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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: EstLogProp.h
* Description: This file includes the class definition for
* estimated logical properties.
* Created: April 1, 1994
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Due to the order of declarations in other headers, the following
// include and declaration must come before including the other headers.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "SharedPtr.h"
class EstLogProp;
typedef IntrusiveSharedPtr<EstLogProp> EstLogPropSharedPtr;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Include Files
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "ColStatDesc.h"
#include "OperTypeEnum.h"
#include "RelJoin.h"
#include "CompException.h"
// Forward class declaration
class CANodeIdSet;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Estimated Logical Properties
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class EstLogProp : public NABasicObject
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// In order to handle ANTI_SEMI_JOINS, we need the inputForSemiTSJ flag
// to be an enum, not just an NABoolean
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
enum SemiTSJEnum { NOT_SEMI_TSJ=FALSE, // previous value of "FALSE"
SEMI_TSJ, // previous value of "TRUE"
ANTI_SEMI_TSJ } ; // new value : for case of AntiSemiJoin
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor, copy constructor, and assignment operator
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
EstLogProp (CostScalar card = -1,
ValueIdSet *preds = NULL,
SemiTSJEnum inputForSemiTSJ = NOT_SEMI_TSJ,
CANodeIdSet *nodeSet = NULL,
NABoolean cacheable = FALSE,
NAMemory * h=HISTHEAP);
EstLogProp (const EstLogProp &other, NAMemory * h=HISTHEAP);
EstLogProp & operator= (const EstLogProp &other);
NABoolean operator == (const EstLogProp & other) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessor Functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
CostScalar getResultCardinality() const
{ CCMPASSERT (resultCardinality_ >= 0) ;
return resultCardinality_;
// warning elimination (removed "inline")
void setResultCardinality(CostScalar v)
{ CCMPASSERT (v >= 0) ;
if ( v.getValue() > COSTSCALAR_MAX )
resultCardinality_ = COSTSCALAR_MAX; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE :rfi
resultCardinality_ = v;
// big memory growth percent (to be used by SSD overlow enhancement project)
short getBMOgrowthPercent() const
{ return
RelExpr::bmoGrowthPercent(getResultCardinality(), getMaxCardEst());
CostScalar getMaxCardEst() const
{ //CCMPASSERT (maxCardinality_ >= 0) ;
return maxCardinality_;
void setMaxCardEst(CostScalar v)
{ //CCMPASSERT (v >= 0) ;
if ( v.getValue() > COSTSCALAR_MAX )
maxCardinality_ = COSTSCALAR_MAX; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE :rfi
maxCardinality_ = v;
inline ColStatDescList &colStats() { return columnStats_; }
inline const ColStatDescList &getColStats() const
{ return columnStats_; }
inline const ValueIdSet &getUnresolvedPreds() const
{return unresolvedPreds_;}
inline ValueIdSet &unresolvedPreds() {return unresolvedPreds_;}
inline SemiTSJEnum inputForSemiTSJ() { return inputForSemiTSJ_; }
inline SemiTSJEnum getInputForSemiTSJ() const
{ return inputForSemiTSJ_; }
inline CANodeIdSet* getNodeSet() const {return nodeSet_;}
inline void setNodeSet(CANodeIdSet* vset)
{ nodeSet_ = vset; }
inline void setCacheableFlag(NABoolean flag)
{ cacheable_ = flag; }
inline NABoolean isCacheable() const {return cacheable_;}
inline NABoolean isCardinalityEqOne() const { return isCardinalityEqOne_; }
inline void setCardinalityEqOne() { isCardinalityEqOne_ = TRUE; }
inline void resetCardinalityEqOne() { isCardinalityEqOne_ = FALSE; }
// Returns the (possibly multi-column) uec value for the
// ValueId-specified column(s) in the parameter list.
// NB: in the case where we cannot find uec information for one or more
// of 'columns' (i.e., histogram isn't available), this method returns
// -1. Anyone using this method should check for this value!
inline CostScalar getAggregateUec (const ValueIdSet & columns) const
// simply calls the CSDL method of the same name
return columnStats_.getAggregateUec (columns) ;
// mutator:
inline void setInputForSemiTSJ (SemiTSJEnum flag)
{ inputForSemiTSJ_ = flag; }
// Following method returns cardinality of the busiest stream
CostScalar getCardOfBusiestStream(const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
Lng32 numOfParts,
GroupAttributes * grpAttr,
Lng32 countOfCPUs = 1,
NABoolean isUnderNestedJoin = FALSE);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// merge two estimated log props ('this' is the merged version,
// 'other' stays the same). The method returns TRUE, if reoptimization
// should be done.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean reconcile(const EstLogProp &other);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// compare two estimated logical properties
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
COMPARE_RESULT compareEstLogProp (const EstLogPropSharedPtr &other) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// From the given ColStatDescList, populate columnStats_ with column
// descriptors that are useful based on the characteristic outputs for
// the group. And, also with those that represent the current state of
// the input parameters (Outer References).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void pickOutputs( ColStatDescList & columnStats,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp,
const ValueIdSet charOutputs,
const ValueIdSet predSet);
void pickOutputsForUpdate( ColStatDescList columnStats,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp,
const RelExpr & relExpr,
const ValueIdSet updateExprOutputs,
const ValueIdSet predSet);
void mapOutputsForUpdate (const GenericUpdate & relExpr,
const ValueIdMap & updateSelectValueIdMap);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Display function
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "") const;
// The estimated base cardinality for the table to be scanned
CostScalar resultCardinality_; // after restriction by predicates
CostScalar maxCardinality_; // maximum cardinality estimate
CANodeIdSet* nodeSet_; // nodeSet to identify the EstLogProp
ColStatDescList columnStats_; // column statistics
ValueIdSet unresolvedPreds_; // preds that have not yet effected column
// stats - ex. preds involving host vars
SemiTSJEnum inputForSemiTSJ_; // For TSJ: pass semi-join flag to child
NABoolean cacheable_; // check to see if these properties are cacheable by ASM
// This is a non-estimated information , which sets to TRUE if the cardinality
// equals 1.
NABoolean isCardinalityEqOne_;
// object counter
static THREAD_P ObjectCounter *counter_;
}; // EstLogProp