blob: 1a1cac43eb69eed24db1546d12bbefb227c17b76 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include "HDFSHook.h"
#include "hiveHook.h"
#include "CmpCommon.h"
#include "SchemaDB.h"
#include "ComCextdecs.h"
// for DNS name resolution
#include <netdb.h>
#include "Globals.h"
#include "Context.h"
// Initialize static variables
THREAD_P CollIndex HHDFSMasterHostList::numSQNodes_(0);
THREAD_P NABoolean HHDFSMasterHostList::hasVirtualSQNodes_(FALSE);
// translate a host name to a number (add host if needed)
HostId HHDFSMasterHostList::getHostNum(const char *hostName)
if (getHosts()->entries() == 0)
return getHostNumInternal(hostName);
// translate a host name to a number (add host if needed)
HostId HHDFSMasterHostList::getHostNumInternal(const char *hostName)
for (CollIndex i=0; i<getHosts()->entries(); i++)
if (strcmp(hostName,getHosts()->at(i)) == 0)
return i;
char *hostCopy = new char[strlen(hostName)+1];
strcpy(hostCopy, hostName);
return getHosts()->entries() - 1;
// get host name from host number
const char * HHDFSMasterHostList::getHostName(HostId hostNum)
return getHosts()->at(hostNum);
NABoolean HHDFSMasterHostList::initializeWithSeaQuestNodes()
NABoolean result = FALSE;
FILE *pp;
NAString fakeNodeNames =
if (fakeNodeNames.length() <= 1)
// execute the command "sqshell -c node" and open a pipe to the output of this command.
pp = popen("sqshell -c node", "r");
if (pp != NULL)
// we want to add all the nodes returned by sqshell such that their HostIds
// assigned here in class HHDFSMasterHostList matches their SeaQuest host number
HostId nextHostId = getHosts()->entries();
while (1)
char *line;
char buf[1000];
line = fgets(buf, sizeof buf, pp);
if (line == NULL)
// if we inserted anything without encountering an error, consider that success
numSQNodes_ = getHosts()->entries();
result = (numSQNodes_ > 0);
char *nodeNum = strstr(line, "Node[");
if (nodeNum)
nodeNum += 5; // skip the matched text
int nodeId = atoi(nodeNum);
if (nodeId != nextHostId)
break; // out-of-sequence host ids are not supported
char *nodeName = strstr(nodeNum, "=");
if (nodeName == NULL)
break; // expecting "=" sign in the sqshell output
char *nodeEnd = strstr(nodeName, ",");
if (nodeEnd == NULL)
break; // couldn't find the end of the node name
*nodeEnd = 0;
// resolve the found name to make it a fully qualified DNS name,
// like HDFS also uses it
struct hostent * h = gethostbyname(nodeName);
if (h)
nodeName = h->h_name;
HostId checkId = getHostNumInternal(nodeName);
if (checkId != nodeId)
if (checkId > nodeId)
break; // something must have gone wrong, this should not happen
// checkId < nodeId, this can happen if we have duplicate
// node ids. In this case, insert a dummy node to take up the
// number, so we stay in sync
sprintf(buf, "", nodeId);
HostId checkId2 = getHostNumInternal(buf);
if (checkId2 != nodeId)
break; // again, not expecting to get here
// remember that we mave multiple SQ nodes
// on the same physical node
hasVirtualSQNodes_ = TRUE;
// seed the host name list with fake SQ node names from the CQD insted
const char delim = ',';
const char *nodeStart = fakeNodeNames;
const char *nodeEnd;
// this is debug code, no error check, no blanks in this string!!!
