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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: GroupAttr.C
* Description: Group Attributes
* Created: 11/16/1994
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Sqlcomp.h"
#include "GroupAttr.h"
#include "EstLogProp.h"
#include "ItemConstr.h"
#include "ItemOther.h"
#include "opt.h"
#include "Cost.h"
#include "AppliedStatMan.h"
#include "Analyzer.h"
#include "ScanOptimizer.h"
#include "RelGrby.h" /// temproray, delete after ASM testing
#include "CmpStatement.h"
// return hash value of a ValueId; this is called (and required) by
// NAHashDictionary<K,V>::getHashCode() to compute a key's hash address.
// typedef ULng32 ULng32;
static ULng32 valueIdHashKeyFunc(const ValueId& vid)
CollIndex x = vid;
return (ULng32)x;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor for GroupAttributes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GroupAttributes::GroupAttributes() :
// NB: we don't initialize all data members in this ctor!
// requiredInputs_
// requiredOutputs_
// inputVarLength_
numBaseTables_(0), // only true base tables are counted here
numJoinedTables_(1), // count this node as one table
stream_ (FALSE),
genericUpdateRoot_ (FALSE),
groupAnalysis_ = new (STMTHEAP) GroupAnalysis(this,STMTHEAP);
typedef NAHashDictionary<ValueId,SkewedValueList> vIdSkewValueListHashDict_t;
// copy ctor called by /generator/GenPreCode.cpp
GroupAttributes::GroupAttributes (const GroupAttributes & rhs) :
inputEstLogProp_(rhs.inputEstLogProp_, STMTHEAP),
intermedOutputLogProp_(rhs.intermedOutputLogProp_, STMTHEAP),
outputEstLogProp_(rhs.outputEstLogProp_, STMTHEAP),
availableBtreeIndexes_(rhs.availableBtreeIndexes_, STMTHEAP),
stream_ (rhs.stream_),
genericUpdateRoot_ (rhs.genericUpdateRoot_),
groupAnalysis_ = new (STMTHEAP) GroupAnalysis(*(rhs.groupAnalysis_),STMTHEAP);
// need to reset the groupAttributes pointer in groupAnalysis_ to
// point to this object rather than rhs
groupAnalysis_->groupAttr_ = this;
if (rhs.cachedSkewValuesPtr_)
cachedSkewValuesPtr_ = new (STMTHEAP) vIdSkewValueListHashDict_t(*(rhs.cachedSkewValuesPtr_));
cachedSkewValuesPtr_ = NULL;
if (cachedSkewValuesPtr_) {
NADELETE(cachedSkewValuesPtr_, vIdSkewValueListHashDict_t, STMTHEAP);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// normalizeInputsAndOutputs()
// This method walks through the Characteristic Inputs and Outputs
// and adds a VEGReference for each member that belongs to a VEG.
// It deletes all values that are covered by the VEGReference.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void GroupAttributes::normalizeInputsAndOutputs(NormWA & normWARef)
} // GroupAttributes::normalizeInputsAndOutputs()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods dealing with constraints
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void GroupAttributes::addConstraint(ItemExpr *c)
NABoolean duplicateConstraint = FALSE;
NABoolean brandNewConstraint = FALSE;
// Check if c is a brand new constraint item expression
if (c->getValueId() == NULL_VALUE_ID)
brandNewConstraint = TRUE;
// check for duplicates
switch (c->getOperatorType())
CardConstraint *cc = (CardConstraint *) c;
Cardinality minRows,maxRows;
if (cc->getLowerBound() > minRows OR
cc->getUpperBound() < maxRows)
// this improves any existing cardinality constraint
// go and take the old cardinality constraints out of the
// set because they don't supply interesting info
for (ValueId oc = constraints_.init();;
if (oc.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_CARD_CONSTRAINT)
constraints_ -= oc;
// this is no news, delete this useless new constraint
duplicateConstraint = TRUE;
UniqueOptConstraint *uc = (UniqueOptConstraint *) c;
// check existing uniqueness constraints whether they are similar
// and combine uniqueness constraints if possible
for (ValueId ouc = constraints_.init();;
if (ouc.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() ==
const ValueIdSet &oucCols =
((UniqueOptConstraint *) ouc.getItemExpr())->uniqueCols();
if (uc->uniqueCols().contains(oucCols))
// this is no news, delete this useless new constraint
duplicateConstraint = TRUE;
else if(oucCols.contains(uc->uniqueCols()))
// we are improving an existing uniqueness constraint,
// take the existing one out
constraints_ -= ouc;
} // this is an existing uniqueness constraint
else if (ouc.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() ==
// try to reduce the new constraint by eliminating columns
// that are functionally dependent on the rest
((FuncDependencyConstraint *) ouc.getItemExpr())->
// if the determining columns of the functional dependency
// contain the new unique columns then that functional
// dependency constraint is no longer useful
if (((FuncDependencyConstraint *) ouc.getItemExpr())->
constraints_ -= ouc;
} // for each existing constraint
FuncDependencyConstraint *fdc = (FuncDependencyConstraint *) c;
if (isUnique(fdc->getDeterminingCols()))
// if the determining columns are unique then there is no
// need to keep track of functional dependencies, we know that
// all other columns are dependent on unique columns
duplicateConstraint = TRUE;
// check existing functional dependency constraints
// whether they are similar and combine them if possible
const ValueIdSet & newDeterminingCols = fdc->getDeterminingCols();
ValueIdSet newDependentCols(fdc->getDependentCols());
NABoolean modifiedNewConstraint = FALSE;
for (ValueId ofc = constraints_.init();;
if (ofc.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() ==
FuncDependencyConstraint * odc =
(FuncDependencyConstraint *) ofc.getItemExpr();
const ValueIdSet &odcCols = odc->getDeterminingCols();
if (newDeterminingCols.contains(odcCols))
if (odc->getDependentCols().contains(newDependentCols))
// an equal or better constraint already exists
duplicateConstraint = TRUE;
else if (newDeterminingCols == odcCols)
// replace existing constraint, the new one
// has extra dependent columns
newDependentCols += odc->getDependentCols();
constraints_ -= ofc;
modifiedNewConstraint = TRUE;
if (odcCols.contains(newDeterminingCols) AND
// the existing constraint is less useful than the
// new one, delete it
constraints_ -= ofc;
} // this is an existing functional dependency constraint
} // for each existing constraint
if (modifiedNewConstraint)
c = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
brandNewConstraint = TRUE;
CheckOptConstraint *cc = (CheckOptConstraint *) c;
// check existing uniqueness constraints whether they are similar
// and combine uniqueness constraints if possible
for (ValueId occ = constraints_.init();;
if (occ.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() ==
const ValueIdSet &occPreds =
((CheckOptConstraint *) occ.getItemExpr())->getCheckPreds();
// Note that the check for inclusion of value ids of
// the predicates is not very useful. A more useful
// check would be whether the existing predicates
// imply the new ones or vice versa, but that would be
// much more complicated code and is not required at
// this point.
if (occPreds.contains(cc->getCheckPreds()))
// this is no news, delete this useless new constraint
duplicateConstraint = TRUE;
else if(cc->getCheckPreds().contains(cc->getCheckPreds()))
// we are improving an existing check constraint,
// take the existing one out
constraints_ -= occ;
} // this is an existing uniqueness constraint
} // for each existing constraint
DCMPASSERT("Wrong constraint type used in GA" == 0); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
if (duplicateConstraint)
// If this was a brand new constraint, then we never used it anywhere,
// so we can safely delete it.
if (brandNewConstraint)
delete c;
// If this is a brand new constraint, then we need to allocate a
// value id for it.
if (brandNewConstraint)
// This method returns the operation as a string to be used
// in reporting errors.
// This method is primarily used for reporting errors
// on embedded IUD. Most error messages are common to all IUD,
// just differing in the operation name.
const NAString GroupAttributes::getOperationWithinGroup() const
switch (embeddedIUD_)
return "UPDATE";
return "DELETE";
return "INSERT";
return "UNKNOWN??";
} // switch
} // GroupAttributes::getOperationAsStringWithinGroup()
NABoolean GroupAttributes::isUnique(const ValueIdSet &cols) const
for (ValueId x= constraints_.init();;
constraints_.advance(x) )
if (x.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_UNIQUE_OPT_CONSTRAINT)
UniqueOptConstraint *u = (UniqueOptConstraint *) x.getItemExpr();
if (cols.contains(u->uniqueCols()))
return TRUE;
else if (x.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_CARD_CONSTRAINT)
CardConstraint *c = (CardConstraint *) x.getItemExpr();
// If at most one row can be returned everthing is unqiue
if (c->getUpperBound() <= 1)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// this method goes through the list of constraints for a GroupAttribut
// and returns TRUE if a set of unique columns is found. If multiple sets of
// columns that guarantee uniqueness exist, the first set in constraints_
// list is returned.
