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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/* -*-C++-*-
* File: LmLangManager.h
* Description: Language Manager (LM) base and support class definitions. The
* LM and its various support classes are discussed in the
* Language Manager Internal Design Specification.
* Created: 07/01/1999
* Language: C++
#include "ComSmallDefs.h"
#include "LmError.h"
#include "NAType.h"
#include "ComDiags.h"
#include "LmCommon.h"
#include "sqludr.h"
#include "Platform.h"
// Contents and Forwards.
class LmLanguageManager;
class LmParameter;
class LmRoutine;
class LmContainer;
class LmTableInfo;
// The LmLanguageManager is an internal support facility for external
// UDRs in that it encapsulates external language related processing for
// UDRs. Other components (Cat, Gen, Exe, etc.) call upon the services
// of the LM in contexts where external language processing is required
// or desirable. The LM services receive and return values in common
// internal SQL/MX data format. External formats (e.g., Java/JNI types)
// are never exposed above the LM. LM services return LM_OK upon success
// unless otherwise indicated.
// The LmLangugeManager is an abstract class. Languge specific versions
// of the LM (e.g., LM for Java, LM for C), implement the virtual service
// methods of this class. The LM may use the facilities of the Container
// Manager (CM) to gain access to external containers (Java class files,
// C DLLs, etc.) in a language-independent, abstract fashion.
class SQLLM_LIB_FUNC LmLanguageManager : public NABasicObject
LmLanguageManager(NABoolean commandLineMode)
: commandLineMode_(commandLineMode)
virtual ComRoutineLanguage getLanguage() const = 0;
// validateRoutine service: Called by the Catman during CREATE
// PROCEDURE/FUNCTION to verify the existence and specification of
// the underlying external routine.
virtual LmResult validateRoutine(
ComUInt32 numParam,
ComFSDataType paramType[],
ComUInt32 paramSubType[],
ComColumnDirection direction[],
const char *routineName,
const char *containerName,
const char *externalPath,
char *sigBuf,
ComUInt32 sigLen,
ComFSDataType resultType = COM_UNKNOWN_FSDT,
ComUInt32 resultSubType = 0,
ComUInt32 numResultSets = 0,
const char *metaContainerName = NULL,
const char *optionalSig = NULL,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL) = 0;
// convertIn service: Called by the Binder or Generator to determine
// if an in-bound argument type, src, requires converion before LM
// processing. Returns:
// LM_OK if src does not require conversion
// LM_CONV_REQUIRED if src requries conversion to dst
// LM_CONV_ERROR if src is not supported
// dst is allocted from mem as required.
virtual LmResult convertIn(
NAType *src,
NAType **dst,
NAMemory *mem);
// convertOut service: Called by the Binder or Generator to determine
// if an out-bound argument or return type, src, requires converion
// before LM processing. Its semantics are similiar to convertIn.
virtual LmResult convertOut(
NAType *src,
NAType **dst,
NAMemory *mem);
// getRoutine service: Called by the SQL runtime (e.g., Exe), likely
// during "fixup", to allocate a handle to an external routine. The
// returned handle is then used to invoke the external routine (see
// invokeRoutine).
virtual LmResult getRoutine(
ComUInt32 numParam,
LmParameter parameters[],
ComUInt32 numTableInfo,
LmTableInfo tableInfo[],
LmParameter *returnValue,
ComRoutineParamStyle paramStyle,
ComRoutineTransactionAttributes transactionAttrs,
ComRoutineSQLAccess sqlAccessMode,
const char *parentQid,
ComUInt32 inputRowLen,
ComUInt32 outputRowLen,
const char *sqlName,
const char *externalName,
const char *routineSig,
const char *containerName,
const char *externalPath,
const char *librarySqlName,
const char *currentUserName,
const char *sessionUserName,
ComRoutineExternalSecurity externalSecurity,
Int32 routineOwnerId,
LmRoutine **handle,
LmHandle getNextRowPtr,
LmHandle emitRowPtr,
ComUInt32 maxResultSets = 0,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL) = 0;
// getObjRoutine service: Called by the SQL runtime (e.g., Exe), likely
// during "fixup", to allocate a handle to an external routine. The
// returned handle is then used to invoke the external routine (see
// invokeRoutine).
// This flavor is used for the object-oriented parameter styles that
// use an object derived from class UDR, call phases and method
// calls.
virtual LmResult getObjRoutine(
const char *serializedInvocationInfo,
int invocationInfoLen,
const char *serializedPlanInfo,
int planInfoLen,
ComRoutineLanguage language,
ComRoutineParamStyle paramStyle,
const char *externalName,
const char *containerName,
const char *externalPath,
const char *librarySqlName,
LmRoutine **handle,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea) = 0;
// putRoutine service: Called by the SQL runtime to de-allocate a
// handle to an external routine.
virtual LmResult putRoutine(
LmRoutine *handle,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL) = 0;
// invokeRoutine service: Called by the SQL runtime to invoke the
// external routine represented by handle. The LmParameter array
// provided at getRoutine time is expected to remain intact and
// valid for all subsequent invokeRoutine calls.
virtual LmResult invokeRoutine(
LmRoutine *handle,
void *inputRow,
void *outputRow,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL) = 0;
// The following public methods are not "LM service methods", but
// rather LM provided support methods for the CM.
// createLoader: Called by the CM to create a language specific loader
// to manage the specified path. A Java class loader is an example of
// one of these loaders; A C LM would not require this functionality.
virtual LmHandle createLoader(const char *externalPath, ComDiagsArea *diagsArea) = 0;
// deleteLoader: Called by the CM to destory a language specific loader.
virtual void deleteLoader(LmHandle) = 0;
// loadContainer: Called by the CM to load a language specific container
// (e.g., Java class file or C DLL) as specified by container name and
// path, using the specified external loader if language appropriate.
virtual LmHandle loadContainer(
const char *containerName,
const char *externalPath,
LmHandle extLoader,
ComUInt32 *containerSize,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea) = 0;
// unloadContainer: Called when container access is no longer required.
virtual void unloadContainer(LmHandle) = 0;
// containerExtension: Returns the language specific container
// extension (e.g., class for Java).
virtual const char* containerExtension() = 0;
// skipURLProtocol: Returns the index in externalPath beyond the file
// protocol of a file URL. File URLs without the protocol are allowed.
Int32 skipURLProtocol(const char *externalPath);
// Functions allowing LM callers to inspect properties of the
// external runtime system. For Java these will be the standard
// Java system properties. For other external languages the
// meaning of "system property" is not yet defined but could be
// mapped to environment variables or something along those lines.
virtual LmResult getSystemProperty(
const char *key,
char *value,
ComUInt32 bufferLen,
ComBoolean &propertyIsSet,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL) = 0;
virtual LmResult setSystemProperty(
const char *key,
const char *value,
ComDiagsArea *diagsArea = NULL) = 0;
NABoolean isRoutineActive() const { return isRoutineActive_; }
void setRoutineIsActive(NABoolean b) { isRoutineActive_ = b; }
NABoolean getCommandLineMode() const { return commandLineMode_; }
NABoolean commandLineMode_;
// To indicate if the Language Manager is currently invoking a routine
NABoolean isRoutineActive_;
// Do not implement a default constructor
}; // class LmLanguageManager