char buf[500];
nodeEnd = strchrnul(nodeStart, delim);
strncpy(buf, nodeStart, nodeEnd-nodeStart);
nodeStart = nodeEnd+1;
while (*nodeEnd != 0);
numSQNodes_ = getHosts()->entries();
result = (numSQNodes_ > 0);
return result;
void HHDFSDiags::recordError(const char *errMsg,
const char *errLoc)
// don't overwrite the original error
if (success_)
success_ = FALSE;
errMsg_ = errMsg;
if (errLoc)
errLoc_ = errLoc;
void HHDFSStatsBase::add(const HHDFSStatsBase *o)
numBlocks_ += o->numBlocks_;
numFiles_ += o->numFiles_;
totalSize_ += o->totalSize_;
if (o->modificationTS_ > modificationTS_)
modificationTS_ = o->modificationTS_ ;
sampledBytes_ += o->sampledBytes_;
sampledRows_ += o->sampledRows_;
void HHDFSStatsBase::subtract(const HHDFSStatsBase *o)
numBlocks_ -= o->numBlocks_;
numFiles_ -= o->numFiles_;
totalSize_ -= o->totalSize_;
sampledBytes_ -= o->sampledBytes_;
sampledRows_ -= o->sampledRows_;
Int64 HHDFSStatsBase::getEstimatedRowCount() const
return ( getTotalSize() / getEstimatedRecordLength() );
Int64 HHDFSStatsBase::getEstimatedRecordLength() const
return MAXOF(sampledBytes_ / (sampledRows_ ? sampledRows_ : 1), 1);
Int64 HHDFSStatsBase::getEstimatedBlockSize() const
return MAXOF(totalSize_ / (numBlocks_ ? numBlocks_ : 1), 32768);
void HHDFSStatsBase::print(FILE *ofd, const char *msg)
fprintf(ofd,"File stats at %s level:\n", msg);
fprintf(ofd," ++ numBlocks: %ld\n", numBlocks_);
fprintf(ofd," ++ numFiles: %ld\n", numFiles_);
fprintf(ofd," ++ totalSize: %ld\n", totalSize_);
fprintf(ofd," ++ sampledBytes: %ld\n", sampledBytes_);
fprintf(ofd," ++ sampledRows: %ld\n", sampledRows_);
if (blockHosts_)
NADELETEBASIC(blockHosts_, heap_);
static void sortHostArray(HostId *blockHosts,
Int32 numBlocks,
Int32 replication,
const NAString &randomizer)
// the hdfsGetHosts() call randomizes the hosts for 1st, 2nd and 3rd replica etc.
// for each call, probably to get more even access patterns. This makes it hard
// to debug the placement algorithm, since almost no 2 query plans are alike.
// Replace the random method of hdfsGetHosts with a pseudo-random one,
// based on the file name. With no randomization we would put a bigger load
// on hosts with a lower id.
// we have replication * numBlocks entries in blockHosts, with entry
// (r * numBlocks + b) being the rth replica of block #b.
if (replication > 1 && replication <= 10)
UInt32 rshift = (UInt32) randomizer.hash();
for (Int32 b=0; b<numBlocks; b++)
// a sorted array of HostIds for a given block
HostId s[10];
// insert the first v
for (Int32 r=1; r<replication; r++)
HostId newVal = blockHosts[r*numBlocks + b];
// replication is a small number, bubblesort of s will do...
for (Int32 x=0; x<r; x++)
if (newVal < s[x])
// shift the larger values up by 1
for (Int32 y=r; y>x; y--)
s[y] = s[y-1];
// then insert the new value
s[x] = newVal;
else if (x == r-1)
// new value is the largest, insert at end
s[r] = newVal;
} // for each replica host of a block
// now move sorted values in s back to blockHosts,
// but shift them by rshift mod replication
for (Int32 m=0; m<replication; m++)
blockHosts[m*numBlocks + b] = s[((UInt32) m + rshift + (UInt32) b) % replication];
} // for each block b
} // replication between 2 and 10
} // sortHostArray
void HHDFSFileStats::populate(hdfsFS fs, hdfsFileInfo *fileInfo,
Int32& samples,
HHDFSDiags &diags,
NABoolean doEstimation,
char recordTerminator)
// copy fields from fileInfo
fileName_ = fileInfo->mName;
replication_ = (Int32) fileInfo->mReplication;
totalSize_ = (Int64) fileInfo->mSize;
blockSize_ = (Int64) fileInfo->mBlockSize;
modificationTS_ = fileInfo->mLastMod;
numFiles_ = 1;
Int64 sampleBufferSize = MINOF(blockSize_, 65536);
NABoolean sortHosts = (CmpCommon::getDefault(HIVE_SORT_HDFS_HOSTS) == DF_ON);
sampleBufferSize = MINOF(sampleBufferSize,totalSize_/10);
if (doEstimation && sampleBufferSize > 100) {
// Open the hdfs file to estimate record length. Read one block at
// a time searching for <s> instances of record separators. Stop reading
// when either <s> instances have been found or a partial number of
// instances have and we have exhausted all data content in the block.
