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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: CostScalar.h
* Description: A numeric class, to be protected from under/overflow
* Created: 04/15/97
* Language: C++
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "CmpCommon.h"
#include <float.h>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// since these are doubles, we need to define non-zero equality within an
// EPSILON value; note that this EPSILON value should be equal (roughly)
// to whatever is written in /../include/float.h
//NB: DBL_EPSILON is ~2.22e-16
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define COSTSCALAR_EPSILON (1e-10) /* had problems with DBL_EPSILON -- too precise! */
#define COSTSCALAR_MICRO_EPSILON (1e-70) /* on NSK, DBL_MIN == e-77 */
#define COSTSCALAR_MAX (1e70) /* give ourselves a little room ... */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// NB: the above values are a KLUDGE -- if we're too close to the boundary
// values, sometimes we get unexpected results (e.g., two numbers which
// look identical are judged not-equal; e.g., FPU overflow).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// these two are used to control when absolute value of CostScalar arithmetics
// when exponent of dpv_ attribute belongs to the range [-230,230] we can
// guarantee that dpv_ belongs to the range above. In fact, 1e70 is
// approximately equal to 2^232.5 In case we don't want any CostScalar
// to be in the above range we have to put overflow check not only in *,/
// but also in +,- CostScalar operations, so we want to have some slack
#define CS_MAX_BIN_EXP (230)
#define CS_MIN_BIN_EXP (-230)
#define _ABSOLUTE_VALUE_(x) ((x) >= 0 ? x : ((x) * -1))
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// these are the flags indicating values that we never want to allow :
// not-a-number ("quiet" or not) and infinity (positive or negative)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Minimum of one macro. This macro assumes that the parameter passed in
// is of type CostScalar. The idea is not to create temporary CostScalar
// object for the numeric literal 1 every time the MIN_ONE macro is called,
// hence improve performance at runtime (compiling a SQL query).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef MIN_ONE_CS
//#define MIN_ONE_CS( X ) MAXOF( X, csOne )
#define MIN_ONE_CS( X ) ( ((CostScalar)X).minCsOne() )
#ifndef MIN_ZERO_CS
//#define MIN_ZERO_CS( X ) ( ( (X) < csZero ) ? (X) = csZero : (X) )
#define MIN_ZERO_CS( X ) ( ((CostScalar)X).minCsZero() )
#ifndef MIN_ZERO
#define MIN_ZERO( X ) ( ( (X) < 0 ) ? (X) = 0 : (X) )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// These two variables (stored in CostScalar.cpp) determine whether
// or not we give assertion failures in case of div-by-zero stupidities.
// then s/he wants to get these assertions
// ASSERTIONS_ALWAYS_ON : at certain times we always want these assertions to fail
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef NDEBUG
// On NSK using Tandem floating point format, this macro expands to "if (0)",
// hence we define the macro to expand to no-op.
#endif // NDEBUG
// for some reason, you might not want to use <math.h> functions ...
#include <math.h>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following classes are defined in this file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CostScalar;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Externally defined constants.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Commonly used CostScalar objects.
extern const CostScalar csZero;
extern const CostScalar csOne;
extern const CostScalar csTwo;
extern const CostScalar csMinusOne;
extern const CostScalar csOneKiloBytes;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A simple shell around a 'double' that is introduced for preventing
// overflow conditions.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CostScalar
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// constructors (no need for a destructor, it's just a double-wrapper)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CostScalar() : dpv_(0.0) {}
CostScalar(const double dpv) : dpv_(dpv)
// Copy constructor.