NABoolean GroupAttributes::findUniqueCols(ValueIdSet &uniqueCols) const
for (ValueId v = constraints_.init();;
if (v.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() ==ITM_UNIQUE_OPT_CONSTRAINT)
UniqueOptConstraint *uc = (UniqueOptConstraint *) v.getItemExpr();
uniqueCols = uc->uniqueCols();
return TRUE; // could go on to try to find an even better set
// of columns, but taking the first one might be ok
// for now (finding a "better" set would probably involve
// fairly complex logic)
else if (v.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_CARD_CONSTRAINT)
CardConstraint *cc = (CardConstraint *) v.getItemExpr();
// If at most one row can be returned we don't need a unique key,
// return TRUE and an empty set
if (cc->getUpperBound() <= 1)
return TRUE;
return FALSE; // no unique columns found
NABoolean GroupAttributes::hasCardConstraint(Cardinality &minNumOfRows,
Cardinality &maxNumOfRows) const
NABoolean found = FALSE;
minNumOfRows = (Cardinality)0; // NT_PORT ( bd 10/22/96 ) cast to Cardinality
maxNumOfRows = (Cardinality)INFINITE_CARDINALITY; // NT_PORT ( bd 10/22/96 ) cast to Cardinality
for (ValueId x= constraints_.init();;
constraints_.advance(x) )
if (x.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_CARD_CONSTRAINT)
CardConstraint *c = (CardConstraint *) x.getItemExpr();
found = TRUE;
// return the highest lower bound and the lowest upper bound
if (minNumOfRows < c->getLowerBound())
minNumOfRows = c->getLowerBound();
if (maxNumOfRows > c->getUpperBound())
maxNumOfRows = c->getUpperBound();
return found;
NABoolean GroupAttributes::hasConstraintOfType(OperatorTypeEnum constraintType) const
for (ValueId x= constraints_.init();;
constraints_.advance(x) )
if (x.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == constraintType)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void GroupAttributes::getConstraintsOfType(OperatorTypeEnum constraintType,
ValueIdSet& vidSet) const
for (ValueId x= constraints_.init();;
constraints_.advance(x) )
if (x.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == constraintType)
// This method is used flow RefOpt constraints (optimizer version of foreign key
// side of a RI constraint) up the query tree. The input argument is typically
// the set of constraints from a child's GA. This method picks out the refOpt
// constraints from that set, and adds each one of them to the list of constraints
// of this GA, if the outputs of this GA include the foreign key columns. If
// foreign key columns are not included in the output then they cannot be used
// to match a foreignkey-uniquekey predicate at some join further up the tree.
// Also once an refOptconstraint has found its match, it is not flowed up anymore.
void GroupAttributes::addSuitableRefOptConstraints(const ValueIdSet& vidSet)
for (ValueId x= vidSet.init();;
vidSet.advance(x) )
if (x.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_REF_OPT_CONSTRAINT)
RefOptConstraint * riConstraint = (RefOptConstraint *)x.getItemExpr();
ValueIdSet fkCols(riConstraint->foreignKeyCols());
if ((NOT riConstraint->isMatched()) &&
// This method is used flow CompRefOpt constraints (optimizer version of
// unique key side of a RI constraint) up the query tree. The input argument
// is typically the set of constraints from a child's GA. This method picks
// out the compRefOpt constraints from that set, and adds each one of them
// to the list of constraints of this GA, if
// (a) the outputs of this GA include the unique key columns, and
// (b) the essential outputs of this GA do not contain any valueid
// that is not a unique key column.
// (c) the predicates of this node do not include any references to
// the key columns
// Item (b) is a necessary condition to check that rows are not
// being filtered due to predicates on non-key columns.
// Item (c) checks that rows are not being filtered by predicates
// on key columns.
// vidSet : IN : is typically the set of constraints of the calling
// node's child GA.
// preds : IN : is the calling nodes selection predicates. May need
// to be expanded to include join preds if CompRefOpt
// constraints need to flow through outer and semi joins
// node : IN/OUT : is typically the calling node. It is used to
// set the referencedTable ptr in the compRefOpt
// constraint. This ptr points to the highest node
// in the query tree that is unique in the unique key
// cols. This node along with all its children can
// be eliminated. Since a join of the unique key table
// with another relation with one row can also be unique
// in the unique key columns and this is a case where we
// don't want to eliminate this join (may need outputs
// from the other relation), the referencedTable ptr
// cannot flow past a join node.
void GroupAttributes::addSuitableCompRefOptConstraints(
const ValueIdSet& vidSet,
const ValueIdSet& preds,
const RelExpr* node)
for (ValueId x= vidSet.init();;
vidSet.advance(x) )
if (x.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_COMP_REF_OPT_CONSTRAINT)
ComplementaryRefOptConstraint * compRIConstraint =
(ComplementaryRefOptConstraint *)x.getItemExpr();
const ValueIdList& uniqueCols = compRIConstraint->uniqueKeyCols();
ValueIdSet uniqueColsSet(uniqueCols);
const TableDesc * tabId = compRIConstraint->getTableDesc();
const ValueIdSet uniqueTableCols(tabId->getColumnVEGList());
if (getCharacteristicOutputs().contains(uniqueColsSet) &&
(NOT preds.referencesOneValueFromTheSet(uniqueTableCols)))
if (isUnique(uniqueCols) &&
(NOT node->getOperator().match(REL_ANY_JOIN)))
compRIConstraint->setReferencedTable((RelExpr *)node);
} //compRI constraint that matches output
} // do nothing if its not a ComplementaryRefOptConstraint
} // loop over constraints
// a const method for validating eliminated columns in a sort order,
// usually called for validating an earlier result created with
// the next method below, tryToEliminateOrderColumnBasedOnEqualsPred()
NABoolean GroupAttributes::canEliminateOrderColumnBasedOnEqualsPred(
ValueId col) const
// cast away const-ness and call the non-const method without
// predicates, which will mean it won't side-effect "this"
return const_cast<GroupAttributes *>(this)->
tryToEliminateOrderColumnBasedOnEqualsPred(col, NULL);
// This and the previous method are used to match required sort orders
// or arrangements to an actual key ordering of a table, in cases
// where some columns are equated to a constant, like this, with the
// clustering key being (a,b,c)
// select ...
// from t
// where a = 5
// order by b
// Note that for VEGs, this is handled differently (see
// ValueIdList::satisfiesReqdOrder), this code is only for non-VEG
// cases (usually computed columns, also varchar).
// If we eliminate a column based on a supplied predicate, then
// this predicate is added as an Optimizer check constraint to the
// group attributes, so that future calls will continue to accept
// the simplified sort order.
NABoolean GroupAttributes::tryToEliminateOrderColumnBasedOnEqualsPred(
ValueId col,
const ValueIdSet *preds)
NABoolean result = FALSE;
if (preds || hasConstraintOfType(ITM_CHECK_OPT_CONSTRAINT))
// Comparison failed. If the caller provided predicates,
// then we can try something similar to what we did with
// group attributes above. If the predicate equate the
// column with a constant, then we can eliminate it as
// well. Note that we don't expect the requirements to
// omit such columns, since the parent will usually not
// know about such predicates, so we check this condition
// only after trying the regular method.
// This situation typically happens with computed columns
// where predicates are added after VEGs are formed
ValueIdSet checkConstraints;
ValueIdSet checkPreds;
// look for predicates we remembered from earlier calls
for (ValueId c = checkConstraints.init();;
checkPreds += static_cast<CheckOptConstraint *>(
// also use newly provided predicates
if (preds)
checkPreds += *preds;
// if the column is descending, then get rid of the Inverse
// operator for the next check
if (col.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_INVERSE)
col = col.getItemExpr()->child(0).getValueId();
// Convert col from a VEGRef to a base column, if needed,
// the ScanKey method below wants a real column as input.
// Make sure to pick the base column that is actually
// referenced in the check predicates, in case there are
// multiple base columns in the VEG.
if (col.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_VEG_REFERENCE)
const ValueIdSet &vegMembers =
static_cast<VEGReference *>(col.getItemExpr())->
ValueId dummy;
for (ValueId b=vegMembers.init();;
if (checkPreds.referencesTheGivenValue(b, dummy))
// Use this column for comparison. Note that
// we can have a situation with a VEG(T1.a, T2.b)
// and a check predicate T1.a = const. The (computed)
// check predicate got added later, so "const" is
// not a VEG member. This should not cause trouble,
// however, since an operator must ensure that
// a) the VEG members it produces are equal (it needs to
// make sure the comparison pred is evaluated), and
// b) that the predicate applies.
// So, we cannot have the situation where T1.a=const
// and T2.b != const in the output of this operator.
col = b;
for (ValueId p = checkPreds.init();;
ValueId dummy1, dummy2;
if (p.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_EQUAL &&
dummy1, dummy2,
// this is a predicate of the form col = const
// and col is our current ValueId in tempThis,
// therefore skip over it and try again
result = TRUE;
// if we used a newly provided predicate, then
// remember it in the constraints, so that when
// the search engine validates our physical
// property later, it will come to the same
// conclusion
if (preds && preds->contains(p))
new(CmpCommon::statementHeap()) CheckOptConstraint(
} // predicates or check constraints are supplied
return result;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Low-level utility for merging Group Attributes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void GroupAttributes::lomerge (GroupAttributes &other, NABoolean mergeCIO)
CMPASSERT(isStream() == other.isStream());
CMPASSERT(isSkipInitialScan() == other.isSkipInitialScan());
CMPASSERT(isEmbeddedUpdateOrDelete() ==
CMPASSERT(isGenericUpdateRoot() ==
if (mergeCIO)
requiredInputs_ += other.requiredInputs_ ;
requiredOutputs_ += other.requiredOutputs_;
if (NOT (requiredInputs_ == other.requiredInputs_) OR
NOT (requiredOutputs_ == other.requiredOutputs_))
ABORT("Internal error, merging incompatible group attributes"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
// To add the constraints from the other group to this one, we
// must use the addConstraint(Itemexpr*) method. This is because
// we need to check for duplicate constraints, and only the
// addConstraint method does that. If we are merging two scan
// groups, for example, it is possible that each group will have
// allocated two physically different constraints that represent the
// same logical constraint on the same columns.
for (ValueId x= other.constraints_.init();;
other.constraints_.advance(x) )
numBaseTables_ = MAXOF(numBaseTables_,other.numBaseTables_);
minChildEstRowCount_ = MINOF(minChildEstRowCount_,other.minChildEstRowCount_);
numJoinedTables_ = MAXOF(numJoinedTables_,other.numJoinedTables_);
numTMUDFs_ = MAXOF(numTMUDFs_, other.numTMUDFs_);
// Look thru the sets of input/output est. logical properties for
// the "other" set of group attributes. For those not already in
// the current set, add them. If there exists output est. logical
// properties for the same set of input est. logical properties
// between the two group attributes, there is no attempt to normalize
// them. Just keep the one from "this" group.
