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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ItemOther.h
* Description: Miscellaneous item expressions
* Created: 11/04/94
* Language: C++
#include "RelSet.h" // for Union (needed by ValueIdUnion flags)
#include "NAColumn.h"
#include "QRExprElement.h"
#include "ItemLog.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Assign;
class Convert;
class ItemList;
class RenameCol;
class ValueIdRef;
class ValueIdProxy;
class ValueIdUnion;
class VEG;
class VEGReference;
class VEGPredicate;
class RangeSpecRef;
class OptRangeSpec;
class OptNormRangeSpec;
// forward
class Generator;
class VEGRewritePairs;
enum ColumnClass;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An assignment operator assigns the source value to the target. Used
// for insert and update operations.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Assign : public ItemExpr
Assign(ItemExpr *target,
ItemExpr *source,
NABoolean userSpecified = TRUE) :
ItemExpr(ITM_ASSIGN, target, source),
// virtual destructor
virtual ~Assign() {}
// get the degree of this node
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
NABoolean isUserSpecified() const { return userSpecified_; }
void setUserSpecified(NABoolean userSpecified) { userSpecified_ = userSpecified; }
NABoolean canBeSkipped() const { return canBeSkipped_; }
void setToBeSkipped(NABoolean canBeSkipped) { canBeSkipped_ = canBeSkipped; }
ValueId getTarget() const { return child(0)->getValueId(); }
ValueId getSource() const { return child(1)->getValueId(); }
NABoolean onRollback() const { return onRollback_; }
void setOnRollback(NABoolean onRollback) { onRollback_ = onRollback; }
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
// these two functions enable relaxation of char type matching rules
// for assignments
NABoolean isRelaxCharTypeMatchRulesPossible();
ItemExpr* tryToRelaxCharTypeMatchRules(BindWA *bindWA);
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType *synthesizeType();
// another virtual function for type propagating the node. This one
// is for the benefit of internal stored procedures, which want
// to report alternative error messages.
virtual const NAType *synthesizeType(const char * str1, const Lng32 int1);
virtual NABoolean isCovered(const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
const GroupAttributes& newRelExprAnchorGA,
ValueIdSet& referencedInputs,
ValueIdSet& coveredSubExpr,
ValueIdSet& unCoveredExpr) const;
// is any literal in this expr safely coercible to its target type?
virtual NABoolean isSafelyCoercible(CacheWA& cwa) const;
// change literals of a cacheable query into constant parameters
virtual ItemExpr* normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cwa, BindWA& bindWA);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// query tree to a canonical form.
virtual ItemExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// virtual method to fixup tree for code generation.
virtual ItemExpr * preCodeGen(Generator*);
// method to do code generation
short codeGen(Generator*);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const { return "assign"; }
// Reads column heading and tablename and set these members
// in Dynamic Parameter (for scalar param) and Hostvar (for array param)
// ItemExprs. Used only for JDBC/WLI BLOB/CLOB implementation.
ItemExpr * SetParamHeadingAndTablename(BindWA *bindWA);
NABoolean CanChild0BeImplicitlyCast() { return FALSE; };
// This refers to whether the assignment was specified by the user in the
// DML stmt (INSERT or UPDATE), *not* whether the source or target is a
// user column! Binder-generated Assigns (keytags, index maintenance)
// must set this field to FALSE.
NABoolean userSpecified_;
NABoolean onRollback_; // QSTUFF
// Do the actual type propagation, to be called by the public synthesizeType methods.
const NAType *doSynthesizeType(ValueId & targetId, ValueId & sourceId);
// Assign with omitted default value columns other than COM_CURRENT_DEFAULT class types
NABoolean canBeSkipped_;
}; // class Assign
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A convert operator converts one data type to another
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Convert : public ItemExpr
Convert(ItemExpr *input,
UInt32 lastVOAOffset = 0,
Int16 vcIndicatorLength = 0,
Int16 nullIndicatorLength = 0,
Int16 alignment = 0) :
ItemExpr(ITM_CONVERT, input)
lastVOAOffset_ = lastVOAOffset;
lastVcIndicatorLength_ = vcIndicatorLength;
lastNullIndicatorLength_ = nullIndicatorLength;
alignment_ = alignment;
// virtual destructor
virtual ~Convert() {}
// get the degree of this node (it is a unary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const { return "convert"; }
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// virtual method to fixup tree for code generation.
virtual ItemExpr * preCodeGen(Generator*);
// method to do code generation
short codeGen(Generator*);
UInt32 lastVOAOffset_;
Int16 lastVcIndicatorLength_;
Int16 lastNullIndicatorLength_;
Int16 alignment_;
}; // class Convert
typedef LIST(ExprValueId*) ExprValueIdList;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An element of a list.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ItemList : public ItemExpr
ItemList(ItemExpr *commaExpr, ItemExpr *otherExpr)
: ItemExpr(ITM_ITEM_LIST, commaExpr, otherExpr),
numOfItems_(0), constChild_(FALSE)
// virtual destructor
virtual ~ItemList() {}
// does this query's selection predicate list qualify query
// to be cacheable after this phase?
