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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: IndexDesc.h
* Description: Index descriptors (an IndexDesc is to an index what
* a TableDesc is to a base table)
* Created: 4/21/95
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "NABasicObject.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IndexDesc;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward declarations
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class TableDesc;
class NATable;
class NAFileSet;
class PartitioningFunction;
class NAColumnArray;
class CmpContext;
class FileScanCostList;
class AccessPathAnalysis;
#ifndef MDAM_FLAGS
#define MDAM_FLAGS
enum MdamFlags { UNDECIDED,
enum IndexJoinSelectivityEnum {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An IndexDesc contains value ids for the columns of an index and for
// its key and its ordering. Like a TableDesc mirrors the information
// contained in an NATable object, an IndexDesc mirrors the information
// contained in an NAFileSet object.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IndexDesc : public NABasicObject
IndexDesc(TableDesc *tdesc, NAFileSet *fileSet, CmpContext* context);
// accessor functions
const QualifiedName& getIndexName() const;
const NAString& getExtIndexName() const;
Lng32 getRecordLength() const;
Lng32 getKeyLength() const;
Lng32 getIndexLevels() const { return indexLevels_; }
const NAColumnArray & getAllColumns() const;
const ValueIdList & getIndexColumns() const { return indexColumns_; }
const ValueIdList & getIndexKey() const { return indexKey_; }
// return the set of index columns that are not part of
// the key:
void getNonKeyColumnSet(ValueIdSet& nonKeyColumnSet) const;
// return the list of index columns that are not part of the key:
void getNonKeyColumnList(ValueIdList& nonKeyColumnList) const;
const ValueIdList & getOrderOfKeyValues() const { return orderOfKeyValues_; }
const ValueIdList & getPartitioningKey() const { return partitioningKey_; }
const ValueIdList & getOrderOfPartitioningKeyValues() const
{ return orderOfPartitioningKeyValues_; }
void setIndexLevels(Lng32 indexLevels) { indexLevels_ = indexLevels ; }
void setOrderOfKeyValues(const ValueIdList &no) { orderOfKeyValues_ = no; }
NABoolean containsClusteringKey() const
{ return clusteringKey_.entries() > 0; }
const ValueIdList & getClusteringKeyCols() const
{ return clusteringKey_; }
PartitioningFunction * getPartitioningFunction() const
{ return partFunc_; }
NABoolean isClusteringIndex() const { return clusteringIndexFlag_; }
const NAFileSet * getNAFileSet() const { return fileSet_; }
TableDesc *getPrimaryTableDesc() const { return tableDesc_; }
MdamFlags pruneMdam(const ValueIdSet& preds,
NABoolean indexOnlyIndex,
IndexJoinSelectivityEnum& selectivityEnum,
const GroupAttributes * groupAttr = NULL,
const ValueIdSet * inputValues = NULL) const;
NABoolean isUniqueIndex() const;
// Partitioning
NABoolean isPartitioned() const;
// mutator functions
void markAsClusteringIndex() { clusteringIndexFlag_ = TRUE; }
// Is it recommended by user hint
NABoolean isHintIndex() const;
// On return:
// the amount of data that the local predicate will produce, when
// table analysis is performed and all stats on the referenced
// columns are available and not faked;
// -1; otherwise.
CostScalar getKbForLocalPred() const;
// new methods added for costing purposes:
CostScalar getKbPerVolume() const;
CostScalar getRecordSizeInKb() const;
CostScalar getBlockSizeInKb() const;
CostScalar getEstimatedRecordsPerBlock() const;
CostScalar getEstimatedIndexBlocksLowerBound(const CostScalar& probes) const;
// new access method added for reusing simple cost vectors
FileScanCostList * getBasicCostList() const {return scanBasicCosts_;}
void setBasicCostList(FileScanCostList * basicCosts )
{ scanBasicCosts_ = basicCosts; }
AccessPathAnalysis * getAccessPathAnalysis() const {return accessPathAnalysis_;}
void setAccessPathAnalysis(AccessPathAnalysis * accessPath)
{ accessPathAnalysis_ = accessPath;}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Print/debug
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void print( FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = "IndexDesc");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// get the working heap, this heap is expected to be cleanup at the end
// of statement.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CollHeap* wHeap();
// A pointer to the table descriptor for the base table.
TableDesc *tableDesc_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The number of levels in the index between the root and a leaf page.
// If the root is one level from the leaf then indexLevel_ is set to 1.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 indexLevels_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// all columns (index key and non-key columns) of the index
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList indexColumns_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// the value ids that comprise the key of the index file
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList indexKey_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// a list of expressions by which the index file is ordered
// usually same as indexKey_, except for descending order
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList orderOfKeyValues_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// the value ids that comprise the partitioning key of the index file
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList partitioningKey_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// a list of expressions by which the index file is partitioned
// usually same as partitioningKey_, except for descending order
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList orderOfPartitioningKeyValues_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The value ids of the IndexColumn exprs that form the clustering key
// or an empty list, if the clustering key isn't part of the index
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdList clusteringKey_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Flag for indicating whether this is a clustering index.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean clusteringIndexFlag_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Partitioning function, if the index is horizontally partitioned.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
PartitioningFunction * partFunc_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// a pointer to the schema information
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NAFileSet * fileSet_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// a pointer to current CmpContext, containing the global info
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CmpContext* cmpContext_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// a pointer to list of basic cost objects to reuse in FileScanOptimizer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
FileScanCostList * scanBasicCosts_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// a pointer to Acess Path Analysis (generated in the amalyzer)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
AccessPathAnalysis * accessPathAnalysis_;