blob: 1b9fad942537dce73dffb5d90c0745fe039a9d71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef RELEXPR_H
#define RELEXPR_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: RelExpr.h
* Description: Relational expression base class
* Created: 4/28/94
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include "ObjectNames.h"
#include "CmpContext.h"
#include "RETDesc.h"
#include "ValueDesc.h"
#include "Rule.h"
#include "ExprNode.h"
#include "ComTransInfo.h"
#include "mdam.h"
#include "DefaultConstants.h"
#include "Inlining.h"
#include "NADefaults.h"
#include "OptUtilIncludes.h"
#include "ExplainTupleMaster.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExprGroupId;
class RelExpr;
class RelExprList;
class CutOp;
class SubtreeOp;
class WildCardOp;
class ScanForceWildCard;
class UDFForceWildCard;
class RequiredResources;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BindWA;
class CacheWA;
class CascadesPlan;
class Context;
class ContextList;
class Cost;
class CostLimit;
class CostMethod;
class EstLogProp;
class Generator;
class ComTdb;
class ExplainTuple;
class GroupAttibutes;
class Guidance;
class NormWA;
class PhysicalProperty;
class InputPhysicalProperty;
class ReqdPhysicalProperty;
class PlanWorkSpace;
class PartitioningRequirement;
class FileScan;
class Scan;
class SubTreeAccessSet;
class SearchKey;
class ScanKey;
class MVInfoForDDL;
class PlanPriority;
class Hint;
class TableMappingUDF;
class RelSequence;
class CSEInfo;
class CANodeIdSet;
class QueryAnalysis;
class GroupAnalysis;
// used in heuristics to limit VSBB and SIDETREE inserts only if number rows
// being inserted is larger than this constant. Used in ImplRule.cpp and
// GenPreCode.cpp
const Lng32 MIN_ROWS_FOR_VSBB = 100;
// used to defined input partitioning type of a TMUDF table input (its child)
enum TMUDFInputPartReq
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An ExprGroupId object is a pointer to a logical or a physical RelExpr
// object or to a Cascades group. It is used to point to the child
// nodes (subtrees) of an ExprNode object. Different modes of addressing
// are available, depending on whether the tree is a standalone object
// outside of Cascades, a materialized binding in Cascades, or a memoized
// expression (a member of the CascadesMemo structure).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExprGroupId : public NABasicObject
// state of the object
enum GroupIdMode
// constructors
ExprGroupId(const ExprGroupId & other);
ExprGroupId(RelExpr *node);
ExprGroupId(CascadesGroupId groupId);
// assignment operators
ExprGroupId & operator = (const ExprGroupId & other);
ExprGroupId & operator = (RelExpr * other);
ExprGroupId & operator = (CascadesGroupId other);
// compare an ExprGroupId with another ExprGroupId or a RelExpr *
NABoolean operator == (const ExprGroupId &other) const;
NABoolean operator != (const ExprGroupId &other) const
{ return NOT operator == (other); }
NABoolean operator == (const RelExpr *other) const;
NABoolean operator != (const RelExpr *other) const
{ return NOT operator == (other); }
// dereferencing operator, this class works like a pointer
inline RelExpr * operator ->() const; // defined below class Rexpr
// same as a "normal" method
inline RelExpr * getPtr() const; // defined below class RelExpr
// cast into a RelExpr *
inline operator RelExpr *() const; // defined below class RelExpr
// return a group number instead of a pointer
CascadesGroupId getGroupId() const;
// return the mode of the pointer
GroupIdMode getMode() const { return groupIdMode_; }
// change a binding back to mode MEMOIZED
void releaseBinding();
void convertBindingToStandalone(); // use after optimization
// The Group Attributes contains certain attributes that are
// characteristics for a relational operator.
void setGroupAttr(GroupAttributes *gaPtr);
GroupAttributes *getGroupAttr() const;
// shortcut to get the estimated output log props out of the group
// given the corresponding input estimated logical property.
// NOTE: If the OLP has not yet been synthesized, this method
// will synthesize the OLP on demand.
// (This means that no const version of this function is
// possible)
EstLogPropSharedPtr outputLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputLogProp);
// A shortcut to get the bound expression (if it exists) ...
// or the first logical expression in the Cascades Group.
RelExpr * getLogExpr() const;
RelExpr * getFirstLogExpr() const;
enum GroupIdMode groupIdMode_;
RelExpr * node_; // used for all modes but MEMOIZED
CascadesGroupId groupId_; // used for the MEMOIZED and BINDING mode
}; // class ExprGroupId
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A generic relational expression node. This class is a base class for
// any relational operator in the system. Every relational operator has
// a selection predicate associated with it. This base class also
// maintains all the data members describing the output row of a
// relational operator and its outer references.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class RelExpr : public ExprNode
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// default constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
RelExpr(OperatorTypeEnum otype,
RelExpr *leftChild = NULL,
RelExpr *rightChild = NULL,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// operator== required for use in templates
NABoolean operator==(const RelExpr &other) const
if(&other == this)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// virtual destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ~RelExpr();
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
NABoolean isAnyJoin() const;
virtual const NAString getText() const {return NAString("RelExpr"); }
// are RelExpr's kids cacheable after this phase?
NABoolean cacheableKids(CacheWA& cwa);
// is this entire expression cacheable after this phase?
virtual NABoolean isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa);
// is this single ExprNode cacheable after this phase?
NABoolean isCacheableNode(CmpPhase phase) const;
// mark this ExprNode as cacheable for this and later phases
void setCacheableNode(CmpPhase phase);
// append an ascii-version of RelExpr into cachewa.qryText_
virtual void generateCacheKey(CacheWA& cachewa) const;
// change literals of a cacheable query into ConstantParameters
virtual RelExpr* normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cachewa, BindWA& bindWA);
// helper function on CQS Tree
virtual RelExpr *generateMatchingExpr(CANodeIdSet &,
CANodeIdSet &,
RelExpr *);
// helper function on Normalized tree (CQS project)
virtual RelExpr * generateLogicalExpr (CANodeIdSet &,
CANodeIdSet &);
Hint *getHint() const { return hint_; }
void setHint(Hint *h) { hint_ = h; }
static const CorrName invalid;
virtual inline const CorrName& getTableName()const { return invalid;}
// append an ascii-version of RelExpr node into cachewa.qryText_
void generateCacheKeyNode(CacheWA& cwa) const;
// append an ascii-version of RelExpr's kids into cachewa.qryText_
void generateCacheKeyForKids(CacheWA& cachewa) const;
// change literals in cacheable query's kids into ConstantParameters
void normalizeKidsForCache(CacheWA& cachewa, BindWA& bindWA);
// How much memory do we expect this operator's executor to be able to use?
// The method takes into consideration the memory needed by ODBC.
Lng32 getExeMemoryAvailable(NABoolean inMaster, Lng32 BMOsMemoryLimit) const;
// How much memory do we expect this operator's executor to be able to use
// per ESP/master fragment ?