NABoolean isListOfCacheableSelPred(CacheWA& cwa, ItemList *other) const;
// is any literal in this expr safely coercible to its target type?
virtual NABoolean isSafelyCoercible(CacheWA& cwa) const;
// change literals of a cacheable query into input parameters
ItemExpr* normalizeListForCache(CacheWA& cwa, BindWA& bindWA,
ItemList *other);
virtual NABoolean isCovered(const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
const GroupAttributes& newRelExprAnchorGA,
ValueIdSet& referencedInputs,
ValueIdSet& coveredSubExpr,
ValueIdSet& unCoveredExpr) const;
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const { return ","; }
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr &other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType *synthesizeType();
// method to do code generation
short codeGen(Generator*);
// a helper function collecting leaves into a list
ExprValueIdList* collectLeaves(CollHeap* heap = 0, ExprValueIdList* = 0);
// a virtual function to set resolve incomplete type status to each
// element in the list (for charset inference)
void setResolveIncompleteTypeStatus(NABoolean x);
Int64 &numOfItems() {return numOfItems_;}
NABoolean &constChild() {return constChild_;}
virtual NABoolean hasEquivalentProperties(ItemExpr * other);
// helper to change literals of a cacheable query into input parameters
void parameterizeMe(CacheWA& cachewa, BindWA& bindWA, ExprValueId& child,
BaseColumn *base, ConstValue *val);
// total number of items below me.
// Set when IN list is created during parsing for
// a <value> IN (list-of-items) pred.
// Used to do an in-list to (values(..)) transformation.
// Done if all items are constants and > 100. This could change in future.
// This value is set to -1 when the first non-const item is seen.
// All parent ItemLists will have this set to -1.
Int64 numOfItems_;
NABoolean constChild_;
}; // class ItemList
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A rename operator gives an expression a new ANSI name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class RenameCol : public ItemExpr
RenameCol(ItemExpr *input,
ColRefName *newColRefName)
: ItemExpr(ITM_RENAME_COL, input),
{ newColRefName_ = newColRefName; }
// virtual destructor
virtual ~RenameCol() {}
const ColRefName * getNewColRefName() const { return newColRefName_; }
// MV --
inline void setTargetColumnClass(ColumnClass colClass) { targetColumnClass_ = colClass; }
inline ColumnClass getTargetColumnClass() const { return targetColumnClass_; }
// get the degree of this node (it is a binary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr &other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
// the parser and binder work with textual column references
ColRefName* newColRefName_;
// MV --
// Force this column to be added to the RETDesc as a system column.
ColumnClass targetColumnClass_;
}; // class RenameCol
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A ValueIdRef is a node generated by the SQL binder to denote
// the derivation hierarchy for ValueDescs.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma nowarn(1682) // warning elimination
class ValueIdRef : public ItemExpr
ValueIdRef(ValueId valId) : ItemExpr(ITM_VALUEIDREF),
derivedFrom_(valId) {}
virtual ~ValueIdRef() {}
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf node)
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
ValueId isDerivedFrom() const { return derivedFrom_; }
virtual NABoolean isCovered(const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
const GroupAttributes& newRelExprAnchorGA,
ValueIdSet& referencedInputs,
ValueIdSet& coveredSubExpr,
ValueIdSet& unCoveredExpr) const;
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr &other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual OrderComparison sameOrder(ItemExpr *other,
NABoolean askOther = TRUE);
// method to do code generation
short codeGen(Generator*);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
// the ValueId from which this reference is derived
ValueId derivedFrom_;
}; // class ValueIdRef
#pragma warn(1682) // warning elimination
//! ValueIdProxy class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A ValueIdProxy is a node generated by the SQL binder to represent
// an additional outputs of the node (typically a subquery or a Multi Valued
// function) is derived from. So if you have a query like this:
// select * from t where (a,b) = (select (select mvf(a) from t3) from t2)
// and the mvf outputs 2 numbers, then the binder will assign one valueId
// to the mvf() function itself, which will be carried forward until transfrom
// time until it gets transformed into a relexpr, and it will create another
// valueId for the other output of the Mvf(). This other valueId is of the
// proxy kind.
// This type of node goes away during the transform phase, thus no need
// for methods used by generator, optimizer etc..
