blob: 6cadbfab8410bc0535b8b9050d210fb64a54fecc [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef ITEMSUBQ_H
#define ITEMSUBQ_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ItemSubq.h
* Description: Subquery item expressions
* Created: 11/04/94
* Language: C++
#include "ItemExpr.h"
#include "RETDesc.h"
#include "RelExpr.h"
#include "RelJoin.h"
#include "RelGrby.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Subquery;
class RowSubquery;
class Exists;
class InSubquery;
class QuantifiedComp;
// Forward references;
class GenericUpdate;
// ***********************************************************************
// A subquery
// ***********************************************************************
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
class Subquery : public ItemExpr
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
Subquery(OperatorTypeEnum otype,
RelExpr * tableExpr, ItemExpr * scalarExpr = NULL)
: ItemExpr(otype,scalarExpr),
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
virtual ~Subquery() {}
// get the degree of this node
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
Int32 getDegree() const { return getRETDesc()->getDegree(); }
const RETDesc *getRETDesc() const
const RETDesc *rd = getSubquery()->getRETDesc();
CMPASSERT(rd->getSystemColumnList()->entries() == 0);
return rd;
// Classification of the subquery
virtual NABoolean isASubquery() const;
NABoolean isARowSubquery() const
{ return (getOperatorType() == ITM_ROW_SUBQUERY); };
NABoolean isAnExistsSubquery() const
{ return (getOperatorType() == ITM_EXISTS ||
getOperatorType() == ITM_NOT_EXISTS); };
NABoolean isNotExists() const { return (getOperatorType() == ITM_NOT_EXISTS); }
NABoolean isAnAnySubquery() const;
NABoolean isAnAllSubquery() const;
NABoolean containsSubquery();
// The subquery operator can be a unary or a binary operator.
// The following method encapsulates access to the subquery tree.
RelExpr * getSubquery() const { return tableExpr_; }
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType *synthesizeType();
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// scalar expressions to a canonical form
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprValueId & locationOfPointerToMe,
ExprGroupId & introduceSemiJoinHere,
const ValueIdSet & externalInput);
// Method to transform the subquery ItemExpr into a RelExpr tree
virtual void transformToRelExpr(NormWA &normWARef,
ExprValueId & locationOfPointerToMe,
ExprGroupId & introduceSemiJoinHere,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs);
// Method to check to see if this subquery is a candidate for unnesting
// and if so set appropriate flags.
void evaluateCandidateForUnnesting(NormWA & normWARef,
Join *newJoin,
GroupByAgg *newGrby);
// Get the operator type for performing a complementary comparison.
OperatorTypeEnum getComplementOfOperatorType();
// A method for inverting (finding the inverse of) the operators
// in a subtree that is rooted in a NOT.
virtual ItemExpr * transformSubtreeOfNot(NormWA & normWARef,
OperatorTypeEnum falseOrNot);
// Each subquery transformation uses an aggregate function that "magically"
// upholds the ANSI semantics for the transformed subqueries.
virtual ItemExpr * getBlackBoxExpr(NormWA & normWARef, ValueIdSet & aggSet);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// add all the expressions that are local to this
// node to an existing list of expressions (used by GUI tool)
virtual void addLocalExpr(LIST(ExprNode *) &xlist,
LIST(NAString) &llist) const;
// we want Subquery to be cacheable
virtual NABoolean isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa);
// do NOT parameterize literals of Subquery if we
// can NOT guarantee the correctness of such parameterization
virtual ItemExpr* normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cwa, BindWA& bindWA)
{ return this; }
// append an ascii-version of Subquery into cachewa.qryText_
virtual void generateCacheKey(CacheWA& cachewa) const;
// return true if ItemExpr & its descendants have no constants
// and no noncacheable nodes
virtual NABoolean hasNoLiterals(CacheWA& cwa);
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode, CollHeap* outHeap); //<aviv>
inline NABoolean avoidHalloweenR2() const
{ return avoidHalloweenR2_ ? TRUE : FALSE; }
inline GenericUpdate *getAvoidHalloweenR2() const
{ return avoidHalloweenR2_; }
inline void setAvoidHalloweenR2(GenericUpdate *gu)
{ avoidHalloweenR2_ = gu; }
// output degree functions to handle multi-output subqueries.
