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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: MjvBuilder.cpp
* Description: Implementation for MjvBuilder class hierarchy.
* Created: 07/02/2000
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include "AllItemExpr.h"
#include "AllRelExpr.h"
#include "ItemSample.h"
#include "MVInfo.h"
#include "BindWA.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "MjvBuilder.h"
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// =================== class MjvBuilder ===================================
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// Builds the scanning node of the MJV. The scan selects from the MJV only rows
// having the same CI as the affected rows in the IUD node.
// The input parameters:
// corrName : The correlation name of the base table.
// baseNaTable : The NATable of the base table.
Scan *
MjvBuilder::buildScanOfMJV(const CorrName &corrName, const NATable *baseNaTable) const
Scan *scanNode = new(heap_) Scan(getMvCorrName());
// Attaching selection predicate to select only rows with specific CI value
ItemExpr *selectionPred = buildEqualityPredOnClusteringIndex(corrName, baseNaTable);
return scanNode;
// Builds the selection predicate for use in scanning MJV. This predicate cause
// scanning only those rows in the MJV that corresponds to the affected rows in
// the subject table. Since there's a secondary index on the base table's CI
// columns, the scanning will be effecient.
// The resulting tree looks like this:
// topNode
// |
// AND
// / \
// / \
// / \
// AND =
// / \ / \
// ... ... / \
// / \
// mvCol baseCol
// The input parameters:
// tableName : The correlation name of the base table.
// baseNaTable : The NATable of the base table.
ItemExpr *
MjvBuilder::buildEqualityPredOnClusteringIndex(const CorrName &tableName,
const NATable *baseNaTable) const
ItemExpr *eqList = NULL;
ItemExpr *eqExpr = NULL;
// Finding out the CI columns of the subject table
const NAColumnArray keyColumns =
// Finding the columns of the MJV
MVColumns &mvCols = getMvInfo()->getMVColumns();
// Constructing the eqaulity predicates between the CI columns of the subject
// table and their eqvivalent ones in the MJV. The predicates forms a left
// linear tree.
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < keyColumns.entries(); i++)
// Finding the equivalent column in the MJV.
MVColumnInfo *mvCol =
// Build the column references for use in the equation predicate
ColReference *baseColumn = new(heap_)
ColReference(new(heap_) ColRefName(keyColumns[i]->getColName(), tableName, heap_));
ColReference *mvColumn = new(heap_)
ColReference(new(heap_) ColRefName(mvCol->getColName(), getMvCorrName(), heap_));
eqExpr = new(heap_) BiRelat(ITM_EQUAL, mvColumn, baseColumn);
if (eqList == NULL) // is this the first equality in tree?
eqList = eqExpr;
eqList = new(heap_) BiLogic(ITM_AND, eqList, eqExpr);
return eqList;
// Builds the new record expression for use in the direct-update refresh tree.
// The resulting tree looks like this:
// topNode
// |
// / \
// / \
// / \
// / \ / \
// ... ... / \
// / \
// mvCol NEW@.<col>
ItemExpr *MjvBuilder::buildUpdatePredicate(const CorrName &inputCorrName,
const NATable *baseNaTable,
SET(MVColumnInfo*) SetOfAffectedColumns) const
ItemExpr *assignList = NULL;
ItemExpr *assignExpr = NULL;
// Finding out the list of columns in the subject table
const NAColumnArray &baseCols = baseNaTable->getNAColumnArray();
// Constructing the assignment predicates between each affected columns in
// the MJV and the the appropriate expression trees representing them. The
// predicate forms a left linear tree.
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < SetOfAffectedColumns.entries(); i++)
// get the expression tree for the current affected MJV column
MVColumnInfo *affectedCol = SetOfAffectedColumns[i];
const NAString &origColName =
ItemExpr *exprTree = getExpressionTreeForColumn(affectedCol, origColName, inputCorrName);
// Building the assignment predicate
ColReference *mvColumn = new(heap_)
ColReference(new(heap_) ColRefName(affectedCol->getColName(),
assignExpr = new(heap_) Assign(mvColumn, exprTree);
// Attach the new assignment into the left linear assignment tree
if (assignList == NULL) // is this the first assignment in tree?
assignList = assignExpr;
assignList = new(heap_) ItemList(assignList, assignExpr);
return assignList;
// Construct the expression tree to be assigned for the MJV column. All the
// columns in the expression are taken from the set of NEW@ values.
ItemExpr *MjvBuilder::getExpressionTreeForColumn(const MVColumnInfo *affectedCol,
const NAString &colName,
const CorrName &inputCorrName) const
const NAString &exprText = affectedCol->getNormalizedColText();
ItemExpr *exprTree = NULL;
if (exprText.length() > 0)
// Since update operation that affects complex MJV columns is
// automatically considered indirect-update, at this point the only
// computed columns we might encounter are columns with simple
// functions.
