blob: bee133d0d2c0cb8735e2e72171f2ed7b7a5fae1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef MVINFO_H
#define MVINFO_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: MVInfo.h
* Description: Definition of class MVInfo.
* Created: 5/09/99
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include <ComSmallDefs.h>
#include <Collections.h>
#include "QRDescriptor.h"
#include "charinfo.h"
//++ MV - for showddl
class CatROMV;
class StmtDDLCreateMV;
// - for clustering key columns in MVInfoForDDL
class ElemDDLColRefArray;
class ElemDDLStoreOptKeyColumnList;
//-- MV
class Scan;
class Join;
class GroupByAgg;
class RelRoot;
class RenameTable;
class ItemExpr;
class QualifiedName;
class Refresh;
class MvRefreshBuilder;
class VEG;
class MVJoinGraph;
class NATable;
class TableDesc;
class QRMVDescriptor;
class XMLString;
class MVInfo;
class MVInfoForDDL;
class MVInfoForDML;
class MVUsedObjectInfo;
class MVColumnInfo;
class ViewColumnNode;
class ViewColumnGraph;
class DeltaDefinitionPtrList;
class ColIndList;
// Incremental aggregate functions.
// There is a data member of this type in MVColumnInfo, and it is saved
// in the SMD tables.
enum MVAggFunc {
// These two data types are used for adding dependent aggregate columns
// in MAVs. They are used by classes MVInfoForDDL and MVColumnInfo.
// See details in code of MVInfoForDDL::addMavSystemColumns().
typedef ARRAY(MVColumnInfo *) AggregateArray;
typedef NAHashDictionary<NAString, AggregateArray> ExpressionHash;
// This hash is used by areTablesUsedOnlyOnce() for detecting when a base
// table is used more than once in an expanded tree.
typedef NAHashDictionary<const QualifiedName, const MVUsedObjectInfo> TableNameHash;
// description:
// This enumeration is used to identify reasons why
// an mv is set to not incremental (see MvInfoForDDL::setNotIncremental).
// This provides for more detailed error messages for mvs.
typedef enum
// The ViewColumnConnection, ViewTableConnection and ViewColumnGraph classes
// are used during CREATE MV, to map column names from base tables to the
// top most view on that table. It is used when adding needed system columns
// (MJV clustering key columns, and MAV group by columns).
// class ViewColumnConnection holds the information of the mapping between a
// single view column and the expression that it represents.
class ViewColumnConnection : public NABasicObject
// The parameter is a column descriptor from the RenameTable node on top of
// a view. It has both the name of the view column, and the ValueId of the
// mapped expression.
ViewColumnConnection(const ColumnDesc *colDesc, CollHeap *heap);
virtual ~ViewColumnConnection() {}
// operator== required for use in templates
NABoolean operator==(const ViewColumnConnection &other) const;
// Accessors
const NAString *getColName() const
{ return key_; }
const QualifiedName& getTableName() const
{ return baseColName_.getCorrNameObj().getQualifiedNameObj(); }
const QualifiedName& getViewName() const
{ return viewColName_.getCorrNameObj().getQualifiedNameObj(); }
const ColRefName& getViewColName() const
{ return viewColName_; }
const ValueId *getValueId() const
{ return &vid_; }
NABoolean isComplex() const
{ return isComplex_; }
NABoolean isInvalid() const
{ return isInvalid_; }
// Copy Ctor and = operator are not implemented.
ViewColumnConnection(const ViewColumnConnection& other);
#pragma nowarn(1026) // warning elimination
ViewColumnConnection& operator=(const ViewColumnConnection& other);
#pragma warn(1026) // warning elimination
ColRefName baseColName_; // The name of the column in the base table.
const ColRefName viewColName_; // The name of the column in the view.
const ValueId vid_; // The column ValueId
NABoolean isComplex_; // Is the view column mapped to more than
// a single base table column.
NABoolean isInvalid_; // TRUE if no base table column is used by
// this view column.
NAString *key_; // The hash key string - the column name.
}; // class ViewColumnConnection
// The ViewTableConnection class holds the information connecting a base table
// to the views that are defined on top of it.
class ViewTableConnection : public NABasicObject
ViewTableConnection(const QualifiedName& tableName,
const QualifiedName& viewName,
CollHeap *heap)
: tableName_(tableName, heap),
topViewName_(viewName, heap),
colConnections_(hashKey, // Pass NAString::hashKey as function ptr
FALSE, // Do not enforce uniqueness
// Add a column mapping to the view mapping.
void insert(const ViewColumnConnection *col);
// Accessors
const QualifiedName& getTableName() const { return tableName_; }
const QualifiedName& getTopViewName() const { return topViewName_; }
NABoolean contains(const ColRefName& colName) const;
const ColRefName& findTopViewOf(const ColRefName& colName) const;
NABoolean isMaskedColumn(const ColRefName& col) const;
NABoolean isMaskedTable(const QualifiedName& tableName) const;
// Display/print, for debugging.
#ifndef NDEBUG
void display() const;
void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "ViewTableConnection") const;
// Copy Ctor and = operator are not implemented.
ViewTableConnection(const ViewTableConnection& other);
#pragma nowarn(1026) // warning elimination
ViewTableConnection& operator=(const ViewTableConnection& other);
#pragma warn(1026) // warning elimination
typedef NAHashDictionary<const NAString, const ViewColumnConnection> columnConnection;
// Using the base table column name, find the view column name.
const ViewColumnConnection *findColumn(const ColRefName& colName) const;
const QualifiedName tableName_; // The name of the base table.
QualifiedName topViewName_; // We only need the top most view.
columnConnection colConnections_; // A hash of all the columns by name.
}; // class ViewTableConnection
// The view mappings of all the base tables used in this query.
class ViewColumnGraph: public NABasicObject
ViewColumnGraph(CollHeap *heap)
: tableConnections_(heap),
columnValueIds_(ValueIdHash, NAHashDictionary_Default_Size, FALSE, heap),
NABoolean contains(const ColRefName& colName) const;
const ColRefName& findTopViewOf(const ColRefName& colName) const;
// A masked column is one that does not have a mapping to the top most view.
