blob: d892e459c5c9c21cc8fa7cf2eb2e5aae53e8d800 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef RELMISC_H
#define RELMISC_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: RelMisc.h
* Description: Miscellaneous relational operators
* (both physical and logical operators)
* Created: 4/28/94
* Language: C++
//#include "exp_clause_derived.h"
#include "ObjectNames.h"
#include "RelExpr.h"
#include "SQLCLIdev.h"
#include "OptUtilIncludes.h"
#include "BinderUtils.h"
#include "StmtNode.h"
#include "LateBindInfo.h"
#include "SequenceGeneratorAttributes.h"
#include "ComSecurityKey.h"
#include "CmpStatement.h"
class TrafDesc;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class RelRoot;
class Tuple;
class TupleList;
class Filter;
class Rename;
class RenameTable;
class RenameReference;
class BeforeTrigger;
class Refresh;
class MapValueIds;
class Pack;
class PhyPack;
class FirstN;
class ExtractSource;
class SequenceGenerator;
class Rowset;
class RowsetRowwise;
class RowsetInto;
class RowsetFor;
class ControlRunningQuery;
class CommonSubExprRef;
class Union;
// The following are physical operators
// class Tuple is both a logical and a physical operator!!!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class LogicalProperty;
class BindWA;
class Generator;
class SearchKey;
class RaiseError;
class ItemExprList;
class UpdateColumns;
class QuerySimilarityInfo;
class HostArraysWA;
class DeltaDefinition;
class PipelineDef;
class IncrementalRefreshOption;
class DeltaDefinitionPtrList;
class NRowsClause;
class PipelineClause;
class MVInfo;
class MvRefreshBuilder;
class MvBindContext;
class RangePartitioningFunction;
class ElemDDLNode;
class ElemProxyColDef;
class ItemExprList;
class RtmdCompileTimeObj;
class HbaseAccessOptions;
class Union;
// TreeStore struct
struct TreeStore : public NABasicObject
RelExpr * rep; //rel expr ptr
Int32 cindex; //compressed index
TreeStore(RelExpr * r, Int32 c){rep=r; cindex=c;}
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A RelRoot operator returns a computed expression for each of its
// child rows. A typical application for the RelRoot node is the SELECT
// list of an SQL query, like SELECT a+1, b+c, d from t; A RelRoot node
// also keeps a list of input variables. Both computed expressions and
// input variables are lists rather than sets.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class RelRoot : public RelExpr
// constructor
RelRoot(RelExpr *child,
OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_ROOT,
ItemExpr *compExpr = NULL,
ItemExpr *orderBy = NULL,
ItemExpr *updateCol = NULL,
RelExpr *reqdShape = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
RelRoot(RelExpr *child,
AccessType at,
LockMode lm,
OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_ROOT,
ItemExpr *compExpr = NULL,
ItemExpr *orderBy = NULL,
ItemExpr *updateCol = NULL,
RelExpr *reqdShape = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
RelRoot(const RelRoot & other);
// virtual destructor
virtual ~RelRoot();
// get the degree of this node (it is a unary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
void setFirstNRowsParam(ItemExpr *firstNRowsParam)
{ firstNRowsParam_ = firstNRowsParam; }
ItemExpr * getFirstNRowsParam() { return firstNRowsParam_; }
// access (get and set) the count of output variables for this (dynamic) query
Int32 &outputVarCnt() { return outputVarCnt_; }
NABoolean outputVarCntValid() const { return outputVarCnt_ >= 0; }
// get and set the input variables as a parse tree
void addInputVarTree(ItemExpr *inputVar);
ItemExpr * removeInputVarTree();
// add input variable to the top of tree. As of R1.5 called only for
// ODBC initiated dynamic rowset queries.
void addAtTopOfInputVarTree(ItemExpr *inputVar);
// get and set the output variables as a parse tree
ItemExpr *& outputVarTree() { return outputVarTree_; }
void addOutputVarTree(ItemExpr *outputVar);
ItemExpr * removeOutputVarTree();
ItemExpr *& assignmentStTree() {return assignmentStTree_; }
void addAssignmentStTree(ItemExpr *inputOutputVar);
ItemExpr * removeAssignmentStTree();
ItemExpr *& assignList() { return assignList_; }
// get and set the compute predicate as a parse tree
ItemExpr * getCompExprTree() const { return compExprTree_; }
void addCompExprTree(ItemExpr *compExpr);
ItemExpr * removeCompExprTree();
// get and set the order by list as a parse tree
void addOrderByTree(ItemExpr *orderBy);
ItemExpr * removeOrderByTree();
NABoolean hasOrderBy() { return orderByTree_ || reqdOrder_.entries(); }
ItemExpr * getOrderByTree() const { return orderByTree_; }
// get and set the where predicate as a parse tree
ItemExpr * getPredExprTree() const { return predExprTree_; }
void addPredExprTree(ItemExpr *predExpr);
ItemExpr * removePredExprTree();
// partitioning type, TMUDF only
TMUDFInputPartReq getPartReqType() {return partReqType_;}
void setPartReqType(TMUDFInputPartReq val) {partReqType_= val;}
// get and set the partition By set as a parse tree, TMUDF only
void addPartitionByTree(ItemExpr *partBy);
ItemExpr * removePartitionByTree();
NABoolean hasPartitionBy() { return partitionByTree_ || partArrangement_.entries() ; }
ItemExpr * getPartitionByTree() const { return partitionByTree_; }
// get and set the update column list as a parse tree
void addUpdateColTree(ItemExpr *updateCol);
ItemExpr * removeUpdateColTree();
// return a (short-lived) read/write reference to the input/output lists
ValueIdList & compExpr() { return compExpr_; }
const ValueIdList & compExpr() const { return compExpr_; }
void setCompExpr(const ValueIdList& c) { compExpr_ = c; }
ValueIdList & assignmentStVars() { return assignmentStVars_; }
void setAssignmentStVars(const ValueIdList &c) {assignmentStVars_ = c; }
ValueIdList & inputVars() { return inputVars_; }
const ValueIdList & inputVars() const { return inputVars_; }
ValueIdList & outputVars() { return outputVars_; }
const ValueIdList & outputVars() const { return outputVars_; }
ValueIdList & reqdOrder() { return reqdOrder_; }
const ValueIdList & reqdOrder() const { return reqdOrder_; }
// TMUDF only
ValueIdSet & partitionArrangement() { return partArrangement_; }
const ValueIdSet & partitionArrangement() const { return partArrangement_; }
ValueIdList & updateCol() { return updateCol_; }
const ValueIdList & updateCol() const { return updateCol_; }
void setReqdShape(RelExpr *shape) { reqdShape_ = shape; }
RelExpr *getReqdShape() const { return reqdShape_; }
ValueIdList &pkeyList() { return pkeyList_; }
ItemExpr *&currOfCursorName() { return currOfCursorName_; }
NABoolean &updatableSelect() { return updatableSelect_; }
NABoolean &updateCurrentOf() { return updateCurrentOf_; }
NABoolean &rollbackOnError() { return rollbackOnError_; }
void processRownum(BindWA * bindWA);
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// a virtual function to get addressability to the list of output values
virtual ItemExpr * selectList();
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// scalar expressions to a canonical form
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe);
// a method used during subquery transformation for pulling up predicates
// towards the root of the transformed subquery tree
virtual void pullUpPreds();
// a method used for recomputing the outer references (external dataflow
// input values) that are still referenced by each operator in the
// subquery tree after the preidcate pull up is complete.
virtual void recomputeOuterReferences();
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for rewriting its
// value expressions.
virtual void rewriteNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for performing
// predicate pushdown and computing a "minimal" set of
// characteristic input and characteristic output values.
virtual RelExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// subqueries are unnested in this method
virtual RelExpr * semanticQueryOptimizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
RelExpr * inlineTempTablesForCSEs(NormWA & normWARef);
// Method to push down predicates from a RelRoot node into the
// children
void pushdownCoveredExpr(const ValueIdSet & outputExprOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet& predOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet * nonPredExprOnOperator = NULL,
Lng32 childId = (-MAX_REL_ARITY) );
// The set of values that I can potentially produce as output.
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet & vs) const;
void setRootFlag(NABoolean trueRootFlag) { trueRoot_ = trueRootFlag; }
NABoolean isTrueRoot() const { return trueRoot_; }
void setSubRoot(NABoolean subRoot) { subRoot_ = subRoot; }
NABoolean isSubRoot() const { return subRoot_; }
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// synthesize logical properties
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
virtual void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
// optimizer functions
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
virtual Context* createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex);
virtual NABoolean currentPlanIsAcceptable(Lng32 planNo,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const;
virtual PhysicalProperty *synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
// method to do code generation
RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool)
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
virtual void computeMyRequiredResources(RequiredResources & reqResources,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & inLP);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// set display on/off.
