blob: 9e5240f986a51c7dd8006d203ae8f309db4bc665 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef ITEMLOG_H
#define ITEMLOG_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ItemLog.h
* Description: Logical (boolean) item expressions (AND, OR, =, >, ...)
* Created: 11/04/94
* Language: C++
#include "QRExprElement.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BiLogic;
class UnLogic;
class BiRelat;
// Global func for Normalizer, should be an ItemExpr:: member but I'm too lazy!
ItemExpr * UnLogicMayBeAnEliminableTruthTest(ItemExpr *item,
NABoolean aggsAreEliminable=FALSE);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward declarations
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Generator;
class MdamCodeGenHelper;
class MdamPred;
class NormWA;
class IntegerList;
class CostScalar;
class ColStatDesc;
template <class T> class SharedPtr;
typedef SharedPtr<ColStatDesc> ColStatDescSharedPtr;
class ColStatDescList;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// binary logic operators (ITM_AND, ITM_OR)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BiLogic : public ItemExpr
BiLogic(OperatorTypeEnum otype,
ItemExpr *child0 = NULL,
ItemExpr *child1 = NULL)
: ItemExpr(otype,child0,child1)
, createdFromINlist_(FALSE)
numLeaves_ = 0;
// virtual destructor
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
virtual ~BiLogic() {}
// we want BiLogic to be cacheable
virtual NABoolean isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa);
// selectively change literals of cacheable query into constant parameters
virtual ItemExpr* normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cwa, BindWA& bindWA);
// if BiLogic ever gets its own data member(s), we must make its data
// member(s) contribute to its cache key via our own generateCacheKey here
// get the degree of this node (it is a binary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// An indicator whether this item expression is a predicate.
virtual NABoolean isAPredicate() const;
// return true iff we're an expansion of a LIKE predicate
virtual NABoolean isLike() const;
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// scalar expressions to a canonical form
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprValueId & locationOfPointerToMe,
ExprGroupId & introduceSemiJoinHere,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs);
// A method for inverting (finding the inverse of) the operators
// in a subtree that is rooted in a NOT.
virtual ItemExpr * transformSubtreeOfNot(NormWA & normWARef,
OperatorTypeEnum falseOrNot);
// A virtual method for transforming this predicate
// if its descendant is a multi-value predicate.
// Returns NULL if no transformation was necessary.
virtual ItemExpr * transformMultiValuePredicate(
NABoolean flattenSubqueries = TRUE,
ChildCondition condBiRelat = ANY_CHILD);
// determines whether the predicate is capable of discarding
// null augmented rows produced by a left join.
virtual NABoolean predicateEliminatesNullAugmentedRows(NormWA &, ValueIdSet &);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// query tree to a canonical form. The parameter setOfPredExpr is
// supplied only when predicates are normalized.
virtual ItemExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// A transformation method for protecting sequence functions from not
// being evaluated due to short-circuit evaluation.
virtual void protectiveSequenceFunctionTransformation(Generator *generator);
virtual NABoolean isCovered(const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
const GroupAttributes& newRelExprAnchorGA,
ValueIdSet& referencedInputs,
ValueIdSet& coveredSubExpr,
ValueIdSet& unCoveredExpr) const;
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr &other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
void setCreatedFromINlist(NABoolean v){createdFromINlist_ = v;}
NABoolean createdFromINlist() { return createdFromINlist_;}
ItemExpr* getINlhs();
// virtual method to fixup tree for code generation.
virtual ItemExpr * preCodeGen(Generator *);
// method to do code generation
short codeGen(Generator*);
// method to generate Mdam predicates
short mdamPredGen(Generator * generator,
MdamPred ** head,
MdamPred ** tail,
MdamCodeGenHelper & mdamHelper,
ItemExpr * parent);
// method to generate MDAM_BETWEEN predicate
virtual void mdamPredGenSubrange(Generator* generator,
MdamPred** head,
MdamPred** tail,
MdamCodeGenHelper& mdamHelper);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
virtual NABoolean isOrderPreserving() const;
// This operator is supported by the synthesis functions.
virtual NABoolean synthSupportedOp() const;
virtual NABoolean applyDefaultPred(ColStatDescList & histograms,
OperatorTypeEnum exprOpCode,
ValueId predValueId,
NABoolean & globalPredicate,
CostScalar *maxSelectivity=NULL);
// MDAM related methods
// Performs the MDAM tree walk. See ItemExpr.h for a detailed description.
