blob: 2e11113bad45e245d0085cb2aed58b62260e771d [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*-C++-*-
* File: LmLangManagerJava.h
* Description: Language Manager for Java definitions
* Created: 07/01/1999
* Language: C++
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
#include "LmLangManager.h"
#include "LmParameter.h"
extern "C"
float Tandem2IEEE_float(float org);
float IEEE2Tandem_float(float org);
double Tandem2IEEE_double(double org);
double IEEE2Tandem_double(double org);
// Forward Reference Classes
class ComDiagsArea;
class LmJavaOptions;
class LmJavaExceptionReporter;
class LmRoutineJava;
class LmContainerManager;
class LmResultSetJava;
class LmResultSet;
class LmConnection;
// Contents
class LmLanguageManagerJava;
// LmLanguageManagerJava
// The LmLanguageManagerJava is a concrete class implementing the LM
// for Java (LMJ). The LMJ interfaces to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
// using the Java Native Interface (JNI) API library.
// The JNI allows for one JVM per process, but it allows for multiple
// threads to attach to the single JVM. These semantics are provided
// for in the LMJ in that the first LMJ created allocates the JVM or
// attaches to an already existig JVM, created outside LMJ. Subsequent
// LMJ instances are only attached to the JVM (assuming they are
// different threads). Therefore, most of the LMJ's constructor
// parameters are only applicable to the first LMJ instance, and only
// if the JVM does not already exists. In a threaded application, the
// same LMJ instance created by a thread T must be used by T when it
// accesses services of the LMJ.
// The LMJ constructor has the following parameters:
// result: Constructor result, LM_OK is returned upon success.
// maxLMJava: Max # of LMJ's per process [1]. This is required so that
// each LMJ's Container Manager can have an equal portion
// of the JVM's heap.
// userOpts: A set of JVM startup options [NULL]
// diagsArea: Diagnostics area [NULL]
// NOTE: This LMJ header file intentionally does NOT include the JNI
// header file so that no other part of SQL/MX is dependent on it.
class SQLLM_LIB_FUNC LmLanguageManagerJava : public LmLanguageManager
friend class LmRoutineJava;
friend class LmResultSetJava;
friend class LmRoutineJavaObj;
friend class LmConnection;
LmLanguageManagerJava(LmResult &result,
NABoolean commandLineMode = FALSE,
ComUInt32 maxLMJava = 1,
LmJavaOptions *userOptions = NULL,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL);
virtual ComRoutineLanguage getLanguage() const { return COM_LANGUAGE_JAVA; }
// This function will shut down the JVM. Currently the only value we
// are aware of in doing this is that it flushes JVM output buffers
// such as those holding data generated by the -verbose or
// -Xrunhprof options.
static void destroyVM();
// init Java Classes
virtual LmResult initJavaClasses();
// LM service methods. All service methods take optional ComDiagsArea
virtual LmResult validateRoutine(
ComUInt32 numParam,
ComFSDataType paramType[],
ComUInt32 paramSubType[],
ComColumnDirection direction[],
const char *routineName,
const char *containerName,
const char *externalPath,
char *sigBuf,
ComUInt32 sigLen,
ComFSDataType resultType = COM_UNKNOWN_FSDT,
ComUInt32 resultSubType = 0,
ComUInt32 numResultSets = 0,
const char *metaContainerName = NULL,
const char *optionalSig = NULL,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL);
virtual LmResult getRoutine(
ComUInt32 numParam,
LmParameter parameters[],
ComUInt32 numTableInfo,
LmTableInfo tableInfo[],
LmParameter *returnValue,
ComRoutineParamStyle paramStyle,
ComRoutineTransactionAttributes transactionAttrs,
ComRoutineSQLAccess sqlAccessMode,
const char *parentQid,
ComUInt32 inputRowLen,
ComUInt32 outputRowLen,
const char *sqlName,
const char *externalName,
const char *routineSig,
const char *containerName,
const char *externalPath,
const char *librarySqlName,
const char *currentUserName,
const char *sessionUserName,
ComRoutineExternalSecurity externalSecurity,
Int32 routineOwnerId,
LmRoutine **handle,
LmHandle getNextRowPtr,
LmHandle emitRowPtr,
ComUInt32 maxResultSets = 0,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL);
virtual LmResult getObjRoutine(
const char *serializedInvocationInfo,
int invocationInfoLen,
const char *serializedPlanInfo,
int planInfoLen,
ComRoutineLanguage language,
ComRoutineParamStyle paramStyle,
const char *externalName,
const char *containerName,
const char *externalPath,
const char *librarySqlName,
LmRoutine **handle,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea);
virtual LmResult putRoutine(
LmRoutine *handle,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL);