// We will keep reading if the current block does not contain
// any instance of the record separator.
hdfsFile file =
hdfsOpenFile(fs, fileInfo->mName,
sampleBufferSize, // buffer size
0, // replication, take the default size
fileInfo->mBlockSize // blocksize
if ( file != NULL ) {
tOffset offset = 0;
tSize bufLen = sampleBufferSize;
char* buffer = new (heap_) char[bufLen+1];
buffer[bufLen] = 0; // extra null at the end to protect strchr()
// to run over the buffer.
NABoolean sampleDone = FALSE;
Int32 totalSamples = 10;
Int32 totalLen = 0;
Int32 recordPrefixLen = 0;
while (!sampleDone) {
tSize szRead = hdfsPread(fs, file, offset, buffer, bufLen);
if ( szRead <= 0 )
CMPASSERT(szRead <= bufLen);
char* pos = NULL;
//if (isSequenceFile && offset==0 && memcmp(buffer, "SEQ6", 4) == 0)
// isSequenceFile_ = TRUE;
char* start = buffer;
for (Int32 i=0; i<totalSamples; i++ ) {
if ( (pos=strchr(start, recordTerminator)) ) {
totalLen += pos - start + 1 + recordPrefixLen;
start = pos+1;
if ( start > buffer + szRead ) {
sampleDone = TRUE;
recordPrefixLen = 0;
} else {
recordPrefixLen += szRead - (start - buffer + 1);
if ( samples > 0 )
offset += szRead;
NADELETEBASIC(buffer, heap_);
if ( samples > 0 ) {
sampledBytes_ += totalLen;
sampledRows_ += samples;
hdfsCloseFile(fs, file);
} else {
diags.recordError(NAString("Unable to open HDFS file ") + fileInfo->mName,
if (blockSize_)
numBlocks_ = totalSize_ / blockSize_;
if (totalSize_ % blockSize_ > 0)
numBlocks_++; // partial block at the end
diags.recordError(NAString("Could not determine block size of HDFS file ") + fileInfo->mName,
if ( totalSize_ > 0 && diags.isSuccess())
blockHosts_ = new(heap_) HostId[replication_*numBlocks_];
// walk through blocks and record their locations
tOffset o = 0;
Int64 blockNum;
for (blockNum=0; blockNum < numBlocks_ && diags.isSuccess(); blockNum++)
char*** blockHostNames = hdfsGetHosts(fs,
o += blockSize_;
if (blockHostNames == NULL)
diags.recordError(NAString("Could not determine host of blocks for HDFS file ") + fileInfo->mName,
char **h = *blockHostNames;
HostId hostId;
for (Int32 r=0; r<replication_; r++)
if (h[r])
hostId = HHDFSMasterHostList::getHostNum(h[r]);
hostId = HHDFSMasterHostList::InvalidHostId;
blockHosts_[r*numBlocks_+blockNum] = hostId;
if (sortHosts)
(Int32) numBlocks_,
void HHDFSFileStats::print(FILE *ofd)
fprintf(ofd,">>>> File: %s\n",;
fprintf(ofd," replication: %d\n", replication_);
fprintf(ofd," block size: %ld\n", blockSize_);
fprintf(ofd," mod timestamp: %d\n", (Int32) modificationTS_);
fprintf(ofd," host for replica\n");
fprintf(ofd," block # 1 2 3 4\n");
fprintf(ofd," --------- ---- ---- ---- ----\n");
for (Int32 b=0; b<numBlocks_; b++)
fprintf(ofd," %9d %4d %4d %4d %4d\n",
getHostId(0, b),
(replication_ >= 2 ? getHostId(1, b) : -1),
(replication_ >= 3 ? getHostId(2, b) : -1),
(replication_ >= 4 ? getHostId(3, b) : -1));
HHDFSStatsBase::print(ofd, "file");
for (CollIndex i=0; i<fileStatsList_.entries(); i++)
delete fileStatsList_[i];
void HHDFSBucketStats::addFile(hdfsFS fs, hdfsFileInfo *fileInfo,
HHDFSDiags &diags,
NABoolean doEstimate,
char recordTerminator,
CollIndex pos)
HHDFSFileStats *fileStats = new(heap_) HHDFSFileStats(heap_);
if ( scount_ > 10 )
doEstimate = FALSE;
Int32 sampledRecords = 0;
fileStats->populate(fs, fileInfo, sampledRecords, diags,
doEstimate, recordTerminator);
if (diags.isSuccess())
if ( sampledRecords > 0 )
if (pos == NULL_COLL_INDEX)
fileStatsList_.insertAt(pos, fileStats);
void HHDFSBucketStats::removeAt(CollIndex i)
HHDFSFileStats *e = fileStatsList_[i];
delete e;
void HHDFSBucketStats::print(FILE *ofd)
for (CollIndex f=0; f<fileStatsList_.entries(); f++)
HHDFSStatsBase::print(ofd, "bucket");
for (CollIndex b=0; b<=defaultBucketIdx_; b++)