NABoolean isMaskedColumn(const NAColumn *keyCol) const;
// A masked table is one that is not visible at the top level, because it
// is masked by a view.
NABoolean isMaskedTable(const QualifiedName& tableName) const;
ViewTableConnection *findTableConnection(const QualifiedName& tableName) const;
const ColRefName *findViewNameFor(const ValueId vid) const;
static ULng32 ValueIdHash(const ValueId& vid);
void addTableMapping(RETDesc *retDesc, NABoolean addSysCols, CollHeap *heap);
// Display/print, for debugging.
#ifndef NDEBUG
void display() const;
void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "ViewColumnGraph") const;
// Copy Ctor and = operator are not implemented.
ViewColumnGraph(const ViewColumnGraph& other);
#pragma nowarn(1026) // warning elimination
ViewColumnGraph& operator=(const ViewColumnGraph& other);
#pragma warn(1026) // warning elimination
void addConnection(ViewColumnConnection *colConnection, CollHeap *heap);
const ViewColumnConnection *findColumn(const ValueId vid) const;
typedef NAHashDictionary<const ValueId, const ViewColumnConnection> valueIdConnection;
LIST (ViewTableConnection *) tableConnections_;
valueIdConnection columnValueIds_;
CollHeap *heap_;
}; // class ViewColumnGraph
// The MVVegPredicateColumn and MVVegPredicate classes represent equality
// between columns of base tables used by the MV. This information is saved
// in the SMD tables.
// The MVVegPredicateColumn class represents a base table column or expression
// that is part of a join equal predicate.
class MVVegPredicateColumn : public NABasicObject
// Detailed Ctor for DML
MVVegPredicateColumn(const QualifiedName& tableName,
Lng32 colNumber,
NABoolean isComplex,
ComLeftJoinTableType joinSide,
ComMVSUsageType usageType,
const NAString& text, CharInfo::CharSet textCharSet,
CollHeap *heap)
: tableName_(tableName, heap),
joinSide_ (joinSide),
text_(text, heap)
// Ctor for DDL
MVVegPredicateColumn(const BaseColumn *baseCol,
NABoolean isInLeftJoin,
NABoolean isFromVegRef,
ComMVSUsageType usageType,
const ItemExpr *complexExpr,
CollHeap *heap);
// copy ctor
MVVegPredicateColumn(const MVVegPredicateColumn& other,
CollHeap *heap,
NABoolean joinSideOverride = FALSE)
: tableName_(other.tableName_, heap),
joinSide_ (joinSideOverride ? COM_LEFT_OUTER : other.joinSide_),
text_(other.text_, heap)
// Accessors
const QualifiedName& getTableName() const { return tableName_; }
Lng32 getColNumber() const { return colNumber_; }
NABoolean isComplex() const { return isComplex_; }
ComLeftJoinTableType getJoinSide() const { return joinSide_; }
ComMVSUsageType getUsageType() const { return usageType_; }
const NAString getText() const { return text_; }
CharInfo::CharSet getTextCharSet() const { return textCharSet_; }
NABoolean isLeftInnerTable() const { return joinSide_ == COM_LEFT_INNER; }
NABoolean isLeftOuterTable() const { return joinSide_ == COM_LEFT_OUTER; }
// Display/print, for debugging.
#ifndef NDEBUG
void display() const;
void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "MVVegPredicateColumn") const;
// Prevent accidental use of default copy Ctor and = operator.
#pragma nowarn(1026) // warning elimination
MVVegPredicateColumn& operator=(const MVVegPredicateColumn& other);
#pragma warn(1026) // warning elimination
MVVegPredicateColumn(const MVVegPredicateColumn& other);
const QualifiedName tableName_;
const Lng32 colNumber_;
const NABoolean isComplex_;
const ComLeftJoinTableType joinSide_;
const ItemExpr *complexExpr_;
const ComMVSUsageType usageType_;
NAString text_;
CharInfo::CharSet textCharSet_;
}; // class MVVegPredicateColumn
// An MVVegPredicate represents the equality of two or more
// MVVegPredicateColumn objects.
class MVVegPredicate : public LIST(const MVVegPredicateColumn *)
// The usage type can be either specifically specified, or initialized to
// COM_UNKNOWN_USAGE and then set when inserting the first column.
MVVegPredicate(NABoolean isOnLeftJoin,
CollHeap *heap,
ComMVSUsageType usageType = COM_UNKNOWN_USAGE)
: LIST(const MVVegPredicateColumn *)(heap),
// Copy Ctor.
MVVegPredicate(const MVVegPredicate& other, CollHeap *heap);
virtual ~MVVegPredicate();
NABoolean isOnLeftJoin() const { return isOnLeftJoin_; }
NABoolean isIncremental() const { return isIncremental_; }
// If this VegPredicate is on tableName/colPosition, return its index.
// otherwise return -1.
Lng32 findIndexFor(const QualifiedName& tableName, Lng32 colPosition) const;
// Return the index of some other column on this veg, that covers the one
// on colIndex.
Lng32 getCoveringColFor(Lng32 colIndex, const MVInfo *mvInfo) const;
// Get one of the VEG columns, that is not complex.
const MVVegPredicateColumn *getRepresentativeCol() const;
// Used both in DDL (for creating the used columns bitmap), and in DML (for
// building the join graph).
void markPredicateColsOnUsedObjects(MVInfo *mvInfo, NABoolean isDDL);
// Build an MVVegPredicateColumn object and insert it into the list.
void addPredicateMember(ValueId vid,
NABoolean isFromVegRef,
const VEG *parentVeg,
LIST(const VEG *)& vegPtrList,
CollHeap *heap);
// Add all the columns of the VEG to the list.
void addVegPredicates(const VEG *veg,
NABoolean isFromVegRef,
LIST(const VEG *)& vegPtrList,
CollHeap *heap);
void insert(const MVVegPredicateColumn *);
// Display/print, for debugging.
#ifndef NDEBUG
void display() const;
void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "MVVegPredicate") const;
// Prevent accidental use of default copy Ctor and = operator.
