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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ColStatDesc.h
* Description: This file contains the declaration for ColStatDesc -
* the descriptor for the ColStats (column statistics)
* structure.
* Created: June 1, 1995
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Stats.h" /* includes CostScalar.h, Collections.h, ValueDesc.h ... */
#include "NATable.h"
#include "SharedPtr.h"
#include "SharedPtrCollections.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class MultiColumnUecList;
class ColStatDesc ;
class ColStatDescList;
// needed as a forward reference -- not contained in this file!
class TableDesc;
class SelectivityHint;
class CardinalityHint;
class Join;
// useful defn we use here & in PartKeyDist.[h cpp]
typedef LIST(EncodedValue) EncodedValueList ;
typedef SharedPtr<ColStatDesc> ColStatDescSharedPtr;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Multi-column uec list
// An association list of <list of table column,uec-count>.
// We maintain multi-column uec information in order to accurately
// estimate rowcounts for joins involving multiple predicates, the output
// of a groupby aggregate, and possibly other cases I'm not thinking of
// right now. This class is a datamember of StatsList, and then the
// ColStatDescList's created from the StatsList have read-only access to
// the one copy that's maintained for all ColStatDesc's.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#define MultiColumnUecListIterator NAHashDictionaryIterator<ValueIdSet,CostScalar>
class MultiColumnUecList : public HASHDICTIONARY(ValueIdSet,CostScalar)
static ULng32 HashFunction (const ValueIdSet & input) ;
MultiColumnUecList (const StatsList & initStats,
const ValueIdList & tableColumns ) ;
virtual ~MultiColumnUecList() {} ;
// given a ValueIdSet of table columns, returns the stored groupUec (if
// it exists), else returns csMinusOne
CostScalar lookup (const ValueIdSet & key) const ;
void initializeMCUecForUniqueIndxes(TableDesc &table,
const CostScalar & tableRowcount);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// useMCUecforCorrPreds
// used to calculate an adjustment in the case of multiple predicates being
// applied to highly correlated table columns
// (fn useMultiUecIfCorrelatedPreds(), subr of
// fn estimateCardinality() )
// given a list of <ValueId, CostScalar> pairs representing all of the
// histograms which have been reduced, and the amount (reduction factor)
// they've been reduced, return TRUE/FALSE if, in the list of these
// predicates, there are 2+ from the same table for which we have
// multi-column uec information and which are "highly correlated"
// (defined below).
// If both of these conditions are met, then we supply a factor
// "reductionAdjustment" which should be applied to the current rowcount
// estimate in order to increase it beyond its current value, to take
// into account the fact that we are applying multiple predicates to
// highly correlated columns, which we assume means that beyond the
// most selective predicate, the additional predicates are redundant
// in part or whole (i.e., they remove the "same rows" as the other
// predicates).
// "numPredicates", another parameter, is specified by the calling
// routine to let this routine know how many histograms total have been
// altered inside of the estimateCardinality() routine. This value is
// used as an upper bound for the computation of how many columns in a
// single table have had predicates applied to them (in an attempt to
// avoid creating too large of an estimate in cases where we join
// together columns of the same table).
NABoolean useMCUecForCorrPreds (
NAHashDictionary<ValueId, CostScalar> & predReductions, /* in/mod */
const CollIndex numPredicates, /* in */
const CostScalar& oldRowCount, /* in */
const CostScalar& newRowCount, /* in */
NABoolean largeTabStatsNeeded,
const ColStatDescList & source,
CostScalar & reductionAdjustment) ; /* out */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// getUecForMCJoin
// used by multi-column join code (fn useMultiUecIfMultipleJoins(), subr of
// fn estimateCardinality() )
// given a list of ValueIdLists representing the two (or more) join
// predicates between (hopefully) two tables, return TRUE/FALSE if we
// have the necessary multi-column uec information about some of the
// columns involved in this join; return the columns we don't have MC
// info for, and return this multi-column uec number.
// we also supply a boolean flag "largeTableNeedsStats" which is the
// ColStats flag "isUpStatsNeeded" -- this helps decide whether to fire
// off a 6007-warning in the case where the best possible multi-column
// stats don't exist
// we also supply a boolean flag "largeTableNeedsStats" which is the
// ColStats flag "isUpStatsNeeded" -- this helps decide whether to fire
// off a 6007-warning in the case where the best possible multi-column
// stats don't exist
// i.e., if we do
// "sel * from T1,T2 where T1.a=T2.b AND T1.c=T2.d",
// we need MC-info on (T1.a,T1.c) and (T2.b,T2.d) -- if this exists,
// then return TRUE and set maxMultiColUec to be the larger of the two
// corresponding multi-column uec values for (T1.a,T1.c) & (T2.b, T2.d)
// as a more general case, if we do
// "sel * from T1,T2 where T1.c1=T2.c1 AND T1.c2=T2.c2 AND ...",
// then we want to return the largest ValueIdSets (t1.1,...,t1.m) (t2.1,...t2.m)
// such that there is exactly one t2.1 for every t1.1 -- any remaining ValueIdSets
// in joinValueIdPairs are returned to the calling function, which will have to
// apply single-column selectivity for them.