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < other.getInputLogPropList().entries(); i++)
Int32 index = existsInputLogProp (other.getInputLogPropList()[i]);
if (index < 0) // this ILP does not already exist
// ensure that there is a corresponding entry in the
// intermediate as well as final output LP list.
if ((i >= other.getOutputLogPropList().entries()) ||
(i >= other.getIntermedOutputLogPropList().entries()) )
CCMPASSERT (i < other.getIntermedOutputLogPropList().entries());
CCMPASSERT (i < other.getOutputLogPropList().entries());
// Insert the corresponding input and output est. log. properties
// into the group attributes.
inputLogPropList().insert (other.getInputLogPropList()[i]);
outputLogPropList().insert (other.getOutputLogPropList()[i]);
intermedOutputLogPropList().insert (other.getIntermedOutputLogPropList()[i]);
// Merge GroupAnalysis if available
// Use groupAnalysis of other if I dont have any
// (Should not really happen, but wont hurt, consider assertion)
if (other.getGroupAnalysis())
if (!groupAnalysis_)
groupAnalysis_ = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
//reconcile my GroupAnalysis with the other's GroupAnalysis
DCMPASSERT(hasNonDeterministicUDRs_ == other.hasNonDeterministicUDRs_);
if (other.hasNonDeterministicUDRs_)
hasNonDeterministicUDRs_ = TRUE;
if((other.potential_ >= 0 ) &&
(other.potential_ < potential_))
potential_ = other.potential_;
} // GroupAttributes::lomerge()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Comparison (compare required inputs/outputs)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean GroupAttributes::operator == (const GroupAttributes &other) const
return (requiredInputs_ == other.requiredInputs_ AND
requiredOutputs_ == other.requiredOutputs_);
// compare constraints and/or EstLogProp????
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// hash function
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
HashValue GroupAttributes::hash() const
HashValue result = 0x0;
result ^= requiredInputs_;
result ^= requiredOutputs_;
// constraints may be added dynamically, therefore they can't be part of
// the hash function.
// The estimated log props and the cache are not invariant and therefore
// can't be part of the hash function.
return result;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Recommended order for NJ probing.
// Find a good forward probing order for this group. A preferred probing
// order is chosen as the key prefix of any available Btree index
// that is covered by either constants or params/host vars
// and at least one equijoin column, has the minimum number of
// uncovered columns, and satisfys all partitioning and ordering
// requirements.
// Inputs: child0 Group Attributes
// Number of forced ESPs (-1 if no forcing)
// Requirement Generator object containing left child requirements
// Any required order or arrangement for the right child
// Outputs: chosenIndexDesc
// Indicator if all part key cols are equijoin cols or
// covered by a partitioning requirement that has no part key cols
// Returns: A list that is a prefix of the chosen index sort key.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma nowarn(770) // warning elimination
ValueIdList GroupAttributes::recommendedOrderForNJProbing(
GroupAttributes* child0GA, // IN
Lng32 numForcedParts, //IN
RequirementGenerator& rg, // IN
ValueIdList& reqdOrder1, // IN
ValueIdSet& reqdArr1, // IN
IndexDesc* &chosenIndexDesc, // OUT
NABoolean partKeyColsAreMappable // OUT
ValueIdList chosenIndexOrder;
Lng32 chosenIndexNumUncoveredCols = -1;
NABoolean chosenIndexPartKeyColsAreMappable = FALSE;
NABoolean chosenIndexSatisfiesDp2SortOrderPartReq = FALSE;
Lng32 chosenIndexNumParts = 0;
ValueIdList currentIndexOrder;
IndexDesc* currentIndexDesc;
const ValueIdList* currentIndexSortKey;
const PartitioningFunction* currentIndexPartFunc;
const ValueIdSet* currentIndexPartKey = NULL;
ValueIdList currentIndexPartKeyAsList;
ValueIdList currentIndexPartKeyEquiJoinCols;
NABoolean currentIndexPartKeyColsAreMappable;
Lng32 currentIndexNumParts;
ValueIdList currentIndexUncoveredCols;
Lng32 currentIndexNumUncoveredCols;
NABoolean currentIndexSatisfiesPartReq;
NABoolean currentIndexSatisfiesDp2SortOrderPartReq;
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rppForMe =
PartitioningRequirement* partReqForMe =
SortOrderTypeEnum sortOrderTypeReq =
PartitioningRequirement* dp2SortOrderPartReq =
Lng32 numPartsRequirement = ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS;
NABoolean numPartsForced = FALSE;
if (numForcedParts != ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS)
numPartsRequirement = numForcedParts;
numPartsForced = TRUE;
else if (partReqForMe != NULL)
numPartsRequirement = partReqForMe->getCountOfPartitions();
chosenIndexDesc = NULL;
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < availableBtreeIndexes_.entries(); i++)
currentIndexDesc = availableBtreeIndexes_[i];
currentIndexSortKey = (&(currentIndexDesc->getOrderOfKeyValues()));
currentIndexPartFunc = currentIndexDesc->getPartitioningFunction();
if (currentIndexPartFunc == NULL)
currentIndexPartFunc = new(CmpCommon::statementHeap())
currentIndexNumParts = 1;
currentIndexPartKeyColsAreMappable = TRUE;
currentIndexNumParts =
currentIndexPartKey =
if (currentIndexPartKey->isEmpty())
currentIndexPartKeyColsAreMappable = TRUE;
currentIndexPartKeyAsList = *currentIndexPartKey;
currentIndexPartKeyEquiJoinCols =
if (currentIndexPartKeyEquiJoinCols.entries() ==
currentIndexPartKeyColsAreMappable = TRUE;
currentIndexPartKeyColsAreMappable = FALSE;
// If already have an index whose part key columns are mappable,
// don't pick one which does not.
if (chosenIndexPartKeyColsAreMappable AND
NOT currentIndexPartKeyColsAreMappable)
currentIndexOrder = currentIndexSortKey->findNJEquiJoinCols(
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
currentIndexNumUncoveredCols = currentIndexUncoveredCols.entries();
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
// The current index must have at least one equijoincolumn to use it.
if (currentIndexOrder.entries() == 0)
// Check the current index partitioning against the
// partitioning requirements.
// Assume that the index partitioning satisfies any dp2SortOrderPartReq.
// If there is no dp2SortOrderPartReq then all indices satisfy it
// trivially and so this will always be TRUE.
currentIndexSatisfiesDp2SortOrderPartReq = TRUE;
// If there is a dp2SortOrderPartReq, and the sortOrderTypeReq
// is not DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT, then the physical partitioning function
// of the index must match the requirement exactly or we can't
// use the index. Note that if the sortOrderTypeReq is
// DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT, we could always downgrade the sortOrderTypeReq
// to ESP_NO_SORT and get rid of the dp2SortOrderPartReq. In this
// case, we will still consider the index, but will still favor one
// which does satisfy the dpSortOrderPartReq.
if ((dp2SortOrderPartReq != NULL) AND
(NOT dp2SortOrderPartReq->
currentIndexSatisfiesDp2SortOrderPartReq = FALSE;
if (sortOrderTypeReq != DP2_OR_ESP_NO_SORT_SOT)
// If already have an index which satisfies any Dp2SortOrderPartReq,
// don't pick one which does not. Note that if there really is
// a Dp2SortOrderPartReq than any index which satisfies it must have
// mappable part keys, so this code will never throw away an index
// with mappable part keys in favor of one which doesn't.
if (chosenIndexSatisfiesDp2SortOrderPartReq AND
NOT currentIndexSatisfiesDp2SortOrderPartReq)
// Assume the index partitioning will not match.
currentIndexSatisfiesPartReq = FALSE;
// The index partitioning can always satisfy a replicate
// no broadcast or exactly one partitioning requirement,
// unless we are in DP2, in which case the index must have
// only one partition. We also don't have to worry about being
// able to map the partitioning keys in this case because the
// grouped index partitioning function will not have any.
if ((partReqForMe != NULL) AND
(partReqForMe->isRequirementReplicateNoBroadcast() OR
(partReqForMe->isRequirementExactlyOne() AND
(NOT rppForMe->executeInDP2() OR
(currentIndexNumParts == 1)))))
currentIndexSatisfiesPartReq = TRUE;
// otherwise, can only use index if it's part key cols are mappable
else if (currentIndexPartKeyColsAreMappable)
NABoolean numPartsSatisfiesFuzzyReq =
((partReqForMe != NULL) AND
(partReqForMe->castToRequireApproximatelyNPartitions() != NULL) AND
// Check the number of partitions against the required # of parts
// The current index # of parts satisfies the required # of parts
// if there is no # of parts requirement, or they match exactly,
// or we are not in DP2 and so we can use grouping to satisfy
// the requirement, or the requirement is fuzzy, the # of parts
// falls in the allowable range, and the # of parts is not forced.
if ((numPartsRequirement == ANY_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS) OR
(numPartsRequirement == currentIndexNumParts) OR
(NOT rppForMe->executeInDP2() AND
(numPartsRequirement < currentIndexNumParts)) OR
(numPartsSatisfiesFuzzyReq AND NOT numPartsForced))
// If there was no partitioning requirement or the current
// index is not partitioned, then the index qualifies - we
// don't need to check any partitioning keys or part. boundaries.
// We don't need to check part keys if the index is not partitioned
// because the requirement must have been for exactly one partition
// or we wouldn't have gotten here - and a requirement for
// exactly one partition has no part key requirements.
if ((partReqForMe == NULL) OR
(currentIndexNumParts == 1))
currentIndexSatisfiesPartReq = TRUE;
// if fuzzy requirement, need to compare index partitioning
// keys against the partitioning requirements
if (partReqForMe->isRequirementFuzzy())
if (partReqForMe->getPartitioningKey().isEmpty() OR
currentIndexSatisfiesPartReq = TRUE;
// fully specified partitioning requirement - must compare
// both partitioning keys and the partitioning boundaries
PartitioningFunction* scaledPartFunc =
Lng32 scaleNumPartReq = numPartsRequirement;
scaledPartFunc =
if ((scaleNumPartReq == numPartsRequirement) AND
currentIndexSatisfiesPartReq = TRUE;
} // end if fuzzy or fully specified req
} // end else part req exists and current index is partitioned
} // end if current index satisfies any number of partitions req
} // end if current index part key cols are mappable
if (NOT currentIndexSatisfiesPartReq)
// Check the current index sort order against any sort order requirements
// Check the equijoin cols portion of the sort key
// If none of the current index equijoin columns were compatible
// with any required order or arrangement then we can't use it.
if (currentIndexOrder.entries() == 0)
// Check the uncovered columns portion of the sort key
// against any split off required order or arrangement for
// the right child. We don't need to check the equijoin
// columns because they will be covered by the probes.
if (NOT reqdArr1.isEmpty() AND
NOT currentIndexUncoveredCols.satisfiesReqdArrangement(reqdArr1,this))
if (NOT reqdOrder1.isEmpty() AND
(currentIndexUncoveredCols.satisfiesReqdOrder(reqdOrder1,this) !=
// If this is the first index, then it is automatically the
// best index so far.