if (bucketStatsList_.used(b))
delete bucketStatsList_[b];
void HHDFSListPartitionStats::populate(hdfsFS fs,
const NAString &dir,
Int32 numOfBuckets,
HHDFSDiags &diags,
NABoolean doEstimation,
char recordTerminator)
int numFiles = 0;
// remember parameters
partitionDir_ = dir;
defaultBucketIdx_ = (numOfBuckets >= 1) ? numOfBuckets : 0;
doEstimation_ = doEstimation;
recordTerminator_ = recordTerminator;
// to avoid a crash, due to lacking permissions, check the directory
// itself first
hdfsFileInfo *dirInfo = hdfsGetPathInfo(fs,;
if (!dirInfo)
diags.recordError(NAString("Could not access HDFS directory ") + dir,
dirInfo_ = *dirInfo;
// list all the files in this directory, they all belong
// to this partition and either belong to a specific bucket
// or to the default bucket
hdfsFileInfo *fileInfos = hdfsListDirectory(fs,,
// populate partition stats
for (int f=0; f<numFiles && diags.isSuccess(); f++)
if (fileInfos[f].mKind == kObjectKindFile)
// the default (unbucketed) bucket number is
// defaultBucketIdx_
Int32 bucketNum = determineBucketNum(fileInfos[f].mName);
HHDFSBucketStats *bucketStats = NULL;
if (! bucketStatsList_.used(bucketNum))
bucketStats = new(heap_) HHDFSBucketStats(heap_);
bucketStatsList_.insertAt(bucketNum, bucketStats);
bucketStats = bucketStatsList_[bucketNum];
bucketStats->addFile(fs, &fileInfos[f], diags, doEstimation, recordTerminator);
hdfsFreeFileInfo(fileInfos, numFiles);
// aggregate statistics over all buckets
for (Int32 b=0; b<=defaultBucketIdx_; b++)
if (bucketStatsList_.used(b))
NABoolean HHDFSListPartitionStats::validateAndRefresh(hdfsFS fs, HHDFSDiags &diags, NABoolean refresh)
NABoolean result = TRUE;
// assume we get the files sorted by file name
int numFiles = 0;
Int32 lastBucketNum = -1;
ARRAY(Int32) fileNumInBucket(HEAP, getLastValidBucketIndx()+1);
HHDFSBucketStats *bucketStats = NULL;
for (CollIndex i=0; i<=getLastValidBucketIndx(); i++)
fileNumInBucket.insertAt(i, (Int32) -1);
// to avoid a crash, due to lacking permissions, check the directory
// itself first
hdfsFileInfo *dirInfo = hdfsGetPathInfo(fs,;
if (!dirInfo)
// don't set diags, let caller re-read the entire stats
return FALSE;
// list directory contents and compare with cached statistics
hdfsFileInfo *fileInfos = hdfsListDirectory(fs,,
CMPASSERT(fileInfos || numFiles == 0);
// populate partition stats
for (int f=0; f<numFiles && result; f++)
if (fileInfos[f].mKind == kObjectKindFile)
Int32 bucketNum = determineBucketNum(fileInfos[f].mName);
if (bucketNum != lastBucketNum)
if (! bucketStatsList_.used(bucketNum))
// first file for a new bucket got added
if (!refresh)
return FALSE;
bucketStats = new(heap_) HHDFSBucketStats(heap_);
bucketStatsList_.insertAt(bucketNum, bucketStats);
bucketStats = bucketStatsList_[bucketNum];
lastBucketNum = bucketNum;
// file stats for an existing file, or NULL
// for a new file
HHDFSFileStats *fileStats = NULL;
// position in bucketStats of the file (existing or new)
fileNumInBucket[bucketNum] = fileNumInBucket[bucketNum] + 1;
if (fileNumInBucket[bucketNum] < bucketStats->entries())
fileStats = (*bucketStats)[fileNumInBucket[bucketNum]];
// else this is a new file, indicated by fileStats==NULL
if (fileStats &&
fileStats->getFileName() == fileInfos[f].mName)
// file still exists, check modification timestamp
if (fileStats->getModificationTS() !=
fileInfos[f].mLastMod ||
fileStats->getTotalSize() !=
(Int64) fileInfos[f].mSize)
if (refresh)
// redo this file, it changed
fileStats = NULL;
result = FALSE;
// else this file is unchanged from last time
} // file name matches
if (refresh)
if (fileStats)
// We are looking at a file in the directory, fileInfos[f]
// and at a file stats entry, with names that do not match.