NABoolean getUecForMCJoin (LIST(ValueIdList) & joinValueIdPairs, /* in/out */
const NABoolean largeTableNeedsStats, /* in */
const Join * expr,
CostScalar & prodMaxInitUec, /* out */
CostScalar & maxMultiColUec, /* out */
CostScalar & baseRCForMaxMCUEC, /* out */
CostScalar & leftMCUec, /* out */
NABoolean & checkForLowBound, /* out */
NABoolean & joinOnUnique,
const ColStatDescList & colStats,
CostScalar redFromSC=csMinusOne);
// Determine if the join predicates consist of column sets where one
// of the sides is unique and shares relationship "similar" to PK/FK
// with the other side. If so, return the cardinality of non-unique
// side. This feature is OFF by default if there are more than one
// joining columns. It'll be controlled by COMP_BOOL_149.
CostScalar getRowcountOfNonUniqueColSet(const Join *expr,
ValueIdList lhsColList,
ValueIdList rhsColList,
NABoolean leftUnique,
NABoolean rightUnique);
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// display missing stats warning. The warning is displayed based
// on the CQDs:
// It is used to control the number of missing stats warnings
// that should be generated.
// 0: Display no warnings.
// 1: Display only missing single column stats warnings. These include 6008 and 6011
// 2: Display all single column missing stats warnings and
// multi-column missing stats warnings for Scans only.
// 3: Display all missing single column stats warnings and missing
// multi-column stats warnings for Scans and GroupBy operators only..
// 4: Display all missing single column stats and missing multi-column
// stats warnings for all operators including Scans, Joins and groupBys.
// THE CQD also does not have an impact on the auto update stats behavior. The stats will
// still be automatically generated even if the warnings have been suppressed.
// Default behavior is to generate all warnings
// --------------------------------------------------------------
displayMissingStatsWarning(TableDesc * mostRefdTable,
ValueIdSet predCols,
NABoolean largeTableNeedsStats,
NABoolean displayWarning,
const ColStatDescList & colStats,
CostScalar redFromSC = csMinusOne,
NABoolean quickStats = FALSE,
OperatorTypeEnum op = REL_SCAN) const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// isMCStatsUseful is used to determine if there is any possibility
// of optimizer benefiting from multi-column stats. The MC stats
// are said to be not helpful, if any subset of given column set
// is orthogonal. More heuristics can be added later to determine
// usefulness of MC stats
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
isMCStatsUseful(ValueIdSet columnSet,
TableDesc * tableDesc) const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Combine MC UEC of subset of columns from columns with reduction to get
// MC UEC of larger set
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean createMCStatsForColumnSet(ValueIdSet colsWithReduction,
ValueIdSet & cumulativeColSetWithMCUEC,
CostScalar & maxMultiColUec,
CostScalar baseRowCount
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// findMatchingColumns
// subroutine of getUecForMCJoin; used to find correspondences between
// lists of table columns w.r.t. the join predicates
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ValueIdSet findMatchingColumns (const ValueIdSet & t1Cols, /* in */
const LIST(ValueIdList) & joinPairs, /* in */
LIST(ValueIdList) & remainingPairs, /* out */
CostScalar & maxInitUecProduct, /* out */
CostScalar & minInitUecProduct, /* out */
NABoolean & checkForLowBound /* out */
) const ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// largestSubset
// used by multi-column group by code (GroupbyAgg::synthEstLogProp)
// given a list of table columns we're interested in, returns a list
// representing the largest subset of the input list for which we have
// multicolumn uec information
// if there are ties, return the one with largest correlation
ValueIdSet largestSubset (const ValueIdSet & columns) const ;
//Input: columnList
//Output: List of ValueIdSet that contains the last column in the list
//and other columns from the columnList only
//Constraints: ColumnId that is passed in can be VegRef that contains
// the base id for that column at the first level or it can
// be a the id corresponding to a index on the table.
LIST(ValueIdSet) * getListOfSubsetsContainsColumns(
const ValueIdList & columns,
LIST(CostScalar)& uecCount
) const;
//Input: list of columns
//Output: Boolean. if there is a multi-column histogram exactly matching
//the input then return true or return false
//Constraints: ValueIds for the columns need to be base valueIds.
NABoolean findDenom(const ValueIdSet & columns)const;
// add the <table-column-valueidset, uec-value> pairs from OTHER into
// THIS (the ones that aren't already there)
void insertList (const MultiColumnUecList * other) ;
void insertMappedList(const MultiColumnUecList *other,
const ValueIdMap &map); // map is used in "up" direction
// this routine answers whether there's any bona fide multi-column
// information contained in this list -- i.e., any
// <valueidset,costscalar> pairs where the valueidset has more than one
// entry
NABoolean containsMCinfo() const ;
// display the contents of the MultiColumnUecList
void print (FILE *f = stdout,
const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "") const ;
void display () const ;
// inserts a <table-column-valueidset, uec-value> pair
// returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if not successful (e.g., already exists)
// ==> private because no one should ever change this object!
// made public, to handle updateMCUecForUniqueIndexes -
NABoolean insertPair (const ValueIdSet & key, const CostScalar & groupUec) ;
// updates groupUec for columns in the Multi-column Uec list
// This will be used only if no multi-col uec exists for the unique
// index or if the uec for unique index is not equal to the row count
// as it should be
NABoolean updatePair (const ValueIdSet & columns,
const CostScalar & groupUec);
// Following method creates multi-col UEC for larger set of columns
// using partial overlapping multi-col UECs.
