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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ItemConstr.h
* Description: Item expressions dealing with table constraints. These item
* expressions are mainly used in the constraints_ field of
* group attributes.
* Created: 12/20/94
* Language: C++
#include "ItemExpr.h"
#include "ObjectNames.h"
// forward references
class BindWA;
class NAColumn;
class UpdateColumns;
// contents of this file
class Constraint;
class OptConstraint;
class CheckConstraint;
class CardConstraint;
class UniqueOptConstraint;
class FuncDependencyConstraint;
class UniqueConstraint;
class RefConstraint;
class AbstractRIConstraint;
class ComplementaryRIConstraint;
class CheckConstraintList;
class RefConstraintList;
class AbstractRIConstraintList;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parent class for all Ansi constraints (all of which have Ansi names, natch).
// Derived from ItemExpr solely because subclass CheckConstraint needs it and
// a) I couldn't get this multiple inheritance working:
// class Constraint : public NABasicObject ...
// class CheckConstraint : public ItemExpr, public Constraint ...
// b) I have no time to split CheckConstraint in two, a la Unique[Opt]Constraint
// class Constraint : public NABasicObject ...
// class CheckConstraint : public Constraint ...
// class CheckOptConstraint : public ItemExpr ...
// CheckOptConstraint(const CheckConstraint &CheckConstraint) ...
// Thus we're wasting a little space in all the other Ansi constraints; too bad.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Constraint : public ItemExpr
Constraint(OperatorTypeEnum itmType, const QualifiedName &cName, CollHeap * h=0)
: ItemExpr(itmType),
constraintName_(cName, h),
// copy ctor
Constraint (const Constraint & cons, CollHeap * h=0)
: ItemExpr(cons.getOperatorType(), cons.child(0), cons.child(1)),
constraintName_(cons.constraintName_, h),
colSignature_(cons.colSignature_, h)
const QualifiedName &getConstraintName() const { return constraintName_; }
typedef SET(Lng32) ColSignature; // unordered set of column positions
//##should be SUBARRAY(long)? NABitVector?
//##SUBARRAY(NAColumn *), with the array being NATable's NAColumnArray?
//##cf AbstractRIConstraint::constraintOverlapsUpdateCols for required methods
//##perhaps should be a separate class (reusable) with its own new methods?
typedef ARRAY(NAColumn *) KeyColumns; // ordered array of columns
static void makeColSignature(const ValueIdSet &assigns, ColSignature &outsig);
static void makeColSignature(const KeyColumns &columns, ColSignature &outsig);
const ColSignature &colSignature() const { return colSignature_; }
QualifiedName constraintName_;
// A fast way to know all the BaseColumn ItemExpr's referenced "interestingly"
// by this ItemExpr
// (see MarkAsReferencedColumn method elsewhere in the Binder).
// These are *bound* columns.
ValueIdSet referencedCols_;
// Used in RI to choose only pertinent constraints when possible
// (ignoring irrelevant ones makes execution of the ins/upd/del faster).
// These are *unbound* columns.
// ## To be used on CHECK constraints too at some future point, not just
// ## the simpler RI case...
ColSignature colSignature_;
}; // Constraint
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Optimizer constraint
// This is the counterpart to the ANSI constraint that is defined through
// DDL operations. An optimizer constraint is synthesized from other
// constraints and information in a RelExpr tree.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class OptConstraint : public ItemExpr
OptConstraint(OperatorTypeEnum itmType) : ItemExpr(itmType) {}
virtual ~OptConstraint() {}
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
virtual Int32 getArity() const = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check constraint
// Unbound instances (text only, no ValueIds/none of ItemExpr used)
// are attached to the appropriate NATable (which, as a generic description
// of a table by name, cannot have ValueIds on it).