CostScalar(const CostScalar &other) : dpv_(other.dpv_)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// overloaded operators
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// assignment
inline CostScalar & operator = (const CostScalar &other)
{ dpv_ = other.dpv_ ; ASSERT_IS_A_VALID_COSTSCALAR ; return *this ; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CostScalar arithmetic
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// op + : simple
inline CostScalar operator + (const CostScalar &other) const
{ return dpv_ + other.dpv_; }
// op - : lots of code seems to depend on case where if x==x, x-x==0
inline CostScalar operator - (const CostScalar &other) const
if ( *this == other )
return 0 ;
return dpv_ - other.dpv_;
// op *, implementation in CostScalar.cpp
CostScalar operator * (const CostScalar &other) const;
// op /, implementation in CostScalar.cpp
CostScalar operator / (const CostScalar &other) const;
// op += : simple
inline CostScalar & operator += (const CostScalar &other)
dpv_ = dpv_ + other.dpv_ ;
return *this ;
// op -= : fairly simple ; use op - above
inline CostScalar & operator -= (const CostScalar &other)
*this = *this - other ;
return *this ;
// op *= : delegate to op *
inline CostScalar & operator *= (const CostScalar &other)
*this = *this * other;
return *this;
// op /= : delegate to op /
inline CostScalar & operator /= (const CostScalar &other)
*this = *this / other ;
return *this ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// comparison of CostScalar objects
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// op == : needs to be somewhat complicated ... sigh ...
inline NABoolean operator == (const CostScalar &other) const
return ( ( _ABSOLUTE_VALUE_(dpv_ - other.dpv_) /
(_ABSOLUTE_VALUE_(dpv_)+_ABSOLUTE_VALUE_(other.dpv_)+1) )
// $$$ We have to make sure we don't allow two CostScalar objects to be
// $$$ both == and < each other!
// op < : see note above
inline NABoolean operator < (const CostScalar &other) const
{ return ( NOT (*this == other) AND (dpv_ < other.dpv_) ) ; }
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// this is essential
// op > : same as op <
inline NABoolean operator > (const CostScalar &other) const
{ return ( NOT (*this == other) AND (dpv_ > other.dpv_) ) ; }
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// this is essential
// op != : simple
inline NABoolean operator != (const CostScalar &other) const
{ return NOT (*this == other) ; }
// op <= : don't use op< (avoid 2nd call to op==)
inline NABoolean operator <= (const CostScalar &other) const
{ return (dpv_ < other.dpv_) OR (*this == other) ; }
// op >= : don't use op> (avoid 2nd call to op==)
inline NABoolean operator >= (const CostScalar &other) const
{ return (dpv_ > other.dpv_) OR (*this == other) ; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// overloaded ops (++,--) that we probably don't need
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// prefix
inline CostScalar & operator ++ () { dpv_++; return *this; }
inline CostScalar & operator -- () { dpv_--; return *this; }
// postfix
inline CostScalar operator ++ (Int32)
{ CostScalar temp (*this); ++dpv_; return temp; }
inline CostScalar operator -- (Int32)
{ CostScalar temp (*this); --dpv_; return temp; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// other useful methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// isZero : is THIS *essentially* zero? (+/- COSTSCALAR_EPSILON)
//inline NABoolean isZero () const { return (_IS_ZERO_(dpv_)) ; }
inline NABoolean isZero () const
// isExactlyZero : is THIS *exactly* zero? (+/- COSTSCALAR_MICRO_EPSILON)
// --> we hate to require that every bit be exactly the same, so this
// function requires the CostScalar object be very very very very small
// in order to return TRUE
inline NABoolean isExactlyZero () const { return (_IS_EXACTLY_ZERO_(dpv_)) ; }
// round : round to zero if the value is *essentially* equal to zero
inline void roundIfZero () { if (isZero()) dpv_ = 0 ; }
// roundExactly : round to zero if the value is *exactly* equal to zero
inline void roundIfExactlyZero () { if (isExactlyZero()) dpv_ = 0 ; }
// round the value to closes integer.
