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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#ifndef INLINING_H
#define INLINING_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: Inlining.h
* Description: Definition of class InliningInfo.
* Created: 6/23/98
* Language: C++
* Status: $State: Exp $
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "ValueDesc.h"
#include "ItemFunc.h"
// forward reference
#include "CostScalar.h"
class Trigger;
class TriggerBindInfo;
class TableDesc;
class BindWA;
class NormWA;
class ForceCardinalityInfo;
// An InliningInfo object is contained in each and every RelExpr.
// flags_ is a bitmap of flags marking what is the node used for in the trigger
// inlining tree.
// triggerObject_ is a pointer to the Trigger object, from which information
// such as timestamp can be retrieved. Valid only for "TriggerRoot" nodes.
// This information is set up during binding by the methods in Inlining.cpp,
// and used by the trigger transformation code in OptTrigger.cpp and the
// Access sets code in AccessSets.cpp.
enum InliningInfoEnum {
// this TSJ's child(1) is a temp Insert.
II_DrivingTempInsert = 0x0000000000000001LL,
// this TSJ's child(1) is a tree of row triggers and RI.
II_DrivingPipelinedActions = 0x0000000000000002LL,
// this TSJ's child(1) is a tree of row triggers.
II_DrivingRowTrigger = 0x0000000000000004LL,
// this Ordered Union's child(1) is a tree of statement triggers.
II_DrivingStatementTrigger = 0x0000000000000008LL,
// this Ordered Union's child(1) is a temp Delete.
II_DrivingTempDelete = 0x0000000000000010LL,
// this Union has before triggers on child(0), after triggers on child(1).
II_DrivingBeforeTriggers = 0x0000000000000020LL,
// this Union's child(0) is an RI tree.
II_DrivingRI = 0x0000000000000040LL,
// this TSJ's child(1) is an IM tree.
II_DrivingIM = 0x0000000000000080LL,
// this Union is the IF node of a trigger root.
II_TriggerRoot = 0x0000000000000100LL,
// located on a DrivingTempDelete node, when before triggers are present.
II_BeforeTriggersExist = 0x0000000000000200LL,
// Access Sets should be saved in this node.
II_AccessSetNeeded = 0x0000000000000400LL,
// this Tuple node should be removed during transformation.
II_DummyStatement = 0x0000000000000800LL,
// this EffectiveGU has also row triggers, RI or IM to
// pipeline values to.
II_hasPipelinedActions = 0x0000000000001000LL,
// this GenericUpdate is the Effective GU of a before trigger.
// Do not do inlining again.
II_EffectiveGU = 0x0000000000002000LL,
// This RelRoot node is on top of the RI action.
II_ActionOfRI = 0x0000000000004000LL,
// avoid security checks
II_AvoidSecurityChecks = 0x0000000000008000LL,
// Does the outputs of this GU go to an MV log (CurrentEpoch required)?
II_isMVLoggingInlined = 0x0000000000010000LL,
// Marks the MV log insert TSJ for the push-to-DP2 transformation rule.
II_DrivingMvLogInsert = 0x0000000000020000LL,
// VSBB Insert drives MV range logging and also IM etc.
II_ProjectMidRangeRows = 0x0000000000040000LL,
// Need to project the OLD/NEW outputs from the GU node, for other purposes.
II_NeedGuOutputs = 0x0000000000080000LL,
// Don't apply join commutativity rule
II_JoinChildsOrder = 0x0000000000100000LL,
// Force MDAM on the table
II_MdamForcedByInlining = 0x0000000000200000LL,
// Force Single execution for TSJ
II_SingleExecutionForTSJ = 0x0000000000400000LL,
// Enable the use of First N Rows for Mvlog
II_EnableFirstNRows = 0x0000000000800000LL,
// Do not implement using the Materialize node
II_MaterializeNodeForbidden = 0x0000000001000000LL,
// this GU has IM
II_hasIM = 0x0000000002000000LL,
// this GU has some inlined actions(IM, RI, triggers, MV logging...)
