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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#ifndef ANALYZER_H
#define ANALYZER_H
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: Analyzer.h
* Description: Query Analyzer classes and methods
* Created: 08/17/2001
* Language: C++
#include "GroupAttr.h"
#include "MVCandidates.h"
#include "RelRoutine.h"
#include "CmpStatement.h"
// Classes Defined in this file
class QueryAnalysis;
class GroupAnalysis;
class NodeAnalysis;
class JBBC;
class TableAnalysis;
class GBAnalysis;
class AccessPathAnalysis;
class TableConnectivityGraph;
class JBB;
class JBBWA;
class JBBItem;
class JBBSubset;
class JBBSubsetAnalysis;
class JBBCompItem;
class JBBOrderedItem;
class CANodeId;
class CANodeIdSet;
class PredAnalysis;
class ColAnalysis;
class CqsWA;
class QueryComplexityVector;
// Forward declarations
class AppliedStatMan;
class RelExpr;
class Join;
class Scan;
class GroupByAgg;
class MJRulesWA;
class MJStarJoinRuleWA;
class MJStarJoinIRuleWA;
class MJStarBDRuleWA;
class MultiJoin;
class MvQueryRewriteHandler;
class QRMVDescriptor;
class RoutineDesc;
// enum to indicate the legality of a JBBSubset
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following method will be added to GroupAttributes and ValueId classes
NAString istring (ULng32 i);
NAString valueIdSetGetText(const ValueIdSet & set);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CANodeId: Most Exprs analyzed during the CA phase are given a unique
// CA Id which is used to simplify and speed up the set operations.
// Currently only JBBCs and base tables scan nodes are given a CANodeId.
// Also a group by on top of a JBB is given a unique grouping CANodeId.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CANodeId
friend class CANodeIdSet; // to access id_
// Constructor, default constructor, and copy constructor
CANodeId (CollIndex x = 0) : id_(x)
// Destructor.
// Automatic conversion operator to type CollIndex.
inline operator CollIndex () const
return id_;
// Comparison operators
inline NABoolean operator == (const CANodeId & other)
return id_ == other.id_;
inline NABoolean operator != (const CANodeId & other)
return id_ != other.id_;
// Get NodeAnalysis structure for this CANodeId. This method will
// return null if there is no NodeAnalysis for this CANodeId.
// Method defined at bottom of this file
inline NodeAnalysis * getNodeAnalysis();
// returns the input to the JBB
// assumes the CANodeId represents a JBBC
EstLogPropSharedPtr getJBBInput();
const NAString getText() const
return NAString("CANodeId: ") + istring(id_);
inline ValueIdSet getUsedTableCols();
inline const UInt32 toUInt32() const { return id_; };
// an index into the CANodeArray
CollIndex id_;
// Define a constant for an invalid CANodeId
const CANodeId NULL_CA_ID((CollIndex) 0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CANodeIdSet : A collection of CANodeIds
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CANodeIdSet : public SUBARRAY(NodeAnalysis *)
// Constuctor
CANodeIdSet(CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// Copy constructor
CANodeIdSet(const CANodeIdSet &other,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
CANodeIdSet(const CANodeId& id,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// Destructor
virtual ~CANodeIdSet()
// Comparison operators
inline NABoolean operator == (const CANodeIdSet &other) const
return SUBARRAY(NodeAnalysis *)::operator ==(other);
CANodeIdSet operator +(const CANodeIdSet &) const;
inline NABoolean operator != (const CANodeIdSet &other) const
return NOT operator==(other);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterator methods for a CANodeIdSet
// use the iterators in a for loop like this (assuming you have a
// CANodeIdSet S over which you want to iterate)
// for (CANodeId x= S.init();; S.advance(x) )
// { /* x is the current element */ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
CANodeId init() const
return CANodeId((CollIndex) 0);
NABoolean next(CANodeId & x) const
return nextUsed(x.id_);
void advance(CANodeId & x) const
NABoolean containsThisId(CANodeId &x) const
CANodeId id;
for (id=init(); next(id); advance(id))
if (id.operator==(x))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// get first element (if empty return NULL_CA_ID)
CANodeId getFirst() const;
// compute the JBBSubset structure for this CANodeIdSet
// Note that not every CANodeIdSet has a JBBSubset (for example
// all JBBCs has to be of the same JBB). The method verify()
// on JBBSubset can be used to verify this condition.
JBBSubset * computeJBBSubset() const;
// returns the input to the JBB
// assumes the CANodeIdSet represents a JBBSubset
EstLogPropSharedPtr getJBBInput() const;
// This method also compute a JBBSubset but much faster than
// computJBBSubset() because it assume the CANodeIdSet contains
// only sibling JBBCs. Use only if that condition is true (which
// is the case for most CANodeIdSet values generated by getJoinedJBBCs()
// and similar methods on JBBC and JBBSubset).
JBBSubset * jbbcsToJBBSubset() const;
// check if this CANodeIdSet is legal i.e.
// predecessor of each node is found within
// this set
NABoolean legal() const;
// will adding this node to the current set result in a legal set
// assumption is that current set by itself is legal
NABoolean legalAddition(CANodeId newNode) const;
ValueIdSet getUsedCols() const;
ValueIdSet getUsedTableCols();
// Find the jbbc from the jbbsubset, that has minimum connections
// If there are more than one jbbcs, with the same number of
// connections, pick the first one.
CANodeId getJBBCwithMinConnectionsToThisJBBSubset() const;
CostScalar getMinChildEstRowCount() const;
const NAString getText() const;
void display() const;
void print (FILE *f = stdout,
const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "") const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CANodeIdSetMap : Generic Hash Table Map keyed by CANodeIdSet
// and storing JBBSubsetAnalysis
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class CANodeIdSetMap : public HASHDICTIONARY(CANodeIdSet, JBBSubsetAnalysis)
static ULng32 Hasher(const CANodeIdSet & key);
enum { Default_Size = 107 };
// Constuctor
CANodeIdSetMap(ULng32 init_size = Default_Size,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// Destructor
virtual ~CANodeIdSetMap()
inline JBBSubsetAnalysis* get(const CANodeIdSet & key) const
return getFirstValue(&key);
JBBSubsetAnalysis* getFirstValue(const CANodeIdSet* key) const;
Lng32 hits_; // # of cache hits
Lng32 misses_; // # of cache misses
// QueryAnalysis Class
// Single point of access for global query analysis results.
// Example of usage (get ColAnalysis for a certain column):
// QueryAnalysis* queryAnalysis = QueryAnalysis::Instance();
// ColAnalysis* col = queryAnalysis->getColAnalysis(colValueId);
class QueryAnalysis : public NABasicObject
// construct a QueryAnalysis
QueryAnalysis(CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap(),
NABoolean analysis = TRUE);
// destruct a QueryAnalysis
virtual ~QueryAnalysis();
// The Singleton instance
inline static QueryAnalysis * Instance()
//return queryAnalysis_;
return (CmpCommon::statement()) ?
CmpCommon::statement()->getQueryAnalysis() : NULL;
// List all JBBs in the query
inline const ARRAY(JBB*) & getJBBs()
return jbbArray_;
// get all CANodes in the query tree that are JBBCs
inline const CANodeIdSet & getJBBCs()
return allJBBCs_;
// get all CANodes in the query tree that are base tables
// Method defined at bottom of this file
inline const CANodeIdSet & getTables();
// get all CANodes in the query tree that are group Bys at CA phase
inline const CANodeIdSet & getGBs()
return allGBs_;
inline const CANodeIdSet & getLeftJoinJBBCs()
return leftJoinJBBCs_;
inline const CANodeIdSet & getSemiJoinJBBCs()
return semiJoinJBBCs_;
inline const CANodeIdSet & getRoutineJoinJBBCs()
return routineJoinJBBCs_;
inline const CANodeIdSet & getInnerNonSemiNonTSJJBBCs()
return innerNonSemiNonTSJJBBCs_;
// direct access to the ASM of the singleton
inline static AppliedStatMan * ASM()
return Instance()->getASM();
// get the ASM of this object
inline AppliedStatMan * getASM() const
return appStatMan_;
// direct access to the TableConnectivityGraph of the singleton
inline static TableConnectivityGraph * TCG()
return Instance()->getTableConnectivityGraph();
// get the TableConnectivityGraph of this object
inline TableConnectivityGraph * getTableConnectivityGraph()
return tCGraph_;
// get the query complexity vector
inline QueryComplexityVector * getQueryComplexityVector()
return queryComplexityVector_;
// get the set of all base columns in the query
// Method defined at bottom of this file
inline const ValueIdSet & getColumns();
// Fast lookup (array lookup) for NodeAnalysis using CANodeId
inline NodeAnalysis * getNodeAnalysis(CollIndex id)
if (nodeAnalysisArray_.used(id))
return nodeAnalysisArray_[id];
return NULL;
// Fast lookup (array lookup) for ColAnalysis using ValueId
inline ColAnalysis * getColAnalysis(CollIndex id)
if (colAnalysisArray_.used(id))
return colAnalysisArray_[id];
return NULL;
// Fast lookup (array lookup) for ColAnalysis using ValueId
inline CANodeIdSet * getProducingJBBCs(CollIndex id)
if (outputToJBBCsMap_.used(id))
return outputToJBBCsMap_[id];
return NULL;
// add an expression that is completely covered by the outputs of the jbbc
void addProducingJBBC(ValueId expr, CANodeId jbbc);
// Fast lookup (array lookup) for PredAnalysis using ValueId
inline PredAnalysis * getPredAnalysis(CollIndex id)
return predAnalysisArray_[id];
// Create PredAnalysis for this valueId if none was created so far
PredAnalysis* findPredAnalysis(ValueId x);
// Lookup a JBB by its id
inline JBB * getJBB(CollIndex id)
return jbbArray_[id];
// Lookup a JBBSubsetAnalysis by JBBSubset
JBBSubsetAnalysis * findJBBSubsetAnalysis(const JBBSubset & subset);
// get JBBC-Expr Map. Used for initial building of MultiJoin nodes
// and any lookup for RelExpr based on JBBC id at analysis phase.
//inline const JBBCExprGroupMap & getJBBCExprMap()
//return jbbcExprMap_;
// check if this RelExpr was a top expr of a JBB during analysis phase
// This is a temp way to mark expressions for WPC rule.
inline NABoolean isOriginalJBBTopExpr(RelExpr* expr)
return origJBBTopExprs_.contains(expr);
// returns true if current query has a mandatory XP
NABoolean hasMandatoryXP();
// Analyze the query tree
RelExpr* analyzeThis(RelExpr* expr, NABoolean noMVQR = FALSE);
// Cleanup if pilot analysis phase failed
void cleanup(RelExpr* expr);
// Do the CQS fixup work if applicable
void cqsRewrite(RelExpr* expr);
// Is Analysis ON?
