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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: OptTrigger.cpp
* Description: Implementation of after trigger reorder & transformation
* Created: 06/25/98
* Language: C++
// Triggers internal spec describes the input tree to OptTriggersBackbone.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <search.h>
#include "GroupAttr.h"
#include "AllItemExpr.h"
#include "AllRelExpr.h"
#include "Triggers.h"
#include "OptTrigger.h"
#include "BindWA.h"
#include "ItemSample.h"
#include "ChangesTable.h"
#include "NormWA.h"
// Static utility methods (part of OptTriggersBackbone class)
// SetUnionCharacteristicInputs
// Calculate union Characteristic Inputs based on both children.
// The parent input is the aggregate input of the children after reducing the
// duplicates.
OptTriggersBackbone::SetUnionCharacteristicInputs(RelExpr *pUnion)
ValueIdSet tmpInput = ((RelExpr *)pUnion->getChild(1))->getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicInputs();
ValueIdSet tmpInputLeft = ((RelExpr *)pUnion->getChild(0))->getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicInputs();
// reduce duplicates between left and right
// add left
tmpInput += tmpInputLeft;
// SetTsjCharacteristicInputs
// Calculate TSJ Characteristic Inputs based on its children.
// The parent input is the aggregate input of the children after reducing the
// duplicates and the output of the left child, which is the input of the right
// child.
OptTriggersBackbone::SetTsjCharacteristicInputs(RelExpr *pTsj)
// add left
ValueIdSet tmpInput = ((RelExpr *)pTsj->getChild(0))->getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicInputs();
ValueIdSet rightTopInput = ((RelExpr *)pTsj->getChild(1))->getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicInputs();
// remove the input that are covered by the tsj left child outputs
rightTopInput.removeCoveredExprs(((RelExpr *)pTsj->getChild(0))->getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicOutputs());
// reduce duplicates
// add right
tmpInput += rightTopInput;
// This method mainly deals with how to properly handle the UniqueExecuteId,
// without using the same BindWA used for binding the rest of the tree:
// We want the UniqueExecuteId function to have the same ValueId as in the rest of
// the tree. To achieve this, we create a RETDesc in the current scope of the new
// BindWA, and add to it the ValueId used for the UniqueExecId (saved in the
// BindInfo), and give it a name as if it was a "virtual" column. The built sub-trees
// will use a ColReference with this name, and when bound, will find this ValueId in
// an upper scope, and correctly mark the ValueId as an input.
OptTriggersBackbone::PrepareNewBindWA(BindWA &bindWA, TriggerBindInfo *bindInfo)
// Set the IudId from this backbone into the BindWA.
RETDesc *retDesc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) RETDesc(&bindWA);
// Add the existing ExecId to the current RETDesc.
ColRefName *execIdName = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
ValueId topExecId = bindInfo->getExecuteId()->getValueId();
retDesc->addColumn(&bindWA, *execIdName, topExecId);
// Complete the necessary compilation steps: Bind, Transform and Normalize.
RelExpr *
OptTriggersBackbone::BindAndNormalizeNewlyConstructedTree(BindWA *bindWA, RelExpr *topNode)
// Bind the tree.
topNode = topNode->bindNode(bindWA);
CMPASSERT(topNode != NULL && !bindWA->errStatus());
// Create a new NormWA for the normalization..
NormWA normWA(CmpCommon::context());
normWA.allocateAndSetVEGRegion(IMPORT_AND_EXPORT, topNode);
ExprGroupId eg(topNode);
topNode->transformNode(normWA, eg);
topNode = eg.getPtr();
// The rewrite phase has to be invoked explicitly, instead of by the
// RelRoot at the top of the tree.
CMPASSERT (topNode != NULL);
topNode = topNode->normalizeNode(normWA);
CMPASSERT (topNode != NULL);
return topNode;
// Methods For Class OptTrigger
// The ctor of OptTrigger
OptTrigger::OptTrigger(SubTreeAccessSet *treeAccessSet,
NABoolean isRowTrigger,
RelExpr *triggerSubTree,
RelExpr *parentSubTree)
: treeAccessSet_(treeAccessSet),
// Methods For Class OptTriggerList
// createUnionSubTree
// Build left union tree from the trigger list (called by toTree)
RelExpr *
OptTriggerList::createUnionSubTree() const
// Put the first trigger in the group in previous sub tree
OptTriggerPtr optTrigger = (*this)[0];
RelExpr *pPrev = (RelExpr *)optTrigger->getTriggerSubTree();
for (CollIndex i = 1; i < entries(); i++)
// Create a union on top of the previous sub tree and the current trigger
// If getTriggerParentSubTree() exists it can be reused as the union
optTrigger = (*this)[i];
Union *pUnion = (Union *)optTrigger->getTriggerParentSubTree();
if (pUnion == NULL){
pUnion = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
Union(pPrev, (RelExpr *)optTrigger->getTriggerSubTree(),NULL,NULL,
// reuse
pUnion->setChild(0,(ExprNode *)pPrev);
pUnion->setChild(1,(ExprNode *)optTrigger->getTriggerSubTree());
pUnion->setGroupAttr(new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) GroupAttributes());
// set characteristic input based on children
pPrev = pUnion;
return pPrev;
// Methods For Class OptTriggerGroup
// The ctor of OptTriggerGroup
OptTriggerGroup::OptTriggerGroup(TriggerGroupFlags flag,
OptTriggersBackbone *backbone)
: groupAccessSet_(CmpCommon::statementHeap()),
// isConflicting
// Check if the given access set conflict with the group access set
OptTriggerGroup::isConflicting(const SubTreeAccessSet *accessSet) const
//If the group is empty or the access set is null return FALSE - no conflict
if (entries() == 0 || accessSet == NULL)
return FALSE;
//check if the given accessSet conflict with the group
return (groupAccessSet_.isConflicting(accessSet));
// addTrigger
// add trigger to the group and trigger access set to group access set
OptTriggerGroup::addTrigger(const OptTriggerPtr trigger)
if (trigger->isRowTrigger())
// toTree
// Write group sub tree
// Group can be a cobmination of row triggers and statment triggers.
// All row triggers will be organized in one left union tree.
// If it is a PIPELINED_ROW_TRIGGERS, then this tree is the group tree
// representation.
// If is a BLOCKED_GROUP then the tree has additional temp scan with TSJ feeding
// the row trigger tree.