virtual LmResult invokeRoutine(
LmRoutine *handle,
void *inputRow,
void *outputRow,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL);
virtual LmResult getSystemProperty(
const char *key,
char *value,
ComUInt32 bufferLen,
ComBoolean &propertyIsSet,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL);
virtual LmResult setSystemProperty(
const char *key,
const char *value,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL);
virtual LmResult clearSystemProperty(
const char *key,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL);
// Container Manager support methods.
virtual LmHandle createLoader(
const char *externalPath,
ComDiagsArea *diags);
virtual void deleteLoader(LmHandle extLoader);
virtual LmHandle loadContainer(
const char *containerName,
const char *externalPath,
LmHandle extLoader,
ComUInt32 *containerSize,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea);
virtual void unloadContainer(LmHandle cont);
virtual const char* containerExtension()
{ return "class"; }
NABoolean jdbcSupportsRS() const { return jdbcSupportsRS_; }
NABoolean jdbcRSVerMismatch() const
{ return jdbcSPJRSVer_ > JDBC_SPJRS_VERSION; }
LmHandle getUdrQueueStateField() const { return udrQueueStateField_; }
LmHandle getReturnInfoSQLStateField() const { return returnInfoSQLStateField_; }
LmHandle getReturnInfoMessageField() const { return returnInfoMessageField_; }
// Helper function that does all the work of the constructor. Should
// only be called by the constructor.
void initialize(LmResult &result,
ComUInt32 maxLMJava,
LmJavaOptions *userOptions,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea);
// Runtime parameter processing methods.
LmResult processInParameters(
LmRoutineJava *handle,
LmParameter params[],
void *inputRow,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea);
LmResult processOutParameters(
LmRoutineJava *handle,
LmParameter params[],
void *outputRow,
NABoolean uncaughtExp,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea);
void processParametersDone(
LmRoutineJava *handle,
LmParameter params[]);
// Data conversion methods
// convertTo methods: convert a SQL value into a Java value
// convertFrom methods: convert a Java value into a SQL value.
// These methods contain no special processing for NULL values and
// should NOT be called to convert NULL values
// The 2nd argument is a pointer to the beginning of a data row. The
// LmParameter contains offsets and lengths for an individual value.
// NOTE: convertFrom methods take a Java object reference as their
// 3rd argument and do NOT release the reference on that
// object. Callers are responsible for releasing the reference at an
// appropriate time.
LmResult convertToString(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle*, ComDiagsArea*);
LmResult convertFromString(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle, ComDiagsArea*);
LmResult convertToBigdec(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle*, ComDiagsArea*);
LmResult convertFromBigdec(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle,
ComBoolean resultSet_decimal = FALSE,
ComBoolean copyBinary = FALSE,
ComDiagsArea *da = NULL);
LmResult convertToDate(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle*, ComDiagsArea*);
LmResult convertFromDate(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle,
ComDiagsArea *da = NULL);
LmResult convertToTime(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle*, ComDiagsArea*);
LmResult convertFromTime(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle,
ComDiagsArea *da = NULL);
LmResult convertToTimestamp(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle*, ComDiagsArea*);
LmResult convertFromTimestamp(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle,
ComDiagsArea *da = NULL);
LmResult convertToInteger(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle*, ComDiagsArea*);
LmResult convertFromInteger(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle);
LmResult convertToLong(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle*, ComDiagsArea*);
LmResult convertFromLong(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle);
LmResult convertToFloat(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle*, ComDiagsArea*);
LmResult convertFromFloat(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle, ComDiagsArea*);
LmResult convertToDouble(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle*, ComDiagsArea*);
LmResult convertFromDouble(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle, ComDiagsArea*);
LmResult convertFromInterval(LmParameter*, void*, LmHandle, ComDiagsArea*);
// Utility methods.