void setDisplayTree(NABoolean val) {displayTree_ = val;}
NABoolean getDisplayTree() const {return displayTree_;}
ExplainTuple *addSpecificExplainInfo(ExplainTupleMaster *explainTuple,
ComTdb * tdb,
Generator *generator);
StmtLevelAccessOptions& accessOptions() { return accessOptions_; }
NABoolean &readOnlyTransIsOK() { return readOnlyTransIsOK_; }
NABoolean isUpdatableCursor();
NABoolean isUpdatableView(NABoolean &isInsertable) const;
LIST(OptSqlTableOpenInfo *) &getViewStoiList() { return viewStoiList_; }
LIST(OptSqlTableOpenInfo *) &getDDLStoiList() { return ddlStoiList_; }
LIST(OptUdrOpenInfo *) &getUdrStoiList() { return stoiUdrList_; }
LIST(OptUDFInfo *) &getUDFList() { return udfList_; }
ComSecurityKeySet &getSecurityKeySet() { return securityKeySet_; }
NABoolean &needFirstSortedRows() { return needFirstSortedRows_; }
//++ Privs
NABoolean checkPrivileges(BindWA* bindWA);
void findKeyAndInsertInOutputList( ComSecurityKeySet KeysForTab
, const uint32_t userHashValue
, const PrivType which );
//++ MVs
NABoolean hasMvBindContext() const;
MvBindContext * getMvBindContext() const;
void setMvBindContext(MvBindContext * pMvBindContext);
// -- MVs
void setRootOfInternalRefresh() { isRootOfInternalRefresh_ = TRUE; }
NABoolean isRootOfInternalRefresh() const { return isRootOfInternalRefresh_; }
void setMVQRqueryNonCacheable() { isQueryNonCacheable_ = TRUE; }
NABoolean isMVQRqueryNonCacheable() const { return isQueryNonCacheable_;}
// -- Triggers
void setEmptySelectList() { isEmptySelectList_ = TRUE; }
NABoolean isEmptySelectList() const { return isEmptySelectList_; }
void setDontOpenNewScope() { isDontOpenNewScope_ = TRUE; }
NABoolean isDontOpenNewScope() const { return isDontOpenNewScope_; }
// NABoolean &doOltpQueryOptimization() { return doOltpQueryOptimization_; }
OperatorType &childOperType() { return childOperType_;};
ItemExpr *getInputVarTree() { return inputVarTree_; }
ItemExpr *getOutputVarTree() { return outputVarTree_; }
inline LIST(ComTimestamp) * getTriggersList() const { return triggersList_; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This routine checks whether a table is both read and updated
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual rwErrorStatus checkReadWriteConflicts(NormWA & normWARef);
inline NABoolean avoidHalloween() const
{ return avoidHalloween_; }
inline void setAvoidHalloween(NABoolean h)
{ avoidHalloween_ = h; }
inline NABoolean disableESPParallelism() const
{ return disableESPParallelism_; }
inline void setDisableESPParallelism(NABoolean e)
{ disableESPParallelism_ = e; }
HostArraysWA *getHostArraysArea() { return hostArraysArea_; }
void setHostArraysArea(HostArraysWA *ha) { hostArraysArea_ = ha; }
// apply xforRowsetsInTree to RelRoot & return transformed tree
RelExpr *xformRowsetsInTree(BindWA& wa,
const ULng32 inputArrayMaxsize = 0,
const RelExpr::AtomicityType atomicity = RelExpr::UNSPECIFIED_);
// append an ascii-version of RelRoot into cachewa.qryText_
virtual void generateCacheKey(CacheWA& cwa) const;
// is this entire expression cacheable after this phase?
virtual NABoolean isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa);
// change literals of a cacheable query into ConstantParameters and
// save true root into cachewa so we can add ConstantParameters as inputs
virtual RelExpr* normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cwa, BindWA& bindWA);
// For defect id: 10-010522-2978
RelRoot *getParentForRowsetReqdOrder()
{ return parentForRowsetReqdOrder_; };
void setParentForRowsetReqdOrder(RelRoot * pRR)
{ parentForRowsetReqdOrder_ = pRR; };
// End defect id: 10-010522-2978
inline const ItemExprList *getSpOutParams (void)
return spOutParams_;
NABoolean forceCQS(RelExpr *);
RelRoot * transformGroupByWithOrdinalPhase1(BindWA *bindWA);
RelRoot * transformGroupByWithOrdinalPhase2(BindWA *bindWA);
RelRoot * transformOrderByWithExpr(BindWA *bindWA);
ItemExpr * processGroupingID(ItemExpr * ie, BindWA *bindWA);
// MV --
NABoolean virtual isIncrementalMV() { return getFirstNRows()==-1 && !needFirstSortedRows(); }
NABoolean downrevCompileNeeded() const
return (downrevCompileMXV_ != COM_VERS_CURR_PLAN);
void setDownrevCompileMXV(COM_VERSION mxv)
{ downrevCompileMXV_ = mxv;}
COM_VERSION getDownrevCompileMXV() { return downrevCompileMXV_;}
// For parallel extract producer queries
NABoolean isParallelExtractProducer() const
{ return (numExtractStreams_ > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); }
void setNumExtractStreams(ComUInt32 n)
{ numExtractStreams_ = n; }
ComUInt32 getNumExtractStreams() const
{ return numExtractStreams_; }
inline NABoolean containsOnStatementMV() const
{ return containsOnStatementMV_; }
inline void setContainsOnStatementMV(NABoolean h)
{ containsOnStatementMV_ = h; }
inline NABoolean containsLRU() const
{ return containsLRU_; }
inline void setContainsLRU(NABoolean h)
{ containsLRU_ = h; }
inline NABoolean mustUseESPs() const
{ return mustUseESPs_; }
inline void setMustUseESPs(NABoolean h = TRUE)
{ mustUseESPs_ = h; }
inline NABoolean isAnalyzeOnly()
{ return isAnalyzeOnly_; }
inline void setAnalyzeOnly()
{ isAnalyzeOnly_ = true; }
inline NABoolean hasMandatoryXP() const
{ return hasMandatoryXP_; }
inline void setHasMandatoryXP(NABoolean h)
{ hasMandatoryXP_ = h; }
// olap functions support
void setHasOlapFunctions(NABoolean v) { hasOlapFunctions_ = v; }
NABoolean getHasOlapFunctions() { return hasOlapFunctions_; }
void setHasTDFunctions(NABoolean v) { hasTDFunctions_ = v; }
NABoolean getHasTDFunctions() { return hasTDFunctions_; }
HDFS_ACCESS = 0x0001
void transformTDPartitionOrdinals(BindWA *bindWA);
void resolveAggregates(BindWA *bindWA);
void resolveSequenceFunctions(BindWA *bindWA);
NABoolean isUpdatableBasic(NABoolean isView, NABoolean &isInsertable) const;
NABoolean checkFirstNRowsNotAllowed(BindWA* bindWA) ;
// defined in generator/GenRelMisc.cpp
TrafQuerySimilarityInfo * genSimilarityInfo(Generator *generator);
void addOneRowAggregates(BindWA * bindWA);
inline void setNumBMOs(unsigned short num) { numBMOs_ = num; }
inline unsigned short getNumBMOs() { return numBMOs_; }
// set and get the total BMO memory usage of the fragment rooted
// at the root node
inline void setBMOsMemoryUsage(CostScalar x) { BMOsMemoryUsage_ = x; }
inline CostScalar getBMOsMemoryUsage() { return BMOsMemoryUsage_ ; }
inline void setNBMOsMemoryUsage(CostScalar x) { nBMOsMemoryUsage_ = x; }
inline CostScalar getNBMOsMemoryUsage() { return nBMOsMemoryUsage_ ; }
NABoolean hdfsAccess()
{ return (flags_ & HDFS_ACCESS) != 0; }
void setHdfsAccess(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= HDFS_ACCESS : flags_ &= ~HDFS_ACCESS); }
NABoolean trueRoot_; // set in the true root of the query tree
// reset in the roots of all subquery trees
Int32 outputVarCnt_; // -1 if not true root, else no. of output :hv's
NABoolean subRoot_; // true iff this is a subroot (ie, the root of a
// sql statement that's inside a compound statement)
ItemExpr * compExprTree_;
ItemExpr * inputVarTree_;
ItemExpr * outputVarTree_;
ItemExpr * orderByTree_;
ItemExpr * partitionByTree_; // used by TMUDF only. If this member is set
// orderBy is for each partition (OLAP style)
ItemExpr * updateColTree_;
ItemExpr * assignmentStTree_; // Variables in left-hand side of assignment
// statement in Compound Statements
ItemExpr * assignList_; // List of assign nodes. Used by assignment statement;
// contains first and last value id of host variables
// in the statement. Used at code generation time
// predicate to be evaluated before returning a row. If specified, rows are returned
// only if this pred passes
ItemExpr * predExprTree_;
ValueIdList compExpr_; // select list
ValueIdList inputVars_; // list of input host variables or parameters
ValueIdList reqdOrder_; // ORDER BY list
ValueIdSet partArrangement_; // PARTITION BY set for TMUDF
ValueIdList updateCol_; // update column list
RelExpr * reqdShape_; // forced plan shape of this query
ValueIdList outputVars_; // list of output host variables or parameters
ValueIdList assignmentStVars_;// Bound variables in left-hand side of
// assignment statement in Compund Statements
ItemExprList *spOutParams_;// List of HVs/DPs in CALL OUT/INOUT parameter list
// list of all the views open information of this query.
LIST(OptSqlTableOpenInfo *) viewStoiList_;
// list of all the table open information of this DDL stmt.
// used by Trigger and MV
LIST(OptSqlTableOpenInfo *) ddlStoiList_;
// list of all routines open in the context of this query.
LIST(OptUdrOpenInfo *) stoiUdrList_;
// list of all UDFs open in the context of this query.
// This list applies only to TRIGGERS.
LIST(OptUDFInfo *) udfList_;
// list of ComSecurityKeys used by this query
// If a privilege is obtained by more than one means, compiler chooses a path
ComSecurityKeySet securityKeySet_;
// The fields updatableSelect_, updateCurrentOf_ and pkeyList_ are
// used to process an 'update where current of query'.
// Only ONE of the two flags (updatableSelect_ and updateCurrentOf_)
// could be TRUE.
// this flag indicates that the query below this root node is
// a 'simple' SELECT cursor declared via "DECLARE CURSOR..." statement.
// and the base table could be updated/deleted via an
// "UPDATE...WHERE CURRENT OF..." statement.
// A select is not 'simple' if there are Aggrs, multiple tables,
// subqueries in a select statement.
NABoolean updatableSelect_;
// this flag, if set, indicates that this is a static update where current
// of query.
NABoolean updateCurrentOf_;
// The next list contains one of the following two lists:
// -- if updatableSelect_ is TRUE, then this contains the list of
// child SELECT's primary key columns. Used to create a 'row' of
// primary keys which are passed to the 'update' query at runtime.
// -- if updateCurrentOf_ is TRUE, this list contains the list of
// fabricated hostvars. See class GenericUpdate, field pkeyHvarList_.
ValueIdList pkeyList_;
// Name of the cursor or a hostvar which will contain the cursor
// name at runtime. Valid if updateCurrentOf_ is TRUE. Initialized
// at bind time from the child update/delete node.
ItemExpr * currOfCursorName_;
// contains the
NABoolean displayTree_; // if set, this tree needs to be displayed.
// Set by parser on seeing a DISPLAY command.
// this flag is set to TRUE if this is an update, delete or insert
// query. This information is needed at runtime to rollback/abort
// the transaction in case of an error. What we really need is
// support for statement atomicity. But until we have that, the
// only way to have a consistent database in case of an error is
// to rollback the transaction. This makes us ANSI incompatible.
NABoolean rollbackOnError_;
// user specified BROWSE, STABLE or REPEATABLE access type and
// user specified SHARE or EXCLUSIVE mode
StmtLevelAccessOptions accessOptions_;
NABoolean readOnlyTransIsOK_;
// if TRUE, return first N sorted rows.
