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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: ChangesTable.h
* Description: Insertion, scanning and deleting from a changes table
* such as the triggers temporary table, and the MV log.
* Created: 10/10/2000
* Language: C++
#include "ObjectNames.h"
#include "Triggers.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// contents of this file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ChangesTable;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward references
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class BindWA;
class ColReference;
class TableDesc;
class Scan;
class Union;
class UpdateColumns;
class GenericUpdate;
class SQLInt;
class NRowsClause;
class DeltaDefinition;
class MVInfoForDML;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ChangesTable : public NABasicObject
enum RowsType { NONE = 0x00000000,
INSERTED_ROWS = 0x00000001,
DELETED_ROWS = 0x00000002,
PHASE1_ROWS = 0x00000004,
CATCHUP_ROWS = 0x00000008,
// The value to increment each row by in addition to the timestamp value
// when computing the @TS column
enum RowTsCounter { ROW_TS_INCR = 3 };
virtual ~ChangesTable() {} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
// Accessors
inline const CorrName *getTableName() const { return tableCorr_; }
inline const CorrName& getSubjectTableName() const { return subjectTable_; }
inline const NATable *getNaTable() const { return naTable_; }
inline const NATable *getSubjectNaTable() const { return subjectNaTable_; }
inline OperatorTypeEnum getOpType() const { return opType_; }
inline const CorrName& getCorrNameForNewRow() const { return corrNameForNewRow_; }
inline const CorrName& getCorrNameForOldRow() const { return corrNameForOldRow_; }
// Work methods
RelExpr *buildInsert(NABoolean useLeafInsert,
Lng32 enforceRowsTypeForUpdate=ALL_ROWS,
NABoolean isUndo= FALSE,
NABoolean isForMvLogging= FALSE
) const;
RelExpr *buildUndo() const ;
RelExpr *buildDelete(RowsType whichRows=ALL_ROWS) const;
Scan *buildScan(RowsType type) const;
RelExpr *buildOldAndNewJoin() const;
RelExpr *transformScan() const;
ItemExpr *buildBaseColsSelectList(const CorrName& tableName) const;
// build a list of all columns that correspond to a column in the base table
ItemExpr *buildColsCorrespondingToBaseSelectList() const;
ItemExpr *buildClusteringIndexVector(const NAString *corrName = NULL,
NABoolean useInternalSyskey = FALSE) const;
// build a list for renaming column names to their equivalent names in the
// base table
ItemExpr *buildRenameColsList() const;
inline void addCorrelationName(const NAString& correlationName)
{ tableCorr_->setCorrName(correlationName); }
static void addSuffixToTableName(NAString& tableName, const NAString& suffix);
static CorrName* buildChangesTableCorrName(const QualifiedName& tableName,
const NAString& suffix,
ExtendedQualName::SpecialTableType tableType,
CollHeap *heap);
// This is an abstract class, so the Ctors can only be called by the
// sub-classes.
ChangesTable(const CorrName& name,
OperatorTypeEnum opType,
BindWA *bindWA,
RowsType scanType = NONE);
ChangesTable(const GenericUpdate *baseNode,
BindWA *bindWA);
ChangesTable(Scan *baseNode,
RowsType scanType,
BindWA *bindWA);
// This method is called from the Ctor of sub-classes to initialize
// data members that cannot be initialized from inside the Ctor.
void initialize();
// This method sets the type of the Union above the Tuples in update
// operations.
virtual void setTuplesUnionType(Union *unionNode) const {};
// Pure virtual methods implemented by sub-classes.
// These methods are called by buildInsert().
virtual ItemExpr *createAtColExpr(const NAColumn *naColumn,
NABoolean isInsert,
NABoolean isUpdate,
NABoolean isUndo = FALSE) const = 0;
virtual ItemExpr *createBaseColExpr(const NAString& colName,
NABoolean isInsert,
NABoolean isUpdate) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createSyskeyColExpr(const NAString& colName,
NABoolean isInsert) const = 0;
virtual CorrName *calcTargetTableName(const QualifiedName &tableName) const = 0;
virtual ItemExpr *createSpecificWhereExpr(RowsType type) const = 0;
virtual NABoolean isEmptyDefaultTransitionName() const = 0;
virtual NABoolean supportsLateBinding() const = 0;
Scan *scanNode_;
CorrName subjectTable_;
CorrName *tableCorr_;
const NATable *naTable_;
const NATable *subjectNaTable_;
OperatorTypeEnum opType_;
RowsType scanType_;
CorrName corrNameForNewRow_;
CorrName corrNameForOldRow_;
BindWA *bindWA_;
CollHeap *heap_;
class TriggersTempTable : public ChangesTable
TriggersTempTable(const GenericUpdate *baseNode,
BindWA *bindWA);
TriggersTempTable(const CorrName &subjectTableName,
Scan *baseNode,
RowsType scanType,
BindWA *bindWA);
virtual ~TriggersTempTable() {} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
inline void setBeforeTriggersExist() { beforeTriggersExist_ = TRUE; }
inline NABoolean getBeforeTriggersExist() const { return beforeTriggersExist_; }
RelExpr *transformScan() const;
virtual NABoolean isEmptyDefaultTransitionName() const { return FALSE; }
virtual ItemExpr *createAtColExpr(const NAColumn *naColumn,
NABoolean isInsert,
NABoolean isUpdate,
NABoolean isUndo = FALSE
) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createSyskeyColExpr(const NAString& colName,
NABoolean isInsert) const;
virtual CorrName *calcTargetTableName(const QualifiedName &tableName) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createSpecificWhereExpr(RowsType type) const;
virtual NABoolean supportsLateBinding() const { return FALSE; }
// build the block to replace the scan in the MV tree
RelExpr *buildScanForMV() const;
// For triggers transformation - use the existing exec id.
