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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: BindRI.C
* Description: Binding Referential Integrity Constraints
* Language: C++
* Many things, having full reference
* To one concent, may work contrariously:
* As many arrows, loosed several ways,
* Fly to one mark;
* As many several ways meet in one town;
* As many fresh streams meet in one salt sea;
* As many lines close in the dial's centre:
* So may a thousand actions, once afoot,
* End in one purpose, and be all well borne
* Without defeat.
* -- Canterbury, in Henry V (I, ii, 205)
#if 0 // documentation
GenericUpdate::bindNode will probably call these methods something like this:
RefConstraintList referencedByMe;
RefConstraintList referencingMe;
bindWA, newRecExpr(), referencedByMe);
bindWA, newRecExpr(), referencingMe);
if (!referencedByMe.entries() && !referencingMe.entries())
return // no RI constraints, nothing to do
if (bindWA-errStatus())
return // binder will have already put diags into diagsArea
u = new Union
for (i in referencedByMe)
makeScanTree(bindWA, u, referencedByMe[i])
for (i in referencingMe)
makeScanTree(bindWA, u, referencingMe[i])
make TSJ, attach Union u and original GenericUpdate node, etc etc
where makeScanTree() is a new function that makes a Scan from the RI info
passed in and attaches it to the union. Something like:
the table to be scanned comes from RefConstraint::getOtherTableName
the scan predicate comes from RefConstraint::getPredicateText
e.g. "(fk1,fk2)=(uc1,uc2)"
you can tell whether to use "EXISTS" or "NOT EXISTS" by looking at
or if that's too wordy, use its converse,
call parser on some of this text and build rest of tree yourself, etc
#endif // documentation
#include "TrafDDLdesc.h"
#include "BindWA.h"
#include "ItemConstr.h"
#include "NATable.h"
/*static*/ void Constraint::makeColSignature(const ValueIdSet &assigns,
ColSignature &outsig)
//## navigate assigns to find target cols,
//## insert each col's position into the signature
//## signature is a bitvector of size <natable.nacolarray.entries>
//## or (to save a little space) size <highest col position + 1>
//## depending on how the bitvec is implemented
} // Constraint::makeColSignature
NAHeap *heap = (NAHeap *)collHeap();
CollIndex entryCount = keyColumns_.entries();
if (heap != NULL) {
for (CollIndex i = 0 ; i < entryCount; i++) {
NADELETE(keyColumns_[i], NAColumn, heap);
else {
for (CollIndex i = 0 ; i < entryCount; i++)
delete keyColumns_[i];
NABoolean AbstractRIConstraint::constraintOverlapsUpdateCols(
BindWA *bindWA,
const ColSignature &updateCols) const
// INSERT and DELETE affect all columns, so all RI constraints need enforcing;
// only UPDATE affects a subset of columns. If this constraint contains one
// of the columns being UPDATEd then we must enforce it; otherwise we can
// ignore it, for a handy run-time savings.
if (!bindWA->getCurrentScope()->context()->inUpdate())
return TRUE;
//##if updateCols intersects this->colSignature(), then
// ##Note: needs to be an intersect that does not modify either signature.
// ##It need not be a full intersect, just return TRUE at first bit that
// ##is set in both sigs (first bitwise-ANDed (&ed) int that is nonzero).
// ##Probably should not matter if sigs are of different sizes --
// ##just need to AND up to the end of the shorter sig.
return TRUE;
//##else return FALSE;
//##The stub above will suffice for correct enforcement of RI.
//##Implementing this whole signature bitvec business can be deferred
//##to beyond FCS.
} // AbstractRIConstraint::constraintOverlapsUpdateCols
// Lookup the other table involved in this RI relationship,
// and find the other constraint in the other NATable constraint list.
// I.e., if called by a UniqueConstraint, this looks in the referencing table's
// refConstraints to find the FK constraint passed in riInfo;
// if called by a RefConstraint, this looks in the referenced table's
// uniqueConstraints to find the UC constraint passed in riInfo.
