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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: RelEnforcer.h
* Description: Enforcers for physical properties
* Created: 3/6/95
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "RelExpr.h"
#include "PartFunc.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Sort;
class Exchange;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CostScalar;
class SimpleCostVector;
class CorrName;
class SearchKey;
// SortLogical node is a shortlived node to keep track of an 'order by'
// clause at the top level of a view.
// It is created during bind phase view expansion and is eliminated during
// the normalization phase.
// See method BindWA::bindView, RelRoot::transformNode
// and SortLogical::normalizeNode for details.
class SortLogical : public RelExpr
SortLogical(RelExpr *child,
const ValueIdList &sortKey,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()) :
RelExpr(REL_SORT_LOGICAL,child, NULL, oHeap),
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for performing
// predicate pushdown and computing a "minimal" set of
// characteristic input and characteristic output values.
virtual RelExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// accessor functions
inline ValueIdList &getSortKey() { return sortKey_; }
// get the degree of this node (it is a unary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const { return 1; };
// the sort key list
ValueIdList sortKey_; // the order of sort keys is relevant
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Sort operator returns the same rows as its child, but in a given
// sort order. It is generated by the sort enforcer rule in case where
// its parent node requires a specific sort order or an arrangement of
// columns. It can also take an ordered stream of rows from the child
// and extend an existing ordering key of the child
// (alreadySortedColumns_) by additional expressions.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Sort : public RelExpr
// constructors
Sort(RelExpr *child,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()) :
Sort(RelExpr *child,
const ValueIdList &sortKey,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()) :
RelExpr(REL_SORT,child, NULL, oHeap),
inline Sort(RelExpr *child,
const ValueIdSet &arrangedCols) :
virtual ~Sort();
// get the degree of this node (it is a unary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
virtual void needSortedNRows(NABoolean val);
NABoolean &sortNRows() {return sortNRows_;}
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const RelExpr & other) const;
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = NULL);
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const;
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const;
// Cascades-related functions
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
virtual Context* createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childindex);
virtual PhysicalProperty* synthPhysicalProperty(const Context* myContext,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
void synthPartialSortKeyFromChild(const Context*);
virtual void produceFinalSortKey();
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool)
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
// accessor functions
inline ValueIdList &getSortKey() { return sortKey_; }
inline ValueIdList &getPartialSortKeyFromChild()
{ return PartialSortKeyFromChild_;}
inline ValueIdList &getPrefixSortKey()
{ return PartialSortKeyFromChild_;}
inline ValueIdSet &getArrangedCols() { return arrangedCols_; }
// The method gets refined since Sort may be a BMO depending on its inputs.
virtual NABoolean isBigMemoryOperator(const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
const Lng32 planNumber);
virtual CostScalar getEstimatedRunTimeMemoryUsage(NABoolean perCPU);
virtual double getEstimatedRunTimeMemoryUsage(ComTdb * tdb);
virtual double getEstimatedRunTimeOverflowSize(double memoryQuotaMB);
virtual PlanPriority computeOperatorPriority
(const Context* context,
PlanWorkSpace *pws=NULL,
Lng32 planNumber=0);
inline void markAsHalloweenProtection() { forcedHalloweenProtection_= TRUE; }
inline void setCollectNFErrors(NABoolean cf = TRUE) {collectNFErrors_ = cf;}
inline NABoolean collectNFErrors() {return collectNFErrors_;}
inline void doCheckAccessToSelfRefTable() { checkAccessToSelfRefTable_ = TRUE; }
ExplainTuple *addSpecificExplainInfo(ExplainTupleMaster *explainTuple,
ComTdb * tdb,
Generator *generator);
virtual NABoolean sortFromTop() { return FALSE; }
// the sort key list
ValueIdList sortKey_; // the order of sort keys is relevant
ValueIdSet arrangedCols_; // a "fuzzy" sort key, actual order can
// be determined later
// set to TRUE, if top N sorted rows are needed.
// See method needSortedNRows().
NABoolean sortNRows_;
// Introduced specifically to protect against halloween problem.
// If a sort was chosen by the optimizer for any other reason,
// this flag will be false. It is set to true by NestJoin::preCodeGen.