void setBoundExecId(ItemExpr *execId) { boundExecId_ = execId; }
NABoolean beforeTriggersExist_;
ItemExpr *boundExecId_;
class MvIudLog : public ChangesTable
MvIudLog(CorrName& name,
BindWA *bindWA,
OperatorTypeEnum opType);
MvIudLog(const GenericUpdate *baseNode,
BindWA *bindWA);
virtual ~MvIudLog() {} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
MVInfoForDML *getMvInfo() const { return mvInfo_; }
// not used for this templog type
virtual NABoolean isEmptyDefaultTransitionName() const { return TRUE; }
virtual NABoolean supportsLateBinding() const { return TRUE; }
virtual ItemExpr *createAtColExpr(const NAColumn *naColumn,
NABoolean isInsert,
NABoolean isUpdate,
NABoolean isUndo=FALSE) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createSyskeyColExpr(const NAString& colName,
NABoolean isInsert) const;
virtual CorrName *calcTargetTableName(const QualifiedName &tableName) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createSpecificWhereExpr(RowsType type) const;
static ItemExpr *buildLogEpochPredicate(const DeltaDefinition *deltaDef,
CollHeap *heap);
inline void setMvInfo(MVInfoForDML *mvInfo) { mvInfo_ = mvInfo; }
inline NABoolean needsRangeLogging() const
{ return needsRangeLogging_; }
inline void setUpdatedColumns(UpdateColumns *updatedColumns)
{ updatedColumns_ = updatedColumns; }
inline void setDeltaDefinition(DeltaDefinition *deltaDef)
{ deltaDef_ = deltaDef; }
inline NABoolean getAddOrigScanPredicateFlag() const
{ return addOrigScanPredicate_; }
inline void setAddOrigScanPredicateFlag(NABoolean flag)
{ addOrigScanPredicate_=flag; }
NABoolean fixReferencesFromBaseTableToLog(ItemExpr *expr) const;
ItemExpr *buildIndirectUpdateExpression() const;
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForEpoch() const;
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForOpType(NABoolean isInsert,
NABoolean isUpdate,
NABoolean isUndo =FALSE) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForIgnore() const;
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForBitmap(const NAColumn *naColumn,
NABoolean isUpdate) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForRangeSize(NABoolean isInsert) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForAtSyskey(NABoolean isInsert) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForAtTimestamp(NABoolean isInsert,
NABoolean isUpdate,
NABoolean isUndo) const;
// Build a predicate that would select only lines that affect at least
// one of the columns of the current mv
virtual ItemExpr *buildBitmapColPredicate() const;
ItemExpr *constructUpdateBitmapFromList(const LIST(Lng32) &columnList) const;
ItemExpr *buildOrigScanPredicate() const;
// For mvIudLog, the union above Tuples must be ordered.
virtual void setTuplesUnionType(Union *unionNode) const;
DeltaDefinition *deltaDef_;
// Called by the Ctors only.
void initRangeLogging();
NABoolean needsRangeLogging_;
UpdateColumns *updatedColumns_;
NABoolean addOrigScanPredicate_;
MVInfoForDML *mvInfo_;
// This class is used by the MVLOG command for inserting manual ranges
// into the log.
class MvIudLogForMvLog : public MvIudLog
MvIudLogForMvLog(CorrName& tableName,
BindWA *bindWA);
virtual ~MvIudLogForMvLog() {} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForEpoch() const;
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForOpType(NABoolean isInsert,
NABoolean isUpdate,
NABoolean isUndo = FALSE) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForIgnore() const;
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForBitmap(const NAColumn *naColumn,
NABoolean isUpdate) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForRangeSize(NABoolean isInsert) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForAtSyskey(NABoolean isInsert) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createBaseColExpr(const NAString& colName,
NABoolean isInsert,
NABoolean isUpdate) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createColExprForAtTimestamp(NABoolean isInsert,
NABoolean isUpdate,
NABoolean isUndo) const;
class MvLogForContextRows : public ChangesTable
MvLogForContextRows(const QualifiedName& baseTableName,
const CorrName& mvName,
Lng32 epochNumber,
ItemExpr *catchupNo,
BindWA *bindWA);
virtual ~MvLogForContextRows() {} // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
// not used for this templog type
virtual NABoolean isEmptyDefaultTransitionName() const { return TRUE; }
virtual NABoolean supportsLateBinding() const { return FALSE; }
virtual ItemExpr *createAtColExpr(const NAColumn *naColumn,
NABoolean isInsert,
NABoolean isUpdate,
NABoolean isUndo = FALSE) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createSyskeyColExpr(const NAString& colName,
NABoolean isInsert) const;
virtual CorrName *calcTargetTableName(const QualifiedName &tableName) const;
virtual ItemExpr *createSpecificWhereExpr(RowsType type) const;
static ItemExpr *buildLogEpochPredicate(const DeltaDefinition *deltaDef,
CollHeap *heap);
Lng32 epochNumber_;
ItemExpr *catchupNo_;