// All statement triggers will be organized in another left union tree.
// If the group has both row and statement triggers then the two sub trees will have
// additional union on top of them.
RelExpr *
RelExpr *pRowSubTree = NULL;
RelExpr *pStatmentUnion = NULL;
// Create row triggers sub-tree
if (rowTriggerGroup_.entries())
// Create row trigger sub-tree
pRowSubTree = createRowTriggersSubTree();
// In pipelined group return the sub tree as is and it will be connected
// to the flow coming from the IUD.
if (isPipeLinedRowTriggesGroup())
// Create statment triggers left union sub-tree
if (statmentTriggerGroup_.entries())
pStatmentUnion = statmentTriggerGroup_.createUnionSubTree();
// If there is no mix of statement triggers and row trigger return
if (pStatmentUnion == NULL)
return pRowSubTree;
if (pRowSubTree == NULL)
return pStatmentUnion;
// Connect row trigger sub-tree and statement trigger sub-tree with union
RelExpr *pUnion = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) Union
(pRowSubTree, pStatmentUnion, NULL, NULL, REL_UNION,
pUnion->setGroupAttr(new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) GroupAttributes());
// Set characteristic input based on children, triggers have no outputs
return pUnion;
// createRowTriggersSubTree
// This method returns the built sub-tree of all row-triggers in the group along with
// the generated feeding temp-table sub-tree.
RelExpr *
// Create row trigger left union tree
RelExpr *pRowUnion = rowTriggerGroup_.createUnionSubTree();
if (isPipeLinedRowTriggesGroup())
// In pipelined group, there's no need to connect to the feeding sub-tree.
// Generate the temporary table scan to feed the triggers
reqOutput_ = pRowUnion->getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicInputs();
RelExpr *pLeft = buildTempScanTree();
// Create TSJ between the generated temp-scan and the triggers' sub-tree
RelExpr *pTsj = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) Join(pLeft, pRowUnion, REL_TSJ);
pTsj->setGroupAttr(new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) GroupAttributes());
// disable parallele execution for TSJs that control row triggers
// execution. Parallel execution for triggers TSJ introduces the
// potential for non-deterministic execution
return pTsj;
// buildTempScanTree
// Build the subtree with temp Scan nodes, and connect it to the triggers using
// a MapValueIds node.
// This tree looks like this one of these three options:
// MapValueIds MapValueIds MapValueIds
// | | |
// RelRoot RelRoot RelRoot
// | | |
// Join Temp Scan Temp Scan
// / \ @OLD @NEW
// Temp Scan Temp Scan
// @OLD @NEW
// The first is used only for Update operations when the triggers in this
// group actually use both the OLD and the NEW values.
RelExpr *
// Create a new BindWA - we don't want to have anything left in some RETDesc
// that may affect this binding.
BindWA bindWA(ActiveSchemaDB(), CmpCommon::context());
TriggerBindInfo *bindInfo = backbone_->getTriggerBindInfo();
// Prepare the new BindWA for binding our little sub-tree.
OptTriggersBackbone::PrepareNewBindWA(bindWA, bindInfo);
// Analyze the mappings between the ValuesIds required by the triggers, and
// the OLD and NEW values that will be produced by the temp Scans.
OptColumnMapping colMapping(bindInfo,
// Construct the temp Scan node, or Join of two Scans..
RelExpr *topNode = buildTempTableScanNodes(colMapping, &bindWA);
// Put a RelRoot node on top of it, with a select list of just the minimal
// columns required by the triggers.
ItemExpr *selectList = colMapping.buildSelectListFromNeededInputs();
topNode = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
RelRoot(topNode, REL_ROOT, selectList);
// Do the necessary compilation steps.
topNode = OptTriggersBackbone::BindAndNormalizeNewlyConstructedTree(&bindWA, topNode);
// Now that we know the ValueIds produced by the Scans, build the
// MapValueIds node on top of the tree, so the triggers will get the
// ValueIds they are expecting.
topNode = colMapping.buildMapValueIdNode(topNode);
return topNode;
// If both NEW and OLD values are needed for an Update trigger, create a Join of
// two temp Scan nodes. Otherwise - create just the tempScan node that is needed.
RelExpr *
OptTriggerGroup::buildTempTableScanNodes(OptColumnMapping& colMapping,
BindWA *bindWA)
// Create a temp table object (derived from ChangesTable).
TriggersTempTable tempTableObj(backbone_->getTriggeringNode(), bindWA);
// Make the temp table object use the UniqueExecuteID we already have.
if (colMapping.isNewNeeded() && colMapping.isOldNeeded())
return tempTableObj.buildOldAndNewJoin();
if (colMapping.isNewNeeded())
NAString newCorrName(NEWCorr);
RelExpr *newSubTree = NULL;
// The NEW values are needed, so create a Scan node on the inserted rows
// and call it @NEW.
newSubTree = tempTableObj.buildScan(ChangesTable::INSERTED_ROWS);
return newSubTree;
NAString oldCorrName(OLDCorr);
RelExpr *oldSubTree = NULL;
// The OLD values are needed, so create a Scan node on the deleted rows
// and call it @OLD.
oldSubTree = tempTableObj.buildScan(ChangesTable::DELETED_ROWS);
return oldSubTree;
// Methods For Class OptTriggersBackbone
// ~OptTriggersBackbone
if (triggerList_)
for (CollIndex i = 1; i < triggerList_->entries(); i++)
OptTriggerPtr optTrigger = (*triggerList_)[i];
// exclude coverage - we don't seem to handle macro expansion very well
NADELETEBASIC(optTrigger, CmpCommon::statementHeap()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
NADELETEBASIC(triggerList_, CmpCommon::statementHeap()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
if (triggerGroups_)
for (CollIndex i = 1; i < triggerGroups_->entries(); i++)
OptTriggerGroup *optGroup = (*triggerGroups_)[i];
NADELETE(optGroup, OptTriggerGroup, (CmpCommon::statementHeap())); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
NADELETEBASIC(triggerGroups_, CmpCommon::statementHeap()); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
// init
// this method scans the tree, and tags the key nodes in it for further process.