NABoolean isAnalysisON()
return analysisON_;
// Find a nodemap that was created for this degree of paralleism
inline NodeMap * getNodeMap(CollIndex degreeOfParallelism)
if (nodeMapArray_.used(degreeOfParallelism))
return nodeMapArray_[degreeOfParallelism];
return NULL;
// Insert the current node map in the global node map array
inline void setNodeMap(NodeMap* map, CollIndex degree)
nodeMapArray_.insertAt(degree, map);
// Did MultiJoin Rewrite take place
NABoolean multiJoinsUsed()
return multiJoinsUsed_;
NABoolean isCompressedHistsViable()
return compressedHistsViable_;
void disableCompressedHistsViable()
compressedHistsViable_ = FALSE;
// Should we optimize for FirstN optimization goal
NABoolean optimizeForFirstNRows()
return optimizeForFirstNRows_;
// Use the join order as specified in SQL query FROM clause
NABoolean joinOrderByUser()
return joinOrderByUser_;
void setJoinOrderByUser()
joinOrderByUser_ = TRUE;
// WaveFix Begin
NABoolean dontSurfTheWave()
return dontSurfTheWave_;
void setDontSurfTheWave(NABoolean value)
dontSurfTheWave_ = value;
// WaveFix End
// recursively do primeGroupAnalysis on subtree expressions
// will move this method to RelExpr
void primeGroupAnalysisForSubtree(RelExpr* expr);
// analyze dependencies between JBBCs
void analyzeJBBCDependencies(RelExpr* expr);
// recursively do clearGroupAnalysis on subtree expressions
// will move this method to RelExpr
void clearAnalysis(RelExpr* expr);
// Analysis object creation methods
NodeAnalysis* newNodeAnalysis(RelExpr* expr);
JBB* newJBB(RelExpr* expr);
JBBC* newJBBC(Join* parent, RelExpr* expr, NABoolean isFullOuterJoinOrTSJJBBC=FALSE);
TableAnalysis* newTableAnalysis(RelExpr* tableExpr);
GBAnalysis* newGBAnalysis(GroupByAgg* gb);
RoutineAnalysis * newRoutineAnalysis(RelExpr* routineExpr);
// Do ASM precomputation phase
void initializeASM();
// Called after ASM initialization to compute nodes' stats
void computeStatsForNodes();
// Initialize flags for global directives
void initializeGlobalDirectives(RelExpr * root);
// Last step in table/column connectivity analysis
// (Table connectivity graph)
void finishConnectivityAnalysis();
void checkIfCompressedHistsViable();
// Find JBB with most JBBCs
JBB* getLargestJBB();
ULng32 getSizeOfLargestJBB();
// Handle all the MV query rewrite stuff.
RelExpr* handleMvQueryRewrite(RelExpr* expr);
/* Do not inspect monitor members and methods */
// Compile Time Monitors
inline TaskMonitor & pilotPhaseMonitor()
return pilotPhaseMon_;
inline TaskMonitor & jbbSetupMonitor()
return jbbSetupMon_;
inline TaskMonitor & tcgSetupMonitor()
return tcgSetupMon_;
inline TaskMonitor & synthLogPropMonitor()
return synthLogPropMon_;
inline TaskMonitor & asmPrecompMonitor()
return asmPrecompMon_;
inline TaskMonitor & queryGraphMonitor()
return queryGraphMon_;
inline TaskMonitor & compilerMonitor()
return compilerMon_;
inline TaskMonitor & parserMonitor()
return parserMon_;
inline TaskMonitor & compCleanupMonitor()
return compCleanupMon_;
inline TaskMonitor & tempMonitor()
return tempMon_;
// Different compilation phases
enum CompilerPhaseEnum
inline CompilerPhaseEnum getCompilerPhase()
return compilerPhase_;
inline void setCompilerPhase(CompilerPhaseEnum phase)
compilerPhase_ = phase;
inline TableAnalysis * getLargestTable()
return largestTable_;
inline void setLargestTable(TableAnalysis * largestTable)
largestTable_ = largestTable;
inline const CANodeIdSet & getTablesJoinedToLargestTable()
return joinedToLargestTable_;
// the out heap
inline CollHeap* outHeap()
return heap_;
MvQueryRewriteHandler* getMvQueryRewriteHandler() { return mvQueryRewriteHandler_; }
inline void setMvCreation(NABoolean state)
isMvCreation_ = state;
inline NABoolean isMvCreation()
return isMvCreation_;
inline void setSkippedSomeJoins()
skippedSomeJoins_ = TRUE;
inline NABoolean skippedSomeJoins()
return skippedSomeJoins_;
inline Lng32 getHighestNumOfPartns()
return highestNumOfPartns_;
void setHistogramsToDisplay(RelRoot * root);
void graphDisplay() const;
const NAString getText() const;
void display() const;
void print (FILE *f = stdout,
const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "") const;
void showQueryStats(const char *qText, CollHeap * space, char * buf);
TableConnectivityGraph* tCGraph_;
ARRAY(JBB*) jbbArray_;
LIST(RelExpr*) origJBBTopExprs_;
CANodeIdSet allJBBCs_;
CANodeIdSet allGBs_;
CANodeIdSet leftJoinJBBCs_;
CANodeIdSet semiJoinJBBCs_;
CANodeIdSet routineJoinJBBCs_;
CANodeIdSet innerNonSemiNonTSJJBBCs_;
ARRAY(NodeAnalysis*) nodeAnalysisArray_;
// consider reuse ValueDesc for these two
// only problem will lose possibility of multiple query analysis.
ValueIdSet allUsedCols_;
ARRAY(ColAnalysis*) colAnalysisArray_;
ARRAY(CANodeIdSet*) outputToJBBCsMap_;
ValueIdSet allPreds_;
ARRAY(PredAnalysis*) predAnalysisArray_;
// array for node map reuse
ARRAY(NodeMap*) nodeMapArray_;
CANodeIdSetMap jbbSubsetMap_;
//JBBCExprGroupMap jbbcExprMap_;
AppliedStatMan* appStatMan_;
NABoolean analysisON_; // is Analysis ON
NABoolean multiJoinsUsed_; // did MJRewrtie occure
ULng32 multiJoinThreshold_; // do MJRewrite only if threshold is reached
// Begin Global directive flags
NABoolean optimizeForFirstNRows_;
NABoolean joinOrderByUser_;
NABoolean dontSurfTheWave_;// WaveFix
NABoolean compressedHistsViable_;
// End Global directive flags
/* largest table in query */
TableAnalysis * largestTable_;
// set of tables joined to the largest table
// these are connected via a simple join
// not a outer/semi join
CANodeIdSet joinedToLargestTable_;
// this computes the set above
void computeTablesJoinedToLargestTable();
// fixup the triggers in the tree
NABoolean fixupTriggers(RelExpr * expr);
NABoolean hasMandatoryXPComputed_;
NABoolean hasMandatoryXP_;
// highest number of partitions among all tables
Lng32 highestNumOfPartns_;
/* Do not inspect monitor members and methods */
// Comile Time Monitors
TaskMonitor pilotPhaseMon_;
TaskMonitor jbbSetupMon_;
TaskMonitor tcgSetupMon_;
TaskMonitor synthLogPropMon_;
TaskMonitor asmPrecompMon_;
TaskMonitor queryGraphMon_;
// These Globals and Monitors will be moved to CompGlobals
TaskMonitor compilerMon_;
TaskMonitor parserMon_;
TaskMonitor compCleanupMon_;
TaskMonitor tempMon_;
CompilerPhaseEnum compilerPhase_;
// MV Query Rewrite
// We declare a pointer instead of an object to avoid a dependency on
// QueryRewriteHandler.h in this file, which would cause a lot of
// recompilation when the rewrite code changes.
MvQueryRewriteHandler* mvQueryRewriteHandler_;
NABoolean isMvCreation_;
NABoolean skippedSomeJoins_;
QueryComplexityVector * queryComplexityVector_;
// used by "showstats for query" feature
EstLogPropSharedPtr statsToDisplay_;
ValueIdList selectListCols_;
CollHeap* heap_;
class QueryComplexityVector: public NABasicObject
QueryComplexityVector(CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()):
double getNComplexity(){return n_;}
double getN2Complexity(){return n2_;}
double getN3Complexity(){return n3_;}
double getN4Complexity(){return n4_;}
double getExhaustiveComplexity(){return exhaustive_;}
void setNComplexity(double n){ n_ = n; }
void setN2Complexity(double n2){ n2_ = n2; }
void setN3Complexity(double n3){ n3_ = n3; }
void setN4Complexity(double n4){ n4_ = n4; }
void setExhaustiveComplexity(double exhaustive){ exhaustive_ = exhaustive; }
double n_;
// n^2
double n2_;
// n^3
double n3_;
// n^4
double n4_;
// exhaustive: n*2^(n-1)
double exhaustive_;
CollHeap* heap_;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GroupAnalysis class hold analysis results that are useful to the
// whole group.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class GroupAnalysis : public NABasicObject
friend class GroupAttributes; // GroupAnalysis is owned by GroupAttribte
// construct a GroupAnalysis
GroupAnalysis(GroupAttributes* groupAttr,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()):
// copy constructor.
GroupAnalysis(const GroupAnalysis & other,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// destruct a GroupAnalysis
virtual ~GroupAnalysis();
// clear analysis results in GroupAnalysis.
// used for queryAnalysis cleanup
void clear();
//reconcile this GroupAnalysis object with the GroupAnalysis
//object passed in
//This is used in case of Group Merges
void reconcile(GroupAnalysis * other);
// Comparison between two groups
// should move this to GroupAttributes ==
NABoolean operator == (const GroupAnalysis & other);
// get the GroupAttr associated (1-1) with this GroupAn
inline GroupAttributes * getGroupAttr() const
return groupAttr_;
// get the CA NodeAnalysis if any
inline NodeAnalysis * getCANodeAnalysis() const
return caNode_;
inline NodeAnalysis * getNodeAnalysis() const
return caNode_;
inline void setNodeAnalysis(NodeAnalysis* node)
caNode_ = node;
// The local JBB view of the JBBSubset
inline const JBBSubset * getLocalJBBView()
return localJBBView_;
inline void setLocalJBBView(JBBSubset* jbbSubset)
localJBBView_ = jbbSubset;
// The parent JBB view of the JBBSubset. If this group is a
// JBBC then a JBBSubset of this JBBC alone is returned. Otherwise
// the localJBBView_ is returned
const JBBSubset * getParentJBBView() const;
// get the set of all base tables in this subtree
inline const CANodeIdSet & getAllSubtreeTables() const
return allSubtreeTables_;
inline void setSubtreeTables(const CANodeIdSet & tables)
allSubtreeTables_ = tables;
// list of all promising indexes in this subtree
// this will replace availableBtreeIndexes in GroupAttr
const LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) & getAllSubtreePromisingAccessPaths();
// the out heap
inline CollHeap* outHeap()
return heap_;
const NAString getText() const;
void display() const;
void print (FILE *f = stdout,
const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "") const;
GroupAttributes* groupAttr_;
CANodeIdSet allSubtreeTables_;
JBBSubset* localJBBView_; // xxx add parentView as member too
NodeAnalysis* caNode_;
CollHeap* heap_;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NodeAnalysis class hold analysis results collected for a relExpr
// during the Connectivity Analyzer phase. Each CA NodeAnalysis has
// a unique CANodeId
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class NodeAnalysis : public NABasicObject
friend class QueryAnalysis;
// destruct the NodeAnalysis
virtual ~NodeAnalysis()
// jbbc_, groupBy_, and table_ are deleted seperately
// get the CA Id for this node
inline CANodeId getId()
return id_;
// get the TableAnalysis for this node. This returns NULL if this
// node is not a table scan
inline TableAnalysis * getTableAnalysis()
return table_;
// get the JBBC for this node. This returns NULL if this
// node is not a JBBC
inline JBBC * getJBBC()
return jbbc_;
// get the GBAnalysis for this node. This returns NULL if this
// node is not a GroupBy (at the CA phase)
// I am not yet sure if i want to put this under NodeAnalysis or
// associate it to group by expressions only.
inline GBAnalysis * getGBAnalysis()
return groupBy_;
// get the RoutineAnalysis for this node. This returns NULL if this
// node is not a routine
inline RoutineAnalysis * getRoutineAnalysis()
return routine_;
// This returns a copy of the original rel expression that the NodeAnalysis
// was computed for.
