keyColumns,
const ValueIdList & indexOrder,
const NABoolean forwardSearch,
const SearchKey& searchKey);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SearchKeyWorkSpace::analyzeSearchPredicates()
// Parameters:
// const ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates
// IN : The set of predicates that are to be analyzed for
// determining whether some of them can be used for
// forming the search key.
// const ValueIdSet & externalInputs
// IN : A read-only reference to the external inputs that are
// available to the operator that will be used for accessing
// data from the access path.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void analyzeSearchPredicates(const ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SearchKeyWorkSpace::computeBeginKeyAndEndKeyValues()
// Parameters:
// const ValueIdList & KeyColumns
// IN : List of key columns
// const ValueIdSet & externalInputs
// IN : Set of external input values
// ValueIdList & beginKeyValues
// OUT: Each element of this list contains the ValueId of a
// scalar expression that specifies a lower bound value.
// ValueIdList & endKeyValues
// OUT: Each element of this list contains the ValueId of a
// scalar expression that specifies an upper bound value.
// ValueIdSet & setOfKeyPredicates
// OUT: The set of predicates that are used for building the key.
// ValueIdSet & setOfNonKeyPredicates
// OUT: The set of predicates that must be evaluated as
// selection expressions on rows that are qualified
// by the index keys.
// NABoolean & keyPredicatesUnique
// OUT: Boolean indicating whether set of key predicates specify
// a unique row.
// NABoolean & beginKeyIsExclusive
// OUT: Set to FALSE, if the begin key is included in the key range or
// if this info is computed dynamically by beginKeyExclusionExpr,
// it is set to TRUE if the begin key is excluded from the range.
// NABoolean & endKeyIsExclusive
// OUT: Analogous to beginKeyIsExclusive
// ValueId & beginKeyExclusionExpr
// OUT: If not set to NULL, indicates an expression to be executed
// at runtime to get the value of <beginKeyIsExclusive>.
// ValueId & endKeyExclusionExpr
// OUT: analogous to beginKeyExclusionExpr
// NABoolean & allBeginKeysMissing
// OUT: TRUE, if no key predicates were used to construct begin keys.
// Min(asc) or Max(desc) values were generated.
// NABoolean & allEndKeysMissing
// OUT: TRUE, if no key predicates were used to construct end keys.
// Max(asc) or Min(desc) values were generated.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void computeBeginKeyAndEndKeyValues(const ValueIdList & keyColumns,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdList & beginKeyValues,
ValueIdList & endKeyValues,
ValueIdSet & setOfKeyPredicates,
ValueIdSet & setOfNonKeyPredicates,
NABoolean & keyPredicatesUnique,
NABoolean & beginKeyIsExclusive,
NABoolean & endKeyIsExclusive,
ValueId & beginKeyExclusionExpr,
ValueId & endKeyExclusionExpr,
NABoolean &allBeginKeysMissing,
NABoolean &allEndKeysMissing,
NABoolean &allChosenPredsAreEqualPreds);
const ValueIdSet& getNonKeyColumnSet() const
{ return searchKey_.getNonKeyColumnSet(); }
const SearchKey& getSearchKey() const
{ return searchKey_; }
void handleMultiColumnRangePred(NABoolean isBeginKey,
CollIndex keyNum,
ValueIdList & boundaryValues);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The number of key columns processed in this workspace.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 keyCount_;
LIST(SearchKeyBounds *) keyBounds_;
const SearchKey& searchKey_;
}; // class SearchKeyWorkSpace
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class HivePartitionAndBucketKey
// This class is used to determine which of the Hive list partitions
// and Hive buckets are actually required in a file scan - based on
// the predicates on that scan. This is somewhat similar to the
// functions that a partition SearchKey provides on a regular SeaQuest
// table.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class HiveFileIterator;