NABoolean needFirstSortedRows_;
// Tells how many scalar variables this node contains
Int32 numSimpleVar_;
// Tells how many host array variables this node contains
Int32 numHostVar_;
// if set to TRUE, then message buffers between FS and DP2 could
// be small. This is set by binder if the true root of query tree
// is an update, delete, insert-values or select-into query.
// This is still a hint. The actual buffer size is computed by
// the generator depending on whether a unique operation is chosen.
//NABoolean doOltpQueryOptimization_;
OperatorType childOperType_;
// points to a class used by RowSets code
HostArraysWA *hostArraysArea_;
// -- MVs
// Is this true root above a Refresh node (before binding).
// This flag is propagated to the physical node by the optimizer,
// and later used at generation time.
NABoolean isRootOfInternalRefresh_;
// true iff result descriptor has Provided range or residual predicate(s)
NABoolean isQueryNonCacheable_; // default is FALSE
//++ MV OZ
// this context will be passed to the new scope created by the root
MvBindContext * pMvBindContextForScope_;
ULng32 flags_;
// For defect id: 10-010522-2978
// Points to ORDER BY required to properly support a lower level RelRoot
// which has an ORDER by and an input host variable array (i.e. Rowset used
// for input). The idea is to always force the ordering to be for
// the entire output from the upper level RelRoot rather than just the
// output from each of the elements of the input host variable array(s).
// This is used in the HostArraysWA::modifyTree() method. It puts the
// bound identifiers for the ORDER BY into the upper level RelRoot, but
// avoids prematurely populating the reqdOrder_ member of that upper level
// RelRoot; in other words, this was added to avoid putting bound
// identifiers into reqdOrder_ until after it is bound.
// rowsetReqdOrder_ is populated when the lower level RelRoot
// is executing RelRoot::bindNode(). These bound variables will be
// saved here until we reach the upper level RelRoot::bindNode() and
// the contents are merged into the upper level RelRoot's reqdOrder_.
// NOTE: This code assumes that there are no modifications to the
// RelExpr tree which would move between the parent RelRoot node for
// and the RelExprs created below it during HostArraysWA::modifyTree().
// Should such modifications be needed, this may need to change to
// accomodate the tree structure.
ValueIdList rowsetReqdOrder_;
// This pointer to the parent level RelRoot is initialized to NULL by
// the constructors and potentially set by the code in
// HostArraysWA::modifyTree(). It is checked for non-NULL and used during
// RelRoot::bindNode() to allow the lower level RelRoot to quickly
// populate the parent level's rowsetReqdOrder_. This could be
// changed to be a flag and then have code to search upwards in the
// tree to find the correct upper level parent if the tree could get
// rewritten to have another intervening RelRoot which should then
// become the new target of the parentForRowsetReqdOrder_. (In other words,
// we would need to find correct upper level parent algorithmically).
RelRoot *parentForRowsetReqdOrder_;
// End defect id: 10-010522-2978
// -- Triggers
// This root has no data flowing up.
NABoolean isEmptySelectList_;
// Dont open a new BindScope when binding this root.
NABoolean isDontOpenNewScope_;
// List of trigger ID's in this RelExpr tree
LIST(ComTimestamp) *triggersList_;
// downrevCompileMXV_ contains the version of code which needs to be
// generated. It is the min MXV of all partitions which we can access.
// It is set in RelRoot::bindNode.
// For coyote, we need to generate either roadrunner or R2 fcs code,
// depending on the min MXV.
// This will be removed when real versioning support is in.
COM_VERSION downrevCompileMXV_;
UninitializedMvNameList *uninitializedMvList_;
// Support self-referencing updates and avoid the Halloween problem.
NABoolean avoidHalloween_;
// Disable ESP parallel execution for certain kind of queries.
// Right now being done for Merge statement.
// Merge is only done on unique predicates.
// Right now, even with unique predicate, the merge request is sent
// to each ESP.
// That incorrectly inserts rows if row to be updated
// is not found.
// This may be temporary if code is fixed so merge request is only
// sent to the ESP based on the unique merge predicate.
NABoolean disableESPParallelism_;
// For a parallel extract producer query, the number of extract
// streams
ComUInt32 numExtractStreams_;
// TRUE, if in a grouped query, all columns specified in the
// order by clause are also specified in the group by clause.
// Valid for queries with GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses.
NABoolean allOrderByRefsInGby_;
// olap functions support
NABoolean hasOlapFunctions_;
NABoolean hasTDFunctions_;
// TRUE, if the IUD statement contains an ON STATMENT MV
NABoolean containsOnStatementMV_;
// TRUE, if the IUD statement is an LRU
NABoolean containsLRU_;
// TRUE, if one of the children must execute in parallel
NABoolean mustUseESPs_;
// TRUE if the query result should be the query descriptor used for MV Query Reqrite.
NABoolean isAnalyzeOnly_;
// TRUE, if query has mandatory cross products
NABoolean hasMandatoryXP_;
// Updated and used only in the generator. Counts BMOs in master fragment.
unsigned short numBMOs_;
// Updated and used only in the generator. Total BMO memory usage in master fragment.
CostScalar BMOsMemoryUsage_ ;
CostScalar nBMOsMemoryUsage_ ;
// flag used to indicate whether CIF is on or off in the explain plan only
NABoolean isCIFOn_;
ItemExpr * firstNRowsParam_;
}; // class RelRoot
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The PhysicalRelRoot replaces the logical RelRoot through the
// application of the PhysicalRelRootRule. This transformation is
// designed to present a purely physical verison of an operator
// that is both logical and physical.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class PhysicalRelRoot : public RelRoot
PhysicalRelRoot(RelExpr * childExpr,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: RelRoot(childExpr, REL_ROOT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, oHeap) {};
PhysicalRelRoot(const RelRoot & other) : RelRoot(other) {};
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const;
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const;
}; // class PhysicalRelRoot
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Tuple class represents a table with a single row (tuple) in it.
// This is both a logical and a physical operator.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Tuple : public RelExpr
// constructor
Tuple(OperatorTypeEnum oper, ItemExpr *tupleExpr = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: RelExpr(oper,NULL,NULL,oHeap),
id_ = ++idCounter_;
Tuple(ItemExpr *tupleExpr = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
id_ = ++idCounter_;
Tuple(const Tuple & other);
virtual ~Tuple();
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// get and set the tuple predicate, add and remove individual predicates
// from the list of expressions
ItemExpr * tupleExprTree() const { return tupleExprTree_; }
void addTupleExprTree(ItemExpr *tupleExpr);
ItemExpr * removeTupleExprTree();
// return a (short-lived) read/write reference to the tuple expression
ValueIdList & tupleExpr() { return tupleExpr_; }
// return a read-only reference to the tuple expression
const ValueIdList & tupleExpr() const { return tupleExpr_; }
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// MV --
NABoolean virtual isIncrementalMV() { return TRUE; }
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// scalar expressions to a canonical form
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe);
// a method used for recomputing the outer references (external dataflow
// input values) that are still referenced by each operator in the
// subquery tree after the preidcate pull up is complete.
virtual void recomputeOuterReferences();
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for rewriting its
// value expressions.
virtual void rewriteNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for performing
// predicate pushdown and computing a "minimal" set of
// characteristic input and characteristic output values.
virtual RelExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// method to do code generation
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet & vs) const;
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool)
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// synthesize logical properties
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
virtual void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
// cost functions
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
virtual PhysicalProperty *synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
NABoolean& rejectPredicates() { return rejectPredicates_; }
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// append an ascii-version of Tuple into cachewa.qryText_
virtual void generateCacheKey(CacheWA& cwa) const;
// is this entire expression cacheable after this phase?
virtual NABoolean isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa);
// change literals of a cacheable query into ConstantParameters
virtual RelExpr* normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cwa, BindWA& bindWA);
// an expression with the value of the single tuple
ItemExpr * tupleExprTree_;
ValueIdList tupleExpr_;
// If TRUE, will not accept predicates pushed from above.
NABoolean rejectPredicates_;
// This id is added to uniquely distinguish tuple expressions
// We do not want valus(1) and values(1) to be considered the same
// RelExpr in cascades memo which results in eliminating legitimate
// Tuple expressions
Lng32 id_;
// Static counter used to ensure unique id to each Tuple object
static THREAD_P Lng32 idCounter_;
}; // class Tuple
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The TupleList class represents a table with multiple rows (tuples) in it.
// This is both a logical and a physical operator.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TupleList : public Tuple
// constructor
TupleList(ItemExpr *tupleListExpr,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: Tuple(REL_TUPLE_LIST,tupleListExpr, oHeap), numberOfTuples_(-1), createdForInList_(FALSE)
TupleList(const TupleList & other);
ValueIdList & castToList() { return castToList_; }
Lng32 numTuples() const { return numberOfTuples_; }
NABoolean createdForInList() const { return createdForInList_; }
void setCreatedForInList (NABoolean flag) { createdForInList_ = flag; }
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// scalar expressions to a canonical form
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe);
// a method used for recomputing the outer references (external dataflow
// input values) that are still referenced by each operator in the
// subquery tree after the preidcate pull up is complete.
virtual void recomputeOuterReferences();
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for rewriting its
// value expressions.
virtual void rewriteNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool)
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// synthesize logical properties
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
virtual void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
// method to do code generation
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const { return TRUE; };
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const { return FALSE; };
// set vidlist = ith tuple of this tuplelist and return TRUE
RelExpr* getTuple(BindWA *bindWA, ValueIdList& vidList, CollIndex i);
// set needsFixup to TRUE iff tuplelist needs INFER_CHARSET fixup
RelExpr* needsCharSetFixup(BindWA *bindWA,
CollIndex arity,
CollIndex nTuples,
NAList<NABoolean> &strNeedsFixup,
NABoolean &needsFixup);
// find fixable strings' inferredCharTypes
RelExpr* pushDownCharType(BindWA *bindWA,
enum CharInfo::CharSet cs,
NAList<const CharType*> &inferredCharType,
NAList<NABoolean> &strNeedsFixup,
CollIndex arity,
CollIndex nTuples);
// do INFER_CHARSET fixup
RelExpr* doInferCharSetFixup(BindWA *bindWA,
enum CharInfo::CharSet cs,
CollIndex arity,
CollIndex nTuples);
// cached number of tuples in the tuple list
Lng32 numberOfTuples_;
// list containing the value ids whose type the tuples are to be
// converted before returning. Used (currently) if this list will be
// inserted into a table.