// This could be because a new file got inserted or because
// the file of our file stats entry got deleted or both.
// We can only refresh this object in the first case, if
// a file got deleted we will return FALSE and not refresh.
// check whether fileStats got deleted,
// search for fileStats->getFileName() in the directory
int f2;
for (f2=f+1; f2<numFiles; f2++)
if (fileStats->getFileName() == fileInfos[f2].mName)
if (f2<numFiles)
// file fileInfos[f] got added, don't consume
// a FileStats entry, instead add it below
fileStats = NULL;
// file fileStats->getFileName() got deleted,
// it's gone from the HDFS directory,
// give up and redo the whole thing
result = FALSE;
// else file was inserted (fileStats is NULL)
result = FALSE;
} // file names for HHDFSFileStats and directory don't match
if (result && !fileStats)
// add this file
if (!diags.isSuccess())
result = FALSE;
} // loop over actual files in the directory
hdfsFreeFileInfo(fileInfos, numFiles);
// check for file stats that we did not visit at the end of each bucket
for (CollIndex i=0; i<=getLastValidBucketIndx() && result; i++)
if (bucketStatsList_.used(i) &&
bucketStatsList_[i]->entries() != fileNumInBucket[i] + 1)
result = FALSE; // some files got deleted at the end
return result;
Int32 HHDFSListPartitionStats::determineBucketNum(const char *fileName)
Int32 result = 0;
HHDFSBucketStats *bucketStats;
// determine bucket number (from file name for bucketed tables)
if (defaultBucketIdx_ <= 1)
return 0;
// figure out name from file prefix bb..bb_*
const char *mark = fileName + strlen(fileName) - 1;
// search backwards for the last slash in the name or the start
while (*mark != '/' && mark != fileName)
if (*mark == '/')
// go forward, expect digits, followed by an underscore
while (*mark >= '0' && *mark <= '9' && result < defaultBucketIdx_)
result = result*10 + (*mark - '0');
// we should see an underscore as a separator
if (*mark != '_' || result > defaultBucketIdx_)
// this file has no valid bucket number encoded in its name
// use an artificial bucket number "defaultBucketIdx_" in this case
result = defaultBucketIdx_;
return result;
void HHDFSListPartitionStats::print(FILE *ofd)
fprintf(ofd,"------------- Partition %s\n",;
fprintf(ofd," num of buckets: %d\n", defaultBucketIdx_);
for (CollIndex b=0; b<=defaultBucketIdx_; b++)
if (bucketStatsList_.used(b))
fprintf(ofd,"---- statistics for bucket %d:\n", b);
HHDFSStatsBase::print(ofd, "partition");
for (int p=0; p<totalNumPartitions_; p++)
delete listPartitionStatsList_[p];
NABoolean HHDFSTableStats::populate(struct hive_tbl_desc *htd)
// here is the basic outline how this works:
// 1. Walk SD descriptors of the table, one for the table
// itself and one for each partition. Each one represents
// one HDFS directory with files for the table.