// For example, if MC-UEC available - (a, b, c) (c, d).
// Then MC (a, b, c, d) = MC (a, b, c) * MC (c, d) / MC (c)
NABoolean createMCUECWithOverlappingColSets(ValueIdSet & remainingCols,
ValueIdSet & cumulativeColSetWithMCUEC,
CostScalar & multiColUec,
CostScalar oldRowcount);
// Following method creates multi-col UEC for larger set of columns
// using partial disjoint multi-col UECs.
// For example, if MC-UEC available - (a, b) (c, d).
// Then MC (a, b, c, d) = MC (a, b) * MC (c, d)
NABoolean createMCUECWithDisjointColSets(ValueIdSet & remainingCols,
ValueIdSet & cumulativeColSetWithMCUEC,
CostScalar & multiColUec,
CostScalar oldRowCount);
// In the following method, we shall create a new MC list.
// This list contains MC-UEC for only those column set, which include
// all columns of colsWithReductions and atmost one column from
// cumulativeColSetWithMCUEC
MultiColumnUecList * createMCListForRemainingCols(
ValueIdSet colsWithReductions,
ValueIdSet cumulativeColSetWithMCUEC);
MultiColumnUecList () ; // added 05/23/05.
// this class should never create an uninitialized object!
// this class should never be copied!
// Commented because we need to create a temporary MultiColumnUecList
// in the method createMCListForRemainingCols - 05/23/05
// MultiColumnUecList () ;
MultiColumnUecList (const MultiColumnUecList & other) ;
#define MultiColumnSkewedValueListsIterator NAHashDictionaryIterator<ValueIdList,MCSkewedValueList>
class MultiColumnSkewedValueLists : public HASHDICTIONARY(ValueIdList,MCSkewedValueList)
static ULng32 HashFunction (const ValueIdList & input) ;
MultiColumnSkewedValueLists ();
MultiColumnSkewedValueLists (const StatsList & initStats,
const ValueIdList & tableColumns ) ;
virtual ~MultiColumnSkewedValueLists() { };
// This method will retrieve skew values if found, otherwise NULL is returned.
const MCSkewedValueList* getMCSkewedValueList(ValueIdSet colSet, ValueIdList & colGroup);
MultiColumnSkewedValueLists (const MultiColumnSkewedValueLists & other) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A column statistics descriptor contains a valueid for the column
// that makes up this column statistics object, as well as a pointer
// to the ColStats structure.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ColStatDesc : public NABasicObject
friend class TableDesc;
// copy method
void copy (const ColStatDesc& other) ;
// deallocate method
void deallocate () ;
// the following enum is used only in synchronizeStats()
// default constructor
ColStatDesc (NAMemory * h=HISTHEAP) :
column_(), VEGcolumn_(), nonVegEquals_(h), colStats_(NULL), modified_(FALSE),
{ }
// constructor
ColStatDesc (const ColStatsSharedPtr& stats, const ValueIdList& columnList, NAMemory * h=HISTHEAP) ;
// constructor used to create a ColStatDesc for a generated column.
ColStatDesc (const ColStatsSharedPtr& stats, const ValueId & column, NAMemory * h=HISTHEAP) ;
// virtual destructor
~ColStatDesc() { deallocate(); }
// copy constructor
ColStatDesc (const ColStatDesc& other, NAMemory * h=HISTHEAP) :
{ copy(other); }
// assignment operator
inline ColStatDesc & operator= (const ColStatDesc& other)
if ( &other != this ) // support a=a
{ deallocate(); copy(other); }
return *this;
// comparison operator
NABoolean operator== (const ColStatDesc& other) const
{ return (column_ == other.column_) ; }
// accessor functions (all const)
inline const ValueId & getColumn () const { return column_; }
inline const ValueId & getVEGColumn () const { return VEGcolumn_; }
inline const ColStatsSharedPtr getColStats () const { return colStats_; }
inline NABoolean isModified () const { return modified_; }
inline NABoolean isFromInnerTable () const { return fromInnerTable_; }
inline const ValueIdSet & getMergeState() const { return mergeState_; }
inline const SHPTR_LIST(ColStatDescSharedPtr)&
getNonVegEquals() const { return nonVegEquals_; }
inline const ValueIdSet & getAppliedPreds () const { return appliedPreds_; }
inline NABoolean isPredicateApplied (const ValueId & newPredicate) const
{ return appliedPreds_.contains( newPredicate ); }
NABoolean isSimilarPredicateApplied ( const OperatorTypeEnum op ) const;
NABoolean derivOfLikeAndSimilarPredApp(const ItemExpr * pred ) ;
CostScalar selForRelativeRange (const OperatorTypeEnum op,
const ValueId & column,
ItemExpr *newPred) const;
// these accessor functions return access to the private data members
ColStatsSharedPtr getColStatsToModify () ;
inline ValueId & VEGColumn () { return VEGcolumn_; }
inline ValueIdSet & mergeState () { return mergeState_; }
inline SHPTR_LIST(ColStatDescSharedPtr)& nonVegEquals () { return nonVegEquals_; }
inline ValueIdSet & appliedPreds () { return appliedPreds_; }