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma nowarn(1682) // warning elimination
class ValueIdProxy : public ItemExpr
//! ValueIdProxy::ValueIdProxy() constructor
ValueIdProxy(ValueId valId, ValueId outputId, Int32 outputNum,
NABoolean transformChild = FALSE) :
outputOrdinalNumber_(outputNum) {}
//! ValueIdProxy::~ValueIdProxy() destructor
virtual ~ValueIdProxy() {}
//! getArity() method
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf node)
virtual Int32 getArity() const { return 0 ; }
//! needToTransformChild() method
// This method is unique to this class. It is used to mark the "parent"
// or "source" of other valueIdProxies. For example, say we have a subquery
// that contains "a" and "b" in its select list. If this subquery gets
// expanded and replaces by the values in its select list, then the first
// valueIdProxy points to the subquery it self, it will have the
// transformChild flag set, and while representing the subquery from a
// transformation point of view, it only represents the output "a" from
// a results point of view. The subsequent ValueIdProxy produced for this
// subquery will contain the valueId for "b" as its output valueId, the
// subquery's valueId for the derivedFrom valueId, and will not have the
// transformChild flag set.
// By doing this we guarantee that the subquery will only be transformed
// once regardless of the order the valueIdProxies created from the subquery
// are transformed.
inline NABoolean needToTransformChild() const
{ return transformDerivedFromValueId_; }
//! isDerivedFrom() method
// This method is unique to this class. It returns the valueId of the "source"
// of the the ValueIdProxy. For now only a subquery or MVF.
inline ValueId isDerivedFrom() const { return derivedFrom_; }
//! getOutputId() method
// This method is unique to this class. It returns the valueId the
// ValueIdProxy actually will represent.
inline ValueId getOutputId() const { return outputValueId_; }
//! getOutputNum() method
// This method is unique to this class. It returns the ordinal number
// of the ValueIdProxy. This number corresponds to the position in the
// select list of a subquery or the output parameter number of a MVF.
inline Int32 getOutputNum() const { return outputOrdinalNumber_; }
//! generateCacheKey() method
// append an ascii-version of the derivedFrom_ node into cachewa.qryText_
virtual void generateCacheKey(CacheWA& cwa) const;
//! hasNoLiterals() method
// return true if ItemExpr & its descendants have no constants
// and no noncacheable nodes
virtual NABoolean hasNoLiterals(CacheWA& cwa);
//! isSafelyCoercible() method
// is any literal in this expr safely coercible to its target type?
virtual NABoolean isSafelyCoercible(CacheWA& cwa) const;
//! normalizeForCache() method
// change literals of a cacheable query into ConstantParameters
virtual ItemExpr* normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cwa,
BindWA& bindWA);
//! isCovered() method
// See ItemExpr.h
virtual NABoolean isCovered(const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
const GroupAttributes& newRelExprAnchorGA,
ValueIdSet& referencedInputs,
ValueIdSet& coveredSubExpr,
ValueIdSet& unCoveredExpr) const;
//! synthesizeType() method
// returns the type of the outputValueId.
virtual const NAType *synthesizeType();
//! pushDownType() method
// Propogate type information down the node we are Proxy for. This method
// is called by coerceType(). It will attempt to coerce (a recursive call)
// the type of the node we are Proxy for to the desired type.
const NAType *pushDownType(NAType &desiredType,
enum NABuiltInTypeEnum defaultQualifier);
//! getType() method
// returns the type of the outputValueId.
virtual const NAType &getType() const { return outputValueId_.getType(); }
//! topHash() method
// See ItemExpr.h
virtual HashValue topHash();
//! transformNode method
// See ItemExpr.h
virtual void transformNode (NormWA & normWARef,
ExprValueId & locationOfPointerToMe,
ExprGroupId & introduceSemiJoinHere,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs);
//! duplicateMatch() method
// See ItemExpr.h
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr &other) const;
//! copyTopNode() method
// See ItemExpr.h
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
//! getText() method
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
//! containsUDF() method
// return an ItemExpr pointer to the derived node if it contains a UDF
virtual ItemExpr *containsUDF();
//! containsIsolatedUDFunction() method
// return TRUE if the derived node contains an Isolated UDF
virtual NABoolean containsIsolatedUDFunction();
//! containsSubquery() method
// return TRUE if the derived node contains an Subquery
virtual NABoolean containsSubquery();
//! containsValueIdProxySibling() method
// This method is unique to this class.
// return TRUE if the derivedFrom_ is the same in any of the
// ValueIdProxies in the siblings set.
virtual NABoolean containsValueIdProxySibling( const ValueIdSet &siblings);
//! setTransformChild() method
// This method is unique to this class.
// sets the transformChild_ class member to value given. Used to indicate
// that this particular ValueIdProxy should transform the derivedFrom
// valueId, when set to TRUE.
void setTransformChild(NABoolean transform)
{ transformDerivedFromValueId_ = transform; }
// Not used, not implemented:
ValueIdProxy(ValueIdProxy &other);
ValueIdProxy &operator=(ValueIdProxy &other);
//! a flag to indicate if we need to transform the derivedFrom valueId.
