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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: AppliedStatMan.h
* Description: This file includes the class definition for
* Applied Statistics Manager (ASM).
* Created: May 6, 2002
* Language: C++
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Include Files
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "EstLogProp.h"
#include "Analyzer.h"
#include "RelJoin.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following classes are defined in this file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class AppliedStatMan;
class JoinReducer;
class ReducerStat;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the interface/manager class. It contains all methods that
// will be used to interface with ASM.
// Method to initialize ASM is the part of the QueryAnalysis
// class in Analyzer.h
class AppliedStatMan : public NABasicObject
AppliedStatMan(CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
~AppliedStatMan() {};
// Hash method for ASM cache
static ULng32 hashASM(const CANodeIdSet & key);
// traverse through all JBBCs of the given JBB, and compute local
// predicates, two way joins and set of reducers. It is called from
// InitializeASM method of QueryAnalysis
void setupASMCacheForJBB(JBB & jbb);
// getStatsForCANodeIdSet is similar to getStatsForJBBSubset
// except that it expects CANodeIdSet as the input
EstLogPropSharedPtr getStatsForCANodeIdSet(const CANodeIdSet & caNodeSet);
// getStatsForCANodeId applies local predicates to a JBBC. It is
// not necessary for the JBBC to be a table.
EstLogPropSharedPtr getStatsForCANodeId(CANodeId jbbc,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr &inLP = (*GLOBAL_EMPTY_INPUT_LOGPROP),
const ValueIdSet * predIdSet = NULL);
// get Stats after applying local predicates to Cluetering key columns of JBBC
EstLogPropSharedPtr getStatsForLocalPredsOnCKPOfJBBC(CANodeId jbbc,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr &inLP = (*GLOBAL_EMPTY_INPUT_LOGPROP));
// get Stats after applying local predicates on the given columns of JBBC
EstLogPropSharedPtr getStatsForLocalPredsOnPrefixOfColList(CANodeId jbbc,
const ValueIdList colIdList,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr &inLP = (*GLOBAL_EMPTY_INPUT_LOGPROP));
// get Stats after applying local predicates on the given columns of JBBC
EstLogPropSharedPtr getStatsForLocalPredsOnGivenCols(CANodeId jbbc,
const ValueIdSet colIdSet,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr &inLP = (*GLOBAL_EMPTY_INPUT_LOGPROP));
// get Stats after doing a join on the Clustering key columns of JBBC
EstLogPropSharedPtr getStatsForJoinPredsOnCKOfJBBC(const CANodeIdSet jbbSubset,
CANodeId jbbc,
// get Stats after applying join predicates on the given columns of JBBC
EstLogPropSharedPtr getStatsForJoinPredsOnCols(const CANodeIdSet leftChild,
CANodeId rightChild,
const ValueIdList keyColList,
NABoolean OnlyLeadingCols = FALSE,
// get Stats after applying given join predicates on the JBBC
EstLogPropSharedPtr getStatsForGivenJoinPredsOnJBBC(const CANodeIdSet jbbSubset,
CANodeId jbbc,
const ValueIdSet predIdSet,
const ValueIdSet localPredSet,
// getStatsForJBBSubset can be used to get cached statistics for the
// given JBBSubset. if the statistics is not cached, it will compute
// it incrementally. This method should be used when you have already
// computed statistics for the same JBBSubset before. If not, you
// should use JoinJBBSubsets (or any other join methods)for
// computing statistics.
EstLogPropSharedPtr getStatsForJBBSubset(const JBBSubset & jbbSubset);
// joinJBBChildren is used to join two CANodeIdSets. This is
// less expensive than joinJBBSubsets but the user should be
// careful while sending in leftNodeSets and rightNodeSets. Both
// these CANodeIdSets should correspond to the JBBCs from the
// same JBB.
EstLogPropSharedPtr joinJBBChildren(const CANodeIdSet & leftNodeSet,
const CANodeIdSet & rightNodeSet,
// do a fast computation of the join reduction based only on the
// jbbcs that are involved in the join between the two sets
CostScalar computeJoinReduction(const CANodeIdSet & leftNodeSet,
const CANodeIdSet & rightNodeSet);
// get cached estimated logical proeprties from the ASM. If the
// properties are not cached, return NULL.
EstLogPropSharedPtr getCachedStatistics( const CANodeIdSet * combinedNodeSet);
// add pointer to estLogProps in the ASM cache.
NABoolean insertCachePredStatEntry (const CANodeIdSet & jbbNodeSet,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& estLogProp);
// lookup is used to see if the estimated logical properties
// for the given CANodeIdSet exist in the ASM cache.
NABoolean lookup (const CANodeIdSet &key1) const;
// removeEntryIfThisObjectIsCached is used, when the corresponding estLogProp
// is deleted from groupAttributes. This method is called from the destructor
// of EstLogProp. This is to avoid the case of hanging pointers in ASM cache.
void removeEntryIfThisObjectIsCached(EstLogProp * lp);
// Get expression for CANodeId
RelExpr * getExprForCANodeId(
CANodeId jbbc,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr &inLP = (*GLOBAL_EMPTY_INPUT_LOGPROP),
const ValueIdSet * predIdSet = NULL);
// joinEstLogProps can be used to join the estimated logical
// prperties of the left and the right children.
EstLogPropSharedPtr joinEstLogProps (const EstLogPropSharedPtr& leftEstLogProp,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& rightEstLogProp,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp =\
// form join expressions for the given left and right children
Join * formJoinExprWithCANodeSets(const CANodeIdSet & leftChild,
const CANodeIdSet & rightChild,
EstLogPropSharedPtr& inLP,
const ValueIdSet * joinPreds,
const NABoolean cacheable);
Join * formJoinExprWithEstLogProps(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& leftEstLogProp,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& rightEstLogProp,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp,
const ValueIdSet * setOfPredicates,
const NABoolean cacheable,
JBBSubset * combinedJBBSubset = NULL);
// This method forms the join expression for join on JBBC specified by jbbcId
// inputEstLogProp should not be cacheable
Join * formJoinExprForJoinOnJBBC(
CANodeIdSet jbbSubset,
CANodeId jbbcId,
const ValueIdSet * jbbcLocalPreds,
const ValueIdSet * joinPreds,
const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp,
const NABoolean cacheable);
// This is needed to set the potential outputs for the JBBSubset
// while faking the joinExpr
ValueIdSet getPotentialOutputs(const CANodeIdSet & nodeSet);
// synthesize logical properties for the given JBBSubset.
// This will be used if the properties for the given JBBSubset
// do not exist in the ASM cache
EstLogPropSharedPtr synthesizeLogProp(
const CANodeIdSet * nodeSet,
NAHashDictionary <CANodeIdSet, EstLogProp> * cacheASM_;
}; // AppliedStatMan