// manipulation functions
inline void setModified (NABoolean flag=TRUE) { modified_ = flag; }
inline void setFromInnerTable (NABoolean flag=TRUE) { fromInnerTable_ = flag; }
inline void setColStats (const ColStatsSharedPtr& stats) { colStats_ = stats; }
inline void addToAppliedPreds (const ValueId & newPredicate)
{ appliedPreds_.insert( newPredicate ); }
inline void removeFromAppliedPreds (const ValueId & newPredicate)
{ appliedPreds_.remove( newPredicate ); }
// apply the following selectivity to the column statistics
void applySel (const CostScalar & selectivity) ;
void applySelIfSpecifiedViaHint(ItemExpr * pred, const CostScalar & oldRowcount);
void setInputCard (CostScalar rows) {inputCard_ = rows; }
CostScalar getInputCard() { return inputCard_; }
void mapUpAndCopy (const ColStatDesc& other, ValueIdMap &map) ;
// synchronize/map the RowCount and UEC change of one set of aggregate
// statistics with the current set of aggregate statistics
void synchronizeStats (const CostScalar & baseRowcount,
const CostScalar & newRowcount,
SynchSpecialFlag=DO_NOTHING_SPECIAL) ;
// modify statistics by applying the effect of the provided predicate
NABoolean modifyStats (ItemExpr *pred, CostScalar &newRowcount,
CostScalar *maxSelectivity=NULL);
// merge twoColStatDescs from the same table
NABoolean mergeColStatDescOfSameTable(ColStatDescSharedPtr &rightColStats,
OperatorTypeEnum opType = ITM_FIRST_ITEM_OP);
// merge two ColStatDesc's
void mergeColStatDesc(ColStatDescSharedPtr& mergedStatDesc,
MergeType mergeMethod,
NABoolean forceMerge = FALSE,
OperatorTypeEnum opType = ITM_FIRST_ITEM_OP,
NABoolean mergeFVs=TRUE) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce uec by correct amount, instead of what we've done in the past.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
static CostScalar
calculateCorrectResultUec (const CostScalar & baseRows,
const CostScalar & newRows,
const CostScalar & baseUec) ;
// display the colStats_ inside the colstatdesc:
void print (FILE *f = stdout,
const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "",
CollHeap *c=NULL, char *buf=NULL,
NABoolean hideDetail=FALSE) const ;
void display () const ;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The first four private members are worthy of a little discussion and
// clarification.
// 'column' is the column for which these stats apply.
// 'VEGcolumn_' is the VEGRef id corresponding with column_ e.g.,
// column_ is T2.a; If IT2.a is an index on T2.a, this VEG includes
// (IT2.a, T2.a), further if there exists a predicate T2.a=T2.b and
// IT3.b is an index on T2.b, the VEG includes (IT2.a, T2.a, IT3.b,
// T2.b). VEGcolumn_ may, over time, contain an instantiate_null
// operator when the associated column has become the output of an outer
// join, as well as an value_id_union map when the column is the output
// of a union.
// 'mergeState_' is a set associated with column_. Each set indicates
// which of the statistics from the matching VEGcolumn_ entry have been
// merged. Each set starts with only the ValueId from column_, but as
// VEG preds are applied, this set grows. This entry is necessary to
// support nested index joins, and as a side benefit prevent a VEGPred
// of the form a=a from doing anything to the statistics for 'a'.
// 'nonVegEquals_' tracks information regarding EQ-Joins applied to columns
// outside the 'normal' realm of VEG predicates.
// This, primarily, applies to equality predicates underneith an OR,
// which are not placed in a VEG. The information is used 2 ways:
// - For AND's beneath an OR, this list is used to provide transitivity;
// - Directly beneath OR's, this list indicates what ColStatDesc to
// update/recreate and add back into the containing ColStatDescList.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// compress the ColStats for local predicates on a column
// The local predicates should involve a constant
// e.g.
// * t1.col1 = 3
// * t1.col1 < 3
// * t1.col1 > 1
// * t1.col1 > 1 and t1.col1 < 3
void compressColStatsForQueryPreds(ItemExpr * lowerBound,
ItemExpr * upperBound,
NABoolean hasJoinPred = FALSE)
{ colStats_->compressColStatsForQueryPreds(lowerBound, upperBound, hasJoinPred); };
ValueId column_; // identify the base table column(s) of which
// // these statistics is/are comprised
ValueId VEGcolumn_; // identify the equivalent VEG (corresponding
// // to base table columns) of which these stats
// // are comprised
ValueIdSet mergeState_; // indicate which histograms have been merged
// // (so far)
SHPTR_LIST(ColStatDescSharedPtr) // pointers to ColStatDescs that were EQ-merged
nonVegEquals_; // to create this ColStatDesc, even though they
// // were not both contained in a single VEG.