NABoolean transformDerivedFromValueId_;
//! the ValueId from which this reference is derived
ValueId derivedFrom_;
//! the ValueId of the output if we know it...
ValueId outputValueId_;
//! the ordinal number of the output, ie. first, second ..
Int32 outputOrdinalNumber_;
}; // class ValueIdProxy
#pragma warn(1682) // warning elimination
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A ValueIdUnion is used whenever two or more data streams are
// combined to form a single one. It is used for an SQL union and
// (maybe) when data streams from partitioned sources are combined.
// For the SQL union, the input from its two sources are described
// by a list of ValueIdUnion item expressions. One ValueIdUnion
// is allocated per output expression/field.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ValueIdUnion : public ItemExpr
ValueIdUnion(ValueId lvid,
ValueId rvid,
ValueId resid,
Int32 flags = Union::UNION_NONE)
ValueIdUnion(ValueIdList vids, ValueId resid, Int32 flags = Union::UNION_NONE)
virtual ~ValueIdUnion() {}
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf node)
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// get and set the ValueIds of the underlying sources that are
// in corresponding positions
ValueId getLeftSource()
CMPASSERT(entries() == 2);
return sources_[0];
ValueId getRightSource() {
CMPASSERT(entries() == 2);
return sources_[1];
ValueId getSource(Lng32 index) const { return sources_[index]; }
void changeSource(Lng32 index, ValueId newvid) { sources_[index]= newvid; }
const ValueIdList getSources() const { return sources_; }
CollIndex entries() const { return sources_.entries();}
// The result contains the ValueId for the value that the union
// produces as its result.
ValueId getResult()
if (result_ == NULL_VALUE_ID)
return getValueId();
return result_;
// void setLeftSource(ValueId v) { leftSource_ = v; }
// void setRightSource(ValueId v) { rightSource_ = v; }
void setSource(Lng32 index, ValueId v);
void setResult(ValueId v) { result_ = v; }
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
// ValueIdUnion::pushDownType() -----------------------------------
// Propogate type information down the ItemExpr tree. This method
// is called by coerceType(). It will attempt to coerce (a recursive call)
// the type of each member of the ValueIdUnion to the desired type.
// This only has an affect when none of the members of the ValueIdUnion
// could be typed bottom up.
const NAType *pushDownType(NAType &desiredType,
enum NABuiltInTypeEnum defaultQualifier);
virtual ItemExpr * tryToDoImplicitCasting(BindWA *bindWA);
virtual NABoolean isCovered(const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
const GroupAttributes& newRelExprAnchorGA,
ValueIdSet& referencedInputs,
ValueIdSet& coveredSubExpr,
ValueIdSet& unCoveredExpr) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Walk through an ItemExpr tree and gather the ValueIds of those
// expressions that behave as if they are "leaves" for the sake of
// the coverage test, e.g., expressions that have no children, or
// aggregate functions, or instantiate null. These are usually values
// that are produced in one "scope" and referenced above that "scope"
// in the dataflow tree for the query.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void getLeafValuesForCoverTest(ValueIdSet & leafValues,
const GroupAttributes& coveringGA,
const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs) const;
// Vanilla implementation for normalizing a ValueIdUnion
virtual ItemExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// A special variant for normalizing each child of this node
// individually.
ItemExpr * normalizeSpecificChild(NormWA & normWARef, Lng32 childIndex);
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr &other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// A method for replacing VEGReference and VEGPredicate objects
// with another expression that belongs to the VEG as well as to the
// set of availableValues.
virtual ItemExpr * replaceVEGExpressions
(const ValueIdSet& availableValues,
const ValueIdSet& inputValues,
NABoolean useBridgeValues = TRUE,
VEGRewritePairs * lookup = NULL,
NABoolean replicateExpression = FALSE,
const ValueIdSet * joinInputAndPotentialOutput = NULL,
const IndexDesc * iDesc = NULL,
const GroupAttributes * left_ga = NULL,
const GroupAttributes * right_ga = NULL);
// method to do code generation
virtual short codeGen(Generator*);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
const NAString getText(UnparseFormatEnum form) const;
// Only the parent Union expr (if the parent IS a Union, that is)
// should call setUnionFlags!
void setUnionFlags(Int32 f) { flags_ = f; }
Int32 getUnionFlags() { return flags_; }
NABoolean isTrueUnion()
{ return (otherFlags_ & IS_TRUE_UNION) != 0; }
void setIsTrueUnion(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? otherFlags_ |= IS_TRUE_UNION : otherFlags_ &= ~IS_TRUE_UNION); };
IS_TRUE_UNION = 0x0001
// ValueIds of sources that are in corresponding positions
ValueIdList sources_;
ValueId result_;
Int32 flags_; // enum Union::UnionFlags value copied from parent Union
Int32 otherFlags_;
}; // class ValueIdUnion
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEG : A ValueId Equality Group
// An equality group is a set of ValueIds that have an equality
// relationship imposed on them. The expressions that are members
// of this set therefore produce identical values.