DisjunctArray * mdamTreeWalk();
inline Int32 getNumLeaves () const { return numLeaves_; }
void setNumLeaves(Int32 num) {numLeaves_ = num; }
virtual QR::ExprElement getQRExprElem() const;
virtual NABoolean hasEquivalentProperties(ItemExpr * other) { return TRUE;}
Int32 numLeaves_;
NABoolean createdFromINlist_;
}; // class BiLogic
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// unary logic operators (NOT, IS_TRUE, ...)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class UnLogic : public ItemExpr
UnLogic(OperatorTypeEnum otype, ItemExpr *child0 = NULL)
: ItemExpr(otype,child0)
// virtual destructor
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
virtual ~UnLogic() {}
// get the degree of this node (it is a unary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr *bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
// we want UnLogic to be cacheable. we do this by inheriting and
// not overriding ItemExpr::isCacheableExpr.
// do NOT parameterize literals of UnLogic ItemExpr if we
// can NOT guarantee the correctness of such parameterization
virtual ItemExpr* normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cwa, BindWA& bindWA)
{ return this; }
// if UnLogic ever gets its own data member(s), we must make its data
// member(s) contribute to its cache key via our own generateCacheKey here
// An indicator whether this item expression is a predicate.
virtual NABoolean isAPredicate() const;
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// scalar expressions to a canonical form
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprValueId & locationOfPointerToMe,
ExprGroupId & introduceSemiJoinHere,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs);
// Note: Only the UnLogic operator needs transformNode2 so not made virtual.
void transformNode2(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprValueId & locationOfPointerToMe,
ExprGroupId & introduceSemiJoinHere,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// query tree to a canonical form.
virtual ItemExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// A method for inverting (finding the inverse of) the operators
// in a subtree that is rooted in a NOT.
virtual ItemExpr * transformSubtreeOfNot(NormWA & normWARef,
OperatorTypeEnum falseOrNot);
// A virtual method for transforming this predicate
// if its descendant is a multi-value predicate.
// Returns NULL if no transformation was necessary.
virtual ItemExpr * transformMultiValuePredicate(
NABoolean flattenSubqueries = TRUE,
ChildCondition condBiRelat = ANY_CHILD);
// determines whether the predicate is capable of discarding
// null augmented rows produced by a left join.
virtual NABoolean predicateEliminatesNullAugmentedRows(NormWA &, ValueIdSet &);
// scalar expressions to a canonical form
void transformIsNull(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprValueId & locationOfPointerToMe,
ExprGroupId & introduceSemiJoinHere,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs);
// method to do code generation
short codeGen(Generator*);
// method to generate Mdam predicates
short mdamPredGen(Generator * generator,
MdamPred ** head,
MdamPred ** tail,
MdamCodeGenHelper & mdamHelper,
ItemExpr * parent);
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr &other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
// Performs the MDAM tree walk. See ItemExpr.h for a detailed description.
DisjunctArray * mdamTreeWalk();
// default selectivity for unary relational predicates
virtual double defaultSel();
virtual NABoolean applyDefaultPred(ColStatDescList & histograms,
OperatorTypeEnum exprOpCode,
ValueId predValueId,
NABoolean & globalPredicate,
CostScalar *maxSelectivity=NULL);
// Is this operator supported by the synthesis functions?