CMPASSERT(affectedCol->getColType() == COM_MVCOL_FUNCTION)
// Parse the expression behind the column to consruct its tree
Parser parser(CmpCommon::context());
exprTree = parser.getItemExprTree(,
// Add the NEW@ correlation name to each column in the expression.
addCorrNameToExpr(exprTree, inputCorrName);
// The expression tree behind the column is simply the corresponding
// column in the subject table
exprTree = new(heap_)
ColReference(new(heap_) ColRefName(colName, inputCorrName, heap_));
// At this point, exprTree must already be set
return exprTree;
// Add the inputCorrName correlation name to each column mentioned in the function
// behind the computed column. This method recursively scan the expression
// tree.
void MjvBuilder::addCorrNameToExpr(ItemExpr *expr, const CorrName &inputCorrName) const
// The stop condition
if (expr == NULL)
// Add the inputCorrName correlation name to this column reference item
if (expr->getOperatorType() == ITM_REFERENCE)
((ColReference *) expr)->getCorrNameObj() = inputCorrName;
Int32 arity = expr->getArity();
for (Int32 i = 0; i < arity; i++)
addCorrNameToExpr(expr->child(i), inputCorrName); // apply change to childs
// Setup the bind context to replace the scan on the base table by a scan
// on the IUD log or triggers temp table.
// Note that setBindingOnStatementMv() or setBindingMvRefresh() is done by
// the calling method.
void MjvBuilder::setupBindContext(RelRoot *topNode,
RelExpr *scanBlock,
const QualifiedName *baseTableName)
// Setup a new MvBindContext for replacing the scanning on the subject table
MvBindContext *bindContext = new(heap_) MvBindContext(heap_);
bindContext->setReplacementFor(baseTableName, scanBlock);
// Construct a set of MVColumnInfo objects for all updated MJV columns.
SET(MVColumnInfo*) MjvBuilder::collectAllAffectedColumns(const IntegerList *updatedCols,
const QualifiedName &qualTableName ) const
SET(MVColumnInfo*) affectedCols(STMTHEAP);
// Finding out the list of columns in the MJV
const MVColumns &mvCols = getMvInfo()->getMVColumns();
getMvInfo()->initUsedObjectsHash(); // initialization for the searching
const MVUsedObjectInfo *usedObjectInfo = getMvInfo()->findUsedInfoForTable(qualTableName);
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < updatedCols->entries(); i++)
Int32 updatedColumn = updatedCols->at(i);
// Finding the affected column(s) in the MJV.
const MVColumnInfoList *affectedMvCols =
mvCols.getAllMvColsAffectedBy(qualTableName, updatedColumn);
if (affectedMvCols == NULL)
continue; // skip updated columns that are not affecting the MJV
// add each affected column to the set (duplicates are rejected)
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < affectedMvCols->entries(); j++ )
return affectedCols;
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// =================== class MjvImmediateBuilder ==========================
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// Building the refresh tree after a direct-update/delete operations on the
// subject table.
// The resulting tree looks like this:
// RelRoot
// |
// Delete/Update MJV
// |
// Scan MJV -- where CI = CI of deleted/updated row of base table
RelExpr *
MjvImmediateBuilder::buildDeleteOrDirectUpdateBlock(const CorrName &corrName,
const NATable *baseNaTable) const
// Build scan node of the MJV
Scan *scanNode = buildScanOfMJV(corrName, baseNaTable);
// Building the appropriate node (delete / update) on top of the scan node
GenericUpdate *guNode = buildGUNodeOfMJV(scanNode);
// The refresh sub-tree doesn't output anything
RelRoot *topNode = new(heap_) RelRoot(guNode);
return topNode;
// Builds the node that updates the MJV. To directly update the MJV we should
// use the special namespace of MVs. Moreover, the updated rows of the MJV
// should not be considered the the overall count of rows.
GenericUpdate *
MjvImmediateBuilder::buildGUNodeOfMJV(RelExpr *belowSubTree) const
// build the specific GU node.
GenericUpdate *guNode = buildActualGUOfMJV(belowSubTree);
// Affected rows should not be counted.
guNode->rowsAffected() = GenericUpdate::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_ROWSAFFECTED;
return guNode;
// This method aborts any security checks in the refresh tree of the MJV. The
// method recursively scans the refresh tree, and for each scan node the
// collection of security data is avoided.
MjvImmediateBuilder::avoidSecurityCheckInRefreshTree(RelExpr *refreshTree) const
if (refreshTree->getOperatorType() == REL_SCAN ||
// avoid collecting security data if the currnet node
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < (CollIndex)refreshTree->getArity(); i++)
// avoid collecting security data for each sub-tree of the current node
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// =================== class MjvImmInsertBuilder ==========================
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// Building the refresh tree needed after inserts into the subject table.
// Building a block to return the delta on the subject table. This block is
// inserted into the MvBindContext hash table as a replacement for scanning
// the subject table. This MvBindContext is attached to the newly opened scope
// (the scope is opened by putting the RelRoot node above the insert node).
// This way the replacement will take place only at this particular scope.
// The resulting tree (after binding) will look like this:
// Insert MJV
// |
// ^
// / \
// / \ - MJV logic
// <_____>
// |
// |
// generated block
// instead of scan subject table
RelExpr *
// Get the MJV tree
RelExpr *mvSelectTree = getMvInfo()->buildMVSelectTree();
// Put Insert node on top of it.
GenericUpdate *guNode = buildGUNodeOfMJV(mvSelectTree);
RelRoot *topNode = new(heap_) RelRoot(guNode);
// avoid security checks in the built refresh tree
// Setup a new MvBindContext for replacing the scanning on the subject table
bindWA_->setBindingOnStatementMv(); // enabling MvBindContext mechanism
RelExpr *scanBlock = buildScanBlock();
setupBindContext(topNode, scanBlock,
return topNode;
// Build the specific GU node for insert operations.
