blob: d75c900a025aba4a13536b9ab81f5cc741990fc1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// code that is not compiled, but for some reason is reported
// just excluding the entire file
#include "AppliedStatMan.h"
#include "Analyzer.h"
void QueryAnalysis::initializeQueryGraphs()
//FILE * f = stdout;
//fprintf(f,"### InitializingQueryGraphs \n");
//This method should be called after ASM initialization
AppliedStatMan * appStatMan = ASM();
if (appStatMan == NULL)
ARRAY(JBB *) allJBBs = getJBBs();
CollIndex remainingJBBs = allJBBs.entries();
for (CollIndex i = 0; remainingJBBs > 0; i++)
if (allJBBs.used(i))
void JBB::initializeQueryGraph()
//FILE * f = stdout;
//fprintf(f,"### Enter QueryGraph\n");
//iterate over each JBBC in the JBB
#ifndef NDEBUG
JBBSubset allJBBCs = getMainJBBSubset();
CANodeIdSet JBBCs = allJBBCs.getJBBCs();
for(CANodeId JBBCId = JBBCs.init();; JBBCs.advance(JBBCId))
JBBC * currentJBBC = (JBBCId.getNodeAnalysis())->getJBBC();
//initialize the Query Graph aspect of currentJBBC
//enumerate reduction paths
void JBB::enumerateReductionPaths()
//FILE * f = stdout;
//get list of reducers
ReducerStat * reducers = getReducerStat();
//get a list of local leaf reducers
CANodeIdSet localLeafReducers = reducers->getLocalLeafReducers();
//fprintf(f,"### Local Leaf reducers\n");
//iterate over all local leaf reducers
for(JBBCId = localLeafReducers.init();;
JBBC * currentJBBC = (JBBCId.getNodeAnalysis())->getJBBC();
//start linear reduction paths from currentJBBC
//get a list of local non leaf reducers
CANodeIdSet localNonLeafReducers = reducers->getLocalNonLeafReducers();
//fprintf(f,"### Local Non Leaf reducers\n");
//iterate over all local non leaf reducers
for(JBBCId = localNonLeafReducers.init();;
JBBC * currentJBBC = (JBBCId.getNodeAnalysis())->getJBBC();
//start linear reduction paths from currentJBBC
//get a list of join leaf reducers
CANodeIdSet joinLeafReducers = reducers->getJoinLeafReducers();
//fprintf(f,"### Join Leaf reducers\n");
//iterate over all join leaf reducers
//put this back in after ASM starts providing join reducers
for(JBBCId = joinLeafReducers.init();;
JBBC * currentJBBC = (JBBCId.getNodeAnalysis())->getJBBC();
//start linear reduction paths from currentJBBC
//get a list of join non leaf reducers
CANodeIdSet joinNonLeafReducers = reducers->getJoinNonLeafReducers();
//fprintf(f,"### Join Leaf reducers\n");
//iterate over all join non leaf reducers
for(JBBCId = joinNonLeafReducers.init();;
JBBC * currentJBBC = (JBBCId.getNodeAnalysis())->getJBBC();
//start linear reduction paths from currentJBBC
//iterate over each JBBC in the JBB
JBBSubset allJBBCs = getMainJBBSubset();
CANodeIdSet JBBCs = allJBBCs.getJBBCs();
for(JBBCId = JBBCs.init();; JBBCs.advance(JBBCId))
JBBC * currentJBBC = (JBBCId.getNodeAnalysis())->getJBBC();
//initialize the Query Graph aspect of currentJBBC
void JBB::displayReductionPaths()
FILE * f = stdout;
fprintf(f,"All reduction paths in this JBB\n");
JBBSubset allJBBCs = getMainJBBSubset();
CANodeIdSet JBBCs = allJBBCs.getJBBCs();
for(CANodeId JBBCId = JBBCs.init();; JBBCs.advance(JBBCId))
JBBC * currentJBBC = (JBBCId.getNodeAnalysis())->getJBBC();
//initialize the Query Graph aspect of currentJBBC
#ifndef NDEBUG
#pragma nowarn(770) // warning elimination
void JBB::debugQueryGraph(){
//get integer representing the reduction path to be built
Lng32 reductionPathString=0;
CANodeIdSet currentReductionPath;
EstLogPropSharedPtr currentReductionPathProps;
//add the first JBBC to the reduction path, before extending the
//reduction path by doing a join with the second JBBC.