void OptTriggersBackbone::init()
BindWA *bindWA = (drivingBackbone_->getRETDesc())->getBindWA();
pNext_ = drivingBackbone_;
if (pNext_->getInliningInfo().isDrivingPipelinedActions())
if (bindWA->getHostArraysArea() && !bindWA->getHostArraysArea()->getTolerateNonFatalError())
// If there are no before triggers, temp insert must exist
CMPASSERT(beforeTriggersExist_ || pNext_->getInliningInfo().isDrivingTempInsert());
if (pNext_->getInliningInfo().isDrivingTempInsert())
tempInsertDrivingNodeParent_ = pParent_;
tempInsertDrivingNode_ = pNext_;
// Initialize iudDrivingNode_, that includes also IM if exists.
iudDrivingNodeParent_ = pParent_;
iudDrivingNode_ = pNext_;
// Initialize the triggering IUD node
iudNode_ = findLeftmostGU(iudDrivingNode_);
// Initialize the triggerBindInfo_ member
triggerBindInfo_ = iudNode_->getInliningInfo().getTriggerBindInfo();
CMPASSERT(triggerBindInfo_ != NULL)
// getTransformedTree
// transform the tree and return the upper node
// the upper node might change if the temp delete have been removed
RelExpr *
RelExpr *backboneRoot =
(hasBeforeTriggers() ? beforeTriggerDrivingNode_ : tempDeleteDrivingNode_);
// If there are NO conflicts in the access set (of IUD, IM, RI and after triggers)
// Do minimal transformation, end exit
if (!hasConflicts())
// if there are no before triggers remove temp insert and temp delete
if (!hasBeforeTriggers())
backboneRoot = removeTempDelete();
if (pipeLineDrivingNode_)
// pipelined action sub tree is created in a fixed form with dummy actions
// replacing non-exist subtrees like RI or Row Triggers. Dummy actions
// need to be cleaned.
RelExpr *res = cleanDummies((RelExpr *)pipeLineDrivingNode_->getChild(1));
// if there are no pipelined action, eliminate the pipeLineDrivingNode_
if (res == NULL){
// remove pipline actions
pipeLineDrivingNodeParent_->setChild(0, pipeLineDrivingNode_->getChild(0));
else if (res != (RelExpr *)pipeLineDrivingNode_->getChild(1))
pipeLineDrivingNode_->setChild(1, res); // new child -reconnect
backboneRoot = toTree();
#ifdef TempTableDebug
// if you need to see the temp table data for debug, define TempTableDebug
// you will have to delete temp table data manually between every two calls
backboneRoot = removeTempDelete();
// hasConflicts
// Are there any conflicts in the IUD + after triggers backbone
OptTriggersBackbone::hasConflicts() const
if (statmentTriggerDrivingNode_)
if (statmentTriggerDrivingNode_->getAccessSet0()->
return TRUE;
if (leftTreeHasConflicts(statmentTriggerDrivingNode_))
return TRUE;
if (pipeLineDrivingNode_)
if (pipeLineDrivingNode_->getAccessSet0()->
return TRUE;
if (rowTriggerDrivingNode_)
// conflict with RI
if (rowTriggerDrivingNode_->getAccessSet0()->
return TRUE;
if (leftTreeHasConflicts(rowTriggerDrivingNode_))
return TRUE;
// add RI internal conflicts check here (leftTreeHasConflicts(riDrivingNode_))
return FALSE;
// Are there conflicts in the left linear tree?
OptTriggersBackbone::leftTreeHasConflicts(RelExpr *drivingNode) const
for (RelExpr *pUnion = (RelExpr *)drivingNode->getChild(1);
pUnion = (RelExpr *)pUnion->getChild(0))
// a trigger - end of sub tree
if (pUnion->getInliningInfo().isTriggerRoot())
return FALSE ;
// verify that it is a left linear tree
CMPASSERT(pUnion->getOperatorType() == REL_UNION);
CMPASSERT(((RelExpr *)(pUnion->getChild(1)))->getInliningInfo().isTriggerRoot())
if (pUnion->getAccessSet0()->isConflicting(pUnion->getAccessSet1()))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// createTriggerList
// create a trigger list from statement triggers and row triggers
triggerList_ = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())(OptTriggerList);
if (statmentTriggerDrivingNode_)
addToTriggerList(statmentTriggerDrivingNode_, FALSE);
if (rowTriggerDrivingNode_)
addToTriggerList(rowTriggerDrivingNode_, TRUE);
// removeTempInsert
tempInsertDrivingNodeParent_->setChild(0, tempInsertDrivingNode_->getChild(0));
// removeTempDelete
RelExpr *
if (hasBeforeTriggers())
//The removal of temp delete in before trigger is used only as debug option
setChild(1,(ExprNode *)tempDeleteDrivingNode_->getChild(0));
return beforeTriggerDrivingNode_;
return ((RelExpr *)tempDeleteDrivingNode_->getChild(0));
// addToTriggerList
// locate all triggers under a drivingNode and add them to triggerList_
// The tree of unions under statmentTriggerDrivingNode_ or rowTriggerDrivingNode_ is
// a left linear tree
OptTriggersBackbone::addToTriggerList(RelExpr *drivingNode, NABoolean isRowTrigger)
OptTriggerPtr trigger;
SubTreeAccessSet *treeAccessSet;
RelExpr *parent = drivingNode;
for (RelExpr *pUnion = (RelExpr *)drivingNode->getChild(1);
pUnion = (RelExpr *)pUnion->getChild(0))
if (pUnion->getInliningInfo().isTriggerRoot())
// a trigger - end of the left linear tree
if (pUnion == (RelExpr *)drivingNode->getChild(1)) //single trigger
treeAccessSet = parent->getAccessSet1();
treeAccessSet = parent->getAccessSet0();
trigger = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
OptTrigger(treeAccessSet, isRowTrigger, pUnion, NULL);
// verify that it is a left linear tree
CMPASSERT(pUnion->getOperatorType() == REL_UNION);
CMPASSERT(((RelExpr *)pUnion->getChild(1))->getInliningInfo().isTriggerRoot());
// set OptTrigger where trigger root is the right child of pUnion
treeAccessSet = pUnion->getAccessSet1();
trigger = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
(RelExpr *)pUnion->getChild(1), pUnion);
parent = pUnion;
// optTriggerTimeCompare
// used in qsort
// Return Value
// -1 elem1 less than elem2
// 0 elem1 equivalent elem2
// 1 elem1 greater than elem2