Lng32 getExeMemoryAvailable(NABoolean inMaster) const;
// compute the memory quota
double computeMemoryQuota(NABoolean inMaster,
NABoolean perCPU,
double BMOsMemoryLimit,
UInt16 totalNumBMOs,
double totalBMOsMemoryUsage,
UInt16 numBMOsPerFragment,
double BMOsMemoryUsagePerFragment
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// perform a safe type cast (return NULL ptr for illegal casts)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual RelExpr *castToRelExpr();
const RelExpr * castToRelExpr() const;
// This method clears all logical expressions uptill the leaf node
// for multi-join. The methid should be called only before optimization phases
// Reason for that is (1)it is very expensive to synthLogProp and should be avoided
// (2) we are resetting number of joined tables, which should not be done once it is
// set during optimization phases
void clearLogExprForSynthDuringAnalysis();
virtual NABoolean isAControlStatement() const { return FALSE; }
virtual StaticOnly isAStaticOnlyStatement() const { return NOT_STATIC_ONLY; }
NABoolean isParHeuristic4Feasible(Context* myContext,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe);
// safe casting to derived classes
virtual TableMappingUDF *castToTableMappingUDF();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// method required for traversing an ExprNode tree
// access a child of an ExprNode
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual ExprNode * getChild(Lng32 index);
// Method for replacing a particular child
virtual void setChild(Lng32 index, ExprNode *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete this node without deleting its subtree.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void deleteInstance();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods for traversing the tree
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// operator [] is used to access the children of a tree
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
virtual ExprGroupId & operator[] (Lng32 index)
CMPASSERT(index >= 0 AND index < MAX_REL_ARITY);
return child_[index];
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
virtual const ExprGroupId & operator[] (Lng32 index) const
CMPASSERT(index >= 0 AND index < MAX_REL_ARITY);
return child_[index];
// for cases where a named method is more convenient than operator []
inline ExprGroupId & child(Lng32 index)
{ return operator[](index); }
// const version of the above
inline const ExprGroupId & child(Lng32 index) const
{ return operator[](index); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// manipulate the selection predicate of the node
// (read and set the entire predicate, add and remove
// predicates that are ANDed together).
// Predicates that are passed through this interface change
// ownership, meaning that the new "owner" is responsible
// for deallocation. No copies are made by these methods.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// add a new selection predicate (new pred = child pred AND existing pred)
void addSelPredTree(ItemExpr *selpred);
// remove the selection predicate tree from this node and return its pointer
ItemExpr * removeSelPredTree();
// non-destructive read of the selection predicates
ItemExpr * selPredTree() const { return selection_; }
const ItemExpr * getSelPredTree() const { return selection_; }
// return a (short-lived) read/write reference to the selection predicates
ValueIdSet & selectionPred() { CMPASSERT(NOT isCutOp()); return predicates_; }
// return a constant reference to the selection predicates
const ValueIdSet & getSelectionPred() const { return predicates_; }
const ValueIdSet & getSelectionPredicates() const { return predicates_; }
void setSelectionPredicates(const ValueIdSet& p) { predicates_ = p; }
// Used by inlining mechanism for adding optimizer constraints
void addUniqueColumnsTree(ItemExpr *uniqueColumnsTree);
ItemExpr * removeUniqueColumnsTree();
inline ValueIdSet& getUniqueColumns() { return uniqueColumns_; }
inline void setUniqueColumns(const ValueIdSet& uniqueColumns)
uniqueColumns_ = uniqueColumns;
CardConstraint * getCardConstraint() const { return cardConstraint_; }
void addCardConstraint(Cardinality lowerBound, Cardinality upperBound)
cardConstraint_ = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Group Attributes contains certain attributes that are
// characteristics for this relational operator, namely,
// 1) the values that it requires as external inputs, which are
// outer references such as a column from an outer scope,
// a host variable, a dynamic parameter or a constant.
// 2) the values that it produces as output.
// 3) the logical properties such as constraints, statistics, etc.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void setGroupAttr(GroupAttributes *gaPtr);
inline GroupAttributes *getGroupAttr() const { return groupAttr_; }
virtual NABoolean reconcileGroupAttr(GroupAttributes *newGroupAttr);
// *********************************************************************
// Common interfaces for processing DML statements.
// Each interface implements one phase of query processing.
// *********************************************************************
enum AtomicityType
// Rowsets processing does some transformations after parsing but before
// binding. For example, it transforms a query Q that has an input rowset
// array A into a TSJ that feeds each element of A into the query Q. The argument
// inputArrayMaxsize is used to set the length of input arrays for ODBC
// insert queries.
virtual RelExpr *xformRowsetsInTree(BindWA& wa,
const ULng32 inputArrayMaxsize = 0,
const AtomicityType atomicity = UNSPECIFIED_);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// The name binding and semantics checking phase is implemented
// by the virtual function bindNode().
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual RelExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unconditional query transformations such as the transformation of
// a subquery to a semijoin are implemented by the virtual function
// transformNode(). The aim of such transformations is to bring the
// query tree to a canonical form. transformNode() also ensures
// that the "required" (or characteristic) input values are "minimal"
// and the "required" (or characteristic) outputs values are
// "maximal" for each operator.
// transformNode() is an overloaded name, which is used for a set
// of methods that implement the transformation phase of query
// normalization.
// We use the term query tree for a tree of relational operators,
// each of which can contain none or more scalar expression trees.
// The transformations performed by transformNode() brings scalar
// expressions into a canonical form. The effect of most such
// transformations is local to the scalar expression tree.
// However, the transformation of a subquery requires a semijoin
// to be performed between the relational operator that contains
// the subquery and the query tree for the subquery. The effect
// of such a subquery transformation is therefore visible not
// only in the scalar expression tree but also in the relational
// expression tree.
// Originally, transformNode() was a virtual method on ExprNode.
// The relational as well as scalar expressions are derived from
// ExprNode and used to provide proprietary implementations for it.
// However, relational and scalar expressions have different
// processing requirements during the transformation phase. Hence,
// each of them now support a virtual transformNode() method that
// differ in their interfaces.
// Parameters:
// NormWA & normWARef
// IN : a pointer to the normalizer work area
// ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe
// IN : a reference to the location that contains a pointer to
// the RelExpr that is currently being processed.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// rewriteNode() is the virtual function that computes
// the transitive closure for "=" predicates and rewrites value
// expressions.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void rewriteNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This routine checks whether a table is both read and updated
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
enum rwErrorStatus
virtual rwErrorStatus checkReadWriteConflicts(NormWA & normWARef);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// normalizeNode() performs predicate pushdown and also ensures
// that the characteristic input as well as characteristic output
// values are both "minimal".
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual RelExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// getEssentialOutputsFromChildren() is a helper method used by the
// classifyChildOutputs() method. This method will have a set containing
// all Essential Outputs out a node's direct children in essOutputs,
// upon completion.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void getEssentialOutputsFromChildren(ValueIdSet & essOutputs);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// fixEssentialCharacteristicOutputs() is a used during the bottom-up of
// normalizeNode(). This method collects the essential outputs of the
// children nodes and if any nonessential outputs of the cureent node
// overlap with those essential outputs, then the overlapping nonessential
// outputs are set to be essential too. In other words this method implements
// the rule that states if an output is essential in my child, it is
// essential for me too (if the valueid is part of my output).
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void fixEssentialCharacteristicOutputs();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// semanticQueryOptimizeNode() performs sematic query optimization
// In Neo R2.2 this includes only subquery unnesting
// semantic query optimization is defined as a sematics preserving
// tranformation on a query tree that uses the logical constraints
// computed for the query.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual RelExpr * semanticQueryOptimizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// used during SemanticQueryOptimize to remove filter nodes introduced
// in previous phases, if the subquery is not going to be unnested.
// The objective is to push predicates as far down as possible so that
// cardinality can be estimated correctly for all nodes during Analyzer
// phase
void eliminateFilterChild();
// used duirng SQO, to check if the child or grandchild of current
// node is a filter. Two acceptable patterns are (a) child(0) is filter
// child(0) is groupby an child(0)->child(0) is filter
NABoolean hasFilterChild();
// used during SQO phase to make the left sub tree of the join
// being unnested produce the extra outputs that is necessary to
// group by a set of unique columns of of the left sub tree
NABoolean getMoreOutputsIfPossible(ValueIdSet& outputsNeeded) ;
// calls pushDownCoveredExpr recursively. Used at the end of the
// SQO phase to get outputs at every node to be minimal
void recursivePushDownCoveredExpr(NormWA * normWAPtr,
NABoolean doSynthLogProp = TRUE) ;
// synthesizes (in Scan's implemenation), matches (in Join's implementation)
// and flows CompRefOpt constraints up the query tree.
virtual void processCompRefOptConstraints(NormWA * normWAPtr) ;
// Used during SQO to prepare the child tree of a CommonSubExprRef
// for sharing between multiple consumers. This basically undoes
// some of the normalizations, like eliminating unneeded outputs
// and pushing predicates down. This is a recursive tree walk
// method, most nodes don't override this one.