RelExpr * getOriginalExpr()
return originalExpr_;
// This returns a copy of the original modified expression after the
// tree was modified.
RelExpr * getModifiedExpr()
return modifiedExpr_;
void setModifiedExpr(RelExpr * expr)
modifiedExpr_ = expr;
NABoolean isExtraHub();
// {
// return isExtraHub_;
// }
// This method computes some basic stats about the table, and caches them
void computeStats();
EstLogPropSharedPtr getStats();
CostScalar getCardinality();
inline RowSize getRecordSize() const
return recordSize_;
//reconcile this NodeAnalysis object with the NodeAnalysis
//object passed in
//This is used in case of Group Merges
void reconcile(NodeAnalysis * other);
EstLogPropSharedPtr getJBBInput() const
return jbbInputLP_;
void setJBBInput(EstLogPropSharedPtr & inLP)
jbbInputLP_ = inLP;
const NAString getText() const;
void display() const;
void print (FILE *f = stdout,
const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "") const;
// construct a NodeAnalysis
NodeAnalysis(CollIndex id, RelExpr* expr,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
heap_ = outHeap; // should be able to move most of these to initilization
id_ = id;
originalExpr_ = expr;
// start with the original expression
modifiedExpr_ = expr;
jbbc_ = NULL;
table_ = NULL;
groupBy_ = NULL;
routine_ = NULL;
stats_ = NULL;
recordSize_ = 0;
isExtraHub_ = expr->isExtraHub();
jbbInputLP_ = NULL;
// Will never be called. Use other constuctor(s).
inline void setJBBC(JBBC* jbbc)
jbbc_ = jbbc;
inline void setTableAnalysis(TableAnalysis* tab)
table_ = tab;
inline void setGBAnalysis(GBAnalysis* gb)
groupBy_ = gb;
inline void setRoutineAnalysis(RoutineAnalysis* routine)
routine_ = routine;
inline void setExtraHub(NABoolean eh)
isExtraHub_ = eh;
CANodeId id_;
JBBC* jbbc_;
TableAnalysis* table_;
GBAnalysis* groupBy_;
RoutineAnalysis* routine_;
RelExpr* originalExpr_;
RelExpr* modifiedExpr_;
EstLogPropSharedPtr stats_;
RowSize recordSize_;
NABoolean isExtraHub_;
EstLogPropSharedPtr jbbInputLP_;
CollHeap* heap_;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TableAnalysis class hold analysis results for tables
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TableAnalysis : public NABasicObject
friend class QueryAnalysis;
enum coverageCriteria {
// destruct a TableAnalysis
virtual ~TableAnalysis()
// loop over access path analysis and delete them
// Get NodeAnalysis for this table
inline NodeAnalysis * getNodeAnalysis() const
return caNodeAnalysis_;
// Return the TableDesc
inline TableDesc * getTableDesc() const
return tableDesc_;
// List all access paths
inline const LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) & getAccessPaths() const
return accessPaths_;
// List index-only access paths
inline const LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) & getIndexOnlyAccessPaths() const
return indexOnlyAccessPaths_;
// Return AccessPathAnalysis for base table
inline AccessPathAnalysis* getApaForBaseTable()
return apaForBaseTable_;
// Get the set of used Cols
inline const ValueIdSet & getUsedCols() const
return usedCols_;
// Get all cols that equivalent to constant value (via a veg pred)
inline const ValueIdSet & getConstCols() const
return constCols_;
// Get local predicates on this table
inline const ValueIdSet & getLocalPreds() const
return localPreds_;
// Get all columns directly connected to a column in this table
// (via a VEG predicates)
inline const ValueIdSet & getConnectedCols() const
return connectedCols_;
// Get all tables that have columns directly connected
// (via a VEG predicates) to a column in this table.
inline const CANodeIdSet & getConnectedTables() const
return connectedTables_;
inline const ValueIdSet & getReferencingPreds() const
return referencingPreds_;
inline const ValueIdSet & getVegPreds() const
return vegPreds_;
// Add these to the list of equality predicates that did not become VEG
// these exclude predicates with other columns in the same table i.e.
// t1.a = t1.b
inline void addEqualityRelation(ValueId colId,
ValueId pred,
ValueId equalityExpr,
CANodeIdSet connectedJBBCs)
equalityConnectedCols_ += colId;
equalityConnectingPreds_ += pred;
equalityConnectedJBBCs_ += connectedJBBCs;
// return the equality expression for the provided equality connecting pred
inline ValueId getEqualityExpression(ValueId pred) const
UInt32 index = equalityConnectingPredList_.index(pred);
if(index != NULL_COLL_INDEX)
return equalityExpressionList_[index];
// return the Column for the provided equality connecting pred
inline ValueId getEqualityConnectedCol(ValueId pred) const
UInt32 index = equalityConnectingPredList_.index(pred);
if(index != NULL_COLL_INDEX)
return equalityConnectedColList_[index];
// return the JBBC(s) connected via the equalityConnectingPred passed in
inline const CANodeIdSet * getEqualityConnectedJBBCs(ValueId pred)
UInt32 index = equalityConnectingPredList_.index(pred);
if(index != NULL_COLL_INDEX)
ValueId equalityExpression = equalityExpressionList_[index];
CANodeIdSet * connectedJBBCs =
return connectedJBBCs;
return NULL;
inline const ValueIdSet & getEqualityConnectedCols() const
return equalityConnectedCols_;
inline const ValueIdSet & getEqualityConnectingPreds() const
return equalityConnectingPreds_;
inline const CANodeIdSet & getEqualityConnectedJBBCs() const
return equalityConnectedJBBCs_;
ValueIdSet getConnectingVegPreds(ColAnalysis & col) const;
ValueIdSet getConnectingVegPreds(TableAnalysis & other) const;
// List access paths that are promising for predicate lookup
const LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) & promisingAccessPathsForLookup();
// This is the helper function for the interfaces below:
// - indexOnly specifies the list of access paths to search.
// - cc specifies the coverage (index or part key).
// - vidSet is the provided set to check for coverage.
// - exactMatch is only relevant for partitioning key coverage and
// specifies if exact match is needed with the provided set.
getCoveringAccessPaths(NABoolean indexOnly,
coverageCriteria cc,
const ValueIdSet& vidSet,
NABoolean exactMatch);
// List access paths where given set covers prefix of an index.
// If indexOnly flag is set, only return index-only access paths
// covering prefix of an index. Otherwise, return all access
// paths cevering prefix of an index.
// If exactMatch flag is set, only return access paths where all
// the members of the provided set are covered i.e the provided set
// is a subset of index columns. Otherwise, return access paths
// where the provided set covers prefix of an index.
LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) accessPathsCoveringIndex(const ValueIdSet& vidSet,
NABoolean indexOnly,
NABoolean exactMatch);
// List access paths where given set cover entire partitioning key.
// If indexOnly flag is set, only return index-only access paths
// covering entire partitioning key. Otherwise, return access paths
// cevering entire partitioning key.
// If exactMatch flag is set, only return access paths where the
// provided set is exact match with the partitioning key. Otherwise,
// return access paths where the partitioning key columns are a
// prefix-subset of the provded set.
LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) accessPathsCoveringPartKey(const ValueIdSet& vidSet,
NABoolean indexOnly,
NABoolean exactMatch);
// Get all JBBCs that are connected to this set of columns and the join preds
// This table must be JBBC
CANodeIdSet getJBBCsConnectedToCols(const CANodeIdSet & jbbcs,
const ValueIdSet & cols,
ValueIdSet & joinPreds /*OUT*/,
ValueIdSet & localPreds /*OUT*/,
ValueIdSet * predCols = NULL /*OUT*/ );
// Get the JBBCs that are connected to the maximum prefix size in the given column list
// This table must be JBBC
CANodeIdSet getJBBCsConnectedToPrefixOfList(const CANodeIdSet & jbbcs,
const ValueIdList & cols,
Lng32 & prefixSize /*OUT*/,
ValueIdSet & joinPreds /*OUT*/,
ValueIdSet & localPreds /*OUT*/);
// get columns that are connected via join preds with the set being passed in
ValueIdSet getColsConnectedViaEquiJoinPreds(const CANodeIdSet & jbbcs);
// Compute the local predicates on this table that references any of these columns
// of the table
ValueIdSet getLocalPredsOnColumns(const ValueIdSet & cols,
ValueIdSet * colsWithLocalPreds = NULL /*OUT*/);
// Compute the local predicates on this table that references a prefix of this
// column list. compute also the prefix size.
ValueIdSet getLocalPredsOnPrefixOfList(const ValueIdList & cols,
Lng32 & prefixSize /*OUT*/);
// Get all my columns connected via this set of predicates
ValueIdSet getMyConnectedCols(const ValueIdSet & preds);
// Get all my columns referenced by this set of predicates
ValueIdSet getMyReferencedCols(const ValueIdSet & preds);
// This method computes some basic stats about the table, and caches them
void computeTableStats();
EstLogPropSharedPtr getStatsOfBaseTable();
CostScalar getCardinalityOfBaseTable();
CostScalar getMaxCardinalityOfBaseTable();
inline EstLogPropSharedPtr getStatsAfterLocalPredsOnCKPrefix() const
return statsAfterLocalPredsOnCKPrefix_;
inline CostScalar getCardinalityAfterLocalPredsOnCKPrefix() const
return statsAfterLocalPredsOnCKPrefix_->getResultCardinality();
inline RowSize getRecordSizeOfBaseTable() const
return recordSizeOfBaseTable_;
// get base UEC of the given column set
CostScalar getBaseUec(const ValueIdSet & columns);
// get equality Join predicates connected to the given CANodeIDSet
// jbbc should be a table
ValueIdSet getColsConnectedViaVEGPreds(CANodeId jbbcs);
// get equality factor for the given set of columns. Equality factor is
// defined as base UEC of given column set dividied by the base row count
// In case of multiple columns, if it would be multi-col UEC. If no stats
// exist for these set of columns, equality factor is zero.
CostScalar getEqualityVal(ValueIdSet joinCols);
///////// Inspectors ignore these methods /////////////
// List indexes providing any key prefix covering for any of the
// given local predicates. This is used to find indexes for lookup.
LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) findIndexesWithKeyPrefixCoveredByPreds(const ValueIdSet & preds);
// List indexes where the given local predicates covers the entire key.
LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) findIndexesWithKeyCoveredByPreds(const ValueIdSet & preds);
// List indexes where the given set of columns covers a prefix of index key.
LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) findIndexesWithKeyPrefixCoveredByCols(const ValueIdSet & cols);
// List indexes where a prefix of the given list of columns covers a prefix of index key.
LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) findIndexesWithKeyPrefixCoveredByColList(const ValueIdList & cols);
// List indexes where the given set of columns covers the entire index key.
LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) findIndexesWithKeyCoveredByCols(const ValueIdSet & cols);
// List indexes where a prefix of the given list of columns covers the entire index key.
LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) findIndexesWithKeyCoveredByColList(const ValueIdList & cols);
//////// End of inspectors ignore ////////////////
NABoolean hasMatchingHashPartitioning(TableAnalysis * other);
NABoolean predsOnUnique(ValueIdSet& vidSet, NABoolean *hasPrefix=NULL);
void setFactTableNJAccessCost(CostScalar factNJAccessCost)
factTableNJAccessCost_ = factNJAccessCost;
CostScalar getFactTableNJAccessCost() const
return factTableNJAccessCost_;
CostScalar computeDataAccessCostForTable(CostScalar probes,
CostScalar tableRowsToScan) const;
// finalized analysis
void finishAnalysis();
void checkIfCompressedHistsViable();
// initialize access path analysis structures
void initAccessPaths();
// initialize index only access paths
void initIndexOnlyAccessPaths();
const NAString getText() const;
void display() const;
void print (FILE *f = stdout,
const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "") const;
// construct a TableAnalysis. Called only by QueryAnalysis
TableAnalysis(NodeAnalysis* nodeAnalysis,
TableDesc* tableDesc,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()):
// construct a TableAnalysis
// should never be called
// use a constructor that passes NodeAnalysis* and TableDesc*
// set the usedCols_. to be used by QueryAnalysis
void setUsedCols(const ValueIdSet & usedCols)
usedCols_ = usedCols;
// set the localPreds_. to be used by QueryAnalysis
void setLocalPreds(const ValueIdSet & localPreds)
localPreds_ = localPreds;
// Set AccessPathAnalysis for base table.
inline void setApaForBaseTable(AccessPathAnalysis* apa)
apaForBaseTable_ = apa;
NodeAnalysis* caNodeAnalysis_;
TableDesc* tableDesc_;
AccessPathAnalysis* apaForBaseTable_;
ValueIdSet usedCols_;
ValueIdSet constCols_;
ValueIdSet localPreds_;
ValueIdSet referencingPreds_;
ValueIdSet vegPreds_;
ValueIdSet equalityConnectedCols_;
ValueIdSet equalityConnectingPreds_;
CANodeIdSet equalityConnectedJBBCs_;
ValueIdList equalityConnectedColList_;
ValueIdList equalityConnectingPredList_;
ValueIdList equalityExpressionList_;
ValueIdSet connectedCols_;
CANodeIdSet connectedTables_;
LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) accessPaths_;
LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) indexOnlyAccessPaths_;
LIST(AccessPathAnalysis*) uniqueIndexes_;
EstLogPropSharedPtr statsOfBaseTable_; // No predicates
RowSize recordSizeOfBaseTable_;
EstLogPropSharedPtr statsAfterLocalPredsOnCKPrefix_; // No predicates
// data access cost in case this is the fact table and is under nested join
CostScalar factTableNJAccessCost_;
CollHeap* heap_;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AccessPathAnalysis class hold analysis results for table indexes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class AccessPathAnalysis : public NABasicObject
friend class TableAnalysis;
// construct an AccessPathAnalysis
AccessPathAnalysis(CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// destruct an AccessPathAnalysis
virtual ~AccessPathAnalysis()
// return the IndexDesc
inline IndexDesc * getIndexDesc() const
return indexDesc_;
// Return TableAnalysis associated with this AccessPathAnalysis
inline TableAnalysis* getTableAnalysis() const
return tableAnalysis_;
// find if index only or alternative index lookup.
NABoolean isIndexOnly();
// is this the Clustering Index (i.e. base table)?
NABoolean isClustering() const;
Int32 numIndexPrefixCovered(const ValueIdSet& vidSet, NABoolean exactMatch,
NABoolean useKeyCols=FALSE);
NABoolean isPartKeyCovered(const ValueIdSet& vidSet, NABoolean exactMatch);
// is the accessPath Key covered
NABoolean keyCoveredByEqualityPreds(const ValueIdSet& vidSet,
NABoolean *hasPrefix=NULL);
const NAString getText() const;
void print (FILE *f = stdout,
const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "") const;
// construct a AccessPathAnalysis. Called only by TableAnalysis
AccessPathAnalysis(IndexDesc* indexDesc,
TableAnalysis* tableAnalysis,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
IndexDesc* indexDesc_;
TableAnalysis* tableAnalysis_;
ValueIdSet accessPathColSet_;
ValueIdList accessPathColList_;
ValueIdList accessPathKeyCols_;
UInt32 accessPathKeyCount_;
ValueIdList accessPathPartKeyCols_;
CollHeap* heap_;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GBAnalysis class hold analysis results for group bys that are
// located at top of JBBs at the CA phase
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class GBAnalysis : public NABasicObject
friend class QueryAnalysis;
friend class JBB;
// destruct a GBAnalysis
virtual ~GBAnalysis()
// This returns a copy of the original GB expression that the NodeAnalysis
// was computed for. Please use this method only if necessary. Our ultimate
// goal is that this will eventually not be needed. But at this phase we will
// keep it as its needed by some of the phase developments.
inline GroupByAgg * getOriginalGBExpr()
return originalGBExpr_;
// R1 & R2
// we can compute one from the other for now
// later we should have more detailed info about independently pullables
// R2: The jbbcs that can be pulled (together) above the GB
const CANodeIdSet & getPullableJBBCs() const
return pullableJBBCs_;
// R1: The other sibling jbbcs that are not part of pullableJBBCs
const CANodeIdSet & getRequiredJBBCs() const
return requiredJBBCs_;
// The groupingNodeId is different than id_ in NodeAnalysis.
// This id does not stand alone but rather is used to represent
// the GB in a JBBSubset
inline CANodeId getGroupingNodeId() const
return groupingNodeId_;
// get and JBB
inline JBB* getJBB()
return jbb_;
const NAString getText() const
return "GBAnalysis";
// construct a GBAnalysis. Called only by QueryAnalysis
GBAnalysis(CANodeId id,
GroupByAgg* gbExpr,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()):
// construct a GBAnalysis
// should never be called
// In the future when we allow more GBAnalysis objects to be created
// during the optimization phase (due to GB split for example), we will
// need to make this method public.
inline void setJBB(JBB* jbb)
jbb_ = jbb;
CANodeIdSet pullableJBBCs_;
CANodeIdSet requiredJBBCs_; // this could be computed as mainSubset-pullable
GroupByAgg* originalGBExpr_;
JBB* jbb_;
CANodeId groupingNodeId_;
CollHeap* heap_;
class RoutineAnalysis : public NABasicObject
// construct a RoutineAnalysis. Called only by QueryAnalysis
RoutineAnalysis(NodeAnalysis* nodeAnalysis,
RoutineDesc* routineDesc,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()):
// Get NodeAnalysis for this routine
inline NodeAnalysis * getNodeAnalysis() const
return caNodeAnalysis_;
// Return the TableDesc
inline RoutineDesc * getRoutineDesc() const
return routineDesc_;
RoutineAnalysis(RoutineAnalysis & other){CMPASSERT(FALSE);}
NodeAnalysis * caNodeAnalysis_;
RoutineDesc * routineDesc_;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This class is an interface class.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class JBBItem : public NABasicObject
// Get all JBBCs that are joined to this JBBItem and do not have
// dependency relation with this JBBItem. For definition of join dependency
// Refer to "Connectivity Analyzer PRD" document.
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getJoinedJBBCs() const = 0;
// Get all the join predicates associated with getJoinedJBBCs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getJoinPreds() const = 0;
// Get all JBBCs that are joined to this JBBItem and that are
// dependent on this JBBItem. For definition of join dependency
// Refer to "Connectivity Analyzer PRD" document.
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getSuccessorJBBCs() const = 0;
// Get all the join predicates associated with getSuccessorJBBCs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getPredsWithSuccessors() const = 0;
// Get all JBBCs that are joined to this JBBItem and that this
// JBBItem is dependent on. For definition of join dependency
// Refer to "Connectivity Analyzer PRD" document.
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getPredecessorJBBCs() const = 0;
// Get all the join predicates associated with getPredecessorJBBCs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getPredsWithPredecessors() const = 0;
// Get all JBBCs that are have no join predicate with this JBBItem.
virtual CANodeIdSet getJBBCsThatXProductWithMe() const = 0;
// Get all the join predicates (no dependency) between this JBBItem
// and the other JBBItem
// virtual ValueIdSet joinPredsWithOther(const JBBItem & other) const;
// Get all dependent predicates from other JBBItem on this JBBItem.
virtual ValueIdSet successorPredsOfOther(const JBBItem & other) const;
// Get all dependent predicates from this JBBItem on other JBBItem.
virtual ValueIdSet predecessorPredsOnOther(const JBBItem & other) const;
// Get the set of JBBCs in this JBBItem
// virtual const CANodeIdSet & getJBBCs() const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the JBBC class
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class JBBC : public JBBItem
friend class QueryAnalysis;
friend class JBB;
// destruct a JBBC
virtual ~JBBC()
// Get all JBBCs that are joined to this JBBC and do not have
// dependency relation with this JBBC. For definition of join dependency
// Refer to "Connectivity Analyzer PRD" document.
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getJoinedJBBCs() const
return joinedJBBCs_;
// Get all the join predicates associated with getJoinedJBBCs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getJoinPreds() const
return joinPreds_;
CANodeIdSet getJBBCsConnectedViaKeyJoins();
// Set the join preds to this JBBC.
// This will also update predAnalysis of these preds of this JBBC
void setJoinPreds(const ValueIdSet & joinPreds);
void setLeftJoinFilterPreds(ValueIdSet & leftJoinFilterPreds)
leftJoinFilterPreds_ = leftJoinFilterPreds;
ValueIdSet getLeftJoinFilterPreds() const
return leftJoinFilterPreds_;
void setPredsWithDependencies(const ValueIdSet & predsWithDependencies,
const ValueIdSet & predsWithPredecessors);
// Get all JBBCs that are joined to this JBBC and that are
// dependent on this JBBC. For definition of join dependency
// Refer to "Connectivity Analyzer PRD" document.
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getSuccessorJBBCs() const
return successorJBBCs_;
// Get all the join predicates associated with getDependentJBBCs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getPredsWithSuccessors() const
return predsWithSuccessors_;
// Get all JBBCs that are joined to this JBBC and that this
// JBBC is dependent on. For definition of join dependency
// Refer to "Connectivity Analyzer PRD" document.