static Int32 optTriggerTimeCompare(const void *elem1, const void *elem2)
Int64 timestamp1 = (*(OptTriggerPtr *)elem1)->getTriggerTimeStamp();
Int64 timestamp2 = (*(OptTriggerPtr *)elem2)->getTriggerTimeStamp();
if (timestamp1 < timestamp2)
return -1;
if (timestamp1 == timestamp2)
return 0;
return 1;
// reorder
// set a new final order to the triggers, the order is based on timestamp and conflicts
CollIndex idx;
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
Int32 triggerArraySize = triggerList_->entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// optTriggerPtrArray - array of pointers to OptTrigger , used for qsort
OptTriggerPtr *optTriggerPtrArray = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// copy triggerList to triggerArray
for (idx = 0; idx < triggerList_->entries(); idx++)
optTriggerPtrArray[idx] = (*triggerList_)[idx];
// sort trigger array by timestamp
// move row triggers to the begining, as far as the access set conflicts allow
for (Int32 i = 1 ; i< triggerArraySize; i++)
// if it is a statment trigger, don't try to move it
if (!optTriggerPtrArray[i]->isRowTrigger())
// if row trigger try to move it to the begining of the list
for (Int32 j = i ; j > 0 ; j--)
// if trigger j don't conflict with trigger j-1 replace them
const SubTreeAccessSet *accessSet1 = optTriggerPtrArray[j]->getAccessSet();
const SubTreeAccessSet *accessSet2= optTriggerPtrArray[j-1]->getAccessSet();
if (accessSet1->isConflicting(accessSet2))
break; // Conflict - can't move the current trigger any more
// move the row trigger one step back
OptTriggerPtr sav = optTriggerPtrArray[j-1];
optTriggerPtrArray[j-1] = optTriggerPtrArray[j];
optTriggerPtrArray[j] = sav;
// set triggerList_ based on the reordered array optTriggerPtrArray
for (Int32 k = 0 ; k < triggerArraySize; k++)
// free the temporary array
// exclude coverage - we don't seem to handle macro expansion very well
NADELETEBASIC(optTriggerPtrArray, (CmpCommon::statementHeap())); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
// group
// Divide the triggers in the given order to groups
// Triggers in one group should have no conflicts between them and thats why the order
// inside a group is not important
// First, Second and third groups are one logical group that does not have conflicts
// between the members of the group.
// if a trigger don't conflict with the IUD & RI
// {
// row triggers go to first group (pPipelinedGroup)
// statment triggers go to second group (pIudParallelGroup)
// }
// else
// {
// the trigger goes to the third group which is a blocked group that read from
// temporary table
// }
// iudAccessSet represents the access set of the sub tree below the triggers and RI
SubTreeAccessSet *iudAccessSet;
SubTreeAccessSet *riAccessSet = NULL;
if (tempInsertDrivingNode_)
iudAccessSet = tempInsertDrivingNodeParent_->getAccessSet0();
iudAccessSet = iudDrivingNodeParent_->getAccessSet0();
// RI if exist are always in the left side of the union
if (riDrivingNode_)
riAccessSet = riDrivingNode_->getAccessSet0();
OptTriggerGroup *pPipelinedGroup = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
OptTriggerGroup(OptTriggerGroup::PIPELINED_ROW_TRIGGERS, this);
OptTriggerGroup *pIudParallelGroup = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
OptTriggerGroup(OptTriggerGroup::IUD_PARALLEL_STATEMENT_TRIGGER, this);
OptTriggerGroup *pBlockedGroup = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
OptTriggerGroup(OptTriggerGroup::BLOCKED_GROUP, this);
triggerGroups_ = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())(OptTriggerGroupList);
// the for loop stops on the first trigger conflicting with any
// previous trigger
CollIndex i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < triggerList_->entries(); i++)
OptTriggerPtr currentTrigger = (*triggerList_)[i];
// If current trigger conflicts with group1 or group2 or group3
// we wil start a new group.
if (pPipelinedGroup->isConflicting(currentTrigger->getAccessSet()) ||
pIudParallelGroup->isConflicting(currentTrigger->getAccessSet()) ||
// If current trigger conflicts with IUD, Temp Table, IM or RI
// add it to the third group
// else
// add it to the first or second group
if (currentTrigger->getAccessSet()->isConflicting(iudAccessSet) ||
(riAccessSet &&
if (currentTrigger->isRowTrigger())
// if there are elements in group1/group2/group3 add them to group list
if (pPipelinedGroup->entries())
if (pIudParallelGroup->entries())
OptTriggerGroup *currentGroup;
if (pBlockedGroup->entries())
currentGroup = pBlockedGroup;
// create the blocked groups
currentGroup = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
OptTriggerGroup(OptTriggerGroup::BLOCKED_GROUP, this);
// this for loop continues from the trigger that caused the end of the previous
// for loop
CollIndex j = i;
for (j = i; j < triggerList_->entries(); j++)
OptTriggerPtr currentTrigger = (*triggerList_)[j];
// If current trigger conflict with the currentGroup
// close the current group and open a new one
if (currentGroup->isConflicting(currentTrigger->getAccessSet()))
// triggers are sepearated to new group whenever there is a conflict betweeen
// the next trigger to the current group
currentGroup = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
OptTriggerGroup(OptTriggerGroup::BLOCKED_GROUP, this);
// insert to current group
// if there are elements in currentGroup add it to group list
if (currentGroup->entries())
// cleanDummies
// pipelined action sub tree is created in a fixed form with dummy action replacing
// empty subtrees like RI or Row triggers.