ValueIdList castToList_;
NABoolean createdForInList_;
}; // class TupleList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The PhysicalTuple replaces the logical Tuple through the
// application of the PhysicalTupleRule. This transformation is
// designed to present a purely physical verison of an operator
// that is both logical and physical.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class PhysicalTuple : public Tuple
PhysicalTuple(const Tuple & other) : Tuple(other) {};
PhysicalTuple(CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: Tuple(REL_TUPLE, NULL, oHeap) {};
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const;
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const;
virtual RelExpr* preCodeGen(Generator*, const ValueIdSet&, ValueIdSet &);
}; // class PhysicalTuple
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The PhysicalTupleList replaces the logical TupleList through the
// application of the PhysicalTupleListRule. This transformation is
// designed to present a purely physical verison of an operator.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class PhysicalTupleList : public TupleList
PhysicalTupleList(const TupleList & other) : TupleList(other) {};
PhysicalTupleList(CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: TupleList(NULL, oHeap) {};
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const { return FALSE; }
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const { return TRUE; }
virtual RelExpr* preCodeGen(Generator*, const ValueIdSet&, ValueIdSet &);
}; // class PhysicalTupleList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Filter is introduced as well as eliminated by the rules.
// It is a placeholder for predicates that are pushed down.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Filter : public RelExpr
// constructor, destructor
Filter(RelExpr * queryTree, CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: RelExpr(REL_FILTER, queryTree, NULL, oHeap)
reattemptPushDown_ = FALSE;
virtual ~Filter();
// get the degree of this node (it is a unary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet & vs) const;
virtual RelExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef) ;
// flows compRefOpt constraints up the query tree.
virtual void processCompRefOptConstraints(NormWA * normWAPtr) ;
// synthesize logical properties
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
virtual void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
virtual const NAString getText() const;
void setReattemptPushDown() { reattemptPushDown_ = TRUE; }
void resetReattemptPushDown() { reattemptPushDown_ = FALSE; }
NABoolean reattemptPushDown() { return reattemptPushDown_; }
virtual void primeGroupAnalysis();
// Indicator of whether this filter node carries predicates which we want
// to re-attempt to push down. That is, they were not successfully pushed
// down last time we tried, but we want to retry this again, due to new
// conditions (like elimination of a group by). This flag is here as part
// of a temporary fix.
NABoolean reattemptPushDown_;
}; // class Filter
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Rename class is an abstract class for name mapping operations.
// Derived from it: RenameTable, and RenameReference and BeforeTrigger.
// Rename objects pass name mapping information from the parser to the binder,
// or are used internally in the binder. These nodes disappear during
// transformation, therefore the normalization method below just ASSERT.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Rename : public RelExpr
// constructors, destructor
Rename(RelExpr *child, OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_RENAME,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap() )
: RelExpr(otype, child, NULL, oHeap)
virtual ~Rename();
// get the degree of this node (it is a unary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// scalar expressions to a canonical form
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe);
// Make sure Rename nodes dissappear during Transformation.
virtual RelExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef)
{ CMPASSERT(FALSE); return this; }
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
// Pure virtual - implemented by sub-classes.
virtual const NAString getText() const = 0;
}; // class Rename
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The RenameTable operator is used by Parser and Binder to allow name
// mapping of external (ANSI) SQL table and column names.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class RenameTable : public Rename
// constructors, destructor
RenameTable(RelExpr *child,
const NAString &corrName,
ItemExpr *colNames = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap(),
const NABoolean isView = FALSE)
: Rename(child, REL_RENAME_TABLE, oHeap),
newTableName_(corrName, FALSE/*not fabricated, but name IS corr only*/, oHeap),
RenameTable(NABoolean /*just to make it obvious a different ctor is called*/,
RelExpr *child,
const CorrName &corrName,
ItemExpr *colNames = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap(),
const NABoolean isView = FALSE)
: Rename(child, REL_RENAME_TABLE, oHeap),
newTableName_(corrName, oHeap), // (non-standard) copy ctor
// This next code is wrong, doesn't work for bindView()!
// if (newTableName_.getCorrNameAsString().isNull()) {
// newTableName_.setCorrName(
// newTableName_.getQualifiedNameObj().getObjectName());
// CMPASSERT(!newTableName_.getCorrNameAsString().isNull());
// }
// copy ctor
RenameTable (const RenameTable & orig,
CollHeap * h=CmpCommon::statementHeap()) ; // not written
virtual ~RenameTable();
// get the table and column names
const CorrName &getTableName() const { return newTableName_; }
ItemExpr *removeColNameTree();
// is this object created for a view?
NABoolean isView() const { return isView_; }
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// MV --
NABoolean virtual isIncrementalMV() { return TRUE; }
void virtual collectMVInformation(MVInfoForDDL *mvInfo,
NABoolean isNormalized);
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool)
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
const NATable * getViewNATable() {return viewNATable_ ;}
void setViewNATable(const NATable * val) {viewNATable_ = val;}
// the new user-specified name of the table
CorrName newTableName_;
// the column name list specified in the rename clause
ItemExpr *newColNamesTree_;
// is this object created for a view?
NABoolean isView_;
// NATable for view
const NATable * viewNATable_ ;
}; // class RenameTable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The RenameReference node implements the REFERENCING clause of trigger
// definitions. A list of TableRefName objects is passed from the parser
// to the binder.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class RenameReference : public Rename
// constructors, destructor
RenameReference(RelExpr *child,
TableRefList& tableReferences,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap() )
: Rename(child, REL_RENAME_REFERENCE, oHeap),
virtual ~RenameReference();
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// utility method for binding.
void prepareRETDescWithTableRefs(BindWA *bindWA);
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool)
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
// get the table references list
TableRefList& getRefList()
{ return tableReferences_; }
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
TableRefList tableReferences_;
}; // class RenameReference
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The BeforeTrigger class implements a before trigger.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BeforeTrigger : public Rename
// constructors, destructor
BeforeTrigger(TableRefList& tableReferences,
ItemExpr *whenClause,
ItemExprList *setList,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap() )
{ }
BeforeTrigger(TableRefList& tableReferences,
ItemExpr *whenClause,
RaiseError *signal,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap() )
{ }
virtual ~BeforeTrigger();
// get the degree of this node (it is a unary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
ItemExpr *getWhenClause() { return whenClause_; }
void setWhenClause(ItemExpr *exp) { whenClause_ = exp; }
void bindSetClause(BindWA *bindWA, RETDesc *origRETDesc, CollHeap *heap);
void bindSignalClause(BindWA *bindWA, RETDesc *origRETDesc, CollHeap *heap);
// Fix the inputs before calling the inherited method.
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe);
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool)
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
// get the table references list
TableRefList& getRefList()
{ return tableReferences_; }
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// Find the position and name of a Assign target column.
Lng32 getTargetColumn(CollIndex i, ColRefName* targetColName, const NATable *naTable);
// Do DDL semantic checks on the SET clause.
void doSetSemanticChecks(BindWA *bindWA, RETDesc *origRETDesc);
// Add the positions of all Assign target columns to ColsToSet.
void addUpdatedColumns(UpdateColumns *colsToSet, const NATable *naTable);
void setParentTSJ(RelExpr *parent) { parentTSJ_ = parent; }
TableRefList tableReferences_;
ItemExpr *whenClause_;
RaiseError *signal_;
ItemExprList *setList_;
NABoolean isSignal_;
RelExpr *parentTSJ_;
}; // class BeforeTrigger
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The BinderOnlyNode class is an abstract class for nodes that implement
// commands that transform themselves during binding to more complex
// RelExpr trees. Derived from it are Refresh and MvLog.
// Their bindNode() method constructs a complex RelExpr tree that
// replaces the node itself in the tree. This is why the transformNode()
// method is implemented as an assert(FALSE).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BinderOnlyNode : public RelExpr
// constructors, destructor
BinderOnlyNode(OperatorTypeEnum otype = REL_BINDER_ONLY,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap() )
: RelExpr(otype, NULL, NULL, oHeap)
virtual ~BinderOnlyNode()
// Since the destructor is never really called, at least clean up
// internal data before disappearing. Should be called before returning
// from bindNode().
virtual void cleanupBeforeSelfDestruct() = 0;
// get the degree of this node (it is a unary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const { return 0; }
// This is where all the action is.
// Pure virtual - implemented by sub-classes.
virtual RelExpr *bindNode(BindWA *bindWA) = 0;
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe)
}; // class BinderAnimal
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The map value ids operator is used to create a link between
// logically equivalent expressions that have incompatible
// characteristic outputs and therefore cannot be in the same group.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class MapValueIds : public RelExpr
// constructor and destructor
MapValueIds(RelExpr *child = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: RelExpr(REL_MAP_VALUEIDS,child,NULL,oHeap),
cseRef_(NULL) {}
MapValueIds(RelExpr *child,
const ValueIdSet &identity,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: RelExpr(REL_MAP_VALUEIDS,child,NULL,oHeap),
map_(identity), includesFavoriteMV_(FALSE),
cseRef_(NULL) {}
MapValueIds(RelExpr *child,
const ValueIdMap &map,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: RelExpr(REL_MAP_VALUEIDS,child,NULL,oHeap),
map_(map), includesFavoriteMV_(FALSE),
cseRef_(NULL) {}
MapValueIds(const MapValueIds & other)
: RelExpr(REL_MAP_VALUEIDS, other.child(0)),
cseRef_(other.cseRef_) {}
virtual ~MapValueIds();
// various PC methods
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
virtual void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
virtual Context* createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex);
virtual PhysicalProperty *synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
// accessor functions
ValueIdMap & getMap() { return map_; }
const ValueIdMap & getMap2() const { return map_; }
inline void remapTopValue(const ValueId & newTopValue,
const ValueId & bottomValue)
{ map_.remapTopValue(newTopValue,bottomValue); }
inline void remapBottomValue(const ValueId & topValue,
const ValueId & newBottomValue)
{ map_.remapBottomValue(topValue,newBottomValue); }
inline void addMapEntry(const ValueId & newTopValue,
const ValueId & newBottomValue)
{ map_.addMapEntry(newTopValue,newBottomValue); }
inline void clear() { map_.clear(); }
inline const ValueIdSet & valuesForVEGRewrite()
{ return valuesNeededForVEGRewrite_; }
inline void addValueForVEGRewrite(const ValueId & v)
{ valuesNeededForVEGRewrite_ += v; }
inline void addValuesForVEGRewrite(const ValueIdSet & v)
{ valuesNeededForVEGRewrite_ += v; }
inline void clearValuesForVEGRewrite()
{ valuesNeededForVEGRewrite_.clear(); }
void addSameMapEntries(const ValueIdSet & newTopBottomValues);
void setCSERef(CommonSubExprRef *cse) { cseRef_ = cse; }
// Method to compute child's characteristic outputs
void pushdownCoveredExpr(const ValueIdSet & outputExprOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet& predOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet * nonPredExprOnOperator = NULL,
Lng32 childId = (-MAX_REL_ARITY) );
// The set of values that I can potentially produce as output.
