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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: CostMethod.h
* Description: Optimizer cost estimation interface object
* Created: 3/97
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "BaseTypes.h"
#include "GroupAttr.h"
#include "Cost.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CostMethod;
class CostMethodCompoundStmt;
class CostMethodExchange;
class CostMethodFileScan;
class CostMethodDP2Scan;
class CostMethodFixedCostPerRow;
class CostMethodSort;
class CostMethodGroupByAggs;
class CostMethodSortGroupBy;
class CostMethodHashGroupBy;
class CostMethodShortCutGroupBy;
class CostMethodJoin;
class CostMethodHashJoin;
class CostMethodMergeJoin;
class CostMethodNestedJoin;
class CostMethodNestedJoinFlow;
class CostMethodMergeUnion;
class CostMethodTuple;
class CostMethodTranspose;
class CostMethodStoredProc;
class CostMethodHbaseInsert;
class CostMethodHbaseUpdateOrDelete;
class CostMethodHbaseUpdate;
class CostMethodHbaseDelete;
class CostMethodUnPackRows;
class CostMethodTableMappingUDF;
class CostMethodFastExtract;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward declarations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Context;
class PlanWorkSpace;
class RelExpr;
class GroupByAgg;
class SortGroupBy;
class HashGroupBy;
class Join;
class HashJoin;
class MergeJoin;
class NestedJoin;
class MergeUnion;
class IndexDescHistograms;
class IndexDesc;
class TableMappingUDF;
class FastExtract;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// External objects.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
extern const CostScalar csZero;
/* */
/* CostMethod */
/* */
/* A base class that provides an interface to virtual functions used */
/* by the optimizer for cost estimation as well as common cache space */
/* for some parameters used in the cost estimation process. */
class CostMethod
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostMethod( const char* className );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate a cost object with a zero cost. Makes use of metrics on no
// of probes and stream information cached.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Cost* generateZeroCostObject();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// computeOperatorCost() provides the external interface for calculating
// the operator cost for a node. It calls the virtual
// computeOperatorCostInternal(), to perform the actual work. The
// purpose of this function is to provide a wrapper to help ensure that
// all cleaning up of the CostMethod objects occurs before execution
// leaves this function. The cleaning up of CostMethod objects is done
// by calling cleanUp() after computeOperatorCostInternal() returns,
// by catching exceptions and calling cleanUp() before an exception is
// rethrown, and by providing an interface called
// CostMethod::cleanUpAllCostMethods() that can be called after a
// longjmp(). A longjmp() may occur during out-of-memory conditions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Cost* computeOperatorCost( RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// scmComputeOperatorCost() computes the cost of the operator
// when SIMPLE_COST_MODEL CQD is set to ON.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Cost* scmComputeOperatorCost( RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// computePartialPlanCost() combines the cost of a given RelExpr node
// with the cost of its known children. Both the PartialPlan cost and
// the combined cost of the known children get stored in a specified
// plan workspace.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void computePartialPlanCost( const RelExpr* op,
PlanWorkSpace* pws,
const Context* myContext
// return true iff we are under a nested join
NABoolean isUnderNestedJoin(RelExpr* op, const Context* myContext);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// computePlanCost() finalizes the cost of a plan rooted at a RelExpr
// after an optimal plan has been generated for EACH of its children.
// It recomputes a more accurate local processing cost for this node by
// taking into account the actual physical properties of the optimal
// plans of its children as given by the specified plan in the plan
// work space. It then combines this cost with the children's costs
// and returns the result.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Cost* computePlanCost( RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32 planNumber
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// scmComputePlanCost() finalizes the cost of a plan rooted at a RelExpr
// after an optimal plan has been generated for EACH of its children.
// It then combines this cost with the children's costs
// and returns the result.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Cost* scmComputePlanCost( RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32 planNumber
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Roll up members.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void getChildCostForUnaryOp( RelExpr* op
, const Context* myContext
, const PlanWorkSpace* pws
, Lng32 planNumber
, CostPtr& childCost
virtual void getChildCostsForBinaryOp( RelExpr* op
, const Context* myContext
, const PlanWorkSpace* pws
, Lng32 planNumber
, CostPtr& leftChildCost
, CostPtr& rightChildCost
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// print
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void print( FILE* ofd = stdout
, const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT
, const char* title = NULL
) const;
virtual void display() const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method is responsible for cleaning up if a longjmp occurs in
// MXCMP. This occurs when a memory allocation failure occurs and
// may occur while computing operator cost. This function calls
// cleanUp() on all CostMethod objects.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
static void cleanUpAllCostMethods();
const char* className_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// computeOperatorCostInternal() sets the node's cost to a preliminary,
// low(!) estimate for an algorithm's local processing costs
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal( RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams
) = 0;
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal( RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams
) = 0;
// Wrapper for SCM Cost constructor, used by SCM only.