// clean union sub tree, if both children are dummy the sub tree is dummy
// if one of the children is dummy, the other child replace the union
RelExpr *
OptTriggersBackbone::cleanDummies(RelExpr *parent)
RelExpr *leftChild = (RelExpr *)parent->getChild(0);
RelExpr *rightChild = (RelExpr *)parent->getChild(1);
if (leftChild->getInliningInfo().isDummy() &&
return NULL;
if (!leftChild->getInliningInfo().isDummy() &&
return parent;
if (leftChild->getInliningInfo().isDummy())
return rightChild;
return leftChild;
// Replace the original row trigger sub tree under pipelined actions
// with the row triggers sub set that the transformation found qualified to be placed
// in the pipelined actions
OptTriggersBackbone::replacePipelinedRowTriggers(RelExpr *rowTriggerTree)
// connect the piplined row triggers to tree in rowTriggerDrivingNode_
rowTriggerDrivingNode_->setChild(1, rowTriggerTree);
// toTree
// write the final backbone sub tree
RelExpr *
// Rebuild the tree bottom up
RelExpr *childNode = iudDrivingNode_;
if (tempInsertDrivingNode_)
childNode = tempInsertDrivingNode_;
if (pipeLineDrivingNode_)
childNode = pipeLineDrivingNode_;
// if first group is not PIPELINED_ROW_TRIGGERS
// mark the original row triggers sub tree for removal
if (rowTriggerDrivingNode_ && !(*triggerGroups_)[0]->isPipeLinedRowTriggesGroup())
RelExpr *rowTriggers = (RelExpr *)rowTriggerDrivingNode_->getChild(1);
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < triggerGroups_->entries(); i++)
OptTriggerGroup *optTriggerGroup = (*triggerGroups_)[i];
// if first group isPipeLinedRowTriggesGroup
if (i==0 && optTriggerGroup->isPipeLinedRowTriggesGroup())
// Get the new row trigger sub tree, that belong to the pipelined actions
RelExpr *rowTriggerTree = optTriggerGroup->toTree();
// group with union or ordered union on top of it
RelExpr *triggersUnion = optTriggerGroup->toTree();
Union *pOrder = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())Union
(childNode, triggersUnion, NULL, NULL, REL_UNION,
if (optTriggerGroup->isBlockedGroup())
BindWA *bindWA = (drivingBackbone_->getRETDesc())->getBindWA();
if (bindWA && bindWA->getHostArraysArea() &&
pOrder->setGroupAttr(new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) GroupAttributes());
childNode = pOrder;
// we perform cleanDummies in the first group after pipeline
// because if the pipelined action subtree is empty this group is the
// new parent of the pipeline left child
if (pOrder->getChild(0) == pipeLineDrivingNode_)
// Pipelined action sub tree is created in a fix form with dummy
// action replacing empty subtrees like RI or Row triggers.
// Dummy actions need to be cleaned.
RelExpr *res =
cleanDummies((RelExpr *)pipeLineDrivingNode_->getChild(1));
// if piplined actions empty, remove the pipeline Tsj
if (res == NULL)
ValueIdSet emptyIdSet;
RelExpr *child = (RelExpr *)pipeLineDrivingNode_->getChild(0);
pOrder->setChild(0, child);
// If pipelined actions are eliminated
// The output from its first child is no longer needed
// Change child from left join to join and clear its
// characteristic outputs
if (child->getOperatorType() == REL_LEFT_TSJ)
else if (child->getOperatorType() == REL_LEFT_JOIN)
// Generic Update
if (child->getOperator().match(REL_ANY_GEN_UPDATE))
((GenericUpdate *)child)->setPotentialOutputValues(emptyIdSet);
else if (res != pipeLineDrivingNode_->getChild(1))
pipeLineDrivingNode_->setChild(1, res);
// reconnect the triggers sub tree to the temp delete tsj
tempDeleteDrivingNode_->setChild(0, (ExprNode *)childNode);
// return the top node of the backbone
if (hasBeforeTriggers())
return (beforeTriggerDrivingNode_);
return (tempDeleteDrivingNode_);
// forceCardinalityAsIud
// Force the cardinality of the given node to be the same as the original IUD that
// is the basis for the whole backbone.
void OptTriggersBackbone::forceCardinalityAsIud(RelExpr *expr) const
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
#pragma warning (disable : 4244) //warning elimination
CostScalar card =
expr->getInliningInfo().BuildForceCardinalityInfo(1.0, // factor ignored
#pragma warning (default : 4244) //warning elimination
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// createNewExecIdRef
// This method returns the column reference for the virtual column used in selection
// from the temp-table. The BindWA is prepared in a way that this column name appears
// with the right ValueId.
ColReference *OptTriggersBackbone::createNewExecIdRef()
ColRefName *execIdName = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
return new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) ColReference(execIdName);
// fixCardinalityAndCollectTempUsage
// fix all temp-table access nodes to use the same cardinality as the
// iudDrivingNode.
// Recursively scan the final tree, and find each node that access the
// temp-table. For each such node, fix the cardinality to be the same as the
// iudDrivingNode. The scanning doesn't include the subtree that includes the
// insert node into the temp-table.
// In addition, the usage of the temp-table is collected for each scan node, so
// later we'll know whether the insert into the temp-table might be optimized.
void OptTriggersBackbone::fixCardinalityAndCollectTempUsage(RelExpr *rootNode,
NABoolean enterInnerBackbone)
// stop condition
// we stop the recursion on the following conditions:
// 1. we reached the end of tree
// 2. we reached the temp-insert subtree. This sub-tree is not scanned since the
// cardinality usually set correctly by the optimizer according to the driving
// IUD node. In update operations the insert is fed by a union of tuples, so
// setting the cardinality is not that straight forward, so we avoid it.
if (rootNode == NULL || rootNode == tempInsertDrivingNode_)
// find whether rootNode is a root of a backbone of triggers.
InliningInfo &info = rootNode->getInliningInfo();
NABoolean backboneRoot = FALSE;
if (info.isDrivingBeforeTriggers() ||
(info.isDrivingTempDelete() && !info.isBeforeTriggersExist()))
backboneRoot = TRUE;
// don't enter encountered backbone if instructed not to do so.
if (!enterInnerBackbone && backboneRoot)
// if instructed not to enter inner backbones and we've reached such
// backbone, do the job only for the IUD node that is the basis for
// this inner backbone, since this is the only place in the inner
// backbone where the temp-table values of the current backbone might
// be used. Other sub-trees will use the new values generated in this
// inner backbone.