if(reductionPathString > 0){
//get the first JBBC
Int32 firstJBBCNodeId = reductionPathString % 100;
//update reductionPathString now that we have extracted the last two digits
reductionPathString = reductionPathString / 100;
//get the first JBBC and insert into the empty reduction path
CANodeId firstJBBC(firstJBBCNodeId);
currentReductionPathProps = (QueryAnalysis::ASM())->\
//loop over the reductionPathString joining in a JBBC at a time
//each JBBC is represent by a two digit number that gives its id
while (reductionPathString > 0){
//extend currentReductionPath by joining to next JBBC in the
//first get the CANodeId of the JBBC to join to the currentReductionPath
Int32 jBBCToJoinId = reductionPathString % 100;
//update reductionPathString now that we have extracted the last two digits
reductionPathString = reductionPathString / 100;
CANodeId jBBCToJoin(jBBCToJoinId);
CANodeIdSet jBBCToJoinSet(jBBCToJoin);
//extend the reduction path by doing a join of the current reduction path
//with jBBCToJoin
EstLogPropSharedPtr joinEstLogProp = (QueryAnalysis::ASM())->\
joinJBBChildren(currentReductionPath, jBBCToJoinSet);
//insert join JBBC into current reduction path
//update currentReductionPath
currentReductionPathProps = (QueryAnalysis::ASM())->\
#pragma warn(770) // warning elimination
const NAString JBBC::getQueryGraphNodeText() const{
NAString result("QueryGraph Info for node "+ getId().getText()+"\n");
//iterator over all the reduction paths at this node.
CollIndex i;
for(i=0; i < reductionPaths_->entries();i++)
result += ("Reduction Path " + istring(i) + "\n");
//print the reduction path
result += (*reductionPaths_)[i]->getText();
#pragma warning (disable : 4244) //warning elimination
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Int32 cardinality = ((*cardinalityOfReductionPaths_)[i]).getValue();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma warning (default : 4244) //warning elimination
result += ("cardinality: " + istring(cardinality)+"\n");
return result;
void JBBC::printQueryGraphNodeText (FILE *f,
const char * prefix,
const char * suffix) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
fprintf (f, getQueryGraphNodeText());
void JBBC::displayQueryGraphNodeText() const
void JBBC::initializeQueryGraphNode()
//Allocate the list used to store reduction paths
//use whatever heap the JBBC is on
reductionPaths_ = new (heap_) NAList<CANodeIdSet *>(heap_);
cardinalityOfReductionPaths_ = new (heap_) NAList<CostScalar>(heap_);
//create a list of QueryGraphConnections where each connection represents
//a incoming connection
CANodeIdSet connectedJBBCs = getJoinedJBBCs();
//Allocate the list that will store all incoming connections
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Int32 numIncomingConnections = connectedJBBCs.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
incomingConnections_ = new (heap_) NAList<QueryGraphConnection *>(heap_,numIncomingConnections);
//create a QueryGraphConnection object representing a connection from
//each of the connected JBBCs to 'this' JBBC.
for(CANodeId JBBCId = connectedJBBCs.init();;
//create a QueryGraphConnection Object representing a connection
//from JBBC with id JBBCId to 'this' JBBC
QueryGraphConnection * newConnection =
new (heap_) QueryGraphConnection(getId(), JBBCId);
//set the after local predicate cardinality of this node
CANodeIdSet localNodeId(this->getId());
afterLocalPredCardinality_ = ((QueryAnalysis::ASM())->getStatsForCANodeIdSet(localNodeId))->getResultCardinality();
void JBBC::extendReductionPath(CANodeIdSet currentReductionPath,
CostScalar cardinalityOfCurrentReductionPath,
CANodeId from)
//Node Id set representing this JBBC
//CANodeIdSet thisJBBC(getId());
//variable to get logical properties for the current reduction path
//EstLogPropSharedPtr logPropsOfCurrentReductionPath;
//check if we are not starting a reduction path i.e. we are extending a
//reduction path that has already been started. A reduction path is started
//by calling startReductionPaths(), which passes NULL_CA_ID in parameter
if(from != NULL_CA_ID)
//store the reduction path passed in
CANodeIdSet * reductionPathToStore = new (collHeap()) CANodeIdSet(currentReductionPath);
//find the connection from which this reduction path is coming in
CollIndex i;
for(i = 0; i < incomingConnections_->entries(); i++)
if((*incomingConnections_)[i]->getConnectedJBBC() == from)
//add the latest connection to the QueryGraphConnection Object
//insert cardinality into array of cardinalities this will be used by
//getReducingJoinSet to get cardinalities without the need to lookup the
//add this node's JBBCId to the reduction path, since it has to be extended.
//This is the reduction path that will be joined to the connected JBBCs (i.e.
//try to extend the reduction path to each connected JBBC except the
//JBBC where currentReductionPath came from
//get all the connected JBBCs
CANodeIdSet connectedJBBCs = getJoinedJBBCs();
//iterate over all the connected JBBCs, trying to extend the reduction path
//to each connected JBBC except the one from which currentReductionPath
//came from
for(JBBCId = connectedJBBCs.init();;
//check if current JBBC is not the JBBC from which currentReductionPath
//came from and that currentJBBC is not already in the reduction path.