virtual NABoolean synthSupportedOp() const;
virtual QR::ExprElement getQRExprElem() const;
virtual NABoolean hasEquivalentProperties(ItemExpr * other) { return TRUE;}
}; // class UnLogic
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// binary "relational" operators (=, <, >=, ...)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BiRelat : public ItemExpr
BiRelat(OperatorTypeEnum otype,
ItemExpr *child0 = NULL,
ItemExpr *child1 = NULL,
NABoolean specialNulls = FALSE,
NABoolean isaPartKeyPred = FALSE)
: ItemExpr(otype,child0,child1),
outerNullFilteringDetected_ (FALSE),
innerNullFilteringDetected_ (FALSE),
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (NULL != getenv("FORCE_SPECIAL_NULLS")) {
specialNulls_ = TRUE;
// virtual destructor
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
virtual ~BiRelat() {}
// we want BiRelat to be cacheable
virtual NABoolean isCacheableExpr(CacheWA& cwa);
// selectively change literals of a cacheable query into input parameters
virtual ItemExpr* normalizeForCache(CacheWA& cachewa, BindWA& bindWA);
// append an ascii-version of ItemExpr into cachewa.qryText_
virtual void generateCacheKey(CacheWA& cachewa) const;
// get the degree of this node (it is a binary op).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
// a virtual function for performing name binding within the query tree
virtual ItemExpr *bindNode(BindWA *bindWA);
virtual void synthTypeAndValueId(NABoolean redriveTypeSynthesisFlag = FALSE, NABoolean redriveChildTypeSynthesis = FALSE);
// a virtual function for relaxing char type match rules
ItemExpr* tryToRelaxCharTypeMatchRules(BindWA *bindWA);
virtual NABoolean isRelaxCharTypeMatchRulesPossible() {return TRUE;};
// An indicator whether this item expression is a predicate.
virtual NABoolean isAPredicate() const;
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// scalar expressions to a canonical form
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprValueId & locationOfPointerToMe,
ExprGroupId & introduceSemiJoinHere,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs);
// A method for inverting (finding the inverse of) the operators
// in a subtree that is rooted in a NOT.
virtual ItemExpr * transformSubtreeOfNot(NormWA & normWARef,
OperatorTypeEnum falseOrNot);
// Get the comparison operator for performing the comparison in reverse
OperatorTypeEnum getReverseOperatorType() const;
void *unused_NONvirtual_method_1(); //## placeholder: reuse w/ any signature
void *unused_NONvirtual_method_2(); //## placeholder: reuse w/ any signature
// A virtual method for transforming (a,b) <op> (c,d) for any <op>,
// but only if both (or just one of) children are ItemList.
// Returns NULL if no transformation was necessary.
virtual ItemExpr * transformMultiValuePredicate(
NABoolean flattenSubqueries = TRUE,
ChildCondition tfmIf = ANY_CHILD);
// determines whether the predicate is capable of discarding
// null augmented rows produced by a left join.
virtual NABoolean predicateEliminatesNullAugmentedRows(NormWA &, ValueIdSet &);
// Each operator supports a (virtual) method for transforming its
// query tree to a canonical form. The parameter setOfPredExpr is
// supplied only when predicates are normalized.
virtual ItemExpr * normalizeNode(NormWA & normWARef);
// a virtual function for type propagating the node
virtual const NAType * synthesizeType();
// method to do code generation
ItemExpr * preCodeGen(Generator*);
short codeGen(Generator*);
// method to generate Mdam predicates
short mdamPredGen(Generator * generator,
MdamPred ** head,
MdamPred ** tail,
MdamCodeGenHelper & mdamHelper,
ItemExpr * parent);
// method to get information on a BiRelat that is one of the operands of an
// AND that represents an interval (MDAM_BETWEEN).