NABoolean fromInnerTable_; // used in nonVegEquals_ related OR processing
ValueIdSet appliedPreds_; // All Predicates applied to this ColStats
ColStatsSharedPtr colStats_; // reference to ColStats structure
NABoolean modified_; // FALSE => the Colstats structure has not yet
// // been modified
CostScalar inputCard_; // any input cardinality which could be reflected
// in this colStat
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// class ColStatDescList : a LIST of ColStatDescSharedPtr's
// Since a ColStatDesc is the histogram for a single table column, a CSDL
// is the histograms modelling the columns for an entire table (or node in
// a query plan, i.e., a "virtual table", one produced from multiple
// tables joined together)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ColStatDescList: public SHPTR_LIST (ColStatDescSharedPtr)
ColStatDescList (NAMemory* h=0) : SHPTR_LIST(ColStatDescSharedPtr)(h), uecList_(NULL),
useCapForLowBound_ (FALSE),
scanRowCountWithoutHint_ (-1.0),
ColStatDescList (const ColStatDescList & other, NAMemory* h/*=0*/) :
useCapForLowBound_ (other.useCapForLowBound_),
joinOnSingleCol_ (other.joinOnSingleCol_),
// should the destructor do anything? for now, no
virtual ~ColStatDescList () {}
// Returns TRUE if at least one of the histograms is a
// fake histogram. A fake histogram is a histogram that
// was synthesized by ColStats from info. other than statistics.
// We need to test for this because we don't want to cost
// MDAM relying on fake histograms. MDAM must not be chosen
// when there are fake histograms.
NABoolean containsAtLeastOneFake() const;
NABoolean selectivityHintApplied() const;
// Returns TRUE if the given Column is contained in this
// ColStatDescList. The ColStatDesc could have also been merged
// with the other colStatDesc
NABoolean contains(const ValueId & column) const;
// Returns TRUE if the full column set is contained in this
// ColStatDescList.
NABoolean contains(const ValueIdList & colList) const;
// Returns the (possibly multi-column) uec value for the
// ValueId-specified column(s) in the parameter list.
// NB: in the case where we cannot find uec information for one or more
// of 'columns' (i.e., histogram isn't available), this method returns
// -1. Anyone using this method should check for this value!
CostScalar getAggregateUec (const ValueIdSet & columns) const ;
// set base uec for all columns in their colAnalysis
void setBaseUecForAllCols();
void setScaleFactor(CostScalar val);
// getColStatDescIndexForColWithMaxUec(leftColIndex, leftLeafValues)
// From the given ValueIdSet, the method returns the index of the histogram
// with max UEC
NABoolean getColStatDescIndexForColWithMaxUec(CollIndex & leftColIndex,
const ValueIdSet & leftLeafValues) const;
void addToAppliedPredsOfAllCSDs(const ValueIdSet & colSet,
const ValueId & newPredicate);
// some usages of CSDL want to be able to create and then delete individual
// CSDL's -- for these users, we have an explicit destroy function
void destroy () ;
inline ColStatDescList & operator = (const ColStatDescList &other)
this->SHPTR_LIST(ColStatDescSharedPtr)::operator = ( other );
uecList_ = other.uecList_ ;
mcSkewedValueLists_ = other.mcSkewedValueLists_;
return *this;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods for doing Deep Copies of the ColStatDescs whose pointers are
// inserted into a ColStatDescList.
// In the various routines,
// 'firstN' specifies that only the first N entries in the source are to
// be inserted.
// 'scale' specifies the factor by which the RowCounts (not UECs) should
// be multiplied.
// 'shapeChangedMask' is AND'd with the current setting of the shape-
// changed flag, allowing it to be either left alone (the default) or
// cleared.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void appendDeepCopy (const ColStatDescList & source,
const CollIndex firstN,
const CostScalar & scale = 1,
const NABoolean shapeChangedMask = TRUE) ;
void makeDeepCopy (const ColStatDescList & source,
const CostScalar & scale = 1,
const NABoolean shapeChangedMask = TRUE) ;
void prependDeepCopy (const ColStatDescList & source,
const CollIndex firstN,
const CostScalar & scale = 1,
const NABoolean shapeChangedMask = TRUE) ;
void insertDeepCopy (const ColStatDescSharedPtr & source,
const CostScalar & scale = 1,
const NABoolean shapeChangedMask = TRUE) ;
void insertDeepCopyAt (const CollIndex entry,
const ColStatDescSharedPtr & source,
const CostScalar & scale = 1,
const NABoolean shapeChangedMask = TRUE) ;
void makeMappedDeepCopy(
const ColStatDescList & source,
ValueIdMap &map, // map source "up"
NABoolean includeUnmappedColumns);
void removeDeepCopyAt (const CollIndex entry) ;
void computeMaxFreq(NABoolean forced = FALSE);
// add colStatDesc for a virtual column in this colStatDescList
// This will be used for cases like inserts, transpose or rowsets,
// where the column is being equated to a constant or the right child
// of the join is a constant.
void addColStatDescForVirtualCol(const CostScalar & uec,
const CostScalar & rowCount,
const ValueId colId,
const ValueId vegCol,
const ValueId mergeState,
const RelExpr * expr,
NABoolean defineVirtual = TRUE);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method for estimating the Cardinality, given a set of predicates
// and column statistics.