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet & vs) const;
// method to do code generation
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Performs mapping on the partitioning function, from the mapValueIds
// node to the child.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual PartitioningFunction* mapPartitioningFunction(
const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
NABoolean rewriteForChild0) ;
// for mv query rewrite
void setIncludesFavoriteMV (NABoolean value)
{includesFavoriteMV_ = value;}
NABoolean includesFavoriteMV () const
{return includesFavoriteMV_;}
ValueIdMap map_;
ValueIdSet valuesNeededForVEGRewrite_;
NABoolean includesFavoriteMV_;
NABoolean replaceVEGUsingList_;
CommonSubExprRef *cseRef_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The PhysicalMapValueIds replaces the logical MapValueIds through the
// application of the PhysicalMapValueIdsRule. This transformation is
// designed to present a purely physical version of an operator
// that is both logical and physical.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class PhysicalMapValueIds : public MapValueIds
PhysicalMapValueIds(RelExpr *childExpr,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: MapValueIds(childExpr,oHeap) {};
PhysicalMapValueIds(const MapValueIds & other) : MapValueIds(other) {};
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const;
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const;
virtual PlanPriority computeOperatorPriority
(const Context* context,
PlanWorkSpace *pws=NULL,
Lng32 planNumber=0);
}; // class PhysicalMapValueIds
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The FirstN class is used to return the first N rows that are returned
// by its child. At runtime, it sends a Get_N to its child and returns the
// N rows returned by its child to its parent. It doesn't do anything
// else on those returned row.
// This class could be put anywhere in query tree. It eliminates the need
// for a runtime operator to know if it needs to look at its compile time
// first N rows entry or its down queue GET_N entry before it could return
// the N rows. With this node, the runtime operators only need to process
// the GET_N down queue correctly.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class FirstN : public RelExpr
FirstN(RelExpr * child,
Int64 firstNRows,
ItemExpr * firstNRowsParam = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: RelExpr(REL_FIRST_N, child, NULL, oHeap),
// sets the canExecuteInDp2 flag for the [LAST 1] operator
// of an MTS delete and calls the base class implementation of bindNode.
virtual RelExpr* bindNode(BindWA* bindWA);
// Physical properties implemented in OptPhysRelExpr.cpp
PhysicalProperty *synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
// method to do code generation
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
// this is both logical and physical node
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const{return TRUE;};
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const{return TRUE;};
// various PC methods
// get the degree of this node
virtual Int32 getArity() const{return 1;};
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual const NAString getText() const;
void setFirstNRows(Int64 firstNRows) { firstNRows_ = firstNRows; }
Int64 getFirstNRows() { return firstNRows_; }
void setFirstNRowsParam(ItemExpr *firstNRowsParam)
{ firstNRowsParam_ = firstNRowsParam; }
ItemExpr * getFirstNRowsParam() { return firstNRowsParam_; }
void setCanExecuteInDp2(NABoolean flag) { canExecuteInDp2_ = flag; }
NABoolean canExecuteInDp2() const { return canExecuteInDp2_; }
virtual NABoolean computeRowsAffected() const ;
// Otherwise, return firstNRows_ at runtime.
Int64 firstNRows_;
ItemExpr * firstNRowsParam_;
NABoolean canExecuteInDp2_;
}; // class FirstN
// Class Transpose ----------------------------------------------------
// The Transpose RelExpr is a logical RelExpr node used to implement the
// TRANSPOSE operator. It is implemented by the physical RelExpr node
// PhysTranspose. (It would be possible to develop an implementation rule
// which implemented this node as a tree of union nodes.) The data members
// of the class are:
// transValsTree_: This ItemExpr tree contains a list of pairs which is
// NULL terminated (for ease of processing). Each pair contains in child(0),
// a list of transpose items for a given transpose set and in child(1), a
// list of ColReferences to the new value columns associated with this
// transpose set. A transpose item is a list of value expressions.
// This pointer is set to NULL by bindNode.
// keyCol_: Contains the ColReference to the key column.
// This data member is constructed by the parser.
// This ItemExpr tree is set to NULL in the Binder (Transpose::BindNode()).
// transUnionVector_: This is a vector of ValueIdLists. There is one entry
// for each transpose set, plus one entry for the key values. Each entry
// contains a list of ValueIdUnion Nodes. The first entry contains a list
// with one ValueIdUnion node. This node is for the Const. Values (1 - N)
// representing the Key Values. The other entries contain lists of
// ValueIdUnion nodes for the Transposed Values. Each of these entries of
// the vector represent a transpose set. If the transpose set contains a
// list of values, then there will be only one ValueIdUnion node in the
// list. If the transpose set contains a list of lists of values, then
// there will be as many ValueIdUnion nodes as there are items in the
// sublists. (see example below.)
// transUnionVector_ is generated in bindNode().
// transUnionVectorSize_: This is the number of entries in transUnionVector_.
class Transpose : public RelExpr
// The constructor
// Inputs:
// transExprs: Contains a list of pairs, each pair contains
// in child(0), a list of expressions for a given transpose group
// and in child(1), the name associated with this transpose group.
// Default value: NULL
// keyCol: Contains the ColReference to the key column.
// Default value: NULL
// child: The child RelExpr node of this node.
// Default Value NULL
// Constructs a Transpose Node.
// Called by Parser (yyparse()), CreateImplementationRules(), Transpose::
// copyTopNode(), and the PhysTranspose constructor.
Transpose(ItemExpr *transExprs = NULL,
ItemExpr *keyCol = NULL,
RelExpr *child = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: RelExpr(REL_TRANSPOSE,child,NULL,oHeap),
// The destructor
virtual ~Transpose();
// Transpose has one child.
virtual Int32 getArity() const {return 1;};
// Return a pointer to the transpose Values tree.
inline const ItemExpr *transValsTree() const {return transValsTree_;};
// Return a pointer to the transpose Values tree after
// setting it to NULL.
const ItemExpr *removeTransValsTree();
// Return a pointer to the keyCol ColReference node.
inline const ItemExpr *keyCol() const {return keyCol_;};
// Return a pointer to the keyCol ColReference node after setting
// it to NULL.
const ItemExpr *removeKeyCol();
// return a read/write reference to the transpose Union Vector.
inline ValueIdList *&transUnionVector()
return transUnionVector_;
// return a read-only reference to the transpose Union Vector.
inline const ValueIdList *transUnionVector() const
return transUnionVector_;
// return the size of the transpose union vector.
inline CollIndex transUnionVectorSize() const
return transUnionVectorSize_;
inline void setTransUnionVectorSize(CollIndex size)
transUnionVectorSize_ = size;
// This method is used in case there are expressions in the Transpose column
// list. It traverses through the expression to get the column under them
// If it is a unary expression, it gets the column directly below the expression.
// If the expression has two children, it goes through both the children
// to see which one of them has a higher UEC. It returns the ValueId of that
// column. This column is later used to determine the UEC of the final
// transpose column.
ValueId getSourceColFromExprForUec(ValueId sourceValId, const ColStatDescList & childColStatsList);
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
// Transpose::bindNode() generates a list of ValueIdUnion nodes from the
// transValsTree constructed by the parser.
RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// scalar expressions to a canonical form
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe);
// a method used during subquery transformation for pulling up predicates
// towards the root of the transformed subquery tree
// The default implementation is adequate for Transpose
//virtual void pullUpPreds();
// a method used for recomputing the outer references (external dataflow
// input values) that are still referenced by each operator in the
// subquery tree after the predicate pull up is complete.
virtual void recomputeOuterReferences();
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for rewriting its
// value expressions.
virtual void rewriteNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for performing
// predicate pushdown and computing a "minimal" set of
// characteristic input and characteristic output values.
// The default implementation is adequate for Transpose
//virtual RelExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// Method to push down predicates from a Transpose node into the
// children
void pushdownCoveredExpr(const ValueIdSet & outputExprOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet& predOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet * nonPredExprOnOperator = NULL,
Lng32 childId = (-MAX_REL_ARITY) );
// Return a the set of potential output values of this node.
// For transpose, this is the potential outputs of the child,
// plus the key column and all the value columns generated by
// transpose.
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet &vs) const;
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool and Explain)
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
// Compute a hash value for a chain of derived RelExpr nodes.
// Used by the Cascade engine as a quick way to determine if
// two nodes are identical.
// Can produce false positives, but should not produce false
// negatives.
virtual HashValue topHash();
// A more thorough method to compare two RelExpr nodes.
// Used by the Cascades engine.
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
// Copy a chain of derived nodes (Calls RelExpr::copyTopNode).
// Needs to copy all relevant fields.
// Used by the Cascades engine.
virtual RelExpr *copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap *outHeap = NULL);
// synthesize logical properties
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
virtual void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const {return "TRANSPOSE";};
// This ItemExpr tree contains a list of pairs which is
// NULL terminated (for ease of processing). Each pair contains in child(0),
// a list of transpose items for a given transpose set and in child(1), a
// list of ColReferences to the new value columns associated with this
// transpose set. A transpose item is a list of value expressions.
// This pointer is set to NULL by bindNode.
ItemExpr *transValsTree_;
// Contains the ColReference to the key column.
// This ItemExpr tree is set to NULL in the Binder (Transpose::BindNode()).
ItemExpr *keyCol_;
// This is the number of entries in transUnionVector_ (see below).
CollIndex transUnionVectorSize_;
// This is a vector of ValueIdLists. There is one entry
// for each transpose set, plus one entry for the key values. Each entry
// contains a list of ValueIdUnion Nodes. The first entry contains a list
// with one ValueIdUnion node. This node is for the Const. Values (1 - N)
// representing the Key Values. The other entries contain lists of
// ValueIdUnion nodes for the Transposed Values. Each of these entries of
// the vector represent a transpose set. If the transpose set contains a
// list of values, then there will be only one ValueIdUnion node in the
// list. If the transpose set contains a list of lists of values, then
// there will be as many ValueIdUnion nodes as there are items in the
// sublists. transUnionVector_ is generated in bindNode().