inline CostScalar & round ()
CostScalar highValue = getCeiling();
if ((dpv_ + 0.5) < highValue.getValue()) // very roundabout way of rounding
*this = getFloor();
*this = highValue;
return *this;
// getCeiling : ceiling of 12.34 = 13.0, assumes non-negative CostScalar
CostScalar getCeiling() const
CMPASSERT (dpv_ >= 0) ;
// we assume that cast-to-long does truncation
Lng32 valLong = Lng32(dpv_) ;
if (double(valLong) < dpv_)
return CostScalar (double(valLong+1)) ; // go "up" to next integer
return CostScalar (double(valLong)) ; // already exactly equal to a integer
// use ANSI c-runtime function defined in <math.h>:
return CostScalar(ceil(getValue()));
// getFloor : floor of 12.34 = 12.0, assumes non-negative CostScalar
CostScalar getFloor() const
CMPASSERT (dpv_ >= 0) ;
// we assume that cast-to-long does truncation
return CostScalar (double(Lng32(dpv_))) ;
// use ANSI c-runtime function defined in <math.h>:
return CostScalar(floor(getValue()));
// getValue, value : getting at the underlying double value explicitly
inline double getValue() const { return dpv_ ; }
inline double value() const { return dpv_ ; }
inline const double toDouble() const { return dpv_ ; }
inline long toLong() const
{ return (dpv_ > LONG_MAX ? LONG_MAX : (dpv_ < LONG_MIN ? LONG_MIN : (long) dpv_)); }
// Many functions above are expensive because of using overloaded op==
// The purpose of functions below is to make comparison with csOne,csZero
// and computing min/max function between CoastScalar and csOne/csZero
// more efficient. These operations make a big chunk of CostScalar
// operations. This needs further improvement and cleanup.
// isGreaterThanZero uses COSTSCALAR_EPSILON to decide if *this > csZero
inline NABoolean isGreaterThanZero() const
return (dpv_ > COSTSCALAR_EPSILON);
inline NABoolean isGreaterOrEqualThanZero() const
inline NABoolean isLessThanZero() const
// isGreaterThanOne uses hardcoded constant that could be replaced later
inline NABoolean isGreaterThanOne() const
return (dpv_ > 1.000001);
// isLessThanOne uses hardcoded constant that could be replaced later
inline NABoolean isLessThanOne() const
return (dpv_ < .999999);
// These are analogs to MIN_ONE_CS, MIN_ZERO_CS macros but it will
// sideeffect the object it is applied to. The main application is
// - for temporary variables. I think that these macros can be replaced
// (with carefull consideration) with much more efficient ones like
// #define MIN_ONE_CS(X) (X).minOneCs(). In this case we won't have to
// change lots of code in costmethod.cpp and other files. It is a
// subject of a separate cleanup/performance project.
// In general, the intention is to replace, wherever possible,
// comparison between CostScalar objects with these less expensive calls.
inline CostScalar& minCsOne()
if ( dpv_ < 1.0 )
dpv_ = 1.0;
return *this;
inline CostScalar& maxCsOne()
if ( dpv_ > 1.0 )
dpv_ = 1.0;
return *this;
inline CostScalar& minCsZero()
if ( dpv_ < 0.0 )
dpv_ = 0.0;
return *this;
inline CostScalar& maxCsZero()
if ( dpv_ > 0.0 )
dpv_ = 0.0;
return *this;
// These counters are not expensive if we done't expect lots of
// overflows/underflows. In case we do we want to measure them
// and their effect not only on debug but also on release compiler
static inline void initOvflwCount(Lng32 cnt)
ovflwCount_ = cnt;
static inline Lng32 ovflwCount()
return ovflwCount_;
static inline void initUdflwCount(Lng32 cnt)
udflwCount_ = cnt;
static inline Lng32 udflwCount()
return udflwCount_;
double dpv_;
static THREAD_P Int32 ovflwCount_;
static THREAD_P Int32 udflwCount_;
}; // class CostScalar
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A representation for elapsed time.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef CostScalar ElapsedTime ;
#endif /* COSTSCALAR_H */