II_hasInlinedActions = 0x0000000004000000LL,
// this GU has RI
II_hasRI = 0x0000000008000000LL,
// this GU has Triggers
II_hasTriggers = 0x0000000010000000LL,
// Force Single execution for TSJ driving row Triggers
II_SingleExecutionForTriggersTSJ = 0x0000000020000000LL,
// this update operator is part of an action of a row trigger
II_InActionOfRowTrigger = 0x0000000040000000LL,
// Is this RelRoot, Union, or Insert used in MV logging -- ONLY USED FOR PUSH DOWN
II_isUsedForMvLogging = 0x0000000080000000LL,
// Is this generic update a part of IM
II_isIMGU = 0x0000000100000000LL,
// is this Union a part of IM
II_isIMUnion = 0x0000000200000000LL,
class InliningInfo
// Default constructor
: flags_(0),
virtual ~InliningInfo();
// Accessors
inline NABoolean
isDrivingTempInsert() const { return forceBool(II_DrivingTempInsert); }
inline NABoolean
isDrivingPipelinedActions() const { return forceBool(II_DrivingPipelinedActions); }
inline NABoolean
isDrivingRowTrigger() const { return forceBool(II_DrivingRowTrigger); }
inline NABoolean
isDrivingStatementTrigger() const { return forceBool(II_DrivingStatementTrigger); }
inline NABoolean
isDrivingTempDelete() const { return forceBool(II_DrivingTempDelete); }
inline NABoolean
isDrivingBeforeTriggers() const { return forceBool(II_DrivingBeforeTriggers); }
inline NABoolean
isDrivingRI() const { return forceBool(II_DrivingRI); }
inline NABoolean
isDrivingIM() const { return forceBool(II_DrivingIM); }
inline NABoolean
isTriggerRoot() const { return forceBool(II_TriggerRoot); }
inline NABoolean
isBeforeTriggersExist() const { return forceBool(II_BeforeTriggersExist); }
inline NABoolean
isAccessSetNeeded() const { return forceBool(II_AccessSetNeeded); }
inline NABoolean
isDummy() const { return forceBool(II_DummyStatement); }
inline NABoolean
hasPipelinedActions() const { return forceBool(II_hasPipelinedActions); }
inline NABoolean
isEffectiveGU() const { return forceBool(II_EffectiveGU); }
inline NABoolean
isActionOfRI() const { return forceBool(II_ActionOfRI); }
inline NABoolean
isAvoidSecurityCheck() const { return forceBool(II_AvoidSecurityChecks); }
inline NABoolean
isMVLoggingInlined() const { return forceBool(II_isMVLoggingInlined); }
inline NABoolean
isDrivingMvLogInsert() const { return forceBool(II_DrivingMvLogInsert); }
inline NABoolean
isProjectMidRangeRows() const { return forceBool(II_ProjectMidRangeRows); }
inline NABoolean
isNeedGuOutputs() const { return forceBool(II_NeedGuOutputs); }
inline NABoolean
isJoinOrderForcedByInlining() const { return forceBool(II_JoinChildsOrder); }
inline NABoolean
isMdamForcedByInlining() const { return forceBool(II_MdamForcedByInlining); }
inline NABoolean
isSingleExecutionForTSJ() const { return forceBool(II_SingleExecutionForTSJ); }
inline NABoolean
isSingleExecutionForTriggersTSJ() const { return forceBool(II_SingleExecutionForTriggersTSJ); }
inline NABoolean
isInActionOfRowTrigger() const { return forceBool(II_InActionOfRowTrigger); }
inline NABoolean
isEnableFirstNRows() const { return forceBool(II_EnableFirstNRows); }
inline NABoolean
isMaterializeNodeForbidden() const { return forceBool(II_MaterializeNodeForbidden); }
inline NABoolean
hasIM() const { return forceBool(II_hasIM); }
inline NABoolean
hasRI() const { return forceBool(II_hasRI); }
inline NABoolean
hasTriggers() const { return forceBool(II_hasTriggers); }
inline NABoolean
hasInlinedActions() const { return forceBool(II_hasInlinedActions); }
inline NABoolean
isForceCardinality() const { return forceCardinalityInfo_ != NULL; }
inline NABoolean
isUsedForMvLogging() const { return forceBool(II_isUsedForMvLogging); }
inline NABoolean
isTopOfTriggerBackbone() const
return ( isDrivingBeforeTriggers() ||
(isDrivingTempDelete() && !isDrivingBeforeTriggers() ) );
inline NABoolean
isIMGU() const { return forceBool(II_isIMGU); }
inline NABoolean
isIMUnion() const { return forceBool(II_isIMUnion); }
inline NABoolean isSystemGenerated() const { return flags_ ? TRUE: FALSE; }
inline Trigger *getTriggerObject() const { return triggerObject_;}
inline TriggerBindInfo *getTriggerBindInfo() const { return triggerBindInfo_; }
// getNewCardinality() returns the value of cardinality * cardinalityFactor_ .