#pragma nowarn(1026) // warning elimination
MVVegPredicate& operator=(const MVVegPredicate& other);
#pragma warn(1026) // warning elimination
MVVegPredicate(const MVVegPredicate& other);
// Is this predicate from a left join?
const NABoolean isOnLeftJoin_;
// Does this predicate violate incremental refresh rules?
NABoolean isIncremental_;
// Is the predicate from a direct or expanded tree?
ComMVSUsageType usageType_;
}; // class MVVegPredicate
// This class is used to store a collection of flags and attributes of used
// objects, that are needed by the catalog manager.
class MVUsedObjectCatmanFlags : public NABasicObject
: objectAttributes_(COM_NO_ATTRIBUTE),
// Copy Ctor
MVUsedObjectCatmanFlags(const MVUsedObjectCatmanFlags& other)
: objectAttributes_(other.objectAttributes_),
void setObjectAttributes(ComMVSUsedTableAttribute objectAttributes) { objectAttributes_ = objectAttributes; }
void setUsageType(ComMVSUsageType usageType) { usageType_ = usageType; }
void setMVStatus(ComMVStatus mvStatus) { mvStatus_ = mvStatus; }
void setMVRefreshType(ComMVRefreshType mvRefreshType) { mvRefreshType_ = mvRefreshType; }
void setIsMvMinmax(NABoolean isMvMinmax) { isMvMinmax_ = isMvMinmax; }
void setIsInsertLog(NABoolean isInsertLog) { isInsertLog_ = isInsertLog; }
void setIsLockOnRefresh(NABoolean isLockOnRefresh) { isLockOnRefresh_ = isLockOnRefresh; }
void setMvsAllowed(ComMvsAllowed mvsAllowed) { mvsAllowed_ = mvsAllowed; }
void setIsAudit(NABoolean isAudit) { isAudit_ = isAudit; }
void setRangeLogType(ComRangeLogType rangeLogType) { rangeLogType_ = rangeLogType; }
void setIsMetaData(NABoolean isMetaData) { isMetaData_ = isMetaData; }
void setRefreshedAt(ComTimestamp mvRefreshedAtTime) { mvRefreshedAtTime_ = mvRefreshedAtTime; }
void setObjectUID(const ComUID& objectUID) { objectUID_ = objectUID; }
void setSchemaUID(const ComUID& schemaUID) { schemaUID_ = schemaUID; }
void setCatalogUID(const ComUID& catalogUID) { catalogUID_ = catalogUID; }
void setCommitEach(ComSInt32 nrows) { commitEach_ = nrows; }
ComMVSUsedTableAttribute getObjectAttributes() const { return objectAttributes_; }
ComMVSUsageType getUsageType() const { return usageType_; }
ComMVStatus getMVStatus() const { return mvStatus_; }
ComMVRefreshType getMVRefreshType() const { return mvRefreshType_; }
NABoolean getIsMvMinmax() const { return isMvMinmax_; }
NABoolean getIsInsertLog() const { return isInsertLog_; }
NABoolean getIsLockOnRefresh() const { return isLockOnRefresh_; }
ComMvsAllowed getMvsAllowed() const { return mvsAllowed_; }
NABoolean getIsAudit() const { return isAudit_; }
ComRangeLogType getRangeLogType() const { return rangeLogType_; }
NABoolean getIsMetaData() const { return isMetaData_; }
ComTimestamp getRefreshedAt() const { return mvRefreshedAtTime_; }
ComUID getObjectUID() const { return objectUID_; }
ComUID getSchemaUID() const { return schemaUID_; }
ComUID getCatalogUID() const { return catalogUID_; }
ComSInt32 getCommitEach() const { return commitEach_; }
// Prevent accidental use of default = operator.
#pragma nowarn(1026) // warning elimination
MVUsedObjectCatmanFlags& operator=(const MVUsedObjectCatmanFlags& other);
#pragma warn(1026) // warning elimination
ComMVSUsedTableAttribute objectAttributes_; // Ignore changes/Insert only.
ComMVSUsageType usageType_; // Direct/Expanded/User specified.
ComMVStatus mvStatus_; // isInitialized, isAvailable
ComMVRefreshType mvRefreshType_; // On statement/On request/Recompute
NABoolean isMvMinmax_; // Are Min/Max functions used?
NABoolean isInsertLog_;
NABoolean isLockOnRefresh_;
ComMvsAllowed mvsAllowed_; // Which MVs are allowed?
NABoolean isAudit_; // Is the table audited?
ComRangeLogType rangeLogType_; // Manual/Mixed/Automatic rangelog.
NABoolean isMetaData_; // Is this an SMD table?
ComTimestamp mvRefreshedAtTime_;// If this is an MV, when was is last refreshed?
ComUID objectUID_;
ComUID schemaUID_;
ComUID catalogUID_;
ComSInt32 commitEach_; // The table's commit each attribute
}; // class MVUsedObjectCatmanFlags
// This class gives a mapping from a column name to the column's position
// in the base table. This mapping is needed during DML for used objects.
class MVUsedObjectColNameMap : public NABasicObject
MVUsedObjectColNameMap(CollHeap *heap)
: colNameHash_(hashKey, 50, FALSE, heap),
virtual ~MVUsedObjectColNameMap();
// Initialize the main data structure from the base table's NATable.
void initColNameMap(const NATable *naTable, CollHeap *heap);
// Find the column position into the base table using the column name.
