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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: MjvBuilder.h
* Description: Definition of MjvBuilder class hierarchy as part of
* MvRefreshBuilder class hierarchy.
* Created: 07/02/2002
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include "MvRefreshBuilder.h"
// classes defined in this file
class MjvBuilder;
class MjvImmInsertBuilder;
class MjvImmDeleteBuilder;
class MjvImmDirectUpdateBuilder;
// forward declarations
class BindWA;
// Builds the refresh tree of an MJV. This class is abstract, and only the
// derived classes implement the buildRefreshTree() method.
class MjvBuilder : public MvRefreshBuilder {
MjvBuilder(const CorrName &mvName,
MVInfoForDML *mvInfo,
Refresh *refreshNode,
BindWA *bindWA)
: MvRefreshBuilder(mvName, mvInfo, refreshNode, bindWA)
virtual ~MjvBuilder() {}
// build the scanning node of the MJV
Scan *buildScanOfMJV(const CorrName &corrName, const NATable *baseNaTable) const;
// These methods are for building direct update refresh.
// Used by direct update immediate refresh and by ON REQUEST refresh.
// build the new record expression when directly updating the MJV
ItemExpr *buildUpdatePredicate(const CorrName &inputCorrName,
const NATable *baseNaTable,
SET(MVColumnInfo*) SetOfAffectedColumns) const;
// return the expression tree to be assigned to the MJV column
ItemExpr *getExpressionTreeForColumn(const MVColumnInfo *affectedCol,
const NAString &colName,
const CorrName &inputCorrName) const;
// Construct a set of MVColumnInfo objects for all updated MJV columns.
SET(MVColumnInfo*) collectAllAffectedColumns(const IntegerList *updatedCols,
const QualifiedName &qualTableName ) const;
// add the NEW@ correlation name to column names (for computed columns)
void addCorrNameToExpr(ItemExpr *expr, const CorrName &inputCorrName) const;
// Used by insert refresh.
void setupBindContext(RelRoot *topNode,
RelExpr *scanBlock,
const QualifiedName *baseTableName);
// Copy Ctor and = operator are not implemented
MjvBuilder(const MjvBuilder &other);
MjvBuilder& operator=(const MjvBuilder &other);
// build the selection-predicate for scanning the corresponding rows from the
// MJV.
ItemExpr *buildEqualityPredOnClusteringIndex(const CorrName &tableName,
const NATable *baseNaTable) const;
}; // class MjvBuilder
// Abstract class, from which all Immediate MJV refresh builders inherit.
class MjvImmediateBuilder : public MjvBuilder {
// Ctor for use with ON STATEMENT MJVs
MjvImmediateBuilder(const CorrName &mvName,
MVInfoForDML *mvInfo,
const GenericUpdate *iudNode,
BindWA *bindWA)
: MjvBuilder(mvName, mvInfo, NULL, bindWA),
virtual ~MjvImmediateBuilder() {}
// Accessors
inline const GenericUpdate *getIudNode() const { return iudNode_; }
// builds the refresh tree after direct-update/delete operations
RelExpr *buildDeleteOrDirectUpdateBlock(const CorrName &corrName,
const NATable *baseNaTable) const;
// build the GU node that updates the MJV
GenericUpdate *buildGUNodeOfMJV(RelExpr *subTreeBelow) const;
// build the actual GU node that updates the MJV
virtual GenericUpdate *buildActualGUOfMJV(RelExpr *subTreeBelow) const = 0;
// avoid any security check in the built refresh tree
void avoidSecurityCheckInRefreshTree(RelExpr *refreshTree) const;
const GenericUpdate *iudNode_; // The IUD node that started the whole process
}; // class MjvImmediateBuilder
// Builds the refresh tree for ON STATEMENT MJV after an insert operation.
class MjvImmInsertBuilder : public MjvImmediateBuilder {
MjvImmInsertBuilder(const CorrName &mvName,
MVInfoForDML *mvInfo,
const GenericUpdate *iudNode,
BindWA *bindWA)
: MjvImmediateBuilder(mvName, mvInfo, iudNode, bindWA),
optimized_(FALSE) // optimize only on demand
virtual RelExpr *buildRefreshTree();
// flag that the optimized version of the tree if requested
inline void optimizeForFewRows() { optimized_ = TRUE; };
// build the actual GU node that updates the MJV
virtual GenericUpdate *buildActualGUOfMJV(RelExpr *subTreeBelow) const;
// build the block to replace the scan of the base table in the MJV tree
RelExpr *buildScanBlock() const;
// build the replacement block when the optimized tree is requested
RelExpr *buildOptimizedScanBlock() const;
NABoolean optimized_; // build the optimized version of the tree?