// Bound instances are attached to TableDescs only (one TD per table reference
// in the query, ok).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CheckConstraint : public Constraint
// Constructor for table check constraint
CheckConstraint(const QualifiedName &cName, const NAString &text, CollHeap * h=0)
: Constraint(ITM_CHECK_CONSTRAINT, cName, h), // check constraint name
constraintText_(text, h),
// Constructor for view with check option
CheckConstraint(const QualifiedName &vName,
const QualifiedName &cascadingView,
CollHeap * h=0)
: Constraint(ITM_CHECK_CONSTRAINT, vName, h), // view name
cascadingView_(cascadingView, h), // topmost WCO view
// copy ctor
CheckConstraint (const CheckConstraint & chek, CollHeap * h=0)
: Constraint (chek, h),
constraintText_(chek.constraintText_, h),
cascadingView_(chek.cascadingView_, h),
virtual ~CheckConstraint() {}
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
void unparse(NAString &result,PhaseEnum phase,UnparseFormatEnum form,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
const NAString getText() const;
const NAString &getConstraintText() const { return constraintText_; }
NABoolean isViewWithCheckOption() const { return isViewWithCheckOption_; }
void setViewWithCheckOption(NABoolean t) { isViewWithCheckOption_ = t; } // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
const QualifiedName &getCascadingViewName() const { return cascadingView_; }
NABoolean isTheCascadingView() const { return isViewWithCheckOption_ &&
getConstraintName() ==
} // i.e. "isTopmostWCOview()"
NAString constraintText_;
// This flag discriminates between the run-time errors
// 'integrity constraint violation' and 'with check option violation'.
NABoolean isViewWithCheckOption_;
// Name of the topmost view in the view creation stack which was defined
// with ''with check option'. May or may not be the same as vName.
// See the BindWA::bindView() caller.
QualifiedName cascadingView_;
}; // CheckConstraint
class CheckConstraintList : public LIST(CheckConstraint *)
CheckConstraintList(CollHeap* h/*=0*/) : LIST(CheckConstraint *)(h) {}
// copy ctor
CheckConstraintList(const CheckConstraintList & cclist, CollHeap *h) :
LIST(CheckConstraint *)(cclist, h) {}
virtual ~CheckConstraintList() {}
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lower/upper bound on the cardinality of a relational expression
// A construct internal to the optimizer, not an external ANSI notion,
// so no need to subclass this one from class Constraint
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CardConstraint : public OptConstraint
CardConstraint(Cardinality lowerBound = 0,
Cardinality upperBound = INFINITE_CARDINALITY)
upperBound_(upperBound) {}
virtual ~CardConstraint() {}
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// accessor functions
Cardinality getLowerBound() const { return lowerBound_; }
Cardinality getUpperBound() const { return upperBound_; }
void setLowerBound(Cardinality v) { lowerBound_ = v; }
void setUpperBound(Cardinality v) { upperBound_ = v; }
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
void unparse(NAString &result,PhaseEnum phase,UnparseFormatEnum form,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
Cardinality lowerBound_;
Cardinality upperBound_;
}; // CardConstraint
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Uniqueness of a combination of columns/expressions in a table:
// a) from OptLogRelExpr.C (internal, like CardConstraint).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class UniqueOptConstraint : public OptConstraint
// ctor for unique constraints discovered by the optimizer
UniqueOptConstraint(const ValueIdSet &uniqueCols)
: OptConstraint(ITM_UNIQUE_OPT_CONSTRAINT), uniqueCols_(uniqueCols) {}
// convert the other kind of u.c. into this internal kind
//##useful extra info for Optimizer at some future point...
UniqueOptConstraint(const UniqueConstraint &uniqueConstraint);
virtual ~UniqueOptConstraint() {}
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// accessor functions
ValueIdSet &uniqueCols() { return uniqueCols_; }
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
void unparse(NAString &result,PhaseEnum phase,UnparseFormatEnum form,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
ValueIdSet uniqueCols_;
}; // UniqueOptConstraint
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functional dependency of a set of columns from another set of columns.
// For a definition of functional dependencies see
// or section 4.18 of the SQL99 "Foundation".
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class FuncDependencyConstraint : public OptConstraint
// ctor for unique constraints discovered by the optimizer
FuncDependencyConstraint(const ValueIdSet &determiningCols,
const ValueIdSet &dependentCols)
dependentCols_(dependentCols) {}
virtual ~FuncDependencyConstraint() {}
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// accessor functions
const ValueIdSet & getDeterminingCols() const { return determiningCols_; }
const ValueIdSet & getDependentCols() const { return dependentCols_; }
// create functional dependencies for a group from one of its child
// RelExprs (adds new functional dependency constraints to ga of parent)
static void synthFunctionalDependenciesFromChild(
GroupAttributes &ga,
const RelExpr *child,
NABoolean createNewDependencies);
// reduce a set of columns such that it contains no entries that are
// functionally dependent on the other elements of the set
void minimizeUniqueCols(ValueIdSet &uniqueCols);
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
void unparse(NAString &result,PhaseEnum phase,UnparseFormatEnum form,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
ValueIdSet determiningCols_;
ValueIdSet dependentCols_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal check constraint, e.g. a predicate used in synthesizing
// physical properties like a sort order. These may be needed to validate
// that a given sort order does indeed satisfy a requirement.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CheckOptConstraint : public OptConstraint
// ctor for unique constraints discovered by the optimizer
CheckOptConstraint(const ValueIdSet &checkPreds)
: OptConstraint(ITM_CHECK_OPT_CONSTRAINT), checkPreds_(checkPreds) {}
// convert the other kind of u.c. into this internal kind
//##useful extra info for Optimizer at some future point...