// The latter property permits a given ValueId belonging
// to an equality group to be replaced by any other ValueId from
// the same equality group.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class VEG : public ItemExpr
VEG(const ValueIdSet & vegSet);
virtual ~VEG();
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf node)
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
void insert(const ValueId & newValue);
void insert(const ValueIdSet & newValues);
void merge(const VEG& other);
// A record of the normalized state. Set by the normalizer.
void setNormalized() { done_ = TRUE; }
NABoolean isNormalized() { return done_; }
// Store and retrieve the ValueId of the common VEGReference
// that should be used for referencing any member of this
// VEG.
void setVEGReference(VEGReference * vegrefPtr) { vegRef_ = vegrefPtr; }
VEGReference * getVEGReference() const { return vegRef_; }
// Store and retrieve the ValueId of the comman VEGPredicate
// that replaces each "=" predicate subsumed by this VEG.
void setVEGPredicate(VEGPredicate * vegpredPtr) { vegPred_ = vegpredPtr; }
VEGPredicate * getVEGPredicate() const { return vegPred_; }
Lng32 getCountOfUserSuppliedInputs() const { return userInputs_; }
// return a constant, hostvar or parameter that is part of this VEG
ValueId getAConstantHostVarOrParameter() const;
// return a constant that is part of this VEG
ValueId getAConstant(NABoolean includeCacheParam = FALSE) const;
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr &other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
const ValueIdSet & getAllValues() const { return eqGroup_; }
ValueIdSet & getAllValuesToUpdate() { return eqGroup_; }
// getAllValues may not expand VegRefs which are inside
// a VEG, this does:
void getAndExpandAllValues(ValueIdSet& expandedValues) const;
// Method used for keeping track of referenced values.
const ValueIdSet & getReferencedValues() const
{ return referencedValues_; }
void markAsReferenced(const ValueId & vid);
// Method for saving and accessing the last value for which a predicate
// was generated.
void setBridgeValue(const ValueId & bridgeValueId);
const ValueIdSet & getBridgeValues() const { return bridgeValues_; }
void removeBridgeValues(const ValueIdSet & vidSet) { bridgeValues_ -= vidSet; }
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
// Used to store whether the VEG has already been seen before while walking
// an expression tree. Set when VEG is first seen on the way down the tree.
// Reset on the way up. This is used to prevent walking into an infinite
// recursive with nested VEG containing self-references. These functions
// need to be declare "const", since they are called from other functions
// which are declare "const". However, we are actually cheating here since
// we change a member in the class, although the member being changed is not
// a very important element for the class.
NABoolean seenBefore() const { return seenBefore_; }
void markAsSeenBefore() const { ((VEG *)this)->seenBefore_ = TRUE; }
void markAsNotSeenBefore() const { ((VEG *)this)->seenBefore_ = FALSE; }
void setSpecialNulls(NABoolean flag) {specialNulls_ = flag; }
NABoolean getSpecialNulls() const { return specialNulls_; }
// Set to TRUE after the transitive closure is computed.
NABoolean done_;
// The set of all transitively related values.
ValueIdSet eqGroup_;
// The VEGReference that is allocated for this VEG.
VEGReference* vegRef_;
// The VEGPredicate that is allocated for this VEG.
VEGPredicate* vegPred_;
// -- The following data is used by the predicate pushdown logic
// A count of user supplied inputs that are members of this VEG.
NABoolean userInputs_;
// Used to store whether the VEG has already been seen before while walking
// an expression tree. Set when VEG is first seen on the way down the tree.
// Reset on the way up. This is used to prevent walking into an infinite
// recursive with nested VEG containing self-references.
NABoolean seenBefore_;
// -- The following data is used by the generator.
// The set of all values that have been referenced in some
// "=" predicate that was built from this VEG at least once.
ValueIdSet referencedValues_;
// The set of values that must be "bridged" because they link two
// islands of "=" predicates. When a VEGPredicate is replaced by
// rewriting it in terms of the values that are available at a given
// relational operator, the code generator tries to use at least one
// value that belongs to the following set.
ValueIdSet bridgeValues_;
// The flag if set, indicates that 'nulls are values'.