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getPredecessorJBBCs() const
return predecessorJBBCs_;
// Get all the join predicates associated with getPredecessorJBBCs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getPredsWithPredecessors() const
return predsWithPredecessors_;
LIST(CANodeIdSet) * const getPredecessorJBBCsList() const
return predecessorJBBCsList_;
// Get constant predicates with predecessors, these are really
// not predicates with predecessors, they are just constant
// predicates that are evaluated after the join. An example
// query is below:
// SELECT Distinct 'J', T0.I3, t0.i3, T0.I3
// FROM d2 T0, d2 t1, d1 t2
// 'kTrn' < ALL (
// SELECT 'a'
// FROM d1 t3
// NOT (
// ('DLU' BETWEEN ( T3.i1 ) AND ( T3.I3 ))
// OR
// ( T0.I2 IN (t1.I2 , 'gwm')))
// )
// ORDER BY 1, 1 ;
// This query has the following constant predicate with predecessor
// ('kTrn' >= 'a')
// It is a join predicate for the semi-join but does not cause
// dependencies between any two tables.
virtual const ValueIdSet & getConstPredsWithPredecessors() const
return constPredsWithPredecessors_;
void setRoutineJoinFilterPreds(const ValueIdSet & routineJoinFilterPreds)
routineJoinFilterPreds_ = routineJoinFilterPreds;
ValueIdSet getRoutineJoinFilterPreds() const
return routineJoinFilterPreds_;
// inputs need from sibling JBBCs i.e. jbbcs part of the same JBB as this JBBC
const ValueIdSet & getInputsRequiredFromSiblings() const
return inputsRequiredFromSiblings_;
void setInputsRequiredFromSiblings(ValueIdSet & inputsRequiredFromSiblings)
inputsRequiredFromSiblings_ = inputsRequiredFromSiblings;
// Get all JBBCs that need input from this jbbc
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getJBBCsRequiringInputFromMe() const
return jbbcsRequiringInputFromMe_;
// Get all JBBCs that this jbbc needs input from
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getJBBCsProvidingInput() const
return jbbcsProvidingInput_;
// Get all JBBCs that are have no join predicate with this JBBC.
virtual CANodeIdSet getJBBCsThatXProductWithMe() const;
// implementation for JBBItem method
// virtual const CANodeIdSet & getJBBCs() const
// {
// return *(new (heap_) CANodeIdSet(getId(),heap_));
// }
ValueIdSet joinPredsWithOther(const JBBC & other) const;
/* Do not inspect this method */
// Returns a subset of getJoinedJBBCs that are joined with this JBBC
// on this particular column
CANodeIdSet getJoinedJBBCsOnThisColumn(const ValueId & col,
ValueIdSet& joiningPreds /*OUT*/) const;
/* Do not inspect this method */
// Returns a subset of getJoinedJBBCs that are joined with this JBBC
// on these particular columns
CANodeIdSet getJoinedJBBCsOnTheseColumns(const ValueIdSet & cols,
ValueIdSet & joiningPreds /*OUT*/) const;
const CANodeIdSet & getSubtreeTables() const
return getNodeAnalysis()->getOriginalExpr()->
// Returns the original parent join expression during the CA phase
// or a copy of it. This JBBC was a right child for the join expression
// during the CA phase. The left most JBBC will have a fake inner join
// with no preds.
inline Join * getOriginalParentJoin() const
return origParentJoin_;
// Get NodeAnalysis for this JBBC
inline NodeAnalysis * getNodeAnalysis() const
return caNodeAnalysis_;
// Get the CANodeId for this JBBC
inline CANodeId getId() const
return getNodeAnalysis()->getId();
// Get the parent JBB of this JBBC
inline JBB* getJBB() const
return jbb_;
const ValueIdList & nullInstantiatedOutput() const
return nullInstantiatedOutput_;
inline NABoolean isFullOuterJoinOrTSJJBBC() const
return isFullOuterJoinOrTSJJBBC_;
NABoolean isGuaranteedEqualizer();
NABoolean hasNonExpandingJoin();
inline NABoolean parentIsLeftJoin(){ return (parentJoinType_ == REL_LEFT_JOIN); }
NABoolean isOneRowMax() const {return isOneRowMax_; }
const NAString getText() const;
void display() const;
void print (FILE *f = stdout,
const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "") const;
// construct a JBBC. Made private because only QueryAnalysis
// can create new JBBCs.
JBBC(NodeAnalysis* nodeAnalysis,
Join* parentJoin,
CollHeap* outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()):
nullInstantiatedOutput_ = parentJoin->nullInstantiatedOutput();
parentJoinType_ = parentJoin->getOperatorType();
if(nodeAnalysis->getOriginalExpr()->getGroupAttr()->getMaxNumOfRows() <= 1)
isOneRowMax_ = TRUE;
isOneRowMax_ = FALSE;
inline void setJBB(JBB* jbb)
jbb_ = jbb;
inline void setIsFullOuterJoinOrTSJJBBC()
isFullOuterJoinOrTSJJBBC_ = TRUE;
// Class members
NodeAnalysis* caNodeAnalysis_;
JBB* jbb_;
ValueIdSet joinPreds_;
CANodeIdSet joinedJBBCs_;
CANodeIdSet jbbcsJoinedViaTheirKey_;
NABoolean jbbcsJoinedViaTheirKeyIsSet_;
ValueIdList nullInstantiatedOutput_;
ValueIdSet leftJoinFilterPreds_;
ValueIdSet routineJoinFilterPreds_;
ValueIdSet inputsRequiredFromSiblings_;
ValueIdSet predsWithSuccessors_;
CANodeIdSet successorJBBCs_;
ValueIdSet predsWithPredecessors_;
CANodeIdSet predecessorJBBCs_;
ValueIdList* predsWithPredecessorsList_;
LIST(CANodeIdSet) * predecessorJBBCsList_;
ValueIdSet constPredsWithPredecessors_;
Join* origParentJoin_;
NABoolean isFullOuterJoinOrTSJJBBC_;
Int32 isGuaranteedEqualizer_;
Int32 hasNonExpandingJoin_;
NABoolean isOneRowMax_;
OperatorTypeEnum parentJoinType_;
CANodeIdSet jbbcsRequiringInputFromMe_;
CANodeIdSet jbbcsProvidingInput_;
CollHeap* heap_;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class CASortedList
// A helper class for JBBWA
// This class is used to cache various sorted lists of CANodeIds in the
// JBBWA and the JBBSubsetAnalysis. This is done so that we avoid re-sorting
// when the same list is needed again. Since the sorting involves some
// expensive ASM computations to apply predicates to histograms
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef NAList<CANodeId> CASortedList;
/* Inspection advice: inspect JBBSubset class before JBBSubsetAnalysis */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The JBBSubsetAnalysis class. This is where the operations for JBBSubset
// are performed. Because JBBSubset computations are relatively expensive
// and could be asked multiple times from different JBBSubset objects
// corresponding to the same logical JBBSubset, one JBBSubsetAnalysis object
// is used to compute and save such computations. All equivalent JBBSubsets
// points to the same JBBSubsetAnalysis.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class JBBSubsetAnalysis : public NABasicObject
// consider deriving from JBBSubset
// disadvantage for that is sharing the setter methods
// construct a JBBSubsetAnalysis
JBBSubsetAnalysis(const JBBSubset & subset,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// destruct a JBBSubsetAnalysis
virtual ~JBBSubsetAnalysis()
// equality operator
inline NABoolean operator == (const JBBSubsetAnalysis &other) const
return (allMembers_ == other.allMembers_);
// Get all JBBCs that are joined to this JBBSubset and do not have
// dependency relation with this JBBSubset. For definition of join dependency
// Refer to "Connectivity Analyzer PRD" document.
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getJoinedJBBCs() const
return joinedJBBCs_;
// Get all the join predicates associated with getJoinedJBBCs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getJoinPreds() const
return joinPreds_;
// Get all JBBCs that are joined to this JBBSubset and that are
// dependent on this JBBSubset. For definition of join dependency
// Refer to "Connectivity Analyzer PRD" document.
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getSuccessorJBBCs() const
return successorJBBCs_;
// Get all the join predicates associated with getSuccessorJBBCs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getPredsWithSuccessors() const
return predsWithSuccessors_;
// Get all JBBCs that are joined to this JBBSubset and that this
// JBBSubset is dependent on. For definition of join dependency
// Refer to "Connectivity Analyzer PRD" document.
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getPredecessorJBBCs() const
return predecessorJBBCs_;
// Get all the join predicates associated with getPredecessorJBBCs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getPredsWithPredecessors() const
return predsWithPredecessors_;
// Get the join preds between my jbbcs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getLocalJoinPreds() const
return localJoinPreds_;
// Get the inner join preds between my jbbcs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getLocalInnerNonSemiJoinPreds() const
return localInnerNonSemiJoinPreds_;
// Get the dependent join preds between my jbbcs i.e. all
// semi, anti-semi and outer-join preds
virtual const ValueIdSet & getLocalDependentJoinPreds() const
return localDependentJoinPreds_;
// which JBBCs can I add to this subset while reserving its self-dpendency
CANodeIdSet legalJBBCAdditions() const;
// Get the set of JBBCs in this JBBSubset
inline const CANodeIdSet & getJBBCs() const
return jbbcs_;
void setSubsetMJ(MultiJoin * subsetMJ);
// Get the MJ representing this JBBSubset
inline MultiJoin * getSubsetMJ() const
return subsetMJ_;
// Get the Grouping Id for the group by in this JBBSubset
inline CANodeId getGB() const
return gb_;
// union of both getJBBCs() and getGB()
inline CANodeIdSet getJBBCsAndGB() const
return allMembers_;
inline NABoolean allJoinsInnerNonSemi()
return allJoinsInnerNonSemi_;
NABoolean coversExpr(ValueId vid) const;
NAList<CANodeIdSet*>* getConnectedSubgraphs(NABoolean followSuccessors = TRUE,
NABoolean pullInPredecessors = FALSE);
CANodeIdSet getInputSubgraph(CANodeId node, NABoolean followSuccessors = TRUE) const;
// initialize JBBSubsetAnalysis computable fields
void init();
// Compute the join preds between my jbbcs
void computeLocalJoinPreds();
CASortedList * getNodesSortedByLocalKeyPrefixPredsCard();
CASortedList * getNodesSortedByLocalPredsCard();
CANodeId getLargestNode();
CANodeId getLargestIndependentNode();
void consolidateFringes(CANodeId factTable,
NAList<CANodeIdSet> &leftDeepJoinSequence);
// Insert an MV match (for query rewrite purposes) into the list of potential
// replacements for the JBB subset. Preferred matches are inserted at the
// front of the list, non-preferred matches go at the end.