// 2. For each list partition directory (or the directory for
// an unpartitioned table):
// 3. Walk through every file. For every file:
// 4. Determine bucket number (0 if file is not bucketed)
// 5. Add file to its bucket
// 6. Walk through blocks of file. For every block:
// 7. Get host list for this block and add it
// 9. Get file stats
// 10. Aggregate file stats for all files and buckets
// 11. Aggregate bucket stats for all buckets of the partition
// 12. Aggregate partition stats for all partitions of the table
struct hive_sd_desc *hsd = htd->getSDs();
tableDir_ = hsd->location_;
numOfPartCols_ = htd->getNumOfPartCols();
recordTerminator_ = hsd->getRecordTerminator();
fieldTerminator_ = hsd->getFieldTerminator() ;
nullFormat_ = hsd->getNullFormat();
NAString hdfsHost;
Int32 hdfsPort = -1;
NAString tableDir;
if (hsd)
if (hsd->isTextFile())
type_ = TEXT_;
else if (hsd->isSequenceFile())
type_ = SEQUENCE_;
else if (hsd->isOrcFile())
type_ = ORC_;
type_ = UNKNOWN_;
while (hsd && diags_.isSuccess())
// split table URL into host, port and filename
if (! splitLocation(hsd->location_,
hdfsPortOverride_)) {
return FALSE;
if (! connectHDFS(hdfsHost, hdfsPort)) {
return FALSE; // diags_ is set
// put back fully qualified URI
tableDir = hsd->location_;
// visit the directory
processDirectory(tableDir, hsd->buckets_,
hsd = hsd->next_;
validationJTimestamp_ = JULIANTIMESTAMP();
return diags_.isSuccess();
NABoolean HHDFSTableStats::validateAndRefresh(Int64 expirationJTimestamp, NABoolean refresh)
NABoolean result = TRUE;
// initial heap allocation size
Int32 initialSize = heap_->getAllocSize();
// check only once within a specified time interval
if (expirationJTimestamp == -1 ||
(expirationJTimestamp > 0 &&
validationJTimestamp_ < expirationJTimestamp))
return result; // consider the stats still valid
// if partitions get added or deleted, that gets
// caught in the Hive metadata, so no need to check for
// that here
for (int p=0; p<totalNumPartitions_ && result && diags_.isSuccess(); p++)
HHDFSListPartitionStats *partStats = listPartitionStatsList_[p];
NAString hdfsHost;
Int32 hdfsPort;
NAString partDir;
result = splitLocation(partStats->getDirName(),
if (! result)
if (! connectHDFS(hdfsHost, hdfsPort))
return FALSE;
result = partStats->validateAndRefresh(fs_, diags_, refresh);
if (result)
validationJTimestamp_ = JULIANTIMESTAMP();
// account for the heap used by stats. Heap released during
// stats refresh will also be included
hiveStatsSize_ += (heap_->getAllocSize() - initialSize);
return result;
NABoolean HHDFSTableStats::splitLocation(const char *tableLocation,
NAString &hdfsHost,
Int32 &hdfsPort,
NAString &tableDir,
HHDFSDiags &diags,
int hdfsPortOverride)
const char *hostMark = NULL;
const char *portMark = NULL;
const char *dirMark = NULL;
const char *fileSysTypeTok = NULL;
// The only two filesysTypes supported are hdfs: and maprfs:
// One of these two tokens must appear at the the start of tableLocation
// hdfs://localhost:35000/hive/tpcds/customer
if (fileSysTypeTok = strstr(tableLocation, "hdfs:"))
tableLocation = fileSysTypeTok + 5;
// maprfs:/user/hive/warehouse/f301c7af0-2955-4b02-8df0-3ed531b9abb/select
else if (fileSysTypeTok = strstr(tableLocation, "maprfs:"))
tableLocation = fileSysTypeTok + 7;
diags.recordError(NAString("Expected hdfs: or maprfs: in the HDFS URI ") + tableLocation,
return FALSE;
// The characters that come after "//" is the hostName.
// "//" has to be at the start of the string (after hdfs: or maprfs:)
if ((hostMark = strstr(tableLocation, "//"))&&
(hostMark == tableLocation))
hostMark = hostMark + 2;
dirMark = strchr(hostMark, '/');
if (dirMark == NULL)
diags.recordError(NAString("Could not find slash in HDFS directory name ") + tableLocation,
return FALSE;
// if there is a hostName there could be a hostPort too.