GenericUpdate *
MjvImmInsertBuilder::buildActualGUOfMJV(RelExpr *subTreeBelow) const
return new (heap_) Insert(getMvCorrName(), NULL, REL_UNARY_INSERT, subTreeBelow);
// Build the block that will replace the scanning of the subject table.
// If an optimized version of the is tree is requested (see
// Insert::insertMvToTriggerList in inlining.cpp), use it. Otherwise, use the
// block built by TriggersTempTable object.
// There's no need to avoid security checks in the built block, since there
// are already no security checks on scan nodes of temp-table.
RelExpr *
MjvImmInsertBuilder::buildScanBlock() const
if (optimized_)
// Build the optimized tree - tuple with NEW@ values
return buildOptimizedScanBlock();
// Build standard tree - scan NEW@ values from the temp-table
TriggersTempTable tempTableObj(getIudNode(), bindWA_);
return tempTableObj.buildScanForMV();
// Build the optimized version of the replacing block.
// The resulting tree looks like this:
// RenameTable (NEW@ --> subject table)
// |
// Tuple (with NEW@ values)
RelExpr *
MjvImmInsertBuilder::buildOptimizedScanBlock() const
CorrName newCorr(NEWCorr);
// Finding out the list of columns in the subject table
const NAColumnArray &colList =
// Get the subject table's name
const CorrName &tableName = getIudNode()->getTableName();
// Build the tuple expression and the renaming list for the columns
ItemExpr *renameList = NULL;
ItemExpr *tupleExpr = NULL;
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < colList.entries(); i++)
const NAString &colName = colList[i]->getColName();
// Wrap the column with a Cast to get a new ValueId, so the Tuple
// node will still require the original columns as input.
ItemExpr *col = new(heap_)
ColReference(new(heap_) ColRefName(colName, newCorr));
ItemExpr *castCol = new(heap_) Cast(col, colList[i]->getType());
// Add the column to the tuple expression
if (tupleExpr == NULL)
tupleExpr = castCol;
tupleExpr = new(heap_) ItemList(tupleExpr, castCol);
// Add the column to the rename list
RenameCol *renCol = new(heap_)
new(heap_) ColRefName(colName, tableName));
if (renameList == NULL)
renameList = renCol;
renameList = new(heap_) ItemList(renameList, renCol);
// Build the Tuple with the not-covered items
Tuple *optTuple = new(heap_) Tuple(tupleExpr);
// Rename the table name and columns to immitate the scan of the subject
// table for the rest of the MJV tree.
RenameTable *renameNode = new(heap_)
return renameNode;
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// =================== class MjvImmDeleteBuilder ==========================
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// Builds the refresh tree after a delete operation.
RelExpr *
const NATable *baseNaTable = getIudNode()->getTableDesc()->getNATable();
RelExpr *topNode = buildDeleteOrDirectUpdateBlock(CorrName(OLDCorr), baseNaTable);
// avoid security checks in the built refresh tree
return topNode;
// Build the specific GU node for delete operations.
GenericUpdate *
MjvImmDeleteBuilder::buildActualGUOfMJV(RelExpr *subTreeBelow) const
return new (heap_) Delete(getMvCorrName(), NULL, REL_UNARY_DELETE, subTreeBelow);
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// =================== class MjvImmDirectUpdateBuilder ====================
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// Builds the refresh tree after a direct-update operation.
RelExpr *
const NATable *baseNaTable = getIudNode()->getTableDesc()->getNATable();
RelExpr *topNode = buildDeleteOrDirectUpdateBlock(CorrName(NEWCorr), baseNaTable);
// avoid security checks in the built refresh tree
return topNode;
// Build the specific GU node for direct-update operations.
GenericUpdate *
MjvImmDirectUpdateBuilder::buildActualGUOfMJV(RelExpr *subTreeBelow) const
// construct a set of all affected columns in the MJV. All the affected
// columns will have to have an assignment expression.
IntegerList *updatedCols = StoiToIntegerList(getIudNode()->getOptStoi()->getStoi());
const QualifiedName &qualTableName = getIudNode()->getTableName().getQualifiedNameObj();
SET(MVColumnInfo*) SetOfAffectedColumns =
collectAllAffectedColumns(updatedCols, qualTableName);
const NATable *baseNaTable = getIudNode()->getTableDesc()->getNATable();
ItemExpr *updatePredicate =
return new(heap_)
Update(getMvCorrName(), NULL, REL_UNARY_UPDATE, subTreeBelow, updatePredicate );
// Utility method to create an IntegerList of updated columns from the STOI.
IntegerList *
MjvImmDirectUpdateBuilder::StoiToIntegerList(SqlTableOpenInfo *stoi) const
IntegerList *intList = new(heap_) IntegerList();
for (short i = 0; i < stoi->getColumnListCount(); i++)
return intList;
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// ================== class MjvOnRequestBuilder ===========================
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// Initialization of static data members
const char MjvOnRequestBuilder::virtualIndirectColumnName_[] = "INDIRECT@";
// ON REQUEST MJV refresh needs to handle all the cases, according to the
// input from the refresh utility.