void getMdamPredDetails(Generator* generator,
MdamCodeGenHelper& mdamHelper,
enum MdamPred::MdamPredType& predType,
ex_expr** vexpr);
virtual NABoolean duplicateMatch(const ItemExpr &other) const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
NABoolean getSpecialNulls() const
return specialNulls_;
void setSpecialNulls(NABoolean flag)
specialNulls_ = flag;
NABoolean & specialMultiValuePredicateTransformation()
{ return specialMultiValuePredicateTransformation_; }
void setSpecialMultiValuePredicateTransformation(NABoolean flag)
{specialMultiValuePredicateTransformation_ = flag;}
NABoolean isaPartKeyPred() const { return isaPartKeyPred_; }
void setIsaPartKeyPred(NABoolean flag) {isaPartKeyPred_ = flag; }
ValueId originalLikeExprId() const { return originalLikeExprId_; }
void setOriginalLikeExprId(ValueId originalLikeExprId)
{originalLikeExprId_ = originalLikeExprId; }
NABoolean derivativeOfLike();
void adjustRowcountAndUecForLike(const ColStatDescSharedPtr &colStats,
CostScalar rowcountBeforePreds,
CostScalar totalUecBeforePreds,
CostScalar baseUecBeforePreds);
virtual NABoolean applyDefaultPred(ColStatDescList & histograms,
OperatorTypeEnum exprOpCode,
ValueId predValueId,
NABoolean & globalPredicate,
CostScalar *maxSelectivity=NULL);
enum {
FOR_LIKE = 0x0001
// Helper methods for applyDefaultPred() method
NABoolean isSimpleComplexPredInvolved();
void applyEquiJoinExpr(ColStatDescSharedPtr & leftStatDesc,
ColStatDescSharedPtr & rightStatDesc,
ColStatDescList & histograms);
void applyLocalPredExpr(ColStatDescSharedPtr & leftStatDesc,
ColStatDescSharedPtr & rightStatDesc,
OperatorTypeEnum exprOpCode,
ValueIdSet leftLeafValues,
ValueIdSet rightLeafValues,
CostScalar *maxSelectivity=NULL);
void applyRangePredExpr(ColStatDescSharedPtr & leftStatDesc,
ValueIdSet leftLeafValues,
ValueIdSet rightLeafValues);
// default selectivity for birelational predicates
virtual double defaultSel();
// Is this operator supported by the synthesis functions?
virtual NABoolean synthSupportedOp() const;
const IntegerList *getDirectionVector() const { return directionVector_;}
void setDirectionVector(IntegerList *v) { directionVector_ = v; }
void setLikeSelectivity (double sel) { likeSelectivity_ = sel; }
double getLikeSelectivity() const { return likeSelectivity_ ; }
// MCRP Code - Begin
// Is this range predicate derived from a MCRP,
// i.e. MultiColumn Range Predicate. A MCRP e.g. (a,b) > (1,2)
// is transformed into (a >= 1) and (a, b) > (1,2). The transformation is
// performed because the single subset scan optimizer does recognize MCRPs.
// Therefore a single column range predicate is add (in this case a >= 1
// was added) to help specify a single subset scan begin key.
// This will return TRUE for the added predicate i.e. a >= 1.
NABoolean isDerivedFromMCRP() { return derivedFromMCRP_;}
// Mark this predicate as derived from a MCRP, this is set in method
// static ItemExpr * transformMultiValueComparison().
// transfromMultiValueComparison, transforms an MCRP and adds the extra
// predicate mentioned above.
void setDerivedFromMCRP() { derivedFromMCRP_ = TRUE; }
void setListOfComparisons(ItemExprList * comparisonList)
{ listOfComparisonExprs_ = comparisonList;}
ItemExprList * getListOfComparisons() { return listOfComparisonExprs_;}
void getListOfComparisonIds(ValueIdList & listOfComparisonIds)
{ listOfComparisonIds = listOfComparisonExprIds_; }
void getLeftMCRPChildList(ValueIdList & leftMCRPChildList);
void getRightMCRPChildList(ValueIdList & rightMCRPChildList);
void setPreferForSubsetScanKey(NABoolean preference = TRUE)
{ preferForSubsetScanKey_ = preference; }
NABoolean isPreferredForSubsetScanKey()
{ return preferForSubsetScanKey_;}
// converts listOfComparisonExprs_ to listOfComparisonExprIds_
// this is called after the comparisons have be bound, therefore
// each comparison should have a ValueId
void translateListOfComparisonsIntoValueIds();
//MCRP Code - End
void setCreatedFromINlist(NABoolean v){createdFromINlist_ = v;}
NABoolean createdFromINlist() { return createdFromINlist_;}
void setCollationEncodeComp(NABoolean v) {collationEncodeComp_= v;}
NABoolean getCollationEncodeComp() { return collationEncodeComp_;}
virtual NABoolean hasEquivalentProperties(ItemExpr * other) { return TRUE;}
Int16 &rollupColumnNum() { return rollupColumnNum_; }
//Not In optimization methods
// indicate that this birelat is a transformation of a NotIn.
NABoolean getIsNotInPredTransform() const
return isNotInPredTransform_;
void setIsNotInPredTransform(NABoolean v)
// indicate whether Null filtering was detected when the predicates
// were pulled up.