// We always want to pick an index whose partitioning key columns
// are all equijoin columns, i.e. they are mappable, over one
// whose part key cols are not mappable.
// We always want to pick an index who satifies any
// dp2SortOrderPartReq over one which does not. Note that
// any index which satisfies a dp2SortOrderPartReq must have
// mappable part keys so this does not violate the previous rule.
// Otherwise:
// We want to pick the index with the least number of uncovered
// columns, i.e. the index which is the closest to being
// fully specified. If two indexes have the same number of uncovered
// columns, we pick the index which has the most partitions
// (to get the maximum level of parallelism). In the case of a tie,
// we pick the primary index.
if ( (chosenIndexNumUncoveredCols == -1) // 1st index checked?
(NOT chosenIndexPartKeyColsAreMappable AND // always favor index
currentIndexPartKeyColsAreMappable) // with mappable part key
(NOT chosenIndexSatisfiesDp2SortOrderPartReq AND // favor if satis.
currentIndexSatisfiesDp2SortOrderPartReq) // dp2SortOrderPartReq
(currentIndexNumUncoveredCols < chosenIndexNumUncoveredCols)
((currentIndexNumUncoveredCols == chosenIndexNumUncoveredCols) AND
(currentIndexNumParts > chosenIndexNumParts))
((currentIndexNumUncoveredCols == chosenIndexNumUncoveredCols) AND
(currentIndexNumParts == chosenIndexNumParts) AND
chosenIndexOrder = currentIndexOrder;
chosenIndexNumUncoveredCols = currentIndexNumUncoveredCols;
chosenIndexDesc = currentIndexDesc;
chosenIndexPartKeyColsAreMappable =
chosenIndexSatisfiesDp2SortOrderPartReq =
chosenIndexNumParts = currentIndexNumParts;
} // end for all indexes in the group
partKeyColsAreMappable = chosenIndexPartKeyColsAreMappable;
// HEURISTIC: Only pass back the recommended order if the total
// # of blocks for this access path is greater than the cache size.
// The costing code treats an in-order scan and an unordered scan
// the same if the blocks all fit in cache so this should be a good
// heuristic. We would really like the # of blocks after the key
// preds have been supplied, but this would be expensive to compute.
// Instead we over-estimate to avoid not trying an ordered plan
// when it could be beneficial.
if (chosenIndexDesc != NULL)
// Get the blocksize for this access path
CostScalar blockSizeInKb = chosenIndexDesc->getBlockSizeInKb();
// Get the colStatsDescList containing the histogram data for
// all columns of the table from the primary table descriptor.
const ColStatDescList& csdl =
// Could get the rowcount from any column stats, so just get it
// from the first column.
CostScalar numRows = csdl[0]->getColStats()->getRowcount();
// Determine how many blocks are in a partition of this access path
CostScalar rowsPerBlock =
(blockSizeInKb / chosenIndexDesc->getRecordSizeInKb()).getFloor();
CostScalar numBlocks = (numRows / rowsPerBlock).getCeiling();
CostScalar numBlocksPerPartition =
(numBlocks / chosenIndexNumParts).getCeiling();
// Determine how many blocks are available in the cache for blocks
// of the same size as this index. Then determine how many users
// there are and then how much of the cache this user can expect
// to have available.
CostScalar cacheSizeInBlocks(getDP2CacheSizeInBlocks(blockSizeInKb));
NADefaults &defs = ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults();
const CostScalar concurrentUsers = defs.getAsLong(NUMBER_OF_USERS);
CostScalar cacheForThisUser = cacheSizeInBlocks / concurrentUsers;
// # of blocks for one partition should exceed the cache size for
// for this to be useful
if (numBlocksPerPartition < cacheForThisUser)
chosenIndexDesc = NULL;
return chosenIndexOrder;
} // GroupAttributes::recommendedOrderForNJProbing()
#pragma warn(770) // warning elimination
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// coverTest()
// A method to determine whether a given set of expressions are
// covered, i.e., they can be satisfied, by the ValueIds that appear
// a) in the GroupAttributes of a relational operator or
// b) a set of new input values that the caller is willing to provide.
// This method is called by an operator for a specific child, i.e.,
// J -> predicates the join operator can invoke
// / \ GroupAttr::coverTest() for either
// scan T1 scan T2 one or both of the scans that are its
// children
// Parameters:
// ValueIdSet setOfExprOnParent
// IN: a read-only reference to a set of expressions that
// are associated with the parent.
// ValueIdSet newExternalInputs
// IN : a read-only reference to a set of new external inputs
// (ValueIds) that are provided for evaluating the above
// expressions.
// ValueIdSet coveredExpr
// OUT: a subset of setOfExprOnParent. It contains the ValueIds
// of only those expressions that are covered.
// ValueIdSet referencedInputs
// OUT: a subset of newExternalInputs. It contains the
// ValueIds of only those inputs that are referenced in
// the expressions that belong to coveredExpr.
// ValueIdSet *coveredSubExpr
// OUT: It contains the ValueIds of all those sub-expressions
// that are covered in the set (setOfExprOnParent-coveredExpr)
// However, the expression that contain them are not covered.
// ValueIdSet *unCoveredExpr
// OUT: If non-null, unCoveredExpr contains the value ids of all
// those expressions and/or subexpressions that could not
// be covered by the group attributes and the new inputs. In
// other words, unCoveredExpr contains the minimum set of
// additional value ids needed to cover all of the expressions
// in "setOfExprOnParent".
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void GroupAttributes::coverTest(const ValueIdSet& setOfExprOnParent,
const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet& coveredExpr,
ValueIdSet& referencedInputs,
ValueIdSet* coveredSubExpr,
ValueIdSet* unCoveredExpr) const
for (ValueId exprId = setOfExprOnParent.init();; setOfExprOnParent.advance(exprId) )
if ( covers(exprId, newExternalInputs,
referencedInputs, coveredSubExpr, unCoveredExpr) )
coveredExpr += exprId;
} // loop over expressions
} // GroupAttributes::coverTest()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// covers()
// A method to determine whether a given expression is covered,
// i.e., its can be satisfied, by the ValueIds that appear
// a) in the GroupAttributes of a relational operator or
// b) a set of new input values that the caller is willing to provide.
// Parameters:
// ValueId exprId
// IN : a read-only reference to the ValueId of an expression
// that is to be checked for coverage
// ValueIdSet newExternalInputs
// IN : a read-only reference to a set of new external inputs
// (ValueIds) that are provided for evaluating the above
// expressions.
// GroupAttributes coveringGA
// IN : the Group Attributes that are to provide coverage
// ValueIdSet referencedInputs
// OUT: a subset of newExternalInputs. It contains the
// ValueIds of only those inputs that are referenced in
// the expression exprId.
// ValueIdSet *coveredSubExpr
// OUT: It contains the ValueIds of all those sub-expressions
// of exprId that are covered, while exprId itself may
// not be covered.
// ValueIdSet *unCoveredExpr
// OUT: If non-null, unCoveredExpr contains the value ids of all
// those expressions and/or subexpressions that could not
// be covered by the group attributes and the new inputs. In
// other words, unCoveredExpr contains the minimum set of
// additional value ids needed to cover all of the expressions
// in "exprId".
// Returns TRUE : If ValueId is covered
// FALSE: Otherwise.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean GroupAttributes::covers(const ValueId& exprId,
const ValueIdSet& newExternalInputs,
ValueIdSet& referencedInputs,
ValueIdSet* coveredSubExpr,
ValueIdSet* unCoveredExpr) const
NABoolean coverFlag = TRUE; // assume expr is covered
// If the given expression belongs to the Characteristic Inputs
// or the Characteristic Outputs
if ( isCharacteristicInput(exprId) OR
isCharacteristicOutput(exprId) )
// do nothing
// If the given expression belongs to the new external inputs,
// update referencedInputs to remember this reference.
else if (newExternalInputs.contains(exprId))
referencedInputs += exprId;
// Otherwise, walk through the item expression to check whether
// it is covered by the given Group Attributes or newExternalInputs
ValueIdSet localInputs, localSubExpr, localUnCoveredExpr;
// Walk through the item expression tree to check for coverage
ItemExpr *iePtr = exprId.getItemExpr();
coverFlag = iePtr->isCovered(newExternalInputs, *this,
localInputs, localSubExpr,
if (coverFlag)
referencedInputs += localInputs;
else if (NOT localSubExpr.isEmpty()) // the expression is not covered
{ // but one of its subexpressions is
referencedInputs += localInputs;
if (coveredSubExpr != NULL)
*coveredSubExpr += localSubExpr;
if (unCoveredExpr != NULL)
*unCoveredExpr += localUnCoveredExpr;
// this item expression and all its children are uncovered,
// so only return this one as uncovered
if (unCoveredExpr != NULL)
*unCoveredExpr += exprId;
} // examine item expression
return coverFlag;
} // GroupAttributes::covers()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// computeCharacteristicIO()
// A method to recompute the Characteristic Inputs and Outputs.
// This method is called by an operator for a specific child, i.e.,
// J -> predicates the join operator can invoke
// / \ GroupAttr::computeCharacteristicIO()
// scan T1 scan T2 for either one or both of the scans
// that are its children
// Effect :
// The Group Attributes for the child can get new characteristic
// inputs and outputs.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void GroupAttributes::computeCharacteristicIO(const ValueIdSet& newInputs,
const ValueIdSet& exprOnParent,
const ValueIdSet& outputExprOnParent,
const ValueIdSet& essentialChildOutputs,
const ValueIdSet * selPred,
const NABoolean childOfALeftJoin,
const NABoolean optimizeOutputs,
const ValueIdSet *extraHubEssOutputs)
ValueIdSet coveredSubExpr; // to contain ALL ValueIds that are covered
// by this GA.