virtual ~CheckOptConstraint();
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = 0);
// accessor functions
const ValueIdSet &getCheckPreds() { return checkPreds_; }
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
const NAString getText() const;
void unparse(NAString &result,PhaseEnum phase,UnparseFormatEnum form,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
ValueIdSet checkPreds_;
}; // CheckOptConstraint
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Auxiliary classes and definitions used by the
// referential integrity constraints, UniqueConstraint and RefConstraint.
// Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and
// knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.
// -- Samuel Johnson, _Rasselas_
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class AbstractRIConstraint : public Constraint
AbstractRIConstraint(OperatorTypeEnum itmType,
const QualifiedName &cName,
const QualifiedName &tName,
CollHeap* heap)
: Constraint(itmType, cName, heap), defTableName_(&tName), keyColumns_(heap) {}
// copy ctor
AbstractRIConstraint (const AbstractRIConstraint & aric, CollHeap * h=0) :
Constraint(aric, h),
keyColumns_(aric.keyColumns_, h)
virtual ~AbstractRIConstraint();
virtual Int32 getRefConstraints(BindWA *bindWA,
const ColSignature &updateCols,
RefConstraintList &resultList) = 0;
virtual void resetAfterStatement() = 0;
const QualifiedName &getDefiningTableName() const { return *defTableName_; }
void setKeyColumns(const struct TrafConstrntsDesc*, CollHeap*);
const KeyColumns &keyColumns() const { return keyColumns_; }
AbstractRIConstraint *findConstraint(BindWA *bindWA,
const ComplementaryRIConstraint &riInfo)
NABoolean constraintOverlapsUpdateCols(BindWA *bindWA,
const ColSignature &updateCols) const;
// Pointer to name of the table which defined this constraint
// (pointer to within an NATable)
const QualifiedName *defTableName_;
KeyColumns keyColumns_;
}; // AbstractRIConstraint
#pragma nowarn(1026) // warning elimination
class ComplementaryRIConstraint : public NABasicObject
// This class represents the complementing half of an RI constraint --
// the UC referenced by an FK, or one (of perhaps many) FK referencing a UC
ComplementaryRIConstraint(const QualifiedName &cName,
const QualifiedName &tName,
CollHeap * h=0)
: constraintName_(cName, h), tableName_(tName, h), keyColumns_(NULL) {}
// copy ctor
ComplementaryRIConstraint (const ComplementaryRIConstraint & cric, CollHeap * h=0)
: constraintName_(cric.constraintName_, h),
tableName_(cric.tableName_, h),
// needed by Collections template for reasons not now apparent:
ComplementaryRIConstraint (CollHeap * h=0) :
constraintName_("",h), tableName_("",h), keyColumns_(NULL) {}
NABoolean operator==(const ComplementaryRIConstraint& c)
{ return constraintName_ == c.constraintName_; }
// This method resets any pointers to the 'other table''s data after
// each statement. For example: the KeyColumns_ points to the keyColumns_
// from the NATable of the 'other table'. This pointer may not be valid
// if the NATable cache of the 'other table' is refreshed.
void resetAfterStatement();
// Let the data be freely available to the RI classes using this helper class
// A subset of fields as in AbstractRIConstraint, but *tweaked* a lil differnt
// Conceptually, this is the same, just less baggage/overhead hopefully.
