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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: RelSample.h
* Description: Class definitions for the classes RelSample
* and PhysSample
* Created: 9/24/98
* Language: C++
#include "RelExpr.h"
// The RelSample class
// Class RelSample
class RelSample : public RelExpr
enum SampleTypeEnum
// the constructor
RelSample (RelExpr *child,
SampleTypeEnum sampleType = ANY,
ItemExpr *balanceExpr = NULL,
ItemExpr *requiredOrder = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// the desctructor
virtual ~RelSample ();
// RelSample operator has only one child
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
virtual Int32 getArity () const { return 1; };
virtual const NAString getText() const {return "Sample";};
ValueIdList mapSortKey(const ValueIdList &sortKey) const;
// Method to return data members
// Accessor methods
inline ValueIdList & requiredOrder() { return requiredOrder_; };
inline const ValueIdList & requiredOrder() const { return requiredOrder_; }
inline SampleTypeEnum sampleType () const { return sampleType_; };
inline void sampleType (SampleTypeEnum type) {sampleType_ = type; };
inline NABoolean sampleScanSucceeded () {return sampleScanSucceeded_; };
inline void setSampleScanSucceeded (NABoolean b) {sampleScanSucceeded_ = b;};
inline ItemExpr *&balanceExprTree() { return balanceExprTree_; };
inline const ItemExpr *balanceExprTree() const { return balanceExprTree_; };
inline ValueIdSet & balanceExpr() { return balanceExpr_; };
inline const ValueIdSet & balanceExpr() const { return balanceExpr_; };
inline ValueIdSet & sampledColumns() { return sampledColumns_; };
inline const ValueIdSet & sampledColumns() const { return sampledColumns_; };
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
virtual RelExpr *copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode, CollHeap *outHeap);
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet & outputValues) const;
virtual void pushdownCoveredExpr(const ValueIdSet & outputExprOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet &newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet &predicatesOnParent,
const ValueIdSet * setOfValuesReqdByParent = NULL,
Lng32 childIndex = (-MAX_REL_ARITY)
ItemExpr *removeBalanceExprTree();
virtual void transformNode(NormWA &normWARef,
ExprGroupId &locationOfPointerToMe);
virtual void rewriteNode(NormWA & normWARef);
virtual RelExpr *normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
virtual RelExpr * semanticQueryOptimizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
virtual void pullUpPreds();
virtual void recomputeOuterReferences();
CostScalar computeResultSize(const CostScalar &childCardinality);
virtual void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
virtual Context* createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex);
virtual RelExpr *bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
NABoolean isSimpleRandomRelative() const;
Float32 getSamplePercent() const;
Lng32 getClusterSize() const;
// Return a pointer to the required order tree after
// setting it to NULL.
ItemExpr *removeRequiredOrderTree();
// An ItemExpr list of columns representing the reqired sort order
// for this node.
ItemExpr *requiredOrderTree_;
// The bound version of requiredOrderTree_.
ValueIdList requiredOrder_;
// Sample type is one of RANDOM, PERIODIC, FIRSTN, CLUSTER
SampleTypeEnum sampleType_;
// Used by optimizer to avoid firing PhysicalSampleRule for CLUSTER
// samples which have already succesfully fired the SampleScanRule.
// If the SampleScanRule has not successfully fired, we want the
// PhysicalSampleRule to fire so that an appropriate error message
// can be produced in the generator. This data member is initially
// set to FALSE and is set to TRUE by the SampleScanRule.
NABoolean sampleScanSucceeded_;
// The balance expression is a list of balance itemexprs
ItemExpr *balanceExprTree_;
// The bound balance expression
ValueIdSet balanceExpr_;
// The output columns
ValueIdSet sampledColumns_;
// Class PhysSample ----------------------------------------------------
// The PhysSample node replaces the logical RelSample node through the
// application of the PhysSampleRule. This transformation is
// designed to present a purely physical verison of this operator
// that is both a logical and physical node.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class PhysSample : public RelSample
// The constructor
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
PhysSample(RelExpr *child = NULL,
RelSample::SampleTypeEnum type = ANY,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: RelSample(child, type, NULL, NULL, oHeap)
// The destructor.
virtual ~PhysSample();
// methods to do code generation of the physical node.
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
// generate CONTROL QUERY SHAPE fragment for this node.
virtual short generateShape(CollHeap * space, char * buf, NAString * shapeStr = NULL);
// Copy a chain of derived nodes (Calls UnPackRows::copyTopNode).
// Needs to copy all relevant fields (in this case no fields
// need to be copied)
// Used by the Cascades engine.
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap *outHeap = NULL);
// cost functions
virtual PhysicalProperty *synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
// Redefine these virtual methods to declare this node as a
// physical node.
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const {return FALSE;};
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const {return TRUE;};
ExplainTuple *addSpecificExplainInfo(ExplainTupleMaster *explainTuple,
ComTdb * tdb,
Generator *generator);
}; // class PhysSample