LmHandle loadSysClass(
const char *clName,
const char *name,
ComDiagsArea *da);
void unloadSysClass(LmHandle obj);
LmResult startService(ComDiagsArea *da);
void setJavaClassPath();
ComSInt32 threadId();
void processJavaOptions(const LmJavaOptions &userOptions,
LmJavaOptions &jvmOptions);
static char *sysClassPath_; // JVM's class path.
static char *classPath_; // class path used by ClassLoader.
LmContainerManager *contManager_; // LMJ's CM.
LmHandle jniEnv_; // JNI handle.
static ComUInt32 maxLMJava_; // Max LMJs per process.
static ComUInt32 numLMJava_; // Current # of LMJs.
ComSInt32 threadId_; // Creating thread's ID.
ComDiagsArea* diagsArea_; // Diagnostics Area passed from client
LmJavaExceptionReporter *exceptionReporter_; // Exception reporting
// mechanism
char *sysCatalog_; // JDBC/MX system property "jdbcmx.catalog"/"catalog"
char *sysSchema_; // JDBC/MX system property "jdbcmx.schema"/"schema"
NABoolean setDefaultCatSchFlag_; // Flag indicating whether to set
// UDR cat&sch
NABoolean enableType2Conn_; // Type 2 conns are enabled
// They are enabled only when env variable
// ENABLE_TYPE2_CONN is set.
NABoolean mapDefaultConnToType2Conn_; // Default conns are mapped to Type 2
// is set. enableType2Conn_ will also
// be set to true.
char *userName_; // Authentication information for JDBC Type 4 driver
char *userPassword_;
char *datasourceName_; // Datasource Name for Type 4 connections
NABoolean jdbcSupportsRS_; // If JDBC Type 2 supports RS?
Int64 jdbcSPJRSVer_; // JDBC Type2 RS version
// The following data members are used to hold references to Java
// classes that are used through out the life of the LMJ. Most
// classes are used for data conversions. The approach taken is that
// these classes are pre-loaded at LMJ construction so that
// they do not require look-up during routine invocation. In addition
// to the classes, the method IDs for the methods used during
// processing are also recorded.
LmHandle loaderClass_; // LmClassLoader
LmHandle loadClassId_; // loadClass
LmHandle loaderSizeId_; // size
LmHandle addCpURLsId_; // addCpURLs
LmHandle removeCpURLsId_; // removeCpURLs
LmHandle utilityClass_; // LmUtility
LmHandle verifyMethodId_; // verifyMethodSignature
LmHandle createCLId_; // createClassLoader
LmHandle setCPId_; // setClassPath
LmHandle utilityInitId_; // init method
LmHandle classCacheSizeId_; // static int classCacheSizeKB_
LmHandle classCacheEnforceId_; // static int classCacheEnforceLimit_
LmHandle utilityInitRSId_; // init method for T2 result sets
LmHandle utilityGetRSInfoId_; // getRSInfo() method (for T2 RS)
LmHandle utilityGetConnTypeId_; // getConnectionType()
LmHandle utilityInitT4RSId_; // initT4RS(), init method for T4 RS
LmHandle utilityGetT4RSInfoId_; // getT4RSInfo()
LmHandle lmObjMethodInvokeClass_; // LmUDRObjMethodInvoke class
LmHandle makeNewObjId_; // make a new LmUDRObjMethodInvoke object
LmHandle setRuntimeInfoId_; // set run-time info in UDRInvocationInfo
LmHandle routineMethodInvokeId_; // invoke method of tmudr::UDR object
LmHandle routineReturnInfoClass_; // nested class for return info
LmHandle returnInfoStatusField_; // return status field id
LmHandle returnInfoSQLStateField_; // SQLSTATE from thrown UDRException, if any
LmHandle returnInfoMessageField_; // message from thrown UDRException, if any
LmHandle returnInfoRIIField_; // returned invocation info field id
LmHandle returnInfoRPIField_; // returned plan info field id