// keyColumns_ is used by RefConstraint but not needed by UniqueConstraint
const Constraint::KeyColumns *keyColumns() const { return keyColumns_; }
QualifiedName constraintName_; // same as Constraint
QualifiedName tableName_; // cf. AbstractRIConstraint's pointer
const Constraint::KeyColumns *keyColumns_; // cf. AbstractRIConstraint's
const QualifiedName &getConstraintName() const { return constraintName_; }
const QualifiedName &getTableName() const { return tableName_; }
}; // ComplementaryRIConstraint
#pragma warn(1026) // warning elimination
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Uniqueness of a combination of columns in a table:
// b) from DDL (including PRIMARY KEY, a type of UNIQUE constraint).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class UniqueConstraint : public AbstractRIConstraint
friend class RefConstraint; //RefConstraint::getRefConstraints();
UniqueConstraint(const QualifiedName &cName,
const QualifiedName &tName,
CollHeap* heap,
NABoolean PK = FALSE)
: AbstractRIConstraint(ITM_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT, cName, tName, heap),
isPrimaryKey_(PK) {}
// copy ctor
UniqueConstraint (const UniqueConstraint & unic, CollHeap * h=0)
: AbstractRIConstraint (unic, h),
refConstraintsReferencingMe_(unic.refConstraintsReferencingMe_, h),
virtual ~UniqueConstraint();
virtual void resetAfterStatement();
virtual Int32 getRefConstraints(BindWA *bindWA,
const ColSignature &updateCols,
RefConstraintList &resultList);
void setRefConstraintsReferencingMe(const struct TrafConstrntsDesc*,
CollHeap*, BindWA*);
NABoolean hasRefConstraintsReferencingMe()
{ return NOT refConstraintsReferencingMe_.isEmpty() ; };
const NABoolean isPrimaryKeyConstraint() { return isPrimaryKey_; }
Lng32 getNumRefConstraintsReferencingMe()
return refConstraintsReferencingMe_.entries();
const ComplementaryRIConstraint *getRefConstraintReferencingMe(Lng32 i)
if ((hasRefConstraintsReferencingMe()) &&
((i >= 0) && i <= refConstraintsReferencingMe_.entries()))
return refConstraintsReferencingMe_[i];
return NULL;
// List of pointers to ComplementaryRIConstraint.
LIST(ComplementaryRIConstraint*) refConstraintsReferencingMe_; // zero or more
NABoolean isPrimaryKey_;
}; // UniqueConstraint
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Referential constraint: One table references another.
// The first table's DDL defines a constraint saying
// FOREIGN KEY (mycol1,..,mycoln) REFERENCES othertable (othercolx,..)
// where the other table's list of columns is actually a set previously defined
// as a UNIQUE constraint on the other table.
// The first table is known variously as the
// child, detail, referencing, FK/foreign key table
// while the second is the
// parent, master, referenced, PK/primary key, or UC/unique constraint table.
// The whole scheme with the ComplementaryRIConstraint's array of columns
// "parallel" to the defining constraint's columns assumes that constraint info
// is is stored in CatMan (or at least by the ReadTableDef/NATable) in the
// manner described for this example:
// U0 keycols [1.V 2.W 3.X]
// R1 keycols [1.I 2.H 3.G] i.e. positions relative to the unique key,
// i.e. *not* [1.G 2.H 3.I]!
// (These positions may be zero-based; I don't know; this is illustrative only.)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class RefConstraint : public AbstractRIConstraint
friend class UniqueConstraint; //UniqueConstraint::getRefConstraints();
RefConstraint(const QualifiedName &cName, const QualifiedName &tName,
const QualifiedName &cRefd, const QualifiedName &tRefd,
CollHeap* heap)
: AbstractRIConstraint(ITM_REF_CONSTRAINT, cName, tName, heap),
uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_(cRefd, tRefd, heap),
matchPartial_(FALSE), isEnforced_(TRUE)
{ otherTableName_ = &uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.tableName_; }
// copy ctor
RefConstraint (const RefConstraint & refc, CollHeap * h=0)
: AbstractRIConstraint (refc, h),
uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_(refc.uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_, h),
virtual ~RefConstraint();
virtual void resetAfterStatement()
virtual Int32 getRefConstraints(BindWA *bindWA,
const ColSignature &updateCols,
RefConstraintList &resultList);
inline NABoolean selfRef() const;
inline NABoolean isaForeignKeyinTableBeingUpdated() const;
inline NABoolean referencesTableBeingUpdated() const;
//warning elimination (removed "inline")
const QualifiedName &getOtherTableName() const
return *otherTableName_;
inline void getMyKeyColumns(LIST(Lng32)& colPositions) const;
void getOtherTableKeyColumns(BindWA *bindWA, LIST(Lng32)& colPositions) const;
void getMatchOptionPredicateText(NAString &text,
NAString *corrName) const;
void getPredicateText(NAString &text, NAString *corrName) const;
NABoolean isRINeededForUpdatedColumns(UpdateColumns *UpdatedColumns);
NABoolean getIsEnforced() const {return isEnforced_ ;} ;
void setIsEnforced(NABoolean val) {isEnforced_ = val ;} ;
const QualifiedName& getUniqueConstraintName() const
return uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.constraintName_;
const ComplementaryRIConstraint& getUniqueConstraintReferencedByMe() const
return uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_;
void getPredicateText(NAString &text,
const QualifiedName &tblName,
const KeyColumns &keyColumns,
NAString *corrName = NULL) const;
// The instigating table has a UniqueConstraint which this RefC is referencing;
// tell this RefC that its defining table is "the other" table
// relative to the table being ins/upd/del (the instigating table).