GenericUpdate *iudNode = findLeftmostGU(rootNode);
fixCardinalityAndCollectTempUsage(iudNode, FALSE);
return; // skip inner backbone - stop recursion
// handle scan nodes on temp-table
if (rootNode->getOperatorType() == REL_SCAN)
Scan *scan = (Scan *) rootNode;
if (scan->getTableName().getSpecialType() == ExtendedQualName::TRIGTEMP_TABLE)
// handle GU nodes on temp-table
if (rootNode->getOperator().match(REL_ANY_GEN_UPDATE))
GenericUpdate *gu = (GenericUpdate *) rootNode;
if (gu->getTableName().getSpecialType() == ExtendedQualName::TRIGTEMP_TABLE)
// recursive call for each child
for (Int32 i = 0; i < rootNode->getArity(); i++)
fixCardinalityAndCollectTempUsage(rootNode->getChild(i)->castToRelExpr(), FALSE);
// collectTempTableUsage
// This method collects information how the temp-table is actually used. It
// looks for a predicate on the "@UNIQUE_IUD_NO" special column of the
// temp-table. If the predicate found, if looks at the constant value this column
// is compared against (the constant must exist and be numric). If the value is
// even, the selected rows from the temp-table will contain the NEW values,
// otherwise it will contain the OLD values. This way we find the actual usage of
// the values from the temp-table.
void OptTriggersBackbone::collectTempTableUsage(RelExpr *node)
ValueIdSet preds = node->selectionPred();
for (ValueId vid = preds.init();; preds.advance(vid))
if (vid.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() != ITM_VEG_PREDICATE)
continue; // only VEG predicates are inspected
VEG *referencedVEG = ((VEGPredicate*)vid.getItemExpr())->getVEG();
ValueIdSet valuesInVEG = referencedVEG->getAllValues();
// look for the UNIQUEIUD_COLUMN base column in the VEG
for (ValueId vid2 = valuesInVEG.init();;
if (vid2.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() != ITM_BASECOLUMN)
continue; // look only at base columns
BaseColumn *bc = vid2.castToBaseColumn();
if (!bc->getColName().compareTo(UNIQUEIUD_COLUMN))
// the current VEG is the desired predicate
// setUsageAccordingToUniqueUidPredicate
// The given predicate is using the UNIQUEIUD_COLUMN column. This predicate
// controls which rows actually fetched from the temp-table, so it gives us the
// knowledge which rows in the temp-table are actually used.
// The predicate containing the UNIQUEIUD_COLUMN column must also contain a
// constant unmeric value that it is compared against. The constant might be
// referenced directly or indirectly by inner VEG reference (for example).
// Selection of rows with even value means fetching NEW values, while selection
// of rows with odd value means fetching OLD values.
void OptTriggersBackbone::setUsageAccordingToUniqueUidPredicate(const ValueIdSet &uniqueUidPred)
ItemExpr *constValue = NULL;
// This predicate must reference a numeric constant value
CMPASSERT(constValue != NULL && constValue->getOperatorType() == ITM_CONSTANT);
CMPASSERT(((ConstValue *)constValue)->canGetExactNumericValue());
Int64 uniqueUidValue = ((ConstValue *)constValue)->getExactNumericValue();
// if constant is odd - this scan fetches OLD values, otherwise it fetches NEW values
if (uniqueUidValue % 2)
tempTableUsage_ |= ChangesTable::DELETED_ROWS;
tempTableUsage_ |= ChangesTable::INSERTED_ROWS;
// fixTempInsertSubtree
// In case only one set of values (NEW or OLD) from the temp-table is in use,
// there's no point inserting the other set from the beginning. Since the
// insertion of both sets has bad affection on performance, we try as much as
// we could to avoid it when not really necessary.
void OptTriggersBackbone::fixTempInsertSubtree()
BindWA *obindWA = (drivingBackbone_->getRETDesc())->getBindWA();
if ((tempTableUsage_ == (ChangesTable::INSERTED_ROWS | ChangesTable::DELETED_ROWS)) || (obindWA->getHostArraysArea() && !obindWA->getHostArraysArea()->getTolerateNonFatalError()) )
return; // both NEW and OLD sets are used - nothing to optimize
// Create a new BindWA - we don't want to have anything left in some RETDesc
// that may affect this binding.
BindWA bindWA(ActiveSchemaDB(), CmpCommon::context());
// Prepare the new BindWA for binding our little sub-tree.
// In addition, add the OLD and NEW column list from the original RETDesc, so
// these columns will be available for the temp-table insert node during bind
// time.
OptTriggersBackbone::PrepareNewBindWA(bindWA, triggerBindInfo_);
RETDesc *retDesc = bindWA.getCurrentScope()->getRETDesc();
// build the optimized version of the tmep-insert sub-tree
RelExpr *topNode = buildOptimizedTempInsert(&bindWA);
// Since this is a compilation with GenericUpdate node, we must mark it
// as internal compilation, so no real root will be searched
CmpContext::InternalCompileEnum savedMode =
CmpCommon::context()->internalCompile() = CmpContext::INTERNAL_MODULENAME;
// Do the necessary compilation steps.
topNode = OptTriggersBackbone::BindAndNormalizeNewlyConstructedTree(&bindWA, topNode);
// return to the mode we were in before the above compilation
CmpCommon::context()->internalCompile() = savedMode;
// Find the node that drives the temp-insert subtree.
if (obindWA->getHostArraysArea() && !obindWA->getHostArraysArea()->getTolerateNonFatalError())
RelExpr *insertDrivingNode = tempInsertDrivingNode_;
if (insertDrivingNode == NULL)
insertDrivingNode = beforeTriggerDrivingNode_->child(0)->child(1);
CMPASSERT(insertDrivingNode->getOperatorType() == REL_UNARY_INSERT ||
insertDrivingNode->getOperatorType() == REL_LEAF_INSERT);
// connect sub-tree to the backbone tree
insertDrivingNode->setChild(1, topNode);
// buildOptimizedTempInsert
// Here the optimized version of the temp-insert sub-tree is constructed.
RelExpr *OptTriggersBackbone::buildOptimizedTempInsert(BindWA *bindWA)
// Create a temp table object (derived from ChangesTable).
TriggersTempTable tempTableObj(iudNode_, bindWA);
// Make the temp table object use the UniqueExecuteID we already have.
RelExpr *topNode = NULL;
if (tempTableUsage_ & ChangesTable::INSERTED_ROWS)
topNode = tempTableObj.buildInsert(TRUE, ChangesTable::INSERTED_ROWS);
topNode = tempTableObj.buildInsert(TRUE, ChangesTable::DELETED_ROWS);
topNode = new (CmpCommon::statementHeap()) RelRoot(topNode);
CMPASSERT(topNode); // make sure topNode is pointing to the result tree
return topNode;
// initBeforeTriggerDrivingNode
// sets a pointer to the node that drives the before triggers (if exist).