// The cardinality is taken from either cardinality_ or when cardinality_ is zero
// from oldCardinality parameter.
CostScalar getNewCardinality(CostScalar oldCardinality) const;
static const char *getExecIdVirtualColName() { return execIdVirtualColName_; }
static const char *getEpochVirtualColName() { return epochVirtualColName_; }
static const char *getMvLogTsColName() { return mvLogTsColName_; }
// only used for range logging which is a not supported feature
static const char *getRowTypeVirtualColName() { return rowtypeVirtualColName_; }
static const char *getRowCountVirtualColName() { return rowcountVirtualColName_; }
// Mutators
inline void setFlags(Int64 flags) {flags_ |= flags;}
inline void resetFlags(Int64 flags) {flags_ &= ~flags;}
inline void setTriggerObject(Trigger *trigger) {triggerObject_ = trigger;}
void merge(InliningInfo *other);
void BuildForceCardinalityInfo(double cardinalityFactor,
Cardinality cardinality,
CollHeap *heap);
void buildTriggerBindInfo(BindWA *bindWA,
RETDesc *RETDesc,
CollHeap *heap);
// This method forces the result to FALSE or TRUE
// instead of zero and non-zero.
inline NABoolean forceBool(InliningInfoEnum bitToTest) const
{ return (flags_ & bitToTest) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
Int64 flags_;
Trigger *triggerObject_;
// Used for forcing operators' cardinality
ForceCardinalityInfo *forceCardinalityInfo_;
// These "global" column names are used for inlining.
static const char execIdVirtualColName_[];
static const char epochVirtualColName_[];
static const char mvLogTsColName_[];
static const char rowtypeVirtualColName_[];
static const char rowcountVirtualColName_[];
// Binding time information needed in the trigger's transformation
TriggerBindInfo *triggerBindInfo_;
class ForceCardinalityInfo : public NABasicObject
// default Ctor
// copy Ctor
ForceCardinalityInfo(const ForceCardinalityInfo &other);
virtual ~ForceCardinalityInfo() {}; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
// This value is used to force the cardinality.
// It will be set to 0 when it should be ignored
Cardinality cardinality_;
// This value is used as a multiplier of the cardinality
// It will be set to 1 when it should be ignored
double cardinalityFactor_;
// TriggerBindInfo object is used to hold the specific binding time
// information needed for the triggers' transformation (see OptTrigger.cpp)
class TriggerBindInfo : public NABasicObject {
// default Ctor
TriggerBindInfo(CollHeap *heap)
: heap_(heap),
// copy Ctor
TriggerBindInfo(const TriggerBindInfo &other);
virtual ~TriggerBindInfo() {}; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
// forwards definition
typedef UniqueExecuteId *UniqueExecuteIdPtr ;
// Accessors
UniqueExecuteId *getExecuteId() const { return exeId_; }
UniqueExecuteIdPtr &getExecuteId() { return exeId_; }
Lng32 getBackboneIudNum() const { return backboneIudNum_; }
const ColumnDescList *getIudColumnList() const { return origIudColumnList_; }
// Mutators
void setExecuteId() { exeId_ = new(heap_) UniqueExecuteId(); }
void setBackboneIudNum(Lng32 iudNum) { backboneIudNum_ = iudNum; }
void setIudColumnList(const ColumnDescList *colList) { origIudColumnList_ = colList; }
// Normalize all the data members that need normalization
void normalizeMembers(NormWA & normWA);
void storeNewAndOldValues(BindWA *bindWA, const RETDesc *retDesc);
// operator= not implemented
TriggerBindInfo &operator=(const TriggerBindInfo &other);
CollHeap *heap_;
// Copy of the uniquifier of the triggering action for use at triggers'
// transformation phase (construction of the join predicate).
// Since exeId_ is used in the tree, it is not owned by this object
// (although it is allocated by it!), thus must not be freed in the Dtor.
UniqueExecuteId *exeId_;
Lng32 backboneIudNum_;
const ColumnDescList *origIudColumnList_;