Lng32 getColPositionFor(const NAString& colName) const;
NABoolean isEmpty() const { return colNameHash_.isEmpty(); }
typedef NAHashDictionary<const NAString, Lng32> ColNameHash;
ColNameHash colNameHash_;
Lng32 *colPositionTable_;
class MVUsedObjectInfo : public NABasicObject
// DDL Ctor for a used table
MVUsedObjectInfo(const Scan *scanNode, NABoolean markKeyCols, CollHeap *heap);
// DDL Ctor for a used view
MVUsedObjectInfo(const RenameTable *viewNode, CollHeap *heap);
// DDL Ctor for a used UDF
MVUsedObjectInfo(const OptUDFInfo *udf, CollHeap *heap);
// DML Ctor
MVUsedObjectInfo(CollHeap *heap,
const QualifiedName& name,
ComObjectType objectType,
ComMVSUsageType usageType,
const LIST (Lng32) & usedColumnList,
const LIST (Lng32) & indirectUpdateCols,
Lng32 ordinalNumber,
Lng32 isInner,
NAString selectionPreds)
: objectName_(name, heap),
usedColumnList_(usedColumnList, heap),
indirectUpdateCols_(indirectUpdateCols, heap),
selectionPredicates_(selectionPreds, heap)
// Copy Ctor
MVUsedObjectInfo(const MVUsedObjectInfo& other, CollHeap *heap)
: objectName_(other.objectName_, heap),
usedColumnList_(other.usedColumnList_, heap),
indirectUpdateCols_(other.indirectUpdateCols_, heap),
MVColsReferencingTheCI_(other.MVColsReferencingTheCI_, heap),
selectionPredicates_(other.selectionPredicates_, heap)
// operator== required for use in templates
NABoolean operator==(const MVUsedObjectInfo &other) const;
NABoolean isUsedColumn(Lng32 col) const
{ return usedColumnList_.contains(col); }
NABoolean isIndirectUpdateCol(Lng32 col) const
{ return indirectUpdateCols_.contains(col); }
NABoolean isMVColRCI(Lng32 col) const
{ return MVColsReferencingTheCI_.contains(col); }
void addUsedColumn(Lng32 col)
{ if (!isUsedColumn(col)) usedColumnList_.insert(col); }
void addIndirectUpdateCol(Lng32 col)
{ if (!isIndirectUpdateCol(col)) indirectUpdateCols_.insert(col); }
void addMVColRCI(Lng32 col)
{ if (!isMVColRCI(col)) MVColsReferencingTheCI_.insert(col); }
const QualifiedName& getObjectName() const { return objectName_; }
const QualifiedName& getInternalObjectNameForAction() const { return internalObjectNameForAction_; }
NABoolean isAnMV() const { return objectType_ == COM_MV_OBJECT; }
NABoolean isAnUDR() const { return objectType_ == COM_USER_DEFINED_ROUTINE_OBJECT; }
ComObjectType getObjectType() const { return objectType_; }
NABoolean isUsedDirectly() const { return isUsedDirectly_; }
void setIsUsedDirectly(NABoolean flag)
{ isUsedDirectly_ = flag; }
const LIST (Lng32) & getUsedColumnList() const { return usedColumnList_; }
const LIST (Lng32) & getIndirectUpdateCols() const { return indirectUpdateCols_; }
const LIST (Lng32) & getMVColsReferencingTheCI() const { return MVColsReferencingTheCI_; }
Lng32 getOrdinalNumber() const { return ordinalNumber_; }
NABoolean isInnerTableOfLeftJoin() const { return isInnerTableOfLeftJoin_; }
const NAString& getSelectionPredicates() const { return selectionPredicates_; }
void setSelectionPredicates(const NAString& preds) { selectionPredicates_ = preds; }
// Used after running the join graph algorithm.
void setOrdinalNumber(Lng32 ordinalNumber) { ordinalNumber_ = ordinalNumber; }
void setAsInnerTable() { isInnerTableOfLeftJoin_ = TRUE; }
// These methods are used by the catman.
MVUsedObjectCatmanFlags& getCatmanFlags() { return catmanFlags_; }
const MVUsedObjectCatmanFlags& getCatmanFlags() const { return catmanFlags_; }
NABoolean processSelectionPredicates(const ItemExpr *expr, BindWA *bindWA, NABoolean& toBeRemoved);
NABoolean processSelectionPredicates(ValueIdSet& expr, BindWA *bindWA);
// Methods used for DML only.
void initColNameMap(const NATable *naTable, CollHeap *heap)
{ colNameMap_.initColNameMap(naTable, heap); }
NABoolean isUsedColumn(const NAString& colName) const
{ return usedColumnList_.contains(colNameMap_.getColPositionFor(colName)); }
NABoolean isIndirectUpdateCol(const NAString& colName) const
{ return indirectUpdateCols_.contains(colNameMap_.getColPositionFor(colName)); }
NABoolean isMVColRCI(const NAString& colName) const
{ return MVColsReferencingTheCI_.contains(colNameMap_.getColPositionFor(colName)); }
// Display/print, for debugging.
#ifndef NDEBUG
void display() const;
void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "MVColumnInfo") const;
// Prevent accidental use of default copy Ctor and = operator.
#pragma nowarn(1026) // warning elimination
MVUsedObjectInfo& operator=(const MVUsedObjectInfo& other);
#pragma warn(1026) // warning elimination
MVUsedObjectInfo(const MVUsedObjectInfo& other);
const QualifiedName objectName_;
ComObjectType objectType_; // Base table, View or MV
NABoolean isUsedDirectly_;
NABoolean isInnerTableOfLeftJoin_;
const QualifiedName internalObjectNameForAction_; // Internal object name for the UUDF ACTION
// A list of all the table's columns that are used by this MV.
LIST (Lng32) usedColumnList_;
// The columns that are used either by the clustering index of the base
// table, or by one of the join predicates.
LIST (Lng32) indirectUpdateCols_;
// This is a list of column positions of MV columns that correspond to
// the clustering index columns of this table. This is later used for
// creating the minimal set of secondary indices for MJVs.
LIST (Lng32) MVColsReferencingTheCI_;
// The position of this table in the join graph solution.
Lng32 ordinalNumber_;
// All the catman ever wanted to know about this used object...
MVUsedObjectCatmanFlags catmanFlags_;
// Used In DML to map column names to column positions, for checking if
// columns are used etc.
MVUsedObjectColNameMap colNameMap_;
NAString selectionPredicates_;
}; // class MVUsedObjectInfo
class MVColumnInfo : public NABasicObject
// Ctor for User columns.
MVColumnInfo (MVInfoForDDL& mvInfoObj,
ComMVType mvType,
const ColumnDesc *colDesc,
BindWA *bindWA,
CollHeap *heap);
// Ctor for MAV dependant system columns.
MVColumnInfo (const MVColumnInfo& other,
MVInfoForDDL& mvInfoObj,
MVAggFunc aggIndex,
ItemExpr *colExpr,
CollHeap *heap);
// Ctor for MAV GroupBy columns.