NABoolean forcedHalloweenProtection_;
// A "halloween sort" needs to ensure that if it is parallel, but executes
// in the same ESP as the generic update's TSJ flow node, then the Sort
// will block until all scans are finished. This logic is enforced in the
// PreCodeGen phase. This next flag helps.
NABoolean checkAccessToSelfRefTable_;
// we keep track of order of input stream to see if it could be used
// by order and/or arrangement requirements
ValueIdList PartialSortKeyFromChild_;
NABoolean collectNFErrors_;
short generateTdb(Generator * generator,
ComTdb * child_tdb,
ex_expr * sortKeyExpr,
ex_expr * sortRecExpr,
ULng32 sortKeyLen,
ULng32 sortRecLen,
ULng32 sortPrefixKeyLen,
ex_cri_desc * given_desc,
ex_cri_desc * returned_desc,
ex_cri_desc * work_cri_desc,
Lng32 saveNumEsps,
ExplainTuple *childExplainTuple,
NABoolean resizeCifRecord,
NABoolean considerBufferDefrag,
NABoolean operatorCIF = FALSE);
//determine internal format
virtual ExpTupleDesc::TupleDataFormat determineInternalFormat( const ValueIdList & valIdList,
RelExpr * relExpr,
NABoolean & resizeCifRecord,
Generator * generator);*/
ExpTupleDesc::TupleDataFormat determineInternalFormat( const ValueIdList & valIdList,
RelExpr * relExpr,
NABoolean & resizeCifRecord,
Generator * generator,
NABoolean bmo_affinity ,
NABoolean & considerBufferDefrag);
class SortFromTop : public Sort
// constructors
SortFromTop(RelExpr *child,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()) :
Sort(child, oHeap)
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = NULL);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual NABoolean sortFromTop() { return TRUE; }
ValueIdList &getSortRecExpr() { return sortRecExpr_; }
// list of values to be used to create the input row to sort
ValueIdList sortRecExpr_;
// preCodeGen (pcg) phase esp fragment. This class is used by over
// parallelization correction logic and is not related to FragmentDir.
class pcgEspFragment {
pcgEspFragment(CollHeap* heap) :
childEsps_(heap), valid_(FALSE),totalRows_(csZero), newDoP_(0),
commonDoP_(0) {};
~pcgEspFragment() {};
void addChild(Exchange* esp);
void accumulateRows(CostScalar x) { totalRows_ += x; } ;
CostScalar getTotaleRows() { return totalRows_; } ;
NABoolean isValid() const { return valid_; };
// reduce the dop at this fragment.
NABoolean tryToReduceDoP();
// invalidate DoP for my fragment and my child fragments
void invalidate();
// adjust the dop
void adjustDoP(Lng32 newDop);
Lng32 getNewDop() { return newDoP_;}
void setValid(NABoolean x) { valid_ = x; };
NAArray<Exchange*> childEsps_;
CostScalar totalRows_; // total rows to be rocessed;
Lng32 newDoP_; // new proposed dop for the fragment
Lng32 commonDoP_; // a common dop fro the 1st child esp with
// non-broadcast parf func, for other
// non-broadcast child esps to match
NABoolean valid_; // whether this fragment is a candidate for
// over parallelization correction.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// class Exchange
// An Exchange is used for realizing the parallel execution of query
// plan fragments (ESP parallelism) as well as for asynchronous
// communication between an ESP and the disk server process (DP2).
// The optimizer introduces an Exchange operator in the dataflow tree
// in order to send data from one process to another, either to change
// the plan execution location (DP2, ESP, Master), or to redistribute
// the workload to multiple processes.
// A process boundary to DP2 (DP2 exchange) is introduced when data or
// control needs to be returned from DP2. There are two flavors of
// DP2 exchanges, as described below.
// An ESP exchange introduces an Executor Server Process, or ESP when
// an operator in the query execution plan is expected to consume
// memory very heavily, or when a tree of operators implements a
// cpu-intensive operation that is likely to saturate the cpu, or
// asynchronous access to partitioned data can improve the throughput
// of an operator, or operator trees. It encapsulates parallelism as
// described by Goetz Graefe for the Volcano prototype. Jim Gray
// calls the communication pattern created by the Exchange operator a
// "river".