NABoolean getOuterNullFilteringDetected() const
return outerNullFilteringDetected_;
void setOuterNullFilteringDetected(NABoolean v)
outerNullFilteringDetected_ = v;
NABoolean getInnerNullFilteringDetected() const
return innerNullFilteringDetected_;
void setInnerNullFilteringDetected(NABoolean v)
innerNullFilteringDetected_ = v;
// Not in optimization --end
// relax < to <=, > to >=, or return ori
OperatorTypeEnum getRelaxedComparisonOpType() const;
// get and set for flags_. See enum Flags.
NABoolean addedForLikePred() { return (flags_ & FOR_LIKE) != 0; }
void setAddedForLikePred(NABoolean v)
{ (v ? flags_ |= FOR_LIKE : flags_ &= ~FOR_LIKE); }
// helper to change literals of a cacheable query into input parameters
void parameterizeMe(CacheWA& cachewa, BindWA& bindWA, ExprValueId& child,
BaseColumn *base, ConstValue *val);
// MDAM related methods:
// Performs the MDAM tree walk. See ItemExpr.h for a detailed description.
DisjunctArray * mdamTreeWalk();
// if we are allowing certain incompatible comparisons handle them.
// currently the following incompatible comparisons are supported:
// 1. Numeric and Character
// 2. Date and Character literal
// This returns a pointer to itself if everything goes fine
// otherwise it returns NULL
BiRelat * handleIncompatibleComparison(BindWA *bindWA);
// The flag, if set, indicates that 'nulls are values'.
// That means that nulls are equal to other nulls, and they
// sort higher than other values. Used for groupby, order
// by, hashing, or any other operation where nulls are NOT
// to be ignored.
// MVs:
// The flag is used in specific equi-join predicates
// Irena
NABoolean specialNulls_;
// See QuantifiedComp::getBlackBoxExpr
NABoolean specialMultiValuePredicateTransformation_;
// -- MVs
// The direction vector is used for comparing lists of index columns
// that were created with different orders, for example (A ASC, B DESC).
IntegerList *directionVector_;
// Predicate is a partitioning key predicate
NABoolean isaPartKeyPred_;
// If this Range expression is derived from 'Like' expression, then
// the following attribute contains the ValueId of the parent Like
// expression. If it is a regular logical expression, then it contains
// NULL_VALUE_ID. It will be set with the ValueId when the BiRelat
// constructor is called from Like::applyBeginEndKeys
ValueId originalLikeExprId_;
// This contains the portion of the default selectivity for the like
// predicate, that should be applied to this predicate. In the
// constructor for this expression, we would set it to -1. It would be
// set by the computed value in the Like::applyBeginEndKeys method
// where we set the originalLikeExprId_ with the ValueId of the original
// expression, in case the original expression is a Like predicate.
double likeSelectivity_;
// MCRP Code - Begin
// Flag indicating that this comparison is derived from a MCRP
// For MCRPs (MultiColumnRangePredicates), i.e predicates of the form
// (a, b, c) > (1, 2, 3), we add a predicate and transform the predicate
// to (a >= 1) and ((a, b, c) > (1, 2, 3)). This flag will be set for the
// added comparison predicate '>=' i.e. (a >= 1).
// If this flag is set then the datamembers below should also be set.
// If this flag is not set then the datamembers below should not be set
NABoolean derivedFromMCRP_;
// list of item expressions representing comparisons on each item of a MCRP
ItemExprList * listOfComparisonExprs_;
// This is derived from listOfComparisonExprs_
// This is the list of ValueIds corresponding to each comparison
// in the listOfComparisonExprs_
ValueIdList listOfComparisonExprIds_;
// This is the list of ValueIds for the left Children of the MCRP
// Given MCRP (a, b, c) > (1, 2, 3), this list will contain ValueIds
// of (a, b, c). The list will likely contain the ValueId for the VEG
// representing each of a, b, c. Since this is populated on demand,
// therefore whenever the leftMCRPChildList_ is request for the first time
// if the VEGs have formed, then the ValueIds will represent VEGs
ValueIdList leftMCRPChildList_;
// Similar to the list above, except for the right children of the
// MCRP. Therefore for MCRP (a, b, c) > (1, 2, 3) this will be
// list of ValueIds representing (1, 2, 3).