MVColumnInfo (MVInfoForDDL& mvInfoObj,
ItemExpr *groupingCol,
CollHeap *heap);
// Ctor for MJV clustering key system added columns.
MVColumnInfo (MVInfoForDDL& mvInfoObj,
NAColumn *clusteringKeyCol,
CollHeap *heap);
// Ctor for the COUNT(*) system added column.
MVColumnInfo (MVInfoForDDL& mvInfoObj,
CollHeap *heap);
// Ctor for link only columns (duplicate, redundant or complex).
MVColumnInfo (Int32 colNum,
const QualifiedName& origTableName,
Int32 origColNumber,
ComMVColType colType,
CollHeap *heap);
// Explicit Ctor for DML
MVColumnInfo (CollHeap *heap,
Int32 colNumber,
const NAString& colName,
ComMVColType colType,
OperatorTypeEnum operatorType,
NABoolean isSystem,
const NAString &normalizedColText,
Int32 dep1,
Int32 dep2,
Int32 dep3,
ComMVSUsageType usageType,
const QualifiedName *origTableName,
Int32 origColNumber,
NABoolean isComplex);
// Copy Ctor
MVColumnInfo(const MVColumnInfo& other, CollHeap *heap);
// operator== required for use in templates
NABoolean operator==(const MVColumnInfo& other) const;
// Information about the column in the MV
Int32 getColNumber() const { return colNumber_; }
const NAString& getColName() const { return colName_; }
const NAType *getColDataType() const { return colDataType_; }
ComMVColType getColType() const { return colType_; }
OperatorTypeEnum getOperatorType() const { return operatorType_; }
NABoolean isSystem() const { return isSystem_; }
const NAString& getNormalizedColText() const { return normalizedColText_; }
Int32 getDepCol1() const { return dep1_; }
Int32 getDepCol2() const { return dep2_; }
Int32 getDepCol3() const { return dep3_; }
NABoolean isInMVCI() const { return isInMVCI_; }
NABoolean isARealColumn() const
{ return (colType_!=COM_MVCOL_DUPLICATE) &&
(colType_!=COM_MVCOL_COMPLEX); }
// Information about the column used in the base table
ComMVSUsageType getUsageType() const { return usageType_; }
const QualifiedName& getOrigTableName() const { return origTableName_; }
Int32 getOrigColNumber() const { return origColNumber_; }
NABoolean getIsComplex() const { return isComplex_; }
const NAString& getBaseColHashKey()const { return baseColHashKey_; }
NABoolean isIndirectUpdate() const { return isIndirectUpdate_; }
NABoolean isCountStarColumn() const { return (aggIndex_==AGG_COUNTSTAR); }
NABoolean isMinMaxColumn() const { return (aggIndex_==AGG_MIN || aggIndex_==AGG_MAX); }
NABoolean isNotNull() const { return isNotNull_; }
ItemExpr *getColExpr() const { return colExpr_; }
// Mutators
void setIndirectUpdate() { isIndirectUpdate_ = TRUE; }
void setNewColumnName(const NAString& newName) { colName_ = newName; }
void setNotNull(NABoolean value=TRUE) { isNotNull_ = value; }
void setNotNullFrom(ItemExpr *expr);
void setNormalizedText(const NAString& text) { normalizedColText_ = text; }
void setAsRedundant(Lng32 firstMvCol);
void setInMVCI() { isInMVCI_ = TRUE; }
void insertIntoExpHash(ExpressionHash& expHash, CollHeap *heap);
void createDependentColumns(ExpressionHash& expHash,
MVInfoForDDL& mvInfoObj,
CollHeap *heap);
static void calcBaseColHashKey(const QualifiedName& tableName,
Lng32 position,
NAString& hashKey);
// Display/print, for debugging.
#ifndef NDEBUG
void display() const;
void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "MVColumnInfo") const;
// Prevent accidental use of default copy Ctor and = operator.
#pragma nowarn(1026) // warning elimination
MVColumnInfo& operator=(const MVColumnInfo& other);
#pragma warn(1026) // warning elimination
MVColumnInfo(const MVColumnInfo& other);
ItemExpr *findMavColumnType(ItemExpr *expr, MVInfoForDDL& mvInfoObj);
MVAggFunc findAggrEnum(ItemExpr *expr, MVInfoForDDL& mvInfoObj);
NABoolean isNonRepeatableExpressionUsed(BindWA *bindWA);
NABoolean isColumnExpressionComplex(ItemExpr *expr);
void calcNormalizedTextForComplexCols(MVInfoForDDL& mvInfoObj,
ValueId directColValueId);
void setColTypeAndExpr(ItemExpr *expr,
ComMVType mvType,
ValueId directColValueId,
BindWA *bindWA);
Int32 newMavDependentColumn(ExpressionHash& expHash,
const NAString& exprTextForHash,
MVInfoForDDL& mvInfoObj,
MVAggFunc depIndex,
ItemExpr *depExpr,
CollHeap *heap);
Int32 newStddevwDepColumn(Int32 childNo,
ExpressionHash& expHash,
const NAString& exprTextForHash,
MVInfoForDDL& mvInfoObj,
CollHeap *heap);
// Information about the column in the MV
const Int32 colNumber_; // column ordinal in the MV
NAString colName_; // column name
const NAType *colDataType_; // data type (used by DDL only)
ComMVColType colType_; //
OperatorTypeEnum operatorType_; // Which aggregate/function
const NABoolean isSystem_; // was added by the system
NAString normalizedColText_; //
Int32 dep1_;
Int32 dep2_;
Int32 dep3_;
// Information about the column used in the base table.
ComMVSUsageType usageType_;
QualifiedName origTableName_;
Int32 origColNumber_; // if mapped 1-to-1 to this col
NABoolean isComplex_; // too complex function, or > 1 columns
NABoolean isUsed_;
NABoolean isIndirectUpdate_;
NAString baseColHashKey_;
// Information used only internaly at DDL time, and not saved in the SMD.