// RelRoot
// |
// Ordered
// Union
// / \
// / \
// Deletion Insertion
// Block Block
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildRefreshTree()
RelExpr *topNode = NULL;
NABoolean needDeletionBlock = isNeedDeletionBlock();
NABoolean needInsertionBlock = isNeedInsertionBlock();
if (needDeletionBlock && !needInsertionBlock)
// Need just the Delta Deletion block.
topNode = buildMjvDeletionBlock();
else if (!needDeletionBlock && needInsertionBlock)
// Need just the Delta Insertionblock.
topNode = buildMjvInsertionBlock();
if (topNode == NULL)
return NULL;
else if (!needDeletionBlock && !needInsertionBlock)
// Actually, we don't need any of them, because only unused columns
// were updated. Create a NO-OP: a Tuple node that does nothing.
ItemExpr *noOpArg = new (heap_) SystemLiteral(0);
topNode = new (heap_) Tuple(noOpArg);
// Need both blocks.
// Build the Delta Deletion Block
RelExpr *deletionBlock = buildMjvDeletionBlock();
// Build the Delta Insertion Block
RelExpr *insertionBlock = buildMjvInsertionBlock();
if (insertionBlock == NULL)
return NULL;
// And the ordered union that connects them.
Union *unionNode = new(heap_)
Union(deletionBlock, insertionBlock, NULL, NULL,
REL_UNION, CmpCommon::statementHeap(), TRUE);
topNode = unionNode;
RelRoot *topRoot = new(heap_) RelRoot(topNode);
// There are no outputs here.
return topRoot;
// A deletion block is needed when the IUD log has deleted rows
// or updated rows where atleast one update column is used by the MV
NABoolean MjvOnRequestBuilder::isNeedDeletionBlockSpecific(DeltaDefinition *deltaDef)
if ( (deltaDef->getIudDeletedRows() == 0) &&
((deltaDef->getIudUpdatedRows() == 0) ||
deltaDef->updateColumnsNotUsedByMV(getMvInfo())) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// A deletion block is needed when the IUD log has deleted rows
// or updated rows where atleast one update column is used by the MV
NABoolean MjvOnRequestBuilder::isNeedDeletionBlock()
// This class handles single delta only.
CMPASSERT(getDeltaDefList()->entries() == 1);
DeltaDefinition *deltaDef = (*getDeltaDefList())[0];
return isNeedDeletionBlockSpecific(deltaDef);
// A direct update is needed only when the IUD log has updated rows
// and atleast one of the updated columns is a DIRECT update column
NABoolean MjvOnRequestBuilder::isNeedDirectUpdateSpecific(DeltaDefinition *deltaDef)
return (deltaDef->getIudUpdatedRows() > 0 &&
// An inserion block is needed when the IUD log has inserted rows or
// updated rows where atleast one of the updated columns is an INDIRECT
// update column, or when the range log is not empty.
NABoolean MjvOnRequestBuilder::isNeedInsertionBlockSpecific(DeltaDefinition *deltaDef)
if ( (deltaDef->getIudInsertedRows() > 0) ||
((deltaDef->getIudUpdatedRows() > 0) &&
(deltaDef->containsIndirectUpdateColumn(getMvInfo()))) ||
(deltaDef->useRangeLog() == TRUE) )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// An inserion block is needed when the IUD log has inserted rows or
// updated rows where atleast one of the updated columns is an INDIRECT
// update column, or when the range log is not empty.
NABoolean MjvOnRequestBuilder::isNeedInsertionBlock()
// This class handles single delta only.
CMPASSERT(getDeltaDefList()->entries() == 1);
DeltaDefinition *deltaDef = (*getDeltaDefList())[0];
return isNeedInsertionBlockSpecific(deltaDef);
// Single delta version.
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildMjvDeletionBlock()
CMPASSERT(getDeltaDefList()->entries() == 1);
DeltaDefinition *deltaDef = (*getDeltaDefList())[0];
return buildMjvDeletionBlockSpecific(deltaDef);
// Build the MJV Delete block for a specific delta.
// The MJV Deletion block includes handling MJV rows that need to be deleted
// or directly updated. It looks like this:
// RelRoot
// |
// TSJ
// / \
// Scan IF
// Log / \
// / \
// Delete Update
// | |
// Scan Scan
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildMjvDeletionBlockSpecific(DeltaDefinition *deltaDef)
LogsInfo *logsInfo = new LogsInfo(*deltaDef, getMvInfo(), bindWA_);
// The correlation name of the IUD log is @LOG<block-number>
const CorrName logCorrName(*getLogName());
RelExpr *rightSide = NULL;
// We need Delete block when there are deleted rows or updated rows
// where atleast one updated column is an INDIRECT update column
if (deltaDef->getIudDeletedRows() > 0 ||
((deltaDef->getIudUpdatedRows() > 0) &&
rightSide = buildMjvDeleteSubtree(logsInfo, logCorrName);
// But not always the Direct Update block.
if (isNeedDirectUpdateSpecific(deltaDef))
RelExpr *UpdateMjvSide = buildMjvUpdateSubtree(logsInfo, logCorrName);
if (rightSide != NULL)
rightSide = buildIfNode(rightSide, UpdateMjvSide);
rightSide = UpdateMjvSide;
CMPASSERT(rightSide != NULL);
const QualifiedName *baseTableName = deltaDef->getTableName();
RelExpr *scanLog = buildScanLogForOnRequestMjv(*baseTableName, TRUE);
// Add a Rename node on top to rename the output table to our needs.