class HivePartitionAndBucketKey : public NABasicObject
HivePartitionAndBucketKey(const HHDFSTableStats *hdfsTableStats,// IN
const ValueIdList &hivePartColList, // IN
const ValueIdList &hiveBucketColList, // IN
ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates); // IN/OUT
const HHDFSTableStats * getHDFSTableStats() const { return hdfsTableStats_; }
// compute statistics for selected partitions and buckets
void accumulateSelectedStats(HHDFSStatsBase &result);
NABoolean isSingleBucketSelected() const
{ return selectedSingleBucket_ >= 0; }
Int32 selectedSingleBucket() const { return selectedSingleBucket_; }
// provide (const) access to the bit mask of selected partitions
const SUBARRAY(HHDFSListPartitionStats *) & getMask()
{ return selectedPartitions_; }
// iteratively retrieve a list of HDFS files selected by the selection preds
NABoolean getNextFile(HiveFileIterator &i);
const HHDFSTableStats *hdfsTableStats_;
ValueIdList hivePartColList_;
ValueIdList hiveBucketColList_;
// TBD: how to process the predicates
// number of the bucket if predicates select a single bucket,
// -1 otherwise
Int32 selectedSingleBucket_;
// bitmap for Hive partitions that are not eliminated by
// predicates on Hive partitioning columns
SUBARRAY(HHDFSListPartitionStats *) selectedPartitions_;
// Iterator class to retrieve a list of HDFS files that are
// selectd by the selection predicates
class HiveFileIterator
friend class HivePartitionAndBucketKey;
HiveFileIterator() { reset(); }
void reset() { p_ = b_ = f_ = 0; l_= 1;
l1PartStats_ = NULL; l2BucketStats_ = NULL; l3FileStats_ = NULL; }
const HHDFSListPartitionStats *getPartStats() { return l1PartStats_; }
const HHDFSBucketStats *getBucketStats() { return l2BucketStats_; }
const HHDFSFileStats *getFileStats() { return l3FileStats_; }
// current file selected by the iterator
const HHDFSListPartitionStats *l1PartStats_;
const HHDFSBucketStats *l2BucketStats_;
const HHDFSFileStats *l3FileStats_;
// indexes of next file to be returned
CollIndex p_; // index of list partition
CollIndex b_; // index of bucket within partn
CollIndex f_; // index of file within bucket
CollIndex l_; // level at which to try to advance next
class HbaseSearchKey : public SearchKey
HbaseSearchKey(const ValueIdList & keyColumns,
const ValueIdList & orderOfKeyValues,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
const NABoolean forwardSearch,
ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates,
const ValueIdSet& nonKeyColumnSet,
const IndexDesc *indexDesc,
const IndexDesc *UDIndexDesc,
const ValueIdSet & outputsByHbaseScan
const ValueIdSet& getRequiredOutputColumns() { return requiredOutputColumns_; };
const ValueIdSet& getNonKeyPreds() { return nonKeyPreds_; };
// NABoolean searchOnKeyColumnsOnly();
static void makeHBaseSearchKeys(
const SearchKey * builtinSearchKey,
const ValueIdList & keyColumns,
const ValueIdList & orderOfKeyValues,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
const NABoolean forwardSearch,
ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates,
const ValueIdSet& nonKeyColumnSet,
const IndexDesc *indexDesc,
const ValueIdSet & outputsByHbaseScan,
LIST(HbaseSearchKey *) &producedKeys);
// A method comparing two hbase search keys on the following aspects.
// 1. The length of the begin/end keys
// 2. The equality of both begin and end key values
// 3. The key type (unique or scan)
// 4. # of covered leading keys
// Please refer to HbaseAccess::processSQHbaseKeyPreds() for
// elements of HbaseSearchKey used and compared in this method.
NABoolean isEqualTo(const HbaseSearchKey* other) const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// the set of non key columns detected during cstr();
ValueIdSet nonKeyColumns_;
// the set of key columns passed in cstr();
ValueIdList keyColumns_;
// the output columns from the hbase scan, required by all its direct or indirect
// parents;
ValueIdSet requiredOutputColumns_;
ValueIdSet nonKeyPreds_;
#endif /* SEARCHKEY_H */