MVAggFunc aggIndex_;
NAString exprTextForHash_;
const NAString *unBoundText_;
NABoolean isNotNull_;
ItemExpr *colExpr_;
NABoolean isInMVCI_;
}; // class MVColumnInfo
typedef LIST(MVColumnInfo*) MVColumnInfoList;
class MVColumns: public NABasicObject
MVColumns(CollHeap *heap);
MVColumns(CollHeap *heap, const MVColumns& other, NABoolean isIncremental);
void insert(MVColumnInfo *colInfo, NABoolean isIncremental);
MVColumnInfo *getMvColInfoByName(const NAString& name) const;
MVColumnInfo *getMvColInfoByBaseColumn(const QualifiedName& tableName, Lng32 position) const;
MVColumnInfo *getMvColInfoByBaseColumn(const QualifiedName& tableName, Lng32 baseColPosition, Lng32 mvColPosition) const;
MVColumnInfo *getMvColInfoByIndex(Lng32 index, NABoolean adjustIndex = TRUE) const;
const MVColumnInfoList *getAllMvColsAffectedBy(const QualifiedName& tableName, Lng32 position) const;
// The entries() method and [] operator are shortcuts for accessing the
// direct column list, and should only be used for serial access to the
// columns list - for loops etc.
// For access to specific columns by index use getMvColInfoByIndex().
MVColumnInfo *operator[](Lng32 index) const
{ return getMvColInfoByIndex(index, FALSE); }
ULng32 entries() const // Only real direct columns.
{ return directColumnList_.entries(); }
// returns # of direct + extra columns.
ULng32 getTotalNumberOfColumns() const;
Lng32 getFirstSysAddedColumn() const
{ return firstSysAddedColumn_; }
void setNewColumnName(MVColumnInfo *colInfo, const NAString& newName);
// Display/print, for debugging.
#ifndef NDEBUG
void display() const;
void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "MVColumns") const;
// Prevent accidental use of default copy Ctor and = operator.
#pragma nowarn(1026) // warning elimination
MVColumns& operator=(const MVColumns& other);
#pragma warn(1026) // warning elimination
MVColumns(const MVColumns& other);
typedef NAHashDictionary<const NAString, MVColumnInfo> ColumnInfoHash;
typedef NAHashDictionary<const NAString, MVColumnInfoList> ColumnInfoListHash;
MVColumnInfoList directColumnList_;
MVColumnInfoList extraColumnList_;
ColumnInfoHash columnInfoByNameHash_;
ColumnInfoListHash columnInfoByBaseHash_;
Lng32 syskeyIndexCorrection_;
Lng32 firstSysAddedColumn_;
CollHeap *heap_;
static const Lng32 initialHashTableSize_;
}; // class MVColumns
class MVInfo: public NABasicObject
// Ctor for DDL. Initialize only what is known from the CREATE MV syntax.
MVInfo( const NAString &nameOfMV,
ComMVRefreshType refreshType,
NABoolean isRewriteEnabled,
ComMVStatus mvStatus,
const NAString& mvSelectText,
CharInfo::CharSet mvSelectTextCharSet,
CollHeap *heap);
// Ctor for DML. All the data is read from the SMD.
MVInfo( const NAString &nameOfMV,
ComMVRefreshType refreshType,
NABoolean isRewriteEnabled,
ComMVStatus mvStatus,
const NAString& mvSelectText,
CharInfo::CharSet mvSelectTextCharSet,
NABoolean isIncremental,
ComMVType mvType,
LIST (MVUsedObjectInfo *)& usedObjectsList,
MVColumnInfoList& directColumnList,
NABoolean isLeftLinear,
LIST (MVVegPredicate *)& eqPredicateList,
CollHeap *heap);
// Copy Ctor
// if heap==NULL then copy heap from other. Otherwise, override heap pointer.
MVInfo(const MVInfo &other, CollHeap *heap);
// The Dtor
virtual ~MVInfo();
// Methods for the catman to query the information during DDL.
NAString getNameOfMV() const { return nameOfMV_; }
ComMVRefreshType getRefreshType() const { return refreshType_; }
NABoolean isRewriteEnabled() const { return isRewriteEnabled_; }
ComMVStatus getMvStatus() const { return mvStatus_; }
NABoolean isInitialized() const { return isInitialized_; }
NABoolean isIncremental() const { return isIncremental_; }
ComMVType getMVType() const { return mvType_; }
NABoolean isMinMaxUsed() const { return isMinMaxUsed_;}
MVJoinGraph *getJoinGraph() const { return joinGraph_; }
Lng32 getPosOfCountStar() const { return posOfCountStar_; }
const NAString& getMVSelectText() const { return mvSelectText_; }
CharInfo::CharSet getMVSelectTextCharSet () const { return mvSelectTextCharSet_; }
CollHeap *getHeap() const { return heap_; }
// - for showddl
NAString getTextForShowddl(CatROMV *pMV,
CharInfo::CharSet & showddlOutputCharSet /* out param */ ) const;
// Access the internal data structures.
MVColumns& getMVColumns() { return columnList_; }
const MVColumns& getMVColumns() const { return columnList_; }
LIST (MVUsedObjectInfo*)& getUsedObjectsList() { return usedObjectsList_; }
CollIndex getNumberOfUsedObjects () const { return usedObjectsList_.entries(); }
const LIST (MVUsedObjectInfo*)& getUsedObjectsList() const { return usedObjectsList_; }
LIST (MVVegPredicate *)& getEqPredicateList() { return eqPredicateList_; }
MVUsedObjectInfo *findUsedInfoForTable(const QualifiedName& tableName) const;
const LIST (Lng32)& getUsedColumns(const QualifiedName& tableName) const;
const LIST (Lng32)& getIndirectUpdateColumns(const QualifiedName& tableName) const;
// Find an equal predicate keyColis part of.
Lng32 findEqPredicateCovering(NAColumn *keyCol);
// Is there an equal predicate between these two columns?
NABoolean isEqPredicateBetween(const QualifiedName& table1, Lng32 col1,
const QualifiedName& table2, Lng32 col2) const;
// Return a parsed RelExpr tree of the MV select text.
RelRoot *buildMVSelectTree(const NAString* alternativeText = NULL,
CharInfo::CharSet alternativeTextCharSet
= CharInfo::UTF8
) const;
// Create the MV descriptor by taking the MV query from the updated CREATE MV
// text, parsing it, binding, normalizing and analyzing it.