RelExpr *leftSide = new(heap_)
RenameTable(TRUE, scanLog, logCorrName);
// Stream the data from the Scan node to the Delete and Update nodes.
Join *tsjNode = new(heap_) Join(leftSide, rightSide, REL_TSJ);
// Add a root node with an empty select list so we have no outputs.
RelRoot *topNode = new(heap_) RelRoot(tsjNode, REL_ROOT);
return topNode;
// Build the Delete MJV node.
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildMjvDeleteSubtree(LogsInfo *logsInfo,
const CorrName &logCorrName)
const NATable *baseNaTable = logsInfo->getBaseNaTable();
// Build scan node of the MJV
Scan *scanNode = buildScanOfMJV(logCorrName, baseNaTable);
GenericUpdate *guNode = new (heap_)
Delete(getMvCorrName(), NULL, REL_UNARY_DELETE, scanNode);
// Affected rows should not be counted.
guNode->rowsAffected() = GenericUpdate::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_ROWSAFFECTED;
// The refresh sub-tree doesn't output anything
RelRoot *topNode = new(heap_) RelRoot(guNode);
return topNode;
// Build the Update MJV node.
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildMjvUpdateSubtree(LogsInfo *logsInfo,
const CorrName &logCorrName)
const NATable *baseNaTable = logsInfo->getBaseNaTable();
// Build scan node of the MJV
Scan *scanNode = buildScanOfMJV(logCorrName, baseNaTable);
// construct a set of all affected columns in the MJV. All the affected
// columns will have to have an assignment expression.
IntegerList updatedCols;
if (logsInfo->getDeltaDefinition().getUpdatedColumnList() != NULL)
// Remove from the list columns that are in the indirect update column list,
// because for the rows for which they are updated, we don't get here.
const MVUsedObjectInfo *usedObject =
const LIST(Lng32) &mvInfoIndirectCols = usedObject->getIndirectUpdateCols();
for (CollIndex i=0; i < mvInfoIndirectCols.entries(); i++)
Lng32 currentTempCol = mvInfoIndirectCols[i];
if (updatedCols.contains(currentTempCol))
const QualifiedName &qualTableName = logsInfo->getBaseTableName().getQualifiedNameObj();
SET(MVColumnInfo*) SetOfAffectedColumns =
collectAllAffectedColumns(&updatedCols, qualTableName);
ItemExpr *updatePredicate =
GenericUpdate *guNode = new(heap_)
Update(getMvCorrName(), NULL, REL_UNARY_UPDATE, scanNode, updatePredicate );
// Affected rows should not be counted.
guNode->rowsAffected() = GenericUpdate::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_ROWSAFFECTED;
// The refresh sub-tree doesn't output anything
RelRoot *topNode = new(heap_) RelRoot(guNode);
return topNode;
// Build the IF node that gets the IUD log data from above and directs it
// to either the Delete MJV subtree, or the direct update subtree.
// The Scan log node projects only this types of rows:
// Type 2 : Deleted rows.
// Type 6 : The deleted row of an indirect update couple.
// Type 4 : The inserted row of a direct update couple.
// (Couple means the two insert-delete log rows of an update operation).
// The selection predicate on the updated columns (to differentiate direct
// from indirect update) was already done by the Scan log block. So all
// there's left to do here is to check the OPERATION_TYPE of the row to
// see if its a deleted row (type 2 or 6) or an inserted row (type 4).
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildIfNode(RelExpr *leftSide, RelExpr *rightSide)
ItemExpr *condition =
ComMvRowType_InsertOfUpdate, // Type 4 row = 2
// The IF is implemented as a conditional Union.
RelExpr *ifNode = new(heap_)
Union(leftSide, rightSide, NULL, condition,
REL_UNION, CmpCommon::statementHeap(), TRUE);
RelRoot *topNode = new(heap_) RelRoot(ifNode, REL_ROOT);
return topNode;
// Building a block to handle inserted rows.
// We let the MJV select tree compute the delta, and then insert it into
// the MJV. We use the MvBindContext mechanism to replace the scan on the
// base table by a scan on the IUD log.
// The resulting tree (after binding) will look like this:
// Insert MJV
// |
// RelRoot
// |
// /^\
// / \ - MJV select query
// <_____>
// |
// |
// Scan IUD log
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildMjvInsertionBlock()
RelExpr *joinExpression = buildMjvInsertJoin();
if (joinExpression == NULL)
return NULL;
// Put Insert node on top of it.
GenericUpdate *guNode = new (heap_)
Insert(getMvCorrName(), NULL, REL_UNARY_INSERT, joinExpression);
RelRoot *topNode = new(heap_) RelRoot(guNode);
return topNode;
// Build the join expression that feeds the Insert node (Single delta version).
// This method is overridden by the Multi-Delta subclass.
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildMjvInsertJoin()
CMPASSERT(getDeltaDefList()->entries() == 1);
DeltaDefinition *deltaDef = (*getDeltaDefList())[0];
return buildMjvInsertJoinSpecific(deltaDef);
// Build the join expression that feeds the Insert node, for a specific delta.