Cost * scmCost( CostScalar tuplesProcessed,
CostScalar tuplesProduced,
CostScalar tuplesSent,
CostScalar ioRand,
CostScalar ioSeq,
CostScalar noOfProbes,
CostScalar input1RowSize,
CostScalar input2RowSize,
CostScalar outputRowSize,
CostScalar probeRowSize );
enum ncmRowSizeFactorType {TUPLES_ROWSIZE_FACTOR = 0,
CostScalar scmRowSizeFactor( CostScalar rowSize, ncmRowSizeFactorType rowSizeFactorType = TUPLES_ROWSIZE_FACTOR);
virtual Cost* rollUp( Cost* const parentCost
, Cost* const childCost
, const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp
virtual Cost* scmRollUp( Cost* const parentCost
, Cost* const leftChildCost
, Cost* const rightChildCost
, const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp
virtual Cost* rollUpForBinaryOp( RelExpr* op
, const Context* myContext
, const PlanWorkSpace* pws
, Lng32 planNumber
virtual Cost* mergeNoLegsBlocking( const CostPtr leftChildCost,
const CostPtr rightChildCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp);
virtual Cost* convertToBlocking( const CostPtr nonBlockingCost );
virtual Cost* mergeBothLegsBlocking( const CostPtr leftChildCost,
const CostPtr rightChildCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp);
inline void setClassName (const char* className) {className_ = className;}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The method caches the parameters typically needed for costing as
// protected members of this class. The idea is to prevent the same
// piece of code of retrieving these parameters to be duplicated in
// every costing methods which need them.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr* op, const Context* myContext);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method estimates the degree of parallelism the operator is
// exhibiting by setting parameters of the class which is related to
// parallelism. Derived classes should refine generic implementation if
// it's not sufficient. This method assumes cacheParameters() has been
// already called.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void estimateDegreeOfParallelism();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method is responsible for determining the number of cpus and
// the number of fragments per cpu.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void determineCpuCountAndFragmentsPerCpu(
Lng32 & cpuCount,
Lng32 & fragmentsPerCput
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method is responsible for cleaning up after cost computation.
// For example, some costing method might allocate temporary objects
// dynamically and store them in the private space of the cost method
// object. This defines an interface for cleaning up those objects
// allocated after a costing session.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void cleanUp();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// These are the parameters cached by cacheParameters().
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The operator itself.
RelExpr* op_;
// The current optimization context.
const Context* context_;
// The rpp as in context_.
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rpp_;
// Partitioning requirement or function. This could come from rpp_
// when we're going down the tree (partReq_); or from the actual
// physical properties when we're going up (partFunc_).
const PartitioningRequirement* partReq_ ;
const PartitioningFunction* partFunc_ ;
// The no of CPUs available on the system.
Lng32 countOfAvailableCPUs_;
// Maximum count of pipelines allowed per CPU.
Lng32 countOfPipelinesPerCPU_;
// The attributes of the group the operator belongs to.
GroupAttributes* ga_;
// A reference to value ids this operator produces as in ga_.
const ValueIdSet & myVis() { return ga_->getCharacteristicOutputs(); }
// Whether the operator has outer col references.
NABoolean hasOuterReferences_;
// Whether the operator sits on the right leg of a NestedJoin.
NABoolean isUnderNestedJoin_;
// The input estimated logical properties as in context_.
EstLogPropSharedPtr inLogProp_;
// The "no of probes" as in inLogProp_.
CostScalar noOfProbes_;
// The output estimated logical properties of this operator.
EstLogPropSharedPtr myLogProp_;
// The count of statements that have been compiled since the last
// time inLogProp_ or myLogProp_ were set. This is used to indicate
// whether those sharePtr objects must be reset.
ULng32 lastStatementCount_;
// The output row count of the total result set of this operator.
CostScalar myRowCount_;
// Is the operator being costed considered a big memory operator?
NABoolean isBMO_;
// Memory limit in kbytes on a per stream basis. No limit if zero.
double memoryLimit_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// These are parameters produced by estimateDegreeOfParallelism().
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The degree of parallelism of this operator is assumed to exhibit.
Lng32 countOfStreams_;
// The average no of probes per parallel instance of this operator.
CostScalar noOfProbesPerStream_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Other class members.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Is the memory limit above exceeded somewhere during cost computation?
NABoolean isMemoryLimitExceeded_;
// enum for plan numbers
enum planNum_ {PLAN0 = 0, PLAN1, PLAN2, PLAN3, PLAN4, PLAN5};
// nextCostMethod and head are used to build a linked-list of all the
// CostMethod classes that are declared statically in the optimizer
// directory. The linked-list is used to call cleanUp on those objects
// if a longjmp occurs.
CostMethod *nextCostMethod_;
//static THREAD_P CostMethod* head_;
}; // class CostMethod
/* */
/* CostMethodCompoundStmt */
/* */
/* */
class CostMethodCompoundStmt : public CostMethod
// Constructor
CostMethodCompoundStmt() : CostMethod( "CostMethodCompoundStmt" ) {}
virtual ~CostMethodCompoundStmt(){};
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& );
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr* op, const Context* myContext);
CostScalar cpuCostToProduceAllRows_;
}; // class CostMethodCompoundStmt
/* */
/* CostMethodExchange */
/* */
class CostMethodExchange : public CostMethod
// Constructor
CostMethodExchange() : CostMethod( "CostMethodExchange" ),
numOfContinueDownMessages_(0) {}