// The Exchange that is implemented for the SQL/ARK optimizer is just
// another dataflow operator. It is represented using the notation
// Exchange(n:m), where m is the number of data streams it receives as
// its internal dataflow inputs and n is the number of data streams it
// produces as its output. In Cascades jargon, it is purely a physical
// operator and is a partition and location enforcer. We consistently
// use the term "stream" in preference over the term "partition",
// while referring to the input values received by an Exchange as well
// as the output values produced by it, because we view them to be
// orthognal to each other. For historical reasons, the PartitioningFunction
// classes use the term "partition" which is equivalent to the term
// "stream" in this context.
// In an attempt to disambiguate the terms input and output, we
// introduce two new terms "top" and "bottom" to classify the
// dataflow. We call the root of the query tree its "top" and
// the leaves of the query tree its "bottom":
// | n "top" data stream(s) for the Exchange
// |
// X an Exchange operator n:m
// |
// | m "bottom" data stream(s) for the Exchange
// Fig 1. A sample of dataflow through the Exchange
// After optimization, an Exchange node contains a descriptor that
// describes the partitioning characteristics of its top data streams,
// which include the number of data streams, the partitioning key
// columns as well as the partitioning function that will be used for
// creating them. The descriptor is implemented by the class
// PartitioningFunction. The Exchange also contains another
// PartitioningFunction for describing its bottom data streams.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Exchange : public RelExpr
// constructor
Exchange(RelExpr *childSubtree,
CollHeap *oHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: RelExpr(REL_EXCHANGE,childSubtree, NULL, oHeap),
virtual ~Exchange();
// get the degree of this node (it is a unary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Exchange operator that is seen by the optimizer denotes a
// group of one or more operators, which are distinct from it, that
// realize interprocess communication and parallel execution at run
// time. There are three different groups of operators that can
// replace the Exchange during code generation, namely,
// 1) a PartitionAccess, called a PA
// 2) a SplitTop together with a PartitionAccess, called a PAPA
// 3) a SplitTop, SendTop, SendBottom, SplitBottom group, which
// is only used when the Exchange executes within an ESP.
// The Exchange node is an enforcer for both plan execution location
// (master, ESP, DP2) and partitioning.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the partitioning function for the top and bottom. The methods are
// used by the (preCode) generator to avoid accessing physical props
// directly.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
inline const PartitioningFunction * getTopPartitioningFunction() const
{ return topPartFunc_; }
inline const PartitioningFunction * getBottomPartitioningFunction() const
{ return bottomPartFunc_; }
inline const IndexDesc * getIndexDesc() const { return indexDesc_; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Location for the plan rooted in this Exchange operator.
// NOTE: both methods return FALSE if the location is undetermined.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
inline NABoolean isDP2Exchange() const
{ return (bottomLocIsSet_ AND bottomLocation_ == EXECUTE_IN_DP2); }
inline NABoolean isEspExchange() const
{ return (bottomLocIsSet_ AND bottomLocation_ != EXECUTE_IN_DP2); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Misc. methods required by the optimizer
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual RelExpr * copyTopNode(RelExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = NULL);
virtual NABoolean isLogical() const;
virtual NABoolean isPhysical() const;
// Cascades-related functions
virtual CostMethod* costMethod() const;
virtual Context* createContextForAChild(Context* myContext,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& childIndex);
virtual PhysicalProperty* synthPhysicalProperty(const Context *context,
const Lng32 planNumber,
PlanWorkSpace *pws);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods used by the generator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual RelExpr * preCodeGen(Generator * generator,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs,
ValueIdSet &pulledNewInputs);
virtual short codeGen(Generator * generator);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// generate CONTROL QUERY SHAPE fragment for this node.