ValueIdSet referencedInputs; // to return the set of Inputs that are
// referenced
ValueId exprId; // a potential member of the Char. Out.
// Compute the available inputs
ValueIdSet availableInputs = requiredInputs_;
availableInputs += newInputs;
ValueIdSet colOf2WithConst;
ValueIdSet essentialKeptOutputs, nonEssentialKeptOutputs;
//If right child of the left join and selection predicate not empty
if(childOfALeftJoin && selPred)
//In case of inner join selection predicates are pushed to its childrens.
//Hence, no characteristic output need to be output to the parent node.
//For left joins, selection predicate on the right child, if any, should
//be evaluated at the join node. So, right child should produce those values
//in the form of characteristic output.Currently, left join is not transformed
//to inner join if selection predicate contains an 'or' expression. So, we need
//to have right child produce those values in the form of characteristic output.
//This call collects required outputs to evaluate the selection predicate.
//Remove references to constant expressions
// The set of exprOnParent that are not covered by the available inputs
ValueIdSet effectiveOutputExprOnParent(outputExprOnParent);
// Look for covered expressions that the child can contribute
for (exprId = effectiveOutputExprOnParent.init();;
effectiveOutputExprOnParent.advance(exprId) )
// Accumulate the ValueIds of all expressions as well as
// sub-expressions that are covered, in coveredSubExpr
if ( covers(exprId, newInputs,
referencedInputs, &coveredSubExpr) )
coveredSubExpr += exprId;
} // loop over effectiveExprOnParent
// Remove from covered expressions those that are covered by the
// available inputs
ValueIdSet availableValues = referencedInputs;
availableValues += coveredSubExpr;
ValueIdSet removedValues ;
// Now we are going to minimize the set of coverSubExpr
// such that we do not produce a value and an expression that
// depends on a value. We will also strip off any inverse
// nodes, because this is not a characteristic a group can
// produce - a group can only produce a value, not a value
// with a particular order. Only a sort key can do that.
// E.g. a,b,a+b ==> a,b
// a,a + 1 ==> a
// a,b,inverse(a),inverse(b) ==> a,b
// inverse(a) ==> a
// test each of the expressions in coveredSubExpr and see if
// it is covered by the remaining expressions
for (exprId = coveredSubExpr.init();;
coveredSubExpr.advance(exprId) )
ValueIdSet valueToTest;
// Remove the current expression from the set of all expressions
// so we can check for duplicates.
availableValues -= exprId;
// Remove any INVERSE nodes on top before checking for coverage.
ValueId noInverseVid =
// If the expression was simplified, save the simplified form
// of the expression, otherwise save the original form.
if (noInverseVid != exprId)
valueToTest += noInverseVid;
valueToTest += exprId;
// If the current expression is equivalent to some other expression,
// then remove it. For cases when the parent needs all the outputs
// do not optimize
if (optimizeOutputs) {
// The set valueToTest is either empty or contains only the
// simplified (if possible) form of the expression.
nonEssentialKeptOutputs += valueToTest;
if (essentialChildOutputs.contains(valueToTest))
essentialKeptOutputs += valueToTest;
availableValues += valueToTest;
// the top half this method computes non-essential outputs
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the bottom half of this method computes essential outputs
// The set of exprOnParent that are not covered by the available inputs
ValueIdSet effectiveExprOnParent(exprOnParent);
// Look for covered expressions that the child can contribute
for (exprId = effectiveExprOnParent.init();;
effectiveExprOnParent.advance(exprId) )
// Accumulate the ValueIds of all expressions as well as
// sub-expressions that are covered, in coveredSubExpr
if ( covers(exprId, newInputs,
referencedInputs, &coveredSubExpr) )
coveredSubExpr += exprId;
} // loop over effectiveExprOnParent
// Remove from covered expressions those that are covered by the
// available inputs
// Now we are going to minimize the set of coverSubExpr
// such that we do not produce a value and an expression that
// depends on a value. We will also strip off any inverse
// nodes, because this is not a characteristic a group can
// produce - a group can only produce a value, not a value
// with a particular order. Only a sort key can do that.
// E.g. a,b,a+b ==> a,b
// a,a + 1 ==> a
// a,b,inverse(a),inverse(b) ==> a,b
// inverse(a) ==> a
availableValues += referencedInputs;
availableValues += coveredSubExpr;
ValueIdSet essentialOutputsThatHaveBeenMarkedNonEssential;
// test each of the expressions in coveredSubExpr and see if
// it is covered by the remaining expressions
for (exprId = coveredSubExpr.init();;
coveredSubExpr.advance(exprId) )
ValueIdSet valueToTest;
// Remove the current expression from the set of all expressions
// so we can check for duplicates.
availableValues -= exprId;
// Remove any INVERSE nodes on top before checking for coverage.
ValueId noInverseVid =
// If the expression was simplified, save the simplified form
// of the expression, otherwise save the original form.
if (noInverseVid != exprId)
valueToTest += noInverseVid;
valueToTest += exprId;
// If the current expression is equivalent to some other expression,
// then remove it. For cases when the parent needs all the outputs
// do not optimize
if (optimizeOutputs) {
availableValues += newInputs;
availableValues -= newInputs;
essentialOutputsThatHaveBeenMarkedNonEssential -= newInputs;
if ((extraHubEssOutputs && !(extraHubEssOutputs->contains(valueToTest))) ||
NOT extraHubEssOutputs)
essentialKeptOutputs += valueToTest;
nonEssentialKeptOutputs -= valueToTest ;
nonEssentialKeptOutputs += valueToTest ;
// The set valueToTest is either empty or contains only the
// simplified (if possible) form of the expression.
essentialKeptOutputs += essentialOutputsThatHaveBeenMarkedNonEssential;
nonEssentialKeptOutputs -= essentialOutputsThatHaveBeenMarkedNonEssential;
availableValues += valueToTest;
ValueIdSet keptOutputs;
if (optimizeOutputs) {
minimizeOutputs(nonEssentialKeptOutputs, essentialKeptOutputs, keptOutputs);
else {
keptOutputs = nonEssentialKeptOutputs;
keptOutputs += essentialKeptOutputs;
//Add outputs evaluated earlier for computing selection predicate
//at parent node.
if(childOfALeftJoin && (NOT colOf2WithConst.isEmpty()))
essentialKeptOutputs += colOf2WithConst;
// Set the essential outputs
requiredEssentialOutputs_ = essentialKeptOutputs;
requiredOutputs_ = keptOutputs;
// Compute what inputs are needed by the the new outputs
// (Modifies referencedInputs not requiredOutputs)
requiredInputs_ += referencedInputs;
} // GroupAttributes::computeCharacteristicIO()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// GroupAttr::minimizeOutputs()
// This method takes in (a) a vidset holding non-essential outputs, (2)
// a vidset holding essential outputs, and (3) an empty set that will hold
// all the outputs. The method reduces each set such that no vid is covered
// by all the other vids. In removing any covered essentianl vids, the
// values that contribute to that coverage are promoted to essential outputs
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void GroupAttributes::minimizeOutputs(ValueIdSet& nonEssentialOutputs,
ValueIdSet& essentialOutputs,
ValueIdSet& allOutputs)
NABoolean coverFlag;
GroupAttributes emptyGA;
ValueIdSet usedValues;
allOutputs = nonEssentialOutputs ;
allOutputs += essentialOutputs;
for (ValueId exprId = nonEssentialOutputs.init();;
allOutputs -= exprId;
if (exprId.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_VEG_PREDICATE)
VEG * vegPtr = ((VEGPredicate *)(exprId.getItemExpr()))->getVEG();
coverFlag = emptyGA.covers(vegPtr->getVEGReference()->getValueId(),
coverFlag = emptyGA.covers(exprId,
if (coverFlag) {
allOutputs += exprId; // exprId is not covered so place it back in allOutputs
} // for
usedValues.clear(); // not needed for nonEssentialOutputs
for (ValueId exprId = essentialOutputs.init();;
allOutputs -= exprId;
if (exprId.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_VEG_PREDICATE)
VEG * vegPtr = ((VEGPredicate *)(exprId.getItemExpr()))->getVEG();
coverFlag = emptyGA.covers(vegPtr->getVEGReference()->getValueId(),
coverFlag = emptyGA.covers(exprId,
if (coverFlag) {
allOutputs += exprId; // exprId is not covered so place it back in allOutputs
} // for
essentialOutputs += usedValues ; // promoting some nonEssential outputs to be essential
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// resolveCharacteristicInputs()
// A method for replacing each VEGReference that is a member of
// the Characteristic Inputs with one or more values that belong
// to the VEG and are also available in the external inputs.
// This method is used by the code generator.
// Effect :
// The Characteristic Inputs can change.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
void GroupAttributes::resolveCharacteristicInputs(const ValueIdSet& externalInputs)
// Separate out the VEGReferences
ValueIdSet vegRefs;
// Replace the VEGRefs contained in any other expression
requiredInputs_.replaceVEGExpressions(externalInputs, externalInputs);
// expand the VEGRefs
ValueIdSet expandedVEGs;
// in addition to this, if the vegRefs contain any current_time, current_date etc
// which are also available in externalInputs then they should also be added
// in requiredInputs_. Genesis case # 10-010906-5361
ValueIdSet currentConstants;
for (ValueId x = vegRefs.init();;
if (x.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() == ITM_VEG_REFERENCE)
VEGReference *vegRef = ((VEGReference *)(x.getItemExpr()));
ValueIdSet allValues = vegRef->getVEG()->getAllValues();
// in all these values check for current_user amd current_timestamp
for (ValueId vid = allValues.init();; allValues.advance(vid))
ItemExpr * vidExpr = vid.getItemExpr();
if ((vidExpr->getOperatorType() == ITM_CURRENT_USER) ||
(vidExpr->getOperatorType() == ITM_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))
currentConstants += vid;
// these constants should also be added to the list of expandedVEGs
expandedVEGs += currentConstants;
// all the available values become inputs
requiredInputs_ += expandedVEGs;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// GroupAttributes::resolveCharacteristicOutputs()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void GroupAttributes::resolveCharacteristicOutputs
(const ValueIdSet & availableValues,
const ValueIdSet & externalInputs)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Save a copy of the required outputs before they are rewritten.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet redundantOutputs(requiredOutputs_);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Replace VEGReference expressions with corresponding values that
// belong to childOutputs.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete all external inputs from the required outputs.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
requiredOutputs_ -= externalInputs;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The remaining code in this procedure is a hack that was added long
// time ago to work around a design problem. I'm changing it somewhat but
// not yet removing it.