void setOtherTableName()
// Assertion to catch any impossible/weird persistence bug in SchemaDB/NATable
CMPASSERT(otherTableName_ == &getDefiningTableName() || otherTableName_ == &uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.tableName_ ||
otherTableName_ = &getDefiningTableName();
// Tell this RefC that the "the other" table is the table referenced by
// its defining table.
void resetOtherTableName()
// Assertion to catch any impossible/weird persistence bug in SchemaDB/NATable
CMPASSERT(otherTableName_ == &getDefiningTableName() || otherTableName_ == &uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.tableName_ ||
otherTableName_ = &uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.tableName_;
void KeyColumnsToPositionsList( LIST(Lng32)& colPositions,
const KeyColumns& keyColumns) const;
ComplementaryRIConstraint uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_; // exactly one
// Pointer to the "other" table relative to the table being ins/upd/del.
// Initially points to the referenced table but can be set the other way
// (see the inline setOtherTableName comments below)
const QualifiedName *otherTableName_;
NABoolean matchPartial_; //## set() this later
NABoolean isEnforced_;
}; // RefConstraint
class AbstractRIConstraintList : public LIST(AbstractRIConstraint *)
AbstractRIConstraintList(CollHeap* h/*=0*/) : LIST(AbstractRIConstraint *)(h) {}
// copy ctor
AbstractRIConstraintList (const AbstractRIConstraintList & arilist, CollHeap * h)
: LIST(AbstractRIConstraint *)(arilist, h) {}
virtual ~AbstractRIConstraintList() {}
Int32 getRefConstraints(BindWA *bindWA,
const ValueIdSet &assigns,
RefConstraintList &resultList) const;
void resetAfterStatement();
class RefConstraintList : public LIST(RefConstraint *)
RefConstraintList(CollHeap* h/*=0*/) : LIST(RefConstraint *)(h) {}
// copy ctor
RefConstraintList (const RefConstraintList & rclist, CollHeap * h)
: LIST(RefConstraint *)(rclist, h) {}
virtual ~RefConstraintList() {}
RefConstraintList *getNeededRIs(UpdateColumns *UpdatedColumns, CollHeap *heap);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Foreign Key side of a Referential constraint (optimizer version)
// the optimizer version uses Value Ids and has fewer data members than the
// class RefConstraint.
// This class is used to represent a Referential constraint used from
// Normalizer onwards.
// This object is constructed during Scan::synthLogProp() in the Normalizer
// As the parent nodes of the scan have their logical properties synthesized
// this constraint flows up until it is either (a) matched with its
// corresponding uniqueness constraint (in which case the matched flag is set)
// or (b) its foreign key(FK) characteristic is destroyed. The foreign key
// characteristic is said to be destroyed when the valueids that make up
// the FK are no longer part of the outputs of a node. This will happen
// when the FK columns are not part of char. outputs of a node. This means
// that either
// (1) there is no join on the FK columns up above
// (2) Nodes such as Union, transpose, outer join has altered the value
// of the FK columns
// If the FK characteristic is destroyed we simply stop flowing this constraint
// up the query tree.
// A match is made between the RefOptConstraint and the corresponding
// ComplementaryRefOptConstraint when
// (a) the name attribute in the two objects are identical
//and (b) each (ForeignKey col, UniqueKey col) pair is related by an equality
// join predicate
//and (c) there is no other join predicate between the referenced and refencing
// Since valueids are used to enforce conditions (b) and (c) above, if there
// are 2 intances of the same unique key table in a query, it is possible to
// match them separately in the same query.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class RefOptConstraint : public OptConstraint
// ctor for unique constraints discovered by the optimizer
RefOptConstraint(const ValueIdList &fkCols, const QualifiedName &ukCName,
CollHeap * h=NULL)
: OptConstraint(ITM_REF_OPT_CONSTRAINT), fkCols_(fkCols),
uniqueConstraintName_(ukCName, h), isMatched_(FALSE) {}
RefOptConstraint(const RefOptConstraint &riOptConstr)
virtual ~RefOptConstraint() {}
// get the degree of this node (it is a leaf).