NABoolean isMergeNeeded_;
CostScalar upRowsPerConsumer_;
CostScalar numOfContinueDownMessages_;
PhysicalProperty *sppForMe_;
PhysicalProperty *sppForChild_;
CostScalar numOfProbes_;
CostScalar downMessageLength_;
CostScalar upMessageBufferLength_;
CostScalar downMessageBufferLength_;
NABoolean isOpBelowRoot_;
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM method
CostScalar scmComputeUpTuplesSent( const Context* myContext,
Exchange* exch,
const PartitioningFunction* parentPartFunc,
const PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc,
const CostScalar& numOfConsumers,
const CostScalar& numOfProducers) const;
CostScalar computeESPCost( const NABoolean executeInESP,
const CostScalar& noOfProbes) const;
Cost* computeExchangeCostGoingDown( const ReqdPhysicalProperty* rpp,
const CostScalar& noOfProbes,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
void getDefaultValues( const NABoolean executeInDP2,
const Exchange* exch,
CostScalar& messageSpacePerRecordInKb,
CostScalar& messageHeaderInKb,
CostScalar& messageBufferSizeInKb) const;
CostScalar computeDownMessages( const CostScalar& numOfProbes,
const NABoolean executeInDP2,
const CostScalar& messageHeaderInKb,
const CostScalar& messageBufferSizeInKb,
const CostScalar& numOfPartitions,
const CostScalar& numOfConsumers,
const Context* myContext,
CostScalar &msgLength
) const;
CostScalar computeDownDataAndControlMessages(
const CostScalar& numOfProbes,
const NABoolean executeInDP2,
const CostScalar& messageHeaderInKb,
const CostScalar& messageBufferSizeInKb,
const CostScalar& numOfPartitions,
const CostScalar& numOfConsumers,
const Context* myContext,
CostScalar &downMessageLength) const;
CostScalar computeUpMessages(
const Context* myContext,
Exchange* exch,
const PartitioningFunction* parentPartFunc,
const PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc,
const PhysicalProperty* sppForChild,
const CostScalar& messageSpacePerRecordInKb,
const CostScalar& messageHeaderInKb,
const CostScalar& messageBufferSizeInKb,
const CostScalar& numOfConsumers,
const NABoolean executeInDP2,
CostScalar& upRowsPerConsumer,
CostScalar& numOfContinueMessages) const;
void categorizeMessages( const PartitioningFunction* parentPartFunc,
const PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc,
const NABoolean executeInDP2,
const CostScalar& downMessages,
const CostScalar& upMessages,
CostScalar& downIntraNodeMessages,
CostScalar& downInterNodeMessages,
CostScalar& downRemoteNodeMessages,
CostScalar& upIntraNodeMessages,
CostScalar& upInterNodeMessages,
CostScalar& upRemoteNodeMessages
void produceCostVectors(
const CostScalar& numOfProbes,
const CostScalar& numOfConsumers,
const CostScalar& numOfProducers,
const NABoolean executeInDP2,
const PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc,
const PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc,
const CostScalar& messageSpacePerRecordInKb,
const CostScalar& messageHeaderInKb,
const CostScalar& messageBufferSizeInKb,
const CostScalar& upRowsPerConsumer,
const CostScalar& downIntraNodeMessages,
const CostScalar& downInterNodeMessages,
const CostScalar& downRemoteNodeMessages,
const CostScalar& upIntraNodeMessages,
const CostScalar& upInterNodeMessages,
const CostScalar& upRemoteNodeMessages,
CostVecPtr& parentFR,
CostVecPtr& parentLR,
CostVecPtr& childFR,
CostVecPtr& childLR) const;
const CostScalar & numOfProbes,
const CostScalar & numOfConsumers,
const CostScalar & numOfProducers,
const NABoolean childExecutesInDP2,
const PartitioningFunction* myPartFunc,
const PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc,
const CostScalar & messageSpacePerRecordInKb,
const CostScalar & messageHeaderInKb,
const CostScalar & messageBufferSizeInKb,
const CostScalar & upRowsPerConsumer,
const CostScalar & downIntraCpuMessages,
const CostScalar & downIntraSegmentMessages,
const CostScalar & downRemoteSegmentMessages,
const CostScalar & upIntraCPUMessages,
const CostScalar & upIntraSegmentMessages,
const CostScalar & upRemoteSegmentMessages,
CostVecPtr& parentFR,
CostVecPtr& parentLR,
CostVecPtr& childFR,
CostVecPtr& childLR) const;
Cost* computeExchangeCost( const CostVecPtr parentFR,
const CostVecPtr parentLR,
const CostVecPtr childFR,
const CostVecPtr childLR,
const CostScalar& numOfConsumers,
const CostScalar& numOfProducers) const;
void categorizeMessagesForDP2(
const PartitioningFunction* parentPartFunc,
const PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc,
const CostScalar &downMessages,
const CostScalar & upMessages,
CostScalar & downIntraNodeMessages,
CostScalar & downInterNodeMessages,
CostScalar & downRemoteNodeMessages,
CostScalar & upIntraNodeMessages,
CostScalar & upInterNodeMessages,
CostScalar & upRemoteNodeMessages) const;
void categorizeMessagesForESP(
const PartitioningFunction* parentPartFunc,
const PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc,
const CostScalar &downMessages,
const CostScalar & upMessages,
CostScalar & downIntraNodeMessages,
CostScalar & downInterNodeMessages,
CostScalar & downRemoteNodeMessages,
CostScalar & upIntraNodeMessages,
CostScalar & upInterNodeMessages,
CostScalar & upRemoteNodeMessages) const;
NABoolean isGroupedRepartitioning(
const PartitioningFunction* parentPartFunc,
const PartitioningFunction* childPartFunc,
NABoolean &parentGroupsChild,
CostScalar &partsPerGroup) const;
CostScalar computeLocalMessageWeight(const NodeMap*, const NodeMap*) const;
CostScalar getNumberofSegments(const NodeMap*) const;
}; // class CostMethodExchange
/* */
/* CostMethodFileScan */
/* */
class CostMethodFileScan : public CostMethod
// Constructor
CostMethodFileScan( const char * className = "CostMethodFileScan" )
: CostMethod( className ) {}
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal( RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams
}; // class CostMethodFileScan
/* */
/* CostMethodDP2Scan */
/* */
class CostMethodDP2Scan : public CostMethodFileScan
// Constructor
CostMethodDP2Scan() : CostMethodFileScan( "CostMethodDP2Scan" ) {}
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal( RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams
}; // class CostMethodDP2Scan
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR FIXEDROW...........................................