//By checking if the JBBC we are trying to extend the reduction path to,
//is not already in the reduction path, we avoid cycles.
if((JBBCId != from) && (!currentReductionPath.contains(JBBCId)))
//get a handle to the connected JBBC
JBBC * connectedJBBC = JBBCId.getNodeAnalysis()->getJBBC();
//only try extending reduction path if cardinality of the connected
//table is at least 10% more than the cardinality of the reduction
//path to extend
if((cardinalityOfCurrentReductionPath * 1.1) <
//Do a join of currentReductionPath with the JBBC represented by JBBCId
CANodeIdSet currentJBBC(JBBCId);
EstLogPropSharedPtr joinEstLogProp = (QueryAnalysis::ASM())->joinJBBChildren(currentReductionPath, currentJBBC);
CostScalar joinCardinality = joinEstLogProp->getResultCardinality();
//if the cardinality of the join is atleast 5 % lower than the
//after local predicate cardinality of the connected JBBC,
//extend the reduction path
if(joinCardinality < (connectedJBBC->getAfterLocalPredCardinality()*.95))
connectedJBBC->extendReductionPath(currentReductionPath, joinCardinality,getId());
CostScalar JBBC::getAfterLocalPredCardinality()
return afterLocalPredCardinality_;
NABoolean JBBC::mergeReductionPaths()
if((incomingConnections_->entries() < 3)&&
(reductionPaths_->entries() < 2))
return FALSE;
NABoolean returnValue=FALSE;
//create CANodeIdSet to hold mergedReductionPath
//initially the set is empty because nothing has been merged
CANodeIdSet mergedReductionPath;
//create CANodeIdSet to keep track of connections which are
//merged. Initially empty because no connections have been merged
CANodeIdSet mergedConnections;
//iterate over all the connections
CollIndex i;
for(i=0; i < incomingConnections_->entries(); i++)
//Get the most reducing reduction path coming through this connection
const CANodeIdSet * bestIncomingReductionPath =
//If this connection has a reduction path coming over it
CANodeIdSet tempNodeSet = *bestIncomingReductionPath;
//Join mergedReductionPath with bestIncomingReductionPath
EstLogPropSharedPtr joinEstLogProp =
(QueryAnalysis::ASM())->joinJBBChildren(mergedReductionPath, tempNodeSet);
//update the merged reduction path to include JBBCs in the path just merged
//update mergedConnections set to indicate the reduction path
//from this connenction (i.e. incomingConnections[i]) was merged
//if a merge of two or more reduction paths occurred
if(mergedConnections.entries() > 1)
//do a join of the merged reduction path with this JBBC to see if
//the merged reduction path causes a significant reduction in this
CANodeIdSet thisJBBC;
EstLogPropSharedPtr joinEstLogProp = (QueryAnalysis::ASM())->joinJBBChildren(mergedReductionPath, thisJBBC);
CostScalar mergedReductionPathCardinality = joinEstLogProp->getResultCardinality();
//if merged path produces at least a 5% reduction in cardinality of
//this JBBC
if(mergedReductionPathCardinality <
(getAfterLocalPredCardinality() * .95))
returnValue = TRUE;
//insert merged reduction path in the list of reduction paths
//store the reduction path passed in
//store the reduction path passed in
CANodeIdSet * reductionPathToStore = new (collHeap())\
//insert cardinality into array of cardinalities this will be used by
//getReducingJoinSet to get cardinalities without the need to lookup the
//insert this nodes id into merged reduction path as it is to be extended
//to connected JBBCs now.
//iterate over each connection, if a connection did not
//participate in the merge try to extend the reduction path
//to that connected JBBC. The connectedJBBC will be used to
//identify the connection.
for(i=0; i < incomingConnections_->entries(); i++)
//Get CANodeId of connected JBBC
CANodeId connectedNodeId = ((*incomingConnections_)[i])->\
//Check to see that this is not a connected node from where one of the
//merged reduction paths come.
//Also check if this node is already part of the merged reduction path
//this avoids cycles
//Get reference to connected JBBC
JBBC * connectedJBBC =
//Do a join of the merged reduction path with the connected JBBC
CANodeIdSet connectedNode(connectedNodeId);
joinEstLogProp = (QueryAnalysis::ASM())->\
joinJBBChildren(mergedReductionPath, connectedNode);
CostScalar joinCardinality = joinEstLogProp->getResultCardinality();
//only extend merged reduction path to a connected JBBC
//if cardinality of connected JBBC is 10% more than the
//cardinality of the reduction path to extend
if((mergedReductionPathCardinality*1.1) <
//if the cardinality of the join is atleast 5 % lower than the
//after local predicate cardinality of the connected JBBC,
//extend the reduction path
if(joinCardinality < (connectedJBBC->getAfterLocalPredCardinality()*.95))
//Extend merged redution path to connected JBBC
extendReductionPath(mergedReductionPath, joinCardinality,getId());
return returnValue;
JBBSubset * JBBC::getReducingJoinSet(CANodeIdSet & availableJBBCs,
CANodeIdSet * usedSet)
//cardinality produced by the best reducing join set.