// Returns TRUE for success, FALSE if it was unable to prepare
// (diags will be set).
// Tree remains unchanged if testRun is TRUE.
virtual NABoolean prepareTreeForCSESharing(
const ValueIdSet &outputsToAdd,
const ValueIdSet &predicatesToRemove,
const ValueIdSet &commonPredicatesToAdd,
const ValueIdSet &inputsToRemove,
ValueIdSet &valuesForVEGRewrite,
ValueIdSet &keyColumns,
CSEInfo *info);
// A virtual method called on every node from prepareTreeForCSESharing(),
// use this to do the actual work of removing predicates other than
// selection predicates, and to indicate that the node supports this
// method (the default implementation returns FALSE).
// This method needs to
// - make sure no changes are done to the node when testRun is TRUE
// - add any required new outputs to the char. outputs, unless they
// are produced by a child
// - make sure no local expression reference any of the inputs to
// be removed
// - indicate in its return value whether it was successful doing so
// This method doesn't need to take care of the following, since the
// caller of this method already does it:
// - removing predicates from selectionPred()
// - adding new common predicates to selectionPred(), unless
// they are covered by the children's group attributes
// - adding required outputs that are produced by children
// - removing char. inputs that are requested to be removed
virtual NABoolean prepareMeForCSESharing(
const ValueIdSet &outputsToAdd,
const ValueIdSet &predicatesToRemove,
const ValueIdSet &commonPredicatesToAdd,
const ValueIdSet &inputsToRemove,
ValueIdSet &valuesForVEGRewrite,
ValueIdSet &keyColumns,
CSEInfo *info);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a query execution plan.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual RelExpr * optimizeNode();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Perform local query rewrites such as for the creation and
// population of intermediate tables, for accessing partitioned
// data. Rewrite the value expressions after minimizing the dataflow
// using the transitive closure of equality predicates.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Perform DoP reduction. Called during preCodeGen().
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void prepareDopReduction(Generator*);
virtual void doDopReduction();
virtual void doDopReductionWithinFragment(Lng32 newDoP);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate executor task definition blocks (ComTdb's).
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual short codeGen(Generator *);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// generate CONTROL QUERY SHAPE fragment for this node.
// -----------------------------------------------------
virtual short generateShape(CollHeap * space, char * buf, NAString * shapeStr = NULL);
// *********************************************************************
// Helper functions and methods used by the binder.
// *********************************************************************
void bindChildren(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
RelExpr *bindSelf(BindWA *bindWAPtr);
void setRETDesc(RETDesc *retdesc) { RETDesc_ = retdesc; }
RETDesc *getRETDesc() const;
CollIndex getDegree() const
RETDesc *rd = getRETDesc();
return rd ? rd->getDegree() : (CollIndex)0;
Scan *getScanNode(NABoolean assertExactlyOneScanNode = TRUE) const;
Scan *getLeftmostScanNode() const;
Scan *getAnyScanNode() const;
Join *getLeftJoinChild() const;
RelSequence *getOlapChild() const;
void getAllTableDescs(TableDescList &tableDescs);
TableDesc *findFirstTableDescAndValueIdMap(RelExpr *currentNode,
ValueIdMap &valueIdMap);
// we must pushdown the outputs of a genericupdate root to its
// descendants to ensure that only those required output values are
// tested against indexes when selecting an index for a stream scan
// followed by an embedded update. Since we may allow for unions and
// for inner updates we just follow the isEmbeddedUpdate() thread once
// we reach a generic update root.
void pushDownGenericUpdateRootOutputs(const ValueIdSet &outputs);
// in order to bind constraints for views with the check option we
// have to locate the respective view scan scope. In case of a simple
// view the scope is associated with the leaf scan node; in case of
// stacked views the scope is associated with the rename node inserted
// by view expansion.
RelExpr *getViewScanNode(NABoolean isTopLevelUpdateInView = FALSE) const;
// a virtual function to get addressability to the list of output values
virtual ItemExpr * selectList(); // in the external form
// Triggers --
// get/set the InliningInfo object.
inline InliningInfo& getInliningInfo() { return inliningInfo_; }
inline const InliningInfo& getInliningInfo() const { return inliningInfo_; }
inline void setInliningInfo(InliningInfo *info) { inliningInfo_ = *info; }
// Access set handling methods
inline SubTreeAccessSet *getAccessSet0() { return accessSet0_;}
inline SubTreeAccessSet *getAccessSet1() { return accessSet1_;}
inline void setAccessSet0(SubTreeAccessSet *as) { accessSet0_ = as; }
inline void setAccessSet1(SubTreeAccessSet *as) { accessSet1_ = as; }
virtual SubTreeAccessSet *calcAccessSets(CollHeap *heap);
// MV --
virtual NABoolean isIncrementalMV() { return FALSE; }
virtual void collectMVInformation(MVInfoForDDL *mvInfo,
NABoolean isNormalized);
// determine whether an IUD operation has been seen
virtual NABoolean seenIUD() { return seenIUD_; }
virtual void setSeenIUD() { seenIUD_ = TRUE; }
// *********************************************************************
// Helper functions and methods used by the normalizer.
// *********************************************************************
// procedure to do the common processing of the select predicate
void transformSelectPred(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprGroupId & locationOfPointerToMe);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inputs and Ouptuts.
// Each relational operator in the dataflow tree can receive some
// external dataflow inputs such as constant values or values in
// host variables or dynamic parameters, for evaluating some scalar
// expression. Each operator can also produce one or more output
// values that are either "raw" values from columns or values that
// result from the evaluation of an expression.
// An operator can receive more values as inputs than it requires
// for its own expressions because it passes them down to its
// children. It is also capable of producing a large number of
// values as outputs: potentially all those values that its children
// can produce as well as those that do not require any new external
// children. For example, if the children can produce values a, b,
// then the operator is capable of producing a, b, a + b and so on.
// The Group Attributes that are associated with each relational
// operator contain its Charcateristic Input and Outputs. The
// following methods are used for priming the Group Attributes
// with an set of values that provide the basis for computing
// the Characteristic Input and Outputs.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void primeGroupAttributes();
void allocateAndPrimeGroupAttributes(); // used after a rule-based transformation
virtual void primeGroupAnalysis();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method that provides the set of values that can potentially be
// produced as output by this operator. These are values over and
// above those that are prodcued as Characteristic Outputs.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void getPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet & vs) const;
virtual void getPotentialOutputValuesAsVEGs(ValueIdSet& outputs) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// pullUpPreds()
// This method is used during subquery transformation.
// It moves predicates from transformed children of the node to the
// appropriate place in the node.
// If a child loses some predicates then recomputeOuterReferences()
// must be called on it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void pullUpPreds();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// recomputeOuterReferences()
// This method is used by the normalizer for recomputing the
// outer references (external dataflow input values) that are
// still referenced by each operator in the subquery tree
// after the predicate pull up is complete.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void recomputeOuterReferences();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// pushdownCoveredExpr()
// In order to compute the Group Attributes for a relational operator
// an analysis of all the scalar expressions associated with it is
// performed. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the sources
// of the values that each expression requires. As a result of this
// analysis values are categorized as external dataflow inputs or
// those that can be produced completely by a certain child of the
// relational operator.
// This method is invoked on each relational operator. It causes
// a) the pushdown of predicates and
// b) the recomputation of the Group Attributes of each child.
// The recomputation is required either because the child is
// assigned new predicates or is expected to compute some of
// expressions that are required by its parent.
// c) Classification of outputs into essential and non-essential outputs
// Parameters:
// const ValueIdSet & outputExprOnOperator
// IN: a read-only reference to the outputs of a node. This will
// be used to classify the child outputs into essential &
// non-essential outputs. Ideally this argument is not needed
// as a relExpr is capable of finding out what its outputs are.
// This argument is being kept so that many callers do not
// have to change.
// ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs
// IN : a reference to a set of new external inputs (ValueIds)
// that are provided by this operator for evaluating the
// the above expressions.
// ValueIdSet & predOnOperator
// IN : the set of predicates existing on the operator
// OUT: a subset of the original predicates. Some of the
// predicate factors may have been pushed down to
// the operator's children.
// ValueIdSet & nonPredNonOutputExprOnOperator
// IN: A pointer to a set of expressions that are
// associated with this operator. Typically, they do not
// include the selection predicates. For example this will
// include the group and aggregate expr of a GroupBy, any
// order requirement on a Root node
// short childId
// IN : This is an optional parameter.
// If supplied, it is a zero-based index for a specific child
// on which the predicate pushdown should be attempted.
// If not supplied, or a null pointer is supplied, then
// the pushdown is attempted on all the children.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void pushdownCoveredExpr(
const ValueIdSet & outputExprOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet& predOnOperator,
const ValueIdSet *
nonPredNonOutputExprOnOperator = NULL,
Lng32 childId = (-MAX_REL_ARITY));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// RelExpr::computeValuesReqdForPredicates()
// This function obtains the values required to evaluate the predicates
// contained in setOfExpr (first argument). The
// computed list of values is returned in the second argument
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void computeValuesReqdForPredicates(const ValueIdSet& setOfExpr,
ValueIdSet& reqdValues,
NABoolean addInstNull = FALSE);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// RelExpr::computeValuesReqdForOutput()
// This function obtains the values required to evaluate the predicates
// contained in setOfExpr (first argument). The
// computed list of values is returned in the third argument.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void computeValuesReqdForOutput(const ValueIdSet& setOfExpr,
const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet& outputsOnOperator);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// RelExpr::preventPushDownPartReq()
// This function returns TRUE if both children have plans, are small and
// not partitioned. Looking through all group's plans could be expensive,
// especially at the end of the compilation process when we have lots of
// plans in the memo. The idea of heuristic4, implemented here, is to check
// just the first plan's partitioning properties for the child's group.
// Under SYSTEM option we try to create parallel plan first. So if this
// first plan happend to be non-parallel because we couldn't create a
// parallel one we don't want to try parallelism again.
// SO, if this is the only child and the child is small and non-partitioned
// then the function returns TRUE preventing creation of parallel plan. If
// the child is partitioned the function will return FALSE allowing creation
// of parallel plan for the child's group. If the current expression has two
// children they should be both "small" and have their first plans non-
// parallel and succeeded in the current pass to prevent attempt to create
// another parallel plan.
NABoolean preventPushDownPartReq
(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLogProp );
// *********************************************************************
// Helper functions and methods used by the optimizer.
// *********************************************************************
// synthesize logical properties
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
// finish the synthesis of logical properties by setting various cardinality
// related attributes
virtual void finishSynthEstLogProp();
// synthesize estimated logical properties given a specific set of
// input log. properties
virtual void synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputLP);
// synthesize estimated logical properties for unary and leaf ops
EstLogPropSharedPtr synthEstLogPropForUnaryLeafOp
(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp,
const ColStatDescList & childStats,
CostScalar initialRowcount = 1,
CostScalar *childMaxCardEst = NULL) const;
// call the optimizer with requirements
RelExpr * optimize(NABoolean exception = FALSE,
Guidance* guidance = NULL,
ReqdPhysicalProperty * rpp = NULL,
CostLimit* costLimit = NULL);
RelExpr * optimize2();
RelExpr * checkAndReorderTree();
void clearAllEstLogProp();
// clear logical properties of me and mine children
void clearAllLogProp();
virtual RelExpr * reorderTree(NABoolean & treeModified,
NABoolean doReorderJoin);
// added for trigger project, to activate after trigger transformation
virtual RelExpr * fixupTriggers(NABoolean & treeModified);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// comparison, hash, and copy methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual SimpleHashValue hash(); // from ExprNode
virtual HashValue topHash();
HashValue treeHash();
virtual NABoolean patternMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
// "virtual copy constructor", provides a generic method to duplicate
// the top node of an expression tree or an entire tree.
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = NULL);
RelExpr * copyTree(CollHeap* heap = NULL);
RelExpr * copyRelExprTree(CollHeap* outHeap = NULL);
const RelExpr * getOriginalExpr(NABoolean transitive = TRUE) const;
RelExpr * getOriginalExpr(NABoolean transitive = TRUE);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods used internally by Cascades
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const;
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const;
// these functions must not be redefined, except for Cut, Subtree,
// or Wildcard nodes
virtual NABoolean isCutOp() const;
virtual NABoolean isSubtreeOp() const;
virtual NABoolean isWildcard() const;
// get/set the Cascades internal data of a RelExpr
// NOTE: these methods are not really intended for general use!!!
inline CascadesGroupId getGroupId() const { return groupId_; }
inline void setGroupId(CascadesGroupId g) { groupId_ = g; }
inline RelExpr * getNextInGroup() { return groupNext_; }
inline void setNextInGroup(RelExpr * v) { groupNext_ = v; }
inline RelExpr * getNextInBucket() { return bucketNext_; }
inline void setNextInBucket(RelExpr * v) { bucketNext_ = v; }
inline const RuleSubset &getContextInsensRules() const { return contextInsensRules_; }
inline RuleSubset &contextInsensRules() { return contextInsensRules_; }
inline const RulesPerContextList &getContextSensRules() const { return contextSensRules_; }
inline RulesPerContextList &contextSensRules() { return contextSensRules_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods needed by Cascades iff an operator is logical
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// determine how many promising moves to pursue in exploration
virtual Int32 computeExploreExprCutoff(RuleWithPromise promisingMoves [],
Int32 numberOfMoves,
RelExpr* pattern,
Guidance* myGuidance);
// determine how many promising moves to pursue in optimization
virtual Int32 computeOptimizeExprCutoff(RuleWithPromise promisingMoves [],
Int32 numberOfMoves,
Guidance* myGuidance,
Context* myContext);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods needed by Cascades iff an operator is physical
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function to permit the allocation of an operator-specific
// work space that is used during plan generation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual PlanWorkSpace* allocateWorkSpace() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Obtain a pointer to a CostMethod object that provides access
// to the cost estimation functions for nodes of this type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The main driver for plan generation.
// Generate a context for optimizing a child of this operator,
// given the optimization context and an operator-specific
// work space that is used during plan generation.
// The (implementation) rule and the guidance that was used
// for creating this instance of the operator are also supplied.
// They are used for creating a new guidance that is used for
// optimizing the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Context* createPlan(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Rule* rule,
Guidance* myGuidance,
Guidance* & childGuidance);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a Context for a specific child and store it in the
// PlanWorkSpace.
// This method is called from within the implementation
// of createPlan().
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Context* createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a Context for a specific child, given a sortkey and
// arranged columns.
// This method should be called from within the implementation
// of createContextForAChild() for operators that require the dataflow
// produced by their child to be sorted.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context * generateContext(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32 childIndex,
const ValueIdSet* const arrangedCols,
const ValueIdList* const sortKey,
PartitioningRequirement* partReq);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function for computing the cost limit to be imposed
// on the child that is about to be optimized.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual CostLimit* computeCostLimit(const Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function that determines if the current plan is
// compatible with any forced plan constraints and is viable.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean currentPlanIsAcceptable(Lng32 planNo,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function for associating one of the Contexts
// that was created for each child of this operator
// with the Context for this operator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean findOptimalSolution(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// calculate physical properties from child's phys properties
// (assuming the children are already optimized and have physical properties)
// (used in the implementation of createPlan)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual PhysicalProperty* synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A helper method for synthesizing the physical properties for the leaf
// operators scan, cursor insert, cursor update, and cursor delete.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PhysicalProperty* synthDP2PhysicalProperty(
const Context* myContext,
const ValueIdList& sortOrder,
const IndexDesc* indexDesc,
const SearchKey* partSearchKey);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// create or share an optimization goal for a child group
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Context* shareContext(Lng32 childIndex,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const reqdPhys,
const InputPhysicalProperty* const inputPhys,
CostLimit* costLimit,
Context* parentContext,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputLogProp,
RelExpr *explicitlyRequiredShape = NULL) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// release a binding that was created by means other than using a
// BINDING object (e.g. a binding created by Context::bindSolutionTree()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void releaseBindingTree(NABoolean memoIsMoribund = FALSE);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function that decides if ESP parallelism is allowed
// by the settings in the defaults table, or if the number of
// ESPs is being forced.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual DefaultToken getParallelControlSettings (
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A virtual function that decides if ESP parallelism is worth it
// for the operator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean okToAttemptESPParallelism (
const Context* myContext, /*IN*/
PlanWorkSpace* pws, /*IN*/
Lng32& numOfESPs, /*OUT*/
float& allowedDeviation, /*OUT*/
NABoolean& numOfESPsForced /*OUT*/) ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks the required physical properties to see if they require
// something that only an enforcer (i.e. sort or exchange) can provide.