AbstractRIConstraint *AbstractRIConstraint::findConstraint(
BindWA *bindWA,
const ComplementaryRIConstraint &riInfo) const
// Lookup errors should be impossible, due to Ansi transaction semantics
// during compilation of a query, so no need for fancy diags, just assert
// (should only happen if catalog corrupt or txn seriously haywire)
CorrName tempName(riInfo.tableName_);
NATable *naTable = bindWA->getNATable(tempName, FALSE);
if (!naTable) return NULL;
const AbstractRIConstraintList otherConstraints =
(getOperatorType() == ITM_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT) ?
naTable->getRefConstraints() : naTable->getUniqueConstraints();
// The find() from Collections template doesn't work for us, so roll our own
AbstractRIConstraint *c;
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < otherConstraints.entries(); i++)
c = otherConstraints[i];
if (c->getConstraintName() == riInfo.constraintName_) return c;
*CmpCommon::diags() << DgSqlCode(-4353)
<< DgTableName(naTable->getTableName().getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString()) ;
return NULL;
} // AbstractRIConstraint::findConstraint
void AbstractRIConstraint::setKeyColumns(
const struct TrafConstrntsDesc *desc,
CollHeap *heap)
TrafConstrntKeyColsDesc *colDesc;
NAColumn *column;
CollIndex i = 0;
TrafDesc *keyColDesc = desc->constr_key_cols_desc;
while (keyColDesc)
colDesc = keyColDesc->constrntKeyColsDesc();
column = new (heap) NAColumn(colDesc->colname, colDesc->position, NULL, heap);
keyColumns_.insertAt(i, column);
keyColDesc = keyColDesc->next;
CMPASSERT(desc->colcount == (signed)i);
NAHeap *heap = (NAHeap *)collHeap();
CollIndex entryCount = refConstraintsReferencingMe_.entries();
if (heap != NULL) {
for (CollIndex i = 0 ; i < entryCount; i++) {
NADELETE(refConstraintsReferencingMe_[i], ComplementaryRIConstraint, heap);
else {
for (CollIndex i = 0 ; i < entryCount; i++)
delete refConstraintsReferencingMe_[i];
Int32 UniqueConstraint::getRefConstraints(BindWA *bindWA,
const ColSignature &updateCols,
RefConstraintList &resultList)
if (!constraintOverlapsUpdateCols(bindWA, updateCols))
return 0;
CollIndex constraintCnt = refConstraintsReferencingMe_.entries();
// Loop over FKs referencing this UC.
// Find one FK
// Tell it that it is the "other table" relative to me
// Set the FK's UC's column list pointer to my list of cols
// Append the FK to the result list
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < constraintCnt; i++)
RefConstraint *rc = (RefConstraint *)findConstraint(bindWA,
if (!rc) return 0;
// If Binder fails because of preivilege error, QI logic removes
// NATable marked for deletion and retries the same query. If the deleted
// NATable (T1) had RefConstraint on other table T2, then T2's NATable
// RefConstraint contains the address of T1 UniqueConstraint keyColumn_.
// Since T1 has been removed from the cache, T2's
// RefConstraint->uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.keyColumns_ could contain
// invalid address. If this situation occurs, keyColumns_ will be reset
// instead of asserting.
if ( bindWA->shouldLogAccessViolations() )
CMPASSERT((rc->getOtherTableName() == rc->getDefiningTableName()) || (rc->getOtherTableName() == getDefiningTableName()));
if (!rc->uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.keyColumns_)
rc->uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.keyColumns_ = &keyColumns(); // assignment
CMPASSERT(rc->uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.keyColumns_ == &keyColumns()); // equality operator
return (Int32)constraintCnt;
} // UniqueConstraint::getRefConstraints
void UniqueConstraint::setRefConstraintsReferencingMe (
const struct TrafConstrntsDesc* desc,
CollHeap* heap,
BindWA* bindWA)
struct TrafDesc *referencingConstraintDesc = desc->referencing_constrnts_desc;
ComplementaryRIConstraint *constraintsReferencingMe;
while (referencingConstraintDesc)
char *refConstrntName =
char *refTableName =
QualifiedName refConstrnt(refConstrntName, 3, heap, bindWA);
QualifiedName refTable(refTableName, 3, heap, bindWA);
constraintsReferencingMe = new (heap) ComplementaryRIConstraint(refConstrnt,
referencingConstraintDesc = referencingConstraintDesc->next;
} // UniqueConstraint::setRefConstraintsReferencingMe
void UniqueConstraint::resetAfterStatement()
CollIndex constraintCnt = refConstraintsReferencingMe_.entries();
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < constraintCnt; i++)
void ComplementaryRIConstraint::resetAfterStatement()
keyColumns_ = NULL;
Int32 RefConstraint::getRefConstraints(BindWA *bindWA,
const ColSignature &updateCols,
RefConstraintList &resultList)
if (!constraintOverlapsUpdateCols(bindWA, updateCols))
return 0;
// Here we are starting at an FK in the table being ins/upd/del.
// Its "other table" already points to the UC tablename.
// Now we lookup the UC this FK references, and
// set this FK's UC's column list pointer to the UC's list, and
// append this to the result.