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = NULL);
// accessor functions
ValueIdList &foreignKeyCols() { return fkCols_; }
const QualifiedName &uniqueConstraintName() const
{ return uniqueConstraintName_ ;}
// get a printable string that identifies the operator
virtual const NAString getText() const;
virtual void unparse(NAString &result,PhaseEnum phase,UnparseFormatEnum form,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
const NABoolean isMatched() const
{ return isMatched_ ;}
void setIsMatched(NABoolean val)
{ isMatched_ = val;}
ValueIdList fkCols_;
// Name of Unique Constraint that I (this Ref Constraint) points to.
// Used for matching purpose at the Join node that eventually
// sees the two sides of this Ref constraint together for the first
// time
QualifiedName uniqueConstraintName_;
NABoolean isMatched_;
}; // RefOptConstraint
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unique constraint (UC) side of a Referential Constraint (optimizer version)
// The optimizer version uses Value Ids and has fewer data members than
// UniqueConstraint or ComplimentaryRIConstraint.
// Unique constraint side of Referential constraint used from Normalizer onwards.
// This object is constructed during Scan::synthLogProp() in the Normalizer.
// As the parent nodes of the scan have their logical properties synthesized
// this constraint flows up until either
// (a) the rows produced by the scan are filtered by a predicate
// or otherwise reduced by a groupby
// or (b) the UC columns are not needed by parent nodes and are therefore not part
// of char. outputs. This means that there is no join on the UC columns up above
// or (c) the UC columns are altered by a node such as an Union or outer join such
// that the value ids of the UC cols are no longer outputs of this node
// In situations (a), (b) and (c) this constraint can no longer be matched
// with its corresponding RefOptConstraint and is not flowed up the query tree
// anymore.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ComplementaryRefOptConstraint : public OptConstraint
// Constructor
ComplementaryRefOptConstraint(const ValueIdList &ucCols,
const QualifiedName &cName,
RelExpr * tabPtr,
TableDesc * tabDesc,
CollHeap * h=NULL,
NABoolean isMatchedForElimination=FALSE)
constraintName_(cName,h), // uniqueness constraint name
// copy ctor
ComplementaryRefOptConstraint(const ComplementaryRefOptConstraint & constr,
CollHeap * h=0)
virtual ~ComplementaryRefOptConstraint() {}
virtual Int32 getArity() const;
virtual ItemExpr * copyTopNode(ItemExpr *derivedNode = NULL,
CollHeap* outHeap = NULL);
virtual void unparse(NAString &result,PhaseEnum phase,UnparseFormatEnum form,
TableDesc * tabId = NULL) const;
virtual const NAString getText() const;
// accessor functions
ValueIdList &uniqueKeyCols() { return ucCols_; }
const QualifiedName &constraintName() const
{ return constraintName_ ;}
const RelExpr *getReferencedTable() const
{ return tabPtr_ ;}
const TableDesc *getTableDesc() const
{ return tabDesc_ ;}
TableDesc *getTableDesc()
{ return tabDesc_ ;}
void setReferencedTable(RelExpr * ptr)
{ tabPtr_ = ptr;}
void setIsMatchedForElimination(NABoolean val)
{ isMatchedForElimination_ = val; }
NABoolean getIsMatchedForElimination()
{ return isMatchedForElimination_; }
ValueIdList ucCols_;
QualifiedName constraintName_;
RelExpr * tabPtr_;
TableDesc * tabDesc_;
NABoolean isMatchedForElimination_;
}; // ComplementaryRefOptConstraint
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inlines
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is defining (referencing) table the same as the referenced table?
inline NABoolean RefConstraint::selfRef() const
{ return getDefiningTableName() == uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.tableName_; }
// Tell whether setOtherTableName() was called
inline NABoolean RefConstraint::isaForeignKeyinTableBeingUpdated() const
{ return (otherTableName_ == &uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.tableName_) ;}
inline NABoolean RefConstraint::referencesTableBeingUpdated() const
{ return !isaForeignKeyinTableBeingUpdated(); }
inline void RefConstraint::getMyKeyColumns(LIST(Lng32)& colPositions) const
{ KeyColumnsToPositionsList(colPositions, keyColumns()); }
#endif /* ITEMCONSTR_H */