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildMjvInsertJoinSpecific(DeltaDefinition *deltaDef)
// Get the MJV tree
RelRoot *mvSelectTree = getMvInfo()->buildMVSelectTree();
const QualifiedName *baseTableName = deltaDef->getTableName();
RelExpr *scanLogNode = buildScanLogForOnRequestMjv(*baseTableName, FALSE);
// Setup a new MvBindContext for replacing the scanning on the subject table
bindWA_->setBindingMvRefresh(); // enabling MvBindContext mechanism
setupBindContext(mvSelectTree, scanLogNode, baseTableName);
return mvSelectTree;
// This method adds MJV specific stuff on top of the MV generic log scanning
// block (that includes IUD + Range log, Union backbone for sorted output etc.)
// The MJV specific stuff is:
// 1. A selection predicate on the specific row types needed by each side
// of the tree: row types 2, 4, and 6 for the delete\update side, and
// row types 1 and 7 for the insert side. (see details in the INTERNAL
// REFRESH document, MJV chapter).
// 2. Filter only the base table columns (+ @OPERATION_TYPE for the delete side),
// and Rename @SYSKEY to SYSKEY.
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildScanLogForOnRequestMjv(const QualifiedName& baseTableName,
NABoolean isForDelete)
// Build the entire log scanning block (including range log and union backbone)
RelExpr *scanLogBlock = MvRefreshBuilder::buildLogsScanningBlock(baseTableName);
// Build a selection predicate on the specific row types for MJV refresh
ItemExpr *rowTypePredicates = NULL;
if (isForDelete)
// This is for row types 2,4 and 6
rowTypePredicates = buildDeleteSidePredicate();
// This is for row tyes 1 and 7
rowTypePredicates = buildInsertSidePredicate();
// First apply the selection predicate on the @INDIRECT column
// Then filter only the needed columns (not including @INDIRECT).
// Select only the base table columns for insertion into the MJV: (*, "@SYSKEY" AS SYSKEY).
ColRefName *star = new(heap_) ColRefName(1); // isStar
ItemExpr *selectList = new(heap_) ColReference(star);
// Check if the log table has a @SYSKEY column
CorrName logCorrName(baseTableName);
const NATable *logNaTable = bindWA_->getNATable(logCorrName);
NAColumn *atSyskey = logNaTable->getNAColumnArray().getColumn(COMMV_BASE_SYSKEY_COL);
if (atSyskey != NULL)
// The log includes an @SYSKEY column - add it to the list
// and rename it to SYSKEY.
ItemExpr *skColref = new(heap_) ColReference(new(heap_) ColRefName(COMMV_BASE_SYSKEY_COL));
ItemExpr *skRename = new(heap_) RenameCol(skColref, new(heap_) ColRefName("SYSKEY"));
selectList = new(heap_) ItemList(selectList, skRename);
// Add a root node for the select list.
RelRoot *rootNode = new(heap_)
RelRoot(scanLogBlock, REL_ROOT, selectList);
return rootNode;
// Override superclass implementation to provide MJV specific functionality.
// This version is for the Insert side, and used by multi-delta methods.
// The delete version is called directly so it does not need the overridden method.
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildLogsScanningBlock(const QualifiedName& baseTable)
return buildScanLogForOnRequestMjv(baseTable, FALSE);
// The Delete/Update side needs the following row types:
// RowType (see document) | @OPERATION_TYPE | @INDIRECT
// ==============================+==================+=============
// 2 - Delete | DELETE | n/a
// 4 - Insert of Direct Update | INSERT of UPDATE | FALSE
// 6 - Delete of Indirect Update | DELETE of UPDATE | TRUE
ItemExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildDeleteSidePredicate()
ItemExpr *type2 = buildPredicateOnOpType(ComMvRowType_Delete);
ItemExpr *type4 = new(heap_)
ItemExpr *type6 = new(heap_)
return new(heap_)
BiLogic(ITM_OR, type2, new(heap_) BiLogic(ITM_OR, type4, type6));
// The Insert side needs the following row types:
// RowType (see document) | @OPERATION_TYPE | @INDIRECT
// ==============================+==================+=============
// 1 - Insert | INSERT | n/a
// 7 - Insert of Indirect Update | INSERT of UPDATE | TRUE
ItemExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildInsertSidePredicate()
ItemExpr *type1 = buildPredicateOnOpType(ComMvRowType_Insert);
ItemExpr *type7 = new(heap_)
return new(heap_)
BiLogic(ITM_OR, type1, type7);
// Build the predicate (@OPERATION_TYPE = opType)
ItemExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildPredicateOnOpType(ComMvIudLogRowType opType)
ItemExpr *opTypeCol = new(heap_)
ColReference(new(heap_) ColRefName(COMMV_OPTYPE_COL) );
return new(heap_) BiRelat(ITM_EQUAL,
new(heap_) SystemLiteral(opType) );
// Build the predicate (@INDIRECT = val)
ItemExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildPredicateOnIndirect(OperatorTypeEnum val)
ItemExpr *indirectCol = new(heap_)
ColReference(new(heap_) ColRefName(getVirtualIndirectColumnName()) );
return new(heap_) BiRelat(ITM_EQUAL,
new(heap_) BoolVal(val) );
// Override method from MvRefreshBuilder to add the indirect update flag
// instead of @OP. So here, the select list is:
// (*, <indirect-update-expression> AS @INDIRECT )
ItemExpr *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildSelectionListForScanOnIudLog() const
MvIudLog &iudLog = getLogsInfo().getMvIudlog();
ItemExpr *indirectExpr = iudLog.buildIndirectUpdateExpression();
CorrName logName(*getLogName());
RenameCol *indirectCol = new(heap_)
new(heap_) ColRefName(getVirtualIndirectColumnName(), logName));
ColRefName *star = new(heap_) ColRefName(1); // isStar
star->setStarWithSystemAddedCols(); // Don't block system added columns .