// estimateCardinality takes special actions when it is invoked against
// the children of ITM_AND and ITM_OR operators.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CostScalar estimateCardinality (const CostScalar & initalRowCount,
const ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates,
const ValueIdSet & outerReferences,
const Join * expr,
const SelectivityHint * selHint,
const CardinalityHint * cardHint,
CollIndex & numOuterColStats,
ValueIdSet & unresolvedPreds,
MergeType mergeMethod =
OperatorTypeEnum exprOpCode =
ITM_FIRST_ITEM_OP , // no-op value
CostScalar *maxSelectivity=NULL);
// Adjust the rowcount based on the cardinality / selectivity / count(*) hint
CostScalar adjustRowcountWithHint(const CardinalityHint * cardHint,
const SelectivityHint * selHint,
const ValueIdSet & setOfPredicates,
CostScalar & newRowCount,
const CostScalar & initialRowCount);
void copyAndScaleHistograms(CostScalar scale);
void setBaseUecToTotalUec();
CostScalar getMaxFreq(ValueId col);
CostScalar getUEC(ValueId col);
// get maximum frequency for the given column set
CostScalar getMaxOfMaxFreqOfCol(const ValueIdSet & baseColSet) ;
// get maximum frequency for the given column set
CostScalar getMinOfMaxFreqOfCol(const ValueIdSet & baseColSet) ;
// get max frequency of the leaves of Case expression
CostScalar getMaxFreqForCaseExpr(const ValueIdSet & leafValues);
void addToJoinedCols (const ValueIdSet & newPredCols)
{ joinedCols_.insert( newPredCols ); }
void clearJoinedCols ()
{ joinedCols_.clear(); }
ValueIdSet getJoinedCols() { return joinedCols_; }
CostScalar getUecOfJoiningCols(ValueIdSet & joinedColSet) const;
// Returns the minimum UEC from the given column set
CostScalar getMinUec(const ValueIdSet & baseColSet) const;
// Returns the maximum UEC from the given column set
CostScalar getMaxUecForCaseExpr(const ValueIdSet & baseColSet) const;
// Returns the maximum UEC from the given leaf value set
CostScalar getMaxUec(const ValueIdSet & leafValueSet) const;
// returns cardinality of busiest stream based on the given list
// of histograms
CostScalar getCardOfBusiestStream(const PartitioningFunction* partFunc,
Lng32 numOfParts,
GroupAttributes * grpAttr,
Lng32 countOfCPUs = 1);
CostScalar getCardOfBusiestStreamForUnderNJ(CANodeIdSet * outerNodeSet,
const PartitioningFunction* pf,
Lng32 numOfParts,
GroupAttributes * gr,
Lng32 countOfCpus = 1);
void addRecentlyJoinedCols(CollIndex startIdx,
CollIndex stopIdx);
void compressColStatsToSingleInt();
void insertByPosition(const StatsList & other,
const NAColumnArray &columnList,
const ValueIdList &tableColList);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following five routines are private subroutines of
// estimateCardinality() :
// the first three are used to apply different types of predicates to
// the ColStatDescList that calls them;
// the fourth tries to use multi-column uec information for
// adjusting rowcount estimation in the case of applying multiple
// predicates for highly correlated columns within the same table.
// the fifth tries to use multi-column uec information for
// multiple-column joins.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Given a VEG predicate, merge all histograms belonging to the same
// equivalence class.
NABoolean applyVEGPred (ItemExpr *VEGpred,
CostScalar & newRowcount,
CollIndex & numOuterColStats,
MergeType mergeMethod = INNER_JOIN_MERGE,
OperatorTypeEnum exprOpCode = ITM_FIRST_ITEM_OP,
CostScalar *maxSelectivity=NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Apply a bi-relational predicate to the set of column statistics.
NABoolean applyPred (ItemExpr *biRelatpred,
CostScalar & newRowcount,
CollIndex & numOuterColStats,
MergeType mergeMethod = INNER_JOIN_MERGE,
OperatorTypeEnum exprOpCode = ITM_FIRST_ITEM_OP,
CostScalar *maxSelectivity=NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Apply a predicate having 'default' selectivity to the given column
// statistics.
void applyDefaultPred (ItemExpr * pred, CostScalar & newRowcount,
OperatorTypeEnum exprOpCode = ITM_FIRST_ITEM_OP,
CostScalar *maxSelectivity=NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Apply BiLogicPreds ITM_OR and ITM_AND
CostScalar applyBiLogicPred(CostScalar & tempRowCount,
ValueIdSet & BiLogicPreds,
const ValueIdSet & outerReferences,
const Join * expr,
const SelectivityHint * selHint,
const CardinalityHint * cardHint,
CollIndex & numOuterColStats,
ValueIdSet & unresolvedPreds,
MergeType mergeMethod,
NAHashDictionary<ValueId, CostScalar> & biLogicPredReductions,
OperatorTypeEnum exprOpCode = ITM_FIRST_ITEM_OP,
CostScalar *maxSelectivity=NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Use multi-column uec to find the resulting rowcount from multiple
// predicates on correlated columns within a single table, if possible.
void useMultiUecIfCorrelatedPreds (
CostScalar & newRowcount, // in/out
const CostScalar & oldRowcount, // in
CollIndex predCount, // in : quick check : proceed if >=2
const CollIndexList &joinHistograms, // in : histograms used in MC Join
CollIndex startIndex, // in : 1st idx of CSDL to look at
CollIndex stopIndex, // in : idx of CSDL+1 to look at
NAHashDictionary<ValueId, CostScalar> & biLogicPredReductions);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Use multi-column uec to find the resulting rowcount from a
// multi-column join between two tables, if possible.