ValueIdList *transUnionVector_;
}; // class Transpose
// Class PhysTranspose ----------------------------------------------------
// The PhysTranspose node replaces the logical Transpose node through the
// application of the PhysTransposeRule. This transformation is
// designed to present a purely physical verison of this operator
// that is both a logical and physical node. The PhysTranspose node
// does not add any data members. It adds a few virtual methods.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class PhysTranspose : public Transpose
// The constructor
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
PhysTranspose(RelExpr *child = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: Transpose(NULL,NULL,child,oHeap) {};
// The destructor.
virtual ~PhysTranspose();
// methods to do code generation of the physical node.
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
// generate CONTROL QUERY SHAPE fragment for this node.
virtual short generateShape(CollHeap * space, char * buf, NAString * shapeStr = NULL);
// Copy a chain of derived nodes (Calls Transpose::copyTopNode).
// Needs to copy all relevant fields (in this case no fields
// need to be copied)
// Used by the Cascades engine.
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap *outHeap = NULL);
// cost functions
virtual PhysicalProperty *synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
// Redefine these virtual methods to declare this node as a
// physical node.
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const {return FALSE;};
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const {return TRUE;};
}; // class PhysTranspose
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Pack node is used to implement packing of several logical rows into
// one physical row on a column by column basis. The no of logical rows
// packed into one physical row is determined by the packing factor (pf).
// The packed table have the same no of columns as the original table. The
// type of the column in the packed table is varchar(len * pf) where len
// is the length (in bytes) of the corresponding column in the original
// table. For example, if the input table has columns (x int, y int), and
// the packing factor is 2 the output table will be (xpacked varchar(8),
// ypacked varchar(8)). {x|y}packed will contain the values of {x|y} in 2
// contiguous rows of the original table packed together.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Pack : public RelExpr
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor/Destructor/Accessors/Mutators.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor.
Pack(ULng32 packingFactor = 0,
RelExpr* child = NULL,
ItemExpr* packingExprTree = NULL,
CollHeap* oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// Destructor.
virtual ~Pack();
// No of children.
virtual Int32 getArity() const { return 1; }
// Returns a (short-lived) r/w ref to packing factor in different forms.
ULng32& packingFactorLong() { return packingFactorLong_; }
ULng32 packingFactorLong() const { return packingFactorLong_; }
inline ValueIdSet& packingFactor() { return packingFactor_; }
inline const ValueIdSet& packingFactor() const
{ return packingFactor_; }
// Returns a pointer to the packing factor item expr (& set it to NULL).
inline const ItemExpr* packingFactorTree() const
{ return packingFactorTree_; }
ItemExpr* removePackingFactorTree();
// Returns a pointer to the packing expression tree (& set it to NULL).
inline const ItemExpr* packingExprTree() const
{ return packingExprTree_; }
ItemExpr* removePackingExprTree();
// Returns a (short-lived) r/w ref to the packing expression.
inline ValueIdList& packingExpr() { return packingExpr_; }
inline const ValueIdList& packingExpr() const { return packingExpr_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Some helper methods.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve into vidset the sub-expressions in the packing expression.
void getNonPackedExpr(ValueIdSet& vidset);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods to support Binding.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// It creates the RETDesc and packingExpr_ to be made of packed columns.
virtual RelExpr* bindNode(BindWA* bindWA);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods to support Transformation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Re-defined to transform the packingExpr_ which might contain a subq.
virtual void transformNode(NormWA& normWA, ExprGroupId& locPtrToMe);
// Refined to disallow predicates pullup since they are on unpacked col.
virtual void pullUpPreds();
// Refined to add in the ConstValue object needed for the packing factor.
virtual void recomputeOuterReferences();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods to support Normalization.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Refined to rewrite sub-expressions in packingExpr_ to VEG if needed.
virtual void rewriteNode(NormWA& normWA);
virtual Context* createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex);
// Refined to add in the sub-expression for each expr in packingExpr_ to
// nonPredExprOnOperator.
virtual void pushdownCoveredExpr(const ValueIdSet & outputExprOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet& predOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet * nonPredExprOnOperator = NULL,
Lng32 childId = (-MAX_REL_ARITY));
// Refined to return the packing expression.
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet& vs) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods to support Optimization.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute hash value for a chain of derived RelExpr nodes. Used by
// Cascades as a quick way to determine if two nodes are identical.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual HashValue topHash();
// Exact method for Cascades to decide whether the two operators match.
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr& other) const;
// Used by Cascades to make a deep copy of the node.
virtual RelExpr* copyTopNode(RelExpr* derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = NULL);
// Logical properties. Not yet handled in this prototype.
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
virtual void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods to support GUI/debugging.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Refined to display the packing expression.
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode*)& xlist,
LIST(NAString)& llist) const;
// Refined to return the string describing this Pack node.
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// Methods for requiredOrder_
inline const ValueIdList & requiredOrder() const { return requiredOrder_; }
inline void setRequiredOrder(const ValueIdList &reqOrder)
{ requiredOrder_ = reqOrder; }
inline ValueIdList & requiredOrder() { return requiredOrder_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Packing factor is the no of logical rows which get packed into a
// physical row. This member provides a more convenient way of getting
// the packing factor (as opposed to through the ItemExpr) when it is
// a constant. Not valid when equals zero.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ULng32 packingFactorLong_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the item expression tree for the packing factor. Right now,
// the tree must point to a ConstValue.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr* packingFactorTree_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This set contains ValueId for the packing factor tree. It is a set
// but not just a ValueId because this facilitates expression rewriting.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet packingFactor_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The packing expression tree contains a list of values to the packed,
// each topped by the packing function (PackFunc).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ItemExpr* packingExprTree_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ValueId's of the list of values in packingExprTree_.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList packingExpr_;
// Return a pointer to the required order tree after
// setting it to NULL.
ItemExpr *removeRequiredOrderTree();
// A bound list of columns representing the required sort order
// for this node.
ValueIdList requiredOrder_;
}; // class Pack
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An implementation rule changes the logical Pack node into the physical
// PhyPack node.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class PhyPack : public Pack
// Constructor.
PhyPack(ULng32 packingFactor = 0,
RelExpr* child = NULL,
CollHeap* oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: Pack(packingFactor,child,NULL,oHeap) {}
// Destructor.
virtual ~PhyPack();
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const { return FALSE; }
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const { return TRUE; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods to support Optimization.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual RelExpr* copyTopNode(RelExpr* derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pre-Code Generation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual RelExpr* preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
// generate CONTROL QUERY SHAPE fragment for this node.
virtual short generateShape(CollHeap * space, char * buf, NAString * shapeStr = NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Code Generation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual short codeGen(Generator* generator);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods on Physical Properties and Costing.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual PhysicalProperty* synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
}; // class PhyPack
class Rowset : public RelExpr
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor/Destructor/Accessors/Mutators.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// constructor
Rowset(ItemExpr *inputHostvars,
ItemExpr *indexExpr = NULL,
ItemExpr *sizeExpr = NULL,
RelExpr *childExpr = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
virtual ~Rowset();
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual Int32 getArity () const;
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual RelExpr* bindNode(BindWA* bindWA);
// returns the name of the exposed index of the Rowset
virtual const NAString getIndexName () const;
// an expression with the value of the single tuple
ItemExpr *inputHostvars_; // Host variable arrays composing the rowset
ItemExpr *indexExpr_; // The exposed index of the Rowset
ItemExpr *sizeExpr_; // RowSet size cannot be greater than declared
// dimensions of arrays composing rowset.
// If NULL, it would take smallest of declared
// dimensions
RelExpr *transformRelexpr_; // New transformed tree
}; // class Rowset
class RowsetRowwise : public Rowset
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor/Destructor/Accessors/Mutators.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// constructor
RowsetRowwise(RelExpr *childExpr = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual RelExpr* bindNode(BindWA* bindWA);
virtual Int32 getArity () const;
}; // class RowsetRowwise
class RowsetInto : public RelExpr
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor/Destructor/Accessors/Mutators.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// constructor
RowsetInto(RelExpr *child,
ItemExpr *outputHostvars,
ItemExpr *sizeExpr = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
virtual ~RowsetInto();
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual Int32 getArity () const;
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual RelExpr* bindNode(BindWA* bindWA);
inline const ValueIdList & requiredOrder() const { return requiredOrder_; }
inline void setRequiredOrder(const ValueIdList &reqOrder)
{ requiredOrder_ = reqOrder; }
inline void setRequiredOrderTree(ItemExpr *reqOrderTree)
{ requiredOrderTree_ = reqOrderTree; }
inline const ItemExpr * requiredOrderTree() const { return requiredOrderTree_; }
ItemExpr *getRowsetArrays() {return outputHostvars_;};
inline ValueIdList & requiredOrder() { return requiredOrder_; }
// Return a pointer to the required order tree after
// setting it to NULL.
ItemExpr *removeRequiredOrderTree();
// an expression with the value of the single tuple
ItemExpr *outputHostvars_; // Host variable arrays composing the rowset
ItemExpr *sizeExpr_; // RowSet size cannot be greater than declared
// dimensions of arrays composing rowset.
// If NULL, it would take smallest of declared
// dimensions
RelExpr *transformRelexpr_; // New transformed tree
// An ItemExpr list of columns representing the reqired sort order
// for this node.
ItemExpr *requiredOrderTree_;
// The bound version of requiredOrderTree_.
ValueIdList requiredOrder_;
}; // class RowsetInto
class RowsetFor : public RelExpr
RowsetFor(RelExpr *child,
ItemExpr *inputSizeExpr,
ItemExpr *outputSizeExpr = NULL,
ItemExpr *indexExpr = NULL,
ItemExpr *maxSizeExpr = NULL,
ItemExpr *maxInputRowlen = NULL,
ItemExpr *rwrsBuffer = NULL,
ItemExpr *partnNum = NULL,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
virtual ~RowsetFor();
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual Int32 getArity () const;
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual RelExpr* bindNode(BindWA* bindWA);
ItemExpr * getInputSize() {return inputSizeExpr_;}
ItemExpr * getOutputSize() {return outputSizeExpr_;}
ItemExpr * getIndexExpr() {return indexExpr_;}
// next fields are for rowwise rowset
ItemExpr * getMaxSizeExpr() {return maxSizeExpr_; }
ItemExpr * getMaxInputRowlen() { return maxInputRowlen_; }
ItemExpr * getRwrsBuffer() {return rwrsBuffer_;}
ItemExpr * partnNum() {return partnNum_;}
NABoolean &rowwiseRowset() { return rowwiseRowset_; }
void setBufferAttributes(NABoolean packedFormat,
NABoolean compressed,
NABoolean dcompressInMaster,
NABoolean compressInMaster,
NABoolean partnNumInBuffer)
packedFormat_ = packedFormat;
compressed_ = compressed;
dcompressInMaster_ = dcompressInMaster;
compressInMaster_ = compressInMaster;
void getBufferAttributes(NABoolean &packedFormat,
NABoolean &compressed,
NABoolean &dcompressInMaster,
NABoolean &compressInMaster,
NABoolean &partnNumInBuffer)
packedFormat = packedFormat_;
compressed = compressed_;
dcompressInMaster = dcompressInMaster_;
compressInMaster = compressInMaster_;
partnNumInBuffer = partnNumInBuffer_;
ItemExpr *inputSizeExpr_; // RowSet size cannot be greater than declared
// dimensions of arrays composing rowset.