// It is not not an error if there is a hostName but no hostPort
// for example hdfs://localhost/hive/tpcds/customer is valid
portMark = strchr(hostMark, ':');
if (portMark && (portMark < dirMark))
portMark = portMark +1 ;
portMark = NULL;
else // no host location, for example maprfs:/user/hive/warehouse/
hostMark = NULL;
portMark = NULL;
if (*tableLocation != '/')
diags.recordError(NAString("Expected a maprfs:/<filename> URI: ") + tableLocation,
return FALSE;
dirMark = tableLocation;
if (hostMark)
hdfsHost = NAString(hostMark, (portMark ? portMark-hostMark-1
: dirMark-hostMark));
hdfsHost = NAString("default");
if (hdfsPortOverride > -1)
hdfsPort = hdfsPortOverride;
if (portMark)
hdfsPort = atoi(portMark);
hdfsPort = 0;
tableDir = NAString(dirMark);
return TRUE;
void HHDFSTableStats::processDirectory(const NAString &dir, Int32 numOfBuckets,
NABoolean doEstimate, char recordTerminator)
HHDFSListPartitionStats *partStats = new(heap_) HHDFSListPartitionStats(heap_);
partStats->populate(fs_, dir, numOfBuckets, diags_, doEstimate, recordTerminator);
if (diags_.isSuccess())
listPartitionStatsList_.insertAt(listPartitionStatsList_.entries(), partStats);
// aggregate stats
if (partStats->dirInfo()->mLastMod > modificationTS_)
modificationTS_ = partStats->dirInfo()->mLastMod;
Int32 HHDFSTableStats::getNumOfConsistentBuckets() const
Int32 result = 0;
// go through all partitions and chck whether they have
// the same # of buckets and have no files w/o enforced bucketing
for (Int32 i=0; i<listPartitionStatsList_.entries(); i++)
Int32 b = listPartitionStatsList_[i]->getLastValidBucketIndx();
if (result == 0)
result = b;
if (b <= 1 || b != result)
return 1; // some partition not bucketed or different from others
if ((*listPartitionStatsList_[i])[b] != NULL)
return 1; // this partition has files that are not bucketed at all
// and are therefore assigned to the exception bucket # b
// everything is consistent, with multiple buckets
return result;
void HHDFSTableStats::setupForStatement()
void HHDFSTableStats::resetAfterStatement()
void HHDFSTableStats::print(FILE *ofd)
fprintf(ofd,"HDFS file stats for directory %s\n",;
fprintf(ofd," number of part cols: %d\n", numOfPartCols_);
fprintf(ofd," total number of partns: %d\n", totalNumPartitions_);
fprintf(ofd," Record Terminator: %d\n", recordTerminator_);
fprintf(ofd," Field Terminator: %d\n", fieldTerminator_);
for (CollIndex p=0; p<listPartitionStatsList_.entries(); p++)
HHDFSStatsBase::print(ofd, "table");
fprintf(ofd,"Host id to host name table:\n");
CollIndex numHosts = HHDFSMasterHostList::entries();
for (HostId h=0; h<numHosts; h++)
fprintf(ofd, " %4d: %s\n", h, HHDFSMasterHostList::getHostName(h));
fprintf(ofd,"end of HDFS file stats for directory %s\n",;
NABoolean HHDFSTableStats::connectHDFS(const NAString &host, Int32 port)
NABoolean result = TRUE;
// establish connection to HDFS . Conect to the connection cached in the context.
fs_ = ((GetCliGlobals()->currContext())->getHdfsServerConnection((char *),port));
if (fs_ == NULL)
NAString errMsg("hdfsConnect to ");
errMsg += host;
errMsg += ":";
errMsg += port;
errMsg += " failed";
diags_.recordError(errMsg, "HHDFSTableStats::connectHDFS");
result = FALSE;
currHdfsHost_ = host;
currHdfsPort_ = port;
// }
return result;
void HHDFSTableStats::disconnectHDFS()
// No op. The disconnect happens at the context level wehn the session
// is dropped or the thread exits.