void useMultiUecIfMultipleJoins (
CostScalar & newRowcount, /* in/out */
const CostScalar & oldRowcount, /* in */
CollIndex startIndex, /* in : first index of CSDL */
CollIndex stopIndex, /* in : last index of CSDL+1 */
CollIndexList & joinHistograms, /* out */
const Join * expr,
MergeType mergeMethod
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void computeRowRedFactor(MergeType mergeMethod,
CollIndex numOuterColStats,
CostScalar rowcountBeforePreds,
CollIndex & predCountSC,
CollIndex & predCountMC,
CostScalar & rowRedProduct);
CostScalar getHighestUecReductionByLocalPreds(ValueIdSet &cols) const;
// synchronize the RowCount of all the histograms in the list (those
// with array indices from 0..loopLimit-1)
void synchronizeStats ( const CostScalar & baseRowcount,
const CostScalar & newRowcount,
CollIndex loopLimit ) ;
// this version doesn't care what the original rowcount was originally
// supposed to be -- it just does the work of setting all histograms to
// have newRowcount as the rowcount
void synchronizeStats ( const CostScalar & newRowcount,
CollIndex loopLimit ) ;
// Used only by Join::synthEstLogProp to do inner-equi-joins of any
// columns appearing as outer references from both children of the
// join
CostScalar mergeListPairwise() ;
// Used for mapping a histogram to a range-partitioned table so that we
// can determine which partitions in a query are active
// -- returns TRUE if everything's OK, FALSE otherwise
NABoolean divideHistogramAtPartitionBoundaries
(const ValueIdList & listOfPartKeys, /*in*/
const ValueIdList & listOfPartKeyOrders,/*in*/
const LIST(EncodedValueList *) & listOfPartBounds, /*in*/
ValueId & keyCorrespondingToOutputRows, /*out*/
NABoolean & isKeyAscending, /*out*/
ColStats & outputRows, /*out*/
CollIndexList & outputFactors) const ; /*out*/
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// methods to access individual CSD's within the CSDL via various
// indexing methods (e.g., via ValueId, ...)
// Currently we have six of these :
// . getColStatDescIndexForColumn()
// . getColStatDescIndex()
// . getColStatsPtrForColumn()
// . getColStatsPtrForPredicate()
// . getColStatsPtrForVEGGroup()
// . getSingleColStatsForVEGPred()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
NABoolean getColStatDescIndexForColumn (CollIndex& index, /* output */
const ValueId& column) const ;
NABoolean getColStatDescIndexForColumn (CollIndex& index, /* output */
const ValueId& column,
NAColumnArray& partKeyColArray) const ;
// Get the Index of the ColStatDesc which has the given
// valueID as a VEGColumn. Does not assume that 'value'
// must be a BASECOL, VEGREF, etc.
NABoolean getColStatDescIndex (CollIndex& index, /* output */
const ValueId& value) const ;
// This is used in the scan costing:
// Returns the ColStats corresponding to the given column
// This should be used to find the single column histogram
// associated with columns. It returns NULL if the
// histogram does not exist.
ColStatsSharedPtr getColStatsPtrForColumn (const ValueId& column) const ;
ColStatsSharedPtr getColStatsPtrForPredicate (const ValueId& predicate) const ;
ColStatsSharedPtr getColStatsPtrForVEGGroup (const ValueIdSet& VEGGroup) const ;
// This is used in join costing:
// Given one VEG predicate, retrieve the first single column ColStats with
// a column in the VEG predicate.
ColStatsSharedPtr getSingleColStatsForVEGPred (const ValueId& VEGPred) const ;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// internal consistency checking
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Verify that the CSDL's internal semantics are being maintained!
// --> loop from array index startIndex..endIndex-1
void verifyInternalConsistency (CollIndex startIndex, CollIndex endIndex) const ;
// Enforce the CSDL's internal semantics if they're not being maintained!
// --> loop from array index startIndex..endIndex-1
// --> if "printNoStatsWarning" is TRUE, then print the 6008's re: no stats
// when there should be
void enforceInternalConsistency (CollIndex startIndex,
CollIndex endIndex,
NABoolean printNoStatsWarning = FALSE) ;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// looking at aggregate attributes over all ColStatDesc's in the CSDL
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// return the set of all applied preds to members
ValueIdSet appliedPreds () const;
// return the set of all VEGColumns of members
ValueIdSet VEGColumns () const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// displaying debugging information
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Display each colstatdesc in the list:
void print (ValueIdList selectListCols,
FILE *f = stdout,
const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "",
CollHeap *c=NULL, char *buf=NULL,
NABoolean hideDetail=FALSE) const ;
void display () const ;
// used by RelExpr::showQueryStats()
void showQueryStats(CollHeap *c, char *buf, ValueIdList selectListCols) const
{ print(selectListCols, stdout, DEFAULT_INDENT, "", c, buf,
// a utility routine used by mergeStats and applyDefaultPred
NABoolean identifyMergeCandidates(ItemExpr * VEGpred,
CollIndex & rootStatIndex,
CollIndexList & statsToMerge) const ;
// It is a helper method used while computing left joins. The method locates
// histograms that have been joined to right child using inner join and
// now need to be null augmented to simulate the left join
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
locateHistogramToNULLAugment(ValueIdSet EqLocalPreds,
NAList<CollIndex> &statsToMerge,
CollIndex &rootStatIndex,
CollIndex outerRefCount);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// It is a helper method used by left joins. It merges the rows
// from the left side that did not match the right child back into
// the joined histograms.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
computeLeftOuterJoinRC(NABoolean &foundFlag /*in and out*/,
const ColStatDescList &leftColStatsList,
CollIndex rootStatIndex);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// It is a helper method used by full outer joins. It merges the rows
// from the right side that did not match the left child back into
// the joined histograms.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
computeFullOuterJoinRC(NABoolean &foundFlag /*in and out*/,
const ColStatDescList &origColStatsList,
CollIndex rootStatIndex);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a helper method used by left joins.