// If NULL, it would take smallest of declared
// dimensions
ItemExpr *outputSizeExpr_; // RowSet size cannot be greater than declared
// dimensions of arrays composing rowset.
// If NULL, it would take smallest of declared
// dimensions
ItemExpr *indexExpr_; // The exposed index of the Rowset
ItemExpr *maxSizeExpr_; // Input rowwise rowset max size.
ItemExpr *maxInputRowlen_; // max length of each input row in the
// input rowwise rowset buffer.
ItemExpr *rwrsBuffer_; // Contains the address of rowwise-rowset
// buffer passed in at runtime to cli.
ItemExpr *partnNum_; // partition number where this buffer need
// to be shipped to.
NABoolean rowwiseRowset_; // layout of input values is rowwise.
// rows are packed sql/mp style in the buffer. All columns are packed
// next to each other with no fillers or varchar/null optimizations.
NABoolean packedFormat_;
// input buffer is compressed by caller.
NABoolean compressed_;
// Next member valid only if compressed_ is TRUE;
// if TRUE, dcompress the buffer in master before doing other processing.
// if FALSE, ship the compressed buffer to eid and decompress it there.
// This option is only valid if partnNum is specified.
NABoolean dcompressInMaster_;
// Next field is valid if buffer is not compressed_.
// Next field is valid only if partnNum is specified.
// If TRUE, master exe need to compress the buffer before shipping to eid.
NABoolean compressInMaster_;
// TRUE, if partition number is sent in at runtime as part of input buffer,
// instead of dynamic parameter partnNum_
NABoolean partnNumInBuffer_;
}; // class RowsetFor
OptSqlTableOpenInfo *setupStoi(OptSqlTableOpenInfo *&optStoi_,
BindWA *bindWA,
const RelExpr *re,
const NATable *naTable,
const CorrName &corrName,
NABoolean noSecurityCheck = FALSE);
// Suspend, reactivate or cancel a query.
// The Suspend and Activate functions are handled by
// ExeUtilSuspend.
class ControlRunningQuery : public RelExpr
enum Action {
enum ForceOption {
enum QuerySpec {
ControlRunningQuery(NAString &qid_or_pid,
QuerySpec qs,
Action action,
ForceOption forceOption,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
, pname_("")
, nid_(-1)
, pid_(-1)
, action_(action)
, forced_(forceOption)
, qs_(qs)
switch (qs)
case ControlQid:
queryId_ = qid_or_pid; break;
case ControlPname:
pname_ = qid_or_pid; break;
comment_ = "";
ControlRunningQuery(int nid, int pid,
QuerySpec qs,
Action action,
ForceOption forceOption,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
, pname_("")
, nid_(nid)
, pid_(pid)
, action_(action)
, forced_(forceOption)
, qs_(qs)
CMPASSERT(qs == ControlNidPid);
comment_ = "";
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
virtual PhysicalProperty *synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
// method to do code generation
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const;
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const;
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual ExplainTuple *addSpecificExplainInfo(ExplainTupleMaster *,
ComTdb *, Generator *);
bool isUserAuthorized(BindWA *bindWA);
void setComment(NAString &comment);
NAString queryId_;
NAString pname_;
int nid_;
int pid_;
Action action_;
ForceOption forced_;
QuerySpec qs_;
NAString comment_;
// forward reference
class CountedCSEInfo;
// Container for the common info about a common subexpression. This is
// a helper class for class CommonSubExprRef below.
// This class is stored in the CmpStatement object, but it is defined
// here because it is closely related to the CommonSubExprRef class
// and because it contains ValueIdSet and ValueIdList data members
// which should not be used by CmpStatement classes directly.
// Note about acronyms:
// CTE: Common Table Expression syntax (WITH clause) in SQL
// CSE: Common SubExpression (could be WITH clause or
// another type of common subexpression)
class CSEInfo : public NABasicObject
enum CSEAnalysisOutcome
UNKNOWN_ANALYSIS, // analysis not yet done
ELIMINATED_IN_BINDER,// single-consumer CSE, eliminated in binder
EXPAND, // expand the common subexpression
CREATE_TEMP, // materialize CSE as temp, then read the temp
TEMP, // read the temp created by someone else
ERROR // error occurred, diags are set
// possible future analysis outcomes:
// - decide outcome in the optimizer
// - pipeline results from a single producer to multiple consumers
// Note: Right now, all consumers of a CSE have the same
// outcome; that may change in the future,
// e.g. we may have 5 consumers that can use sharing
// very well and one that isn't suitable for sharing
// (maybe because it reads different data).
enum CSETempTableType
UNKNOWN_TEMP_TABLE, // temp table type not yet determined
HIVE_TEMP_TABLE, // use a Hive delimited table
VOLATILE_TEMP_TABLE // use a Trafodion volatile table
CSEInfo(const char *name,
NAMemory *mem) :
name_(name, mem),
const NAString &getName() const { return name_; }
Int32 getCSEId() const { return cseId_; }
const LIST(CountedCSEInfo) &getChildCSEs() const { return childCSEs_; }
const CollIndex getNumConsumers() const { return consumers_.entries(); }
CommonSubExprRef *getConsumer(CollIndex i) const { return consumers_[i]; }
Int32 getNumLexicalRefs() const { return numLexicalRefs_; }
Int32 getTotalNumRefs(Int32 restrictToSingleConsumer = -1) const;
Int32 getIdOfAnalyzingConsumer() const { return idOfAnalyzingConsumer_; }
CSEAnalysisOutcome getAnalysisOutcome(Int32 id) const;
NABoolean isShared(Int32 id) const
{ return analysisOutcome_ == CREATE_TEMP; }
NABoolean usesATempTable() const { return insertIntoTemp_ != NULL; }
CSETempTableType getTempTableType() const { return tempTableType_; }
const NABitVector &getNeededColumns() const { return neededColumns_; }
const ValueIdSet &getCommonPredicates() const { return commonPredicates_; }
const ValueIdSet &getVEGRefsWithDifferingConstants() const
{ return vegRefsWithDifferingConstants_; }
const ValueIdSet &getVEGRefsWithDifferingInputs() const
{ return vegRefsWithDifferingInputs_; }
const NABitVector &getCSETreeKeyColumns() const
{ return cseTreeKeyColumns_; }
const QualifiedName &getTempTableName() const { return tempTableName_; }
const NAString &getTempTableDDL() const { return tempTableDDL_; }
const NATable *getTempNATable() const { return tempNATable_; }
RelExpr *getInsertIntoTemp() const { return insertIntoTemp_; }
void setCSEId(Int32 id) { cseId_ = id; }
Int32 addChildCSE(CSEInfo *childInfo, NABoolean addLexicalRef);
void addCSERef(CommonSubExprRef *cse);
void eliminate() { analysisOutcome_ == ELIMINATED_IN_BINDER; }
void registerAnAlternativeConsumer(CommonSubExprRef *c)
{ alternativeConsumers_.insert(c); }
void replaceConsumerWithAnAlternative(CommonSubExprRef *c);
void setIdOfAnalyzingConsumer(Int32 id) { idOfAnalyzingConsumer_ = id; }
void setAnalysisOutcome(CSEAnalysisOutcome outcome)
{ analysisOutcome_ = outcome; }
void setTempTableType(CSETempTableType t) { tempTableType_ = t; }
void setNeededColumns(const NABitVector &v) { neededColumns_ = v; }
void setCommonPredicates(const ValueIdSet &s) { commonPredicates_ = s; }
void addCommonPredicates(const ValueIdSet &s) { commonPredicates_ += s; }
void addVEGRefsWithDifferingConstants(const ValueIdSet &s)
{ vegRefsWithDifferingConstants_ += s; }
void addVEGRefsWithDifferingInputs(const ValueIdSet &s)
{ vegRefsWithDifferingInputs_ += s; }
void addCSEKeyColumn(CollIndex c) { cseTreeKeyColumns_ += c; }
void setTempTableName(const QualifiedName &n) { tempTableName_ = n; }
void setTempTableDDL(const char *s) { tempTableDDL_ = s; }
void setTempNATable(const NATable *nat) { tempNATable_ = nat; }
void setInsertIntoTemp(RelExpr *r) {insertIntoTemp_ = r; }
// name of the Common Subexpression
NAString name_;
// id of this CSE within the statement
Int32 cseId_;
// list of other CSEs that are referenced by this one
LIST(CountedCSEInfo) childCSEs_;
// list of nodes referring to the common
// subexpression, their index numbers match
// the index in this list
LIST(CommonSubExprRef *) consumers_;
// We sometimes make copies of a tree, creating alternative
// consumers. Some notes on these alternative copies: The analyzing
// consumer (see CommonSubExprRef::analyzeAndPrepareForSharing())
// and its ancestors are always in the consumers_ list and do not
// change. As we replace a tree with its copy, we may replace other
// consumers with their respective copies. The code must be able to
// deal with this situation, so be careful when making decisions
// based on a particular consumer obtained from this list.