QRMVDescriptorPtr prepareMvDescriptorTree(NABoolean isIncrementalMV,
NAString& warningMessage,
const NAString* alternativeText = NULL);
MVColumnInfoList* buildColumnInfoListFromColIndList(const ColIndList &currentRCI) const;
// - These fields don't remain constant during the lifetime
// of the MV object in the cache. The fields should reflect the
// real state of the object in the cache.
// see CatRWMV::setMvStatus and CatRWMV::setRewrite.
void setRewriteEnabled(NABoolean newVal) { isRewriteEnabled_ = newVal; }
void setMvStatus(ComMVStatus newVal) { mvStatus_ = newVal; }
// Do we need to collect information that is needed only on incremental MVs?
NABoolean isIncrementalWorkNeeded() const
{ return (isIncremental() &&
getRefreshType()!=COM_RECOMPUTE &&
getRefreshType()!=COM_BY_USER); }
// Display/print, for debugging.
#ifndef NDEBUG
void display() const;
virtual void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "MVInfo") const;
// Simple mutators
void setPosOfCountStar(Lng32 pos) { posOfCountStar_ = pos; }
void setIsIncremental(NABoolean isInc) { isIncremental_ = isInc; }
void setMinMaxIsUsed() { isMinMaxUsed_ = TRUE; }
void setMvType(ComMVType mvType) { mvType_ = mvType; }
void newJoinGraph(Int32 initialSize);
// Called by buildMVSelectTree().
void fixMvSelectList(RelRoot *mvSelectTree) const;
// Recursive method used by MVInfoForDDL::areTablesUsedOnlyOnce().
// Return TRUE is the tables are used only once.
NABoolean addTableNamesToList(BindWA *bindWA,
TableNameHash& usedObjectsNames);
// - for showddl
NAString getMVRefreshTypaAsString() const;
NAString getInitializationAsString() const;
NAString getOptionalNameClause(StmtDDLCreateMV *createMvNode,
const NAString& mvText,
CharInfo::CharSet & mvTextCharSet /* inout param */ ) const;
NAString getSelectPhraseAsString(NAString& sysAddedCols) const;
NAString getIgnoreChangesListAsString(StmtDDLCreateMV *createMvNode) const;
NAString getIgnoreChangesListAsString() const;
// Prevent accidental use of default copy Ctor and = operator.
#pragma nowarn(1026) // warning elimination
MVInfo& operator=(const MVInfo& other);
#pragma warn(1026) // warning elimination
MVInfo(); // do not use
MVInfo(const MVInfo& other);
// These fields are initialized by the ctor in both DDL and DML.
// heap_ MUST be the first data member here, so that it is the first
// to be initialized by the copy Ctor. See the code for details.
CollHeap *heap_;
NAString nameOfMV_;
ComMVRefreshType refreshType_;
NABoolean isRewriteEnabled_;
ComMVStatus mvStatus_;
NABoolean isInitialized_;
// In DDL these fields are calculated from the collected data
// by the processCollectedInformation() method. In DML they are
// initialized by the catman.
NABoolean isIncremental_;
NABoolean isMinMaxUsed_;
ComMVType mvType_;
LIST (MVUsedObjectInfo *) usedObjectsList_;
MVColumns columnList_;
LIST (MVVegPredicate *) eqPredicateList_;
const NAString mvSelectText_;
CharInfo::CharSet mvSelectTextCharSet_;
Lng32 posOfCountStar_;
MVJoinGraph *joinGraph_;
}; // class MVInfo
class MVInfoForDDL: public MVInfo
MVInfoForDDL(const NAString &NameOfMV,
ComMVRefreshType refreshType,
NABoolean isRewriteEnabled,
ComMVStatus mvStatus,
const NAString& mvSelectText,
CharInfo::CharSet mvSelectTextCharSet,
const ElemDDLStoreOptKeyColumnList *userSpecifiedCI,
CollHeap *heap);
virtual ~MVInfoForDDL();
// Accessors
NAString& getSysColNames() { return sysColNames_; }
NAString& getSysColExprs() { return sysColExprs_; }
NAString& getTextForSysCols() { return textForSysCols_; }
NABoolean isLeftLinear() const { return isLeftLinear_; }
NABoolean usesOtherMVs() const { return usesOtherMVs_; }
Lng32 getUserColumnCount() const { return userColumnCount_; }
NABoolean isOnView() { return ( usedViewsList_.entries() > 0 ); }
NABoolean isOnUDF() { return ( udfList_.entries() > 0 ); }
// Methods for querting the view graph
const ColRefName& findTopViewOf(const ColRefName& colName) const;
const ColRefName *findViewNameFor(const ValueId vid) const;
NABoolean isMaskedTable(const QualifiedName& tableName) const;
// Methods called from collectMVinformation().
void addScanNode(Scan *newNode);
void addJoinNode(Join *newNode);
void addGroupByNode(GroupByAgg *newNode);
void setRootNode(RelRoot *rootNode, BindWA *bindWA);
void addViewRenameNode(RenameTable *renameNode);
void setNotIncremental(const MV_NOT_INCREMENTAL notIncrementalReason = MVNI_DEFAULT);
// These methods are called by StmtDDLCreateMV::bindNode() just after
// the tree walk to process the information that was collected.
void processBoundInformation(BindWA *bindWA);
void processNormalizedInformation(BindWA *bindWA);
NABoolean areTablesUsedOnlyOnce(BindWA *bindWA);
// Used by the class MVColumnInfo.
NABoolean isLeftJoinInnerTable(const QualifiedName& tableName) const;
Int32 getNextColIndex() { return realColumnCount_ ++; }
void addSystemColumnText(const NAString& colName, const NAString& colExp);
void NewSystemColumName(const NAString& midText, NAString& colNameString);
const NAString *getUnBoundTextFor(CollIndex index) const;
CharInfo::CharSet getMVSelectTextCharSet () const { return mvSelectTextCharSet_; }
// Uses MJVIndexBuilder to build the optimal secondary index
// !!!ATTENTION!!!