/* */
/* CostMethodFixedCostPerRow */
/* */
class CostMethodFixedCostPerRow : public CostMethod
// Constructor
CostMethodFixedCostPerRow(double baseCpuCost,
double cpuCostPerChildRow,
double cpuCostPerOutputRow)
: CostMethod("CostMethodFixedCostPerRow"),
virtual void print(FILE* ofd = stdout,
const char* indent = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char* title = NULL) const;
// Redefine inherited virtual functions...
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// For SCM.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal( RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams
const CostScalar baseCpuCost_;
const CostScalar cpuCostPerChildRow_;
const CostScalar cpuCostPerOutputRow_;
}; // class CostMethodFixedCostPerRow
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR SORT...............................................
/* */
/* CostMethodSort */
/* */
class CostMethodSort : public CostMethod
// Constructor
: CostMethod("CostMethodSort"),
{} // CostMethodSort constructor.
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr* op, const Context* myContext);
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
CostScalar scmComputeOverflowCost( CostScalar numInputTuples, CostScalar inputRowSize );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameters obtained from constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sort I/O buffer size. Used in the Sort Utility.
double ioBufferSize_;
// Tree node size.
double treeNodeSize_;
// Sort executor buffer size. Used on the executor side.
double exBufferSize_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Per probe setup costs. This captures the cost to call the method
// SortUtil::SortInitialize() to allocate the SortAlgo objects (such as
// Tree, TreeNode, Record and ScratchSpace), etc.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostScalar cpuCostPerProbeInit_;
// Fludge factor for QuickSort in Sort Util.
CostScalar qsFludgeFactor_;
// Fludge factor for Replacement Selection in Sort Util.
CostScalar rsFludgeFactor_;
// Fludge factor for Read Write operation in Sort Util.
CostScalar rwFudgeFactor_;
// Cost to allocate a buffer.
CostScalar cpuCostAllocateBuffer_;
// Cost to allocate a tuple.
CostScalar cpuCostAllocateTuple_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameters to cache for a Sort.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The sort operator itself.
Sort* sort_;
// Length of the sort keys in bytes.
Lng32 sortKeyLength_;
// Length of a sort record (including the key) in bytes.
Lng32 sortRecLength_;
// To send a row from the executor to the Sort Util.
CostScalar cpuCostSendRow_;
// To compare a pair of rows' encoded key.
CostScalar cpuCostCompareKeys_;
// To copy the result row to the result buffer.
CostScalar cpuCostCopyResultRow_;
// Max no of rows that can stay in memory at a time at run generation.
CostScalar maxRunGenOrder_;
// Max no of runs that can be merged in a merge pass.
CostScalar maxMergeOrder_;
}; // class CostMethodSort
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR GB.................................................
/* */
/* CostMethodGroupByAgg */
/* */
/* Base class for GroupBy operators which mainly provides cache space */
/* for parameters in the two children's estimated logical properties. */
class CostMethodGroupByAgg : public CostMethod
CostMethodGroupByAgg(const char* className) : CostMethod(className) {}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The method caches the parameters typically needed for costing as
// protected members of this class. The idea is to prevent the same
// piece of code of retrieving these parameters to be duplicated in
// every costing methods which need them.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr* op, const Context* myContext);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Whether we could improve the estimate of the local cost previously
// computed by computeOperatorCost() after PhyProp of the operator
// become available. Right now, that is so only if the operator is req
// to execute in DP2.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void estimateDegreeOfParallelism();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clean up SharedPtr objects
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void cleanUp();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameters cached by cacheParameters().
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The group by operator being costed.
GroupByAgg* gb_;
// Estimated logical properties of the join's left child.
EstLogPropSharedPtr child0LogProp_;
// Row count of the left child as in child0LogProp_.
CostScalar child0RowCount_;
// My intermediate estimated logical properties.
EstLogPropSharedPtr myIntLogProp_;
// Group count as in myIntLogProp_.
CostScalar groupCount_;
// Storage in bytes needed for the group key.
Lng32 groupKeyLength_;
// Storage in bytes needed for the aggregates.
Lng32 aggregateLength_;
// Per probe init cpu cost, should be determined by derived classes.
CostScalar cpuCostPerProbeInit_;
// Cost to initialize a new group in the buffer.
CostScalar cpuCostInitNewGroup_;
// Cost to compare the group keys.
CostScalar cpuCostCompareGroupKeys_;
// Cost to aggregate a row to a group.
CostScalar cpuCostAggrRowToGroup_;
// Cost to evaluate the having predicate.
CostScalar cpuCostEvalHavingPred_;
// Cost to return a row to the parent.
CostScalar cpuCostReturnRow_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameters computed by estimateDegreeOfParallelism().
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Estimated no of input rows to group per stream.
CostScalar rowCountPerStream_;
// Estimated no of group the input rows can be grouped into per stream.
CostScalar groupCountPerStream_;
// Estimated no of output rows per stream.
CostScalar myRowCountPerStream_;
}; // class CostMethodGroupByAgg
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR SGB................................................
/* */
/* CostMethodSortGroupBy */
/* */
class CostMethodSortGroupBy : public CostMethodGroupByAgg
// constructor
: CostMethodGroupByAgg("CostMethodSortGroupBy"),
cpuCostPerProbeInit_ =
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
const double bufferCount_;
const double bufferSize_;
}; // class CostMethodSortGroupBy
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR HGB................................................