// This method is called by all implementations of the
// method topMatch() except the enforcer rule implementations.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean rppRequiresEnforcer
(const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rppForMe) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compares the pivs of this node to those of its children.
// If they are different, they are made the same.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void replacePivs();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Performs mapping on the partitioning function, from this
// operator to the designated child, if the operator has/requires mapping.
// Note that this default implementation does no mapping.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual PartitioningFunction* mapPartitioningFunction(
const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
NABoolean rewriteForChild0) ;
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
virtual void addPartKeyPredsToSelectionPreds(
const ValueIdSet& partKeyPreds,
const ValueIdSet& pivs)
// *********************************************************************
// Helper functions and methods during the pre code generation phase.
// *********************************************************************
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// get... methods for the code generator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void getOutputValuesOfMyChildren(ValueIdSet & vs) const;
virtual void getInputValuesFromParentAndChildren(ValueIdSet & vs) const;
void getInputAndPotentialOutputValues(ValueIdSet& vs) const;
ULng32 getDefault(DefaultConstants);
// cleanup after the generator phase
virtual void cleanupAfterCompilation();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method is used to propagate to all Sort nodes in the query
// if the top N sorted rows are needed. Called when the user
// has specified [first <N>] in their select statement. The actual
// value of <N> is sent to the operator at runtime via a GET_N request.
// See executor queue structure for details about GET_N request.
// The value of 'val' is used to set or reset this in the Sort node.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void needSortedNRows(NABoolean val);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for retrieving information from the best plan.
// NOTE: The following set of methods should be used ONLY AFTER
// optimization is complete, at which point physical property,
// cost, and estimated # rows are transferred from the optimal plan.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
inline const PhysicalProperty* getPhysicalProperty() const
{ return physProp_; }
inline void setPhysicalProperty (const PhysicalProperty* physProp)
{ physProp_ = physProp; }
inline const Cost * getOperatorCost() const
{ return operatorCost_; }
inline void setOperatorCost (const Cost * cost)
{ operatorCost_ = cost; }
inline const Cost * getRollUpCost() const
{ return rollUpCost_; }
inline void setRollUpCost (const Cost * cost)
{ rollUpCost_ = cost; }
inline const CostScalar getEstRowsUsed() const { return estRowsUsed_; }
inline void setEstRowsUsed(CostScalar r) { estRowsUsed_ = r; }
inline const CostScalar getInputCardinality() const { return inputCardinality_; }
inline void setInputCardinality(CostScalar r) { inputCardinality_ = r; }
inline const CostScalar getMaxCardEst() const { return maxCardEst_; }
inline void setMaxCardEst(CostScalar r) { maxCardEst_ = r; }
static short bmoGrowthPercent(CostScalar e, CostScalar m);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// for debugging
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
void addExplainPredicates(ExplainTupleMaster * explainTuple,
Generator * generator);
ExplainTuple *addExplainInfo(ComTdb *tdb,
ExplainTuple *leftChild,
ExplainTuple *rightChild,
Generator *generator);
virtual ExplainTuple *addSpecificExplainInfo(ExplainTupleMaster *explainTuple,
ComTdb * tdb,
Generator *generator);
virtual void print(FILE * f = stdout,
const char * prefix = "",
const char * suffix = "") const;
virtual void unparse(NAString &result,
PhaseEnum phase = DEFAULT_PHASE,
UnparseFormatEnum form = USER_FORMAT,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
// -- Triggers
// Count the number of nodes in the tree.
Int32 nodeCount() const;
// Determine whether a node of the given type exists in the tree.
NABoolean containsNode(OperatorTypeEnum nodeType);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// isBigMemoryOperator() returns TRUE for operators which intend to use
// an amount of memory per cpu that is greater than the limit. It is
// used during costing. The context is needed because we need the number of
// CPU the operator can execute on to estimate its memory needs on each
// CPU, and we also need the input logical properties to estimate the
// size of the table the operator is handling. Both of them are stored
// in the Context object. We also need to know the plan number,
// since different plans for the same operator may consume different
// quantities of memory. For example, a Type-2 parallel hash join vs.
// a Type-1 parallel hash join.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual NABoolean isBigMemoryOperator(const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
const Lng32 planNumber);
virtual CostScalar getEstimatedRunTimeMemoryUsageInMB(NABoolean perCPU)
{ return getEstimatedRunTimeMemoryUsage(perCPU) / (1024*1024); }
virtual CostScalar getEstimatedRunTimeMemoryUsage(NABoolean perCPU) {return 0;}
virtual double getEstimatedRunTimeMemoryUsage(ComTdb * tdb) {return 0;}
inline NABoolean isinBlockStmt() const
{ return isinBlockStmt_; }
inline NABoolean isinBlockStmt()
{ return isinBlockStmt_; }
inline void setBlockStmt(NABoolean cs)
{ isinBlockStmt_ = cs; }
// set the isinBlockStmt_ flag to x for the entire tree rooted
// at this RelExpr.
void setBlockStmtRecursively(NABoolean x);
double calculateNoOfLogPlans(Lng32& numOfMergedExprs);
double calculateSubTreeComplexity(NABoolean& antiSemiJoinQuery);
// calculate a query's MJ complexity,
// shoud be called after MJ rewrite
double calculateQueryMJComplexity(double &n,double &n2,double &n3,double &n4);
void makeListBySize(LIST(CostScalar) & orderedList,
NABoolean recompute);
void setFirstNRows(Int64 firstNRows) { firstNRows_ = firstNRows; }
Int64 getFirstNRows() { return firstNRows_; }
virtual PlanPriority computeOperatorPriority
(const Context* context,
PlanWorkSpace *pws=NULL,
Lng32 planNumber=0);
NABoolean oltOpt() { return oltOptInfo_.oltAnyOpt(); };
NABoolean oltOptLean() { return oltOptInfo_.oltEidLeanOpt(); };
OltOptInfo &oltOptInfo() { return oltOptInfo_; };
// get TableDesc from the expression. It could be directly
// attached to the expression, as in Scan, or could be a
// part of GroupAnalysis, as in cut-opp. For expressions
// which do not have a tableDesc attached to them, like Join
// it would be NULL
TableDesc* getTableDescForExpr();
NABoolean treeContainsEspExchange();
virtual NABoolean pilotAnalysis(QueryAnalysis* qa);
virtual void jbbAnalysis(QueryAnalysis* qa);
virtual void jbbJoinDependencyAnalysis(ValueIdSet & predsWithDependencies);
virtual void predAnalysis(QueryAnalysis* qa);
virtual RelExpr* convertToMultiJoinSubtree(QueryAnalysis* qa);
virtual EstLogPropSharedPtr setJBBInput(EstLogPropSharedPtr & inLP = (*GLOBAL_EMPTY_INPUT_LOGPROP));
virtual RelExpr* expandMultiJoinSubtree();
GroupAnalysis* getGroupAnalysis();
// do some analysis on the initial plan
// this is called at the end of the analysis phase
virtual void analyzeInitialPlan();
virtual void computeRequiredResources(RequiredResources & reqResources,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & inLP = (*GLOBAL_EMPTY_INPUT_LOGPROP));
virtual void computeMyRequiredResources(RequiredResources & reqResources,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & inLP);
// Accessor for the rowsetIterator flag.