ItemExpr *starExpr = new(heap_) ColReference(star);
ItemExpr *rootSelectList = new(heap_) ItemList(starExpr, indirectCol);
return rootSelectList;
// We get here when we need to read from the Range log.
// The Union between the range log and the IUD log should have the @INDIRET
// and the @OPERATION_TYPE columns on both sides, as they are later used
// by the INDIRECT predicate.
// Exclude from coverge testing - used only for range logging
RelRoot *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildRootOverIUDLog(RelExpr *topNode) const
ItemExpr *OperationTypeCol = new(heap_)
ColRefName(COMMV_OPTYPE_COL, getLogsInfo().getIudLogTableName(), heap_));
ItemExpr *IndirectCol = new(heap_)
ColRefName(getVirtualIndirectColumnName(), getLogsInfo().getIudLogTableName(), heap_));
RelRoot *result = MvRefreshBuilder::buildRootOverIUDLog(topNode);
return result;
// We get here when we need to read from the Range log.
// The Union between the range log and the IUD log should have the @INDIRET
// and the @OPERATION_TYPE columns on both sides, as they are later used
// by the INDIRECT predicate.
// Exclude from coverge testing - used only for range logging
RelRoot *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildRootOverRangeBlock(RelExpr *topNode) const
ItemExpr *OperationTypeCol = new(heap_)
RenameCol(new(heap_) SystemLiteral(ComMvRowType_Insert),
new(heap_) ColRefName(COMMV_OPTYPE_COL));
ItemExpr *IndirectCol = new(heap_)
RenameCol(new(heap_) SystemLiteral(), // NULL
new(heap_) ColRefName(getVirtualIndirectColumnName()));
RelRoot *result = MvRefreshBuilder::buildRootOverRangeBlock(topNode);
return result;
// Have a uniform select list over the logs
// Override MvRefreshBuilder method, so @OP is not added to the list
// for MJV. This is because @OP is only used in the deletion part of MJV
// refresh, where the range log is not read, so we never get here.
// We do get here for the insertion part, where we must not have @OP.
// Exclude from coverge testing - used only for range logging
RelRoot *MjvOnRequestBuilder::buildRootWithUniformSelectList(RelExpr *topNode,
ItemExpr *opExpr,
const CorrName *nameOverride) const
ItemExpr *rootSelectList =
return new(heap_) RelRoot(topNode, REL_ROOT, rootSelectList);
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
// ============= class MjvOnRequestMultiDeltaBuilder ======================
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
const NAString *MjvOnRequestMultiDeltaBuilder::getLogName() const
char name[20]; // 11 + 4 + 1 = 16 bytes
snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "@LOG%d", deleteBlockCounter_);
return new (heap_) NAString(name, heap_);
// Is there any delta for which we need the Deletion block?
NABoolean MjvOnRequestMultiDeltaBuilder::isNeedDeletionBlock()
const DeltaDefinitionPtrList *deltaDefList = getDeltaDefList();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<deltaDefList->entries(); i++)
DeltaDefinition *deltaDef = (*getDeltaDefList())[i];
if (isNeedDeletionBlockSpecific(deltaDef))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Is there any delta for which we need the Insertion block?
NABoolean MjvOnRequestMultiDeltaBuilder::isNeedInsertionBlock()
const DeltaDefinitionPtrList *deltaDefList = getDeltaDefList();
for (CollIndex i=0; i<deltaDefList->entries(); i++)
DeltaDefinition *deltaDef = (*getDeltaDefList())[i];
if (isNeedInsertionBlockSpecific(deltaDef))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Build the Union backbone to collect Deletion blocks for all deltas.
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestMultiDeltaBuilder::buildMjvDeletionBlock()
RelExpr *topNode = NULL;
const DeltaDefinitionPtrList *deltaDefList = getDeltaDefList();
// Loop over all deltas.
for (CollIndex i=0; i<deltaDefList->entries(); i++)
DeltaDefinition *deltaDef = (*getDeltaDefList())[i];
// Does this specific delta need a Deletion block?
if (!isNeedDeletionBlockSpecific(deltaDef))
// Build the Deletion block for this delta
RelExpr *newBlock = buildMjvDeletionBlockSpecific(deltaDef);
// Build the Union backbone using Ordered Union nodes.
if (topNode == NULL)
topNode = newBlock;
Union *unionNode = new (heap_)
Union(topNode, newBlock, NULL, NULL,
REL_UNION, CmpCommon::statementHeap(), TRUE);
topNode = unionNode;
// If Deletion block is not needed for any table, we should not have gotten here.
return topNode;
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestMultiDeltaBuilder::buildMjvInsertJoin()
// supportPhases = FALSE, checkOnlyInserts = TRUE
MultiDeltaRefreshMatrix *productMatrix = prepareProductMatrix(FALSE, TRUE);
if (productMatrix == NULL)
return NULL;
return buildDeltaCalculationTree(*productMatrix);
// The Insertion delta calculation tree is built from join products, each
// of them is the MV select tree. The join proiducts are joined together by
// either a Union (for + rows), or an Anti- Semijoin (for - rows).