// Returns the number of outputs and the ItemExpr for each.
virtual Int32 getOutputDegree();
virtual ItemExpr *getOutputItem(UInt32 i);
// Set to true if we have flattened out a subquery that has a degree
// > 1. This flag is used for assign::doSynthesizeType() to not check
// the subquery's type but rather the type of the first element in the
// select list.
NABoolean proxyForFirstElementInSelectList_;
// If non-Null, then this subquery could potentially run into the
// Halloween problem. This subquery is part of a insert in which
// the source contains a reference to the target. We check for this
// in binder and issue an error in many cases, but in some cases we
// allow it and set this flag to TRUE in the insert and the subquery
// that contains the reference to the target. If this flag is set,
// then we must generate a safe plan WRT the Halloween problem. For
// the subquery operator, this means that the join resulting from
// subquery transformation should be implemented with a hash
// join. This causes the source to be blocked.
GenericUpdate *avoidHalloweenR2_;
// The derived table.
RelExpr * tableExpr_;
}; // class Subquery
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// ***********************************************************************
// Row subquery
// ***********************************************************************
class RowSubquery : public Subquery
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
RowSubquery(RelExpr * tableExpr)
: Subquery(ITM_ROW_SUBQUERY, tableExpr) {}
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
virtual ~RowSubquery() {}
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType *synthesizeType();
// a virtual function for type propagating new type to the node
virtual const NAType *pushDownType(NAType &desiredType,
enum NABuiltInTypeEnum defaultQualifier);
virtual ItemExpr * getBlackBoxExpr(NormWA & normWARef, ValueIdSet & aggSet);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode, CollHeap* outHeap); //<aviv>
// ***********************************************************************
// Quantified comparison subquery
// "value op all|some|any (subquery)" (returns true,false, or null)
// ***********************************************************************
class QuantifiedComp : public Subquery
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
QuantifiedComp(OperatorTypeEnum otype,
ItemExpr * scalarExpr,
RelExpr * tableExpr,
GenericUpdate *avoidHalloweenR2)
: Subquery(otype, tableExpr, scalarExpr),
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
virtual ~QuantifiedComp() {}
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType *synthesizeType();
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
virtual ItemExpr * getBlackBoxExpr(NormWA & normWARef, ValueIdSet & aggSet);
// in a subtree that is rooted in a NOT.
virtual ItemExpr * transformSubtreeOfNot(NormWA & normWARef,
OperatorTypeEnum falseOrNot);
// A virtual method for transforming this predicate's child
// only if the child itself contains a subquery.
// Returns NULL if no transformation was necessary.
virtual ItemExpr * transformMultiValuePredicate(
NABoolean flattenSubqueries = TRUE,
ChildCondition tfmIf = ANY_CHILD);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// A helper function to compute the comparison operator to
// use during subquery transformation
OperatorTypeEnum getSimpleOperatorType() const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode, CollHeap* outHeap); //<aviv>
void setCreatedFromINlist(NABoolean v){createdFromINlist_ = v;}
NABoolean createdFromINlist() { return createdFromINlist_;}
void setCreatedFromALLpred(NABoolean v){createdFromALLpred_ = v;}
NABoolean createdFromALLpred() { return createdFromALLpred_;}
NABoolean createdFromINlist_;
NABoolean createdFromALLpred_;
}; // class QuantifiedComp
// ***********************************************************************
// IN subquery : a synonym for an = ANY subquery
// ***********************************************************************
class InSubquery : public Subquery
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
InSubquery(OperatorTypeEnum otype,
ItemExpr * scalarExpr,
RelExpr * tableExpr)
: Subquery(otype, tableExpr, scalarExpr) {}
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
virtual ~InSubquery() {}
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode, CollHeap* outHeap); //<aviv>
// ***********************************************************************
// EXISTS subquery (returns either a true or a false; never a null)
// ***********************************************************************
class Exists : public Subquery
Exists(RelExpr * tableExpr);
virtual ~Exists();
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType *synthesizeType();
virtual ItemExpr * transformSubtreeOfNot(NormWA & normWARef,
OperatorTypeEnum falseOrNot);
virtual ItemExpr * getBlackBoxExpr(NormWA & normWARef, ValueIdSet & aggSet);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode, CollHeap* outHeap); //<aviv>
#endif /* ITEMSUBQ_H */