// -----------------------------------------------------
virtual short generateShape(CollHeap * space, char * buf, NAString * shapeStr = NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The term partition input values is used for the values that
// define the partitioning boundaries for each data stream that
// flow into the bottom of the Exchange. The Exchange has to
// propagate the values down to the source of the data streams,
// which is either another Exchange or a DP2Scan.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
inline const ValueIdList &getBottomPartitionInputValues() const
{ return bottomPartInputValues_; }
inline void setBottomPartitionInputValues(const ValueIdList &v)
{ bottomPartInputValues_ = v; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
ExplainTuple *addSpecificExplainInfo(ExplainTupleMaster *explainTuple,
ComTdb * tdb,
Generator *generator);
void computeBufferLength(const Context*,
const CostScalar&,
const CostScalar&,
inline void setDP2TransactionIndicator( NABoolean b )
{ DP2TransactionIndicator_ = b; }
inline NABoolean getDP2TransactionIndicator()
{ return DP2TransactionIndicator_; }
inline NABoolean isOverReverseScan() { return isOverReverseScan_ == TRUE;}
void setOverReverseScan() { isOverReverseScan_=TRUE;}
virtual PlanPriority computeOperatorPriority
(const Context* context,
PlanWorkSpace *pws=NULL,
Lng32 planNumber=0);
// for Hash2 or Hash1 pf functions, used in costing of probes
NABoolean areProbesHashed(const ValueIdSet);
// Does this exchange node only change # of partitions
// the top and bottom partitioing key is still the same
inline NABoolean hash2RepartitioningWithSameKey()
{ return hash2RepartitioningWithSameKey_;}
inline void setNumBMOs(unsigned short num) { numBMOs_ = num; }
inline unsigned short getNumBMOs() { return numBMOs_; }
// set and get the total BMO memory usage of the fragment rooted
// at this Exchange node
inline void setBMOsMemoryUsage(CostScalar x) { BMOsMemoryUsage_ = x; }
inline CostScalar getBMOsMemoryUsage() { return BMOsMemoryUsage_ ; }
virtual CostScalar getEstimatedRunTimeMemoryUsage(NABoolean perCPU);
virtual double getEstimatedRunTimeMemoryUsage(ComTdb * tdb);
void setExtractProducerFlag() { isExtractProducer_ = TRUE; }
NABoolean getExtractProducerFlag() { return isExtractProducer_; }
void setExtractConsumerFlag() { isExtractConsumer_ = TRUE; }
NABoolean getExtractConsumerFlag() { return isExtractConsumer_; }
// Only valid after preCodeGen. Halloween-related.
NABoolean doesMerge() {return (sortKeyForMyOutput_.entries() != 0); }
// Halloween-related.
inline void markAsHalloweenProtection()
{ forcedHalloweenProtection_ = TRUE; }
inline void markHalloweenSortIsMyChild() { halloweenSortIsMyChild_ = TRUE; }
// Three mutators for ESP Exchanges inserted during preCodeGen.
// Halloween-related.
void doSkipRedundancyCheck() { skipRedundancyCheck_ = TRUE; }
void setUpMessageBufferLength(CostScalar len)
{ upMessageBufferLength_ = len; }
void setDownMessageBufferLength( CostScalar len)
{ downMessageBufferLength_ = len; }
inline NABoolean isAnESPAccess() const
{ return isAnESPAccess_;}
inline void makeAnESPAccess()
{ isAnESPAccess_ = TRUE;}
ExpTupleDesc::TupleDataFormat determineInternalFormat( const ValueIdList & valIdList,
RelExpr * relExpr,
NABoolean & resizeCifRecord,
Generator * generator,
NABoolean bmo_affinity,
NABoolean & considerBufferDefrag);
// dop reduction
void prepareDopReduction(Generator*);
void doDopReduction();
pcgEspFragment* getEspFragPCG() { return &pcgEspFragment_; };
// Rules for enabling SeaMonster are encapsulated in this
// method. Rules include: CQD SEAMONSTER ON or the env var
// SQ_SEAMONSTER=1 is set, the exchange cannot be an extract
// producer or consumer, and others.
bool thisExchangeCanUseSM(BindWA *) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// generate code (two different cases, for an ESP or for reading
// a partitioned table in parallel)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
short codeGenForSplitTop(Generator * generator);
short codeGenForESP(Generator * generator);
void storePhysPropertiesInNode(const ValueIdList & );
short generateMergeExpr(Generator * generator);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A method that interprets the CONTROL QUERY SHAPE ... to decide
// what is desired by the user. The method modifies the required
// properties for the child or sometimes even indicates that the
// given plan should not be considered by returning NULL.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ReqdPhysicalProperty * processCQS(const ReqdPhysicalProperty *rppForMe,
ReqdPhysicalProperty *rppForChild);
// what kind of exchange is this
// (both may return FALSE if this has not been determined yet)
NABoolean isAPA() const;
NABoolean isAPAPA() const;
// Synthesize physical properties for exchange operator's current plan
// extracted from a spcified context when child executes in DP2.