// This is like the UC::getRefConstraints method, in that it pushes
// the UC's keyColumns into the FK's UC-half.
// The other method has variables "rc" and "this"
// where this method has "this" and "uc".
UniqueConstraint *uc = (UniqueConstraint *)findConstraint(bindWA,
if (!uc) return 0;
if (!uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.keyColumns_)
uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.keyColumns_ = &uc->keyColumns(); // assignment
CMPASSERT(uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.keyColumns_ == &uc->keyColumns()); // equality operator
// make sure that otherTableName_ is set correctly (set to the referenced
// table name)
return 1;
} // RefConstraint::getRefConstraints
Int32 AbstractRIConstraintList::getRefConstraints(
BindWA *bindWA,
const ValueIdSet &assigns,
RefConstraintList &resultList) const
Constraint::ColSignature updateCols(HEAP);
if (entries() && bindWA->getCurrentScope()->context()->inUpdate())
Constraint::makeColSignature(assigns, updateCols);
// Do not clear the list that is being sent by the caller.
// Just add to the list
// resultList.clear();
Int32 constraintCnt = 0;
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < entries(); i++)
constraintCnt += at(i)->getRefConstraints(bindWA, updateCols, resultList);
return constraintCnt;
} // AbstractRIConstraintList::getRefConstraints
void AbstractRIConstraintList::resetAfterStatement()
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < entries(); i++)
if (at(i))
// Writes a predicate of the form (fk1 IS NULL OR fk2 IS NULL)
// consisting of fully qualified column names in Ansi (external) format.
void RefConstraint::getMatchOptionPredicateText(NAString &text,
NAString *corrName) const
const KeyColumns keyCols = keyColumns();
NAString tblText = ( (corrName == NULL) ?
getDefiningTableName().getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString() : *corrName);
text += "(";
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < keyCols.entries(); i++)
if (i)
text += " OR ";
text += tblText + "." +
ToAnsiIdentifier(keyCols[i]->getColName()) +
text += ")";
//helper function to check if the given column name is reserved hidden coloum
// this function hardcode the special name string for SALT, DIVSION columns
// if the naming convension of SALT/DIVISION column is changed,
// this function MUST be changed as well
static NABoolean isHiddenColumn(const char *colname)
int len = strlen(colname);
if(strcmp(colname , "_SALT_") ==0)
return TRUE;
//check for DIVISION column
//pattern _DIVISION_%d_
//must longer than 12
if(len >= 12) {
//must end with _
if(colname[len-1] == '_')
//if begin with _DIVISION_?
if(strncmp(colname,"_DIVISION_",10) == 0)
//middle part are number
int allDigit = 1;
for(int i = 0; i< len-11; i++)
if(isdigit(colname[i+10]) == 0)
allDigit = 0;
break; //not digit
if(allDigit == 1)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Writes a row-value-constructor consisting of fully qualified column names
// in Ansi (external) format
void RefConstraint::getPredicateText(NAString &text,
const QualifiedName &tblName,
const KeyColumns &keyColumns,
NAString *corrName) const
NAString tblText = ( (corrName == NULL) ? tblName.getQualifiedNameAsAnsiString() : *corrName);
int pos= 0;
text += "(";
for (CollIndex i = 0; i < keyColumns.entries(); i++)
if(isHiddenColumn(keyColumns[i]->getColName()) )
if (pos > 0)
text += ",";
text += tblText + "." + ToAnsiIdentifier(keyColumns[i]->getColName());
pos++; //move the pos
text += ")";
// Writes an equality predicate between two RVCs, e.g. "(fk1,fk2)=(uc1,uc2)"
void RefConstraint::getPredicateText(NAString &text, NAString *corrName) const
NABoolean isAReferencingConstraint = isaForeignKeyinTableBeingUpdated();
// is a referencing constraint.
if (isAReferencingConstraint) {
getPredicateText(text, getDefiningTableName(), keyColumns(), corrName);
text += "=";
else {
getPredicateText(text, getDefiningTableName(), keyColumns());
text += "=";
getPredicateText(text, uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.tableName_,
void RefConstraint::KeyColumnsToPositionsList( LIST(Lng32)& colPositions,
const KeyColumns& keyColumns) const
for (CollIndex i=0; i<keyColumns.entries(); i++)
void RefConstraint::getOtherTableKeyColumns(BindWA *bindWA, LIST(Lng32)& colPositions) const
UniqueConstraint *uc =
(UniqueConstraint *)findConstraint(bindWA, uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_);
if (!uc)
if (!uniqueConstraintReferencedByMe_.keyColumns_)
KeyColumnsToPositionsList(colPositions, uc->keyColumns_);