ValueIdList rightMCRPChildList_;
// flag to indicate if this predicate should be preferred for defining
// subset scan begin/end keys
NABoolean preferForSubsetScanKey_;
// MCRP Code - End
NABoolean createdFromINlist_;
virtual QR::ExprElement getQRExprElem() const;
NABoolean collationEncodeComp_;
// flag to indicate that this birelat is a transformation of a NotIn.
NABoolean isNotInPredTransform_;
// flags to indicate whether Null filtering was detected when the predicates
// were pulled up.
NABoolean outerNullFilteringDetected_;
NABoolean innerNullFilteringDetected_;
// Used for groupby rollup.
// Set in generator during groupby comparison expression generation.
// It indicates the position of grouping column that caused the group
// change during groupby computation.
// Used to return the rollup groups.
Int16 rollupColumnNum_;
UInt32 flags_;
}; // class BiRelat
class KeyRangeCompare : public BiRelat
KeyRangeCompare(const CorrName &objectName,
OperatorTypeEnum otype,
ItemExpr *child0,
ItemExpr *child1)
: BiRelat(otype,
TRUE /* specialNulls */,
FALSE /* isaPartKeyPred */
// virtual destructor
virtual ~KeyRangeCompare() {}
// Does semantic checks and binds the function.
virtual ItemExpr * bindNode(BindWA * bindWA);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
const CorrName & getObjectName() const { return objectName_; }
CorrName & getObjectName() { return objectName_; }
void setObjectName(const CorrName& corrName) {objectName_ = corrName;}
NABoolean verifyPartitioningKeys(BindWA *bindWA,
ItemExpr *tree,
const NAColumnArray &partKeyCols,
CollHeap* heap);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------//
// the user-specified name of the table or an index or any other
// SQL/MX object.
// -------------------------------------------------------------- //
CorrName objectName_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// a query like "select * from T1 where a NOT IN (select b from T2);"
// is transformed into an Anti semi join with a join predicate of
// NotIn(a,b)
// NotIn (a,b) -- a and b can be either item expressions in the case
// of single column NOT IN or itemlists in the case on multi-column
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class NotIn : public BiRelat
NotIn( ItemExpr *child0 = NULL,
ItemExpr *child1 = NULL)
: BiRelat(ITM_NOT_IN,
// virtual destructor
virtual ~NotIn() {}
virtual void transformNode(NormWA & normWARef,
ExprValueId & locationOfPointerToMe,
ExprGroupId & introduceSemiJoinHere,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs);
static ValueIdSet rewriteMultiColNotInPredicate( ValueId ninValId,
ValueIdSet joinPred,
ValueIdSet selPred);
virtual const NAString getText() const
return "NotIn";
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
ItemExpr * preCodeGen(Generator*);
ValueId createEquivEquiPredicate() const;
ValueId createEquivNonEquiPredicate() const;
void cacheEquivEquiPredicate();
void cacheEquivNonEquiPredicate();
ValueId getEquivEquiPredicate() const
return equivEquiPredicate_;
void setEquivEquiPredicate(ValueId v)
DCMPASSERT ( child(0)->getOperatorType() != ITM_ITEM_LIST &&
child(1)->getOperatorType() != ITM_ITEM_LIST );
equivEquiPredicate_ = v;
ValueId getEquivNonEquiPredicate() const
return equivNonEquiPredicate_;
void setEquivNonEquiPredicate(ValueId v)
DCMPASSERT ( child(0)->getOperatorType() != ITM_ITEM_LIST);
equivNonEquiPredicate_ = v;
void cacheIsOneInnerBroadcastRequired();
NABoolean getIsOneInnerBroadcastRequired()
if (isOneInnerBroadcastRequired_ == NotIn::NOT_SET)
if (isOneInnerBroadcastRequired_ == NotIn::REQUIRED)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
enum enumRequireOneBroadcast
NOT_SET = 0,
// cache for the equi and non equi-predicate for single col NOT IN
// used during optimization phase
ValueId equivEquiPredicate_;
ValueId equivNonEquiPredicate_;
// this field serves as a cache to store a value indicating whether
// broadcast of one row is required and reuse it instead of computing
// it multiple times
enumRequireOneBroadcast isOneInnerBroadcastRequired_;
};//class NotIn
#endif /* ITEMLOG_H */