LIST(CommonSubExprRef *) alternativeConsumers_;
// number of lexical refs in the query for this expression
// (how many time does it appear in the query text)
Int32 numLexicalRefs_;
// a common list of columns and predicate to use used for a
// materialized CSE
// a list of the actual columns (in terms of the
NABitVector neededColumns_;
ValueIdSet commonPredicates_;
// VEGies with conflicts between the different
// consumers
ValueIdSet vegRefsWithDifferingConstants_;
ValueIdSet vegRefsWithDifferingInputs_;
// information for heuristics
// "key" columns in the child tree, this could include Hive
// partition columns, "tag" constant columns in a union, and also
// trailing key columns that may not be significant
NABitVector cseTreeKeyColumns_;
// information for the materialization of the CSE
Int32 idOfAnalyzingConsumer_;
CSEAnalysisOutcome analysisOutcome_;
CSETempTableType tempTableType_;
QualifiedName tempTableName_;
NAString tempTableDDL_;
const NATable *tempNATable_;
RelExpr *insertIntoTemp_;
// A CSEInfo and a count (of how many references we have to it)
class CountedCSEInfo
CountedCSEInfo() : info_(NULL), lexicalCount_(-1) {}
CountedCSEInfo(CSEInfo *info, Int32 cnt = 0) :
info_(info), lexicalCount_(cnt) {}
CountedCSEInfo(const CountedCSEInfo &other) :
info_(other.info_), lexicalCount_(other.lexicalCount_) {}
~CountedCSEInfo() {}
CSEInfo *getInfo() const { return info_; }
Int32 getLexicalCount() const { return lexicalCount_; }
void incrementLexicalCount() { lexicalCount_++; }
CSEInfo *info_;
Int32 lexicalCount_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The CommonSubExprRef class represents a potential common subexpression
// (CSE) in the query tree. The common subexpression has a name, and
// multiple CommonSubExprRef nodes in the tree may refer to the same
// name. This is a unary operator, the child tree defines the common
// subexpression (with a few caveats, see below). Note that in our
// current design, we keep multiple copies of the common subexpression
// around, in case we don't want to materialize the CSE. This is a
// logical operator, it either needs to be removed or it needs to be
// replaced with a scan of a temp table.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CommonSubExprRef : public RelExpr
// constructor
CommonSubExprRef(RelExpr *cse = NULL,
const char *internalName = NULL,
NAMemory *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
internalName_(internalName, oHeap),
virtual ~CommonSubExprRef();
// the name used in the CTE or a generated name
const NAString &getName() const { return internalName_; }
Int32 getId() const { return id_; }
Int32 getParentCSEId() const { return parentCSEId_; }
Int32 getParentConsumerId() const { return parentRefId_; }
Int32 getLexicalRefNumFromParent() const {return lexicalRefNumFromParent_; }
NABoolean isAChildOfTheMainQuery() const;
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// return a read-only reference to the initial list of columns
const ValueIdList & getColumnList() const { return columnList_; }
const ValueIdSet & getNonVEGColumns() const { return nonVEGColumns_; }
const ValueIdSet &getPushedPredicates() const { return pushedPredicates_; }
const EstLogPropSharedPtr &getEstLogProps() const{ return cseEstLogProps_; }
void setId(Int32 id) { CMPASSERT(id_ == -1); id_ = id; }
// remember HBase access options (if needed)
void setHbaseAccessOptions(HbaseAccessOptions *hbo)
{ hbAccessOptionsFromCTE_ = hbo; }
// add this node to the global list of CommonSubExprRefs kept in CmpStatement
void addToCmpStatement(NABoolean lexicalRef);
// establish a parent/child relationship between two CommonSubExprRefs
void addParentRef(CommonSubExprRef *parentRef);
// is this the first reference to the common subexpression?
NABoolean isFirstReference() const;
// CommonSubExprRefs come in different flavors:
// Lexical ref: This is a node that got created in a parser
// rule, parsing a reference to a CTE (or, in the
// future, something equivalent, like a view reference).
// Expanded ref: Since the parser expands CTE references by making a
// copy on each reference, if that copied tree contains
// child references, an expanded ref is created.
// Lexical and expanded refs shouldn't be treated
// differently, it is somewhat arbitrary which one
// is the lexical one and which ones are expanded.
// Original ref: This is the original copy of a lexical or expanded
// ref.
// Alternative ref: Sometimes we copy a tree after binding, e.g. to
// have a fall-back during the SQO phase. Such copies
// are alternative refs, and only one of them should
// be used in the output of each compilation phase.
// Only one of the alternatives is part of the
// CSEInfo consumer list, the others are stored in
// the alternative consumer list.
// A given CommonSubExprRef is either a lexical or an expanded ref.
// The "alternative" flavor is orthogonal to that, both lexical
// and expanded refs can either be an original or an alternative.
NABoolean isALexicalRef() const { return isAnExpansionOf_ == NULL; }
NABoolean isAnExpandedRef() const { return isAnExpansionOf_ != NULL; }
NABoolean isAnOriginalRef() const { return isAnAlternativeOf_ == NULL; }
NABoolean isAnAlternativeRef() const { return isAnAlternativeOf_ != NULL; }
CommonSubExprRef *getLexicalRef()
{ return isAnExpansionOf_ ? isAnExpansionOf_ : this; }
CommonSubExprRef *getOriginalRef()
{ return isAnAlternativeOf_ ? isAnAlternativeOf_ : this; }
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// normalizer methods
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe);
virtual void pullUpPreds();
virtual void pushdownCoveredExpr(
const ValueIdSet & outputExprOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet& predOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet * nonPredNonOutputExprOnOperator = NULL,
Lng32 childId = (-MAX_REL_ARITY));
virtual void rewriteNode(NormWA & normWARef);
virtual RelExpr * semanticQueryOptimizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
virtual NABoolean prepareMeForCSESharing(
const ValueIdSet &outputsToAdd,
const ValueIdSet &predicatesToRemove,
const ValueIdSet &commonPredicatesToAdd,
const ValueIdSet &inputsToRemove,
ValueIdSet &valuesForVEGRewrite,
ValueIdSet &keyColumns,
CSEInfo *info);
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool)
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// synthesize logical properties
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
virtual void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
void emitCSEDiagnostics(const char *message,
NABoolean forceError = FALSE);
// for use by the root node for inlining
static Union *makeUnion(RelExpr *lc, RelExpr *rc, NABoolean blocked);
static void makeValueIdListFromBitVector(ValueIdList &tgt,
const ValueIdList &src,
const NABitVector &vec);
// for debugging
void display();
static void displayAll(const char *optionalId = NULL);
// private methods
// ---------------
// Methods used in the transformation of a plan with CSEs into
// one that creates a temp table, populates it, then replaces the
// CommonSubExprRef nodes with scans of the temp table. These methods
// are meant to be used in the SQO phase and/or in optimizer rules.
// - Find a list of columns that satisfies all the CSE consumers,
// - Find a set of pushed-down predicates common to all consumers
// - Based on the remaining predicates, determine a STORE BY or
// PRIMARY KEY of the temp table
// - Get an estimate for rows and bytes accessed for each of
// the scan nodes
// - Heuristically decide whether to share the data in a temp table
CSEInfo::CSEAnalysisOutcome analyzeAndPrepareForSharing(CSEInfo &info);
// decide which type of temp table to use, store the result in info
void determineTempTableType(CSEInfo &info);
// Based on the information obtained in analyzeSharing(), create
// a volatile table to hold the result of the common subexpression.
// Note that this table is created at compile time. If the user
// compiled this statement in a user-defined transaction, the
// temp table will be created in that transaction. If the user was
// not in a transaction when this statement was compiled, we
// will use a separate transaction that will be committed before
// returning back to the user.
NABoolean createTempTable(CSEInfo &info);
RelExpr * createInsertIntoTemp(CSEInfo &info, NormWA & normWARef);
// Create a scan on the temp table, which can replace this
// CommonSubExprRef node when we choose to materialize the common
// subexpression
RelExpr * createTempScan(CSEInfo &info, NormWA & normWARef);
RelExpr * getTempScan() const { return tempScan_; }
// data members
// ------------
// The name of the CTE (Common Table Expression) in internal
// format, if the operator was generated from a reference to
// a CTE. Otherwise, this could be some made-up name.
NAString internalName_;
// One or more CommonSubExprRef operators may refer to the same
// common subexprssion. These references are numbered 0, 1, ...
Int32 id_;
// indicate different flavors of CommonSubExprRef nodes and point
// back to the original node(s), if any
CommonSubExprRef *isAnExpansionOf_;
CommonSubExprRef *isAnAlternativeOf_;
// There are three ids that describe our predecessor in the
// RelExpr tree and in the lexical directed multigraph of the
// CSEs:
// Parent CSE id:
// This is the the parent CSE or main query that directly
// contains the reference. In the RelExpr tree, this is our
// closest ancestor CommonSubExprRef node or the root node
// of the tree. It is stored as the integer CSE id here,
// we could also store the name. A special id is used for
// the main query: CmpStatement::getCSEIdForMainQuery().
// Parent Ref id:
// This is the consumer id of the parent CommonSubExprRef
// (or 0 if the ref originates from the main query).
// Lexical ref num from parent:
// This indicates which reference from the parent CSE we
// are looking at. The main query or a CSE may refer to
// the same child multiple times, and this is the number
// indicating this (0...n-1). The id_ data member counts
// the total number of references to a CSE; the lexical
// ref num from parent counts only the lexical number
// of references and only from a particular parent CSE
// (or the main query).
Int32 parentCSEId_;
Int32 parentRefId_;
Int32 lexicalRefNumFromParent_;
// The list of columns produced by the common subexpression.
// We keep the full list here, even when the characteristic
// outputs get reduced during the normalization phase. This
// is a list, since different consumers of the CSE will use
// different value ids, so the only way to equate columns
// of different consumers is by position in this list.
ValueIdList columnList_;
// Same columns without making VEGRefs. This is needed
// in preCodeGen. It also includes other potential VEG
// members if this is the analyzing consumer.
ValueIdSet nonVEGColumns_;
// The common inputs (typically parameters). Pushing down
// new predicates may create additional characteristic
// inputs for this RelExpr, those are not reflected here.
// These common inputs should have the same value ids for
// all consumers.
ValueIdSet commonInputs_;
// Predicates that got pulled up during normalization.
// Usually those should get pushed down again.
// ValueIdSet pulledPredicates_;
// Predicates that got pushed into the child tree. These
// modify our copy of the common subexpression. If we want
// to use a temp table, we may need to pull out those predicates
// that are not common between all the users of the CSE
ValueIdSet pushedPredicates_;
// Predicates that are not common predicates, pushed into the
// common temp table. These need to be applied to the temp
// table, if we decide to read from a temp table.
ValueIdSet nonSharedPredicates_;
// We allow hints and access options on references to CTEs.
// Those are ignored when we expand the CTE, but they can
// be applied to the scan of the temp node, if we decide to
// create a temp table for the resulting CSE.
HbaseAccessOptions *hbAccessOptionsFromCTE_;
// the estimated logical properties of this common subexpression,
// set in the analyzing consumer only, since they should be the same
// for all consumers
EstLogPropSharedPtr cseEstLogProps_;
// the temp scan to replace this node after the SQO phase
RelExpr *tempScan_;
}; // class CommonSubExprRef
#endif /* RELMISC_H */