void addMVMatch(MVMatchPtr match, NABoolean isPreferred);
MJRulesWA * getMJRulesWA();
void setMJStarJoinRuleWA(MJStarJoinRuleWA * mjStarJoinRuleWA)
mjStarJoinRuleWA_ = mjStarJoinRuleWA;
inline MJStarJoinRuleWA * getMJStarJoinRuleWA()
return mjStarJoinRuleWA_;
void setMJStarJoinIRuleWA(MJStarJoinIRuleWA * mjStarJoinIRuleWA)
mjStarJoinIRuleWA_ = mjStarJoinIRuleWA;
inline MJStarJoinIRuleWA * getMJStarJoinIRuleWA()
return mjStarJoinIRuleWA_;
void setMJStarBDRuleWA(MJStarBDRuleWA * mjStarBDRuleWA)
mjStarBDRuleWA_ = mjStarBDRuleWA;
inline MJStarBDRuleWA * getMJStarBDRuleWA()
return mjStarBDRuleWA_;
const NAString getText() const
return "JBBSubsetAnalysis";
// find the fact table and the largest table for this JBBSubset
// if a fact table is not found NULL_CA_ID is returned
CANodeId findFactAndLargestTable(
CostScalar & factTableCKPrefixCardinality,
CANodeId & biggestTable);
// find the fact table and the largest table for this childSet
// if a fact table is not found NULL_CA_ID is returned
CANodeId findFactTable(
CANodeIdSet childSet,
CostScalar & factTableCKPrefixCardinality,
CANodeId & biggestTable);
CANodeId computeCenterTable();
CostScalar getCenterTableSize()
return centerTableDataScanned_;
CostScalar getCenterTableSizePerPartition()
return centerTableDataPerPartition_;
void setStarJoinTypeIFeasible()
starJoinTypeIFeasible_ = TRUE;
NABoolean starJoinTypeIFeasible()
return starJoinTypeIFeasible_;
void setFactTable(CANodeId factTable)
factTable_ = factTable;
CANodeId getFactTable() { return factTable_;}
// This method given a fact table, tries to match this JBBSubset to a
// Star Join pattern
NABoolean isAStarPattern(CANodeId factTable,//in
CostScalar factTableCKPrefixCardinality);//in
void analyzeInitialPlan(MultiJoin * mjoin);
void computeRequiredResources(MultiJoin * mjoin,
RequiredResources & reqResouces,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & inLP);
const NAList<CANodeIdSet> * const getInitialPlanLeftDeepJoinSequence()
{ return &leftDeepJoinSequence_; }
CostScalar getCenterTableRowsScanned()
{ return centerTableRowsScanned_; }
CostScalar getCenterTableDataScanned()
{ return centerTableDataScanned_; }
CostScalar getCenterTableDataPerPartition()
{ return centerTableDataPerPartition_; }
CostScalar getCenterTablePartitions()
{ return centerTablePartitions_; }
UInt32 getCenterTableConnectivity()
{ return centerTableConnectivity_; }
UInt32 getMaxDimensionConnectivity()
{ return maxDimensionConnectivity_; }
NAPtrList<MVMatchPtr> getMatchingMVs()
{ return matchingMVs_; };
void analyzeInitialPlan();
SUBSET_LEGALITY getLegality() const { return legality_;};
void setLegality(SUBSET_LEGALITY legality) { legality_ = legality; };
CASortedList * getSynthLogPropPath() const { return synthLogPropPath_;};
void setSynthLogPropPath(CASortedList * path) { synthLogPropPath_ = path;};
JBBSubsetAnalysis(CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
: leftDeepJoinSequence_(outHeap),
// should never be called
CANodeIdSet extendEdge(CANodeId thisTable,//in
CANodeIdSet& availableNodes,
UInt32 lookAhead);//in\out
// get a rough estimate of cost for doing a nested join on the fact table
// number of probes = dataFlowFromEdge
// Rows of fact table that will be scanned = factTableRowsToScan
CostScalar computeDataAccessCostForTable(CostScalar probes,
CostScalar tableRowsToScan,
CANodeId table);
void arrangeTablesAfterFactForStarJoinTypeI();
void arrangeTablesAfterFactForStarJoinTypeII();
JBB* jbb_;
CANodeIdSet jbbcs_;
MultiJoin * subsetMJ_;
CANodeId gb_;
CANodeIdSet allMembers_;
ValueIdSet joinPreds_;
CANodeIdSet joinedJBBCs_;
ValueIdSet predsWithSuccessors_;
CANodeIdSet successorJBBCs_;
ValueIdSet predsWithPredecessors_;
CANodeIdSet predecessorJBBCs_;
ValueIdSet localJoinPreds_;
ValueIdSet localInnerNonSemiJoinPreds_;
ValueIdSet localDependentJoinPreds_;
// caching the known covered and not covered expressions
ValueIdSet knownCovered_;
ValueIdSet knownNotCovered_;
// are all the JBBCs join via innerNonSemi joins
NABoolean allJoinsInnerNonSemi_;
// information set by method JBBSubsetAnalysis::getCenterTable()
// begin
// the center table in the connectivity graph
NABoolean centerTableComputed_;
CANodeId centerTable_;
CostScalar centerTableRowsScanned_;
CostScalar centerTableDataScanned_;
CostScalar centerTableDataPerPartition_;
CostScalar centerTablePartitions_;
// number of tables connected to the center table
UInt32 centerTableConnectivity_;
// max number of tables connected to other tables,
// i.e. table apart from the center table
UInt32 maxDimensionConnectivity_;
// end
// information set by the JBBSubsetAnalysis::findFactAndLargestTable
// begin
// fact table used in the star join I and star join II rules
// a fact table significantly larger (e.g. 5x) than all other
// tables in the JBBSubset. But if the largest table in the
// JBBSubset is not significantly larger then this is set to
NABoolean computedFactAndLargestTable_;
CANodeId factTable_;
CANodeId largestTable_;
// information set by the JBBSubsetAnalysis::getLargestIndependentNode
// begin
// fact table used in the star join II rules
// a fact table significantly larger (e.g. 5x) than all other
// tables in the JBBSubset. But if the largest table in the
// JBBSubset is not significantly larger then this is set to
NABoolean computedLargestIndependentNode_;
CANodeId largestIndependentNode_;
// is StarJoin Type I feasible
NABoolean starJoinTypeIFeasible_;
// is the analysis of initial plan finished
NABoolean analyzedInitialPlan_;
// This is the set of tables that are joined before
// the fact table is joined. Generally this should
// be a union of the tables in the lists of sets below.
CANodeIdSet nodesJoinedBeforeFactTable_;
// list of fringes that are joined to the fact table via clustering
// key prefix predicates
NAList<CANodeIdSet> * listOfEdges_;
// optimal position of FactTable in list of edges
Int32 optimalFTLocation_;
// lowest data access cost of doing nested join into FactTable
CostScalar lowestFactNJCost_;
// the cost for a nested join into fact
// if all the edges are below the fact
CostScalar costForMaxKeyFactNJ_;
// Nodes that are not part of the fringes
CANodeIdSet availableNodes_;
// list of CANodeIdSets representing the left deep
// join sequence for the initial plan
NAList<CANodeIdSet> leftDeepJoinSequence_;
NAList<CANodeIdSet*>* connectedSubgraphs_; // built on demand
// List of MV matches that can be substituted for the JBB subset using query
// rewrite.
NAPtrList<MVMatchPtr> matchingMVs_;
MJRulesWA * mjRulesWA_; // Work area used to store common information
// shared across MJ Rules, this helps avoid
// recomputation of that information for each
// different MJ Rule
MJStarJoinRuleWA * mjStarJoinRuleWA_; // Work Area used by the MJStarJoinRule
// this will be created and passed in by
// the MJStarJoinRule
MJStarJoinIRuleWA * mjStarJoinIRuleWA_; // Work Area used by the MJStarJoinIRule
// this will be created and passed in by
// the MJStarJoinIRule
MJStarBDRuleWA * mjStarBDRuleWA_;
CASortedList * synthLogPropPath_; // The sequence of joined jbbcs used
// in synthesis of logical properties
// Set in MultiJoin::synthLogProp
CollHeap* heap_;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The JBBSubset class. Properties of set of JBBCs joined together
// with an optional GB
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class JBBSubset : public JBBItem
// construct a JBBSubset
JBBSubset(CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// need copy constructor.
// destruct a JBBSubset
virtual ~JBBSubset()
// Comparison operators
inline NABoolean operator == (const JBBSubset &other) const
return ((jbbcs_ == other.jbbcs_) && (gb_ == other.gb_));
inline NABoolean operator != (const JBBSubset &other) const
return NOT operator==(other);
// Get all JBBCs that are joined to this JBBSubset and do not have
// dependency relation with this JBBSubset. For definition of join dependency
// Refer to "Connectivity Analyzer PRD" document.
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getJoinedJBBCs() const
return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->getJoinedJBBCs();
// Get all the join predicates associated with getJoinedJBBCs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getJoinPreds() const
return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->getJoinPreds();
// Get all JBBCs that are joined to this JBBSubset and that are
// dependent on this JBBSubset. For definition of join dependency
// Refer to "Connectivity Analyzer PRD" document.
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getSuccessorJBBCs() const
return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->getSuccessorJBBCs();
// Get all the join predicates associated with getSuccessorJBBCs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getPredsWithSuccessors() const
return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->getPredsWithSuccessors();
// Get all JBBCs that are joined to this JBBSubset and that this
// JBBSubset is dependent on. For definition of join dependency
// Refer to "Connectivity Analyzer PRD" document.
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getPredecessorJBBCs() const
return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->getPredecessorJBBCs();
// Get all the join predicates associated with getMyDependentJBBCs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getPredsWithPredecessors() const
return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->getPredsWithPredecessors();
// Get the join preds between my jbbcs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getLocalJoinPreds() const
return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->getLocalJoinPreds();
// Get the innerNonSemi join preds between my jbbcs
virtual const ValueIdSet & getLocalInnerNonSemiJoinPreds() const
return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->getLocalInnerNonSemiJoinPreds();
// Get the join preds between my jbbcs that cause dependencies
// i.e. all outer, semi and anti semi join preds
virtual const ValueIdSet & getLocalDependentJoinPreds() const
return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->getLocalDependentJoinPreds();
// check if this JBBSubset is legal i.e.
// predecessor of each node is found within
// this set
inline NABoolean legal() const { return; }
// Get all JBBCs that are have no join predicate with this JBBSubset.
virtual CANodeIdSet getJBBCsThatXProductWithMe() const;
// which JBBCs can I add to this subset while reserving its self-dpendency
inline CANodeIdSet legalJBBCAdditions() const
return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->legalJBBCAdditions();
ValueIdSet joinPredsWithOther(const JBBSubset & other) const;
// Get the JBB which this JBBSubset is a subset of
JBB* getJBB() const
// Should not be asked for empty subset
CMPASSERT(jbbcs_.entries() > 0);
// All jbbcs_ are from same JBB
JBBC* jbbc = jbbcs_.getFirst().getNodeAnalysis()->getJBBC();
if (!jbbc)
return NULL;
return jbbc->getJBB();
// Get the set of JBBCs in this JBBSubset
virtual const CANodeIdSet & getJBBCs() const
return jbbcs_;
// set JBBSubset MultiJoin
inline void setSubsetMJ(MultiJoin * subsetMJ)
// get MultiJoin representing JBBSubset
MultiJoin * getSubsetMJ() const
return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->getSubsetMJ();
Join * getPreferredJoin();
// Get the Grouping Id for the group by in this JBBSubset
inline CANodeId getGB() const
return gb_;
// Add a JBBC to the set of JBBCs in this JBBSubset. At this point we
// do not do integrity check while updating a JBBSubset. The method
// verify can be used to check integrity after updating a JBBSubset
// if user is unsure about result.
inline void addJBBC(CANodeId jbbc)
// Same as JBBC but inserts multiple JBBCs at the same time.
inline void addJBBCs(const CANodeIdSet & jbbcs)
// Set the GB Member grouping Id
inline void setGB(CANodeId gb)
gb_ = gb;
// Set the JBBCs
inline void setJBBCs(const CANodeIdSet & jbbcs)
jbbcs_= jbbcs;
// Copy the JBBCs and GB from other JBBSubset.
// This method copy the JBBSubset without copying its heap_ affiliation.
void copySubsetMembers(const JBBSubset & other);
// Check if this vid is covered by what this JBBSubset can provide.
NABoolean coversExpr(ValueId vid) const
return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->coversExpr(vid);
// Subtract the content (JBBCs and GB) of other JBBSubset from this
// JBBSubset. This method side-effect this JBBSubset.
void subtractSubset(const JBBSubset & other);
// add the content (JBBCs and GB) of other JBBSubset to this
// JBBSubset. This method side-effect this JBBSubset.
void addSubset(const JBBSubset & other);
// Does this JBBSubset has a mandatory cross product.
// If so,=, then in any join order for this JBBSubset there will be
// a cross product.