// That means that nulls are equal to other nulls
NABoolean specialNulls_;
}; // class VEG
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// VEGPredicate : An equality predicate
// A VEG predicate is an expression that is of the boolean
// datatype. It is used for replacing a predicate factor that is
// rooted in a binary relational operator, whose children belong
// to the same ValueId Equality Group (VEG).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class VEGPredicate : public ItemExpr
VEGPredicate(const ValueId & ofVEG);
VEGPredicate(const VEGPredicate&);
virtual ~VEGPredicate();
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf node)
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// An indicator whether this item expression is a predicate.
virtual NABoolean isAPredicate() const;
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
void replaceVEG(const ValueId & ofVEG); // used when VEGs are merged
VEG * getVEG() const { return ((VEG *)(veg_.getItemExpr())); }
VEG * getVEGToUpdate() { return ((VEG *)(veg_.getItemExpr())); }
// ++MV - Irena
NABoolean getSpecialNulls() const { return specialNulls_; }
void setSpecialNulls(NABoolean flag) { specialNulls_ = flag; }
// --MV - Irena
ValueIdSet & getPredsWithSelectivities() { return predsWithSelectivities_; };
virtual NABoolean isCovered(const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
const GroupAttributes& newRelExprAnchorGA,
ValueIdSet& referencedInputs,
ValueIdSet& coveredSubExpr,
ValueIdSet& unCoveredExpr) const;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Walk through an ItemExpr tree and gather the ValueIds of those
// expressions that behave as if they are "leaves" for the sake of
// the coverage test, e.g., expressions that have no children, or
// aggregate functions, or instantiate null. These are usually values
// that are produced in one "scope" and referenced above that "scope"
// in the dataflow tree for the query.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void getLeafValuesForCoverTest(ValueIdSet & leafValues,
const GroupAttributes& coveringGA,
const ValueIdSet & newExternalInputs) const;
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// query tree to a canonical form. The parameter setOfPredExpr is
// supplied only when predicates are normalized.
virtual ItemExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// default selectivity for VEGPredicates
virtual double defaultSel() ;
virtual NABoolean applyDefaultPred(ColStatDescList & histograms,
OperatorTypeEnum exprOpCode,
ValueId predValueId,
NABoolean & globalPredicate,
CostScalar *maxSelectivity=NULL);
// the VEG predicates are supported by the statistics synthesis functions
virtual NABoolean synthSupportedOp() const;
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr &other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// A method for replacing VEGReference and VEGPredicate objects
// with another expression that belongs to the VEG as well as to the
// set of availableValues.
virtual ItemExpr * replaceVEGExpressions
(const ValueIdSet& availableValues,
const ValueIdSet& inputValues,
NABoolean useBridgeValues = TRUE,
VEGRewritePairs * lookup = NULL,
NABoolean replicateExpression = FALSE,
const ValueIdSet * joinInputAndPotentialOutput = NULL,
const IndexDesc *iDesc = NULL,
const GroupAttributes * left_ga = NULL,
const GroupAttributes * right_ga = NULL);
// Methods used by the code generator for replacing a reference
// to a VEGPredicate with an equality predicate that relates
// any two members of the VEG, which also belong to availableValues.
ItemExpr *replaceVEGPredicate(const ValueIdSet& availableValues,
const ValueIdSet& inputValues,
VEGRewritePairs* lookup,
const ValueIdSet * joinInputAndPotentialOutput = NULL);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
virtual void unparse(NAString &result,
PhaseEnum phase = OPTIMIZER_PHASE,
UnparseFormatEnum form = USER_FORMAT,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
// MDAM related methods
// Performs the MDAM tree walk. See ItemExpr.h for a detailed description.
DisjunctArray * mdamTreeWalk();
// Method used by the code generator for replacing a reference
// to a VEGPredicate with an equality predicate that relates
// any two members of the VEG, which also belong to availableValues.
ItemExpr* replaceVEGPredicate(const ValueIdSet& availableValues,
const ValueIdSet& inputValues);
// Method used by the code generator for replacing a reference
// to a VEGPredicate with a tree of equality predicate that
// span all the members of the VEG.
ItemExpr* replaceVEGPredicateInAnOrSubtree
(const ValueIdSet& availableValues,
const ValueIdSet& inputValues);
// A ValueId Equality Group (VEG) that is represented by this predicate
ValueId veg_;
// ++MV - Irena
// The flag is set according to the same flag of BiRelat, which
// the VEGPredicate is generated from.
// The flag if set, indicates that 'nulls are values'.
// That means that nulls are equal to other nulls, and they
// sort higher than other values.
// For the rest of details, see <ItemLog.h>
NABoolean specialNulls_;
// --MV - Irena
// The following data member is needed by Selectivity Hints
// feature to assign correct user-specified selectivity after
// predicates have been transformed into VEG predicates.
ValueIdSet predsWithSelectivities_;
}; // class VEGPredicate
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A VEGReference is a special wild card generated by the SQL normalizer.
// It is a reference to a ValueId Equality Group (VEG). Any member
// of the VEG that it references can be used for replacing the
// VEGReference, as long as the value is available at a given point of
// reference.