NABoolean isRowsetIterator() const { return rowsetIterator_; }
// Mutator for the rowsetIterator flag.
void setRowsetIterator(NABoolean rowsetIterator)
{ rowsetIterator_ = rowsetIterator; }
// Accessor for the tolerateNonFatalError flag.
AtomicityType getTolerateNonFatalError() const { return tolerateNonFatalError_; }
// Mutator for the tolerateNonFatalError flag.
void setTolerateNonFatalError(AtomicityType tolerateNonFatalError)
{ tolerateNonFatalError_ = tolerateNonFatalError; }
// method used by generator to detrmine if rowsAffected needs to be set in PA.
// The base class implementaion returns FALSE. FirstN and GenericUpdate are the only
// classes that return true currently.
virtual NABoolean computeRowsAffected() const
{return FALSE;} ;
inline NABoolean markedForElimination() const
{ return markedForElimination_; }
inline void setMarkedForElimination(NABoolean b)
{ markedForElimination_ = b; }
inline NABoolean isExtraHub() const
{ return isExtraHub_; }
inline void setIsExtraHub(NABoolean b)
{ isExtraHub_ = b; }
// methods to set, get and update substitute potential
void setPotential(Int32 potential) { potential_ = potential; };
Int32 getPotential() const { return potential_;};
Int32 updatePotential(Int32 potential)
if ((potential != -1) &&
(potential_ == -1))
potential_ = potential;
return potential_;
void setExpandShortRows(NABoolean val)
{ (val ? (flags_ |= EXPAND_SHORT_ROWS) : (flags_ &= ~EXPAND_SHORT_ROWS)); }
NABoolean expandShortRows()
{ return ((flags_ & EXPAND_SHORT_ROWS) != 0); }
// For compressed internal format.
// At codegen some nodes will switch from compressed internal format to
// the exploded format when they are directly beneath the root node.
void setParentIsRoot(NABoolean val)
{ (val ? (flags_ |= PARENT_IS_ROOT) : (flags_ &= ~PARENT_IS_ROOT)); }
NABoolean isParentRoot()
{ return ((flags_ & PARENT_IS_ROOT) != 0); }
virtual int getCifBMOWeight()
return 1;
NABoolean dopReduced() const { return dopReduced_; };
void setDopReduced(NABoolean x) { dopReduced_ = x; };
void adjustTopPartFunc(Lng32 newDop);
void synthPropForBindChecks();
enum Flags {
EXPAND_SHORT_ROWS = 0x00000001 // expand short rows when added columns
,PARENT_IS_ROOT = 0x00000002 // compressed internal format
// every relational expression node has the ability to perform
// a selection on its result and to project some of its output
// columns (or expressions on its output columns).
ItemExpr * selection_; // generated by the parser
ValueIdSet predicates_; // predicates represented as a set
// A descriptor for the table derived from the RelExpr.
RETDesc * RETDesc_;
// During the bind and normalization phase, each relational
// operator has a private set of Group Attributes. Within
// Cascades, once the operator is memoized, it shares the
// Group Attributes for the Cascades Group.
GroupAttributes * groupAttr_;
// Cascades-specific part of a relational expression
CascadesGroupId groupId_; // pointer back to eq. class
RelExpr * groupNext_; // list within group
RelExpr * bucketNext_; // list within hash bucket
RuleSubset contextInsensRules_; // context insensitive rules tried
// on this expression
RulesPerContextList contextSensRules_; // context sensitive rules tried
// per context
// The children of an expression (its operands). Only a fixed number of
// children can be stored here (could use a virtual operator[] to
// overcome this, if it ever becomes necessary).
ExprGroupId child_[MAX_REL_ARITY];
// The following fields are applicable only after optimization is complete.
// After the optimal plan is selected, the following properties are transferred
// from the CascadesPlan structure to the following placeholders for the
// purposes of code generation.
const PhysicalProperty * physProp_; // physical properties for the optimal plan
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The operator cost is the cost for this operator independent
// of its children.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const Cost * operatorCost_; // operator cost for the optimal plan
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The roll-up cost is the cost of the sub-plan rooted at
// this operator (operator cost of this operator combined with
// the operator's children cost)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const Cost * rollUpCost_; // roll up cost for the optimal plan
CostScalar estRowsUsed_; // est. # rows produced from this plan per probe
CostScalar inputCardinality_; // est. # of probes
// (cardinality of input logical prop.) for this plan
CostScalar maxCardEst_; // maximum cardinality estimate
// Triggers --
// Information for Triggers, RI and IM.
InliningInfo inliningInfo_;
// Used by inlining mechanism for adding optimizer constraints
ItemExpr *uniqueColumnsTree_;
ValueIdSet uniqueColumns_;
CardConstraint *cardConstraint_;
SubTreeAccessSet *accessSet0_;
SubTreeAccessSet *accessSet1_;
// An object counter for debugging purpose only
static THREAD_P ObjectCounter *counter_;
NABoolean isinBlockStmt_; // is this operator inside a compound statement?
// if set to -1, return all rows.
// Otherwise, return firstNRows_ at runtime.
Int64 firstNRows_;
UInt32 flags_;
// various olt type optimizations. See OptUtilIncludes.h.
// Set during preCodeGen phase.
OltOptInfo oltOptInfo_;
// Should this node be enabled for counting rowset rownumber counting?
// Currently only UnPack, TupleFlow and NestedJoin nodes will have this attribute
// set to TRUE for rowset IUD statements
NABoolean rowsetIterator_;
// Should this node continue execution after a Nonfatal error has been seen?
// Currently only UnPack & Insert & NestedJoin have this attribute set to NOT_ATOMIC for NOT ATOMIC
// rowset insert statements. Root, PA & TupleFlow also have a similar flag set
// in their TDBs during codegen.
AtomicityType tolerateNonFatalError_;
// optimizer hint
Hint *hint_;
// if TRUE, this join can be eliminated because
// (a) it is guaranteed to match one and only one row
// (b) no outputs from the inner child are used beyond this join
// The marking is done during Join::synthLogProp() and the actual
// removal during Join::SemanticQueryOptimization()
NABoolean markedForElimination_ ;
// if TRUE, this join can be placed at the top of the join chain because
// (a) it is guaranteed to match one and only one row
// (therefore does not increase/decrease dataflow)
// (b) no outputs from the inner child are used beyond this join,
// excepts as outputs of the root node (part of select list)
// The marking is done during Join::synthLogProp() and the actual
// reordering is done during Join::leftLinearizeTree()
NABoolean isExtraHub_;
// potential of the substitute
Int32 potential_;
// Used to help determine whether hash join
// optimizations may be turned on
// This flag is set to true when an Insert/Update/Delete has been
// seen
NABoolean seenIUD_;
// the following data members were added solely for the cascades display gui
// so we can trace each relexpr to its creator and source
// begin relexpr tracking info
Lng32 parentTaskId_; // {parentTaskId_,stride_} of the CascadesTask
short stride_; // that created this RelExpr
CascadesGroupId sourceGroupId_; // GroupId of creator task of this relexpr
Int32 birthId_; // TaskCount when this relexpr was created
ULng32 memoExprId_; // MemoExprId of this relexpr
ULng32 sourceMemoExprId_; // MemoExprId of the source of this relexpr
double costLimit_; // CostLimit of task's context that created this relexpr
// end relexpr tracking info
ExpTupleDesc::TupleDataFormat cachedTupleFormat_;
NABoolean cachedResizeCIFRecord_;
NABoolean cachedDefrag_;
// Record the status whether my dop has been reduced. That is, whether
// the partfunc pointed by my spp has a dop reduction.