/* */
/* CostMethodHashGroupBy */
/* */
class CostMethodHashGroupBy : public CostMethodGroupByAgg
// constructor
: CostMethodGroupByAgg("CostMethodHashGroupBy"),
bufferSize_((CostPrimitives::getBasicCostFactor(GEN_HGBY_BUFFER_SIZE) - 24)/1024),
cpuCostPerProbeInit_ =
virtual Cost* computePlanCost( RelExpr* hashGroupByOp,
const Context* myContext,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32 planNumber);
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
CostScalar scmComputeOverflowCost( CostScalar numInputTuples, CostScalar inputRowSize, CostScalar numOutputTuples, CostScalar outputRowSize );
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr* op, const Context* myContext);
void deriveParameters();
CostScalar calculateCostToInsertIntoChain
(CostScalar &);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Some helper methods.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 computeCountOfClusters( const CostScalar& memoryLimit,
const CostScalar& tableSize );
void computePartialGroupByLeafCost(CostScalar& cpuFR,
CostScalar& cpuLR,
CostScalar& cpuBK,
CostScalar& groupingFactor);
NABoolean computePassCost(NABoolean isFirstPass,
SimpleCostVector& cvPassCurr,
NABoolean& isRowProduced);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor cached constant parameters.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const double bufferSize_;
const Lng32 hashedRowOverhead_;
const CostScalar cpuCostAllocateHashTable_;
const CostScalar cpuCostInsertRowToChain_;
const CostScalar cpuCostPositionHashTableCursor_;
const CostScalar memoryLimitInDP2_;
const CostScalar groupingFactorForSpilledClusters_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameters cached by cacheParameters().
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost to compute the hash value for a row.
CostScalar cpuCostHashRow_;
// Cost to combine the aggregates of two partial groups.
CostScalar cpuCostAggrGroupToGroup_;
// Length of a buffered group entry with the hash key and chain pointer.
Lng32 extGroupLength_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Below is the working set of parameters used by computePassCost().
// They are to be initialized externally before the first call is made
// to computePassCost() to get the cost for the first pass. They are
// then manipulated directly by computePassCost() to propagate state
// information from the first call to the second call, and so on.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// No of clusters the executor decides to allocate for hash grouping.
Lng32 noOfClustersToBeAllocated_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// These three parameters together describe the inputs to be processed
// in a pass. noOfClustersToBeProcessed_ is just the no of entries that
// pass is going to process with each entry having a number of rows and
// groups given by rowCountPerCluster_ and groupCountPerCluster_.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 noOfClustersToBeProcessed_;
CostScalar rowCountPerCluster_;
CostScalar groupCountPerCluster_;
// Peak memory that the operator is consuming.
CostScalar mem_;
}; // class CostMethodHashGroupBy
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR SHORTCUTGROUPBY.....................................
/* */
/* CostMethodShortCutGroupBy */
/* */
class CostMethodShortCutGroupBy : public CostMethodGroupByAgg
// Constructor
: CostMethodGroupByAgg("CostMethodShortCutGroupBy"),
// Cost functions
virtual Cost * computePlanCost( RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32 planNumber
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal( RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams
// Cost to forward a row from child to parent.
const CostScalar cpuCostPassRow_;
}; // class CostMethodShortCutGroupBy
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR JOIN...............................................
/* */
/* CostMethodJoin */
/* */
/* A base class for Join operators which mainly provides cache space */
/* for parameters in the two children's estimated logical properties. */
class CostMethodJoin : public CostMethod
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CostMethodJoin constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CostMethodJoin( const char* className = "CostMethodJoin" )
: CostMethod(className),
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The method caches the parameters typically needed for costing as
// protected members of this class. The idea is to prevent the same
// piece of code of retrieving these parameters to be duplicated in
// every costing methods which need them.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr* op, const Context* myContext);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Makes use of the generic implementation. Adds logic for dealing with
// the children's per stream row counts.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void estimateDegreeOfParallelism();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// A more serious effect to estimate the size of a representative
// stream. Helper method of estimateDegreeOfParallelism()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean computeRepresentativeStream();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve and merge the histogram on the equi join columns.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean mergeHistogramsOnEquiJoinPred();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find predicates really evaluated at the MJ/HJ, and classify them.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void classifyPredicates(ValueIdSet& innerEquiJoinKeys,
ValueIdSet& outerEquiJoinKeys,
ValueIdSet& otherJoinPreds,
ValueIdSet& otherSelPreds);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method prepares column statistics information on the equi-join
// cols of the children and estimate the row count and uec in the result
// of doing an inner-join on those cols.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void estimateEquiJoinStats();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clean up cached ColStats and SharedPtr objects
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void cleanUp();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cached parameters follow.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The operator being costed.
Join* jn_;
// Estimated logical properties of the join's left child.
EstLogPropSharedPtr child0LogProp_;
// Row count of the left child as in child0LogProp_.
CostScalar child0RowCount_;
// Estimated logical properties of the join's right child.
EstLogPropSharedPtr child1LogProp_;
// Row count of the right child as in child1LogProp_.
CostScalar child1RowCount_;
// This join has equi-join predicates? Applicable to HJ and MJ only.
NABoolean hasEquiJoinPred_;
// Whether the ColStats following has been computed.
NABoolean isColStatsMeaningful_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameters set by estimateEquiJoinStats().
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// uec of the equi-join columns of left child.
CostScalar child0EquiJoinColUec_;
// uec of the equi-join columns of right child.
CostScalar child1EquiJoinColUec_;
// uec of the equi-join columns in the result of the inner equi-join.
CostScalar resultEquiJoinColUec_;
// Row count in the result of the inner equi-join.
CostScalar resultEquiJoinRowCount_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following parameters are set only if isColStatsMeaningful_.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ColStat on equi-join column(s) of left child.
ColStatsSharedPtr child0EquiJoinColStats_;
// ColStat on equi-join column(s) of right child.
ColStatsSharedPtr child1EquiJoinColStats_;
// ColStat on equi-join column(s) after an inner-join merge.