CostScalar minCardinality = getAfterLocalPredCardinality();
//the best reducing join set as computed till now
CANodeIdSet * currentBestRJS = NULL;
//if no recomputation required
//iterator over all the reduction paths at this node.
CollIndex i;
for(i=0; i < reductionPaths_->entries();i++)
//check if the current reduction path is a subset of the
//get cardinaliy of current reduction path
CostScalar cardinalityOfCurrentReductionPath =
//if cardinality of current reduction path is lower than
//minCardinality i.e. current reduction path produces a
//greater reduction.
if(cardinalityOfCurrentReductionPath < minCardinality)
//set currentBestRJS to current reduction path
currentBestRJS = (*reductionPaths_)[i];
//set minCardinality to cardinality of current reduction
minCardinality = cardinalityOfCurrentReductionPath;
//recomputation is required
//Set available and used JBBCs
CANodeIdSet extendedAvailableJBBCs = availableJBBCs;
extendedAvailableJBBCs += *usedSet;
//iterate over all the reduction paths at this node.
CollIndex i;
for(i=0; i<reductionPaths_->entries();i++)
//get cardinaliy of current reduction path
CostScalar cardinalityOfCurrentReductionPath =
//if cardinality of current reduction path is lower than
//minCardinality i.e. current reduction path produces a
//greater reduction.
if(cardinalityOfCurrentReductionPath < minCardinality)
if(currentBestRJS && availableJBBCs.contains(*currentBestRJS))
//set currentBestRJS to current reduction path
currentBestRJS = (*reductionPaths_)[i];
//set minCardinality to cardinality of current reduction
minCardinality = cardinalityOfCurrentReductionPath;
//recomputation is required for this reduction path
//JBBCs that are part of the reduction path and have
//to be exclude from the used set before doing a join
//to recompute reduction path
CANodeIdSet elementsToRemove = *(*reductionPaths_)[i];
//JBBCs that have to be combined (joined) to the RP
//in a recomputed reduction path.
CANodeIdSet recomputationSet = *usedSet;
//use ASM to figure out the cardinality produced by
//combining recomputationSet with the current reduction
CANodeIdSet currentReductionPath = *(*reductionPaths_)[i];
//add this JBBC to current reduction path since we want the
//cardinality of join between the recomputed reduction path
//and this JBBC.
EstLogPropSharedPtr recomputedLogProps =
CostScalar recomputedCardinality = recomputedLogProps->getResultCardinality();
if(recomputedCardinality < minCardinality)
//set currentBestRJS to recomputed reduction path
currentBestRJS = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) CANodeIdSet(*(*reductionPaths_)[i]);
//set minCardinality to cardinality of current reduction
minCardinality = recomputedCardinality;
//JBBSubset for returning
JBBSubset * bestRJS=NULL;
//if a RJS was found return it as a JBBSubset
//create JBBSubset
bestRJS = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) JBBSubset();
//add elements from currentBestRJS
return bestRJS;
QueryGraphConnection::QueryGraphConnection(CANodeId targetJBBC,
CANodeId connectedJBBC,
CollHeap *outHeap)
targetJBBC_ = targetJBBC;
connectedJBBC_ = connectedJBBC;
bestIncomingReductionPath_ = NULL;
cardinalityOfBestIncomingReductionPath_ = 0;
heap_ = outHeap;
NABoolean QueryGraphConnection::addIncomingReductionPath
(CANodeIdSet * incomingReductionPath,
CostScalar cardinalityOfIncomingReductionPath)
//if this is the first reduction path coming in over this connection
//incoming reduction path is the best reduction path as it is the
//only reduction path coming over this connection till now
bestIncomingReductionPath_ = incomingReductionPath;
//set the cardinality of the best incoming reduction path
cardinalityOfBestIncomingReductionPath_ =
//return TRUE indicating bestIncomingReductionPath_ was updated
return TRUE;
if(cardinalityOfIncomingReductionPath <
//incoming reduction path is the best reduction path as it has a
//lower cardinality than the current best reduction path
bestIncomingReductionPath_ = incomingReductionPath;
//update the cardinality of the best incoming reduction path
cardinalityOfBestIncomingReductionPath_ =
//return TRUE indicating bestIncomingReductionPath_ was updated
return TRUE;
//bestIncomingReductionPath_ was not updated
return FALSE;
const CANodeIdSet * QueryGraphConnection::getBestIncomingReductionPath()
return bestIncomingReductionPath_;