NABoolean dopReduced_;
// if we copy an expression with copyTopNode() then
// remember the original here, e.g. to find VEG regions
RelExpr *originalExpr_;
// begin: accessors & mutators for relexpr tracking info
Lng32 getParentTaskId() { return parentTaskId_; }
short getSubTaskId() { return stride_; }
Int32 getBirthId() { return birthId_; }
const NAString getCascadesTraceInfoStr();
void setCascadesTraceInfo(RelExpr *src);
// end: accessors & mutators for relexpr tracking info
enum CifUseOptions
void cacheTupleFormatAndResizeFlag(ExpTupleDesc::TupleDataFormat tf, NABoolean r, NABoolean d)
cachedTupleFormat_ = tf;
cachedResizeCIFRecord_ = r;
cachedDefrag_ = d;
ExpTupleDesc::TupleDataFormat getCachedTupleFormat()
return cachedTupleFormat_;
NABoolean getCachedResizeCIFRecord()
return cachedResizeCIFRecord_;
NABoolean getCachedDefrag()
return cachedDefrag_;
CostScalar getChild0Cardinality(const Context*);
}; // class RelExpr
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// List of RelExprs.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class RelExprList : public LIST (RelExpr *)
RelExprList(CollHeap* h) : LIST (RelExpr *)(h) {}
// copy ctor
RelExprList (const RelExprList & rlist, CollHeap * h=0) :
LIST (RelExpr *)(rlist, h) {}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Insert RelExpr into list order by estimated rowcount (of the logical
// properties).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void insertOrderByRowcount (RelExpr * expr);
NABoolean operator== (const RelExprList &other) const;
NABoolean operator!= (const RelExprList &other) const;
}; // RelExprList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Leaf Operator (for use in rule patterns and substitutes only).
// A leaf operator in a pattern matches any logical expression. When
// firing the rule, the binding presented to the rule contains the
// leaf operator as its leaf.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CutOp : public RelExpr
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
CutOp (Int32 index,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()) :
RelExpr(REL_CUT_OP, NULL, NULL, oHeap)
{ index_ = index; expr_ = NULL; }
virtual ~CutOp();
virtual void print(FILE * f = stdout,
const char * prefix = "",
const char * suffix = "") const;
virtual Int32 getArity () const;
virtual NABoolean isCutOp () const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
inline Int32 getIndex() { return index_; }
void setGroupIdAndAttr(CascadesGroupId groupId);
inline RelExpr * getExpr() const { return expr_; }
void setExpr(RelExpr *e);
virtual void synthLogProp(NormWA * normWAPtr = NULL);
virtual const NAString getText() const;
Int32 index_; // in rules, used to distinguish multiple children
RelExpr *expr_; // only for bindings fixed to a particular expression
}; // CutOp
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tree operator (for use in rule patterns and substitutes only).
// A tree operator in a pattern matches any logical expression. When
// firing the rule, the binding is materialized beyond the tree operator
// all the way down to leaf nodes. Depending on whether the "all"
// data member is set to TRUE, all possible bindings for the tree node are
// or just one (randomly selected) binding is presented to the rule.
// Rules using a tree node must redefine their nextSubstitute() method
// since the generic method can not handle tree nodes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SubtreeOp : public RelExpr
inline SubtreeOp (NABoolean all) : RelExpr(REL_TREE_OP) {all_ = all;}
virtual ~SubtreeOp();
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual NABoolean isSubtreeOp() const;
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
inline NABoolean all_bindings() const { return all_; }
NABoolean all_; // find all bindings?
}; // SubtreeOp
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A wildcard node can appear in rule patterns and rule substitutes.
// When used in a substitute, the designator of a wildcard must match
// a designator in the pattern. The wildcard is then replaced with
// the child node that matched the corresponding wildcard in the pattern.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class WildCardOp: public RelExpr
// warning elimination (remove "inline")
WildCardOp(OperatorType otype,
Int32 designator = 0,
RelExpr *child0 = NULL,
RelExpr *child1 = NULL,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: RelExpr(otype,child0,child1,outHeap)
{ designator_ = designator; corrNode_ = NULL; }
virtual ~WildCardOp();
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
inline Int32 getDesignator() { return designator_; }
virtual NABoolean isWildcard() const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
inline void setCorrespondingNode(RelExpr *corr) { corrNode_ = corr; }
inline RelExpr * getCorrespondingNode() { return corrNode_; }
virtual const NAString getText() const;
Int32 designator_;
RelExpr *corrNode_;
}; // WildCardOp
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A special form of a wildcard op, used to force scans on specific
// tables and indexes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ScanForceWildCard : public WildCardOp
// to be used with operator type REL_FORCE_ANY_SCAN
enum scanOptionEnum
// either use any scan on the table with a given exposed name
// or only use an index scan on the specified index
ScanForceWildCard(CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
ScanForceWildCard(const NAString& exposedName,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
ScanForceWildCard(const NAString& exposedName,
const NAString& indexName,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
virtual ~ScanForceWildCard();
virtual void initializeScanOptions();
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual NABoolean setScanOptions(ScanForceWildCard::scanOptionEnum option);
virtual NABoolean setIndexName(const NAString& value);
virtual NABoolean setColumnOptions(CollIndex numColumns,
ScanForceWildCard::scanOptionEnum* columnAlgos,
ScanForceWildCard::scanOptionEnum mdamColumnsStatus);
virtual NABoolean setColumnOptions(CollIndex numColumns,
ScanForceWildCard::scanOptionEnum mdamColumnsStatus);
virtual NABoolean mergeScanOptions(const ScanForceWildCard& other);
virtual void prepare();
virtual NABoolean doesThisCoflictMasterSwitch() const;
inline const NAString& getExposedName() const { return exposedName_; }
inline const NAString& getIndexName() const { return indexName_; }
inline CollIndex getNumMdamColumns() const { return numMdamColumns_;}
inline scanOptionEnum getIndexStatus() const { return indexStatus_;}
inline scanOptionEnum getDirection() const { return direction_;}
inline scanOptionEnum getMdamStatus() const { return mdamStatus_;}
inline scanOptionEnum getMdamColumnsStatus() const
{ return mdamColumnsStatus_;}
scanOptionEnum getEnumAlgorithmForColumn(CollIndex column) const;
void setNumberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess(const Lng32& blocks)
DCMPASSERT(blocks > -1);
numberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess_ = blocks;
// If this returns -1 it indicates that we are not forcing blocks per access...