ColStatsSharedPtr mergedEquiJoinColStats_;
ColStatDescSharedPtr mergedEquiJoinColStatDesc_;
// Max degree of parallelism as estimated from the uec's of children.
CostScalar maxDegreeOfParallelism_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// These are parameters produced by estimateDegreeOfParallelism().
// Note that the uec's are only meaningful if isColStatsMeaningful_.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Per stream row count of left child. UEC is on join keys.
CostScalar child0RowCountPerStream_;
CostScalar child0UecPerStream_;
// Per stream row count of right child. UEC is on join keys.
CostScalar child1RowCountPerStream_;
CostScalar child1UecPerStream_;
// Row count after applying equi-join predicates. UEC is on join keys.
CostScalar equiJnRowCountPerStream_;
CostScalar equiJnUecPerStream_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameters to store the partitioning functions of the join children.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Child0 partitioning function
PartitioningFunction* child0PartFunc_;
// Child1 partitioning function
PartitioningFunction* child1PartFunc_;
}; // class CostMethodJoin
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR HJ.................................................
/* */
/* CostMethodHashJoin */
/* */
class CostMethodHashJoin : public CostMethodJoin
// Constructor
: CostMethodJoin("CostMethodHashJoin"),
bufferSize_((CostPrimitives::getBasicCostFactor(GEN_HSHJ_BUFFER_SIZE) - 24)/1024),
//Constructor 2
CostMethodHashJoin(HashJoin* hj)
: hj_(hj),
bufferSize_((CostPrimitives::getBasicCostFactor(GEN_HSHJ_BUFFER_SIZE) - 24)/1024),
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Some helper methods.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Lng32 computeInitialCountOfClusters( const CostScalar& memoryLimit,
const CostScalar& tableSize);
Lng32 computeIdealCountOfClusters( const CostScalar& memoryLimit,
const CostScalar& tableSize);
inline CostScalar computeCreateHashTableCost(
const CostScalar& rowCount
) const;
CostScalar computeTotalProbingCost();
CostScalar computeIntervalProbingCost( const CostScalar& outerRowCount,
CostScalar outerUec,
const CostScalar& innerRowCount,
CostScalar innerUec);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// cacheParameters().
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr* op, const Context* myContext);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method computes derived parameters associated with a HJ's three
// stages of operation. It assumes both cacheParameters() as well as
// estimateDegreeOfParallelism() have been called.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void deriveParameters();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Costing methods.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Cost* computePlanCost( RelExpr* hashJoinOp,
const Context* myContext,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32 planNumber);
SimpleCostVector computeNewBlockingCost
const ReqdPhysicalProperty *);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method to compute costs at various stages of Hash Join. Results are
// stored in the corresponding private members of simple cost vectors.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void computeStage1Cost();
void computeStage2Cost();
void computeStage3Cost();
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM costing method
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
CostScalar scmComputeOverflowCost( CostScalar numBuildTuples, CostScalar buildRowSize, CostScalar numProbeTuples, CostScalar probeRowSize);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clean up the cost vectors at various stages.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void cleanUp();
// The hash join operator being costed.
HashJoin* hj_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constant cached parameters follow.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The size of a local or result buffer used by HJ.
const double bufferSize_;
// The additional storage (in bytes) to store a row in a hash chain.
const Lng32 hashedRowOverhead_;
// The no of buckets allocated initially for a cluster.
const Lng32 initialBucketCountPerCluster_;
const CostScalar cpuCostAllocateHashTable_;
const CostScalar cpuCostInsertRowToChain_;
const CostScalar cpuCostPositionHashTableCursor_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dynamically cached parameters follow.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost to compute the hash value of a row.
CostScalar cpuCostHashRow_;
// Length of a row from the inner table in bytes.
Lng32 child0RowLength_;
// Extented Length of a row from the inner table in bytes.
Lng32 extChild0RowLength_;
// Length of a row from the outer table in bytes.
Lng32 child1RowLength_;
// Extented Length of a row from the outer table in bytes.
Lng32 extChild1RowLength_;
// Cost to copy a row from the inner table to buffer.
CostScalar cpuCostCopyChild0Row_;
// Cost to copy a row from the outer table to buffer.
CostScalar cpuCostCopyChild1Row_;
// Cost to compare a pair of hash keys.
CostScalar cpuCostCompareHashKeys_;
// Cost to evaluate other join preds.
CostScalar cpuCostEvalOtherJoinPreds_;
// Cost to evaluate other selection preds.
CostScalar cpuCostEvalOtherSelPreds_;
// Cost to null instantiated a row for some left joins.
CostScalar cpuCostNullInst_;
// Cost of probing the hash table by the complete set of outer rows.
CostScalar cpuCostTotalProbing_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Derived parameters follow.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Estimated final no of clusters allocated after splitting occurred.
CostScalar noOfClusters_;
// No of clusters occupied by inner table.
CostScalar noOfInnerClustersOccupied_;
// No of clusters occupied by outer table.
CostScalar noOfOuterClustersOccupied_;
// No of inner table clusters which remain in memory after Stage 1.
CostScalar noOfInnerClustersInMemory_;
// No of outer table clusters which are flushed to disk after Stage 2.
CostScalar noOfOuterClustersFlushed_;
// Average size of an inner cluster before overflow
CostScalar innerClusterSize_;
// Average size of an inner cluster taking into account overflow
CostScalar clusterSizeAfterSplitsOverFlow_;
// Average size of an outer cluster.
CostScalar outerClusterSize_;
// Estimated major memory needs of the whole hash join operation.
CostScalar mem_;
CostScalar estimatedNumberOfOverflowClusters_;
// Estimated fraction of work done in Stage 2 before FR is produced.
CostScalar stage2WorkFractionForFR_;
// Estimated fraction of work done in Stage 3 before FR is produced.