// The problem is when more than one child is producing an expression
// that is not rooted in a VEGRef but contains a VEGRef and both
// children can produce a member of the VEGRef. When the first child
// rewrites its output it rewrites the expression such that it no
// longer contains a VEGRef. When the second child rewrites its outputs
// it can no longer rewrite the VEGRef nor produce the expression.
// The solution is to change the normalizer so that only one of the child
// has the expression as an output.
// The hack is to remove from the output any expressions that were not
// rewritten and that cannot be covered. This can hide also sorts of
// bugs and that is why I don't like it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check which of the required outputs did not change after the rewrite.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// All those values that can are produced by the child and also appear
// in the requiredOutputs_ are not redundant by definition
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
redundantOutputs -= availableValues;
if (NOT redundantOutputs.isEmpty())
requiredOutputs_ -= redundantOutputs;
} // GroupAttributes::resolveCharacteristicOutputs()
// Clear the analysis values in groupAnalysis
void GroupAttributes::clearGroupAnalysis()
void GroupAttributes::clearLogProperties()
// clear logical properties if previously synthesized.
// reset any association with the logical expression for
// which synthesis was performed.
setLogExprForSynthesis (NULL);
// clear any estimated logical properties
} // GroupAttributes::clearLogProperties
// input estimated logical properties are not owned by the
// group ... so just remove the references.
// reset the previously calculated output cardinality
outputCardinalityForEmptyLogProp_ = -1;
outputMaxCardinalityForEmptyLogProp_ = -1;
EstLogPropSharedPtr GroupAttributes::outputLogProp (const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLP)
// See if the desired output log. property has already been synthesized.
// If so, just return them.
Int32 index = existsInputLogProp (inLP);
if (index >= 0) return outputEstLogProp_[index];
// OLP has not been synthesized ... synthesize now on demand
// for a given logical expression in this group.
RelExpr * logExpr = getLogExprForSynthesis();
// The association between group attributes and one logical expr
// in the group (the first for which we invoked synthLogProp) should
// have happened already. If this did not happen, then it means that
// we have a log expr for which synthLogProp was not invoked ...
// if so, fix it!!
CMPASSERT (logExpr);
EstLogPropSharedPtr outputEstLogProp;
// check if the properties in this GroupAttr and the inLP could
// have been cached by ASM
if( QueryAnalysis::Instance() )
// get the ASM cache pointer
AppliedStatMan * appStatMan = QueryAnalysis::ASM();
// Look for in the ASM cache only if the CQD ASM is ON
if (appStatMan != NULL)
GroupAnalysis * groupAnalysis = getGroupAnalysis();
// properties in the ASM are cached with the parentJBBView
// of the JBBC
const JBBSubset * jbbSubsetForThisGroup =\
// EstLogProps for the RelExprs, such as the one corresponding for
// alternate index are not cacheable. These will have their
// JBBSubset equal to NULL. This is set by the Prime Group Analyser.
// ASM will not cache the estimated logical properties for these
// RelExprs. The properties will also not be cached, if these
// have been computed for input estimated logical properties
// which were not cacheable. The cacheable flag for these
// properties is set at the time when these properties were
// computed.
if ((jbbSubsetForThisGroup != NULL) && (inLP->isCacheable()))
CANodeIdSet groupNodeSet = jbbSubsetForThisGroup->getJBBCsAndGB();
// if inLP are cacheable, then they too should have JBBSubset
// associated with them. The only exception is emptyInputLogProp
// which are cacheable but have an empty NodeSet.
// Form a combined nodeSet of the JBBSubset for which these
// properties are being computed and the inputEstLogProp
// This will give the outputEstLogProp for the given
// inputEstLogProp
groupNodeSet += *(inLP->getNodeSet());
// lookup, if outputLogProp for these inLP have exist in the cache
outputEstLogProp = appStatMan->getCachedStatistics(&groupNodeSet);
if (outputEstLogProp == NULL)
// Properties do not exist with ParentJBBView.
// But these could have been cached with the localJBBView.
if (groupAnalysis->getNodeAnalysis() &&
jbbSubsetForThisGroup = groupAnalysis->getLocalJBBView();
if (jbbSubsetForThisGroup != NULL)
CANodeIdSet localNodeSet =\
// if inLP are cacheable, then they too should have JBBSubset
// associated with them. Proceed in the same manner as with
// the parentJBBView
localNodeSet += *(inLP->getNodeSet());
// lookup, if outputLogProp for these inLP have exist in the cache
outputEstLogProp = appStatMan->getCachedStatistics(&localNodeSet);
// The properties were computed for other CANodeIdSet,
// but these do not exist with these groupAttributes,
// hence these should be added in the GroupAttr for the given
// inputLogProp. Also add the same estLogProp to the
// intermediateEstLogProp list. This is because the outputLogProp
// inputLogProp and the intermedLogProp are all indexed by the
// same index.
if (outputEstLogProp != NULL)
// check - how and where these intermediateEstLogProps being used.
// This might require some change in the logic
intermedOutputLogPropList().insert (outputEstLogProp);
// There should be exactly one set of output log. properties
// corresponding to each set of input log. properties.
CCMPASSERT (outputLogPropList().entries() == inputLogPropList().entries());
CCMPASSERT (intermedOutputLogPropList().entries() == inputLogPropList().entries());
// If the Query Analysis instance does not exist, or the properties
// have not been synthesized by ASM, synthesize the estimateLogProp
// for this expression including all of its children the usual way.
if (outputEstLogProp == NULL)
logExpr->synthEstLogProp (inLP);
// Return the OLP which we just synthesized.
index = existsInputLogProp(inLP);
// We always expect to find the inLP, so assert here.
DCMPASSERT ((CmpCommon::getDefault(COMP_BOOL_71) == DF_ON) || index >= 0);
if (index < 0)
// In release, if this is less than zero, then it may be that
// this groupAttr is different from logExpr's groupAttr. Try to
// reconcile the two GA's by adding the newly synth log prop to
// this GA as well. And see if that works. If not then we will
// assert in release as well.
index = logExpr->getGroupAttr()->existsInputLogProp(inLP);
if (index < 0)
CMPASSERT ("Logical properties for the expression could not be computed");
addInputOutputLogProp(inLP, logExpr->getGroupAttr()->outputLogPropList()[index]);
index = existsInputLogProp(inLP);
if (index < 0)
CMPASSERT ("Logical properties for the expression could not be computed");
// all CSD's should have the same rowcount!
// (this code is in its own scope so its variables don't affect )
EstLogPropSharedPtr checkOLP = outputEstLogProp_[index] ;
const ColStatDescList & checkCSDL = checkOLP->getColStats() ;
checkCSDL.verifyInternalConsistency(0,checkCSDL.entries()) ;
outputEstLogProp = outputEstLogProp_[index] ;
// !!!!! - This code must be carefully checked by the optimizer group.
// Update the estimated cardinality by taking the min(max) value between the
// currently estimated cardinality and the CardConstraint maxRows(minRows) bound
Cardinality minRows, maxRows;
if (inLP->getResultCardinality() <= CostScalar (1) &&
MINOF(outputEstLogProp->getResultCardinality(), maxRows));
MAXOF(outputEstLogProp->getResultCardinality(), minRows));
MINOF(outputEstLogProp->getMaxCardEst(), maxRows));
MAXOF(outputEstLogProp->getMaxCardEst(), minRows));
// Set the Cardinality of EstLogProp to one , if a constraint with maxRows one exists.
if (inLP->isCardinalityEqOne() && hasCardConstraint(minRows,maxRows) &&
maxRows == 1)
return outputEstLogProp ;
} // GroupAttributes::outputLogProp
EstLogPropSharedPtr GroupAttributes::intermedOutputLogProp (const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLP)
// See if the desired output log. property has already been synthesized.
// If so, just return them.
Int32 index = existsInputLogProp (inLP);
if (index >= 0) return intermedOutputLogProp_[index];
// OLP has not been synthesized ... synthesize now on demand
// for a given logical expression in this group.
RelExpr * logExpr = getLogExprForSynthesis();
// The association between group attributes and one logical expr
// in the group (the first for which we invoked synthLogProp) should
// have happened already. If this did not happen, then it means that
// we have a log expr for which synthLogProp was not invoked ...