LmHandle udrClass_; // org.trafodion.sql.udr.UDR class
LmHandle udrQueueStateField_; // UDR$QueueStateInfo.queueState_
LmHandle lmCharsetClass_;
LmHandle bytesToUnicodeId_; // conversion going into JVM
LmHandle unicodeToBytesId_; // conversion coming out from JVM
LmHandle stringClass_; // java.lang.String
LmHandle stringSubstringId_; // substring method
LmHandle systemClass_; // java.lang.System
LmHandle systemGetPropId_; // getProperty method
LmHandle systemSetPropId_; // setProperty method
LmHandle systemClearPropId_; // clearProperty method
LmHandle bigdecClass_; // java.math.BigDecimal
LmHandle bigdecCtorId_; // Constructor
LmHandle bigdecStrId_; // toString
LmHandle bigdecUnscaleId_; // returns unscaled value of BigDecimal
LmHandle bigintClass_; // java.math.BigInteger
LmHandle bigintIntValueId_; // to int
LmHandle bigintLongValueId_; // to long
LmHandle dateClass_; // java.sql.Date
LmHandle dateStrId_; // toString
LmHandle dateValId_; // valueOf
LmHandle timeClass_; // java.sql.Time
LmHandle timeStrId_; // toString
LmHandle timeValId_; // valueOf
LmHandle stampClass_; // java.sql.Timestamp
LmHandle stampStrId_; // toString
LmHandle stampValId_; // valueOf
LmHandle intClass_; // java.lang.Integer
LmHandle intCtorId_; // Constructor
LmHandle intValId_; // intValue
LmHandle longClass_; // java.lang.Long
LmHandle longCtorId_; // Constructor
LmHandle longValId_; // longValue
LmHandle floatClass_; // java.lang.Float
LmHandle floatCtorId_; // Constructor
LmHandle floatValId_; // floatValue
LmHandle doubleClass_; // java.lang.Double
LmHandle doubleCtorId_; // Constructor
LmHandle doubleValId_; // doubleValue
LmHandle resultSetClass_; // java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsCloseId_; // close() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsBeforeFirstId_; // beforefirst() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsNextId_; // next() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsWasNullId_; // wasNull() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsGetWarningsId_; // getWarnings() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsGetShortId_; // getShort() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsGetIntId_; // getInt() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsGetLongId_; // getLong() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsGetFloatId_; // getFloat() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsGetDoubleId_; // getDouble() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsGetStringId_; // getString() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsGetObjectId_; // getObject() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsGetBigDecimalId_; // getBigDecimal() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsGetDateId_; // getDate() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsGetTimeId_; // getTime() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle rsGetTimestampId_; // getTimestamp() method of java.sql.ResultSet
LmHandle connCloseId_; // close() method of java.sql.Connection
LmHandle connIsClosedId_; // isClosed() method of java.sql.Connection
LmHandle hpT4ConnSuspUdrXnId_; // suspendUdrTransaction method of com.hp.jdbc.HPT4Connection
LmHandle jdbcMxT2Driver_; // JDBC Type 2 Driver
LmHandle jdbcMxT4Driver_; // JDBC Type 4 Driver
LmHandle lmDrvrClass_; // com.tandem.sqlmx.LmSQLMXDriver
LmHandle driverInitId_; // init() method
LmHandle connClass_; // Java java.sql.Connection class