CostScalar stage3WorkFractionForFR_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost vectors computed at various stages of HJ.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SimpleCostVector* stage1cvBK_;
SimpleCostVector* stage2cvBK_;
SimpleCostVector* stage3cvBK_;
SimpleCostVector* stage2cvFR_;
SimpleCostVector* stage2cvLR_;
SimpleCostVector* stage3cvFR_;
SimpleCostVector* stage3cvLR_;
}; // class CostMethodHashJoin
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR MJ.................................................
/* */
/* CostMethodMergeJoin */
/* */
class CostMethodMergeJoin : public CostMethodJoin
// Constructor
: CostMethodJoin("CostMethodMergeJoin"),
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// cacheParameters().
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr* op, const Context* myContext);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Some helper methods.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostScalar computeTotalMergingCost(CostScalar& mem);
CostScalar computeIntervalMergingCost( CostScalar child0RowCount,
CostScalar child0Uec,
CostScalar child1RowCount,
CostScalar child1Uec,
CostScalar& mem );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Costing methods.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Cost* computePlanCost( RelExpr* mergeJoinOp,
const Context* myContext,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32 planNumber);
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
virtual Cost* mergeNoLegsBlocking( const CostPtr leftChildCost,
const CostPtr rightChildCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp);
virtual Cost* mergeBothLegsBlocking( const CostPtr leftChildCost,
const CostPtr rightChildCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp);
// The operator being costed.
MergeJoin* mj_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameters cached by constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPU cost for initialization.
const CostScalar cpuCostPerProbeInit_;
// CPU cost to copy an ATP.
const CostScalar cpuCostCopyAtp_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scalars dealing with the maintainence of the list of duplicate right
// rows. (also cached by constructor.)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
const CostScalar cpuCostInsertRowToList_;
const CostScalar cpuCostRewindList_;
const CostScalar cpuCostGetNextRowFromList_;
const CostScalar cpuCostClearList_;
const CostScalar listNodeSize_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dynamic cached parameters follow.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPU cost to compare the merge join keys.
CostScalar cpuCostCompareKeys_;
// CPU cost to evaluate join predicates other than merge join preds.
CostScalar cpuCostEvalOtherJoinPreds_;
// CPU cost to evaluate the remaining selection predicates.
CostScalar cpuCostEvalOtherSelPreds_;
// CPU cost to null-instantiated a row.
CostScalar cpuCostNullInst_;
}; // class CostMethodMergeJoin
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR NJ.................................................
/* */
/* CostMethodNestedJoin */
/* */
class CostMethodNestedJoin : public CostMethodJoin
// Constructor
CostMethodNestedJoin( const char * className = "CostMethodNestedJoin" )
: CostMethodJoin( className ),
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computePlanCost( RelExpr* nestedJoinOp,
const Context* myContext,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32 planNumber);
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM costing method
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
virtual Cost* mergeNoLegsBlocking( const CostPtr leftChildCost,
const CostPtr rightChildCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp);
virtual Cost* mergeLeftLegBlocking( const CostPtr leftChildCost,
const CostPtr rightChildCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp);
virtual Cost* mergeRightLegBlocking( const CostPtr leftChildCost,
const CostPtr rightChildCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp);
virtual Cost* mergeBothLegsBlocking( const CostPtr leftChildCost,
const CostPtr rightChildCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp);
// To cache dynamic parameters.
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr* op, const Context *myContext);
// The NestedJoin operator being costed.
NestedJoin* nj_;
// Dynamic cost factors which are cached by cacheParameters().
// Cost to evaluate the predicates which need to be evaluated at this NJ.
CostScalar cpuCostEvalPred_;
// Cost to null-instantiate a row in the case of left join.
CostScalar cpuCostNullInst_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constant cost factors cached while the object is constructed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Per probe initialization CPU cost for a NJ operator.
const CostScalar cpuCostPerProbeInit_;
// CPU cost to pass the row from the left to the right.
const CostScalar cpuCostPassRow_;
// No of buffers allocated to hold null instantiated rows
const double bufferCount_;
// Size of a buffer allocated to hold null instantiated rows.
const double bufferSize_;
}; // class CostMethodNestedJoin
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR NJF................................................
/* */
/* CostMethodNestedJoinFlow */
/* */
class CostMethodNestedJoinFlow : public CostMethodNestedJoin
// Constructor
: CostMethodNestedJoin( "CostMethodNestedJoinFlow" ) {}
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
}; // class CostMethodNestedJoinFlow
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR MU.................................................
/* */
/* CostMethodMergeUnion */
/* */
class CostMethodMergeUnion : public CostMethod
// Constructor
: CostMethod("CostMethodMergeUnion"),
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computePlanCost( RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32 planNumber);
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
virtual Cost* mergeNoLegsBlocking( const CostPtr leftChildCost,
const CostPtr rightChildCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp);
virtual Cost* mergeBothLegsBlocking( const CostPtr leftChildCost,
const CostPtr rightChildCost,
const ReqdPhysicalProperty* const rpp);
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr* op, const Context* myContext);
// The MergeUnion operator being costed.
MergeUnion* mu_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dynamic cost factors which are cached by cacheParameters().
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cost to copy a row from the child to parent.
CostScalar cpuCostCopyRow_;
// Cost to copy the sort key if there is any.
CostScalar cpuCostCompareKeys_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constant cost factors cached while the object is constructed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Per probe initialization CPU cost for the MU operator.
const CostScalar cpuCostPerProbeInit_;
// CPU cost to copy the atp of the a row.
const CostScalar cpuCostCopyAtp_;
// No of buffers allocated.
const double bufferCount_;
// Size of a buffer allocated.
const double bufferSize_;
}; // class CostMethodMergeUnion
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR ROOT...............................................