// if so, fix it!!
if (logExpr == NULL)
CMPASSERT ("Trying to get logical properties for an invalid expression");
// Synthesize the est. output log. property for this expression,
// including all of its children. Please note that synthEstLogProp
// will synthesize both the intermediate OLP as well as final OLP.
logExpr->synthEstLogProp (inLP);
// Return the intermediate OLP which we just synthesized.
index = existsInputLogProp(inLP);
if (index < 0)
CMPASSERT ("Logical properties for the expression could not be computed");
return (intermedOutputLogProp_[index]);
} // GroupAttributes::intermedOutputLogProp
CostScalar GroupAttributes::getResultCardinalityForEmptyInput ()
if ( outputCardinalityForEmptyLogProp_ < 0 ) // i.e., not initialized
EstLogPropSharedPtr outLP = outputLogProp ((*GLOBAL_EMPTY_INPUT_LOGPROP)) ;
outputCardinalityForEmptyLogProp_ = outLP->getResultCardinality() ;
outputMaxCardinalityForEmptyLogProp_ = outLP->getMaxCardEst() ;
return outputCardinalityForEmptyLogProp_ ;
CostScalar GroupAttributes::getResultMaxCardinalityForEmptyInput ()
if ( outputMaxCardinalityForEmptyLogProp_ < 0 ) // i.e., not initialized
EstLogPropSharedPtr outLP = outputLogProp ((*GLOBAL_EMPTY_INPUT_LOGPROP)) ;
outputCardinalityForEmptyLogProp_ = outLP->getResultCardinality() ;
outputMaxCardinalityForEmptyLogProp_ = outLP->getMaxCardEst() ;
return outputMaxCardinalityForEmptyLogProp_ ;
GroupAttributes::getResultMaxCardinalityForInput(EstLogPropSharedPtr & inLP)
EstLogPropSharedPtr outLP = outputLogProp (inLP) ;
CostScalar maxCard = outLP->getResultCardinality() ;
return maxCard;
// materializeInputLogProp takes its given inputLogicalProperties, and
// matches them against THIS group's characteristicInput. Only input
// columns needed by THIS group (the child of a Materialize operator)
// are passed as input columns to a 'normal' invocation of
// GroupAttributes::outputLogProp
// The effect of restricting the inputLogicalProperties is to allow
// the child of the materialize to distinguish between the case where
// it is executed only one time (because it has no dependency upon the
// values used to probe the materialized table) vs. the case where it
// needs to be executed once per probe of the materialize.
GroupAttributes::materializeInputLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLP,
Int32 *multipleReads)
EstLogPropSharedPtr materialInLP(new (STMTHEAP) EstLogProp());
const ColStatDescList & inColStatsList = inLP->getColStats();
const ValueIdSet & specifiedInputs = getCharacteristicInputs();
NABoolean columnFound = FALSE;
// generate the ColStatDescList of those given input columns that
// are needed by the child.
// we probably don't need 'em all, but this is the easiest way to
// grab all of the multi-column uec information we'll need later
materialInLP->colStats().insertIntoUecList (inColStatsList.getUecList()) ;
for ( CollIndex i = 0; i < inColStatsList.entries(); i++ )
ValueIdList columnVIdList ;
columnVIdList.insert ( inColStatsList[i]->getVEGColumn() );
if (columnVIdList.prefixCoveredInSet(specifiedInputs) > 0)
columnFound = TRUE;
NABoolean foundMatch = FALSE;
// lastly, if any of the members of the input list are themselves
// VEGReferences, determine if any of those VEGReferences contain
// one of the valueids associated with the current column stats.
for (ValueId idIn = specifiedInputs.init(); && !foundMatch;
if ( idIn.getItemExpr()->getOperatorType() ==
VEG * nestedVEG = ((VEGReference *) (
const ValueIdSet & VEGGroup = nestedVEG->getAllValues();
for (ValueId id = VEGGroup.init(); && !foundMatch;
if ( columnVIdList.contains(id) )
foundMatch = TRUE;
if (foundMatch)
columnFound = TRUE;
// The FIRST Test (above) is w.r.t. whether or not any columns were
// found for which there are histogram statistics.
// The SECOND Test, which has to be made if the first fails, is:
// Are there any column references in specifiedInputs?
// The Absence of availability of histograms does not mean the child
// of the Materialize is only executed once. {It simply means we
// can't do as good a job of estimating its cardinality as we would
// otherwise do.}
// if ( !columnFound )
// {
// for (ValueId idIn = specifiedInputs.init();
// && !columnFound;
// specifiedInputs.advance(idIn))
// {
// ValueIdSet leafValues;
// idIn.getItemExpr()->findAll(ITM_BASECOLUMN, leafValues, TRUE, TRUE);
// if ( !leafValues.isEmpty() )
// columnFound = TRUE;
// }
// }
// set the input cardinality.... No longer necessarily identical to
// the one supplied by the input EstLogProp.
// CostScalar resultCardinality_;
if ( columnFound ) {
*multipleReads = TRUE;
materialInLP->setResultCardinality( inLP->getResultCardinality() );
else {
*multipleReads = FALSE;
materialInLP->setResultCardinality( 1 );
materialInLP->setMaxCardEst( inLP->getMaxCardEst() );
// set the unresolvedPreds for the materialized InputLP to be those
// of the given inLP.
materialInLP->unresolvedPreds() += inLP->getUnresolvedPreds();
// because of the way materialInLP was built the inputForSemiJoinTSJ was never set
// therefore we do not have to turn it off before calling outputLogProp
return materialInLP;
} // materializeInputLogProp
// materializeOutputLogProp takes its given inputLogicalProperties, and
// matches them against THIS group's characteristicInput. Only input
// columns needed by THIS group (the child of a Materialize operator)
// are passed as input columns to a 'normal' invocation of
// GroupAttributes::outputLogProp
// The effect of restricting the inputLogicalProperties is to allow
// the child of the materialize to distinguish between the case where
// it is executed only one time (because it has no dependency upon the
// values used to probe the materialized table) vs. the case where it
// needs to be executed once per probe of the materialize.
GroupAttributes::materializeOutputLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLP,
Int32 *multipleReads)
return outputLogProp(materializeInputLogProp(inLP,multipleReads));
} // materializeInputLogProp
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method checks whether the provided set of input log. property
// exists in this set of group attributes. If so, return the index
// in the list. Otherwise, return -1.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Int32 GroupAttributes::existsInputLogProp (const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputLP) const
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < inputEstLogProp_.entries(); i++)
if (inputEstLogProp_[i]->compareEstLogProp (inputLP) == SAME)
#pragma nowarn(1506) // warning elimination
return i;
#pragma warn(1506) // warning elimination
return -1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method checks whether output properties have been synthesized
// for the set of input logical properties.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean GroupAttributes::isPropSynthesized (const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputLP) const
Int32 index = existsInputLogProp (inputLP);
if (index >= 0)
return (outputEstLogProp_[index] != NULL);
return FALSE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method adds a reference to the provided input estimated logical
// property. It also allocates a corresponding set of output estimated
// logical properties.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean GroupAttributes::addInputOutputLogProp (const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputLP,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& outputLP,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& intermedOutputLP)
if (isPropSynthesized (inputLP))
return FALSE;
// Insert input and output estimated logical properties at end of lists.
inputLogPropList().insert (inputLP);
// before inserting the output logical properties and intermediate
// logical properties in the group attributes cache, compute UEC
// reduction for each interval, if any and scale the
// histograms such that the total of rowcount and UEC from the
// intervals equal the aggregate rowcount and UEC stored in the
// colstat header
ColStatDescList & colStats = outputLP->colStats();
RelExpr * logExpr = getLogExprForSynthesis();
if (logExpr &&
(CmpCommon::getDefault(HIST_FREQ_VALS_NULL_FIX) == DF_ON) &&
(logExpr->getOperator().match(REL_ANY_LEFT_JOIN) ||
logExpr->getOperator().match(REL_ANY_FULL_JOIN)) )
if ( (CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->histOptimisticCardOpt() == 3) &&
logExpr &&
(logExpr->getOperatorType() == REL_SCAN) )
// intermediate logical properties are optional, so check for NULL
// pointer before proceeding
if (intermedOutputLP)
if( QueryAnalysis::Instance() )
// get the ASM cache pointer
AppliedStatMan * appStatMan = QueryAnalysis::ASM();
if (appStatMan != NULL)
GroupAnalysis * groupAnalysis = getGroupAnalysis();
// ASM caches the properties with parentJBBView of the JBBC
const JBBSubset * jbbSubsetForThisGroup =\
// If the parentJBBView of the JBBC is NULL, then get its
// localJBBView
if (jbbSubsetForThisGroup == NULL)
if (groupAnalysis->getNodeAnalysis() &&
jbbSubsetForThisGroup = groupAnalysis->getLocalJBBView();
// If there is no JBBSubset associated with the group, then its
// estimated logical proeprties cannot be cached. The properties
// also cannot be cached if the inputEstLogProp for which these
// properties are being computed is not cacheable. The cacheable
// flag for these proeprties would be FALSE
if ((jbbSubsetForThisGroup != NULL) && (inputLP->isCacheable()))
// Define a pointer to the CANodeIdSet for the key in the cache
CANodeIdSet * nodeIdSet = new (STMTHEAP)\
CANodeIdSet(jbbSubsetForThisGroup->getJBBCsAndGB(), STMTHEAP);
// The estimatedLogProp in the ASM cache would be identified
// by the NodeSet of the left child, the right child and the
// outer child.
// Before the properties can be cached, they should have
// had their nodeSet set equal to the leftNodeSet + rightNodeSet
// + inputNodeSet. And their cacheable flag to TRUE
// Cache the pointer to estLogProp in the ASM cache,
// keyed by NodeIdSet.
appStatMan->insertCachePredStatEntry(*nodeIdSet, outputLP);
// Insert new output estimated logical properties at end of list.
outputLogPropList().insert (outputLP);
// See if any intermediate output logical properties are provided?
// If so, insert it. Otherwise, set the intermediate LP to that of the
// final output LP.
if (intermedOutputLP != NULL)
intermedOutputLogPropList().insert (intermedOutputLP);
intermedOutputLogPropList().insert (outputLP);
// There should be exactly one set of output log. properties
// corresponding to each set of input log. properties.
CCMPASSERT (outputLogPropList().entries() == inputLogPropList().entries());
//CCMPASSERT (intermedOutputLogPropList().entries() == inputLogPropList().entries());
// in case they have not been added for some reason, these can be recomputed. So no need
// to assert in release mode
return TRUE;
} //GroupAttributes::addInputOutputLogProp
// this method is used by the GUI debugger for displaying the
// estimated logical properties which are cached by the ASM
SHPTR_LIST(EstLogPropSharedPtr) * GroupAttributes::getCachedStatsList()
SHPTR_LIST (EstLogPropSharedPtr) * statsList =
// Check if the instance of the QA and ASM exist
QueryAnalysis *qa = QueryAnalysis::Instance();
AppliedStatMan *appStatMan = (qa == NULL) ? NULL : qa->getASM();
if (appStatMan != NULL)
// Get the JBBsubset for this this group
GroupAnalysis * groupAnalysis = getGroupAnalysis();
const JBBSubset * jbbSubsetForThisGroup =\
if (jbbSubsetForThisGroup != NULL)
EstLogPropSharedPtr outputEstLogProp;
CANodeIdSet groupNodeSet = jbbSubsetForThisGroup->getJBBCsAndGB();
CANodeIdSet * inNodeSet = NULL;
// If the JBBsubset for this group exists then its stats
// should exist in the cache.