// This method also sets a flag that before triggers exist.
if (pNext_->getInliningInfo().isDrivingBeforeTriggers())
beforeTriggerDrivingNode_ = pNext_;
beforeTriggersExist_ = TRUE;
// initTempDeleteDrivingNode
// sets a pointer to the node that drives the delete from the temp-table.
const InliningInfo &info = pNext_->getInliningInfo();
// The root must either drive before triggers or temp-table delete
CMPASSERT(beforeTriggersExist_ || info.isDrivingTempDelete())
if (beforeTriggersExist_)
tempDeleteDrivingNode_ = pNext_->getChild(1)->castToRelExpr();
tempDeleteDrivingNode_ = pNext_;
// Sanity check for the pointer
pNext_ = tempDeleteDrivingNode_;
// initStatmentTriggerDrivingNode
// sets a pointer to the node that drives the statement triggers. All the
// triggers are connected using UNION nodes.
if (pNext_->getInliningInfo().isDrivingStatementTrigger())
statmentTriggerDrivingNode_ = pNext_;
CMPASSERT(statmentTriggerDrivingNode_->getOperatorType() == REL_UNION);
// initPipeLineDrivingNode
// sets a pointer to the node that drives all the pipelined actions, i.e.
// RI, row triggers etc.
if (pNext_->getInliningInfo().isDrivingPipelinedActions())
pipeLineDrivingNodeParent_ = pParent_;
pipeLineDrivingNode_ = pNext_;
// initRowTriggerDrivingNode
// sets a pointer to the node that drives the row triggers. All the
// triggers are connected using UNION nodes.
RelExpr *e = pNext_->getChild(1)->castToRelExpr();
if (e->getInliningInfo().isDrivingRowTrigger())
rowTriggerDrivingNode_ = e;
CMPASSERT(rowTriggerDrivingNode_->getOperatorType() == REL_UNION);
// initRiDrivingNode
// sets a pointer to the node that drives the RI. All the RI constraints
// are connected using UNION nodes.
RelExpr *e = pNext_->getChild(1)->castToRelExpr();
if (e->getInliningInfo().isDrivingRI())
riDrivingNode_ = e;
CMPASSERT(riDrivingNode_->getOperatorType() == REL_UNION);
// findLeftmostGU
// find the leftmost GenericUpdate node in the tree. This node is the one
// that started the whole process (i.e. the triggering node).
// The method scans the given tree in in-oreder style, i.e. left child,
// current node and then right child. The method looks for the first
// GenericUpdate node encountered in this order of scanning. First there's
// a dril down into the left most child. From there on, the method goes
// back in the tree. If the current inspected node is a GeericUpdate, it
// is returned. Otherwise, it's right child is scanned also, and if no
// GenericUpdate is found yet, there's a withdrawing to the parent node.
// The reason for looking into the right childs also is that when before
// triggers exist, the GenericUpdate is the right child of the EffectiveGU
// node.
GenericUpdate *
OptTriggersBackbone::findLeftmostGU(ExprNode *expr)
GenericUpdate *guNode = NULL;
if (expr->getOperator().match(REL_ANY_GEN_UPDATE))
if (((GenericUpdate *) expr)->getUpdateCKorUniqueIndexKey())
return (GenericUpdate *) expr;
if (expr->getOperator().match(REL_UNARY_INSERT))
Insert * ins = (Insert *)((GenericUpdate *) expr);
if (ins->systemGeneratesIdentityValue())
return (GenericUpdate *) expr;
if (iudNode_ && iudNode_->getTableName().getSpecialType() == ExtendedQualName::SG_TABLE)
return (GenericUpdate *) expr;
if (expr->getChild(0))
// recursive call to left child
if ((guNode = findLeftmostGU(expr->getChild(0))) != NULL)
return guNode;
if (expr->getOperator().match(REL_ANY_GEN_UPDATE))
return (GenericUpdate *) expr;
if (expr->getChild(1))
// recursive call to right child
return findLeftmostGU(expr->getChild(1));
return NULL; // GenericUpdate node not found in entire tree
// advanceInTree
// advance the current node (and its parent) in the tree. The advancing is
// always done leftwards.
pParent_ = pNext_;
pNext_ = pNext_->getChild(0)->castToRelExpr();
// Methods For Class OptTriggerGroup
OptColumnMapping::OptColumnMapping(TriggerBindInfo *bindInfo,
OperatorTypeEnum iudOpType,
CollHeap *heap)
: bindInfo_(bindInfo),
atNew_(NEWCorr, heap),
atOld_(OLDCorr, heap),
// Initialize and minimize the mapping between the ValueIds expected by the
// triggers, and the OLD and NEW columns supplied by the new Scans on the temp table.
// At this stage, the new temp scan tree was not constructed yet, so the mappings are
// only done to the OLD and NEW column names.
void OptColumnMapping::initializeMappings(ValueIdSet &reqOutput)
// First phase: insert mappings for all the OLD/NEW columns that match the inputs
// required by the triggers into the newCols_ and oldCols_ lists.
// Skip the rest of it if the trigger is not using any of these values anyway.
if (dummyFeed_)
// Second phase: remove redundant columns from each lists (columns that are part
// of the same VEG). Then find OLD columns that are equal to NEW columns (are part
// of the same VEG) and move them to the oldCommonCols_ and newCommonCols_ lists.
// Third phase: find out if we really need both the OLD and the NEW tables.
// First phase: insert mappings for all the OLD/NEW columns that match the inputs
// required by the triggers into the newCols_ and oldCols_ lists.
// For each column of the original IUD RETDesc, do:
// If it's ValueId is referenced by the required Inputs of the trigger, do
// Create a mapping object for it.
// If it's an OLD column - insert it into the oldCols_ list.
// If it's a NEW column - insert it into the newCols_ list.
// END
void OptColumnMapping::createInitialMappingLists(ValueIdSet &reqOutput)
// Get the OLD and NEW column list from the original RETDesc.
const ColumnDescList *topColumnList = bindInfo_->getIudColumnList();
// These are the inputs required by the triggers of this group.
ValueIdSet NeededOutputs(reqOutput);
for (CollIndex i=0; i<topColumnList->entries(); i++)
const ColumnDesc *topColDesc = topColumnList->at(i);
ValueId topValueId = topColDesc->getValueId();
// Find the VEG in the required inputs that references this column.
ValueId topVeg;
if (NeededOutputs.referencesTheGivenValue(topValueId, topVeg))
const ColRefName &colName = topColDesc->getColRefNameObj();
// Create a mapping object.