// xxx: this function will be moved to JBBSubsetAnalysis
NABoolean hasMandatoryXP() const;
// Calculate number of disjunct subgraphs in this JBBSubset
// xxx: this function will be moved to JBBSubsetAnalysis
Lng32 numConnectedSubgraphs(NABoolean followSuccessors = TRUE,
NABoolean pullInPredecessors = FALSE) const;
CANodeIdSet getJBBCsAndGB() const;
CANodeIdSet getSubtreeTables() const;
// verify integrity of the JBBSubset. That is
// jbbcs_ contains only jbbcs from same JBB
// gb_ belongs to a group by of the same JBB
// xxx:Also verify that dependencies are respected when we
// add outer and semi joins
NABoolean verify();
// Get the JBBSubsetAnalysis
inline JBBSubsetAnalysis * getJBBSubsetAnalysis() const
if (!jbbSubsetAnalysis_)
return jbbSubsetAnalysis_;
inline NABoolean allJoinsInnerNonSemi() const
return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->allJoinsInnerNonSemi();
// get the minimum row count from all JBBCs in the JBBSubset after applying
// local predicates to individual JBBCs
CostScalar getMinimumJBBCRowCount() const;
NABoolean isGuaranteedNonExpandingJoin(JBBC jbbc);
// reset analysis. this is called everytime a change happen to this
// JBBSubset.
inline void clearAnalysis()
jbbSubsetAnalysis_ = NULL;
const NAString getText() const;
void display() const;
void print (FILE *f = stdout,
const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "") const;
SUBSET_LEGALITY getLegality() const {return getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->getLegality();};
void setLegality(SUBSET_LEGALITY legality) { getJBBSubsetAnalysis()->setLegality(legality);};
CASortedList * getSynthLogPropPath() {
if(jbbSubsetAnalysis_) return jbbSubsetAnalysis_->getSynthLogPropPath();
return NULL;
void setSynthLogPropPath(CASortedList * path) {
void findJBBSubsetAnalysis() const
mutate()->jbbSubsetAnalysis_ =
// mutate method. use carefully and keep private (hush hush)
// used only for methods that may change computable members
inline JBBSubset* mutate() const
return (JBBSubset*) this;
CANodeIdSet jbbcs_;
CANodeId gb_;
JBBSubsetAnalysis* jbbSubsetAnalysis_;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This class is a composite class of JBBItems
// It is ignored now as it serve no purpose during the first implementation
// phase. This is practically a SET of JBBItems.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class JBBCompItem : public JBBItem
// construct a JBBCompItem
JBBCompItem(CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// destruct a JBBCompItem
virtual ~JBBCompItem()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This class is a composite class of JBBItems with order
// It is ignored now as it serve no purpose during the first implementation
// phase. This is practically a LIST of JBBItems.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class JBBOrderedItem : public JBBCompItem
// construct a JBBOrderedItem
JBBOrderedItem(CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// destruct a JBBOrderedItem
virtual ~JBBOrderedItem()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// JBBWA class: A work area for saving information related to a JBB
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class JBBWA : public NABasicObject
//friend class JBB;
// construct a JBBWA
JBBWA(JBB * parent, CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Initialize all the lists to NULL
// Will compute each list on first demand
byLocalKeyPrefixPredsCard_ = NULL;
byLocalKeyPrefixPredsData_ = NULL;
byLocalPredsCard_ = NULL;
byLocalPredsData_ = NULL;
byBaseCard_ = NULL;
byBaseData_ = NULL;
byNodeCard_ = NULL;
byNodeData_ = NULL;
byNodeOutputData_ = NULL;
parentJBB_ = parent;
const CASortedList * getNodesSortedByLocalKeyPrefixPredsCard();
const CASortedList * getNodesSortedByLocalKeyPrefixPredsData();
const CASortedList * getNodesSortedByLocalPredsCard();
const CASortedList * getNodesSortedByLocalPredsData();
const CASortedList * getNodesSortedByBaseCard();
const CASortedList * getNodesSortedByBaseData();
const CASortedList * getNodesSortedByCard();
const CASortedList * getNodesSortedByData();
const CASortedList * getNodesSortedByOutputData();
// Provide a prototype function pointer for compatibility with various
// compilers. This was added for gcc compilation on Linux.
typedef CostScalar (JBBWA::*shortMetricFunc)(CANodeId, EstLogPropSharedPtr&);
// A generic method to sort given a method to compute the sort
// metric for each node
CASortedList* sort(shortMetricFunc getSortMetric);
// Given a node, return it's cardinality after application of local preds
// on the prefix of the clustering key. If logProps is passed in is NULL,
// then ASM will be called to compute the logical properties.
CostScalar getCardinalityAfterLocalKeyPrefixPreds(CANodeId node,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & logProps);
// Given a node, return it's data-size (i.e. cardinality * rowsize)
// after application of local preds on the prefix of the clustering key
// If logProps is passed in is NULL, then ASM will be called to compute
// the logical properties
CostScalar getDataSizeAfterLocalKeyPrefixPreds(CANodeId node,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & logProps);
// Given a node, return it's cardinality after application of local preds.
// If logProps is passed in is NULL, then ASM will be called to compute
// the logical properties
CostScalar getCardinalityAfterLocalPreds(CANodeId node,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & logProps);
// Given a node, return it's data-size (i.e. cardinality * rowsize)
// after application of local preds. If logProps is passed in is NULL,
// then ASM will be called to compute the logical properties
CostScalar getDataSizeAfterLocalPreds(CANodeId node,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & logProps);
// Given a node, return it's base cardinality
CostScalar getBaseCardinality(CANodeId node,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & logProps);
// Given a node, return it's size (i.e. rowcount * rowsize)
CostScalar getBaseDataSize(CANodeId node,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & logProps);
// Given a node, return it's cardinality
CostScalar getNodeCardinality(CANodeId node,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & logProps);
// Given a node, return it's size (i.e. rowcount * rowsize)
CostScalar getNodeDataSize(CANodeId node,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & logProps);
// Given a node, return it's output data size (i.e. rowcount * outputrowsize)
CostScalar getNodeOutputDataSize(CANodeId node,
EstLogPropSharedPtr & logProps);
// list of nodes sorted by cardinality after application of
// local predicates on prefix of key
CASortedList* byLocalKeyPrefixPredsCard_;
// list of nodes sorted by data size (i.e. cardinality*rowsize)
// after application of local predicates on prefix of key
CASortedList* byLocalKeyPrefixPredsData_;
// list of nodes sorted by cardinality after application of
// all local predicates
CASortedList* byLocalPredsCard_;
// list of nodes sorted by data size (i.e. cardinality*rowsize)
// after application of all local predicates
CASortedList* byLocalPredsData_;
// list of nodes sorted by base cardinality (i.e. number of rows
// in the table)
CASortedList* byBaseCard_;
// list of nodes sorted by size of data in the table (i.e. number
// of rows * rowsize)
CASortedList* byBaseData_;
// list of nodes sorted by cardinality (i.e. number of rows
// returned by the node)
// the difference between nodes and tables is that nodes includes
// sub queries (e.g. group by) also
CASortedList* byNodeCard_;
// list of nodes sorted by size of data returned by the node (i.e.
// number of rows * rowsize)
CASortedList* byNodeData_;
// list of nodes sorted by size of output data returned by the node (i.e.
// number of rows * outputrowsize)
CASortedList* byNodeOutputData_;
// the JBB to which I belong
JBB * parentJBB_;
//heap on which the child objects should be created
CollHeap* heap_;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// JBB class holds the info about the JBB
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class JBB : public NABasicObject
friend class QueryAnalysis;
// destruct a JBB
virtual ~JBB()
// initialize and compute the JBB starting from the top join node
void analyze(Join* topJoinExpr);
// initialize and compute the JBB starting from the top GB node
void analyze(GroupByAgg* topGBExpr);
// initialize and compute the JBB starting from the top Scan node (MVQR only for now)
void analyze(Scan* topScanExpr);
// analyze the dependency relations between children
// the dependency analysis is for dependencies due to:
// * Left Joins
// * Semi Joins
void analyzeChildrenDependencies();
// compute predicates that are not part of the
// join predicate for a left join, rather these
// are a filter on the left join node
void computeLeftJoinFilterPreds();
// compute subgraphs needed by non inner join children to avoid XP
void computeChildrenSubGraphDependencies();
// This include all the JBBCs and the GB of this JBB
const JBBSubset & getMainJBBSubset() const
return mainJBBSubset_;
// return the set of all jbbcs in this jbb
inline const CANodeIdSet getJBBCs() const
return getMainJBBSubset().getJBBCs();
// The GBAnalysis for the group by on the top of this JBB
GBAnalysis * getGBAnalysis() const
return gbAnalysis_;
// Workspace for the JBB
JBBWA * getJBBWA() const
return workArea_;
// Global Id for the JBB in the QueryAnalysis
CollIndex getJBBId() const
return jbbId_;
// Get the char. inputs during Query Analysis time. These were
// the inputs from the normalizer tree for the top expression
// in the join backbone.
inline const ValueIdSet & getNormInputs() const
return normInputs_;
// Get the char. outputs during Query Analysis time. These were
// the outputs from the normalizer tree for the top expression
// in the join backbone.
inline const ValueIdSet & getNormOutputs() const
return normOutputs_;
// Does the JBB has a mandatory cross product?
NABoolean hasMandatoryXP() const;
void setInputEstLP(EstLogPropSharedPtr& inEstLP);
EstLogPropSharedPtr getInputEstLP()
return inEstLP_;
const NAString graphDisplay(const QueryAnalysis* qa) const;
const NAString getText() const;
void display() const;
void print (FILE *f = stdout,
const char * prefix = DEFAULT_INDENT,
const char * suffix = "") const;
// construct a JBB
JBB(CollIndex id, CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap()):
workArea_ = new (heap_) JBBWA(this, heap_);
gbAnalysis_ = 0;
JBB(CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// should not be called
// Add this JBBC to the JBB.
void addJBBC(CANodeId jbbc);
void addJBBC(JBBC* jbbc);
// Add this GroupBy to the JBB
void setGB(CANodeId gb);
void setGB(GBAnalysis* gb);
// Set the norm char inputs and outputs
void setNormInputs(const ValueIdSet & inputs);
void setNormOutputs(const ValueIdSet & outputs);
JBBWA* workArea_;
JBBSubset mainJBBSubset_;
GBAnalysis* gbAnalysis_;
ValueIdSet normInputs_;
ValueIdSet normOutputs_;
CollIndex jbbId_;
EstLogPropSharedPtr inEstLP_;
CollHeap* heap_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Connection Predicate class
// This class captures the columns and tables that a certain predicate
// is connecting. It can also capture interesting info about the predicate
// such as selectivity and usefulness for access paths.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class PredAnalysis : public NABasicObject
// Construct a PredAnalysis
PredAnalysis(ValueId predicate):
// Destructor
virtual ~PredAnalysis()
// Get the predicate ValueId
inline ValueId getPredicate()
return predicate_;
// Get all columns directly connected by this predicate
inline ValueIdSet & getReferencedCols()
return referencedCols_;
// Add this column to the list of Referenced col by me
inline void addToReferencedCols(ValueId col)
referencedCols_ += col;
inline void addToReferencedCols(const ValueIdSet & cols)
referencedCols_ += cols;
// Get all columns directly connected by this VEG predicate
inline ValueIdSet & getVegConnectedCols()
return vegConnectedCols_;
// Add this column to the list of vegConnected col by me
inline void addToVegConnectedCols(ValueId col)
vegConnectedCols_ += col;
inline void addToVegConnectedCols(const ValueIdSet & cols)
vegConnectedCols_ += cols;
// Get all columns directly connected by this Equality Predicate
inline ValueIdSet & getEqualityConnectedCols()
return equalityConnectedCols_;
// Add this column to the list of vegConnected col by me
inline void addToEqualityConnectedCols(ValueId col)
equalityConnectedCols_ += col;
inline void addToEqualityConnectedCols(const ValueIdSet & cols)
equalityConnectedCols_ += cols;
// Get all tables directly connected by this predicate
inline CANodeIdSet & getConnectedTables()
return connectedTables_;
// Get all JBBCs referenced by this predicate
inline CANodeIdSet & getReferencedJBBCs()
return referencedJBBCs_;
// Add this JBBC to my set of referenced JBBCs
inline void addToReferencedJBBCs(const CANodeId jbbc)
referencedJBBCs_ += jbbc;
const NAString getText() const
return "PredAnalysis";
ValueId predicate_;
ValueIdSet referencedCols_;
ValueIdSet vegConnectedCols_;
// Predicate remained equality '=' i.e. did not become a VEG
// this excludes equality between same table columns.