// Its datatype is computed as the minimum of the values that belong
// to the VEG it references.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma nowarn(1682) // warning elimination
class VEGReference : public ItemExpr
VEGReference(const ValueId & vegId);
virtual ~VEGReference();
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
NABoolean referencesVegRefValue(ValueId& ofVegRef);
void replaceVEG(const ValueId& ofVEG); // used when VEGs are merged
VEG * getVEG() const { return ((VEG *)(veg_.getItemExpr())); }
VEG * getVEGToUpdate() { return ((VEG *)(veg_.getItemExpr())); }
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
virtual NABoolean isCovered(const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
const GroupAttributes& newRelExprAnchorGA,
ValueIdSet& referencedInputs,
ValueIdSet& coveredSubExpr,
ValueIdSet& unCoveredExpr) const;
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// query tree to a canonical form. The parameter setOfPredExpr is
// supplied only when predicates are normalized.
virtual ItemExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
virtual OrderComparison sameOrder(ItemExpr *other,
NABoolean askOther = TRUE);
virtual HashValue topHash();
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr & other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// A method for replacing VEGReference and VEGPredicate objects
// with another expression that belongs to the VEG as well as to the
// set of availableValues.
virtual ItemExpr * replaceVEGExpressions
(const ValueIdSet& availableValues,
const ValueIdSet& inputValues,
NABoolean useBridgeValues = TRUE,
VEGRewritePairs * lookup = NULL,
NABoolean replicateExpression = FALSE,
const ValueIdSet * joinInputAndPotentialOutput = NULL,
const IndexDesc *iDesc = NULL,
const GroupAttributes * left_ga = NULL,
const GroupAttributes * right_ga = NULL);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
virtual void unparse(NAString &result,
PhaseEnum phase = OPTIMIZER_PHASE,
UnparseFormatEnum form = USER_FORMAT,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
virtual QR::ExprElement getQRExprElem() const;
virtual NABoolean calculateMinMaxUecs(ColStatDescList & histograms,
CostScalar & minUec,
CostScalar & maxUec);
// Methods used by the code generator for replacing a reference
// to a VEG with a reference to one of its members, which also
// belongs to availableValues.
ItemExpr * replaceVEGReference(const ValueIdSet& availableValues,
const ValueIdSet& inputValues,
NABoolean useBridgeValues = TRUE,
const IndexDesc *iDesc = NULL);
// A ValueId Equality Group (VEG) that is represented by this VEGReference
ValueId veg_;
}; // class VEGReference
//This RangeSpecRef class is an wrapper for RangeSpec object and also holds a <key> <op> <valueset> relationship
// which needs to be used for traversal and selectivity estimation/generating MDAM Pred for different BiRelational as well.
class RangeSpecRef : public ItemExpr
RangeSpecRef(OperatorTypeEnum otype,
OptNormRangeSpec* range,
ItemExpr *colValueId /* column Value Id OR an ItemExpression e.g. a+1 */,
ItemExpr *reConsIExpr /* Reconstructed or Rearranged Item Expression
after combination of disjoint BiRel at different depth of the tree */
virtual ~RangeSpecRef();
/* Kind of BiRelational: column <in> { Value Id Set } */
/* That's why it is 2 */
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual void unparse(NAString &result,
PhaseEnum phase = OPTIMIZER_PHASE,
UnparseFormatEnum form = USER_FORMAT,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
virtual ItemExpr* removeRangeSpecItems(NormWA* normWA = NULL);
// method to do code generation
// short codeGen(Generator*);
// method to generate Mdam predicates for executor.
// we need to implement this
short mdamPredGen(Generator * generator,
MdamPred ** head,
MdamPred ** tail,
MdamCodeGenHelper & mdamHelper,
ItemExpr * parent);
inline OptNormRangeSpec* getRangeObject() const
return range_;
/* This method in turn calls convertToValueIdSet() */
void getValueIdSetForReconsItemExpr(ValueIdSet &outvs);
/* This method depends upon the right child pointer */
const NAString getText() const;
/* Tree walk is need'ed since it will be called from MaterializeDisjunct()
and traverse through the tree, however there will be fewer disjunct(s) for MDAM,
so it is a shallow tree after the conversion.
/ \
/ \
/ and
RangeSpecRef(a) / \
) / \
/ \
RangeSpecRef(b) Or // Bushy here
/ \
/ \
RangeSpecRef(c) RangeSpecRef(a)
This is the tree after the conversion, and we need to walk thru this. */
DisjunctArray * mdamTreeWalk();
// method to do code generation
short codeGen(Generator*);
OptNormRangeSpec* range_;
ItemExpr* revertBackToOldTree( CollHeap *heap, ItemExpr* newTree);
void revertBackToOldTreeUsingValueIdSet( ValueIdSet& inputSet /* IN */, ValueIdSet& outputSet /* OUT */) ;
static void doNotReplaceAnItemExpression( ItemExpr* inputTree, ValueIdSet& inputSet,ItemExpr* parent=0)
ValueIdSet pvalId,storeSet;
ValueIdSet predId;
NABoolean predDerivOfLike = FALSE;
OperatorTypeEnum op = inputTree->getOperatorType();
if ( (op == ITM_GREATER_EQ) OR
(op == ITM_LESS) OR
(op == ITM_LESS_EQ))
BiRelat *br = (BiRelat *) inputTree;
predDerivOfLike = br->derivativeOfLike();
if (predDerivOfLike)
predId += inputTree->getValueId();
pvalId += parent->getValueId();
inputSet -= predId;
storeSet += inputSet;
if (!storeSet.entries())
inputSet += pvalId;
} // if(2)
} // if(3)
else if(op == ITM_AND )
for (long i=0; i < (long)(inputTree->getArity()); i++)
// Represents the equality predicates that were derived from the transformation
// of a single LIKE predicate.