// The responsibility of the return LIST(MVColumnInfoList*)* deletion
// falls on the function's caller
LIST(MVColumnInfoList*)* getOptimalMJVIndexList (const LIST(Lng32)* mvCI);
//++ MV -
NABoolean isUsedObjectNotIgnoreChanges(const QualifiedName& tableName);
void setColAsIndirectUpdate(MVColumnInfo *colInfo);
// get the reason why we've set as not incremental
MV_NOT_INCREMENTAL getNotIncrementalReason() const
{ return notIncrementalReason_; }
NABoolean isValidNotIncrementalReason( MV_NOT_INCREMENTAL reason )
{ return ((reason >= MVNI_DEFAULT ) && (reason < MVNI_NUM_REASONS)); }
// returns the UDF usage list
const LIST(OptUDFInfo *) &getUDFList() const { return udfList_;}
LIST(OptUDFInfo *) &getUDFListForUpdate() { return udfList_;}
// exact number of tables used by an MV
CollIndex scanNodesNumber()
{ return scanNodes_.entries(); }
#ifndef NDEBUG
virtual void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "MVInfo") const;
// Prevent accidental use of default copy Ctor and = operator.
#pragma nowarn(1026) // warning elimination
MVInfoForDDL& operator=(const MVInfoForDDL& other);
#pragma warn(1026) // warning elimination
MVInfoForDDL(const MVInfoForDDL& other);
// Called by processBoundInformation() and processNormalizedInformation().
void addMavSystemColumns(BindWA *bindWA);
void addMjvSystemColumns(BindWA *bindWA);
void initMVType();
void initUsedObjectsList(BindWA *bindWA);
MVUsedObjectInfo *initUsedObject(Scan *scanNode,
const NATable *naTable,
BindWA *bindWA);
void initJoinPredicates(BindWA *bindWA);
MVVegPredicate *buildNewVegPred(ValueId predValueId,
LIST (const VEG *)& vegPtrList,
ComMVSUsageType usageType,
NABoolean isLeftJoin);
void extractParsedColumnText(Lng32 colIndex, ItemExpr *colExpr);
void addBaseColsUsedByComputedMvColumns();
void verifyGroupByColumns(GroupByAgg *groupByNode);
void addViewsToUsedObjectList();
void addUDFsToUsedObjectList();
RelExpr *getChildBelowRootAndRenameNodes(RelExpr *node);
void addClusteringIndexAsSystemAdded(TableDesc *tDesc, BindWA *bindWA);
NABoolean isColumnInMVCI(const NAString& colName);
MVColumnInfo *addNewMjvSystemColumnIfNeeded(BindWA *bindWA,
NAColumn *keyCol,
Lng32 MVColIndex);
// Recompute MV Used Objects clustering information
void addRecomputeMVUSedObjectsCIColumns (BindWA *bindWA);
void addUsedObjectsClusteringInfo(TableDesc *tDesc,
BindWA *bindWA);
void markMVCIasIndirectUpdate();
// All system added column name start with "SYS_".
static const char systemAddedColNamePrefix_[];
// These fields are used during the DDL data collection phase.
LIST (Scan *) scanNodes_;
LIST (Join *) joinNodes_;
LIST (GroupByAgg *) groupByNodes_;
RelRoot *rootNode_;
const ColumnDescList *colDescList_;
Lng32 sysColCounter_;
NABoolean isLeftLinear_;
NAString sysColNames_;
NAString sysColExprs_;
NAString textForSysCols_;
Lng32 userColumnCount_;
NABoolean usesOtherMVs_;
ViewColumnGraph *viewColumnGraph_;
Lng32 realColumnCount_;
LIST (const QualifiedName *) leftJoinInnerTables_;
LIST (MVUsedObjectInfo *) usedViewsList_;
LIST (const NAString *) unBoundColumnsText_;
ElemDDLColRefArray *userSpecifiedCI_;
MV_NOT_INCREMENTAL notIncrementalReason_;
QRMVDescriptorPtr mvDescriptor_;
XMLString *xmlText_;
LIST(OptUDFInfo *) udfList_;
CharInfo::CharSet mvSelectTextCharSet_;
}; // class MVInfoForDDL
class MVInfoForDML: public MVInfo
MVInfoForDML( const NAString &NameOfMV,
ComMVRefreshType refreshType,
NABoolean isRewriteEnabled,
ComMVStatus mvStatus,
const NAString& MVSelectText,
CharInfo::CharSet mvSelectTextCharSet,
NABoolean isIncremental,
ComMVType mvType,
LIST (MVUsedObjectInfo *)& usedObjectsList,
MVColumnInfoList& DirectColumnList,
NABoolean isLeftLinear,
LIST (MVVegPredicate *)& eqPredicateList,
CollHeap *heap);
// Copy Ctor
MVInfoForDML(const MVInfo& other, CollHeap *heap)
: MVInfo(other, heap),
usedObjectsHash_(QualifiedName::hash, (Lng32)20, FALSE, heap)
virtual ~MVInfoForDML();
// Return a list of MV column positions for the GroupBy columns.
void getMavGroupByColumns(LIST(Lng32)& gbColList) const;
// Is this MV defined on a single base table?
NABoolean isMvOnSingleTable();
// Initialize the join graph algorithm for Multi-delta refresh.
MVJoinGraph *initJoinGraph(BindWA *bindWA,
const DeltaDefinitionPtrList *deltaDefList,
NABoolean checkOnlyInserts);
// Insert into the usedObjectsHash_ all used objects, by their table
// names and also by their log names.
void initUsedObjectsHash();
// This override is implemented using the optimized usedObjectsHash_
const MVUsedObjectInfo *findUsedInfoForTable(const QualifiedName& tableName);
CharInfo::CharSet getMVSelectTextCharSet () const { return mvSelectTextCharSet_; }
#ifndef NDEBUG
virtual void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "MVInfo") const;
// Prevent accidental use of default copy Ctor and = operator.
MVInfoForDML(const MVInfoForDML& other);
#pragma nowarn(1026) // warning elimination
MVInfoForDML& operator=(const MVInfoForDML& other);
#pragma warn(1026) // warning elimination
TableNameHash usedObjectsHash_;
CharInfo::CharSet mvSelectTextCharSet_;
}; // class MVInfoForDML