// Get stats from ASM cache for all inputLogProps in the group
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < inputEstLogProp_.entries(); i++)
if ((inputEstLogProp_[i]->isCacheable())
&& (inputEstLogProp_[i] != (*GLOBAL_EMPTY_INPUT_LOGPROP)))
inNodeSet = inputEstLogProp_[i]->getNodeSet();
if (inNodeSet)
CANodeIdSet combinedWithInputNodeSet = groupNodeSet;
outputEstLogProp =\
outputEstLogProp =\
// If the outputEstlogProp for this inputLogProp exist
// in the ASM cache, add them to the estLogProp list that
// will be returned to the GUI debugger.
if (outputEstLogProp != NULL)
// reinitialize inNodeSet, as it is not necessary that all
// inputLogProps for which outputLogProps have been evaluated
// for this group are cacheable
inNodeSet = NULL;
return statsList;
ColStatsSharedPtr GroupAttributes::getColStatsForSkewDetection(
const ValueId vId,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLP)
ColStatDescSharedPtr colStatDesc;
// get the output logical properties from group attributes for
// input logical properties
EstLogPropSharedPtr outputLogProg = outputLogProp(inLP);
ColStatDescList colStatDescList = outputLogProg->getColStats();
ColStatsSharedPtr colStats = colStatDescList.getColStatsPtrForPredicate(vId);
if (vId.getItemExpr()->isAPredicate())
colStats = colStatDescList.getColStatsPtrForPredicate(vId);
else {
ValueIdSet veg(vId);
colStats = colStatDescList.getColStatsPtrForVEGGroup(veg);
return colStats;
CostScalar GroupAttributes::getSkewnessFactor(const ValueId vId,
EncodedValue & mostFreqVal,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLP)
NABoolean histFound = FALSE;
CostScalar avgFreq, totalRowCount, maxFreq = csMinusOne;
ColStatsSharedPtr colStats = getColStatsForSkewDetection(vId, inLP);
if (colStats == NULL)
return csMinusOne;
if ( (!colStats->isOrigFakeHist()) )
const FrequentValueList & frequentValueList = colStats->getFrequentValues();
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < frequentValueList.entries(); j++)
const FrequentValue & frequentValue = frequentValueList[j];
avgFreq = frequentValue.getFrequency() * frequentValue.getProbability();
if (maxFreq < avgFreq )
maxFreq = avgFreq;
mostFreqVal = frequentValue.getEncodedValue();
return maxFreq/(colStats->getRowcount());
} // GroupAttributes::getSkewnessFactor
SkewedValueList* GroupAttributes::getSkewedValues(const ValueId& vId,
double threshold,
NABoolean& statsExist,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLP,
NABoolean includeNullIfSkewed
ColStatDescSharedPtr colStatDesc;
ValueIdSet vidSet;
SkewedValueList* svList = NULL;
if ( cachedSkewValuesPtr_ == NULL )
cachedSkewValuesPtr_ = new (STMTHEAP)
(valueIdHashKeyFunc, /* hash func defined above*/
20 /*number of buckets*/,
TRUE, /* enforce uniqueness*/
else {
svList = cachedSkewValuesPtr_ -> getFirstValue(&vId);
if ( svList ) {
statsExist = TRUE;
// if no useful skewed values in the list, return NULL
if ( svList->entries() > 0 )
return svList;
return NULL;
// get the output logical properties from group attributes for
// input logical properties
ColStatsSharedPtr colStats = getColStatsForSkewDetection(vId, inLP);
// if no stats ptr or the stats is a faked one (i.e. no stats updated for the
// the column in question, then we bail out.
if (colStats == NULL || colStats->isOrigFakeHist() )
statsExist = FALSE;
return NULL;
} else
statsExist = TRUE;
ItemExpr* iePtr = vId.getItemExpr();
if (iePtr->getOperatorType() == ITM_INSTANTIATE_NULL) {
iePtr = iePtr -> child(0);
switch (iePtr->getOperatorType()) {
case ITM_EQUAL: // this case is used to handle char type when
// no VEG is formed for a char predicate,
// or joins involving subqueries.
// We only care columns of type ITM_BASECOLUMN (columns belonging to
// base tables or table-valued stored procedures, see comment on class
// BaseColumn).
iePtr->findAll(ITM_BASECOLUMN, vidSet, TRUE, TRUE);
// If no such columns can be found. Do not bother to continue further,
// as only base table columns have the potential to be big and skewed.
if ( vidSet.entries() == 0 )
return NULL;
return NULL;
// get the first column id in the set
ValueId colVid((CollIndex)0);;
NADefaults &defs = ActiveSchemaDB()->getDefaults();
const double total_rowcount_threshold =
// wide rowlength should lower skew_rowcount_threshold
CostScalar factor = MAXOF(getRecordLength() / 1000, 1.0);
CostScalar modifiedCard = colStats->getRowcount() * factor;
CostScalar modifiedMaxCard = getResultMaxCardinalityForEmptyInput() * factor;
// Do not activate skew Buster if the max. cardinality is 10 times
// less than, or total rowcount on the column is less than
if ((modifiedMaxCard < 10 * total_rowcount_threshold)
(modifiedCard < total_rowcount_threshold)
return NULL;
// Create a new skew value list for newly founded skew values.
svList = new (STMTHEAP) SkewedValueList(colVid.getType().newCopy(STMTHEAP), STMTHEAP, 20);
// Add the value list to the hash table, keyed by the vid of the
// joining column
cachedSkewValuesPtr_ -> insert(new (STMTHEAP) ValueId(vId), svList);
// Figure out which representation should be used in the skew list.
const NAType* naType = svList->getNAType();
NABoolean useHashValue = naType->useHashRepresentation();
if ( (!colStats->isOrigFakeHist()) )
const FrequentValueList & frequentValueList = colStats->getFrequentValues();
CostScalar thresholdAdFrequency =
threshold * (colStats->getRowcount()).getValue();
for (CollIndex j = 0; j < frequentValueList.entries(); j++)
const FrequentValue & frequentValue = frequentValueList[j];
EncodedValue skewed;
if ( frequentValue.getFrequency() * frequentValue.getProbability()
< thresholdAdFrequency )
if (svList->entries() >= CURRSTMT_OPTDEFAULTS->maxSkewValuesDetected())
if (frequentValue.getEncodedValue().isNullValue())
} else {
if ( useHashValue == FALSE ) {
skewed = frequentValueList[j].getEncodedValue(); // for SHORT, INTEGER and LARGEINT
} else {
const NAType& nt = colVid.getType();
if (
nt.getTypeQualifier() == NA_NUMERIC_TYPE &&
nt.getTypeName() == LiteralNumeric
) {
skewed =
computeHashForNumeric((SQLNumeric*)&nt); // for numeric
} else
skewed = frequentValueList[j].getHash(); // for CHAR
if (skewed.isNullValue())
} // for all skewed values of this ColStat
// if no useful skewed values in the list, return NULL
if ( svList->entries() > 0 )
return svList;
return NULL;
} // GroupAttributes::getSkewedValues
double GroupAttributes::getAverageVarcharSize(const ValueId vId,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLP)
ColStatDescSharedPtr colStatDesc;
ValueIdSet vidSet;
// maybe we need to impose restrictions???
vId.getItemExpr()->findAll(ITM_BASECOLUMN, vidSet, TRUE, TRUE);
if(vidSet.isEmpty() ||
vidSet.entries()>1 )
return -1;
ValueId colVid((CollIndex)0);;
if (!(colVid.getType().getVarLenHdrSize() > 0))
return -1;
// Check cache for the desired output log. property
EstLogPropSharedPtr outputLogProg;
Int32 index = existsInputLogProp (inLP);
if (index >= 0)
outputLogProg = outputEstLogProp_[index];
return -1;
ColStatDescList colStatDescList = outputLogProg->getColStats();
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < colStatDescList.entries(); i++)
colStatDesc = colStatDescList[i];
if ( colVid == colStatDesc->getColumn())
ColStatsSharedPtr colStats = colStatDesc->getColStats();
return colStats->getAvgVarcharSize()/100;
return -1;
double GroupAttributes::getAverageVarcharSize(const ValueIdList & valIdList, UInt32 & maxRowSize)
double cumulAvgVarCharSize = 0;
UInt32 CumulTotVarCharSize = 0;
CollIndex numEntries = valIdList.entries();
for( CollIndex i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ )
if (>0)
double avgVarCharSize = 0;
//ValueId vid =;
avgVarCharSize = getAverageVarcharSize(;
if (avgVarCharSize >0)
cumulAvgVarCharSize += avgVarCharSize;
cumulAvgVarCharSize +=;
CumulTotVarCharSize +=;
maxRowSize = valIdList.getRowLength();
return maxRowSize - CumulTotVarCharSize + cumulAvgVarCharSize;
GroupAttributes::setEssentialCharacteristicOutputs(const ValueIdSet & vset)
NABoolean misMatchFound = FALSE;
for (ValueId id = vset.init(); && !misMatchFound;
if ( NOT isCharacteristicOutput(id) )
misMatchFound = TRUE;
CMPASSERT(NOT misMatchFound);
requiredEssentialOutputs_ = vset;
GroupAttributes::addEssentialCharacteristicOutputs(const ValueIdSet & vset)
NABoolean misMatchFound = FALSE;
for (ValueId id = vset.init(); && !misMatchFound;
if ( NOT isCharacteristicOutput(id) )
misMatchFound = TRUE;
CMPASSERT(NOT misMatchFound);
requiredEssentialOutputs_ += vset;
GroupAttributes::getNonEssentialCharacteristicOutputs(ValueIdSet & vset) const
vset += getCharacteristicOutputs();
vset -= getEssentialCharacteristicOutputs();