class LikePredDetails
// Instantiate with the value id of the original like predicate. This vid
// will be used to identify references to the same LIKE.
LikePredDetails(ValueId likeVid)
: likeVid_(likeVid),
exprs_() // () inits to all NULLs
ValueId getVid() const
return likeVid_;
// Add an ItemExpr for an equality predicate derived from this LIKE. There
// should be only 2, for instance >= and < for a LIKE pred with a regexp
// like 'abc%'. I'm not sure how <= and > occur, but they are included in
// code for LIKE predicates elsewhere.
// If this instance already has an expression of the passed type, it is
// overwritten with the new one. This is a common case, as duplicates are
// often generated. They will be removed by this action.
void addExpr(ItemExpr* expr)
switch (expr->getOperatorType())
exprs_[0] = expr;
exprs_[1] = expr;
case ITM_LESS:
exprs_[2] = expr;
exprs_[3] = expr;
// Build and return a left-linear AND backbone of the LIKE's inequality
// expressions.
ItemExpr* reconstructLikeExpr() const
ItemExpr* left;
ItemExpr* retVal = NULL;
for (Int16 i=0; i<4; i++)
if (exprs_[i])
if (!retVal)
retVal = exprs_[i];
left = retVal;
retVal = new(STMTHEAP) BiLogic(ITM_AND, left, exprs_[i]);
return retVal;
ValueId likeVid_;
ItemExpr* exprs_[4];
// Restores like predicate (range predicate) handling for cardinality estimate fix.
static void doNotReplaceAnItemExpressionForLikePredicates(ItemExpr* inputTree,
ValueIdSet& inputSet,
ItemExpr* parent=NULL)
NAList<LikePredDetails*> likeList(STMTHEAP);
ValueIdSet vidsToRemove;
// For each inequality expression in inputSet, see if it is derived from the
// transformation of a LIKE predicate; if so, create a LikePredDetails object
// for that LIKE pred instance (unless we already have one) and add the
// inequality to it. This will effectively remove any duplicates, as only one
// of each inequality type is maintained in LikePredDetails. The value id of
// the inequality predicate is added to a list that will be removed from inputSet
// after the loop, and a new predicate for each LikePredDetails will be added.
for (ValueId vid = inputSet.init();; inputSet.advance(vid))
ItemExpr* ie = vid.getItemExpr();
OperatorTypeEnum op = ie->getOperatorType();
if (op == ITM_GREATER_EQ ||
op == ITM_GREATER ||
op == ITM_LESS ||
op == ITM_LESS_EQ)
ValueId likeVid = (static_cast<BiRelat*>(ie))->originalLikeExprId();
if (likeVid != NULL_VALUE_ID)
LikePredDetails* lpd = NULL;
for (CollIndex i=0; i<likeList.entries() && !lpd; i++)
if (likeList[i]->getVid() == likeVid)
lpd = likeList[i];
if (!lpd)
lpd = new(STMTHEAP) LikePredDetails(likeVid);
// Save the vids to remove and do it after loop so as not to disrupt iteration.
vidsToRemove += vid;
// Remove the vids for the inequality preds that were derived from a LIKE pred,
// and generate/add an AND bilogic pred for each LIKE.
inputSet -= vidsToRemove;
for (CollIndex i=0; i<likeList.entries(); i++)
ItemExpr* likeExpr = likeList[i]->reconstructLikeExpr();
inputSet += likeExpr->getValueId();
// removes non key columns from selectionpredicates to form disjuncts.
static void usePartofSelectionPredicatesFromTheItemExpressionTree(ValueIdSet& inputSet,
ValueIdSet KeyColumnSet
// This method is protected by comp_bool_144 for separate testing
if (CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_144) == DF_ON ){
ValueIdSet result;
for (ValueId predId = inputSet.init();;
inputSet.advance(predId) )
OperatorTypeEnum op = predId.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType();
predId.getItemExpr()->child(1)->findAll(ITM_INDEXCOLUMN, result, TRUE, TRUE);
predId.getItemExpr()->findAll(ITM_INDEXCOLUMN, result, TRUE, TRUE);
inputSet -= predId;
#pragma warn(1682) // warning elimination
#endif /* ITEMOTHER_H */