// Helper method for Exchange::synthPhysicalProperty()
synthPhysicalPropertyDP2(const Context *myContext);
// Synthesize physical properties for exchange operator's current plan
// extracted from a spcified context when child executes in ESP.
// Helper method for Exchange::synthPhysicalProperty()
synthPhysicalPropertyESP(const Context *myContext);
// Helper method for Exchange::synthPhysicalProperty()
// Synthesize those physical properties for exchange operator's that are common
// to both case (child executes in DP2 and child executes in DP2)
synthPhysicalPropertyFinalize(const Context *myContext,
PartitioningFunction *myPartFunc,
SortOrderTypeEnum sortOrderType,
PartitioningFunction *childPartFunc,
const PhysicalProperty *sppOfChild,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty *rppForMe,
PartitioningFunction* dp2SortOrderPartFunc);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// PRIVATE DATA: this data is stored in the Exchange node only AFTER
// optimization. Before that time this data should be obtained from
// the physical properties of the Exchange and/or its child.
// We have the policy that the code generator should not access
// physical properties and therefore we store all the necessary data
// for the code generator in private data members (see method
// storePhysPropertiesInNode()).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Top and Bottom partitioning functions and bottom location
// (set after physical properties are synthesized)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const PartitioningFunction *topPartFunc_;
const PartitioningFunction *bottomPartFunc_;
NABoolean bottomLocIsSet_;
PlanExecutionEnum bottomLocation_;
NABoolean isRedundant_;
NABoolean skipRedundancyCheck_;
NABoolean isOverReverseScan_;
const IndexDesc* indexDesc_;
const SearchKey* partSearchKey_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The bottomPartInputValues_ describes the layout of the partition
// input values as they are sent to the child operators.
// For example, if a range partitioning function is used, then the
// values are the begin key and the end key values for a given range.
// For a range partitioning function, partition input values also
// contain a boolean indicator
// whether the end key is included (for the last key interval) or
// excluded (all other intervals). Note that the begin key is always
// included in the range. For example, if a partitioning key
// contains four columns, the layout of the begin and end key values
// in bottomPartInputValues_ is as shown below:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// | bkv1 | bkv2 | bkv3 | bkv4 | ekv1 | ekv2 | ekv3 | ekv4 | excl |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// |<--- begin key values ---->|<----- end key values ---->|
// For a hash partitioning function, the part. input values contain
// two integer values, indicating a range of hash classes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList bottomPartInputValues_; // values identifying the partition
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// If the required physical properties for this Exchange specify a
// sort key or an arragement and the plan for the child that executes
// in DP2 satisfies this requirement, then the Exchange cannot use
// a non-blocking access on the child. The Exchange performs a logical
// merge of the sorted data streams and produces an ordered stream of
// rows as its own output. The sort key is provided by the child.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList sortKeyForMyOutput_; // sort order produced by executor
NABoolean DP2TransactionIndicator_; // set for compound statements
unsigned short numBMOs_; // number of BMOs in this fragment
CostScalar BMOsMemoryUsage_; // total amount of BMO memory usage in this fragment
// Flag that indicates this exchange node only change # of partitions
// the top and bottom partitioing key is still the same
NABoolean hash2RepartitioningWithSameKey_;
// For parallel extract. These fields are set during preCodeGen for
// use by codeGen methods. Prior to preCodeGen these fields should
// not be used.
ValueIdList *extractSelectList_;
NABoolean isExtractProducer_;
NABoolean isExtractConsumer_;
// calculated for Esp exchanges only in the optimizer
CostScalar upMessageBufferLength_;
CostScalar downMessageBufferLength_;
// This flag tells if this (ESP) exchange was introduced specifically
// to protect against halloween problem. Part of solution 10-071204-9253.
// See comments on generator/Generator.cpp.
NABoolean forcedHalloweenProtection_;
// This flag used in preCodeGen, in case Exchange is eliminated b/c is
// is redundant.
NABoolean halloweenSortIsMyChild_;
NABoolean isAnESPAccess_;
// a pre-code-gen phase fragment rooted at this exchange
pcgEspFragment pcgEspFragment_;
}; // class Exchange
#endif /* RELENFORCER_H */