}; // class MjvImmInsertBuilder
// Builds the refresh tree for ON STATEMENT MJV after a delete operation.
class MjvImmDeleteBuilder : public MjvImmediateBuilder {
MjvImmDeleteBuilder(const CorrName &mvName,
MVInfoForDML *mvInfo,
const GenericUpdate *iudNode,
BindWA *bindWA)
: MjvImmediateBuilder(mvName, mvInfo, iudNode, bindWA)
virtual RelExpr *buildRefreshTree();
// build the actual GU node that updates the MJV
virtual GenericUpdate *buildActualGUOfMJV(RelExpr *subTreeBelow) const;
}; // class MjvImmDeleteBuilder
// Builds the refresh tree for ON STATEMENT MJV after a direct-update
// operation.
class MjvImmDirectUpdateBuilder : public MjvImmediateBuilder {
MjvImmDirectUpdateBuilder(const CorrName &mvName,
MVInfoForDML *mvInfo,
const GenericUpdate *iudNode,
BindWA *bindWA)
: MjvImmediateBuilder(mvName, mvInfo, iudNode, bindWA)
virtual RelExpr *buildRefreshTree();
// build the actual GU node that updates the MJV
virtual GenericUpdate *buildActualGUOfMJV(RelExpr *subTreeBelow) const;
IntegerList *StoiToIntegerList(SqlTableOpenInfo *stoi) const;
}; // class MjvImmDirectUpdateBuilder
// Builds the refresh tree for ON REQUEST MJV with a single delta.
class MjvOnRequestBuilder : public MjvBuilder {
MjvOnRequestBuilder(const CorrName &mvName,
MVInfoForDML *mvInfo,
Refresh *refreshNode,
BindWA *bindWA)
: MjvBuilder(mvName, mvInfo, refreshNode, bindWA)
virtual RelExpr *buildRefreshTree();
static const char *getVirtualIndirectColumnName() { return virtualIndirectColumnName_; }
// These methods are implemented here for a single delta, and should be over-ridden
// to support multi-delta refresh.
virtual NABoolean isNeedDeletionBlock();
virtual NABoolean isNeedInsertionBlock();
virtual RelExpr *buildMjvDeletionBlock();
virtual RelExpr *buildMjvInsertJoin();
// All the rest of the methods provide implementation for a specific delta.
NABoolean isNeedDeletionBlockSpecific(DeltaDefinition *deltaDef);
NABoolean isNeedInsertionBlockSpecific(DeltaDefinition *deltaDef);
NABoolean isNeedDirectUpdateSpecific(DeltaDefinition *deltaDef);
// Methods for the Deletion Block
RelExpr *buildMjvDeletionBlockSpecific(DeltaDefinition *deltaDef);
RelExpr *buildIfNode(RelExpr *leftSide, RelExpr *rightSide);
RelExpr *buildMjvDeleteSubtree(LogsInfo *logsInfo,
const CorrName &logCorrName);
RelExpr *buildMjvUpdateSubtree(LogsInfo *logsInfo,
const CorrName &logCorrName);
// Methods for the Insertion Block
RelExpr *buildMjvInsertionBlock();
RelExpr *buildMjvInsertJoinSpecific(DeltaDefinition *deltaDef);
// Methods for building the Scan log block - used by both
// the Deletion and Insertion blocks.
RelExpr *buildScanLogForOnRequestMjv(const QualifiedName& baseTableName,
NABoolean isForDelete);
// Override method from MvRefreshBuilder.
virtual ItemExpr *buildSelectionListForScanOnIudLog() const;
virtual RelExpr *buildLogsScanningBlock(const QualifiedName& baseTable);
virtual RelRoot *buildRootOverIUDLog(RelExpr *topNode) const;
virtual RelRoot *buildRootOverRangeBlock(RelExpr *topNode) const;
virtual RelRoot *buildRootWithUniformSelectList(RelExpr *topNode, ItemExpr *opExpr, const CorrName *nameOverride) const;
ItemExpr *buildPredicateOnOpType(ComMvIudLogRowType opType);
ItemExpr *buildPredicateOnIndirect(OperatorTypeEnum val);
ItemExpr *buildDeleteSidePredicate();
ItemExpr *buildInsertSidePredicate();
// "@LOG" is the correlation name given to the output of the
// Scan log block, and used by the Deletion Block.
// For single delta there is only one delete\update block
virtual const NAString *getLogName() const
return new (heap_) NAString("@LOG1");
static const char virtualIndirectColumnName_[];
}; // class MjvOnRequestBuilder
// Builds the refresh tree for ON REQUEST MJV with multiple delta.
class MjvOnRequestMultiDeltaBuilder : public MjvOnRequestBuilder {
MjvOnRequestMultiDeltaBuilder(const CorrName &mvName,
MVInfoForDML *mvInfo,
Refresh *refreshNode,
BindWA *bindWA)
: MjvOnRequestBuilder(mvName, mvInfo, refreshNode, bindWA),
// Check all the deltas instead og just the first one.
virtual NABoolean isNeedDeletionBlock();
virtual NABoolean isNeedInsertionBlock();
// Handle all the deltas instead of just the first one.
virtual RelExpr *buildMjvDeletionBlock();
virtual RelExpr *buildMjvInsertJoin();
virtual const NAString *getLogName() const;
RelExpr *buildDeltaCalculationTree(const MultiDeltaRefreshMatrix& productMatrix);
ItemExpr *buildAntiSemiJoinPredicate(NAString rightName, NAString leftName);
void incrementDeleteBlockCounter()
Int32 deleteBlockCounter_;
}; // class MjvOnRequestMultiDeltaBuilder