// This is the algorithm:
// 1. Get the MV select tree.
// 2. For each revevant row in the product matrix:
// 2.1. copy the join product and have it read only the logs from the
// corresponding matrix row.
// 2.2. Connect the product to the tree using a Union or Anti SemiJoin node.
// 3. If duplicates can be optimized (when all deltas are insert-only)
// Set the top Union node to a DISTINCT Union.
// Note that even though division to phases is not currently supported for MJV
// multi-delta refresh, this code is ready to support it once it will be implemented.
RelExpr *MjvOnRequestMultiDeltaBuilder::buildDeltaCalculationTree(
const MultiDeltaRefreshMatrix& productMatrix)
// 1. Get the tree for the MV select expression.
RelRoot *rawJoinProduct = getMvInfo()->buildMVSelectTree();
// 2. For each relevant product matrix row
RelExpr *topNode = NULL;
const NAString rightName("@RIGHT");
const NAString leftName("@LEFT");
const CorrName leftCorrName(leftName);
Int32 numOfRowsForThisPhase = productMatrix.getNumOfRowsForThisPhase();
Int32 firstRowForThisPhase = productMatrix.getFirstRowForThisPhase();
for (Int32 rowNumber = firstRowForThisPhase;
rowNumber < firstRowForThisPhase + numOfRowsForThisPhase;
// 2.1, Prepare the join product according to the matrix row.
NABoolean isLastRow =
rowNumber == firstRowForThisPhase + numOfRowsForThisPhase - 1;
RelRoot *product =
// 2.2 Add it to the Union tree.
if (topNode == NULL)
// Make sure the sign of the first row is +.
topNode = new RenameTable(product, leftName);
if (productMatrix.getRow(rowNumber)->isSignPlus())
// Plus matrix rows: use a Union node
topNode = new(heap_)
Union(topNode, product, NULL, NULL, REL_UNION,
CmpCommon::statementHeap(), TRUE);
// Minus matrix rows: Use Anti-Semi Join
// Give the right join product the @RIGHT corr name.
RelExpr *rightProduct = new RenameTable(product, rightName);
// Build the join predicate on the MJV clustering index columns.
ItemExpr *joinPredicate = buildAntiSemiJoinPredicate(rightName, leftName);
Join *joinNode = new(heap_)
Join(topNode, rightProduct, REL_ANTI_SEMITSJ, joinPredicate);
// Now add a root node with a selection predicate: (@LEFT.*)
ItemExpr *selectionPredicate = new (heap_)
ColReference(new (heap_) ColRefName(1, leftCorrName));
topNode = new(heap_)
RelRoot(joinNode, REL_ROOT, selectionPredicate);
// 3. If duplicates can be optimized (when all deltas are insert-only)
// Set the top Union node to a DISTINCT Union.
if (productMatrix.isDuplicatesOptimized())
// Make sure the top most node is a Union.
// There is a chance that only a single delta has inserts, so all the
// others are ignored here.
if (topNode->getOperatorType() == REL_UNION)
Union *topUnion = (Union*) topNode;
topNode = new (heap_)
RelRoot(new (heap_)
GroupByAgg(new (heap_) RelRoot(topUnion),
new (heap_) ColReference(new (heap_) ColRefName(TRUE, heap_))));
return topNode;
// Build a predicate on the clustering index columns of the MJV, for use
// in the Anti-Semi Join, for subtracting join products with a minus sign.
ItemExpr *MjvOnRequestMultiDeltaBuilder::buildAntiSemiJoinPredicate(NAString rightName,
NAString leftName)
ItemExpr *result = NULL;
// Get the clustering index columns of the MJV
CorrName mvName(getMvCorrName());
const NAColumnArray &indexColumns =
// The predicate is: @LEFT.<col> = @RIGHT.<col>
const CorrName *rightCorrName = new (heap_) CorrName(rightName);
const CorrName *leftCorrName = new (heap_) CorrName(leftName);
// For each column in the clustering index of the MJV
for (CollIndex i=0; i<indexColumns.entries(); i++)
NAString colName = indexColumns[i]->getColName();
// Skip the MV SYSKEY column because it is not created by the join product.
if (colName == "SYSKEY")
ItemExpr *rightColExpr = new(heap_)
ColReference(new(heap_) ColRefName(colName, *rightCorrName, heap_));
ItemExpr *leftColExpr = new(heap_)
ColReference(new(heap_) ColRefName(colName, *leftCorrName, heap_));
ItemExpr *equalExpr = new (heap_)
BiRelat(ITM_EQUAL, leftColExpr, rightColExpr);
if (result == NULL)
result = equalExpr;
result = new(heap_) BiLogic(ITM_AND, result, equalExpr);
return result;
} // buildClusteringIndexVector()