ValueIdSet equalityConnectedCols_;
CANodeIdSet referencedTables_;
CANodeIdSet connectedTables_;
CANodeIdSet referencedJBBCs_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The ValueAnalysis class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ValueAnalysis : public NABasicObject
// Construct a ValueAnalysis
ValueAnalysis(ValueId value,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
// Destructor
virtual ~ValueAnalysis()
// Get the ValueId
inline ValueId valueId()
return valueId_;
// Get all columns directly or indirectly referenced by this value
inline const ValueIdSet & getReferencedCols()
return referencedCols_;
// Get all tables whose column(s) was directly or indirectly
// referenced by this value
inline const CANodeIdSet & getReferencedTables()
return referencedTables_;
inline void addToReferencedCols(ValueId c)
referencedCols_ += c;
const NAString getText() const
return "ValueAnalysis";
ValueId valueId_;
ValueIdSet referencedCols_;
CANodeIdSet referencedTables_;
ColAnalysis* col_; // NULL unless this a base column
PredAnalysis* pred_; // NULL unless this is a predicate
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Column connectivity Analysis class
// This class captures the columns and tables that a certain column
// is connected to.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ColAnalysis : public NABasicObject
friend class QueryAnalysis;
// Destructor
virtual ~ColAnalysis()
// Get the Column ValueId
inline ValueId getColumnId()
return column_;
// Get all columns directly connected to this column
// (via VEG predicates)
inline ValueIdSet & getConnectedCols()
return connectedCols_;
// Get all tables that have columns directly connected to this column
// (via VEG predicates). My table execluded ofcourse.
inline CANodeIdSet & getConnectedTables()
return connectedTables_;
// Get all sibling JBBCs that are joined to this table on this column
// (via VEG predicates).
CANodeIdSet getConnectedJBBCs();
// Get VEG connecting Preds between me and this JBBC.
ValueIdSet getConnectingPreds(JBBC* jbbc);
// Get all sibling JBBCs that are joined to this table on this column
// these include JBBCs joined via non_VEG preds like t1.a = t2.b + 7
CANodeIdSet getAllConnectedJBBCs();
// get all connecting Preds between me and this JBBC.
ValueIdSet getAllConnectingPreds(JBBC* jbbc);
// Return the TableAnalysis for my table
inline TableAnalysis * getTableAnalysis()
return table_;
// Return the TableDesc for my table
inline TableDesc * getTableDesc()
return table_->getTableDesc();
// Add these predicates to the list of Referencing predicates for me
inline void addToReferencingPreds(ValueId pred)
referencingPreds_ += pred;
inline void addToReferencingPreds(const ValueIdSet & preds)
referencingPreds_ += preds;
inline const ValueIdSet & getReferencingPreds()
return referencingPreds_;
// Add these predicates to the list of connecting veg predicates for me
inline void addToVegPreds(ValueId pred)
vegPreds_ += pred;
inline void addToVegPreds(const ValueIdSet & preds)
vegPreds_ += preds;
inline const ValueIdSet & getVegPreds()
return vegPreds_;
// Add these to the list of equality predicates that did not become VEG
// these exclude predicates with other columns in the same table i.e.
// t1.a = t1.b
inline void addEqualityRelation(ValueId colId,
ValueId pred,
ValueId equalityExpr,
CANodeIdSet connectedJBBCs)
equalityConnectingPreds_ += pred;
equalityConnectedJBBCs_ += connectedJBBCs;
table_->addEqualityRelation(colId, pred, equalityExpr, connectedJBBCs);
inline const ValueIdSet & getEqualityConnectingPreds()
return equalityConnectingPreds_;
inline const CANodeIdSet & getEqualityConnectedJBBCs()
return equalityConnectedJBBCs_;
// Add these to the list of equality predicates against constants
// that did not become VEG i.e.
// t1.a = extract_month(10212009);
inline void addToEqualityCoveringPreds(ValueId preds)
equalityCoveringPreds_ += preds;
inline const ValueIdSet & getEqualityCoveringPreds()
return equalityCoveringPreds_;
// attribute maxFreq_ is used to cache the cardinality of the most frequently
// occuring value.
inline CostScalar getMaxFreq()
return maxFreq_;
inline void setMaxFreq(CostScalar val)
maxFreq_ = val;
// finalUec_ is used to store the total UEC of the column, just before
// the column is dropped from the list of histograms being passed to the
// parent. Example, if the column has only local predicates on it, and is
// not participating in the query anywhere. It will be dropped after the Scan
// This attribute will contain the UEC of the column after applying local
// predicates
inline CostScalar getFinalUec()
return finalUec_;
inline void setFinalUec(CostScalar val)
finalUec_ = val;
inline CostScalar getFinalRC()
return finalRC_;
inline void setFinalRC(CostScalar val)
finalRC_ = val;
// find all local preds referencing this column
const ValueIdSet getLocalPreds() const;
// find veg preds connecting this column with other
ValueIdSet getConnectingVegPreds(ValueId other);
// FALSE does not mean column is not a constant. It means we did not verify
// that it is a constant.
NABoolean getConstValue(ItemExpr* & cv, NABoolean refAConstValue=TRUE) const;
// finalized analysis
void finishAnalysis();
const NAString getText() const;
// Constructor a ColAnalysis. Called only by QueryAnalysis
ColAnalysis(ValueId col,
TableAnalysis* table):
maxFreq_ = csMinusOne;
finalUec_ = csZero;
finalRC_= csZero;
// should never be called
ValueId column_;
TableAnalysis* table_;
ValueIdSet referencingPreds_;
ValueIdSet vegPreds_;
// equality predicates that did not become VEG
// these exclude predicates with other columns in the same table i.e.
// t1.a = t1.b
ValueIdSet equalityConnectingPreds_;
CANodeIdSet equalityConnectedJBBCs_;
ValueIdSet equalityCoveringPreds_;
ValueIdSet connectedCols_;
CANodeIdSet connectedTables_;
CANodeIdSet connectedJBBCs_;
CostScalar maxFreq_;
CostScalar finalUec_;
CostScalar finalRC_;
// TableConnectivityGraph Class
class TableConnectivityGraph : public NABasicObject
friend class QueryAnalysis;
// Construct a TableConnectivityGraph
TableConnectivityGraph(CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap())
// Destuctor
virtual ~TableConnectivityGraph()
// get the set of all base columns in the query
inline const ValueIdSet & getColumns()
return cols_;
// get the set of all base tables in the query
inline const CANodeIdSet & getTables()
return tables_;
const NAString getText() const
return "TableConnectivityGraph";
ValueIdSet connections_;
ValueIdSet cols_;
CANodeIdSet tables_;
class TableCANodeIdPair : public NABasicObject
friend class TableCANodeIdPairLookupList;
friend class CqsWA;
TableCANodeIdPair() {visited_ = FALSE;}
const TableDesc *tabId_;
CANodeId Id_;
NABoolean visited_; // how to deal with same table appearing twice?
class TableCANodeIdPairLookupList : public LIST(TableCANodeIdPair *)
TableCANodeIdPairLookupList(CollHeap *h) : LIST(TableCANodeIdPair *)(h) {}
class CQSRelExprCANodeIdPair : public NABasicObject
friend class CQSRelExprCANodeIdMap;
friend class CqsWA;
RelExpr *forcedNode_;
CANodeIdSet leftChildSet_;
CANodeIdSet rightChildSet_;
CollIndex parent_;
CANodeId populateReturnCANodeId(RelExpr *, CqsWA*);
NABoolean operator == (CQSRelExprCANodeIdPair other)
{return forcedNode_ == other.forcedNode_;}
class CQSRelExprCANodeIdMap : public HASHDICTIONARY(ULng32, CQSRelExprCANodeIdPair )
static ULng32 HashFn(const ULng32 & key);
CQSRelExprCANodeIdMap(ULng32 init_size = 30,
CollHeap *outHeap = CmpCommon::statementHeap());
CANodeIdSet gatherNodeIdSetsForCQSTree(RelExpr*, CqsWA*);
CQSRelExprCANodeIdPair * get(RelExpr *);
void insertThisElement(RelExpr *, CQSRelExprCANodeIdPair *);
ULng32 *myKey_;
class CqsWA : public NABasicObject
TableCANodeIdPairLookupList *tableCANodeList_;
CQSRelExprCANodeIdMap *cqsCANodeIdMap_;
void setTableNodeIdPairList(TableCANodeIdPairLookupList * tc)
{ tableCANodeList_=tc;}
TableCANodeIdPairLookupList * getTableCANodeList()
{ return tableCANodeList_;}
CQSRelExprCANodeIdMap * getcqsCANodeIdMap()
{ return cqsCANodeIdMap_;}
void gatherNodeIdSetsForCQSTree(RelExpr*);
void gatherCANodeIDTableNamepairsForNormalizedTree( RelExpr *nqtExpr);
void initialize(RelExpr *, RelExpr *);
CANodeId findCANodeId(const NAString &);
void getTableSets(RelExpr *, CANodeIdSet &, CANodeIdSet &);
RelExpr *checkAndProcessGroupByJBBC(RelExpr *, CANodeIdSet &,
CANodeIdSet &, RelExpr *);
static NABoolean shouldContinue(RelExpr *, RelExpr *);
NABoolean isIndexJoin(RelExpr *);
NAString makeItThreePartAnsiString(const NAString &);
NABoolean reArrangementSuccessful_;
void incrementNumberOfScanNodesinCQS()
{ numberOfScanNodesinCQS_++;}
UInt32 numberOfScanNodesinNQT_;
UInt32 numberOfScanNodesinCQS_;
static NABoolean containsCutOp(RelExpr *);
NABoolean isMPTable(const NAString &);
static NABoolean containsNotSupportedOperator(RelExpr *);
// Definition of inline methods
NodeAnalysis * CANodeId::getNodeAnalysis()
return QueryAnalysis::Instance()->getNodeAnalysis(id_);
const CANodeIdSet & QueryAnalysis::getTables()
return tCGraph_->getTables();
const ValueIdSet & QueryAnalysis::getColumns()
return tCGraph_->getColumns();
#endif /* ANALYZER_H */