// The method is called after the the rows from the left histograms of the joining column,
// that did not match the right side are merged back into the join result.
// In the following method, the histograms from the remaining columns are synchronized
// to have the same row count
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
synchronizeHistsWithOJRC(NAList<CollIndex> &statsToMerge,
CollIndex startIndex,
CollIndex stopIndex,
CollIndex rootStatIndex,
const ColStatDescList &leftColStatsList,
CostScalar &oJoinResultRows,
CostScalar &baseRows);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a helper method for left joins. It is used to
// NULL instantiate the right histogram rows from the other side with NULLs
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
nullInstantiateHists(CollIndex startIndex,
CollIndex stopIndex,
CostScalar &oJoinResultRows,
ValueIdList &nulledVIds);
const MCSkewedValueList * getMCSkewedValueListForCols(ValueIdSet cols, ValueIdList &colGroup);
CostScalar getAvgRowcountForNonSkewedMCValues(ValueIdSet cols, MCSkewedValueList* mCSkewedValueList);
// a utility routine used by applyPred
NABoolean identifyMergeCandidates(ItemExpr * operand,
CollIndexList & statsToMerge) const ;
// a utility routine for merging a specified set of members in the given
// ColStatDescList
void mergeSpecifiedStatDescs (const CollIndexList & statsToMerge,
CollIndex rootIndex,
MergeType mergeMethod,
CollIndex numOuterColStats,
CostScalar & newRowcount,
CostScalar & newUec,
NABoolean forVEGPred,
OperatorTypeEnum opType = ITM_FIRST_ITEM_OP) ;
// Prior to any Join's predicate analysis, a ColStatDescList is built
// that contains the cross-product of the left and right tables.
// Knowledge of that cross-producting is incorporated in formulas that
// evaluate VEG and Equality predicates.
// We maintain multi-column uec information in order to accurately
// estimate rowcounts for joins involving multiple predicates, the
// output of a groupby aggregate, and possibly other cases I'm not
// thinking of right now. This data member should be used completely
// read-only; that is, only one such list exists for all
// ColStatDescList's, and no CSDL has the rights to modify it.
MultiColumnUecList * uecList_ ;
MultiColumnSkewedValueLists * mcSkewedValueLists_;
// We also maintain a flag to indicate that we could have used multi-column
// information, but as it is unavailable, we shall put a cap on the lower
// bound of the join cardinality to ensure that we do not underestimate
NABoolean useCapForLowBound_;
// The following flag specifies if the optimizer should use frequency of
// joining columns to uplift join cardinality. The flag is set only if the
// join is being done on one column
NABoolean joinOnSingleCol_;
// We want to cache the totalRowCount after applying local predicates
// on a table, without using hints. This will be used in computing the
// cardinality for an index when some cardinality or selectivity hint
// is given by the user.
CostScalar scanRowCountWithoutHint_;
ValueIdSet joinedCols_;
// the following are methods for accessing ColStatDescList data members
inline void setUecList (const MultiColumnUecList * list)
if ( list != NULL )
uecList_ = const_cast<MultiColumnUecList*>(list) ;
inline void insertIntoUecList (const MultiColumnUecList * other)
if ( uecList_ == NULL )
setUecList (other) ;
uecList_->insertList (other) ;
inline const MultiColumnUecList * getUecList() const { return uecList_ ; }
inline MultiColumnUecList * uecList() { return uecList_ ; }
inline void setMCSkewedValueLists (const MultiColumnSkewedValueLists* list)
if ( list != NULL )
mcSkewedValueLists_ = const_cast<MultiColumnSkewedValueLists*>(list) ;
inline const MultiColumnSkewedValueLists * getMCSkewedValueLists() const { return mcSkewedValueLists_ ; }
inline MultiColumnSkewedValueLists * mcSkewedValueLists() { return mcSkewedValueLists_ ; }
inline NABoolean isCapForLowBound () const { return useCapForLowBound_; }
inline void setCapForLowBound (NABoolean flag=TRUE) { useCapForLowBound_ = flag; }
inline NABoolean isJoinOnSingleCol () const { return joinOnSingleCol_; }
inline void setJoinOnSingleCol (NABoolean flag = TRUE) { joinOnSingleCol_ = flag; }
void setInputCard (CostScalar rows);
inline CostScalar getScanRowCountWithoutHint () const { return scanRowCountWithoutHint_; }
inline void setScanRowCountWithoutHint (CostScalar scanRowCountWithoutHint)
{ scanRowCountWithoutHint_ = scanRowCountWithoutHint; }
#endif /* COLSTATDESC_H */