ColumnMapping *newMapping = new(heap_) ColumnMapping;
newMapping->colName_ = &colName;
newMapping->topValueId_ = topValueId;
newMapping->topVeg_ = topVeg;
// Check which list to insert the new object into.
const NAString &corrName = colName.getCorrNameObj().getCorrNameAsString();
if (corrName == atNew_)
else if (corrName == atOld_)
if (oldCols_.isEmpty() && newCols_.isEmpty())
// The trigger is not using any of the OLD and NEW values.
dummyFeed_ = TRUE;
// Check the IUD operator type. If the Scan is on the wrong table, there
// will be no rows there to drive the trigger.
if (iudOpType_ == REL_UNARY_INSERT || iudOpType_ == REL_LEAF_INSERT)
newNeeded_ = TRUE;
oldNeeded_ = TRUE;
// A utility method used by findCommonColumns() to find a mapping in list colsList
// that has the same topVeg_ as colToFind. startAt can be specified to iterativly
// find all such mappings, or to find mappings in the same list as colToFind.
OptColumnMapping::ColumnMapping *
OptColumnMapping::findEqualCols(MappingList &colsList,
ColumnMapping *colToFind,
CollIndex startAt)
for (CollIndex i=startAt; i<colsList.entries(); i++)
ColumnMapping *currentCol = colsList[i];
if (colToFind->topVeg_ == currentCol->topVeg_)
return currentCol;
return NULL;
// Second phase: remove redundant columns from each lists (columns that are part
// of the same VEG). Then find OLD columns that are equal to NEW columns (are part
// of the same VEG) and move them to the oldCommonCols_ and newCommonCols_ lists.
// Both sets are saved for now, because we don't yet know if they will be used
// as OLD or NEW columns.
void OptColumnMapping::findCommonColumns()
CollIndex i;
ColumnMapping *redundantCol = NULL;
ColumnMapping *currentCol = NULL;
// Remove redundant OLD columns
if (!oldCols_.isEmpty())
for (i=0; i<oldCols_.entries()-1; i++)
currentCol = oldCols_[i];
// Search the mappings after currentCol in the list
while ((redundantCol = findEqualCols(oldCols_, currentCol, i+1)) != NULL)
// Remove redundant NEW columns
if (!newCols_.isEmpty())
for (i=0; i<newCols_.entries()-1; i++)
currentCol = newCols_[i];
// Search the mappings after currentCol in the list
while ((redundantCol = findEqualCols(newCols_, currentCol, i+1)) != NULL)
// Move common columns to commonCols
if (!oldCols_.isEmpty() && !newCols_.isEmpty())
for (i=0; i<oldCols_.entries(); i++)
ColumnMapping *oldCol = oldCols_[i];
// Search the entire other list.
ColumnMapping *newCol = findEqualCols(newCols_, oldCol, 0);
if (newCol != NULL)
// We keep both common columns for now, because even though they are
// equal, their mapping object is not identical - the name and ValueId
// are different, and are used later. Only one of the two common lists
// will actually be used later, but we don't yet know which one.
// Compensate for entry number i, that was just deleted from this list.
// Third phase: find out if we really need both the OLD and the NEW tables.
// Even an Update trigger that uses both OLD and NEW values can be optimized to
// use just one temp Scan node, if all the columns used from one of the tables
// are common (are in the same VEG) because they were not changed.
void OptColumnMapping::checkWhichTablesAreNeeded()
if (!oldCommonCols_.isEmpty())
// There are common columns - check if one of the other lists is empty.
if (newCols_.isEmpty())
// No new cols - use the common cols as old.
// Use the common cols as new.
// OK, now that we fixed the commonCols, let's see what we have left.
if (!newCols_.isEmpty())
// If we get here, we definetly need the NEW columns.
newNeeded_ = TRUE;
if (!oldCols_.isEmpty())
// If we get here, we definetly need the OLD columns.
oldNeeded_ = TRUE;
CMPASSERT(newNeeded_ || oldNeeded_);
// Build a select list on top of the temp Scan or Join of temp Scans.
// This select list has only the minimal columns needed by the triggers. Binding
// and normalizing the tree with this select list will guarantee minimal outputs.
ItemExpr *OptColumnMapping::buildSelectListFromNeededInputs()
ItemExpr *selectList = NULL;
for (CollIndex i=0; i<mappingArray_.entries(); i++)
ColumnMapping *currentCol = mappingArray_[i];
// Create a ColReference to the OLD or NEW column.
ItemExpr *colRef = new(heap_)
ColReference(new(heap_) ColRefName(*currentCol->colName_, heap_));
// Add it to the list.
if (selectList == NULL)
selectList = colRef;
selectList = new(heap_) ItemList(selectList, colRef);
return selectList;
// Build the MapValueIds node above the bound temp Scan tree.
// For each entry in the (minimized) mapping list, find the corresponding bottom
// ValueId in the RETDesc of the bound tree, and add a mapEntry using the top and
// bottom ValueIds.
// Also update the outputs of the MapValueIds node accordingly.
RelExpr *OptColumnMapping::buildMapValueIdNode(RelExpr *tempScanTree)
ValueIdSet OutputsOfMap;
ValueIdSet tempScanOutputs(tempScanTree->getGroupAttr()->getCharacteristicOutputs());
ValueIdMap *map = new(heap_) ValueIdMap;
const RETDesc *bottomRetDesc = tempScanTree->getRETDesc();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<mappingArray_.entries(); i++)
ColumnMapping *currentCol = mappingArray_[i];
// Add the topValueId to the outputs of the MapValueIds node.
OutputsOfMap += currentCol->topValueId_;
// Find the bottom ValueId from the RETDesc.
ValueId bottomValueId =
// Find the VEG from the outputs of the temp Scan tree, that references
// the ValueId we found in the RETDesc.
ValueId bottomVeg;
if (!tempScanOutputs.referencesTheGivenValue(bottomValueId, bottomVeg))
// Add a new mapping entry for the MapValeIds node.
map->addMapEntry(currentCol->topValueId_, bottomVeg);
// Create the MapValueIds node with the mapping.
MapValueIds *mapNode = new(heap_) MapValueIds(tempScanTree, *map);
// The outputs are the top ValueIds.
// The only input is the ExecId.
ValueId topExecId = bindInfo_->getExecuteId()->getValueId();
return mapNode;