Lng32 getNumberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess() const
return numberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess_;
// helper function on CQS Tree
virtual RelExpr *generateMatchingExpr(CANodeIdSet &,
CANodeIdSet &,
RelExpr *);
NAString exposedName_;
NAString indexName_;
scanOptionEnum indexStatus_; // UNDEFINED or INDEX_SYSTEM
scanOptionEnum mdamStatus_; // MDAM_OFF, _FORCED, _SYSTEM, or UNDEFINED
scanOptionEnum direction_; // .._FORWARD, _REVERSE, _SYSTEM, or UNDEFINED
scanOptionEnum mdamColumnsStatus_; // .._REST_BY_SYSTEM, _NO_MORE, _ALL
CollIndex numMdamColumns_;
scanOptionEnum* enumAlgorithms_; // array of enumeration algorithms
// for each column
// To force the FileScan member of the same name
Lng32 numberOfBlocksToReadPerAccess_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A special form of a wildcard op, used to force joins and parallel join
// plan2 (any plan, plan1 or plan2, number of ESPs used)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class JoinForceWildCard : public WildCardOp
// to be used with operator types REL_FORCE_JOIN, REL_FORCE_NESTED_JOIN,
enum forcedPlanEnum { ANY_PLAN, // don't care which plan
FORCED_PLAN0, // plan # 0
FORCED_PLAN1, // plan # 1
FORCED_PLAN2, // plan # 2
FORCED_PLAN3, // plan # 3
FORCED_TYPE1, // join matching partitions
FORCED_INDEXJOIN }; // replicate one child
// either use any scan on the table with a given exposed name
// or only use an index scan on the specified index
JoinForceWildCard(OperatorTypeEnum type,
RelExpr *child0,
RelExpr *child1,
forcedPlanEnum plan = ANY_PLAN,
Int32 numOfEsps = 0,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
virtual ~JoinForceWildCard();
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
inline forcedPlanEnum getPlan() const { return plan_; }
inline Int32 getNumOfEsps() const { return numOfEsps_; }
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// helper function on CQS Tree
virtual RelExpr *generateMatchingExpr(CANodeIdSet &,
CANodeIdSet &,
RelExpr *);
forcedPlanEnum plan_; // ANY_PLAN means don't force the plan type
Int32 numOfEsps_; // 0 means don't force number of ESPs
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A special form of a wildcard op, used to force specific Exchange
// nodes (3 forms are distinguished, ESP exchange, PA node and PAPA node).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExchangeForceWildCard : public WildCardOp
// to be used with operator type REL_FORCE_EXCHANGE
enum forcedExchEnum
ANY_EXCH, // don't care which exchange
FORCED_PA, // single PA node
FORCED_PAPA, // PAPA on top of PA node
FORCED_ESP_EXCHANGE // split/send nodes with ESPs
enum forcedLogPartEnum
ANY_LOGPART, // don't care which form of logical partitioning
FORCED_GROUP, // PA partition grouping
FORCED_SPLIT, // subpartitioning or partition slicing
FORCED_REPART // PA grouped repartitioning
// either use any scan on the table with a given exposed name
// or only use an index scan on the specified index
ExchangeForceWildCard(RelExpr *child0,
forcedExchEnum which = ANY_EXCH,
forcedLogPartEnum whatLogPart = ANY_LOGPART,
Lng32 numBottomEsps = -1,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
virtual ~ExchangeForceWildCard();
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
inline forcedExchEnum getWhich() const { return which_; }
inline forcedLogPartEnum getWhichLogPart() const { return whatLogPart_;}
inline Lng32 getHowMany() const { return howMany_; }
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// helper function on CQS Tree
virtual RelExpr *generateMatchingExpr(CANodeIdSet &,
CANodeIdSet &,
RelExpr *);
forcedExchEnum which_; // which of the flavors of Exchange we want
forcedLogPartEnum whatLogPart_; // which flavor of logical partitioning
Lng32 howMany_; // how many exchanges on the bottom
}; // ExchangeForceWildCard
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A special form of a wildcard op, used to force the use of UDFs via CQS.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class UDFForceWildCard : public WildCardOp
// to be used with operator type REL_FORCE_ANY_SCLAR_UDF.
// Constructor used when parsing ISOLATED_SCALAR_UDF in controlDB.cpp.
UDFForceWildCard(OperatorTypeEnum op,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// Instantiated when parsing 'SCALAR_UDF' or 'UDF_ACTION' followed by name.
// Uses 'FORCE_ANY_SCALAR_UDF' as operator.
UDFForceWildCard(const NAString& functionName,
const NAString& actionName,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
virtual ~UDFForceWildCard();
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual NABoolean mergeUDFOptions(const UDFForceWildCard& other);
inline const NAString& getFunctionName() const { return functionName_; }
inline const NAString& getActionName() const { return actionName_; }
// helper function on CQS Tree - this is never called. Not implemented
//virtual RelExpr *generateMatchingExpr(CANodeIdSet &,
// CANodeIdSet &,
// RelExpr *);
NAString functionName_;
NAString actionName_;
}; // UDFForceWildCard
class RequiredResources : public NABasicObject {
RequiredResources() : memoryResources_(0),
void accumulate(CostScalar memRsrcs, CostScalar cpuRsrcs, CostScalar dataAccessCost, CostScalar maxCard = csZero);
CostScalar getMemoryResources(){ return memoryResources_; };
CostScalar getCpuResources(){ return cpuResources_; };
CostScalar getDataAccessCost() { return dataAccessCost_;}
CostScalar getMaxOperMemoryResources(){ return maxOperMemReq_; };
CostScalar getMaxOperCpuReq(){ return maxOperCPUReq_; };
CostScalar getMaxOperDataAccessCost() { return maxOperDataAccessCost_;}
CostScalar getMaxMaxCardinality() { return maxMaxCardinality_;}
void setMemoryResources(CostScalar memRes) { memoryResources_ = memRes; };
void setCpuResources(CostScalar cpuRes) { cpuResources_ = cpuRes; };
void setDataAccessCost(CostScalar dataAccessCost) { dataAccessCost_ = dataAccessCost; };
CostScalar memoryResources_;
CostScalar cpuResources_;
CostScalar dataAccessCost_;
CostScalar maxOperMemReq_;
CostScalar maxOperCPUReq_;
CostScalar maxOperDataAccessCost_;
CostScalar maxMaxCardinality_;
}; // RequiredResources
// *********************************************************************
// The following five enumerated types are specific to plan generation.
// They are housed in this file so that many derived classes of
// RelExpr can use them. Another alternative is to create a separate
// ".h" file for them.
// *********************************************************************
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Location where a plan or a plan fragment should be executed.
// Can execute in the master and also can execute in an ESP
// Used for requirements only: require EXECUTE_IN_MASTER_AND_ESP
// Execute ONLY in the root exector server process that is at
// thr root of the tree of processes.
// Execute in an executor server process (ESP) only
// Execute in a disk server process.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum PlanExecutionEnum
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Source for the data.
// 1) A persistent table.
// 2) An SQL temporary table.
// 3) A table that is materialized transiently at the optimizer's behest.
// 4) A virtual table, that is, a table-values stored procedure.
// 5) A tuple provided by the user.
// 6) An ESP where the different data streams are dependent on each
// other in the sense that if one were to read only from some of
// them and not from others one could run into a deadlock
// (this is true for repartitioned data)
// 7) An ESP where the individual data streams can be read independently
// from each other without causing a deadlock
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum DataSourceEnum
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The next enum is used for both synthesized and required sort
// order types. Only the first four are valid as a synthesized
// sort order type. The meaning of each literal is slightly
// different depending on whether it is being used as a requirement
// or a synthesized value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Synthesized Sort Order Type (SOT)
// The spp contains no sort order, or we are in DP2 and the
// sort order type is irrelevant.
// The sort order in the spp was generated naturally via a disk
// process access path. If necessary, a merge of sorted streams
// or synchronous access will be done to maintain the order.
// The sort order in the spp was generated by a sort operator.
// If necessary, a merge of sorted streams will be done to
// maintain the order.
// DP2_SOT
// The sort order in the spp is only valid in DP2. Synchronous
// access or a merge of sorted streams will not be done. The
// sort order is only usable by another operator if it is also
// in DP2 and the physical partitioning function of it's access
// path matches exactly the physical partitioning function in
// this operator's spp.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sort Order Type (SOT) Requirement
// There is no required sort order or arrangement in the rpp, or we
// are in DP2 and the sort order type is irrelevant.
// A complete executor process order is required, and the child is
// is not allowed to sort to satisfy the requirement.
// A complete executor process order is required, and the child must
// utilize sort to satisfy the requirement.
// DP2_SOT
// The required sort order or arrangement must only be valid in
// DP2. A complete executor process order is not necessary and does
// NOT satisfy the requirement. This means a merge of sorted
// streams or synchronous access cannot be done.
// A complete executor process order is required. This can be
// achieved naturally or via a sort.
// A synthesized sort order type of ESP_NO_SORT or DP2 satisfies
// this sort order type requirement.
// Used to signify that two required sort order types are not
// compatible with each other.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum SortOrderTypeEnum
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inlines that couldn't be defined till now due to dependencies
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
inline RelExpr * ExprGroupId::getPtr() const
// part of fix to genesis case: 10-981030-4975
if (node_) node_->checkInvalidObject(this);
// else plan is not valid
return node_;
inline RelExpr * ExprGroupId::operator ->() const { return getPtr(); }
inline ExprGroupId::operator RelExpr *() const { return getPtr(); }
#endif /* RELEXPR_H */