/* */
/* CostMethodRelRoot */
/* */
class CostMethodRelRoot : public CostMethod
// Constructor
CostMethodRelRoot() : CostMethod("CostMethodRelRoot") {}
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
}; // class CostMethodRelRoot
// ----QUICKSEARCH FOR TUPLE..............................................
/* */
/* CostMethodTuple */
/* */
class CostMethodTuple : public CostMethod
// Constructor
: CostMethod("CostMethodTuple"),
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// Cost to allocate a tuple.
const CostScalar cpuCostAllocateTuple_;
}; // class CostMethodTuple
/* */
/* CostMethodTranspose */
/* */
class CostMethodTranspose : public CostMethod
// Constructor
CostMethodTranspose() : CostMethod( "CostMethodTranpose" ) {}
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr* op, const Context* myContext);
CostScalar cpuCostToProduceAllRows_;
}; // class CostMethodTranspose
/* */
/* CostMethodStoredProc */
/* */
class CostMethodStoredProc : public CostMethod
// Constructor
CostMethodStoredProc() : CostMethod( "CostMethodStoredProc" ) {}
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
}; // class CostMethodStoredProc
/* */
/* CostMethodHbaseInsert */
/* */
class CostMethodHbaseInsert : public CostMethod
// Constructor
CostMethodHbaseInsert() : CostMethod( "CostMethodHbaseInsert" ) {}
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr*, const Context *);
virtual void cleanUp();
// storage related
// TODO: add members to help compute whether inserts will
// fit in memstore or not if this seems interesting
// parallelism related
CostScalar activePartitions_;
CostScalar activeCpus_;
CostScalar streamsPerCpu_;
CostScalar countOfAsynchronousStreams_;
}; // class CostMethodHbaseInsert
/* */
/* CostMethodHbaseUpdateOrDelete */
/* */
class CostMethodHbaseUpdateOrDelete : public CostMethod
// Constructor
CostMethodHbaseUpdateOrDelete( const char* className )
: CostMethod( className )
// Old model cost function (obsolete; only here because base
// class requires an implementation)
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams) = 0;
NABoolean allKeyColumnsHaveHistogramStatistics(
const IndexDescHistograms & histograms,
const IndexDesc * CIDesc
) const;
CostScalar numRowsToScanWhenAllKeyColumnsHaveHistograms(
IndexDescHistograms & histograms,
const ColumnOrderList & keyPredsByCol,
const CostScalar & activePartitions,
const IndexDesc * CIDesc
) const;
void computeIOCostsForCursorOperation(
CostScalar & randomIOs, // out
CostScalar & sequentialIOs, // out
const IndexDesc * CIDesc,
const CostScalar & numRowsToScan,
NABoolean probesInOrder
) const;
/* */
/* CostMethodHbaseUpdate */
/* */
class CostMethodHbaseUpdate : public CostMethodHbaseUpdateOrDelete
// Constructor
: CostMethodHbaseUpdateOrDelete( "CostMethodHbaseUpdate" ) {}
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
}; // class CostMethodHbaseUpdate
/* */
/* CostMethodHbaseDelete */
/* */
class CostMethodHbaseDelete : public CostMethodHbaseUpdateOrDelete
// Constructor
: CostMethodHbaseUpdateOrDelete( "CostMethodHbaseDelete" ) {}
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
}; // class CostMethodHbaseDelete
/* */
/* CostMethodUnPackRows */
/* */
class CostMethodUnPackRows : public CostMethod
// Constructor
CostMethodUnPackRows() : CostMethod( "CostMethodUnPackRows" ) {}
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr* op, const Context* myContext);
CostScalar cpuCostToProduceAllRows_;
}; // class CostMethodUnPackRows
/* */
/* CostMethodRelSequence */
/* */
class CostMethodRelSequence : public CostMethod
// Constructor
: CostMethod( "CostMethodRelSequence" ),
cpuCostToProduceAllRows_( csZero ),
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
virtual void cacheParameters(RelExpr* op, const Context* myContext);
// Cached cost scalar for the cost to produce all rows (across all
// streams) for the Sequence node
CostScalar cpuCostToProduceAllRows_;
// The width of the history buffer to be allocated in the executor.
Lng32 historyBufferWidthInBytes_;
// The total size of the history buffer to be allocated in the
// executor.
Lng32 historyBufferSizeInBytes_;
}; // class CostMethodRelSequence
/* */
/* CostMethodSample */
/* */
class CostMethodSample : public CostMethod
// Constructor
: CostMethod( "CostMethodSample" ),
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM Cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal( RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams
CostScalar cpuCostToProduceAllRows_;
}; // class CostMethodSample
/* */
/* CostMethodIsolatedScalarUDF */
/* */
class CostMethodIsolatedScalarUDF : public CostMethod
// Constructor
: CostMethod( "CostMethodIsolatedScalarUDF" )
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
/* */
/* CostMethodTableMappingUDF */
/* */
class CostMethodTableMappingUDF : public CostMethod
// Constructor
CostMethodTableMappingUDF() : CostMethod( "CostMethodTableMappingUDF" ) {}
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
/* */
/* CostMethodFastExtract */
/* */
class CostMethodFastExtract : public CostMethod
// Constructor
CostMethodFastExtract() : CostMethod( "CostMethodFastExtract" ) {}
// Cost functions
virtual Cost* computeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const Context* myContext,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
// SCM cost function
virtual Cost* scmComputeOperatorCostInternal(RelExpr* op,
const PlanWorkSpace* pws,
Lng32& countOfStreams);
#endif /* COSTMETHOD_H */